William James

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  • in reply to: When Centralization Scales Beyond Our Control #19575
    William James

    Ilargi (and other recent posters):
    Great words! Here’s my addition — none of these changes, that are absolutely necessary, can have a ghost of a chance for success — UNTIL The Big One happens. IOW, The Powers That Be are so thoroughly entrenched nothing can pry them loose from their positions of power — except for one dynamic: The entire present worldwide financial, administrative, military, educative traps we find ourselves in — can only be broken by the widespread, deeply profound destruction of the present power structure. This includes predominantly the USA, Canada, all of Europe, BRICS, South America, the mid-East, and China.

    How bad and deep must this catastrophe extend? Well, just as rule of thumb, bad enough to make The Great Depression, WW2, all the ensuing wars and intrigue — seem like the proverbial “walk in the park.”

    How can we engineer this catastrophe? Not to worry — THERE’S NO WAY TO AVOID IT.

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