Paul Klee Carnival in the snow 1923

They are literally telling us that we must get vaccinated because omicron is vaccine resistant.

Dr. Peter McCullough explains to Joe Rogan, that in order to make people more willing to take the Covid vaccine, there was a concerted effort to not have a protocol for Covid treatment. pic.twitter.com/Ueb3ppjQOF
— Mythinformed MKE (@MythinformedMKE) December 13, 2021

Dr. Fauci opens up the possibility that the COVID-19 vaccine could be making people more likely to be infected by the virus.
"This would not be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse." pic.twitter.com/j4DXzMp3Bo
— The Vigilant Fox (@VigilantFox) December 13, 2021

ICU patients in Holland.

Pilot deaths

“For the moment everything is just froth and noise, and most everybody is in too much of a panic to make sense.”
• Flood-tide of Darkness (Jim Kunstler)
The frenzy around the Christmas holiday conceals deeper currents running through advanced techno-industrial societies like froth on the surface of a raging river that surges with dangerous, hidden flotsam. We’re informed that the next James Bond might be a transsexual. But, you see, it’s not just that Hollywood is running out of gimmicks for its floundering “franchises,” but rather that there has been no place for men these days in the struggle to prevent civilization from drowning. The lifeguards are cancelled. All that’s left in the commotion of the flood is the shrieking of women. Thus, the hysteria over Trumpism. America actually needed a rescue operation and, defective as he was personality-wise, Mr. Trump rose above the surge and called for exactly that, and was pulled under for the effrontery of saying so.
It was a bad time to be a man standing out among men. The torrent is in charge now, not the people bobbing and flailing in it. Ride it out, if you can. By and by, the flood will subside and the survivors will be cast back on shore. The shrieking women will also subside, because the men will tell them to cut it out. And then the men and women will go forth reconstructing the human project here in North America. The landscape will not look the same and we will not act like we did before, when we were just carried along helplessly in the flood. There will be fewer of us. All the giant things, too large to save themselves — the corporations, the institutions, the agencies — will be swept away, but we’ll be back on dry land, with a lot debris to sort through, some of it useful for rebuilding a way of life. We’ll be too busy for any more shrieking and hand-wringing, and crybabies will get whapped upside their heads.
That is what you can expect in the decade ahead. For the moment everything is just froth and noise, and most everybody is in too much of a panic to make sense. Humans don’t do well without sense-making. What makes sense is having a roof over your head, something to eat, some purposeful activities to provide those things, some other people to exist with and care for, and some ceremonies to honor our efforts and declare our gratitude for being here in the first place.

The explanations for why boosters “work” are hilarious. But yes, they will “work” for two weeks or so, so it’s not strictly a lie.
• The “If It Does Not Work Do It More” Stage Of The Pandemic (Gato Malo)
We’re clearly going through a round of “the vaccines don’t work so you need to take more vaccines” or even more hilarious and wrongheaded “omicron is vaccine evading, so you need boosters.” This clearly makes no sense and the argument is rapidly falling apart as what sure looks like OAS is causing omi to pop up disproportionately IN the boosted. This is going to be WAY too big to hide. It’s already become utterly apparent that the vaccines do not stop spread. It’s going to take little time for this to spread to boosters. Alas, if you think this is going to discredit the pushers of public health pablum and pseudoscience (or their acolytes), you may want to think again. That’s not how it’s going to go. Doomsday cults become more, not less devout when the world fails to end on tuesday. and they have cards left to play.
The next round is going to be the return of lockdowns. It’s clear they want it, perhaps in general, perhaps only for the unvaxxed. It’s already heating up with the “we need lockdowns to prevent more lockdowns” absurdity and the “we must lock down those not vaxxed with a vaccine that does not stop spread so that they will not spread covid” nonsense. To swallow this after 2 years requires credulity to beggar belief, but the sad fact is: many still buy it. [..] the sunk cost fallacy has set in and all the past sacrifice and belief and proselytization and identity commitment to the cause weighs heavier and heavier. they NEED it to have meant something. It’s a classic behavioral trap. economists study it. they build business models (like gym membership structures) around it.

“We have 57 for Christmas, no vaccine passport. The only requirement is that you have read and understand the Constitution..”
• Rand Paul: Vaccine Zealots “Won’t Be Happy Until They Get Your Newborn” (SN)
Appearing on Hannity Friday night, Senator Rand Paul noted that COVID vaccine pushers are becoming more militant in their demands and efforts to force as many people as possible to take jabs. “You know, these people won’t be happy until they get your newborn,” Paul urged. “I mean, they really want to get your newborn inoculated before they leave the hospital. They’re going to restrict certain things. You know, they’re not going to dispense schooling. But they’re also going to try to get them before they leave the hospital. I think it’s outrageous and ignores the science,” the Senator emphasised. Paul continued, “It’s all based on this misreading of the science that says we haven’t been vaccinating enough and that we’re under-vaccinated.”
“The truth from the CDC is quite the opposite. Over age 75, 97% of people have voluntarily chosen to be vaccinated. Between ages 64 and 75, 99% of people have been vaccinated,” Paul further explained. “So we are voluntarily accepting this,” Paul continued, adding “Most people at high risk have been vaccinated. This is a disease of the elderly, not of children.” Commenting on Anthony Fauci spearheading the medical tyranny, Paul noted “he’s not obeying science. He’s sort of granting his impulse to authoritarianism. His default position is always, how can I control people? How can I regulate people?” The Senator added that Fauci would be apoplectic with the Paul family Christmas plans. “I can tell you — he’s not going to be too happy with the Paul family Christmas. We have 57 for Christmas, no vaccine passport. The only requirement is that you have read and understand the Constitution,” the Senator quipped.

“..when Chris and a registered nurse went to administer the drug on the night of December 7 on the orders of Maturi, “hospital administration barred [him and the nurse] from entering the ICU with the Ivermectin.”
• Virginia Hospital In Contempt Of Court For Denying Patient Ivermectin (DW)
Chris Davies and his father Donald have been fighting for their mother and wife Kathy Davies’ right to try the drug Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment at Fauquier Health hospital in Warrenton, Virginia, for the past few weeks. But the hospital — where Chris happens to work as a radiologic technologist — had put his mother through a series of legal hoops seemingly designed to block the treatment from being given to her. On Monday, December 13, Virginia’s 20th Judicial Court found Fauquier Health in contempt of court after refusing to comply with previous orders and ruled that by 9:00 p.m. Eastern time tonight, Kathy Davies must be given the dose of Ivermectin as prescribed by a doctor retained by the Davies family. Additionally — if the hospital did not comply — the state had the right to fine the hospital $10,000 per day.
That order would have been applied retroactively from December 9 onwards. The court also ordered that the Davies family be given police escort if necessary to administer the drug to their mother. But, the court also said that the hospital had an opportunity to purge the contempt charge by complying with the order. The hospital is reportedly now opting to comply with that order after a week of arguing why they could not allow the drug to be given to Kathy Davies as the family requested. The story offers hope for legal respite for many families who have found themselves in similar situations while trying to battle a medical establishment arguably opposed to any treatment not supported by the FDA to fight COVID-19.
The Davies’ saga started in October when Chris Davies’ mother was admitted to the hospital with COVID-19. She was placed on a ventilator in the intensive care unit (ICU) on November 3. Donald was to serve as her medical proxy — and after consultation with Chris and his siblings — wanted doctors to give Kathy Ivermectin in hopes of finding success against COVID-19. The doctors and hospital refused that request and were adamant they would not administer the drug despite the family’s wishes. On December 3, the Davies family notified Fauquier Health that they were hiring attorneys on Kathy’s behalf and filing a lawsuit.
“Pray we get a compassionate judge and that litigation goes smoothly,” Chris emailed friends supporting his mother on December 5. “We just want the right to try Ivermectin!” “Let us pray we can get it to her and it will help her out of this long-suffering!!” he added. “Thanks all and God Bless!!!” On Monday, December 6, according to a court document obtained by The Daily Wire, the court had ruled that Kathy had the right under Virginia law to try Ivermectin or any other order and prescription provided by Dr. Martha Maturi — the doctor retained by the Davies family who had prescribed Ivermectin — regardless of her employment with the hospital. But, when Chris and a registered nurse went to administer the drug on the night of December 7 on the orders of Maturi, “hospital administration barred [him and the nurse] from entering the ICU with the Ivermectin.”

How and when did we forget that treatment procedure, including medicines, is a doctor’s responsibility?
• Doctor Fired for Trying to Treat COVID Patients With Ivermectin (ET)
A Mississippi doctor said he was fired for attempting to treat COVID-19 patients with ivermectin, which is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat parasites, although the hospital in question said he was not an employee but instead was an independent contractor. Dr. John Witcher, an emergency room physician at the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Yazoo City, said was “told not to come back” after taking several COVID-19 patients off Remdesivir, which is approved by the FDA to treat the virus, and allowed them to use ivermectin. “I was very surprised that I was basically told to not come back at the end of the day,” Witcher said on the Stew Peters podcast. “These patients were under my direct care, and so I felt like taking them off Remdesivir and putting them on ivermectin was the right thing to do at the time.”
Baptist Memorial told news outlets that Witcher “no longer practices medicine as an independent physician” at the Yazoo City facility, adding that he was an independent contractor, not an employee at the facility. The hospital system said that it follows “the standards of care recommended by the scientific community and our medical team in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19” such as vaccines and monoclonal antibody treatments. But Witcher said that he was working at the Baptist Memorial emergency room when three new COVID-19 patients arrived on Dec. 10. They were prescribed Remdesivir, but Witcher said that he has concerns about the drug.
“I was there at the hospital for three days straight in the ER and so I felt like this would be a good opportunity to try ivermectin on these inpatient patients that I had been following very closely and just see how well it worked,” Witcher remarked. The hospital couldn’t prescribe ivermectin, he said, adding that he had to call a local pharmacy. The pharmacy, Witcher said, then delivered the drug to the hospital and switched their prescriptions from Remdesivir to ivermectin. However, according to Witcher, Baptist Memorial severed ties with him before he could administer the ivermectin. “There’s a first time for everything, but I wouldn’t say it was experimental,” he said. “There’s been plenty of evidence with patients right here in Mississippi that have taken ivermectin, and they’ve done well.”

“Do you know the difference between the Pfizer EUA vaccine and the approved vaccine COMIRNATY?”
• Why You Can’t Get COMIRNATY (Steve Kirsch)
Do you know the difference between the Pfizer EUA vaccine and the approved vaccine COMIRNATY? Do you know why COMIRNATY isn’t available anywhere? Do you know if it is even approved? Are vaccine mandates legal? Are employers that mandate vaccination, then fire you if you refuse, liable for damages? If you know the answers to all of these questions, then there is no need to watch my latest interview of Alix Mayer, President of Children’s Health Defense, California. But if you don’t, watch it now. You’ll be very pleasantly surprised.

You just knew they’d come up with a first. No details, because privacy etc. How old was the person, co-morbidities, we have no idea.
And within minutes outlets with the exact same information produced headlines that said the death was FROM Omicron.
• First UK Death Recorded With Omicron Variant (BBC)
At least one person in the UK has died with the Omicron coronavirus variant, the prime minister has said. Boris Johnson said the new variant was also resulting in hospital admissions and the “best thing” people could do was get their booster jab. Visiting a vaccination clinic in London, he said people should set aside the idea Omicron was a milder variant. On Sunday, the PM set a new target for all adults in England to be offered a booster by the end of the month. Speaking during a visit near Paddington, west London, Mr Johnson said: “Sadly yes, Omicron is producing hospitalisations and sadly at least one patient has been confirmed to have died with Omicron.
“So I think the idea that this is somehow a milder version of the virus, I think that’s something we need to set on one side and just recognise the sheer pace at which it accelerates through the population.” On Monday, Health Secretary Sajid Javid said 10 people were in hospital in England with the Omicron variant. The booster rollout has been accelerated in response to Omicron, after early analysis suggested two doses of a Covid vaccine were not enough to stop people catching the variant. However, a third booster dose gives around 70% to 75% protection against symptomatic infection with Omicron, analysis by the UK Health Security Agency found.

“If it does turn out that Omicron triggers ADE in Wuhan spike-vaccinated, it would be extremely dangerous for the course of the Omicron wave in the West.”
• Boris Johnson’s Biggest Blunder (Chudov)
Antibody Dependent Enhancement is a frequently encountered problem when developing vaccines. It describes a situation when antibodies developed for a particular antigen (for example, for Wuhan virus spike), when encountering a different virus (for example, Omicron), do not neutralize the virus but instead aid in its infection. ADE happened when scientists were developing vaccines for RSV and measles, for example. On a few occasions ADE has resulted from vaccination: • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) — RSV is a virus that commonly causes pneumonia in children. A vaccine was made by growing RSV, purifying it, and inactivating it with the chemical formaldehyde. In clinical trials, children who were given the vaccine were more likely to develop or die from pneumonia after infection with RSV. As a result of this finding, the vaccine trials stopped, and the vaccine was never submitted for approval or released to the public.
• Measles — An early version of measles vaccine was made by inactivating measles virus using formaldehyde. Children who were vaccinated and later became infected with measles in the community developed high fevers, unusual rash, and an atypical form of pneumonia. Upon seeing these results, the vaccine was withdrawn from use, and those who received this version of the vaccine were recommended to be vaccinated again using the live, weakened measles vaccine, which does not cause ADE and is still in use today.
The three epidemiological signs of ADE are: 1/ Preferential infection of the vaccinees, compared to the unvaccinated. We definitely see this with Omicron. I discussed this in my previous article. 2/ Worse outcomes in the vaccinated, compared to the unvaccinated. We do NOT yet have any data about that. We might not get this data for a while as it should lead to instant firing of all vaccinators, which they obviously do not want. So if this occurs, this information will be suppressed for a while. 3/ Specific symptoms in the vaccinated, that the unvaccinated do not display. Information about this might come out sooner than the second item. Most likely, my prediction is that it would be cardiac events from Omicron that occur mostly in the vaxxed.
If it does turn out that Omicron triggers ADE in Wuhan spike-vaccinated, it would be extremely dangerous for the course of the Omicron wave in the West. The unvaccinated persons who had Covid previously, have a number of other antibodies (N-antibodies and others) that would likely assist in neutralizing Omicron. It explains why in the barely vaccinated South Africa, where most people had Covid, the outcomes appear to be milder so far than in Denmark. This may, unfortunately, NOT be the case for highly vaccinated and Covid-naive Denmark, UK or USA. What about vaccinated persons who had a breakthrough infection? Plenty of people who were double jabbed, unfortunately, had breakthrough infections, mostly with Delta, post-vaccination.
It seems that they do NOT develop lasting and multi-epitope immunity (different kinds of antibodies) due to the Original Antigenic Sin. Thus, all that these Covid-surviving vaccinees have, is the useless Wuhan antibodies from their vaccines and more from Covid infection, but not a multitude of neutralizing antibodies such as N-antibodies. Therefore, these people are just as open to ADE from Omicron as the Covid-naive vaccinees.

The Christmas spirit in all its glory.
• Queensland to Allow Grocery Stores to Ban the Unvaccinated (SN)
Authorities in Queensland, Australia have told grocery stores that they are free to impose vaccine passport schemes that would ban the unjabbed from being able to buy food. Yes, really. With Queensland set to re-open its borders as a state lockdown comes to an end, Health Minister Yvette D’Ath revealed that new directives will take effect. “In the coming days, the Government will issue the guidelines required for business and industry as our border reopens,” she said in a statement. Citizens will be required to show vaccine passports to enter innumerable venues after December 17, including pubs, restaurants, museums, and cinemas.
However, venues deemed to provide “essential services” like supermarkets, grocery stores, post offices and pharmacies are supposed to be exempt from that requirement. That didn’t stop authorities from inviting all businesses to ban the unvaccinated. “There will also be a range of other businesses who may make the choice just to only have their vaccinated staff and patrons using their business,” said Small Business Minister Di Farmer. “Any business is able to make that decision, and a lot of them are actually thinking about that very seriously,” she said.
“[When Queensland opens up] you will need to be protected and businesses all over Queensland will be making that decision. If a person decides not to be vaccinated, then those are the things that they will take into consideration,” Farmer added. Australia has imposed the most draconian system of COVID-19 population control out of any developed country in the world and can no longer technically be considered a free nation given that it literally imprisons people in COVID gulags and doesn’t allow them to leave without permission. While governments have yet to take the final leap into the fully vaxxed dictatorship by outright banning the unvaccinated from being able to feed themselves, they’re giving businesses free reign to impose similar measures.

Good long read.
• What Leads To More Spike Protein In The Body: Vaccine Or Virus? Part 2 (Joomi)
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has a protein on its surface called the spike protein. The COVID vaccines available in the U.S. work by getting the body to produce this protein, with some modifications. In a previous article, I went over multiple pieces of evidence showing that the spike protein alone, either from the virus or vaccine, was harmful. In Part 1 of this article, I responded to an article by Uri Manor and Jeremy Howard. Their article claimed that: (1) The amount of spike protein from the COVID vaccines was harmless or physiologically negligible. (2) The amount of spike protein from the COVID vaccines was much lower than what one would get under viral infection from SARS-CoV-2. They used these claims to argued that if you were trying to gain immunity, it was safer to get it via the vaccines than with infection by the virus.
In Part 1, I argued that the study that Manor and Howard used to make claim (1) did not actually measure all physiologically relevant spike protein. I also argued that we already had evidence that the levels of spike protein from the vaccines were physiologically relevant. In this article, I’ll examine claim (2).

The competing interests are something to behold.
• Reduced Neutralisation Of Omicron By Post-immunisation Serum (medRxiv)
In this report, we present live neutralisation titres against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant, compared with neutralisation against Victoria, Beta and Delta variants. Sera from day-28 post second-dose were obtained from participants in the Com-COV2 study who had received a two-dose COVID-19 vaccination schedule with either AstraZeneca (AZD1222) or Pfizer (BNT162b2) vaccines. There was a substantial fall in neutralisation titres in recipients of both AZD1222 and BNT162b2 primary courses, with evidence of some recipients failing to neutralise at all. This will likely lead to increased breakthrough infections in previously infected or double vaccinated individuals, which could drive a further wave of infection, although there is currently no evidence of increased potential to cause severe disease, hospitalisation or death.
Competing Interest Statement G.R.S sits on the GSK Vaccines Scientific Advisory Board and is a founder member of RQ Biotechnology. MDS acts on behalf of the University of Oxford as an investigator on studies funded or sponsored by vaccine manufacturers, including AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Novavax, Janssen, Medimmune, and MCM Vaccines. He receives no personal financial payment for this work. AJP reports grants from UKRI, CEPI and NIHR, during the conduct of the study. AJP is Chair of DHSCs Joint Committee on Vaccination & Immunisation (JCVI), but does not participate in discussions on COVID19 vaccines, and is a member of the WHOs SAGE. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of DHSC, JCVI, NIHR or WHO. The University of Oxford has entered into a partnership with AstraZeneca for the development of a coronavirus vaccine. JSN-V-T is seconded to the Department of Health and Social Care, England (DHSC). The views expressed in this manuscript are those of its authors and not necessarily those of DHSC.

Banning booze always works….
• Norway Bans Booze To Tackle Omicron (RT)
Norway has banned the sale of alcohol in bars and restaurants in an effort to curb the spread of the Covid-19 Omicron variant, which continues to push infections in the country on a sharp rise. New Covid-19 rules will prohibit the sale of alcohol at bars, restaurants, and other service-based venues from Wednesday, while Norwegians are also being urged to work from home if possible. “Infection rates in Norway are increasing sharply, and we have now gained new knowledge about the Omicron variant and how fast it can spread. We are in a more serious situation,” declared Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store, who claimed that the “stricter measures” were necessary “to maintain control of the pandemic.” Store said there was “no doubt the new variant changes the rules,” before acknowledging that the new rules “will feel like a lockdown” for many, “if not of society then of their lives and of their livelihoods.”
Norway’s previous rules – put in place just days before the latest measures, which were announced on Monday – allowed alcohol to be served at bars and restaurants until midnight, though only at tables and only if the venue had enough socially distanced seating to accommodate customers. Covid-19 cases in Norway have experienced a sharp rise since October – recording its highest daily numbers since the start of the pandemic. Last week, Norway recorded 21,457 confirmed cases and 33 deaths. Other countries have had a different response to the rise of the Omicron variant. On Friday, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern hinted that relaxed Covid-19 restrictions could allow for orgies of up to 25 people.

A vested interest in keeping the pandemic going.
• Federal Lawmakers Invest Big In Vaccines, Treatments, And Tests Producers (BI)
Dozens of Republican and Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill have invested in companies that have a direct stake in the nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an Insider analysis of federal financial records. In 2020, at least 13 senators and 35 US representatives held shares of Johnson & Johnson, the medical behemoth that produced the single-shot COVID-19 vaccine that more than 15 million Americans have received. At least 11 senators and 34 representatives also held shares in 2020 of another COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer. Two representatives or their spouses held shares of Moderna during the same year that the world went on lockdown in response to the pandemic. Lawmakers held these investments in COVID-19-minded companies as Congress was at the center of pandemic relief efforts.
In 2020 and 2021, members of Congress voted on six relief bills together worth nearly $6 trillion. Congress also authorized more than $10 billion to help drug companies develop and distribute vaccines and forced health insurers to cover the cost of getting the shot. Policymakers especially viewed the coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna — which each spent substantial amounts of money lobbying the federal government in 2020 — as critical to helping countries around the planet overcome the grip of the pandemic. The tally of investments is part of the exhaustive Conflicted Congress project, in which Insider reviewed nearly 9,000 financial-disclosure reports for every sitting lawmaker and their top-ranking staffers.
[..] In early January 2020, a share of Moderna traded below $20. As the pandemic took hold, the stock’s value grew exponentially. Moderna peaked in September 2021 at more than $455 a share. After dropping steadily through the autumn, it began rising again in late November. By early December, a share of Moderna traded above $280.

It will get worse.
• One In Three UK Small Firms Plan Major Staff Cuts (G.)
A third of UK small businesses are planning to make staff redundant over the next few months, rising to more than four in 10 in London, according to a new survey. In a clear sign of the financial stress felt by many owner-run businesses as they head into a potentially difficult new year period, many also said they would be forced to raise prices, with Britain’s supply chain meltdown being cited as the main reason – adding further to inflationary pressures. The poll of 442 businesses found many were struggling with repaying the debts they racked up to get them through the pandemic as well as grappling with other challenges from supply chain disruption to shortages of key staff such as drivers and chefs, and high energy costs.
A separate study by the accountants EY, which reveals a clear divide between the winners and losers in the pandemic, found that thousands of firms, mostly major corporate entities, paid down existing debt far faster than predicted in 2021. It said UK businesses would repay £1.6bn over 2021 after borrowing £35bn in 2020, an amount driven by firms that have fared well over the past 20 months. Recently introduced rules relating to the new Omicron variant, which have dealt a blow to many city centre outlets reliant on commuters and made life harder for hospitality businesses such as nightclubs, coupled with the end of the furlough scheme in September, could turn the screw further on many small firms.
Accountancy firm Moore UK said its latest quarterly survey of owner-managed businesses found that 33% were planning to make redundancies over the next six months now that the safety net of furlough had been removed. Businesses in London were more likely than those in any other part of the UK to be planning redundancies, with 42% considering laying off staff. This is likely to reflect the effects of the pandemic on the finances of the hospitality sector – restaurants, pubs, hotels and so on – which makes up a significant part of the capital’s economy. Those UK small businesses planning to make redundancies were, on average, considering shedding 45% of their staff over the next six months.

Assange’s biggest crime is not jounalism, it’s building an infrastructure that is impenetrable for the CIA with all its money and expertise.
• The Execution of Julian Assange (Chris Hedges)
That Assange, who is in precarious physical and psychological health, and who suffered a stroke during court video proceedings on October 27, has been condemned to death should not come as a surprise. The 10 years he has been detained, seven in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and nearly three in the high-security Belmarsh prison, were accompanied by a lack of sunlight and exercise, and unrelenting threats, pressure, anxiety and stress. “His eyes were out of sync, his right eyelid would not close, his memory was blurry,” his fiancée Stella Moris said of the stroke.
His steady deterioration has led to hallucinations and depression. He takes antidepressant medication and the antipsychotic quetiapine. He has been observed pacing his cell until he collapses, punching himself in the face and banging his head against the wall. He has spent weeks in the medical wing of Belmarsh. Prison authorities found “half of a razor blade” hidden under his socks. He has repeatedly called the suicide hotline run by the Samaritans because he has thought about killing himself “hundreds of times a day.” The executioners have not yet completed their grim work.
Toussaint L’Ouverture, who led the Haitian independence movement, the only successful slave revolt in human history, was physically destroyed in the same manner, locked by the French in an unheated and cramped prison cell and left to die of exhaustion, malnutrition, apoplexy, pneumonia and probably tuberculosis. Assange committed empire’s greatest sin. He exposed it as a criminal enterprise. He documented its lies, callous disregard for human life, rampant corruption and innumerable war crimes. Republican or Democrat. Conservative or Labour. Trump or Biden. It does not matter. The goons who oversee the empire sing from the same Satanic songbook. Empires always kill those who inflict deep and serious wounds.

Nail man
WoW great! Physics?pic.twitter.com/ViZIAJlfU1
— Figen (@TheFigen) December 13, 2021

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