Debt Rattle April 7 2021
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- This topic has 92 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
V. Arnold.
April 7, 2021 at 4:47 pm #72653
madamski cafone
ParticipantHeadline calls it crazy; I call it the turning of the wheel:
“What happened in Smith’s precinct was no one-off oddity; that night, longtime party activists were similarly ejected from their positions at meetings across Greenville County after hundreds of new faces showed up, seemingly out of the woodwork. The GOP loyalists did not know them, but the newcomers seemed to know the process, and they took advantage of it to jettison longtime officials.
“Smith, and others, seemed to offend simply by having a whiff of experience in local politics, a black mark that was linked to the worst possible offense to the GOP base: not doing enough to support Donald Trump in the wake of the 2020 election.
“Since Trump’s defeat and the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, the MAGA faithful around the country have been restless. State-level activists have led the charge nationally in loudly criticizing and plotting against any Republican perceived to be an enemy of the Trump movement, from members of Congress who voted to impeach the ex-president to local officials seen as being weak or soft when it counted.”
In time, they will become the leading clique and their righteousness will be imposed on others as they can and see fit.
April 7, 2021 at 4:47 pm #72654Doc Robinson
ParticipantThat 0.002% fatality rate for children with Covid inspired me to look at other diseases for comparison. There is an infectious disease with a fatality rate of 0.01% for children, which makes it roughly 5 times deadlier than Covid. I’ll call this disease “5xCovid” to better make my point.
5xCovid is a common infection caused by viruses. It typically begins with a fever and feeling generally unwell. Signs and symptoms normally appear 3–6 days after exposure to the virus. The viruses that cause 5xCovid are spread through close personal contact, through the air from coughing and the feces of an infected person. Contaminated objects can also spread the disease. Some people may carry and pass on the virus despite having no symptoms of disease. 5xCovid occurs in all areas of the world. It often occurs in small outbreaks in nursery schools or kindergartens. Large outbreaks have been occurring in Asia since 1997.What is the approach used to prevent the spread of 5xCovid?
“Handwashing may prevent spread, and those infected should not go to work, daycare or school.”
April 7, 2021 at 4:53 pm #72655zerosum
ParticipantHow to stop the pandemic. (covid math)
Don’t tell lies
Don’t be hypochondriacLook for the signs of covid as per list. Stay home. Don’t go to work. Lose your job. When you think you are sicker, call your doctor. Tell him the signs that you think you have. Your doc will get you a testing recommendation. (If not, call the ambulance and they will take you to emergency.) Get a test. Get the results. Stay home until you are very sick and need to go to emergency. Call ambulance. Go to emergency. Follow instruction given at the door. Do not enter. You could give covid to other people in emergency. Let them take you to ICU.
A hypochondriac is someone who lives with the fear that they have a serious, but undiagnosed medical condition, even though diagnostic tests show there is nothing wrong with them. Hypochondriacs experience extreme anxiety from the bodily responses most people take for granted.
April 7, 2021 at 4:58 pm #72656Doc Robinson
ParticipantRe: my Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease example.
The case fatality rate, for children under 5, is reportedly 0.01%. No mention of the infection fatality rate for other children, so it’s not quite an apples-to-apples comparison.
April 7, 2021 at 5:04 pm #72657John Day
ParticipantGo GERM!
@Madamski: I’m still likin’ your style and attention to flawed assumptions.
It’s good for mental clarity.April 7, 2021 at 5:06 pm #72658John Day
If we look at the weakening of immune system effectiveness from low vitamin-D, things make more sense.
Florida, less locked down, and California, are similar in our minds, but Florida’s North is at the same latitude as California’s South.
Vitamin-D from sunlight does not exist above the 35th parallel in winter.
California also has a higher packing density in major cities, which puts people in closed spaces and close proximity.
Open Florida has more cases this spring, but closed California has more deaths.
It’s not all political. It’s more biological, as I see it.This is a substantial article, and voices the same concerns that I have.
This could be the big solution that our owners desire. Thanks Luc.
Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’ April 7, 2021 at 5:07 pm #72659Mr. House
ParticipantFor what its worth Darkmatter i think your comment was one of the best i’ve read in awhile.
April 7, 2021 at 5:13 pm #72660Mr. House
Participant@ Mr. HOuse
“We used to call it the Flu.”
Even though it often wasn’t. Even though many cases reported as covid may have been influenza. What we used to call it makes a nifty rhetorical device but alas, opne based on pointless nonsense.
So you got sick and got better. Yeah. Everyone should be more like you, I suppose. DUrn those people who get sick and die. Messing up our nice clean paradigm.
You won’t understand me until you pull those fingers out of your ears.
except we no long have cases of the flu or hadn’t you heard.
Here is a rational reason for why dem/lins are currently the more loudly heard voice of obnoxious blaming and agaenda:
Gallup: Democrats now outnumber Republicans by 9 percentage points, thanks to independents
They’re in power, currenmtly in vogue, and the bigger clique usually rules, and with impunity. That makes more sense than what amounts to claiming you’ve seen inside the liberal group gestalt psyche (whatever the fuck that might be) and seeing qualities that one feels superior to even as one demonstrates those same qualities in oneself. After all, you would never oppress anyone, would you? No. You’re special.
Except they weren’t in 2016 and all we heard were the voices of DEMS and ladies wearing pink hats marching around. And the media went on and on about catholic kids picking on drum pounding vets and blah blah blah
April 7, 2021 at 5:57 pm #72662Mr. House
ParticipantApril 7, 2021 at 5:59 pm #72663Michael Reid
Participant@ WES
April 7, 2021 at 6:12 pm #72664Michael Reid
ParticipantI have all of it maybe who knows. I feel that I have empathy but only up to a limit . Reminds me of the tribe leaving one behind to die.
April 7, 2021 at 7:21 pm #72665Mr. House
ParticipantApril 7, 2021 at 7:27 pm #72666madamski cafone
Participant@ Mr. House
Yes, gone by winter. Don’t believe everything you read, I’ve heard said. There may well be pockets of covid double-downing state-wise. If so, mine will likely be such a pocket. But most of the states, most of the nations will abandon this shit soon: the car doesn’t drive. It’s a bogus deal and enough are figuring it out that the illusion will not stand. Without the illusion, the coercion will not prevail.
“Except they weren’t in 2016 and all we heard were the voices of DEMS and ladies wearing pink hats marching around. And the media went on and on about catholic kids picking on drum pounding vets and blah blah blah”
Firstly, they were in vogue but they were for people like Sanders so the media turned their volume way down, leaving them mostly to the (much freer then) internet. On the internet, they were huge. I remember something called Occupy Wall Street, which had a predominant liberal demographic. I recall the ‘cops gone wild’ cellcam footage flood. Liberals were making major waves but foolishly tried to effect change through their brand name party, the DNC, which is anything but liberal. (Neoliberal is anything but new or liberal.) The “liberal” media (ha!), by then inseparable from the various government factions but especially the DNC, certainly didn’t promote liberal values. It promoted distorted versions of the prevailing causes du jour that progressives (in other words, genuine liberals) were selling at the time. Soon we had trans-bi-metro-everything, black social justice is THE thing, and the sense of certainty that socially-approved (media-pushed, in other words) morally righteous outrage brings out. Mob spores.
But, four years ago, I heard plenty of GOP voices in 2016. In fact, almost “all (I) heard” about was the GOP nominee, some dude named Trump. The actual liberal candidate (some guy named Sanders) couldn’t get a peep out even with a live sparrow squeaking through the mic of his arena podium. FOX cashed in on this too, as I recall. Trump was media and media was Trump. Everything else was just seasoning.
It was the “liberal” media that let Trump rant forever about “crooked Hillary”. (So did the conservative media.) They were hard to tell apart at the time, lib/con media, both following the money and the interests of the Deep State: Trump bad, Hillary sucks but at least she isn’tTrump, over and over and over… knowing all the time that Hillary was anything but liberal and was also likely to lose. (TV execs can both read polls and commission polls. They knew.)
But somehow, through all this, we are asked to believe that there is a distinctive moral difference at large among what the nodding masses are taught by their media to call ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’. You really ask us to follow some party line. Seriously. When all camps have utterly and abjectly failed to promote the commonwealth in anyway except for token cake crumbs. The system is broken, bleeding, dying, the heartline monitor hasn’t flatlined but instead has gone through the roof (thanks, Fed), bullets from both camp’s elected officials equally present in the body, and you want to kvetch about how liberals are currently hard to talk with about certain things?
It’s not like the Deep State gives a flying fuck about your or my political preferences, and we all here agree that the Deep State has taken over what was left of our already frayed political system. This, unless majorly corrected on a scale that borders on the miraculous, will bring down the State that the Deep uses as primary parasitic host, thereby removing both. We are watching it happen.
Yes, we know the media is sold-out to the highest bidder and co-opted by the Deep State, an entity that embraces both “liberal” and “conservative” concepts as ways to distort the reality perceived by the plebiscite. The obviously “liberal” media monolith nonetheless worked overtime to defeat liberal ideals while helping to elect a conservative candidate in order to stay financially solvent and protect its government affiliations, which can be simplified as “Hillary”.Then both parties and both media monoliths (my impression is that the “conservative” media monolith is FOX News and what’s left of genuinely conservative mainstream journalism) attacked the Orange Demon non-stop while trashing both conservative and liberal values.
Both camps benefitted and lost from all this. The GOP lost, period, and the Dems won as Pyrrhic a victory as possible without using napalm in the White House sprinkler system.
But whatever… I can reverse the polarity and hear the identical sentiments from my friends of the still ardently mainstream left, only the identities change, labels are swapped, and now it’s all the other guy’s fault. Those deplorables vs those purple-haired justice warriors.
Relax: you’re not alone. Soon you’ll be a voice in a large crowd of conversative backlash sentiment. Who knows? Maybe we’ll get to hunt down justice warriors on a bounty system one enough people agree that THEY’RE the problem, they’re the oppressors, and their removal will fix the problem.
It starts with ‘that bunch is inferior to my bunch’, and often ends up with people crammed into railroad cattle cars. You picked the winning team, though: the power dynamic flow at this point almost guarantees that conservatives will be the dominant political group when society begins collapse in accelerated earnest and hunting season begins.
You keep pointing that thing at others like it’s aiming solely their way when it’s a two-way water-pistol at best, and at worst a hand-held water balloon. I watch, perplexed, intrigued, studious, learning how your particular data shields are configured. Might be useful information someday.
April 7, 2021 at 7:53 pm #72667Mr. House
ParticipantMY MY MY I agree with everything you said. See what happens when you just come out and say it. “Liberals” are opening pandoras box with cancel culture and trying to get people fired and trying to control what people can say. Yes a backlash will happen, and i will not take part in any of it. I point out what i do just to say please don’t open pandoras box. Forgive them father they know not what they do. I was saying in 2016 that Trump was just Obama for white people, and he was. So you understand the problem, do you point this out to your friends? And if so how do they treat you when you do? Have you figured out how to get past what i think is probably their response? I’m still working on it. I think Darkmatters comment is a perfect wedge to actually get the gears turning. Compare it like he did to something that was proven to be a crock of poo. Thank you for you reponse, i enjoyed it!
April 7, 2021 at 7:57 pm #72668Mr. House
ParticipantPerhaps, just perhaps, the deep state wants to have the left and right tear each other apart while they continue to loot the last sinews off of whats left of this country? But that would be too much of a plan.
April 7, 2021 at 8:58 pm #72669Mr. House
ParticipantApril 7, 2021 at 9:08 pm #72670Noirette
ParticipantUgo Bardi, a post from Jan. 15, 2021:
The Pandemic as a Worldwide Ritual of Purification.
Excerpt. … All the trappings well-known to be involved in these rituals are present: from the ritual ablutions to the wearing of special clothing, including the believers being involved in various forms of penance in order to purify not just the body, but also the spirit.
The correspondence is nearly perfect: face masks, compulsive hand washing, isolation of the cathecumens and the generalized punishment of all the “ludic” activities, from restaurants to tourism. If you read the piece below, written by prof. Sherry B. Ortner and published on “Britannica.” You could be thinking that you are reading a description of the current Covid-19 pandemic, yet it was published more than 20 years ago, in 1999.
So, we are going through this ritual just because we have to. The only problem is that the rituals observed in “primitive” societies tend to last for a short time and to end with the believers ready to restart their normal life. Here, there is no end in sight for this series of rituals that seem to be going on forever.
This struck a chord as I have just been to the hairdresser and to a dental clinic. The purification / protective rituals were passing strange (e.g. hairdresser disinfects scissors 5 times but shouts at me without mask to overcome noise of hair dryer, not that I mind; dentist is super dressed up in triple type protective gear, but the waiting room is packed with 30 children and their minders, 4-5 older ppl, all jammed together.. – all of whom filled out a form, as I had to do, about ‘symptoms’, ‘contact with ppl with covid’, ‘health probs’ and on and on.)
The vaccines, seen thru such a lens, are imposed / accepted self — other harm devices, designed to induce suffering and pain (like self-flagellation, punishment, deprivation) which within some cosmic, esoteric or even devilish exchange scheme will be protective, beneficial – one suffers for future indulgence or gains.
On show at the hairdresser, ppl were arguing about which vaxxes were ‘da best’ (AstraZ deadly, Pfizer wonderful) and that they could all make you grave malade – very ill… but it was necessary, and at the same time, measures would have to be even stricter (masks, social distancing, disinfection..), that is life, get used to it. In any case, without being vaxxed, soon one won’t even be able go to the market to buy food. (!)
Of course much of this discourse is ‘for fun’ / ‘cynical’ / ‘tongue in cheek’, this is CH and everyone mocks, ups the ante. Still.
April 7, 2021 at 10:24 pm #72671zerosum
Level 4: Very High Level of COVID-19 in Canada
Key Information for Travelers to CanadaTravelers should avoid all travel to Canada.
Because of the current situation in Canada even fully vaccinated travelers may be at risk for getting and spreading COVID-19 variants and should avoid all travel to Canada.
If you must travel to Canada, get fully vaccinated before travel. All travelers should wear a mask, stay 6 feet from others, avoid crowds, and wash their hands.April 7, 2021 at 10:41 pm #72672Michael Reid
ParticipantSalmon juice can be very tasty especially when properly addressed. Beavers are a bigger concern
April 7, 2021 at 10:41 pm #72673DarkMatter
Steal and improve at your leisure.
April 8, 2021 at 12:23 am #72674madamski cafone
Participant@ Mr. House
I don’t try to make people aware politically unless they seem to want it. I work on generating good will and trust. I do not worry about this or that pandora’s box of socially confused ills: they’re products of a psychotic culture and can’t be stopped. I have no interest in large group answers, in preaching politics to form a political consensus relevant to this thing we call our government. I agree with Zappa that “politics are the entertainment division of the miolitary-industrial complex.” Make work to distract us from being ruled by tyrants.
If people discuss covid, I tell them what I think works, why I don’t want a vaccine. If they argue against me, I don’t engage. That’s my opinion, that’s all,I say, and I quite like it the way it is. You do what you think is best. .I don’t want to run your business for you.Smile. Kinda fun watching their heads asplode… or absorb what I’ve said. Works both ways. I focus mostly on smiling and being nice in the process. Smiles are more convincing than facts for most people anyway.
There’s a quote by someone, Seneca, I think, that says “War is a wind that shakes humanity like leaves on a tree.” Same with politics. They’re both dangerous folly. They’re also inevitable, best I can tell. My hope for the future is to help a few young people get through without losing their sense of decency and self-worth. What I can do isn’t much but it’s what I have to offer. I could care less about the USA constitution or democracy, socialism, communism, modernism, post-modernism, progressivism, conservatism… nice to read about but in practice they’re like directing a Marx Brothers movie without a script.
I am interested in how large power structures affect us because large weird shit is interesting and because the future has grown so risky these days, not because I have the faintest hope that we can direct this megaculture that is slamming us into a brick wall future like a train full of crash test dummies. I have some hope, however, to be a tolerably nice person as things burn down.
Don’t tell anyone, but this crazy woman thinks she wants to be a saint when she grows up. I literally have nothing better to do.
“Perhaps, just perhaps, the deep state wants to have the left and right tear each other apart while they continue to loot the last sinews off of whats left of this country? But that would be too much of a plan.”
Well, it’s what they’ve always done. They’re sawing off their own tree limb but it’s all they’ve ever done.
April 8, 2021 at 1:02 am #72675madamski cafone
ParticipantThere goes Pakistan:
Russia to boost ties with Pakistan
““We stand ready to strengthen the anti-terrorist potential of Pakistan, including by supplying Pakistan with special military equipment,” Lavrov said, without going into detail about the equipment.
“Washington is reviewing an agreement it signed more than a year ago with the Taliban as it rethinks a May 1 withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Moscow has stepped up its involvement there and hosted talks last month between the Taliban and senior Afghan government officials. Lavrov suggested another high-level meeting could again be held in Moscow.
“Lavrov arrived in Pakistan on Tuesday from neighboring India, with which Moscow has had a long and solid relationship. The apparent reset in Pakistani-Russian relations, however, is by contrast a more recent phenomena.”
We’re running out of friends.
April 8, 2021 at 1:55 am #72676my parents said know
ParticipantHit middle c on the piano. This is the world envisioned for us.
Play Beethoven’s seventh. This is the world we crave.Australia/NZ bubble: for OffG readers, Gezzah Potts can go home!
Will the jokes at the comedy clubs allow Covid jokes? (It’s so cute that Covid is automatically capitalized.)
If there had been a market, platforms that actually provided privacy and encryption would have overtaken platforms which exploited their customers’ data.
Failure -and the ability to learn from it- is ….normal.
Yearning. Wanting. Like the extraordinary, fascinatingly unicorn-loving pitbull- it warms us when someone wants something and gets it. The one who desires is admired.
Lockdown was quite effective in killing my desire to get things done that I first thought I would do when it was declared.It will be interesting to see what has been written while I was composing these trivial words over the last hour or so.
April 8, 2021 at 2:04 am #72677WES
ParticipantYou won’t hear of this in any of the msm.
So many children being held in Biden’s border holding camps, are being raped that Texas is asking the Texas Rangers to investigate these federal gov. centers.
Naturally the feds are resisting these Texas investigations as none of their business!
If you want to become the guardian for one of these sex slaves, you will be glad to learn that the FBI will not perform any background checks on you before handing the child over.
Your real risks lies with the Drug Cartels for stealing their sex slaves.
April 8, 2021 at 2:12 am #72678Mister Roboto
ParticipantI am increasingly of the mind that Covid is something the post-modern world will have to live with for quite a while, as smallpox (a much nastier customer) was for the world of old. I just can’t help wonder just how much more craziness the world will have to go through before the mass of people are ready to accept this unpleasant truth? Maybe one reason they’re militating and propagandizing against the use of Ivermectin is that using it would probably make people calm down a lot more about the pandemic.
April 8, 2021 at 2:14 am #72679WES
My brother knows an Indian engineer who spent enough time in Russia that he speechs Russian. So did many other Indians, especially in the navy. A while back after some terrorist from Pakistan hit Indian, the Indian Navy hit back. They did this by speaking Russian! The Pakistanis heard the Russian voices and dismissed the threat allowing the Indian navy to get in close before striking the Pakistanis!
April 8, 2021 at 2:14 am #72680Mr. House
ParticipantSome of the readers here might be interested in this. I bought his second book a few years ago, was really a compilation of comments from FT articles. He had a website i visited which he took down right before 2020 saying the path forward had been decided. Just found this right now while googling his name. Seems he decided to comment again.
April 8, 2021 at 2:22 am #72681WES
My brother, in Detroit, earns his living by slamming cars and trucks into brick walls!
It is a rigged game!
The wall always wins!April 8, 2021 at 2:34 am #72682my parents said know
ParticipantThere is something called “protein S deficiency”. It is a “rare” genetic disease that goes mostly unnoticed, but shows up as deep vein thromboses, etc. It’s a clotting problem. Did the vaxxers look into this before fiddling around with the all important S proteins? Might Protein S deficient folks make up a large portion of the clotters?
In my sci-fi mode, I am cynical enough to think that there’s some mad scientist thinking- “this mRNA tweak will target this genetic group! That one will go after that group! Mwah-hahahaha!”
I have been out on this limb before, but man, they want this data.April 8, 2021 at 2:41 am #72683WES
ParticipantMr. House:
Lockdowns are all about keeping one person in power.
Stalin didn’t care how many Russians died, as long as it wasn’t him!
April 8, 2021 at 2:46 am #72684WES
Participantmy parents said know:
I hope after this heat wave, which hit my brother in Detroit yesterday and hits Toronto tomorrow, your boat doesn’t get frozen in lake ice!
April 8, 2021 at 2:58 am #72685Mr. House
ParticipantRead his article on how capitalism requires world war. I always enjoyed that. One of the people i came across while reading his second book was a good writer. His blog is here:
April 8, 2021 at 3:04 am #72686Mr. House
ParticipantApril 8, 2021 at 3:22 am #72687madamski cafone
ParticipantWhat self-serving denialist bullshit:
April 8, 2021 at 3:24 am #72688madamski cafone
ParticipantAbsolutele insanity. Our species has npo idea what to do with all this (briefly abundant) energy. We’re like a dog with a big stick in its mouth stuck in the doggie door.
April 8, 2021 at 3:28 am #72689madamski cafone
Participant@ my parents said know
“It will be interesting to see what has been written while I was composing these trivial words over the last hour or so.”
Best read I’ve had all week anywhere, dear. LOvely sentiments and thought-provoking. I don’t encounter that as much as I’d like, alas. Thank you.
April 8, 2021 at 3:33 am #72690madamski cafone
Participant@ WES
“My brother, in Detroit, earns his living by slamming cars and trucks into brick walls!”
There has to be an insider slang term for this. We wanna know.
April 8, 2021 at 3:46 am #72691April 8, 2021 at 3:53 am #72692madamski cafone
Participant@ Mr. House
Aye, real lockdowns are different than what has happened the past year. Even what China did was hybrid: universal (everyone in a zone, in other words) lockdown with individual quarantine. But then, we never had an entirely indoor culture until recent decades when AC became a universal given in any modern society.
The way people gather indoors these days is a fright. he same air recycled over and over…The state of modern people’s immune systems, even before covid lockdowns, was atrocious. (Life in major Chinese industrial centers is not exactly healthful.) The modern mindset is taught to be deeply germophobic for over a century, while the easy power of antibiotics removed any sensible public health/sanitation public awareness programs.
For Fauci (who I mostly certainly am NOT defending), it would be imnpossible for him to give proper good advice. Not only is he a product of the, um, Welfare Vaccination State and Germs Kill scholasticism, but he would also have to grow a genuine pair and go against modern thinking. He would have to say: keep your doors and windows open! wash your hands and cover when you sneeze but for god sakes, don’t wear a mask unless you’re symptomatic and out in public among people! Take lots of D, lay off the junk food, go talk with your neighbor and go for walks with them, be as happy as you can be cuz it strengthens your immune system, have lots of safe sex and snuggles, hydrate really well and keep your sinuses moist (points to generic saline spray)… work would have to shut down for 40 days or so, but then roar back to life with a populace healthier than in a long time and primed to stay that way.
This would be crazy talk to most people at first although they’d probably go along with it just fine especially once they realized they were enjoying life again. But an epicyclopian Ptolemaniac like Fauci, another “little manager” as Raul calls them, couldn’t find his testes with both sacks teabagging his own eyes.
Plus, vaccines pay better. Maybe enough for him to buy some bootleg balls from Xinjiang’s Uighur “body farms” (prisons).
Ugh. Government. Make me sick.
April 8, 2021 at 4:02 am #72693madamski cafone
ParticipantYoutube actually put this in my feed. They want this to make the rounds.
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