Dr D Rich

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2024 #168667
    Dr D Rich

    Here we go again with “It’s the Nazis again”.

    Although the Nazis were “defeated by the Greatest Generation” and control absolutely nothing, not the banks, businesses, courts, medicine or military, TPTB keeps fingering the wrong thing for blame while The Ukraine loses an entire generation or two of young men and Palestine loses everything.
    Blame it on The Nazis.

    In other news Telegram linked to White Supremacists by the Justice Department. I feel safer now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 10 2024 #168663
    Dr D Rich

    @John Day posted

      O’Keefe Media Group has obtained Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) from the US Army of the North Division, highlighting the growing presence of one of Venezuela’s largest criminal organizations in the US. 

      Investigative reporter James O’Keefe published unclassified information from the US Army North Division on X, revealing that the Venezuelan prison 

    Really, U.S. Army North Division?
    Army of the United States?
    Civilian Army of United States?
    Not the Army National Guard?

    So many questions.
    Law enforcement and FBI can’t handle the Venezuelan Gang threat, why?
    Too busy harassing White Deplorables and other J6 Sympathizers, perhaps??

    Is O’Keefe referring to Posse Comitatus since the 2003 AUMF or 2001 declaration of emergency?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2024 #168621
    Dr D Rich

    Case study: Acquisitive Projective Identification

    ….delivered to the reader today over the internet

    What will they call This Age in retrospect?
    The Rise of the Narcissists?
    The Reign of the Psychopaths?
    The Mass Subjugation of Humanity by Ordinary SpellBinders?

    Here it is, the case study capitalism’s primary tool ‘acquisitive projective identification’:

      OnlyFans ceo makes bank

    See if you can spot the error(s).
    I like the appeal to family in their respectful nod to “father and son” duo. Heartwarming….
    41 employees, that’s almost as few as Telegramograph.
    Don’t blame Durov for ppl committing crimes using the great billionaire inventor’s invention.
    In related news, Boeing’s stock hit the stratosphere when a Federal judge ordered all future Boeing aircraft crashes to be blamed on passengers, pilots and airlines

      Since the start of 2023, UK-based OnlyFans, a major hub for porn content-creators, has paid more than $630 million in dividends to its owner Pavel Durov, the company announced. 

      The firm also said the number of content creators and fan accounts has leapt by almost a third over 2022 levels, to 4.1 million and 305 million, respectively. Pretax profits grew from $525 million to $658 million in the year ending November 2023. The enterprise has a lean structure, with only 41 employees a director. Though best known for its voluminous sex content, the site does has some other types of content, such as wellness, sports and music. 

      Radvinsky bought 75% of OnlyFans in 2018, from Guy and Tim Stokely, a father-son duo who launched the platform in 2016 with $12,500

    Nice father and son.
    Durov-Radvinsky saw the potential and were determined to ‘acquire’ it.

      The magazine noted that “there’s no evidence that any of Durov’s sites actually linked to child pornography or bestiality

    I’m always reassured when I hear/read “not child pornography and not bestiality”.

      Some of the promoted sites dangled a promise of links to underage performers. One of them, Password Universe, promoted a link to a site supposedly catering to pedophiles with 10,000 “illegal pre-teen passwords

    Don’t hate the genius, the inventor or the billionaire. Their only motivations are/were to capitalize on someone else’s invention and in turn serve Mankind. That’s all. Don’t piss on their parade. Make room for progress

    Leonid Radvinsky as Pavel Durov

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2024 #168549
    Dr D Rich
      On September 4th, 2024, the United States Department of Justice issued a press release from its Office of Public Affairs, detailing and making public a sealed indictment against two Russian nationals, who are said to be employees of RT, for ‘funneling’ US $10mln to various high-profile social media content creator

    Uh oh!!

    Scott, my fellow commissioned officer, Just remember what you wrote about Gonzalo Lira.

    “We’re at war.”

    Don’t take it personally. The keyboard is a weapon

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 7 2024 #168476
    Dr D Rich


    I hope you provide a clearer explanation for:

    However for the big guys, they are aware of everything that is happening in a given market.
    This allows them to manipulate the market, especially if they have tge SEC in their pocket.

    It’s part of their megalomania to induce the people’s belief in the “Big Guy’s” omniscience, as you said awareness of everything.

    Here’s an example of the perceived phenomenon of ‘everything awareness’ in medicine.

    First week of ophthalmology residency, 4 fellowship trained dudes 1. Retina Johns Hopkins 2. 3. Two Marshall Parks Peds/Strab 4. Nebraska Ocular-pathology misdiagnose two consecutive men with diplopia, double vision.
    The 4 labeled the 2, patients, as psychiatrically impaired with a condition named, forMication. That’s right, “M” not “N”. The 4 joked about the 2 at lunch, conference room, rounds and social gatherings.

    The 4 paid no attention to the 2 returning to me a few days later with…double vision. Imagine that.
    The 2 were not malingerers as the 4 incorrectly determined. The 4 didn’t stop there. Nebraska fellow and Hopkins Fellow refused to accept my assessment of the 2 and obstructed my efforts to obtain the appropriate tests and radiology studies.
    You see I had advantages.
    1. I had a med student (future cardiologist) and an intern (future ophthalmologist) on my team and they didn’t know shit or have a clue, BUT the intern and med student trusted me
    2. Returned from combat several months earlier and recognized the arrogation of power that arises from the society of Never-2-Be-Questioned Medical Authorities
    3. My 2 patients knew they were sick and were in part motivated by their legitimate anger at the the 4 arrogant, intransigent fellowship trained experts.

    So, I sent the med student with the 19yo patient and the intern separately with the 76yo to “honcho” the cases thru lab and radiology. They both encountered resistance particularly from radiology and they paged me. I told them drop my name and it worked.

    Patient 1 diplopia from Right oculomotor, trochlear, V1 trigeminal and abducens palsies from CCV fistula, carotid cavernous sinus.

    Patient 2 diplopia from left CN III, CN IV, CN V1 and CN VI palsies from a plasmacytoma of the sphenoid sinus, cavernous sinus, and pituitary fossa.

    The 4 never backed down from mislabeling the 2 as ForMicating malingerers and the Nebraska guy gave me trouble for years. And he published my paper on the 2nd case twice, once as principal author and secondly as coauthor never mentioning me.
    When i uncovered the acquisitive fraud and his coauthor they responded by labeling me a malcontent that didn’t get along with others.
    There was no mention of their cruelty to patients and clinical stupidity in the publication.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 7 2024 #168468
    Dr D Rich

    Thanks John Day.
    Loved the alliteration.

    “Ritter Remained Resolute until Recently Regarding RT”

    On another blog, an insightful reader offered me this advice:

      “..evil, as embodied by the oligarchic mafia, is a whirlpool that pulls any who’s instinct is survival.
      Ask yourself this, if you were forced to choose between taking the gold or receiving the lead, would you refuse the gold knowing what’s next?


    The gold was someone else’s life, Lawrence Kastenmeier, Lcpl USMC. The Marines like Scott Ritter were about to “take care of one of their own”.
    Would you do that for a Lance Corporal?
    You, Dr d?
    You LT Weinberg!?!?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 6 2024 #168421
    Dr D Rich


    Your citation of another good human being doing good things for a beleaguered ppl, The Palestinians, murdered by IDF-Jews took me back to 2003.

    Rachel Corrie
    Evergreen State

    Murdered under the crush of an IDF bulldozer driven by a brave jew in uniform.
    Some erudite, pathetic editorialist from one of the Seattle newspapers laid equal blame on Rachel the victim for going into Harm’s Way to help folks in Rafah. The editorialist doing the bidding of his pay masters thought his behavior demonstrated an enlightened sense of Justice.

      2003, Rachel Corrie was in Rafah, a city in the Gaza Strip, where the Israeli military was demolishing Palestinian houses at the height of the Second Intifada. While protesting the demolitions as they were being carried out, she was killed by an Israeli armored bulldozer that had crushed her.

    Y’all can Google search the editorial yourself

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 6 2024 #168391
    Dr D Rich

    Predictive. Prelude. Prescient. Prescription. Propaganda. Psyops. Journalist. Journalism.

    Civil War starring Kirsten Dunst
    Hollywood’s latest contribution to the act.
    April 12, 2024 released
    May 29, 2024 my first exhortation ‘watch it”
    June 1, 2024 my 2nd recommendation

    July 13, 2024 Assassination attempt

    3 mos after the movie opened
    ~6 weeks after the recommendation

    And now everyone is suddenly a ‘Journalist’. By everyone I mean Scott Ritter and Lisa “the journalism major” Franchetti 4-star Admiral and Chief Naval Operations.

    Here’s two video clips from Dunst’s Civil War

    After viewing, who do you think the movie maker’s wanted the audience to associate with The President hunted and murdered by a few women and dark colored soldiers while being openly mocked by the Hispanic ‘journalist’?

    Reap what you sow.
    Reap the whirlwind.

    A final exhortation…..

    June 1, 2024 Watch Hollywood’s take on the solution to the nation’s Trump Problem.
    In the new movie “Civil War” the Trump-like character is “taken care of” by a actor with similar demographics to Alvin Bragg, well, almost.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 6 2024 #168387
    Dr D Rich

    A unique kinda fascism for a unique kinda guy.

    Here’s an example of the not-so-unique bloviating when it comes to everything Ritter.

    Miles writes: “…the video sharing giant YouTube..”
    when ‘YouTube’ suffices.
    :Where “Tampa, St. Petersburg area of Florida” is cited rather than Tampa or St. Petersburg. Choose.
    :where Miles in just 3 paragraphs deliberately conflates or loosely associates The Big Man Ritter with supposed heavy hitters “Attorney General Merrick Garland”, “Dr. Gerald Horne”, “Chairman Omali and comrades”, “Richard Medhurst”, “Former US Army officer Gen. Wesley Clark”, “Russian President Vladimir Putin”, and “Chinese President Xi Jinping”,

    And the whopper of Whoppers, Miles quotes Horne saying “certainly, we should not forget what has befallen Scott Ritter, the former unqualified arms inspector, now widely viewed as a dissident…”

    I bet you don’t understand that one either…as Horne continues to not forget Ritter in the same sentence of his exhortation.
    Who is forgetting Riiter except for me trying to get you to forget or ignore Dissident Ritter?
    Yesterday Scott was Journalist, not a journalist, just Journalist.


    Your gonna love and understand my next post, D.
    Promise ya!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 5 2024 #168343
    Dr D Rich

    The occasional support of Dr d that Dr D whined is lacking.
    Notice at the end evidence that Dr D was opposed to Keymaster.

      March 2020
      My money remains on Dr. D and zerosum in no particular order.

      12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

      Ya gotta pay attention to Dr. D and his knowledge of probability and statistics applied to medicine.

      So what about 100,000.
      Here’s the 2018-19 Flu season data:
      *** symptomatic illness – 35,520,883
      ***medical visits- 16,520,350
      ***hospitalizations- 490,561
      ***deaths- 34,157

      In the 2017-18 Flu season the numbers were 30% to 75% higher in each category.

      April 8, 2020

      Who oppose Keymaster’s position in April 2020


      (((Are you suggesting mandatory testing? What if someone refuses to be tested?)))

      Keymaster: “I wouldn’t want them anywhere near my parents or my children. If you have the freedom to refuse being tested, society has the freedom to ban you from public places, streets, stores etc. Like lepers forced to wear bells and clappers”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 5 2024 #168342
    Dr D Rich

    “Only one..”

    My God, an echo chamber and straw man slain all in one breath.

    RIM was your opponent. Reread what the host wrote about early resisters.
    See who had common cause and experience with the monsters that set it all in motion.

    Only one. Didn’t help run of the other ones off the site.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 5 2024 #168261
    Dr D Rich

    Holy Jesus!
    And Christ Almighty!

      Pavel Durov – Freedom To Play Fool, Stock Speculator, Fraudster (Helmer)

    Is Helmer right?
    What do I mean?
    The opposite of wrong perhaps?
    Could Helmer be foisting satire on his readership?

    I understood Pavlov Durov, or whatever the f*ck his and JD Hamel’s names are today, was boybrainbillionaire arch-advocate of Free Speech and Freedom of International Travel, but Helmers is telling us Durov is now feigning ignorance of finance law while practicing pyramid scheme fraud. Well, at least Helmer suggests bigbrain Lavrov threw the cloak of stupidity Pavel’s way like an iron life preserver…maybe

    Seems like that feigning of ignorance is spreading like, well. COVID.

    Another ode to D and Durov and my favorite song of all time, The Main Ingredient

      Everybody plays the fool sometime
      There’s no exception to the rule
      Listen, baby
      It may be factual, may be cruel
      I ain’t lying
      Everybody plays the fool

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 4 2024 #168242
    Dr D Rich


    Here’s Wernicke’s

      Wernicke’s aphasia, also known as receptive aphasia,[1] sensory aphasia, fluent aphasia, or posterior aphasia, is a type of aphasia in which individuals have difficulty understanding written and spoken language.

    These folks so afflicted deserve our sympathy and support.
    So, please don’t pretend because doctors and nurses will be genuinely confused.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 4 2024 #168241
    Dr D Rich

    I can tell you’re honest.
    And you’re honestly struggling, several times by my count.
    God bless you.

    Out of deference to your struggle (it’s real, right?)
    I posted some videos at the end courtesy of School House Rock that might assist you.
    I recommend starting with ‘Nouns’ then ‘Verbs’.
    My favorite always has been ‘3 Is A Magic Number’.

    Seriously, feigning ignorance isn’t your strong suit. That’s a compliment. Yet, you played that card, 3? 4? 5 times?

    However, Selective amnesia, playing dumb, acting stupid and feigning ignorance are the finely honed skills of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
    I doubt it’s NPD ‘coz you are too damn sophisticated.
    Wernicke’s Aphasia is way, way down the list of differential diagnoses.

    The last video, I think, is a brief presentation of NPDers playing dumb.




    Here’s one on NPDers playing dumb and it’s short too.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 4 2024 #168222
    Dr D Rich

    Pearl-clutching definitely isn’t lamenting the fact limited hospital resources limited by nonphysician and exhorbitant administrative overhead cannot keep up with the industrial-scale mass casualties that apply to war.
    Even Dr D doesn’t want that ‘expectant” gray tag apply to his soon-to-be corpse.

    Pearl-clutching is Ritter, Dr D et al pissing their pants over Pavel Durov’s tribulations and Ritter having his passport restricted.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 4 2024 #168198
    Dr D Rich

    Lavrov on megabrain Lavrov on sexy megabrain Durov the Sire of 100 “childs”:

    “Durov ‘Too Free’ For The West – Lavrov (RT)”

    Lavrov The Megabrain knows the difference between ‘Too Free” and privileged. Lavrov also knows too free for the West must mean exponentially too free for authoritarians like Putin and Lavrov, right? Ritter probably wouldn’t agree with my characterization of the two great Russians but who cares what Ritter thinks

    This problem where smart Lavrovs display the stupid spontaneously IS a sign he’s dealing with malignant Narcissists and psychopaths.
    In other words, the characterlogically disordered leaders TPTB have chosen to lead know far better how to set up ppl for gaslighting, ie. looking and sounding like fools better than Great men like Lavrov can resist….

    …but D knows that too.
    So we’re all gonna die in a nuclear holocaust.

    Loosening associations

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 3 2024 #168153
    Dr D Rich

    Tulsi ever the attention hound, says (in case you missed it. Who didn’t miss it!)

      For those of you who may have missed my CNN interview with Dana Bash on State of the Union

    RIM, The Host, only a few scrolls later says this:

      Nobody watches CNN. Ironically, that’s what they count on.

    Caution D, you won’t understand the following.

    Ritter (((what education and training did E-4/O-4 former Marine turned Journalist receive in nuclear weapons, UNSCOM inspector isn’t the answer))) says

      “..all we guarantee is that eventually there will be a warfighting scenario where the U.S. will end up using nuclear weapons. And then we all die.”

    Answer: No, Chicken Little

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 2 2024 #168086
    Dr D Rich

    I see you’re back to understanding again and so soon too.
    What a relief!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2024 #168041
    Dr D Rich

    So you don’t understand Ritter or you don’t think Ritter’s descriptions about universals, his universals, should also apply to Ritter?
    Accurate summary, huh?

    Ritter comes across as equal parts petulant, vindictive and irritated someone pointed the finger at him after Lira’s demise.
    On Liras dearh You, yourself, cast aspersions locally in a contemporary fashion. Did the post unexpectedly expose a Ritter acolyte, wingman?

    And how in the hell is Ritter against war when he’s crowing about his mastery of it and all things Sun Tzu, while declaring Lira was a fair target for Ritter’s-n-Russia’s enemy, The Ukraine?
    In Ritter’s own words he knows the price, “the wages of war”. So no one should buy into Ritter’s griping even if he finds himself fair target, dead and all that like Gonzalo or just inconvenienced by a travel restriction to Russia.

    Those words are Ritter’s production, well, at least the entity that might be the great man.
    The second version is simply substituting Ritter’s exact situational facts from Ritter’s recent arrest.

    Nah D, you’re the smartest guy here.
    I read the accolades every day and I doubt they’re being sarcastic about your genius.
    Its genuine praise for the great ?woman? ‘coz that’s a female gambit, falsely pleading ignorance.

    Chat Gdptz my version reproduced the exact version of Ritter’s bleatings that he produced shortly before Lira’s ultimate incarceration and subsequent death.

    Ritter’s Substack didn’t age well.

      “Lira’s “Roundtable” forums were a literal petri dish for the creation and collection of invaluable data for the kind of “Hofstede Dimension” analysis carried out by persons conducting information operations”

    That’s S. Ritter on Lira or is he projecting his inner object state onto Lira?
    You know the answer.
    Professional jealousy, both

    Lira was born in California, but Ritter wrote regarding his Substack om Lira that “And if you’re not American, you’re free game.”
    You’re confused by Ritter, right?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2024 #168026
    Dr D Rich


    Thanks for reposting Dr d’s reposting of Alex Krainer’s “The Coming Collapse of Britain”

    Is it collapsing? I don’t think so. Well at least Krainer doesn’t seem to say so.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2024 #168025
    Dr D Rich

    “All ownership is work”

    Did not know that.
    What the f*ck! (I left out the ‘u’ so as not to offend Ds tender sensibilities)


    ChaTGptsRitTEr on Gonzalo “Coach Red Pill” Lira and Ritter’s obvious pejorative view of Lira R.I.P.

      Gonzalo Lira, the well-known Chilean-American YouTube personality, has been in the news lately. A former “lifestyle” coach, Lira re-branded himself as a geopolitical commentator in the leadup to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, providing gripping first-hand observations—often critical of the Ukrainian government and contradictory of the Ukrainian narrative—that were posted on YouTube. As his popularity grew, his social media footprint expanded, with his Twitter and Telegram accounts garnering tens of thousands of followers, and his YouTube videos garnering hundreds of thousands of views and subscribers.

      Gonzalo Lira was arrested by the SBU, or Ukrainian intelligence service, on April 15, 2022, and released five days later. Lira has been circumspect about both the arrest and the conditions of his release—he blithely calls it his “missing week.” Lira does acknowledge that his computers and phone were seized by Ukrainian authorities

      There is only one logical explanation for this chain of events. Gonzalo Lira was arrested by the SBU for crimes he himself admits gets people arrested, tortured, and murdered. He is released five days later—unharmed—and immediately allowed to resume the exact same activity that led to arrest in the first place, only this time on a computer and email account controlled by the SBU.

      …authorities, and that he was released under conditions of “house arrest,” implying some sort of continued monitoring and control of his activities by the SBU. Nonetheless, he was able to gain access to a computer, set up a new email account, and immediately begin posting information critical of the Ukrainian government.

      And if you’re not American, you’re free game.
      (((are we to put Drds or Ritter thinking cap and infer American citizen Gonzalo Lira was not an American like let’s say Scott Ritter)))

      “We are at war”, wrote Ritter

    Now contrast it if you will with..
    …. a hypothetical ChatDrDRicHgTp treatment of, well, Ritter:

      Scott Ritter, the well-known proRussian-American YouTube personality, has been in the news lately. A former “sexx-convict at SCI Somerset” and Army E-4, Ritter re-branded himself as a geopolitical commentator and Freedom of Speech-beleaguered, newly minted Journalist in the leadup to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, providing gripping second hand, third hand and even plagiarized accounts and observations—often critical of the Ukrainian government and contradictory of the Ukrainian narrative—that were posted on YouTube. As his popularity didn’t grow as fast as Gonzalo Lira’s, his social media footprint expanded, with his Twitter and Telegram accounts garnering tens of thousands of followers, and his YouTube videos garnering hundreds of thousands of views and subscribers none of whom were turned off by his Boy Scoutish, sophomoric invocations of Sun Tzu
      Here’s one: ““If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle”

      (((And if you can balance this tack hammer on your head then you can hammer your foe with a balanced attack)))

      Scott Ritter was raided by the FBI, working on behalf of Ukrainian intelligence service, on August 7, 2024, and never arrested five days later. Always circumspect, Ritter has been circumspect about both the raid and the conditions of his freedom —he blithely calls it his “unarrested week.” Scott does acknowledge that his computers and phone were seized by American authorities working for Ukraine.

      There is only one logical explanation for this chain of events. Scott Ritter’s house was raided August 7, 2024 by the FBI for crimes he himself admits gets people arrested, tortured, and murdered. He was released immediately —unharmed—and promptly allowed to resume the exact same activity that led to the raid of his home in the first place, only this time on a computer and email account controlled by the FBI.

      …and that Marine Intel was released under conditions of non“house arrest,” implying some sort of continued monitoring and control of his activities by the FBI. Nonetheless, Ritter was able to gain access to a computer, set up a new email account, and immediately begin YouTubing and Substackig information critical of the Ukrainian government America’s partner at war with Russia where Ritter has been free to and fro travel.

      And if you’re not a special American like Scott Ritter, then you’re free game. (DrD logic)

      “We are at war” (says the bonafide blowhard who just like Trump, Tulsi, Obama, Comey, Walz, definitely JD Vance, Tam, Amick, Pence, Howard, Franchetti could never EVER fight his way out of a wet paper bag)


    Shouldn’t Ritter be deader than Lira because, after all, Scott knows/knew the rules better than “Chilean-American” Lira and we are at war?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2024 #168017
    Dr D Rich


    God bless Noirette.
    I’m agreeing more and more with Noir as more and more time goes by so slowly.
    At the end, an ode to Noirette.

    Lè Affairê Pavel du Rovë alias Durov is it seems as you just said, a contrivance and as contrivances mostly are, a false one.

    I sense a theme developing.
    The apparent Master of Acquisitive Projective Identification Pavel from his apparently hardworking, did-most-of-the-work brother changes his name not quite as much the Serial-NameChanger and Trump-VP Pick JD VANCE Bowman BLANTON Hamel.

    And Pavel’s Telegramgraph motors on like Ritter’s mouth motors.
    Thoroughly “uninfringed” despite all the desperately breathless declarations of infringement by the usual characters.

    …just another glitch in the matrix

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2024 #167959
    Dr D Rich

    Two guys “expounding” on Economic Geography and Titusville.
    Y’all know Titusville?

    About the only thing more economically bereft than those lands north of 80, Titusville is the wasteland east of Pittsburgh onward just past Johnstown.

    So much for the Economic Geographical Theory that is location, location, location where the black stuff oozed from the ground. The topic used to be required study for PA elementary students. It went the way of the Eastern American Indians and The French & Indian War, the study of, that is no longer existent.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2024 #167904
    Dr D Rich

    What’s your threshold?
    Choose one:

    1. Aspergillus mold in the HVAC system of Naval Medical Center San Diego in 1987 BEFORE it opened?

    2. Aspergillus infections in dead newborns at Seattle Children’s Hospital before you sound the alarm, blow the whistle or alert the blowhards at WA DOH or Joint Commission?

    3. Torture civilians, murder children under the color of uniform, combat and war?

    4. Haditha?

    Murtha’s threshold was Haditha. God bless Jack.
    What got him murdered by hack surgeons at Walter Reed/Bethesda was following my lead in pursuit of the venal, monsters in Navy Medicine.
    I operate with those limits and thresholds at the forefront, a priori.
    Tulsi, Walz, Ritter, Biden, Trump, Vance, Tam were never cut out for the job, not ever qualified to enter any training program I finished in spectacular fashion.
    Too many folk are bamboozled by the stupid.

    Here’s Scheer’s post on Haditha.
    I bet Scheer data mines TAE, Xymphora and Unz at least.

      American journalists finally obtained and released photos showing the grisly aftermath of the bloody rampage—whose perpetrators never spent a day behind bars.


    To get an idea what I’ve done, the intellect of the other personalities involved and the complexity of operations Walz and Gabbard could never understand, take a little time to watch Lemoine’s video review of the Air Force’s Osprey crash last year in Japan.
    I was investigator on 3 aviation mishaps and avoided being a casualty in 2 of those 3. Only two made it to “the books”. Survivors are targeted by outsiders for blame and internally with self-recriminations.

    How man guys ignored the obvious warnings and refused timely interventions?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2024 #167855
    Dr D Rich

    Ukraine bankrupts Britain.


    Who will bail out this chick?
    You, Dr d !?!?
    You, Pavel Durov?
    You, LT Weinberg??

    “Horrific testimony on the arrest in the UK of Sarah Wilkinson for opposing the genocide in Gaza. This is the fascist reaction from Keir Starmer and Yvette Cooper to losing control of the narrative, as the people overwhelmingly reject zionism. Sarah faces up to 14 years in jail.”

    “police came to her house just before 7.30am. 12 of them in total, some of them in plain clothes from the counter terrorism police. They said she was under arrest for “content that she has posted online.” Her house is being raided & they have seized all her electronic devices”

    I’m sure Tucker Carlson, Ritter, Tulsi et al will immediately address this indication of the Apocalypse on Free Speech.

    7% of the adult population multiplied by 3 or 4 family members knows exactly what E-4 means and the difference between E-8 and E-9. They know E-7, E-8 and E-9 never become (haha become) Colonel, Captain, Admiral or General.
    And they know how National Guard obtain Veteran status if ever.
    Is someone projecting their cluelessness onto the body politic?
    Yet the same reader never makes the same observation about the genuine obscurity of Tulsi Gabbard’s, Tim Walz’s National Guard bragging points. Why should the uninformed reader give a damn about an ?attribute? 1/4th the size of the active duty force?
    Tulsi’s National Guard service is more substantial because she’s pretty hot in uniform. Is that what does it for you Dr d?

    False equivalencies

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2024 #167846
    Dr D Rich

    I don’t have to imagine it…tboc.

    Ask Bishop Connare Greensburg Diocese and his acolyte Fr. George Pierce Holy Family Parish.

    So which one is it?:

    1. Ukraine F-16 crashed itself, pilot error
    2. Ukraine F-16 took a missile hit from a U.S/Ukr Patriot missile battery
    3. Russia shot down the Ukraine F-16 with a barrage of Russian missiles

    Does it matter?
    Who wants it to matter?
    Until Correspondent Ritter addresses it than the fallen tree never made a sound, right?

    Almost like:

    1. Matthew Thomas Crooks shot Trump
    2. Unknown would-be assailant shot Trump
    3. Secret Service snipers shot Trump

    Or this:
    1. Matthew Thomas Crooks shot at Hercules Team 1 (they wore Black Hats fulfilling Ds knot theory of the mind)
    2. Matthew Thomas Crooks shot at Hercules Team 2 (they also wore Black Hats also fulfilling Ds prophesy)
    3. Matthew Thomas Crooks shot at the running Butler county sniper (standard sniper procedure as running steadies the respiratory rate and alternately the heart rate better than beta blockers) who was shooting at Matthew or the guy below Matthew in the window

    1. Whose shrapnel hit Trumps ear?
    2. What targets were hit by SSST Hercules 1 and 2? (After all, Snipers don’t miss. Just ask them and all there fanboys)
    3. Compatore’s homicide is a local/state case. So where’s the bullet(s)? Who killed the local firefighter in the crossfire?

    Short quiz

    On every SEAL Team, the masters of covert operations and weapons experts, by NAVREGs and OPNAV, how many team members must be qualified to:

    1. fly/pilot a SH-60 or MV-22?
    A. 25%
    B. 10%
    C. 1 guy

    2. Land an F-22 on a carrier?
    A. 25%
    B. 10%
    C. 1 guy

    3. Drive a ship, SWO qualified
    A. 25%
    B. 10%
    C. 1 guy

    4. Perform an appendectomy or insert a chest tube in the field (SEAL Team corpsman)
    A. 25%
    B. 10%
    C. 1 guy
    D. None he’s more intent on killing

    5. Who’s the biggest bullshitter?
    A. Don Trump
    B. Tulsi his aide de camp
    C. Ritter
    D. Tim Walz

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2024 #167823
    Dr D Rich


    You words garner my respect and the fact you and I descend from the same people.
    Thanks for the dialogue.

    Here’s anecdote as answer to someone’s comment about autodidacts as hairy knuckle daggers.

    10 feet under the sand, SSGT Kenney needed rescuing. You see by the time my 2 corpsmen dragged me to the scene at a collapsed Iraqi bunker, all corpsmen and Marine fellows of Kenney passed on Kenney’s rescue.
    “Hell, no such a stupid ass can get himself out. I’m not risking my butt for him” muttered several would be rescuers, fellow Marines.

    Me, I muttered the exact same things and dove headfirst down a rabbit hole (were there rabbits?) to the assistance of our Staff, euphemism for Staff Sergeant E-6.
    There, 14 to 15 feet beneath the surface I surveyed the “inverted” Marines neurological status, immobilized his c-spine and affixed him to a backboard for extraction. John Day can tell the neuro assessment for a potential c-spine, spinal cord injury involves a rectal and/or genital exam.

    Guess where those skills are taught.

    1. USNA Naval Science I, II, III, IV???

    2. remember my lamentations about being saddled with finishing Hospital Corpsman Correspondence Course 1 and 2, a week before graduation. Do you think those 2 courses imposed as some sort of punishment on me by Shitbrains PREPARE me or my two witless corpsmen for Collapse Iraqi Bunker Rescue Operations and Spine Immobilization 101 & 102?

    3. At the Nation’s Military Medical School during Operation Bushmaster? Hint: (ask that shitfucker Dave Tam CEO Beebe)

    4. Here in Seward Pa wondering if my two Uncles who shared my bedroom, small house, while working the coal mines nearby. Do you think my Dad, the noted claustrophobic, and me would have volunteered as rescuers had my uncles been entrapped in a mine collapse?

    However the decision to dive headlong into the task of rescuing Ssgt Kenney was motivated by my pact with God before I deployed. God, let me go home to my sick kid and I’ll save all injured Marines before so they go home first. And that fucking StaffSergeant was just about to ruin my record. Jerk

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2024 #167815
    Dr D Rich

    “You over-educated motherfuckers sure do dish up some shitty word salad.”

    Notice cb I interposed (-) where it belongs.

    Having attended a couple institutions of nominally higher, nominally education, no one thinks teaching or education are going on.
    And Christ, if God forbid you’re an autodidact, then how do you think that trait sits with officials at the same institutes of higher education?

    Do you think Tim Walz is a misunderstood autodidact?
    Kevin Amick?
    Dave Tam?
    CNO Lisa Franchetti?
    Pavel Durov?
    Scott Ritter?
    Dr d?
    Don Ttump?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2024 #167814
    Dr D Rich

    God I love the intertubes.

    From Xymphora, her words, editorially, in response to the appended article from Alethonews.

      This is actually looking more and more like a political stunt, with Durov conspiring with the French government to normalize the position of Telegram within globohomo, under the curation of French intelligence

    ….(I’ll add) or even if you invent your own superduper device after first fashioning a rudimentary lathe from your bare hands, you don’t get to become a billionaire without the help of The .GOV’T

    The Gift of Discernment on full display, but wait…from the article.

      Social media creators cannot be held responsible for what other users do on their platforms

    …or held accountable the debris, pollution and collateral destruction of the environment resulting from the Creator’s genius. The Creators, an interesting label (god-like?), create but even the Gov’t agrees the Creator is entitled to first dibs/divs on the profits and sole credit for the notoriety and fawning favorable press

    France reveals its authoritarian nature by persecuting Pavel Durov

    God the Father, Pavel The Creator
    God the Son, Pavel the Persecuted, forsaken by the Father
    What’s next, God the Holy Spirit, Pavel Durov the whimsical entity of the internet?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2024 #167810
    Dr D Rich


    What accounts for the website substituting its version of my edited post…sometimes….partially….totally to the point the sentences and syntax appear to be gibberish almost like Dr D’s run-on sentences, paragraphs and chapters.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2024 #167807
    Dr D Rich

    Acquisitive Projective Identification covers the ‘acquisitive’ part of projection. You know where they the really leadere take full credit for what only they could imagine YOU Do and produce.
    As in, CEO taps into stock options and 8-figure compensation OR a military CO stands before the formation as the spokesman for the unit and receives the lion’s share of credit by way of the Legion of Merit and Battle “E”. Only recently have we witnessed the phenomenon where E-8not9 Tim Walz and E-7never8or9 Navy’s mostmediocre Kevin Amick launched past all intermediate and higher steps, ranks to The Admiralty or its equivalent.
    I suppose what Dr D is saying that IS a special form of genius…akin to the criminal mastermind on Rocky and Bullwinkle.

    They require an appreciative audience many of whom never considered themselves to be fools or dumbasses.
    Yet, naever underestimate the crowd’s propensity to fall for the bullshit.
    Does alcohol aid the process?
    Other drugs?
    Mass hypnosis?

    …as in the perps/narcs/”leaders who couldn’t lead their way out of wet paper bag TAKE ON THEIR TARGET’S/VICTIM’S traits, attributes and accomplishments.
    The perps and narcs and self-ascribed “leaders” DO you better than you DO you Or so their followers profess.

    My case, always self-referential, passed the 7 year mark April 7 and reached the 8th milestone where the “broken neck” will be summarily dismissed because reasons bleated by an attorney. Ask John Day where he waited 1, 5, 7 years to obtain MRI studies on an assault victim later found to have severe cervical spinal stenosis from 3 herniated discs
    The foundation is, was and ever shall be the mother of the autist that assaulted and battered me PROJECTED assailant status onto me and away from her son. “I’d do anything to keep my kid out of jail.”
    Would you?
    Would you do that, blame the only doctor that tried to help her combative, assaultive kid?
    If so, how far would you go in your Monomaniacal pursuit of madness?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2024 #167741
    Dr D Rich

    Paul Roberts is wrong again.

    The Deciderers in the United decided the People would be led by unintelligent persons. Where the leaders evince average intelligence then they are chosen for their willingness to behave as criminals.
    How else can the electorate and society account for GWB2,, Michelle Howard, Lisa Franchetti, Scott Ritter, Bruce Meneley, Kevin Amick, Trump, the entire Secret Service, Tim Walz, and Yale’s decision to view Marine E-4 as favorable admission criteria?
    Come on! E-4 is achievement and entry criteria for Ivy League schools. What happened to Punjabi or Chinese 1600 SAT scores?

    Now, Paul’s big mind should be pondering why should he and his contemporaries chose such a path, to encumber the people with stupid leaders?
    Are good video makers generally stupid ppl contrary to Dr D’s fawning appreciation of Ritter, Danny Hophung et al?

    On Durov: didn’t Pavel megabrain notice his supposedly indecipherably encrypted communication platform was just as vulnerable to CIA surveillance as CIAs Gmail?
    Isn’t that why the prodigy is worth billions and everyone else is conflating Durov’s arrest with a WWIII attack on Freedom of Speech?

    Something seems off about the reading list today as compared to the previous two days.
    Inherently contradictory
    Loosening of Associations???

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 28 2024 #167726
    Dr D Rich

    Hell nah….

    I’m tired…really fucking tired.

    I made a conscious, conscientious decision to set my life aflame, but I held out the stature I built in life and in all goddam fucking places, the Navy, might carry the day.
    February 2005.
    I might as well have doused myself in JP5 or ordinary gasoline and struck the match for all the good it did.
    You see, the foundation is was and ever shall be Title X, our constitution and the Geneva Conventions.
    Don’t harm a child ever.
    Do not torture.

    They in fact raped, abused, assaulted, battered and battered children, of course, adults too.
    Research what my contemporaries in uniform did to a soldier rendered hors de combat, General Mouwhosh.

    They were poised with justifications that these grotesque, murderous actions rose to a higher level of justice in defense of the nation, the united states.

    And they talked down to me as if I was the ignorant immature child defying authority, well, out of ignorance and immaturity. If ever there was clinical evidence of projection in form of protective identification, there it is.

    For some on this board who claim unawareness, this drama took place at the level National Command Authority, President, CIA, Atty General, and on the pages of the New England Journal of Medicine, WAPO, NY Times and countless blogs.

    My observation is the process continues because most here seem quite animated by Pavel Durov’s situation, Tulsi’s travel difficulties and Ritter’s pathetic manipulation and missed the foundation of it all:
    -the murders of Anwar al-Awlaki and his two children Nawar 9 and 16yo Abdulrahman
    -the extraordinary rendition of children to GITMO to be cared for by hospital Commander Navy Captain and Dead Pedophile Bruce Meneley
    -abuse and mistreatment of Joseph Darby and Ehren Watada
    – Rumsfeld making a personal example of Jose Padilla and the Navy’s central role in that gross injustice
    -laying siege to Fallujah and legitimizing the targeting of male children during the siege with Peds Dave Tam’s subordinate pediatric surgeon Sandy Tomita present, doing nothing in the scope of his and hers affirmative responsibility when witness to or observers of child abuse, industrialized version.

    …ad nauseam

      Mowhoush’s death in U.S. custody on 26 November 2003, military officials issued a news release stating that the prisoner had died of natural causes after complaining of feeling sick. Army psychological-operations officers quickly distributed leaflets designed to convince locals that the general had cooperated and outed key insurgents

      Mowhoush walked into the Forward Operating Base “Tiger” in Qaim on 10 November 2003, hoping to speak with U.S. commanders to secure the release of his sons, who had been arrested in raids 11 days earlier.

      January 21, 2006, an American military jury convicted Welshofer of negligent homicide and dereliction of duty in the death of Mowhoush but he was acquitted of the more severe charge of murder. The military jury ordered a reprimand and forfeiture of $6,000 in pay, and restricted him to his home, office and church for two months however he was not sentenced to time in prison.

    Pavel Durov Telegramgraph

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 28 2024 #167676
    Dr D Rich

    Loosening associations and coordinated messaging on behalf of a beleaugered billionaire, boy genius, free speech advocate.

    Learning is steep young Skywalker.

    Scott Ritter is a Journalist like….journalist Assange.

    Tulsi and Walz National Guardsmen ARE politicians when the former “got” fewer primary votes Than ‘Other’ not so long ago and Timmeh never got one.

    Matthew Thomas Crooks was not so smart nor not so marksman–like transformed instantly on a nurses aide’s income into a crack shot and criminal genius outwitting the witless.

    That’s what Alastairr Crooke is saying in approx. 100,000 more words or so about the first 10 minutes at Harvard Business School. “Own the narrative”.

    I’m gonna venture USNA had it right for Plebe and Youngster boxing. You know, find out who the real coward is ‘inside the ropes’. I know Tulsi, Tim Walz, JD Vance, Dave Tam and Michelle Howard never had to weather that storm box a D1 athlete 80 pounds heavier.
    It’s not for everyone nor are the academics, reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic.
    And it doesn’t lend itself to ‘name or facial recognition’ as measures of political leadership.
    I’m still amazed one of my Plebe roommates shat his pants daily and hid “the offal” in my locker.
    Fail to strike your classmate in Plebe boxing and out you go, failure. Shit your pants and they reward the perp by blaming the owner of locker holding the stinkyshit then bestow full-ride postgraduate education on the pantsshitter. I heard he came from old American blood, as in Pilgrims.Flunk Calc I, II, and II and the reward is Harvard Business School.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 27 2024 #167644
    Dr D Rich



    ….but the 2020 Democratic Primary contained a person missing from that graphic display
    America’s sweetheart and she obtained fewer votes than ‘Other’

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 27 2024 #167590
    Dr D Rich

    Everyone is in on it….it being The Scheme of Non-Sense.

    About Zuckerberg:

      Previously: Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Blames “The Establishment” (Jews) for Censorship! (June 11, 2023)

      Say what you want about Zuck. I’m sure he’s using all of your data in diabolical ways, to fuel his infernal machines. Or whatever. But he’s always been anti-censorship.

      I was writing in 2014 that Zuck was refusing former ADL head Abe Foxman’s demands that he stop Holocaust denial on Facebook. He went as hard as he could fighting against censorship, until he was forced to by the ADL manipulating advertisers and the federal government threatening him.

      He seems mad about the federal government threatening him and directly interfering with his business. He’s talked about this several times already.

    I’m sure there’s no projection and introjection going between The Author and The Zuckerberg.

    Is there anything as fearful as a millionaire?

    Yeah, billionaires

    I guess Zuckerberg didn’t censor The Biden Laptop story at the explicit request of Kamala and Joe then conjecture he might be Pavel Durov-ed by France before CEO Telegraphgram.
    Brave guy.
    Heroic billionaire.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 27 2024 #167578
    Dr D Rich

    As the author more than in the intimates, a short hell, shame and damnation

    As the author more than intimates, a short ride to hell, shame and eternal damnation

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 27 2024 #167570
    Dr D Rich

    What ails us, U.S.?

    ” The transformation of the U. S. Armed Forces into mercenary military formations staffed by illegal migrants is an enormously important step in the direction of denationalizatio”

    To say nothing of The National Guard and promotion of my cousin Molly to Colonel on her way to General and the likes of Tulsi Gabbard and Tim Walz.

    As the author more than in the intimates, a short hell, shame and damnation.


    “I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it..”

    “Where is the rightful outrage from environmentalists? Thousands of tons of crude oil will now pour into the Red Sea,” Prince wrote on X, adding, “Thousands of tons of crude oil will now pour into the Red Sea.” 

    Please arrest more billionaires and mercenaries fast.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 26 2024 #167527
    Dr D Rich

    Any more billionaires like Assange arrested today?

    Someone else on Israel and Judaism:

      “The concern for ‘Israel’ losing its noble soul is laughable.”

      “Why do so many of these people think themselves clever by cloaking themselves in the intentionally misleading PR of their enemies?”

      “Supporting ‘Israel’, entirely due to bribery and blackmail, has nothing whatsoever to do with supporting the ambitions of the ‘white supremacists’, hasn’t helped the empire since the end of the Cold War, and in fact is the single most important factor in the rapid decline of imperial power”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 25 2024 #167436
    Dr D Rich

    Pavel Durov

    “dramatis personae”

    I guess Pavel fashioned his own rudimentary lathe and did it all by himself.

    Reference Galaxy Quest:

    Then I’m reminded with the arrest of Telegraphs or is it Telegrams finest of Henny Penny Sky is Falling. When Turkey Lurkey followed Henny Penny, Foxy Loxy took his head….after he lost his head over Henny Penny’s panic.

    Or as Guy Fleegman in his inimical manner said “Mommy, mommy!”

    You know what, let’s take Celticbiker’s admonition.

    Let Bankers and Billionaires got to war against The Bankers and The Billionaires.
    Popcorn and root beer for the appreciative audience.

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