Obama Has A Big Fat Greek Finger


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    Harris&Ewing Horse and Motor Oil, Washington, DC 1918 Will this Greek stuff ever stop? Probably, but don’t hold your breath. I was reading up on China
    [See the full post at: Obama Has A Big Fat Greek Finger]


    So the real boss (USA) in EU realized their Brussel minions was on the way to turning a minor financing crisis into the biggest political crisis EU ever faced, over 5 Billion euros and some cleaning ladies.

    John Day

    Yes, this is the critical point in the game, where the deal is being sweetened, and it comes down to 2 players, not 3, to put the Grexit referendum to the people, in such a way as to satisfy the back-benchers, and pressure the EU to satisfy the Greek voter just-enough…
    Masterly played, Yanis, masterfully played, now just step back and let it unfold.


    Thanks for the great coverage of this pivot point for Greece. And very good point that the US won’t let it’s minion, the IMF, make a crisis of a political point of austerity that works as an inverse to the good of the economy and people.

    Charles Hugh Smith’s blog Of Two Minds has a clear discussion of why the EU won’t let Greece go into default, but will put the debt into a Zombi file and continue negotiations.

    When Europe Gets Greece’s Jingle Mail: Dealing with Default (May 15, 2015)



    It is already Syriza policy to leave NATO. ( https://www.syriza.gr/article/id/53894/The-political-resolution-of-the-1st-congress-of-SYRIZA.html point 13.28)

    Greece is the only NATO member to have Russian-built S-300 anti-missile defence system – in 1998 they took over a Cyprus order for them when Turkey complained. ( https://greece.greekreporter.com/2013/12/14/greece-tests-russian-made-s-300-air-defense-system/ )

    Greece recently asked Russia for more/updated S-300 missiles. ( https://www.reuters.com/article/2015/04/15/us-russia-nuclear-greece-missiles-idUSKBN0N62A720150415 ) and presumably could be tempted by the offer of S-400 on special terms.

    Russia’s longstanding friendliness with Greece and Cyprus (and EU’s harsh treatment of both), plus its new friendship with Turkey could see a big geopolitical realignment in the Black Sea/Mediterranean – certainly something the US has to avoid if at all possible.

    Since this is only a fiat money problem which the US/IMF/EU/NATO has to fix, it WILL be fixed.

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