Institutionalization on Steroids


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    Nikolay Dubovsky Became Silent 1890     Ivan Illich (1926-2002) was a Austrian priest and philosopher who used the term “institutionalizatio
    [See the full post at: Institutionalization on Steroids]


    Biden-Putin Theater

    I’ve got interesting thing to do with my life.
    Why would anyone be motivated to be their puppeteer.
    (A thankless, unrecognized function.)
    .” ….the list of very competent medical professionals, who are getting banned, deleted, ostracized, keeps growing.

    The reality is we can’t afford not to ask questions, and we can’t afford to stifle questions and dissent. We need every voice.

    I don’t know who are the puppeteer.
    Why would they give up their life goal, ambition, success of being a puppeteer based on what I say.
    Better people than me have failed to replace the puppeteers.

    Dr. D

    “Institutionalized”. As in “Ossified.”

    As in: this is not “Science.”


    Switzerland has approved the vaccination of children as young as 12 without their parents permission from July.

    –> posted by Germ.

    Yes, that is correct. In CH there is a long tradition (libertarian, say) of letting children be free’ to ‘decide for themselves.’ Maybe 10+ or a bit more years ago, sales of alcohol became regulated to teens (16 years, beer, wine, cider ok, 18 years hard stuff), which never existed before.

    CH was also *heavily* pressured by the US, to forbid prostitution (it is legal here) for ages 14-16, which was done (i.e. legal still after age 16 – which is in line with young ppl can decide what to do with their bodies..) Only a few rich madams in Zurich objected to the upping of the age. Did so publically btw.

    Generally speaking the ‘age of decision’ or the ‘age of consent’ is 14, or 15, CH is a federation, it is hard to summarise it all. So why were ‘new laws’ restricting young ppls ‘freedom’ instored? To please the US? Ppl were furious.

    The Med. decision thing was in line with the general directives – at age 14/15 children can decide for themselves. E.g. to have a quick operation or a long antibiotic treatment. Or no treament at all. ( a prime ex.) An abortion, or not. An amputation, or not. Left in the community, in a psych hospital, or in a home for troubled adolescents, or not. This can be done when the community is soldered, young ppl have choices that others will respect, and will follow thru on.

    However, that was never the case for vaccines, which previously were regulated by the Fed. State. No personal decisions were ever accepted, only Docs could decide (exceptions from vaxxes have always been easy to obtain, but it is the doc who certifies, it is not, officially, a personal choice.) Vaxs were under ‘public health measures’ and had nothing to do with ‘treatement options.’ Which imho makes sense.

    So lowering the age of vax acceptance to 12 is a big scandal on two fronts; lowering the decisionary age; and changing the areas to which it applies. Not that btw any 12,13-yr olds will be rushing off to get vaxxed.


    Thank you for this. So important!

    a kullervo


    There is no “science” (nor “scientism”, for that matter), only human beings, some of whom like to refer to themselves (and to be addressed) as scientists.

    The problem isn’t the scientists who are being cancelled, the major problem (one out of a handful of them) is the existence of scientists who want – and have the power – to cancel dissent voices.

    Maxwell Quest

    “The Science”

    Who doesn’t love science? But as many have already pointed out, science is a process and not a person. A scientist is a ‘person’ who uses the ‘process’ of science as a tool of discovery into the workings of the natural world.

    What few seem to realize is that modern scientists are pretty far down the chain of command. They are tools of the establishment, corporation, or institution which employs them. That’s why their office is the size of a broom closet, and they spend their days sequestered in white cinderblock basements with no windows. They must bow and scrape for their next dollar, and rarely have control over the direction of their research. Gone are the days of the independent genius laboring away in his lab driven by a spark of inspiration.

    So, when someone like Fauci says that he is only following the science, he relies on public ignorance to conflate a bureaucratic spokesperson like himself with the exacting scientific method, a process whose sole aim is the discovery of natural laws or truth. Fauci, on the other hand, is a front man like all politicians. He is driven by his own self-interest and the interests of the stakeholders that hired him. He is the furthest thing from science.


    A video just posted on Off-G in this article (I haven’t pursued how to embed videos yet) shows the way folks coming into Heathrow are treated (and charged for it!)
    It’s dismal.
    Also available at brandnewtube here.
    Institutionalization. Such a long word for such a miserable concept.

    Once I was blue and sad.
    Now I am red and mad.


    To mitigate and ameliorate the human condition was good, he said. To lose it altogether was a catastrophe because we can only know God as creatures – i.e. created or given beings – not as gods who have taken charge of our own destiny.

    A perfect, succinct statement of how and why personal ego needs to be kept in check.

    @my parents said know – you beat me to posting that same link. It’s absolutely perfectly in illustrating that TPTB don’t remotely believe the BS they solemnly excrete upon us plebs. Will they all be quarantining on returning to their own countries after their unmasked sojourn..? Like hell they will!

    absolute galore

    The energy policies adopted during the current decade will determine the range of social relationships a society will be able to enjoy by the year 2000. A low energy policy allows for a wide choice of life styles and cultures. If, on the other hand, a society opts for high energy consumption, its social relations must be dictated by technocracy and will be equally distasteful whether labelled capitalist or socialist. —Ivan Illich, Energy and Equity, 1974 (llink downloads a pdf of E&E)
    Illich understood that over consumption of energy leads to inequality, and concentrates power and wealth into a smaller and smaller group of people. Inevitably it leads to a technocracy.

    V. Arnold

    Illich, in general, is a must read, IMO…

    Deschooling Society, by Ivan Illich is right up there also…

    Dr. D

    What was that about “True Power is reflected in ‘who creates the exception’“?

    A German judge? The thing of being God’s creatures reminds me of Solzhenitsyn again.

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