Iran-Saudi Rapprochement Will Deal A Deathblow To The Dollar


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    Jacob Lawrence Struggle: From the History of the American People, Panel 8 1954 Andrew Korybko: Eurasia’s geo-economic integration took a great leap fo
    [See the full post at: Iran-Saudi Rapprochement Will Deal A Deathblow To The Dollar]


    WES posted prev. thread:

    One of the little publicized consequences for Switzerland breaking it’s neutrality, in regards to adopting sanctions on Russia, is it’s banking industry lòosing a great deal of business from China.

    Well WES (as you know), Swiss neutrality took a beating with the end of banking secrecy -> long story. Billy C. took the first public international attack move, with the ‘jewish accounts ww2’ scandal, which was really a lot of BS. (Billy C also repealed Glass-Seagal..other story..)

    Just one event, to show it has been eroding.

    Now some Rubicons (heh like there is a lot of them!) have been crossed, with the application of sanctions on Ukraine, outside of those approved / dictated by the UN.

    CH only joined the UN in 2002 (55% for), while it had been a member of offshoot orgs like WHO, UNESCO for many years

    In 2022 the Fed. Coucil of CH took the step of adopting EU (CH is not part of the EU) sanctions, including freezing accounts of Russians, which of course spelt big problems for the banking sector.

    How this came about, who was a big mover, etc. Idk. It is much discussed, no solid conclusion(s) from my end.

    Official statements, Fed. Gov. in F.

    Credit Suisse is in bad shape (see top post) has been so for a long time previous to this scare, it is the most disliked (..) bank in CH by ordinary ppl. Many ppl here want it to fail!
    I can read this FT article for free, about the bail-out of CS.

    John Day

    Sergey Glazyev bemoans that this is taking forever, because everybody has to agree first, before the “newcoin” can debut…


    Riccardo Bosi, former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, nailed it when he stated that Russia (Putin) is dismantling the Deep State.

    No one in the Empire of Lies has the balls to do it or even attempt to do it.

    The Duh’merican Sheeple are hopeless as far as tackling the Deep Dipshit State.

    The Truth is actually Reality

    Lies are actually non-reality.

    Lies are Evil manifested in the world. Pure Evil

    The Pure Evil Empire of Lies.

    Russia is on a Mission from God

    Lavrov and Putin are the Blues Brothers



    Some numbers to go with the bailouts.


    Watching now two hours rant with Gerald Celente Add the dot between rumble and com

    or try VivaBarnsLaw.Loccals.Com


    Russia is on a Mission from God
    Lavrov and Putin are the Blues Brothers

    In just the Old Testament context, Nebuchadnezzar was on a mission from God, and so was Cyrus. Both did the work of the Lord, but the ways in which God uses people to bring about his justice and his vengeance do involve using people who otherwise are not, themselves, “God’s people” or righteous or holy or even just “good.” Stretching out even a little bit more, one can see that God also uses that so-called Arch-nemesis of the human race, that old serpent, to bring about his greater plans for redemption.

    So… I guess I’m saying that, if that’s the tradition a person is working with, it’s not altogether clear that being on a mission from God, or being a minister of God’s kingdom-coming (Paul, after all, was the one who wrote Romans 13 and also the one who died from the instrumentality of the very minister of God he’s talking about in that chapter), makes a person a laudable or good guy.

    Obviously, you can work out to even further religious or spiritual directions. Would would Wiracocha do? How might Guan Yin bring peace to the collapsing United States (gardens, gardens, blooming everywhere 🌼)?

    At any rate, it’s a wonderful time to be alive, even though it is a harrowing of the collective soul. We chose this time to incarnate. Let’s make sure it’s one of the last times around.


    Reds Brothers


    Oops. Forgot Xi’s sunglasses
    Reds Brothers



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