London Bridge is (Broken) Down


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    J.M.W. Turner Old London Bridge 1794   The French election, won just now by Emmanuel Macron, put several segments of the French population opposi
    [See the full post at: London Bridge is (Broken) Down]


    One borrows money to fix the London Bridge, so the financiers are doing quite well, thank you.

    The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.
    ~Lord Acton

    “The true equation is ‘democracy’ = government by world financiers…The main mark of modern governments is that we do not know who governs, de facto any more than de jure. We see the politician and not his backer; still less the backer of the backer; or what is most important of all, the banker of the backer. Enthroned above all, in a manner without parallel in all past, is the veiled prophet of finance, swaying all men living by a sort of magic, and delivering oracles in a language not understanded [sic] of the people.”
    J.R.R. Tolkien,
    Candour Magazine, 13 July 1956, p. 12

    Collapsing the world’s economies IS THE PLAN OF THE DEBT-MONEY MONOPOLISTS. Their Mega-Corporate fronts are TBTF&JAIL and they will mop up all the other bankrupt people, companies, and governments.

    Order out of chaos…

    This ex-Dutch high level banking insider reveals a LOT about the inner workings of the Debt-Money Monopolist system…

    Banker: I Was Told to Sacrifice Children at a Debt-Money Monopolist] Illuminati Party

    “Unite, unite, come together, and this entire shit story ceases to exist. That’s how fast this could happen.”
    ~Ronald Bernard

    Ephesian 5:11 – And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

    But they can’t unite because NOBODY IS TELLING THEM THE TRUTH EN MASSE.

    Omitting the truth on behalf of the drug running, terrorist financing, white slave running, child slave running, child sacrificing Luciferian Debt-Money Monopolists is aiding and abetting the Dark Side… One can’t serve both God and mammon… or the Debt-Money Monopolists that CONTROL mammon.

    Pick a side – because “lukewarm” isn’t good enough.


    First time I’ve commented here in a long while:

    I’m the the UK. These past few years I have had to concentrate really hard to have a grip on finance, geopolitics and globalisation. My current understanding of the situation let me to vote for Brexit, chiefly in order to try to sever one on the controlling links of the EU from the US which affect NATO and therefore the hegemonic wars such as in Ukraine, Syria. As someone who originates from the left / green, my current stance on BREXIT would have been almost unthinkable to me ten years ago. most of my friends and family share a similar political background and I can’t even mention that Le Pen seems less dangerous to me as a nationalist than Macron does as a globalist.

    If I discuss Brexit with my peers then they fly into a rage out of proportion to the implications of leaving a political union (which is all it is, after all). These same people happily talk about local democracy and the problems of globalism without noticing the irony.

    The problem with me and my peers isn’t that we have different basic political ideals, it’s that we are conditioned differently, receiving our news and ideas from different sources. Differently brainwashed if you like. That’s really quite solvable in time. The rage in my friends comes from cognitive dissonance, I think. I don’t have too much of that left now, having already had to unlearn everything I thought I knew about the world.


    France, united?

    This presidential election has shattered the French political world. Enough has been said about the Front National. Macron is a one-man party. The socialist party has been wiped out to an extent one wonders if it will ever bounce back. The France of old, bourgeois, conservative and, surprisingly for France, unapologetically catholic made an unexpected resurgence lately, seemed headed for glory with Villon but went down with Penelopegate. Then there is the incredible electoral success of Mélenchon: the extreme left scored almost 20%, a score the communist party never achieved in the 70s back in the heyday of the hard left, in those days when communism still mattered among the intelligentsia. And all of these factions hate each other. France used to have a reputation for fun, joie de vivre, but the country of Gay Paree, the country of glücklich wie Gott in Frankreich is now a deeply unhappy country, nothing works, the country is sinking and no one knows why or what to do about it, or rather there are several explanations but no consensus. Is it immigration, racism, globalization, the euro, unions, Brussels, red tape, taxes, islamism, or the liberalization of the economy?


    “Another Arctic ice panic over as world temperatures plummet”


    Nonsense. Just nonsense. You have no idea of the mood in the UK around this. The solid ‘Remain’ vote is now down to 20%. May is going to trounce the rest in the election. You obviously have no idea how ordinary Brits feel about this. Dear oh dear.

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