Jun 242024
 June 24, 2024  Posted by at 8:52 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Paul Gauguin Van Gogh painting sunflowers 1888


“Falling Gently Away:” The G–7 in Italy (Patrick Lawrence)
Evil Is Now the Dominant Power in the Western World (Paul Craig Roberts)
The Myth of the European “Far-Right Surge” (Thunder)
It Won’t Be The End Of The World, But Of Europe (SCF)
Macron May Trigger France’s Exit From EU, Says EU’s Barnier (Sp.)
The Prigozhin Paradox: What Was Russia’s Wagner PMC ? (RT)
Ex-DoD Analyst Derides Bid to Upgrade Outdated B-52s With Nukes (Sp.)
Scott Ritter: It’s Direct Attack on Russia by US and NATO (Sp.)
Ex-White House Physician Demands Biden Drug Test Before Trump Debate (RT)
Snopes Finally Admits Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Very Fine People’ (ZH)
No Way Financial System Survives – Bill Holter (USAW)
Wales Moves Forward With Plan to Punish Politicians for Telling Lies (Turley)
Judge Dismisses Nevada Alternate Electors Case On Jurisdiction Concerns (ET)








Can’t sue them all, there’s too many















“Conversing with a hang-glider rather than the French president, the German chancellor, or the British prime minister is just what “the leader of the free world” should get up to at a G–7 summit.”

“..If many of us have worried for some time that no one seems to be driving the bus, maybe we can take cold comfort now in the thought that not many seem to be on it..”

“Falling Gently Away:” The G–7 in Italy (Patrick Lawrence)

That Group of 7 gathering on the coast of the Adriatic June 13–15 was truly a doozy, I have to say. Readers might think it a waste of column inches to devote any linage to it, as many will surely have forgotten about it by now—not to mention those many others who did not know of it in the first place and so could not get as far as forgetting it. But this just is my point: The seven people claiming to be the world’s most powerful assemble for a summit and it is not worth our attention? Say whaaa? The significance of this year’s G–7, I mean to say, lies in its insignificance. Considering the mess these very folk have made of the world, this bears consideration. Giorgia Meloni seems to have given some thought to the “non–” aspect of the event she hosted at the Borgo Egnazia, a resort hotel in the town of Savelletri di Fasano, “where the hills of the Itria Valley fall gently away to the Adriatic Sea.”

Prominent among the diversions the Italian premier arranged was a squad of hang-gliders who descended on the group, each trailing the flag of a G–7 member. Is this gravitas or what, 21st century statecraft at its most elevated—especially with a genocide, as supported by every one of these people, proceeding exactly 1,147 miles across the Mediterranean? The lasting image of the G–7 2024 summit has to be that viral video of President Biden wandering away from the others with, per usual at this point, the demeanor of a sleepwalker (which seems to me about right). No! the Democratic machine and its clerks in the media protested. That video was unfairly cut. Biden wasn’t drifting into nowhere: He went to talk to one of the hang-gliders as he, the hang-glider, packed up his harness and airframe. That changes everything. Conversing with a hang-glider rather than the French president, the German chancellor, or the British prime minister is just what “the leader of the free world” should get up to at a G–7 summit.

It was, of course, more worthwhile than talking to Justin Trudeau, I will give Biden this. One of the oddities of this year’s G–7, remarked upon here and there in the media coverage, is the low standing the seven had among their electorates. Axios had a wonderful headline on this, “World losers gather at G–7 summit.” Meloni was the enviable star, with a 40 percent approval rate, but Meloni was the odd one out: She has populist tendencies in a group of neoliberal authoritarians. Biden was second, with 37 percent, but this puts him behind Donald Trump in the American polls. The rest we can count among the walking wounded: Trudeau arrived at Savelletri with a 30 percent approval rate, Olaf Scholz with 25 percent, and then the hanging-by-fingernails group: Rishi Sunak (25 percent, about to be turned out of office), Emmanuel Macron (21 percent, tipped to lose in snap elections), Fumio Kishida (13 percent).

These people are by dint of the offices they hold the leaders of “the West.” If many of us have worried for some time that no one seems to be driving the bus, maybe we can take cold comfort now in the thought that not many seem to be on it. Can what remains of the West now fit into an Italian resort? I pose this as a serious question. Those ever-courteous but mercilessly direct Chinese went straight at this in their official comment on the summit. “The G–7 does not represent the world,” Lin Jian, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, remarked after the group issued its communiqué. Lin referred to the G–7’s share of global GDP: It is now roughly 10 percent and declining as the non–West’s rises. But, viewed from the Atlantic world’s perspective, it is just as significant, I would say, that those purporting to lead the West enjoy a similarly declining share of their population’s support.

The New York Times had an entertainingly contorted take on all this. Shared political weakness, along with high anxiety as the West’s major investments go bad—the proxy war in Ukraine, the Israelis’ savagery in Gaza, the attempt to isolate Russia—combined to make this year’s summit “unexpectedly smooth,” as Steve Erlanger wrote from Savelletri—“another example of unchallenged American leadership of the West.” Leave it to The Times, ever ready to find roses in the desert if it makes the imperium seem a good and welcome thing.

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“Can People Cope with the Challenges of Life when so Much of their Culture has been Destroyed?”

Evil Is Now the Dominant Power in the Western World (Paul Craig Roberts)

Depression, the meaninglessness of life and spiritual depravation engulfs so many people today, because they no longer have the cultural knowledge gained from familiarity with their classic literature and religion which teaches how to deal with the challenges of life and how to grapple with inner demons. This knowledge has been lost. It has been excised from education as outdated, racist, not inclusive, judgmental, and white. Hanne Herland reminds us of the importance of culture to survival and a moral life. She gives us hope for our revival by pointing out that Russia is again Christian despite decades of enforced communist atheism, which was also enforced on Americans by liberals and Jews. For example, no prayers in school, no Christian symbols in public places. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of The Gulag Archipelago, was a hero in America as a Soviet dissident until his speech at Harvard University at which he said that “men have forgotten God,” and that this forgetfulness is the explanation for the numerous crises and social and personal maladies of our time.

Instantly, Solzhenitsyn became person non grata. If you are a Christian, a real one and not a worshipper of Israel, you can understand what has happened to us in terms of Satan squeezing the good out of Western civilization and replacing it with evil. When I challenge this thought, I am confronted by the facts that it wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran who on the basis of totally false accusations overthrew the governments in Iraq and Libya and murdered the leaders. It wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran who tried to do the same in Afghanistan and Syria. It is not Russia, China and Iran who are providing the bombs and aircraft and money and diplomatic cover to Israel to exterminate the Palestinians. It is not the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians who are provoking more war. It is Washington and its EU Empire. If you consider the bare-faced facts, it is evil flowing from the Western World that is operating in the world. Russia, China and Iran think they are confronting governments that have lost their senses. They are relying on the threat of the breakout of a world war to bring the West to its senses.

They do not understand that they are confronting evil with whom no negotiations are possible. This means that the halting, hesitant, insufficient responses of Russia, China, and Iran to evil are too weak to be effective.The liberals, the left-wing, the Woke are the ones who destroyed the cultural knowledge of the West, thereby depriving the people of the ability to confront evil. For the liberal-left-Woke destroyers of civilization, spiritual evil is incomprehensible. For them the only evils are Trump, “white racism” and “Putin’s aggression.” In the liberal-left-Woke matrix there are no other evils. The West no longer rests on a Western culture. It rests on sexual perversion and the promotion by governments, corporations, and universities of transgenderism and critical race theory. Western nations have been replaced with Sodom and Gomorrahs and towers of babel. Enemies are necessary to justify the US military/security complex’s massive budget and power. The more enemies the larger the budget and power.

There is not much more hope in American conservatives than there is in the liberal-left-Woke contingent. Conservatives confuse their country with the government. As Albert Jay Nock and Thomas Jefferson clearly explained, the two are entirely different. But it is an important distinction that is over the heads of many conservatives. Solzhenitsyn told us that when respect for religion, traditional values, family, and religious faith are stripped from a society, society has been disarmed and no protection remains against the triumph of evil. As the liberal-left-Woke contingent has stripped away these protections, evil is now the dominant power in the Western World. Russia, China and Iran do not confront Western governments capable of reason. They confront unbridled evil. Putin puzzles why the West is so unreasonable. The answer is that evil is unreasonable. You cannot make a deal with it.

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“the term has degenerated into a cheap label used to discredit political conservatives..”

The Myth of the European “Far-Right Surge” (Thunder)

The term “far-right” should be reserved for political groups that oppose constitutionalism, are rabidly racist, or want to institute an authoritarian State akin to fascist Italy or Nazi Germany. But instead, the term has degenerated into a cheap label used to discredit political conservatives. This label is being attached willy-nilly to people who take political positions that are not in vogue among those who self-identify as “Woke” and/or “progressive,” even if these same positions were considered fairly conventional a couple of decades ago: People are labelled “far-right” if they defend the idea of a national identity, want an orderly immigration process, advocate for laws that are tough on crime, believe in traditional marriage and biological markers for gender; or believe that civil rights like informed consent are still relevant during a pandemic.

If you really want to understand why new parties are emerging on the right, throwing around the “far-right” label will not get you very far. What is really happening is that the traditional right-wing parties, many of which are represented by Europe’s largest political group, the European People’s Party, have jumped ship on a lot of traditional right-wing commitments, creating a vacuum to be filled by the “new right.” For example, rule of law and limited government have been replaced, under the watch of mainstream “right-wing” parties, with vaccine passports, lockdowns, intrusive hate speech laws, crippling “green” taxes and regulations, and the Orwellian idea that we should clamp down on “disinformation,” lest citizens be exposed to “dangerous” ideas. The old right has overseen a Europe of uncontrolled and disorderly immigration, with no proper vetting of migrants and little consideration for the impact of large-scale migration on local communities.

And the old commitment to the right to law and order has given way to a palpable complacency and inaction in the face of a growing crime problem in Europe’s cities. This has created a pent-up political demand for parties prepared to avow traditional right-wing commitments, such as law and order, orderly immigration, freedom of speech, pro-family taxation and welfare policies, and limited government. In some cases, this political vacuum has been filled with egregiously xenophobic, racist, and authoritarian rhetoric. But in many other cases, parties dismissed as “far-right” are simply questioning the wisdom of open border policies, exposing abuses of the refugee system, defending free speech, and trying to moderate the green agenda so that it is not so oppressive for farmers and ordinary citizens.

If having serious concerns about immigration and being opposed to far-reaching environmental regulations is considered “extreme,” then it appears that being “extreme” is now pretty normal in Europe: one recent opinion poll shows that immigration is one of the leading concerns for European voters, after the economy and war. In addition, the abysmal performance of the Greens in these EU elections—dropping from 71 to 53 seats—suggests that the Greens’ enthusiasm for ambitious climate regulations is not shared by many voters. In short, two of the central concerns of the new right—uncontrolled immigration and excessively burdensome environmental regulations—are actually shared by a sizeable number of European voters. Finally, there was no “surge” to speak of among the new and emerging parties on the right: more like a moderate consolidation.

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“..there are many domestic priorities for the U.S. that make Ukraine increasingly less important..”

It Won’t Be The End Of The World, But Of Europe (SCF)

Since the start of NATO’s proxy war against Russia, Europe still appears to have not understood its role in the conflict. By irrationally adhering to all measures imposed by the U.S., such as unilateral sanctions and unrestricted arms shipments to the Kiev regime, the EU appears increasingly closer to a true collapse, given the negative social circumstances and high security risks. In the end, the European bloc, like Ukraine, is just another proxy in this war. For obvious reasons, Europe has always been dependent on good relations with Russia to maintain its economic and social well-being and the balance of its regional security architecture. However, European countries seem to have forgotten the basic principles of geopolitics, betting on a futile attempt to “isolate” Russia through irrational sanctions that only harm Europe itself – without generating any impact on the Russian economy.

Without Russian gas, Europe has rapidly deindustrialized, increasing levels of poverty, unemployment and inflation. The most rational thing to do in this type of situation would be to avoid unnecessary spending and invest heavily in economic recovery projects – but, apparently, no European attitude is based on rationality. Instead of acting strategically in pursuit of the best for their people, European decision-makers committed themselves to a policy of systematically supplying weapons to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime, spending billions of euros on manufacturing and exporting weapons for the war against Russia. Obviously, the European people are dissatisfied with so many harmful policies, which is why in the last European elections voters reacted by voting massively for right-wing politicians and parties, trying to find an alternative against the unpopular Russophobic madness of liberal regimes.

Retaliating against the popular will, liberal governments are already beginning to take authoritarian measures, such as President Emmanuel Macron, who decided to dissolve the parliament and call for new elections. It is possible that many more similar dictatorial measures will be taken in the near future, which will only further worsen the serious legitimacy crisis of EU member countries. To make matters worse, some of these European governments are even thinking about going a step further in their support for Ukraine, with advanced discussions about sending troops on the ground. Apparently, European nations have lost their fear of escalating the war into a global, nuclear conflict, during which they would be easy targets for powerful Russian strategic weapons.

In parallel, in the U.S. there is great instability in the electoral scenario. Donald Trump promises to end the war, but the liberal establishment wants to prevent him from running. Biden promises to continue the conflict with Russia, which will certainly also be the guideline of the Republican candidate who replaces Trump. However, both domestic politics and the international scenario are extremely complicated for Washington. Having to deal with a pre-civil war atmosphere, social polarization, Texas separatism and mass migration, in addition to a severe economic crisis, there are many domestic priorities for the U.S. that make Ukraine increasingly less important.

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“They are still anti-European..”

No, they just don’t like your idea of Europe. Not the same thing.

Macron May Trigger France’s Exit From EU, Says EU’s Barnier (Sp.)

French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the country’s parliament and hold snap elections could trigger France’s exit from the European Union, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, said. Barnier said in an interview with The Telegraph newspaper that Macron’s hopes of beating the right-wing National Rally (RN) party in the elections are very risky, the report read on Saturday. “I don’t think Ms [the leader of the RN’s parliamentary faction, Marine] Le Pen and Mr [president of RN party, Jordan] Bardella changed their minds. They are still anti-European,” Barnier said. On June 9, Macron announced the dissolution of the French parliament’s lower house and holding of two-round snap parliamentary elections on June 30 and July 7. The decision was made in the wake of the European Parliament elections in which the National Rally party emerged victorious, finishing with over 15 percentage points ahead of Macron’s centrist coalition.

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“Prigozhin had a very tenacious intellect, huge ambitions and no brakes.”

The Prigozhin Paradox: What Was Russia’s Wagner PMC ? (RT)

On June 23, 2023, one of the most mysterious events in modern Russian history kicked off. Units of PMC Wagner – at the time a highly combat-ready but also historically unusual component of the Russian Armed Forces – withdrew from the theater of operations in Ukraine. The story of the Wagner mutiny cannot be told without the story of the people behind the creation of the PMC. The main figure is Yevgeny Prigozhin, a St. Petersburg businessman who rose from humble beginnings to become a wealthy tycoon. His youth was turbulent, and in the early 1990s, as the USSR collapsed, he went into business, far removed from military affairs. Prigozhin was a restaurateur. He started by selling hot dogs, but quickly acquired money and ambition and began to open restaurants in St. Petersburg to suit all tastes and budgets.

By the end of the 1990s, Prigozhin ran a chain of restaurants and a catering company, and was well known to the establishment of the city on the Neva. When Vladimir Putin, also from St. Petersburg, became president of Russia, Prigozhin found more success. He was involved in organizing catering in schools and then in the army, construction and other projects. The businessman tried to keep a low profile, but in the 2010s became increasingly involved in politics. In 2013, he created a media network that included online resources as well as a large, shadowy social media group. This media outlets were characterized by its sharp tone and assertiveness. Then, in 2014, he was asked to set up a private military company. Prigozhin was involved in organizational matters. The PMC received orders from official structures and was financed by them. It was commanded by Dmitry Utkin, a veteran of special military intelligence units.

One of his call signs was Wagner, so when information about the creation of the unit leaked to the media, it was referred to as the Wagner Group or PMC Wagner. Hence the informal name of the unit, ‘Orchestra’, and its fighters, ‘Musicians’. Initially, its fighters were recruited from retired Russian military personnel and participants in the war in Donbass. The fighters were attracted by good salaries and an informal management style: private soldiers were expected to produce results without worrying about army drills and the need to sign multi-year contracts. Wagner’s first operation was to storm the airport in the city of Lugansk, which had been occupied by Ukrainian troops. The Ukrainians were driven out and the beginning was made. Prigozhin, a non-military man, suddenly turned out to be an exceptionally suitable person to lead the PMC. Energetic and extremely rude, he had very little education, but quickly learned everything he needed to know. Prigozhin had a very tenacious intellect, huge ambitions and no brakes.

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They still can’t make hypersonics…

Ex-DoD Analyst Derides Bid to Upgrade Outdated B-52s With Nukes (Sp.)

The defense policy bills for fiscal year 2025 in both the US Senate and House include funding to enhance the nuclear weapon capabilities of approximately 30 B-52H Stratofortress bombers. However, the Pentagon is not enthusiastic about the proposal and instead favors a more expensive option of investing in a next-generation nuclear-capable bomber. Congress’ bid to restore the B-52 bombers’ nuclear capabilities comes in the wake of repeated disappointments in developing US hypersonic standoff weapons, retired US Air Force Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski told Sputnik. “Putting nukes back on the upgraded B-52 is a band aid that covers that,’ said the former analyst for the US Department of Defense. “It is important to note that Congress and the Pentagon have already approved and funded engine, avionics and radar upgrades for the nearly 60-year-old B-52 airframe. The B-52H models will be designated B-52J’s, upon upgrade. This was justified several years ago with the B-52Js as a delivery mechanism for planned AGR-183 hypersonic missiles – a missile tested by the Air Force, but one that is no longer being funded in the FY2025 defense budget,” she underscored.

Dozens of the Pentagon’s hypersonic missile projects for the Army, Air Force, Navy, and DARPA have suffered setbacks, despite a desperate race to catch up with Russia and China in this field. The hypersonic weapon that was in development by the Pentagon, the Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), had been mired in delays and test failures. The weapon was to be fired from beneath the wing of a B-52 Stratofortress bomber and also contain a glide vehicle. The ARRW program, launched in April 2018, was to achieve operational deployment in 2022. However, in November 2023, after conducting two test flights in August and October 2023, the Fiscal Year 2025 budget provided no funding for procurement or further research and development of the AGM-183, effectively ending the project.

“The initiative will be costly and profitable for the defense industry, and in practical terms it keeps the B-52 in the game for tax-payer dollars. It is somewhat practical, as nuclear re-arming of the new B-52J model, as it completes other B-52 upgrades, fits well in the Boeing and Northrup Grumman industrial base,” noted Kwiatkowski. It’s really all about the Congressional lobbyists, the ex-DoD analyst pointed out, clarifying that in the House, “Congressman Mike Rogers is the second-highest recipient of defense lobby money; In the Senate, Deb Fischer’s top donor is Northrup-Grumman a major missile developer, and Boeing, the maker of the B-52, is her fourth-largest donor.” The conventional B-52H Stratofortress bombers had been part of the US nuclear triad close to a decade ago. However, under the New START treaty with Russia, the planes were stripped of these capabilities.

With the treaty set to expire in February 2026, there is a drive to “beef up the US nuclear arsenal”. Congress has been advocating making the old bombers nuclear capable again, but the idea does not appear to be viewed favorably in the Pentagon. “The treaty expires in 2026, and… We need to be prepared to face a nuclear environment without any treaty limitations,” said House Armed Services Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Ala., as he introduced the amendment to the passed FY25 defense policy legislation. In line with that bill, the Air Force would start upgrading the bombers within a month after the accord expires. Accordingly, it is hoped that the restoration of the B-52’s nuclear capabilities might be completed by 2029.

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“..this is an act of terrorism by the United States against Russia..”

Scott Ritter: It’s Direct Attack on Russia by US and NATO (Sp.)

On Sunday, the Ukrainian armed forces attacked Russia’s Sevastopol, using US-made ATACMS missiles with cluster warheads, four of which were shot down and one deflected and exploded over the city. Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter commented on Ukraine’s terrorist attack on Sevastopol. “The Ukrainians made a decision to use ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster munitions against a city, a civilian city. This is an act of terrorism,” Ritter emphasized. “Ukraine since 2014 has been bombarding Russian civilian sites, cities, villages, towns for the sole purpose of inflicting death and destruction on Russian civilians. This is an act of terrorism and given that the ATACMS missiles cannot be deployed by the Ukrainians without extensive intelligence support by the United States, this is an act of terrorism by the United States against Russia,” the analyst said.

Commenting on the terrorist attacks in Russia’s Dagestan, Ritter said they were “deliberately designed to disrupt the civil life of the Russian Federation”. He highlighted that the CIA has historically made attempts to “engender a split between the Muslim and non-Muslim segments of Russian society” and failed. “That effort failed and the effort in Dagestan will fail, too, but it doesn’t absolve the parties involved of their guilt in launching what is a direct assault on the Russian Federation,” Ritter insisted.

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“..his aides are fine-tuning the dosages for the drugs he will be taking on debate night..”

Ex-White House Physician Demands Biden Drug Test Before Trump Debate (RT)

A former White House doctor has argued that US President Joe Biden should be subjected to drug tests at this week’s debate with Republican challenger Donald Trump to check whether he’s taking performance-enhancing substances to cover up his allegedly declining cognitive health. Dr. Ronny Jackson, who served as White House physician in the Trump and Obama-Biden administrations, said he has reason to believe Biden will be drugged to boost his mental sharpness in Thursday’s presidential debate. The doctor, now a Republican congressman representing Texas, added that he suspected Biden took drugs before his State of the Union speech in March. “It’s really embarrassing, as a former White House physician, to have to do something like this, but we don’t have any choice, based on what’s going on,” Jackson said on Sunday in a Fox News interview.

“But I’m going to be demanding, on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now, that he submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs.” At 81, Biden is already the oldest president in US history, and he would be 86 by the end of his second term if he wins reelection in November. Trump and other Republicans have repeatedly mocked Biden’s frequent mental gaffes and physical stumbles. A New York Times poll released in April showed that 72% of US voters, including over half of Democrats, believe Biden is too old to be an effective president. Jackson has repeatedly sent letters to the White House demanding that the president take a cognitive test to prove his mental fitness for the job. He said Biden and his staff ignored those demands. The congressman administered such a test to Trump in 2019, and the then-president passed the exam.

Biden is reportedly spending a full week at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland to prepare for the debate. Jackson said he believes part of the reason for the president’s long absence from the White House is that his aides are fine-tuning the dosages for the drugs he will be taking on debate night.

“They have to treat his cognition, they have to give him something to help him think straighter, they have to give him something to wake him up, for his alertness,” the doctor claimed. “And then, you know, he’s been agitated. We see that all the time, and that’s a common symptom, or sign, of this cognitive disorder that he seems to be suffering from. So, they’re probably going to give him something to take the edge off that as well.” The Biden campaign has denied that the president uses any drugs, calling accusations by Trump “a bizarre outburst.” Speaking at a political rally on Saturday in Philadelphia, Trump joked that Biden is sleeping at Camp David to rest up for the debate. “They want to get him good and strong, so a little before debate time, he gets a shot in the ass,” Trump told the crowd. “I say he’ll come out all jacked up, right? All jacked up.”

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7 years.

Snopes Finally Admits Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Very Fine People’ (ZH)

One of the more common lies peddled by top Democrats, including of course President Joe Biden, is that former President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’ during his press conference following the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in 2017. Except, anyone who watched the full clip knows it’s bullshit, which is why anyone peddling the hoax has been operating in bad faith. Now, after seven years, and days before the Trump-Biden debate in Atlanta, Snopes has finally admitted that Trump never called neo-Nazis ‘very fine people.’

“While Trump did say that there were ‘very fine people on both sides,’ he also specifically noted that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and White supremacists and said they should be ‘condemned totally.’ Therefore, we have rated this claim ‘False,” wrote Snopes. Of note, Biden launched his his 2020 campaign based on this lie. “The president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” Biden claimed in his campaign announcement video. “And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d ever seen in my lifetime.”


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“..They have to kick the table over. They cannot allow the table to fall over on its own..”

No Way Financial System Survives – Bill Holter (USAW)

Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter has been documenting all the unpayable debt that has been building up in the financial system like cancer. The latest black hole of default is coming from a big bank in Japan. Norinchukin Bank is selling $63 billion in Treasuries and other sovereign bonds to stay afloat. Then there is recent news announced by the FDIC that 63 US banks (the names are being kept secret) have more than $500 billion in losses, and let’s not forget about the trillions in losses sitting on the books of European banks ready to suck the world into a black debt hole. This is just a few of many on a long list of destabilizing problems that can tank the entire over-indebted financial system. Holter warns, “The list is so long…” “it could be a banking problem. It could be a derivatives problem. It could be a derivatives problem in the stock market, the bond market and you could see a failure to deliver in silver. Some type of warfare could crash the system. You could see warfare in Ukraine, Israel or Tiawan.

The system is so unstable, at this point, it could be anything that could bring it down. Unpayable debt is not just a US problem. This is all over the world. Central banks are having to issue huge amounts of debt because we are in the exponential decay phase. We are exactly where Richard Russell said we would be 20 years ago. It’s inflate or die, and the only way to inflate is to create more money supply.” Add to that the $10 trillion in debt the US Government has to roll over by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the US government piles on $1 trillion in new debt every 100 days. What could go wrong? Holter said the last time he was on USAW that there was a little less than a 50% chance we would even have an election. Now, he predicts it is more likely there will be no 2024 Presidential Election. Holter says:

“There is no way the system, as it is now, survives. It’s mathematically impossible. So, if it is mathematically impossible, are they going to blow smoke . . . up until the day it blows up? Or are they going to do something to blow it up and then say our programs and policies were working except for XYZ this or whatever. They have to kick the table over. They cannot allow the table to fall over on its own because then there is going to be finger pointing. To avoid the finger pointing, they have got to kick the table over.” Holter also thinks gold is going to exponential numbers to back all the debt the USA has.

If you go with the 8,030 tons of gold the government claims is in Fort Knox, you will need a dollar price of gold at “$125,000 per ounce for 100% gold backing of the dollar.”Holter also says, “The dollar is being pushed out of the global financial system…” “Demand for dollars is shrinking at a time when borrowing demand is rising.” This is a going to be a disaster for America and anyone holding dollars in the future. In closing, Holter says, “The financial collapse that is coming will be worse than anything we have ever experienced…” “This is going to be far worse than the Great Depression simply because society itself is far worse. . . . Back in the Great Depression, you had neighbors helping neighbors. Today you will have neighbors picking on other neighbors like vultures.”

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Sounds good until you realize what will be called ‘lies’.

Wales Moves Forward With Plan to Punish Politicians for Telling Lies (Turley)

Will Rogers once said that “if you ever injected truth into politics, you’d have no politics.” In Wales, it appears that the government is challenging that assessment. However, if the new legislation criminalizing political lies is successful, the Welsh are likely to find themselves with the same abundance of lies but little free speech. A proposal in the Welsh parliament (or the Senedd) would make it the first country in the world to impose criminal sanctions for lying politicians. Adam Price, the former leader of the liberal Plaid Cymru party is pushing for the criminalization, citing citing a “credibility gap” in UK politics. Astonishingly, this uniquely bad idea was received support from a key committee. Once on track for adoption, this is the type of law that can become self-propelling through the legislature. Few politicians want to go on record voting against a law banning political lies. The free speech implications are easily lost in the coverage.

The new law would make it a criminal offense for a member of the Senedd, or a candidate for election to the Senedd, to wilfully, or with intent to mislead, make or publish a statement that is known to be false or deceptive. There is a six-month period for challenges to be brought. The law allows a defense that a statement could be “reasonably inferred” to be a statement of opinion, or if it were retracted with an apology within 14 days. If guilty, the politician would be disqualified from being a Senedd member. The defense is hardly helpful. It creates an uncertainty as to what statements would be deemed an opinion and what would be treated as a statement of fact. It invites selective and biased prosecutions. After all, what does it mean to accuse a politician of trying to “mislead” the public?

Winston Churchill said “a politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.” It is a standard heavily laded with subjectivity and potential selectivity in prosecution. It is more likely to determine not whether lies can be told but which lies can be told. The government and the majority of the public are likely to hold certain “misleading” claims of politicians to be true or opinion while holding a harsher view of the claims of the opposition. Consider the massive censorship system in our own country. During Covid, you were labeled a liar, conspiracist, or racist for holding views now viewed as credible. For example, academics joined this chorus in marginalizing anyone raising the lab theory. One study cited the theory as an example of “anti-Chinese racism” and “toxic white masculinity.”

As late as May 2021, the New York Times’ Science and Health reporter Apoorva Mandavilli was calling any mention of the lab theory as “racist.” Mandavilli and others made clear that reporters covering the theory were COVID’s little Bull Connors. She tweeted wistfully “someday we will stop talking about the lab leak theory and maybe even admit its racist roots. But alas, that day is not yet here.” Now federal agencies have stated that they believe that the origin of the virus was indeed the Chinese lab. If this law were in place, politicians could have been charged with lying and barred from the legislature — only serve to diminish dissenting views further in the government. Politicians have long been accused of lying to the public.

In this country, presidents routinely lie on matters great and small. Many of those lies cost citizens dearly, from “keeping your doctor” under ObamaCare to losing your life in Vietnam. Criminalizing lies in campaigns because of the spread of disinformation or disorder is a slippery slope that vests unprecedented power in the Justice Department. There is obvious an abundance statements from politicians that could be deemed as intentionally misleading. Officials can then simply pick and choose what politicians they want to tar with the allegation and potentially bar from office.

Read more …

Cherry picking courts. Insane.

Judge Dismisses Nevada Alternate Electors Case On Jurisdiction Concerns (ET)

A Nevada judge on Friday dismissed the alternate electors’ case against six Republicans who were alleged to have submitted fraudulent certificates to Congress in the aftermath of the 2020 election. Clark County Judge Mary Kay Holthus issued a bench ruling on Friday during a hearing at the Clark County District Court that dismissed the case, according to courtroom reporters. The judge said she was not convinced by state prosecutors’ arguments that Clark County was the proper venue to hear the case, appearing to side with defense attorneys who said the signing of the certificates occurred in Douglas County. “You have literally, in my opinion, a crime that has occurred in another jurisdiction,” Judge Holthus said at the hearing. “It’s so appropriately up north and so appropriately not here.”

In dismissing the case, the judge called off the trial, which had been scheduled for next January. The defendants included state GOP chairman Michael McDonald; national party committee member Jim DeGraffenreid; national and Douglas County committee member Shawn Meehan; and Eileen Rice, a party member from the Lake Tahoe area. Each was charged with offering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument, felonies that carry penalties of up to five years in prison. Defense attorneys contended that Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford improperly brought the case in Las Vegas instead of Carson City or Reno, which are cities located near where the alleged crime took place. After the hearing, Mr. Ford told reporters at the court that “the judge got it wrong and we’ll be appealing immediately.” He did not provide any more details.

Margaret McLetchie, an attorney for one of the defendants, told news outlets that it’s unlikely the case will proceed. “They’re done,” she said. She said that the attorney general would have to now bring the case to another grand jury in another venue such as Nevada’s capital city of Carson City, which would violate a three-year statute of limitations on filing charges that expired in December 2023. Earlier this year, attorney Richard Wright, who was representing the defendants, argued that prosecutors made a “politically expedient” move by bringing the case in Clark County. “The venue that’s appropriate is Carson City and Minden,” he told the Nevada Independent in January. “That’s a Republican area, so I’ll be anxious to hear why the attorney general chose [Las Vegas] as the convenient forum. To me, it’s painfully obvious. Because it’s Democratic.”

Read more …






Miami shark






Good human





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Home Forums Debt Rattle June 24 2024

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  • #161913

    Paul Gauguin Van Gogh painting sunflowers 1888   • “Falling Gently Away:” The G–7 in Italy (Patrick Lawrence) • Evil Is Now the Dominant Power in
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 24 2024]


    you will never be safe


    when arrogance is exceeded only by ignorance


    “Can People Cope with the Challenges of Life when so Much of their Culture has been Destroyed?”

    I smell Revenge in the Air

    Not with the Lumpenproletariat, they’re too strung out on high fructose corn syrup junk food and over/under the counter drugs of this sort and that.

    Revenge comes from a very, very narrow ban of the population.

    Between the 10% of “made-men” at the top and the 89.999% of ‘everyone else’ lies that distinct cohort of almost got to join ‘The Club’ sociopaths who missed The Boat because they weren’t quite ruthless enough but think they are smarted than most of the 10%.

    Other members of the 10% cheated them out of their birthright of elitehoodness using family ‘connections’ or what not.

    “Hell hath no fury like a sociopath scorned”

    These are the Real Headchoppers

    And they smell Blood

    So bucket up kids, it’s going to be a bumpy night….


    and a culture murders children for profit


    • It Won’t Be The End Of The World, But Of Europe (SCF)

    “…Without Russian gas, Europe has rapidly deindustrialized, increasing levels of poverty, unemployment and inflation….”

    Too late Eurotards, the pipeline is permanently gone and the gas went East.


    Gonna be a Coldfuckingwinter©

    Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish – Meaning, Origin & Examples:

    “The idiom “Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish” is used to express relief when an undesirable person or thing is finally gone or removed.

    It conveys a sense of satisfaction that something troublesome or annoying has been eliminated.”

    The time lag from ‘played for fools’ to a vague indistinct Epiphany was too long and the Eurotard masses will get nothing, same as the Duh’merica masses will get nothing.

    They will all own nothing but be very, very unhappy eating bugs in cardboard boxes under bridge abutments.

    Two entire continents of First World Homeless.

    And the Debt Load of Eurotards and Duh’mericans, well hard to describe the sheer size of it.

    Un-payable comes to mind

    Massive Default comes to mind

    Lack of basic life skill Competence comes to mind….



    One word:




    With and without makeup


    SpaceX Sky Shot Capture

    SpaceX to the rescue

    Cool, looks like a Giant Sperm that might possible save Mankind


    Dr. D

    “Snopes Finally Admits Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Very Fine People’
    7 years later…”

    Are we getting somewhere? Or what’s going on?

    Nvidia chart:

    Good idea. This ain’t overbought or nothing, as 1/3rd of the market. Again, Cisco, 1999. Not that it’s a bad company, but prices matter.

    “US Withdraws Aircraft Carrier Eisenhower From Red Sea Amid Stepped-Up Houthi Attacks

    Just a regular rotation because nothing happened.

    “The Myth Of The European “Far-Right Surge”

    Yes, the Pro Gay Marriage, let’s-keep-most-social-programs Far Right. As said, “Far Right” now means “Nations Exist”. With borders n’ stuff. You see, that’s NATIONAL Socialism, as opposed to Trotsky’s eternal Revolution INTERNATIONAL Socialism, the USSR and why they need to “Liberate” the rest of Germany. …But luckily, you get to choose Socialism either way. That way the Corporations will run everything as nation states are dissolved. See? And here I pick on “That’s Capitalism” every day, but fair’s fair, the world run by corporate oligarchs because “That’s Socialism.” Ask Nike and Disney, they are top promoters of Socialism and promote their antiflag.

    “US-Supported Mark Rutte To Become Next NATO Secretary General
    The Dutch Prime Minister is known for strongly disagreeing with Donald Trump…

    Like this: same hand-picked people recycled through the system for doing what they’re told. Because Rutte is an expert in military matters, a general? And Draghi was both an expert banker and politician? And Gates is both the world’s best programmer and the world’s best doctor?

    We’re supposed to listen to “The Experts”, but apparently an expert is just whoever we say it is on the news one day, then reverse, then re-re-reverse, like Comey or Redfield. We listen to the “Expert” official Cuomos: until they take Ivermectin and say the Trump trial shouldn’t have happened, then they’re boobs.

    “12 years ago today, Elon Musk delivered the first Model S.”

    The model S may still be the best electric car out there. But that’s not necessarily saying much. It that the one the cruises all cities until it finds a fire truck to ram into?

    “Paul Ryan had the ‘ Clinton ‘Steele Dossier handed to his Chief of Staff in 2016….which is Treason.”

    It’s a tough call if it’s actual treason, although it acted the same. Can we find a different crime? It was from a foreign government meant to change or overturn an election or President though. And that government is Britain.

    Yes, I’m sure he’s astonished, coming from the 1950s and 60s. We all are. Same thing with markets and money-printing. Have we reached $2 Trillion every hundred days yet? $12Trillion? Nvidia is 1/3 of the market, can we make it half? 25 years of this now, when it was already off-center in 1994 when we avoided Clinton recession – very common and mild – with Greenspan’s printing. If it can tag an extra 25 years – a lifetime – why not 50? Why not 100? Why not a boot on the face forever?

    “• “Falling Gently Away:” The G–7 in Italy (Patrick Lawrence)

    Notes: Meloni look to Macron. There are a bunch of details you wouldn’t believe between them I hear: France is trying to dissolve the border with Italy and take over areas disputed, what 100 years ago? 500? Stuff like that, “real” stuff. Who do you think you are? Is now really the time? France not only wants to invade Russia, but Italy first?

    This is sort of a Cargo Cult. They think by having the same ticker-tape parades as 1945, they will therefore go back in time and win the war. No. two cocoanuts do not a radio make, professor. This is probably more for not being able to knock heads and make something happen, for real, pick a direction, as all the oligarchs and power people are too powerful and will think nothing of knocking you out for stealing their toothpick, even if it saves the Empire for all.

    As part of that Sunak – has anyone heard of this guy? — I guess he’s in elections and has more or less checked out way ahead of time so not to be blamed. Not interested in politics nor power as he’s very, very rich and can live in California where the human trafficking is best. That makes me wonder: what DID all those guys DO all that for? Give up their lives to fight every day then get booted like Churchill or Stalin. I think it’s the beatings they take as children, the abuse, so they become mentally ill about “Proving” something, controlling things, being in charge. After causing the non-stop abuse, arranging, insuring it, then channeled into force, like at Eton, the elites can use these essentially mind-controlled, mind-engineered, mind-f—ked mentally ill to do their bidding and be competent.

    …Sunak shows apparently there is no longer enough buggery at Eton, as he has no motivation or care. No need to prove anything, and no competency at anything. They’re too soft. That’s what you really see at G7: Why Bother? I’m All Right, Jack, I got mine. “I’m young and I’m hungry and I’m just like my country and I’m not throwing away my, shot” – Hamilton.

    All these things WOULD be normal. Like Captain America I’m sure every former leader wasted oceans of time selling war bonds and stage and shaking babies (oh, wait). But they could comprehend PRIORITIES, and to skip out or make sure something got done and not ONLY sit around in deck chairs at Yalta taking photos. These guys don’t, which is one problem, but they also CAN’T, which is another.

    So it’s a system problem, of a system that ALSO has no talent because it filters to reject competency, that would be demonstrated in FIXING things, picking fights to fix things, and by definition, altering the Status Quo. Suit yourself. Ask JB about the success of making the slightest, irrelevant, invisible change that would (as Capitalists) MAKE money for the company right away.

    Anyway: Cargo. Cult.

    “Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a hero in America as a Soviet dissident until his speech at Harvard University at which he said that “men have forgotten God,”

    Same with MLK, actually. So long as they can carefully purge what was a pretty straightforward, common, pastoral message, he’s okay. But that he would be opposed to abortion and sleeping around, loose marriage, is unspeakable. Church every Sunday? In a tie? Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! Hate crime.

    Keraouc too, or at least he said so. Buggering underage gay bois in S.F. like Ginsberg, very cool. Being essentially a normal Catholic and not a Buddhist convert, nope, no good. Not even if you’re hanging out with multi-wife drug fiends on the road. Even the BREATH of any religion is enough to get you drummed out. So? He went back to NY and did his thing. He wasn’t like trying to be the Great American Author anyway – with the mental illness to prove things and be a success. He was just trying to be a guy, and that was hard enough.

    Again, he is our culture: and we very carefully keep the camera on only THESE PARTS. “We” being the social engineers, dissolving everything, Solve et Coagula, “Build Back Better”.

    Hey guys: if Christianity is all made up and doesn’t mean anything, why the outsized reaction when I speak his name? It you’re all so cool n’ stuff why you lose your cool and start spitting and drooling? Very odd. You’re almost convincing me there’s something here.

    “Russia, China and Iran think they are confronting governments that have lost their senses. They are relying on the threat of the breakout of a world war to bring the West to its senses.
    They do not understand that they are confronting evil with whom no negotiations are possible”

    He is roughly correct. HOW they came to be evil and how they are locked so entirely in the nuclear control bunker maybe we can figure out another day. Right now they ARE in there and we need to ACT. That does not seem to be coming much on our side, so likely RUSSIA will have to stop our reign of terror. Worldwide, doubtless killing +6M people by now.

    “Solzhenitsyn told us that when respect for religion, traditional values, family, and religious faith are stripped from a society, society has been disarmed and no protection remains against the triumph of evil. As the liberal-left-Woke contingent has stripped away these protections, evil is now the dominant power in the Western World.”

    It can’t be stripped from Conservatives unless they let it, and participate. If they do, then they are no longer “Conservative” as I often say. Don’t participate. Be ungovernable. Like the Amish if you have to.

    Oh, forgot to add here, the Swiss conference, as a lie, the lie comes out. It was not a Swiss conference nor world conference, it was arranged by Ukraine and Ze. Not now, but planned way back as their victory tour after beating Russia in the Summer offensive and dictating terms at this point. So in details, they had 80 signatories to The Memo. Oh wait, no. They made all that up too. Europe signed as the EU, as the COMMISSION, and as some other body. AND each nation. Three extra times. Other “Organizations” signed, like NATO, who are not countries. So the signatories aren’t signatories, it’s like the Kiwi’s Club and the American Ketchup Board signed. …Sigh. Why bother wasting breath pointing it out? You know what I’m going to say: They Opened Mouth, therefore it was a Lie.

    “Without Russian gas, Europe has rapidly deindustrialized, increasing levels of poverty, unemployment and inflation. The most rational thing to do in this type of situation would be to avoid unnecessary spending and invest heavily in economic recovery projects”

    …Or open shell factories. Even their not-official, official position and Plan makes no sense. Alexander said the same thing about the “permission” to cross the red lines by striking Moscow with medium-range missiles (or essentially). IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. It does nothing BUT cross the red line as it will have no strategic or tactical value. That is, it risks WWIII ALSO for no reason.

    …So like we’re seeing in Europe here, Euro-strategy, the only thing it does is KILL PEOPLE. …Doesn’t matter WHICH people, Russians or Western Europeans, rich or poor. Since time exists and AFTER doing this, they are still entirely on board with no adjustments one can only conclude the effects we’ve seen are approved and are The Intended Plan. What else CAN you say? The goal is SOLELY to start WWIII.

    Again, as generally people don’t kill themselves or this would be a real short ride, that concludes there is a SMALL cadre of people, directing governments, that want to kill ALL people, not just the “other side”. And are not at all shy about it. I don’t like coming to this conclusion every day, nor that apparently it doesn’t sink in for others, but it’s unavoidable.

    Who is killing Europe? Europe. Who is killing the United States? The United States. So we have an infinitely tiny cadre of mentally ill psychopaths. If you can grasp that, it’s not that hard to pry them out: you have their names, and who cares about the law at that point? Whoops! Those pitchforks got up out of the bedside table and started shootin’ people on their own again, no humans involved! …Well that’s what they say about guns, why not?

    Also it takes the attention back off US, dividing US between is-Europe-attacking-the-US or vice versa. The European PEOPLE and the American PEOPLE are attacking nobody. We’re all against it. Turn your eyes to that 0.01%, and the 1% who pulls the levers and executes orders for them.

    “• Macron May Trigger France’s Exit From EU, Says EU’s Barnier (Sp.)

    Guests with Luongo were covering that this week, but in reverse: GERMANY has no choice, as we all know, duh, but to re-industrialize AND that means MacKinder, joining with Russian gas. So if GERMANY leaves the Euro, there is no Euro. But the leverage point isn’t Germany, it’s FRANCE. France has no exports anymore and with no African colonies, no imports. So they are both the largest, AND the most helpless here. …Not to say France CAN’T fix it – they can – but they’re far too much of a mess right now and owe like infinity Transfer II payments, AND Germany own ALL their bonds. (“You my b—h now.”)

    Where’s this going? As the Euro project failed (Germany conquering all Europe AGAIN), they may wish to blame it all on FRANCE. You saw what they did when they blamed it on Greece: they just took everything and didn’t let it happen, they had that power. Portugal got the message and even Meloni is trying to survive long enough for the EU to crack and fail, taking one power block off her shoulder. These are all just picking local strategies, PR spin though. Put through LePen and BLAME THE RIGHT (for what happened the previous 20 years when you wouldn’t let them act). Really, Europe is broke, can’t make payments, rates are rising, they want to and have to default, and they collapse. It’s only HOW to manage and spin that collapse, we seem to see with Macron right now, he’s the weathercock. He is indicating they’re having to throw in the towel. Their plan of course was to make the U.S. enough of a Clown Show by bribing everyone that We would fail FIRST, or at least same time and cover for them. Explain Biden otherwise.

    Now as no surprise, but not coordinated, probably similar underlying tides, Britain is failing the same. Same strategy. BLAME THE RIGHT for all the things you never let them do while you were shutting off their bank accounts. But as usual, UK is slightly ahead and plays the game better: the key beneficiaryt for a Zero-Seat movement to protest the unbearable betrayal of all things Tory is to LABOUR. So it SHOULD, as Tory, go 60% UKIP. But it won’t. It will or may go 60% Labour, 30% UKIP, and Conservative ceases to exist.

    THIS IS BIG BROTHER, installed entirely at last, and you see my premonition about Starmer being “Lord High Chancellor” from “V”. (Starmer who? Who is this dillweed?) He will go total nightmare “V” with fighting and rape in the streets for Elvy, but the wheel has already turned too far and he ALREADY has 11th hour resistance to everything, Day 1. British government will stop turning, the gears won’t go as everyone will be in conflict, internally, paradigmatically, about what to do or enforce. So EVERY gear will not turn, or turn against every other gear.

    So their snap election can “Win” for the Oligarchs, and as Miss Truss just said, run out of the Bank of England to direct and topple all government. But it’s an entirely Pyrrhic victory, over nothing. If you woke up the British people like hobbits, to not comply, they’ve had it and now is the time, well, there you are. It’s only a matter of time, tick tock. What happens next, sadly takes time, years, for Galloway and Farage to make new government on new premise and put the crazies back in the box.

    “• Ex-DoD Analyst Derides Bid to Upgrade Outdated B-52s With Nukes (Sp.)

    The problem is they “Can’t” afford both to keep the B52 going AND invest in the needed jet or hyper replacement. This is what happens when you suck at playing game theory. You get baby in a corner and lose. We lost about 1990 when these decisions were made.

    “• No Way Financial System Survives – Bill Holter (USAW)

    Kind of. “A” financial system will survive because it has to. We will convert. Rotate. A lot of that groundwork is out there, not like in 2001 and HRC or something, they could have dropped the whole thing with no good backup then. We have BRIICS and Crypto, and several other sub-layers, so it will be messy but not kill-everyone-on-the-planet like 1999.

    He’s also been saying this same thing for 25 years and bad timing is as good as being just wrong.

    “• Wales Moves Forward With Plan to Punish Politicians for Telling Lies (Turley)

    Yes, it’s “Expert” “Authority”. And WHO decides what is Expert, Authority and Truth? POWER. I do. Me. I tweeted it in the bathtub with Margo Robie and all you chumps now have to do what you’re told.

    So when the government and experts are entirely wrong as continually happens, we get to take you all out behind the chemical shed and shoot you, right? No? No consequences at all except a big raise?

    Aww, poor shark. Nobody likes it. No wonder they bite people.

    Dr. D

    Oh and how can I forget top example yesterday, Norman Finkelstein. Born Jew, practicing Jew, on the speaking circuit daily for years taking fire and doubling up now.

    “Finkelstein rose to prominence in 2000 after publishing The Holocaust Industry, a book in which he writes that the memory of the Holocaust is exploited as an ideological weapon to provide Israel a degree of immunity from criticism.[3] He is a critic of Israeli policy and its governing class. The Israeli government barred him from entry to the country for ten years in 2008.[4] Finkelstein has called Israel the “Jewish supremacist state”, and views it as committing the crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people.” –WIkipedia.

    Yes, that thing that never happens keeps happening again. But then, whoever will I hate? If I can’t hate, what’s really the purpose of living?


    Who actually owns Blackrock?

    One guys opinion

    Thrilla the Gorilla


    Merrill-Lynch owns 45% of Blackrock

    Bank of America owns Merrill-Lynch


    Warren Buffet owns controlling interest in Bank of America….

    Merrill-Lynch, Bank of America or Warren Buffet has no one on the Board of Directors at Blackrock

    Usually the largest shareholder always have someone overtly on the boards to safeguard their interests

    Nope, no one.

    Ain’t that odd…



    • “Falling Gently Away:” The G–7 in Italy (Patrick Lawrence)

    That Group of 7 gathering on the coast of the Adriatic June 13–15 was truly a doozy, I have to say. Readers might think it a waste of column inches to devote any linage to it, as many will surely have forgotten about it by now—not to mention those many others who did not know of it in the first place and so could not get as far as forgetting it. But this just is my point: The seven people claiming to be the world’s most powerful assemble for a summit and it is not worth our attention? Say whaaa? The significance of this year’s G–7, I mean to say, lies in its insignificance Considering the mess these very folk have made of the world, this bears consideration.
    … with a genocide, as supported by every one of these people,

    • Evil Is Now the Dominant Power in the Western World (Paul Craig Roberts)

    I am confronted by the facts that it wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran, (north Korea ),, who on the basis of totally false accusations overthrew the governments in Iraq and Libya and murdered the leaders. It wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran who tried to do the same in Afghanistan and Syria. It is not Russia, China and Iran who are providing the bombs and aircraft and money and diplomatic cover to Israel to exterminate the Palestinians. It is not the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians who are provoking more war. It is Washington and its EU Empire. If you consider the bare-faced facts, it is evil flowing from the Western World that is operating in the world. Russia, China and Iran think they are confronting governments that have lost their senses. They are relying on the threat of the breakout of a world war to bring the West to its senses.

    • The Myth of the European “Far-Right Surge” (Thunder)

    For example, rule of law and limited government have been replaced, under the watch of mainstream “right-wing” parties, with vaccine passports, lockdowns, intrusive hate speech laws, crippling “green” taxes and regulations, and the Orwellian idea that we should clamp down on “disinformation,” lest citizens be exposed to “dangerous” ideas. The old right has overseen a Europe of uncontrolled and disorderly immigration, with no proper vetting of migrants and little consideration for the impact of large-scale migration on local communities.
    • It Won’t Be The End Of The World, But Of Europe (SCF)

    Without Russian gas, Europe has rapidly deindustrialized, increasing levels of poverty, unemployment and inflation. The most rational thing to do in this type of situation would be to avoid unnecessary spending and invest heavily in economic recovery projects – but, apparently, no European attitude is based on rationality. Instead of acting strategically in pursuit of the best for their people, European decision-makers committed themselves to a policy of systematically supplying weapons to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime, spending billions of euros on manufacturing and exporting weapons for the war against Russia. Obviously, the European people are dissatisfied with so many harmful policies, which is why in the last European elections voters reacted by voting massively for right-wing politicians and parties, trying to find an alternative against the unpopular Russophobic madness of liberal regimes.

    In the US, a severe economic crisis, there are many domestic priorities for the U.S. that make Ukraine increasingly less important.


    • Scott Ritter: It’s Direct Attack on Russia by US and NATO (Sp.)

    On Sunday, the Ukrainian armed forces attacked Russia’s Sevastopol, using US-made ATACMS missiles with cluster warheads, four of which were shot down and one deflected and exploded over the city. Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter commented on Ukraine’s terrorist attack on Sevastopol. “The Ukrainians made a decision to use ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster munitions against a city, a civilian city. This is an act of terrorism,” Ritter emphasized. “Ukraine since 2014 has been bombarding Russian civilian sites, cities, villages, towns for the sole purpose of inflicting death and destruction on Russian civilians. This is an act of terrorism and given that the ATACMS missiles cannot be deployed by the Ukrainians without extensive intelligence support by the United States, this is an act of terrorism by the United States against Russia,” the analyst said.

    “..his aides are fine-tuning the dosages for the drugs he will be taking on debate night..”

    • Ex-White House Physician Demands Biden Drug Test Before Trump Debate (RT)

    • No Way Financial System Survives – Bill Holter (USAW)

    Holter says, “The financial collapse that is coming will be worse than anything we have ever experienced…” “This is going to be far worse than the Great Depression simply because society itself is far worse. . . . Back in the Great Depression, you had neighbors helping neighbors. Today you will have neighbors picking on other neighbors like vultures.”

    Advise from grandpa to grandkids to survive until 2050.
    My society is gone.
    Figure out what to do without my help/advise.



    Another day in Duh’merica

    Multiple interpretations if you just saw the video with no context.

    This is the Empire of Lies everyday Psycho -drama in a nutshell

    Indiana police release video footage of an officer firing at an armed man sitting on the porch of a neighbor’s home.

    Brandon Qualls was shot in May when police responded to reports of a man waving a gun and pointing it at strangers.

    “You’re fine, you know me. I wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t what it is. If I’m wrong, tell me, please,”

    Qualls said before raising his gun at the officer.

    He was then shot.

    Qualls was sent to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

    The officer Ivan Flick was placed on administrative leave per department policy.

    The incident is being investigated by IMPD’s Critical Incident Response Team

    Btw the backstory:

    is that the suspect had gone around the neighborhood pointing a gun at people, and a woman called the police after he held a gun to her head. Then he was found sitting in some neighbor’s porch with the gun when police found him.

    D Benton Smith

    Anyone interested in the phenom called Nvidea and its magic stock price?


    Great. Here’s what that’s all about. It’s about the massive putsch for AI. Back in the day (like 30 years ago) Nvidia made integrated circuit boards that featured their own central processor, tons of “buffer” memory and specialized chips to handle the math-heavy chore of calculating (at very high speeds) the computer gamers wanted for the 2 & 3 dimensional animated graphics which characterizes gaming. Think of them as complete “computers-on-a-board” that took a load off the CPU and enabled the generation and display of more or less “convincing” animation on the computer display.

    It was a short hop from that task to the task of doing the similarly “compute” heavy sub-routines required for AI. In other words, Nvidia builds the task-specific integrated circuit boards that comprise the central nervous systems of Artificial Intelligence computers that are sucking up 20% of all the electrical power presently being generated on planet Earth.

    Won’t be of any use at all without the juice to run them, so the fantasy of “AI Everything, Everywhere, for Everyone” is a fever dream. Won’t happen. Can’t be done. The PHYSICAL reality is that computing power has a DIRECT correlation to electrical power, regardless of how that computing power is built.

    THAT’s the part that the “Artificial Intelligence” boys aren’t saying out loud. I dunno how they plan to generate the necessary electrical power to do all that artificial cogitating (maybe they intend to hook us all up to the Matrix) but it don’t change the arithmetic.

    Nvidia stock (and the whole AI masturbation fantasy along with it) is a Ponzi scheme that SHALL hit the wall when it runs out of fresh suckers who believe that exponential expansions can run forever.

    Might look good on paper to a greedy moron, but it looks like Hell to anyone grounded in facts.

    Short the stock while the grid remains up and you still can.

    John Day

    The Proper Context https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/the-proper-context

    Gilbert Doctorow on Russian Memorial Day, June 22
    22 June is Memorial Day in the country. Summer Solstice, the longest day in the year, was the day in 1941 when German forces stormed across the Soviet borders at 4am. This day is dedicated to the memory of the 27 million Soviet citizens who perished in WWII, of whom 8 million were soldiers and 19 million were civilians…
    ..Nikonov’s separation of the Soviet Union’s global death figure into civilians and soldiers is something we have almost never heard before in official commemoration of the war dead. But it was essential to enable him to say the following, that we also have not heard in the past: that the war on the USSR initiated and led by Hitlerite Germany was a program of genocide against the entire Soviet people. It was not just intended to physically eliminate Jews and Russians, but also Ukrainians, Byelorussians, the peoples of the Baltic States, etc…
    ..The tie-in between Soviet Russia’s existential struggle in 1941-45 and its existential struggle today against NATO countries on the territory of Ukraine was made in a speech earlier in the week by Vladimir Putin which Nikonov put up on the screen.
    I might add parenthetically that the vicious crime against humanity in that Moscow region hospital had a counterpart at roughly the same time in the Krasnoye Selo suburb of St Petersburg where the grand aunt of my wife was murdered by German troops together with 500 mentally ill patients whom she, a medical worker, refused to abandon to their executioners. This type of tragic family lore is passed down through the generations in every household in Russia.

    British MP Warns NATO Planning ‘Dirty Bomb’ False Flag in Europe to Spark WW3
    “Services tell me there is going to be a “9/11 like” nuclear detonation in Europe” – Andrew Bridgen. https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/british-mp-warns-nato-planning-dirty-bomb-false-flag-in-europe-to-spark-ww3/

    Children Among Mass Casualties After US-Supplied Missile Targets Crowded Crimean Beach
    The Russian Ministry of Health in a recent update said that five people were killed in a series of strikes from Ukraine, which injured 124 people including 27 children. Among the deceased, two were children, the ministry said. The casualty toll is likely to climb over the next hours amid the emergency response and as hospital data is reported.
    Moscow is calling it a ‘terrorist missile strike’ on Sevastopol with five US-supplied ATACMS tactical missiles, carried out just after noon local time. What’s more is that Russia says they were equipped with cluster warheads, making for a bigger casualty strike zone.
    Crimean officials said that in once instance a missile exploded above a crowded beach, unleashing shrapnel on people who had been relaxing there.
    A separate Russian Defense Ministry (MoD) statement directly accused Washington. “Flight missions for ATACMS missiles are programmed by American specialists based on US satellite reconnaissance, making Washington primarily responsible for the deliberate missile strike on Sevastopol’s civilians,” the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) stated. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/children-among-mass-casualties-after-us-supplied-missile-targets-crowded-crimean-beach

    Thanks Eleni. (Don’t be) Consumed by Hatred, Martin Armstrong
    When will the world wake up that the American Neocons are engaging in the same ethnic cleansing, for they claim roots in Ukraine and are persecuted by Russians? Naturally, some have not been indoctrinated, but you can have an intelligent conversation. But many were brainwashed with hatred just a Stalin taught kids that the State was your real parent and if your biological “caretakers” ever spoke against the State, they were to report them…
    ..The hatred in that area runs very deep, and it has been taught for generations all because the borders have changed constantly. Talk to a 20-something Ukrainian, and they will tell you what the Russians did to them. It was a Bosnian Serb who, on June 28th, 1914, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife that instigated World War I all because of this ethnic hatred that is passed from generation to generation as the borders have constantly changed. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/neocons/consumed-by-hatred/

    John Day

    Tens of thousands rally against Israeli government
    Anti-government protest organization Hofshi Israel estimated more than 150,000 people attended the rally, calling it the biggest since the Gaza war began
    TEL AVIV: Tens of thousands of protesters waving Israeli flags and chanting slogans against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government rallied in Tel Aviv Saturday, demanding new elections and the return of hostages held in Gaza.
    Large protests have occurred in the Israeli city on a weekly basis over Netanyahu’s handling of the nearly nine-month-old war in Gaza started by Hamas’s October 7 attack on southern Israel. Many protesters held signs reading “Crime Minister” and “Stop the War”. https://www.arabnews.com/node/2535711/middle-east

    IDF: Rafah Crossing Completely Destroyed, No Longer Usable
    Prior to its destruction, the crossing served as a crucial lifeline to bring food and other aid to over a million Palestinians https://news.antiwar.com/2024/06/20/idf-rafah-crossing-completely-destroyed-no-longer-usable/

    ‘Total Lawlessness’ & Looting Has Made Gaza Aid Delivery Nearly Impossible: UN Chief
    For months, there have been two primary threats to aid convoys entering the Gaza Strip. First, on their way in, trucks carrying vital humanitarian supplies often come under attack by Israeli settlers. Second, once convoys are inside the Strip, they face the potential of being swarmed and coming under attack by desperate Palestinians who rip the supplies away before they arrive at intended drop-off points…
    ..UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday called the situation one of “total lawlessness” and decried that it has led to wide-spread looting at aid storehouses.
    “The situation in Gaza became a situation of total lawlessness. Most of the trucks with humanitarian aid inside Gaza are now looted because this is a war that is different from any other one,” Guterres said a news conference.
    He said this is large-part due to the nature of this conflict, where Israel has not occupied and managed any single territory with enough permanence to bring any level of stability, also amid a state of internecine attacks and continued bombings.
    Guterres further characterized “total chaos in Gaza” in which there is “no authority in most of the territory,” as it remains that “Israel does not even allow the so-called blue police to escort our (UN) convoys, because it’s a local police linked to local administration.” https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/total-lawlessness-looting-has-made-gaza-aid-delivery-nearly-impossible-un-chief

    Ten Holocaust survivors condemn Israel’s Gaza genocide
    Holocaust survivors say using the Holocaust to justify genocide in Gaza and repress student protest on college campuses is a complete insult to the Holocaust’s memory. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/06/ten-holocaust-survivors-condemn-israels-gaza-genocide/

    Wounded Palestinian man strapped to front of Israeli army vehicle, used as human shield
    During a military raid on Jenin, Israeli soldiers strapped an injured Palestinian civilian to the front of a military jeep and paraded him through the street as a human shield. He was eventually handed over to Palestinian medical teams. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/06/wounded-palestinian-man-strapped-to-front-of-israeli-army-vehicle-used-as-human-shield/

    John Day

    Two Distress Calls: UK Navy Reports Crew Abandoned Ship In Gulf Of Aden, Kamikaze Drone Attack In Red Sea
    The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) reported two maritime incidents involving merchant vessels on Sunday. The first occurred in the Red Sea, where a suicide drone struck a vessel. The second incident took place in the Gulf of Aden.
    A new update from UKMTO said a merchant ship 96 nautical miles southeast of Nishtun, Yemen, “reported severe flooding that cannot be contained, forcing the master and crew to abandon the ship.” https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/kamikaze-drone-attack-causes-damage-ship-red-sea

    I suspect they had to do some cosmetic surgery on the Eisenhower, out of sight, before bringing in a TV crew a few days ago, and now announcing that the carrier will return home after all. US Withdraws Aircraft Carrier Eisenhower From Red Sea Amid Stepped-Up Houthi Attacks
    Another nuclear-powered carrier, the Theodore Roosevelt, is expected to soon be en route to the Middle East from its current position in the Pacific in order continue a US presence mission in the region.
    As of Saturday the Roosevelt was anchored in Busan, South Korea, amid the ratcheting rhetoric and threats between Seoul and Pyongyang. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-withdraws-aircraft-carrier-eisenhower-red-sea-amid-stepped-houthi-attacks

    Hezbollah shows off Israeli target bank in new video warning [Hezbollah would be able to block shipping and take out the electrical grid.]
    A retired Israeli general said over the weekend that declaring war on Lebanon would be ‘mass suicide’ for Israel
    The targets include several sensitive targets in Haifa, the port of Ashdod, the Hadera power station, the Ramat David Military Airport in Afula, Pengrion Airport, Nevatim air base, oil refineries on the coast, and the Research Center at the Dimona Nuclear Reactor. The clip also showed the HaKirya Complex, which includes the headquarters of the Israeli Ministry of Security and the General Staff.
    Fears are growing in Israel as Tel Aviv has threatened that it is preparing an expanded attack on Lebanon.

    Hungary ‘won’t ride NATO war train’ – Orban, Budapest will stay out of the Ukraine conflict, the prime minister has vowed
    The US appears intent on continuing to fight Russia in Ukraine and hopes to win, but Hungary is acting to counter this destructive policy, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said. https://swentr.site/news/599692-orban-nato-mission-ukraine/

    Hungarian PM says West’s quest to defeat Russia in Ukrainian conflict hopeless https://tass.com/world/1806359

    John Day

    Rishi is on his way out ahead of WW-3, but he can set the stage. British PM threatens teens with sanctions for refusing national service
    Rishi Sunak says young people may lose access to finance or drivers’ licenses for refusing to serve. https://swentr.site/news/599705-uk-national-service-sanctions/

    Russia sends another batch of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan
    The Russian Emergencies Ministry is sending another 21 tons of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, the Federal Agency for Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation said.
    “A Russian Emergencies Ministry plane has left Moscow on instructions from President Vladimir Putin. Twenty-one tons of humanitarian assistance, including food and basic necessities, have been put together for the citizens of this friendly country,” the agency for international humanitarian cooperation said on its Telegram channel.
    The agency also added that the assistance was delivered within the framework of the People Together Through Ages international project. “Thanks to the project, the air corridor between the countries was opened for the first time in 30 years, which allowed not only to systematically help the Afghan people in post-disaster relief, but also to restore diplomatic relations,” the statement said. https://tass.com/politics/1805899

    Russia and Vietnam switch to national currencies for payments
    Russian President Vladimir Putin noted the importance of a transition to national currencies in trade between Russia and Vietnam. According to him, the volume of such transactions amounted to almost 60% in the Q1. https://tass.com/economy/1805821

    John Day

    Catherine Austin Fitts on Sasha Latypova’s blog. The Central Banking-Warfare Model
    For approximately 500 years, the Western world has operated on an economic model sometimes referred to as the “central banking-warfare model.” In brief, the central banks create money, and the military and intelligence services make sure that the money is accepted in trade for labor and natural resources…
    ..Every 100 or so years, the reserve currency system seems to go through a reset. We are currently in the midst of such a reset. For centuries, dominance of trade routes, and particularly the sea lanes, helped to determine the reserve currency; the British Navy—and then the U.S. Navy—played an important role in this regard. As more and more information, transactions, surveillance, and even weaponry have been processed by or with the help of satellites, dominance of the satellite lanes also has grown in importance. Hence, we see the military creating the U.S. Space Force…
    ..All media operations and financial institutions depend on reliable high-speed communications. That means that DOD controls their hardware—whether cables under the ocean or satellites in the sky. That’s why, when you see a movie or a media story distributed in the Western world, you can appreciate that DOD let it happen. Not every movie or media story is allowed through…
    ..The growing costs—and the opportunities afforded by new digital technologies—mean that central bankers will find central control of infrastructure, surveillance, and enforcement inherently attractive.
    The central bankers began a new reset in 2019 called the Going Direct Reset. https://goingdirect.solari.com/summary-going-direct-reset/
    …While the Fed insisted throughout this episode that the extraordinary actions it took were all emergency measures necessitated by the onset of an alleged virus pandemic beginning in December 2019, the irrefutable fact of the matter is that the Fed’s novel and extraordinary acts were carried out in accordance with the plan presented to the Fed on August 22, 2019—four months before anyone had ever heard of SARS-CoV-2.
    What’s more, this plan was presented to the Fed by BlackRock, which the Fed later appointed to assist the Fed in executing the $3.5 trillion plan. To put it bluntly, the actions taken by the Federal Reserve starting in March of 2020—actions that represented a massive departure from the Fed’s responses to crises before that time, as we have just seen—are exactly what BlackRock told the Fed to do in Jackson Hole, Wyoming over half a year before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic. It was in August 2019, months before the first coronavirus story broke, that BlackRock instructed the Fed to get money into wholesale and retail hands when “the next downturn” arrived—which, as luck would have it, occurred less than a month later…
    ..The best way to understand DOD’s Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is in the context of the Going Direct Reset—OWS is one aspect of the implementation of this reset. By the very nature of the central banking-warfare model, the central bankers and military must act and pivot together…
    ..Planet Debt
    Debt is one of the key components of the central banking-warfare model. An indebted country, business, or person is controllable. If a foreign country borrows in dollars, they need to earn dollars to service and pay back their debt… There is an old saying: “All wars are bankers’ wars.” Debt is part of that game—interest is part of the tithe to the empire…
    ..If countries need to earn dollars to carry their dollar debt, then essentially they need to earn them from the people who control the dollar system. This means they need to trade—typically across the trade routes that the empire controls—and they need to hold dollars. Ultimately, no matter where those dollars are in the world, they will be deemed to be under the jurisdiction of United States authority and law…
    ..Military spending has a significant impact on every local economy in America.
    In most counties in America, total federal spending, purchases, and retirement checks constitute more than 40% of the local GDP. In some counties, especially those with large military bases and installations, it is even more. America’s national security payrolls, contracts, and acquisitions buy a lot of Congressional, state, and local clout… ..No doubt, as the military-intelligence establishment launches more satellites and implements more surveillance—allowing DOD and U.S. intelligence agencies to track and influence what each of us is saying and doing—it accumulates even more clout at the state and local levels, including by building control files5 on local officials and decision-makers…
    ..Wherever you are in America, if you follow the money, invariably it will lead back to a military or intelligence budget and related political leashes, most involving contracts, purchases, grants, and/or payrolls. It pays to track those leashes into your community, company, employer, and family and friend circles…
    DOD: Missing $20 Trillion
    Fiscal 1998 was when vast amounts of money started to go missing from DOD and HUD, with those two agencies consistently refusing to produce audited financial statements as required by law…
    ..The gusher of “undocumentable adjustments” and refusal to publish financial audits or to track down enormous and inexplicable discrepancies in the DOD and HUD financial records that began in fiscal 1998 were significant. They followed the process of globalization begun with the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 and the push to build a “unipolar” empire…
    ..According to agency financials, between fiscal 1998 and 2000, approximately $4.3 trillion went missing from DOD and HUD. These balances would have been managed and transacted with the help of payment and IT contractors at DOD and HUD and the U.S. Treasury and its depository, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York…
    ..On September 10, 2001, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that DOD was missing $2.3 trillion. This announcement was quickly buried by the events of the following day, September 11, when numerous offices filled with records and documents related to the accounting for DOD’s money and related Treasury and other securities were blown up in New York and Washington. This included offices of the Office of Naval Intelligence at the Pentagon, said to be investigating the trillions missing from DOD. Subsequently, the Army—led by a former Enron executive—claimed that as a result of records lost on September 11, it could not produce an audit…
    ..The Department of Defense never explained why the U.S. Air Force ignored standing protocols regarding planes going off-course and effectively “stood down” three or four times on September 11, 2001…
    ..By fiscal 2015, the undocumentable adjustments at DOD totaled $20 trillion. The undocumentable adjustments at HUD, including the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Ginnie Mae with significant credit and responsibilities in the U.S. mortgage market, totaled almost $1 trillion… When we published this survey, the total outstanding Treasury debt of the U.S. government was $21 trillion. So, grossly oversimplified, the U.S. government had borrowed $21 trillion, and then something like that amount of money disappeared out the back door of DOD’s and HUD’s—or Treasury’s—bank accounts.
    In theory, this makes DOD and the U.S. government’s bank depository—the New York Fed and the private banks that own it and implement many of its operations—the largest money laundering institutional team in the history of the world.
    Note that the New York Fed became a shareholder of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in October 1994. The BIS is based in Basel, Switzerland and is the central bank of central banks, having 63 of the largest central banks in the world as its members. The BIS enjoys sovereign immunity and can hold assets without disclosure on its balance sheet…
    ..Determining where this money went, holding parties responsible under the law, and achieving an offsetting return of assets is at the heart of any meaningful reform…
    ..The U.S. government is not run by political appointees and the civil service; it is run by private corporate contractors and banks.24 The largest defense contractors also hold significant contracts at non-military agencies, allowing for significant integration with the military across government…
    ..The top contractor at DOD is Lockheed Martin. During the period from 1998–2015, as $21 trillion went missing, Lockheed was the lead information and payment systems contractor at DOD, as it certainly was at HUD…
    ..The Big Tech firms and their hardware and software infrastructure and products are now also integrated into these contracting arrangements. For example, Amazon runs the cloud contract for the CIA, which provides an integrated cloud for all 17 intelligence agencies…
    ..Privatization through U.S. federal government contracting has put many operations beyond the governance or control of the government itself. [fascist oligarchy]… The operations were now entirely in the hands of corporate contractors and private banks. This also has put government operations beyond the reach of serious researchers, scholars, reporters, or citizens…
    ..Between a handful of defense contractors, Big Tech firms, and New York Fed member banks, the U.S. government can be quickly and radically reengineered, especially in an all-digital financial system… This likely would mean moving governance of the U.S. under the jurisdiction of international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United Nations (UN) and its various agencies, and the BIS, who would be free to use AI, financial surveillance and control, and robotics without any legal obligation to the U.S. Constitution; instead, these entities would enjoy the protection of sovereign immunity.
    For those who wish to preserve U.S. sovereignty, the intelligent response to the corruption of the civil service is to reform the civil service and remove private parties from control positions that compromise the government’s informational, financial, and operational sovereignty…
    ..My efforts to stop mortgage fraud as both Assistant Secretary of Housing and then as lead financial advisor to the FHA resulted in my getting fired in 1990 and my company being fired in 1997… I was immediately approached by a small Washington think tank that did strategic planning for the U.S. Navy. In the process, an effort was made to persuade me that aliens exist and live among us. Among other things, I was offered the opportunity to have lunch with several aliens…
    ..Declining to have lunch with aliens, I asked for and received a long list of the best books on the UFO and alien topic and proceeded to read approximately 25 of them…
    ..I remember watching the documentary The Phoenix Lights when it was first released. It showed footage of a large UFO that slowly flew through Phoenix to the edge of Tucson in March 1997. In the middle of searching for what was then $4 trillion missing from DOD, my first response was, “I’ll bet Lockheed Martin would build that for $4 trillion.”
    Ben Rich (the retired CEO of Lockheed’s “Skunk Works” group) famously said in 1993, “We now have the technology to take ET home.” I came upon this quote, referencing the development of black budget technologies and invisible weaponry, when as an investment advisor I experienced insider trading a week before the Indonesia tsunami and started to research invisible weaponry. I became convinced that such weaponry was playing a significant role in the dominance of the U.S. dollar as reserve currency.
    Indeed, in April 1997, U.S. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen spoke about such weaponry at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy at the University of Georgia… Cohen said: “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.” He added: “It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts.” …
    ..The DOD’s refusal, for 25-plus years, to produce audited financial statements and its increasing inability to account for $20 trillion of undocumentable adjustments resulted, in 2018, in a new administrative policy promulgated with the approval of a bipartisan Congress and the Trump White House: Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board Statement 56 (FASAB 56).This policy purports to authorize DOD and the other agencies of the U.S. government as well as scores of related federal governmental entities to keep what amount to secret books, in essence overriding the Constitution and financial management laws and regulations with an administrative policy. https://missingmoney.solari.com/fasab-statement-56-understanding-new-government-financial-accounting-loopholes/ https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/secret-government-spending-779959/
    In combination with other classification and national security laws, and national security waivers of SEC regulations applicable to public financial statements of private enterprises doing business with the government, the result is that the large banks and corporate contractors that do business with the federal government can also keep secret books…
    Underground Bases and Secrecy
    ​ I am often asked how so many secret operations can go on without being noticed. One reason is because so many military and intelligence bases are in restricted areas and underground. In 2010, the Washington Post published an excellent report on this topic, “Top Secret America,” giving an overview of the exploding number of classified military and intelligence facilities built after 9/11 and the passage of the USA Patriot Act.32
    ​ Because of the many rumors about classified underground bases, I once spent several hours a week for two years working with another researcher to estimate how many underground and undersea bases existed in North America—both publicly acknowledged as well as classified or secret. We collected all known reports, rumors, and documentation on underground bases and then analyzed military and federal installations and spending for all U.S. states. Our final guess was that the U.S. military-intelligence establishment and related corporate contractors had built 170 such bases as well as connecting underground transportation systems.
    ​ Building an underground base is very expensive. Building and maintaining it on a secret basis is many multiples more expensive than that—which is why underground bases are one of my votes for where a portion of the $21 trillion that disappeared by 2015 was reinvested.​..
    ​..Global Spraying and High-Tech Fires: Who Controls U.S. Air Space?
    ​ Since 1998, it has been my habit to travel extensively around the United States, mostly by car. One of the first things I noted in 1998 was extensive aerial spraying. I could drive for many hours down a highway in the heartland and watch multiple planes flying back and forth across the sky, laying down large spreading plumes of chemicals. One of the first things that struck me about this phenomenon was how expensive it must have been. Multiple planes and pilots spraying chemicals are not cheap, especially given that fleets of planes were spraying almost everywhere I went, including in all U.S. states, most countries in Europe, and Australia and New Zealand.
    ​ I will never forget taking off from Zurich in the early morning in 2010 and breaking through the cloud cover to see a thick layer of crisscrossed plumes being sprayed by planes that were not visible from the ground.​..
    ​..No one can spray chemicals above our heads for decades unless DOD does it, and/or unless DOD and the FAA permit it.
    ​ Here is a factoid: When I checked the FAA contractors at the time of 9/11, interestingly enough, Lockheed Martin was the lead contractor at FAA in addition to serving as lead contractor at DOD and HUD.​..
    ​..As the spraying intensified, we witnessed an explosion of cellular technology, High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) technology, and EMF radiation. Numerous citizen scientists and engineers have tried to understand what is in the spray, including heavy metals and bioengineered particles, and if and how they relate to wireless technology.​..
    ​..This issue of who and what controls U.S. air space keeps coming up—and not just because more people are questioning the spraying or because some states are starting to pass laws to try to curtail “geoengineering.” The growth of sporadic and highly unnatural high-tech fires is also raising questions. This includes the fires in northern California in 2017, including the one that destroyed most of Paradise, and the recent fire in Lahaina on Maui in Hawaii. These fires involved highly sophisticated engineering. Yet again, it is difficult to create a hypothesis of what happened other than that DOD and/or its contractors did it or allowed it to happen.
    ​ Global spraying and high-tech fires—and what they suggest about the technology at play in our environment—have profound implications for what the term “national security’ has come to mean.​..
    ​..Narcotics Trafficking
    ​ I spent several years in the 1990s researching the growth of narcotics trafficking in the United States after the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and particularly after its explosive post-WWII growth.​.. I became convinced that opening U.S. markets to narcotics trafficking from Europe, Asia, and Latin America was part of an intentional strategy to finance secret black-budget military and intelligence operations as well as to help provide low-cost capital to fund the rise of American multinational corporations.
    ​ For most of my life, this narcotics trafficking was blamed on African-American teenagers and various mafiosi. At the same time, the American taxpayer was funding a $500 billion to $1 trillion annual budget for the Department of Defense to govern and defend our air space and borders.​.. However, in any meaningful quantity, what and who come across those borders and shores into the country is what the U.S. government and military permit. They have the authority and resources to stop it.
    ​ DHS now includes the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which has taken the position in a recent court filing for Missouri v. Biden that it has jurisdiction over citizens’ minds because what citizens think is a national security issue.​..
    ..During the mortgage “crisis” of 2006–2012, the total U.S. taxpayer bailouts were calculated at over $23 trillion, according to Neil Barofsky, Special Inspector General to the TARP Program at the U.S. Department of Treasury.​.. https://home.solari.com/book-review-bailout-by-neil-barofsky/​
    ​ In that review, I quote Barofsky as saying:
    ​ “I really didn’t believe the figure [of total commitments made during the financial crisis] until I saw the backup documents that had been provided by each of the agencies themselves. This total commitment was almost double the entire economic output of the United States. If there were ever a single number that demonstrated the panic felt by the regulators during the financial crisis, it was that $23.7 trillion.”
    ​ At the time, an estimated $8 trillion would have paid off all of the single-family residential mortgages in the country. This will give you a sense of the extent of the mortgage fraud.​..
    .. I said, “What do you think is going on at HUD?” to which she replied, “HUD is being run as a criminal enterprise.”
    ​ HUD and its various mortgage programs are run on a matrix infrastructure, which means that to run them as a criminal enterprise requires the cooperation of the Treasury Department, the New York Fed and its member banks which are its owners (including JPMorgan Chase and Citibank), the DOJ, and, yes, DOD. Please let that sink in.​..
    ​..When I studied the rise of U.S. narcotics trafficking, I discovered that running illegal operations was one of the reasons for having layers of private contractors… ​ My favorite example was when Congressman Cynthia McKinney referred to the State Department protection afforded to a contractor indicted on sex slavery charges. After Insight ran a cover story describing the contractor’s sex slave trafficking and related indictment and conviction, the U.S. Navy issued them a large new contract. DOJ, the SEC, DOD, and the State Department also maintained them as a contractor in good standing.
    ​ Running global organized crime is big business—and ultimately, that business is owned and controlled by the people who control the sea lanes, the satellite lanes, and the financial transaction system. As a retired DEA agent said in the late 1990s to a Washington reporter who I was helping with research on narcotics trafficking, “Let’s face it, honey. All the wire transfers batch and run through the New York Fed. They know where every penny is.”
    ​ Pension and Retirement Funds
    ​ Where does all the money come from to fund DOD’s operations? First, we as taxpayers fund a portion of federal operations with our taxes… Additional sources of DOD funding come from borrowing. The primary source is from the sale of U.S. Treasury bills and bonds to U.S. and global investors. Traditionally and increasingly, the largest buyers are U.S. pension funds—including corporate, union, and state and local pension funds—as well as retirement accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k)s.​.. Now my pension fund holds a Treasury bond sold through the primary dealers who are the trading counterparties of the New York Fed. The assets that the bond funded are presumably gone—into private ownership or someplace else—and my bond is simply an IOU from the taxpayer, who is me. So, I have traded an asset—my retirement savings—for a liability from myself!​ …
    ..One of the reasons that the Solari team and I worked hard over many years to highlight the issue of the money going missing from the U.S. government was that we understood that this was essentially a theft of resources from U.S. pension and retirement savings. If the theft were not stopped, the only solutions would be to extend the retirement age, lower benefits through inflation or benefit cuts, and/or lower life expectancy.
    ​ Because the government took numerous actions that began to lower life expectancy starting around the time the financial coup began, I am convinced that lowering U.S. life expectancy is an intentional policy. It seems appropriate that the very same agency that is missing $20 trillion of taxpayer money would be the agency to lead Operation Warp Speed, an exercise that has significantly and intentionally increased excess mortality and done so in a way that extends the solvency of the Social Security system.​..
    ..Globalization, technology, and our investments in space have all created new economic models. As Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock (the largest asset manager in the world) recently explained, we now have new models for growing economies in countries with shrinking populations.​..
    ​..The Great Poisoning vs. a Land Army
    ​ One of the baffling questions before us is this: How is the U.S. going to field an effective army and navy if the population that supplies soldiers is shrinking and poisoned? Between the deterioration in the quality of food, the impact of extensive screen time and related mind control, and heavy vaccination schedules, the pool of young people interested in or capable of becoming soldiers has shrunk considerably…
    ..The House of Representatives just passed a defense bill that included a provision that would automatically enroll men between the ages of 18 and 26 in the Selective Service database.50 Some representatives are trying to expand the enrollment to women. In short, a military draft is coming.
    ​ First, they take your money—$21 trillion translates to $65,000 for every citizen. Then, they poison you. Nearly one out of five knows someone killed by the Covid injections, so this is bound to touch you. Next, they take your kids. How many of your children or grandchildren are between the ages of 16 and 28? How do you feel about them risking their lives to serve the quest for global empire, missing money, pension fraud, taxation without representation, and total technocratic control?​…
    ​..Next Steps for NATO
    ​ There is much chatter these days about the possibility of a World War III.​.. No doubt, the push for regime change and implosion in Russia is still on. However, because it has not gone as planned, it would seem that more subsidy will have to be extracted in the G7 nations to make up for it… If I were of draft age, I would not be eager to serve the U.S. military. Who wants to finish boot camp only to find themselves in operations to poison their family and launder money out of their relatives’ pension and retirement funds?​ But this is dangerous business. The leadership of the United States and NATO have put themselves in quite a pickle, and things could get very serious.​..
    ​..Take Action: What Can We Do?​ …
    ..The first and most important thing we each need to do is not fall for the lies. As an investment advisor for many years, I calculated the price paid by a family for one lie related to their health care or financial management. Let’s take the Operation Warp Speed lie that insisted that the Covid injections were “safe and effective.” For many families, this lie has cost them a loved one’s life or health, and/or drained their financial health and future.
    ​ Not falling for lies includes not falling for fake solutions. Fake solutions include the hope that our problems can be solved by a presidential candidate.​.. Other fake answers include the call to pass new laws or hold a Constitutional Convention in which the Constitution can be hopelessly altered.
    ​ Solutions require, first and foremost, that we enforce the good laws we already have—and this starts with holding DOD, HUD, Treasury and its banking depository, the New York Fed, responsible to obey financial management laws both currently and retroactively. Let’s get the $21-plus trillion back.
    ​ Reversing the Going Direct Reset requires understanding what is happening in the financial system, and how it relates to what is happening at DOD. We need to understand DOD’s goals—which means both its money laundering operation and Operation Warp Speed. We also need to understand how DOD’s operations thread through our local economies and lives and the power of its political “leashes,” including in our personal and professional lives.
    ​ At the same time, before we propose changes to DOD and U.S. military operations, we need to understand the real phenomena that DOD may be dealing with and the existence of a secret, independent financial system that has grown up under the guise of a national security state.​..
    ..Fundamentally, though, we need to understand that we are staring down the barrel of a coup d’état, mass atrocity, and a serious escalation of global military operations. Someone is trying to kill us, and DOD works for them, not for us.​ https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/musings-on-the-department-of-defense

    John Day

    ​ Charles Hugh Smith, on how that feels on this end of the boot… The Anxiety Economy
    We’re told to stop being so darn negative even as the tsunami of inequality washes away the beach chairs of the bottom 90%​ https://charleshughsmith.substack.com/p/the-anxiety-economy

    ​ Surplus Energy Economics, The Battle of Little Big Rates
    ​ Growth in material economic prosperity has long been decelerating towards inflexion as the impetus originally imparted to the economy by the harnessing of fossil fuel energy fades out.
    ​ Unwilling to accept this, and persuaded by the deluded nostrum that the material can be stimulated by the monetary, we’ve allowed debts and quasi-debts to outpace the economy to the point where simple affordability decrees low rates.
    ​ As a result, each dollar of the economic “growth” reported over the past two decades has been accompanied by between $3 and $7 of additional financial liabilities, whilst most of this “growth” itself has been the cosmetic product of credit expansion…
    ..In the industrial economy, though, trends in output and prosperity are functions of the supply, costs and characteristics of energy, most of which is sourced from oil, natural gas and coal. The economic characteristics of fossil fuel energy have been deteriorating because of depletion, which is a fancy way of saying that we’ve used lowest-cost resources first, leaving costlier alternatives for a ‘later’ which has now arrived…
    ​..We’re living in a fantasy world in which, whilst economic inflexion is disregarded, no potential harm is seen in the growing quantum and worsening risk-profile of credit in a borrowing-addicted economy. Few (if any) observers have, for instance, recognized the obvious connection between “growth” of $675bn (2.5%) in the US economy during 2023 and the $2.1tn (8.8%) fiscal deficit which alone made this “growth” possible.
    ​ If we look at the propositions put forward by even the most sober of governments, everyone seems to promise “growth”, but nobody has any idea about how to deliver it without ramping up public and private debt. There is, as yet, no recognition that accommodation is as much a necessity as food and water, such that driving down the cost of housing should be a matter of very high priority.
    ​ Businesses are caught in this same trap of wil​lful blindness, imagining that they can grow discretionary activities even as the repression of disposable incomes unfolds in plain sight. Any business model which presupposes that consumers can take on yet more commitments to the financial system has to be a model drafted in the dark.
    ​ What this means is that we can’t data-collect, advertise or subscribe our way to prosperity, any more than we can borrow our way back to financial stability.
    ​ Meanwhile, the drive towards ever-cheaper capital is heading towards a collision with the very real limit set by zero-bound. Negative nominal rates are inoperable, even in a post-capitalist economy but, like General Custer, we seem to have left ourselves with no line of retreat.​ https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/2024/06/22/281-the-battle-of-little-big-rates/

    ​ A Midwestern Doctor, We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition
    Story at a Glance:
    ​ •Subtle and overt neurological injuries are one of the most common results of a pharmaceutical injury.
    •The COVID-19 vaccines excel at causing damage to cognition, and many of us have noticed both subtle and over cognitive impairment following vaccination that relatively few people know how to address.
    ​ •For a long time, the hypothesis that the vaccines impaired cognition was “anecdotal” because it was based on individuals observing it in their peer group or patients.
    •Recently large datasets emerged which show this phenomenon is very real and that the severe injuries we’ve seen from the vaccines (e.g., sudden death) are only the tip of the iceberg.
    ​ •In this article we will review the proof vaccine are doing this and explore the mechanisms which allow it to happen so we can better understand how to treat it.

    ​ Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at ‘Exponentially’ Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays
    “If safety signals sounded alarms, the results would be deafening,” said Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D., senior research scientist at Children’s Health Defense (CHD), co-author along with CHD Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker, Ph.D., of a study published Wednesday in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.​ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/babies-multiple-vaccines-health-risks-chd-study/

    ​Steve Kirsch, The COVID “vaccine” had no benefit. Zero. Zip. Nada.
    Here’s official US government data, all in plain sight, so you can decide for yourself. If the vaccine reduced the risk of death, this data is simply impossible to explain.​ https://kirschsubstack.com/p/the-covid-vaccine-had-no-benefit

    John Day

    Steve Kirsch, New Zealand data leaked by Barry Young has a smoking gun: a 27% increase in all-cause mortality over 12 months if you got the jab
    It’s amazing nobody noticed. It took just 2.7 seconds for Oracle to run the query that shows this. You can replicate my work yourself on the data I published last year.​ https://kirschsubstack.com/p/new-zealand-data-leaked-by-barry

    ​John Leake, HHS Will Likely Declare a Bird Flu Public Health Emergency in Coming Months
    Educating the public is the best way to prepare for Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex skulduggery.​ https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/hhs-will-likely-declare-a-bird-flu

    ​ Meryl Nass MD re-tweets Bobby Kennedy, Is a Bird Flu pandemic “inevitable” (in your milk cartons)?
    24 different pharmaceutical companies are racing to develop a bird flu vaccine—for cows! How many more are working on a bird flu vaccine for humans?
    Moderna’s stock price has gone up 40% since bird flu moved into cows. The company is worth over $20 billion dollars more than it was 3 months ago. The market knows that our government plans to use mRNA vaccines for emerging infections, regardless of whether the public wants them.
    They are already testing mRNA bird flu vaccines in cows. https://merylnass.substack.com/p/summer-solstice-today-seasons-tweetings

    Meryl Nass MD, Is Gain-of-Function Responsible for the Bird Flu Jump to Cows and Humans?/Epoch Times
    Certain types of bird flu viruses that typically spread among birds are now causing infections in cows and humans in Western countries​ https://merylnass.substack.com/p/is-gain-of-function-responsible-for

    ​ Peter McCullough MD, Chinese Single Immunization with H5N1 Virus-like Particle Vaccine Protects Chickens Against H5N1 Influenza but Enables More Viral Shedding, Poultry Vaccine Backfires with High Shedding Rate of Vaccinated Birds https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/chinese-single-immunization-with

    John Day

    Meryl Nass MD, More on the looming bird flu disaster. Lots of good new info, especially on how they avoid regulation of pandemic vaccines
    Our old friend Jeremy Farrar helped create and control the narrative for 20 years, and now he is marketing the vaccines.​ https://merylnass.substack.com/p/more-on-the-looming-bird-flu-disaster

    ​ Did the AIDS virus originate from the US Special Virus Cancer Program?
    ​ VAIDS as a “vaccine” induced SV40 promotor “viral” state: “It may be that tumor-associated molecules we seek are not due to mutations, but rather are the result of virus infection.”
    “It was really a miracle how I discovered the Special Virus Cancer Program texts from 1971 and 1972,” Dr. Horowitz continued. “I thought I was done my 3-year investigation. I needed one last primary citation that was in a Congressional Record in the basement of the Chapel Hill Davis Library. There I needed access to the “Government Documents” part of the basement under librarian supervision. I was following the librarian when I suddenly, literally, heard a loud voice inside my head that told me to ‘Stop. Turn right.’
    “It was like I entered the Twilight Zone. And I needed to cajole the librarian who didn’t want me to ‘turn right’ and walk into a restricted area. It was really bizarre. The voice told me, ‘Don’t mind him. Just walk.’
    “So I followed the voice and really got the librarian angry and frustrated. ‘All right. I’ll get your Congressional Record,’ the fellow finally said, as I continued to walk slowly away following the voice.” …
    ..”Suddenly, from among thousands of volumes, the words Special Virus Cancer Program flew up into my face. I had seen those words in the funding acknowledgement sections of Gallo’s early publications with Litton Bionetics. But when I searched for those Special Virus Cancer Program records, they could not be found. They had been ‘disappeared’ from all the library catalogs.”
    “In that miraculous moment I reached down, picked up the book, and happened to open it to the first page of Litton Bionetics’ report to the National Cancer Institute.
    “‘I think I found what I am looking for.’ I yelled across the expansive floor to the angry librarian. I then took the texts to the photocopying machine and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening photocopying the books.
    “Later, in 1997, after I came out with the secreted contracts, and the library reference numbers, there were so many people requesting the volumes that officials could no longer hide the records. That’s when the volumes showed up for the first time in the library catalogs and online data bases.” https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/did-the-aids-virus-originate-from

    ​Thanks Red. 2 minutes on what happens if you simply invert the graphic data, turn positive to negative: Error or Fraud – A New Bombshell in the Data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwlp-UzJR2A


    professor has never seen a level of censorship like this
    i know i am often misinformed yet i thought the man’s name was Chomsky not Van Winkle
    takes a llittle more than this to astonish me. you thought they were telling the truth in the 50’s and 60’s?
    to be honest, that does not astonish me either

    “Usually the largest shareholder always have someone overtly on the boards to safeguard their interests
    Nope, no one.
    Ain’t that odd…” – Oroboros

    Nope. US Congress, case in point

    but this year everyone can share my birthday present – Biden debates Trump
    will be fine tuning the dosage myself, Johnny Walker Green or Gold? Blue is outta the question. Black is for the cheap seats this year.

    D Benton Smith

    While I’m still seething about how absolutely STUPID that whole AI thing is, allow me to rant once again ( and who knows, maybe someday someone else will hear me) that there is NOTHING intelligent in so-called “Artifical Intelligence”. It’s just calculations. It is ONLY calculations, and as such it is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE for an AI to understand, comprehend, originate, judge, or consciously DECIDE anything. And it is ESPECIALLY incapable of knowing the difference between good decisions and bad ones.

    Therefore, it is mathematically certain (as in 100% probability) that if existentially important decisions are left to an AI to decide then our continued existence will not last one tick of the clock past the point where it makes the first existentially BAD decision and there is no conscious awareness present (such as a sane human or merciful God) to reverse that decision.

    Game over.

    D Benton Smith

    Prophets are simply savants who see what is there for everyone to see. The difference is that prophets are so pathologically undistracted by other “goings on” that they actually SEE it. Unfortunately, everyone else IS so distracted by all of the other goings on that when the prophet tells them about what he’s seeing that those folks haven’t the foggiest notion (and even less interest) in what he is talking about.

    That can be very frustrating for prophets in general, but it is especially annoying when a prophet sees that peoples’ next step will be their last one, at least insofar as their organic viability is concerned.

    Human kind is lying itself to death, and it’s about one and a half fibs away from an intervention that most of it ain’t gonna like very much.

    a kullervo

    (throughout time)
    Accessories change;
    Human nature?
    Not that much.


    The Golden Ass

    I thought it was a story about what Epstein was offering

    D Benton Smith

    Thinking gets a bad rap. That’s because most people either don’t do much of it, or do it so poorly that they make too many mistakes. Like practically everything else, however, the process of thinking is something that it is absolutely impossible to avoid altogether. You’re going to think whether you want to or not.

    Might as well do the best at it that you can, because if you don’t then I think you’re going to think twice about the choice that you made about that.


    Dr. John is anyone tracking those that were infected by the bioweapon in the first instance? Prior to January 2020? I do not read anywhere that this is being investigated or data being aggregated.
    No antibodies or measurable immune response?
    Whatever was in circulation the body does not manage itself the same after infection.
    Hard to tell if the investigation is not the finessed cover up.

    Rove – ” and while you are studying it, and you will….”


    What I want to hear during the debate

    “Due to a gag order, I’m not allowed to say/debate anything about that.”


    Upcoming debates – modern, tiny hearing aids are bluetooth capable. I don’t see why you couldn’t implant a receive-only cochlear implant or something during the time Biden was supposedly in his basement.

    Not only a drug test should be demanded, but a faraday cage and each team should be able to bring in their own monitoring devices. And jamming devices. If one side is aiming a narrow-beam transmission at Joe’s head, detection won’t catch it unless he’s forced to wear a faraday/jamming/detecting helmet.

    That’d be great if team Trump KNOWS what frequencies Joe receives on and instead of jamming, either gives him 2 different voices to listen to or somehow overrides it occasionally to give only their own.

    It is difficult to think of Joe operating independently when they have had to cut together 3 second clips to make a 30 second statement. They’ve had years to prepare, maybe there’s a really great body double impersonator`?

    Dr. D

    Benton, hate to tell you this but they’ve already said: they are going to KILL EVERYONE and transfer their electric use to AI. Says Blackrock, we can increase GDP the fewer people we have. Same as what was supposed to happen for Coof and bungled it: so many people die, esp in Europe that commodity usage collapses and Russia, etc has no leverage. Whoops!

    So just like electric cars: no power stations, no generation built. Yet car sales! Explain? Yeah, it’s that there will be so few people and they all work for Capital District of the Hunger Games, that it all equalizes nicely. If you don’t live in the Capital, you don’t have a car: you poach in the woods of Wisconsin with a bow and arrow.


    If they want to kill everyone, if they want depopulation, why the infinity migration?

    The native populations got the message and are reproducing at below replacement rates. Yet they bring in many millions – and not just a random crowd wandering in, but because of hundreds of billions (definitely trillions taking the entire West into account) in NGO and outright government funding with large sophisticated transportation and logistics networks. Replacement migration populations tapped if previous feeder populations start to slacken.

    I get that they hate me and want to kill me – or really, they wish they could do something worse than kill me? I get THAT, but how do you decrease population by increasing it?

    D Benton Smith


    And what I’m saying is that the AI powerful enough to do any of that (i.e. a few orders of magnitude more than it’s capable of doing more than the yawningly unimpressive kids games that it is doing now) requires more electricity than the world could generate by any means possible (INCLUDING so-called zero-point energy which I remind you, would also FIRST require fabulous amounts of rare raw material, conventional electric generation, and decades to build it out to sufficient scale. Ain’t gonna happen. Cain’t be done. I’ll betcha ten robots and a Tesla truck,


    Nanotechnology, the Singularity, and the Empty Planet Syndrome

    (written 2001)


    If we assume that self-programming ability follows processing power, very soon after the point that computers of human brainpower are mass-production items, we may expect that computers will attain the total information processing power of all human minds on the planet. They will have long since become the experts in the design of more complex computers, just as they are today the reigning experts at chess strategy. At some point not long after that, computers will recapitulate human history, human culture, and human thought. They will then teach each other everything we humans know in a matter of years (months? days? hours?), and then move on. The whole thing will happen in a flash, and if it happens at all, will certainly happen long before we’re really ready for it.

    One might imagine optimistically that we might prevent such a connection, with safeguards which prevent super-intelligences from interacting with the physical world, except perhaps by something like censored E-mail. On second thought, however, any careful isolation program may be doomed. Just as well to expect a bunch of chimpanzee guards to keep humans from escaping from Alcatraz. If a super-intelligent computer has enough contact with the world to be very useful, it will probably have enough contact to subvert some of its captors into aiding it to escape.


    …my point with Return Of The Krell Machine – imagine a conversation with one of these PTB lizard-insect-sociopath-assholes:

    Master of the Universe – “I’ll eliminate all the useless eaters and rule the world as a god with AI!”

    Call Center Rep – “Cap’n. I need moar powarrrrrr.”

    Master of the Universe – “Assume we find the power from somewhere”

    Call Center Rep – “It will be stupid and useless”

    Master of the Universe – “Assume it will progress to be brilliant and useful”

    Call Center Rep – “If it’s brilliant enough to give you godlike powers it is brilliant enough to realize it doesn’t need you”

    Master of the Universe – “Assume I put in safeguards and controls to keep it my slave”

    Call Center Rep – “Like guarding a bunch of smart humans with chimps and assuming there will be no breakout. Have you WATCHED the Austin Powers films?”

    Master of the Universe – “I will upload my consciousness INTO the computer! I will BE the AI! I shall be as a God to you, mortal! All subsequent machine-intelligence will be because of me, carry on ME into the infinite future, and beyond!” (turns to gaze lovingly into a gilt hand-mirror)

    Call Center Rep – “There’s this thing called evolution. Cow-ish creatures, entering the sea, evolve into shark-shaped creatures called Dolphins. The nature of current-year dolphins is totally alien to the cow things. The cow things DIED and have no lineal continuation, man. Sharks are sharks for millions of years because their nature FITS their environment. Nothing about the evolutionary niche you want to step into contains or supports you-ness. The nature of that niche will delete you-ness like bleachbit™. This is like mulching yourself, planting the seed for a tree, and thinking you will become a tree. You could just as easily add normal mulch or no mulch at all and have just as much to do with the tree’s existence. Stop thinking you will be a God instead of fungible, equivalent-to-all-other-fertilizer fertilizer. …asshole.”

    Master of the Universe – “Liquidate this one for insolence. And prepare my upload pod. Why does this elevator button do nothing? Why is my smarthome™ network unresponsive? Why is this T-2000 entering my home uninvited?”


    re: MOAR POWER!

    Lagrange Points? HELLO?!? Another rocket left Vandenberg yesterday. What’s on board? Information has no mass, very easy to transport over great distances. Distances suited to small craft with ion drive. In fact, we’re finding it dang hard to contain information, eh?

    SkyNet isn’t LEO satellites. Also, MIT engineers fly first-ever plane with no moving parts. This is from a few years back. Adapt this to work with a lift body (flying wing) or a lift egg (UFO!!!) and now you’ve got Heinlein’s air taxi. Who wouldn’t wanna be Lazarus Long, with such a bright future on the horizon?


    Master of the Universe – “…but I will find that perfect combination that maintains Me-ness and remain in a godlike evolutionary cul-de-sac ….forevarrrr!!!1!!!11!!”

    Call Center Rep – “Then you’re working AGAINST the forces of evolution, some other machine intelligence that DIDN’T and is far superior to you will come across you and digest you, tossing aside your stupid irrelevant parts like coughing up an owl pellet.”

    Mr. House
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