Debt Rattle April 7 2021


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    Jacobello Alberegno The Beast of the Apocalypse 1360-90   • 0.1% Of Covid-19 Cases In Ireland Come From Outdoor Transmission (IT) • Ron Paul Urge
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 7 2021]

    a kullervo

    Beware of bodily and, above all, psychological obesity.

    Longing is the original (inbred?) virus putting humans under a lifelong strain; to get rid of longing is to become as free as humanly possible. (You can’t unburden yourself from the constraints – aka needs – imposed by the body.)

    V. Arnold

    Jacobello Alberegno The Beast of the Apocalypse 1360-90

    Interesting painting…the beast has cloven hoofs…
    c. 1375…it’s very old and speaks to beliefs of the day in c. 1375…

    V. Arnold

    Beware of bodily and, above all, psychological obesity.

    Longing is the original (inbred?) virus putting humans under a lifelong strain; to get rid of longing is to become as free as humanly possible.

    Happiness is an analogue of longing; both not achievable in the long term…
    Contentment on the otherhand is a more worthy goal…
    …and achievable within one’s lifetime…
    Happiness is the fools gold of modern life…


    Forbes says “ONLY” 50% of parents are going to vaccinate their kids.
    Holy sh-t !!

    “Immunity caused by natural exposure remains the most robust and durable and successful manner to protect the population.” – “We also reiterate, children are not to be vaccinated with these vaccines given their very low risks and the lack of safety data.”

    If You Had Covid, Do You Need the Vaccine?


    Where this is all heading if we allow this policy of vaccine coercion to advance: merging vaccine records with biometric digital identity and economic activity –

    Silicon Valley and WEF-Backed Foundation Announce Global Initiative for COVID-19 Vaccine Records

    Ensuring that EVERYBODY gets jabbed. Then everybody will get a digital ‘wallet’.

    a kullervo

    In Biden Change Of Tune, US Mulling Boycott Of 2022 Beijing Olympics (ZH)

    Some of us still have fonding memories of the 2008 Summer Olympics, when China’s human rights record was pristine as driven snow and hypocrisy was still buried deep inside Pandora’s box.

    Mister Roboto

    The Florida policy has drawn sharp criticism from Fauci, who said it “opened up too quickly” in July. However, the infection control results to date look remarkably similar to California’s, and in some ways better. Through March 28, 9.5 percent of Floridians have been identified as COVID cases. Once we account for the fact that Florida has one of the oldest populations in the country and California has one of the youngest, the death rates with COVID through March 28 are lower in Florida than in California. In fact, the COVID death rate for the under-65 population and the over-65 population are both lower in Florida than in California.

    Some think of lockdowns as the only possible way to protect the population from exposure to COVID risk. In reality, the lockdowns in California and elsewhere have served to protect only a portion of the population—the rich.

    I am not surprised to learn any of this. Covid is just too contagious, and if lockdowns do anything, they only delay the inevitability of letting nature take its course. I know how cold-hearted that sounds, as nature is often as mean as a rattlesnake, but I think going for such a long time without a major war, famine, or pandemic has made us “go soft” about the harsher realities that are involved in living in this world.

    Even countries that strive for the laudable goal of supporting their locked-down citizens with government money probably won’t be able to keep that up for very much longer. Even MMT states that if the government mints too much money in proportion to the amount of economic value being created, there will be inflation. And lockdowns by definition mean less value being created.

    Mr. House

    “but I think going for such a long time without a major war, famine, or pandemic has made us “go soft” about the harsher realities that are involved in living in this world.”

    What do you think “woke” is? I think it is people who deep down see what is coming, a future that will be harsh and unforgiving, and that is the way they protest it. If circumstances force us back to older methods of organizing society with less energy available to be consumed, alot of people who get by now on do nothing desk jobs are not going to be happy. Perhaps woke is merely a protest against circumstances many of them cant/won’t bear.

    Mr. House
    Mr. House

    If someone asks me if i’m going to get the vaccine i’m going to tell them i’m waiting for the brawndo vaccine. It’s got what plants crave!


    On Happiness

    “We say, to shine one corner of the world–that is enough. Not the whole world. Just make it clear where you are.”

    Shunryu Suzuki


    Home schooling lesson
    New class of math and numbers discovered – covid math

    Credits – The Automatic Earth
    References from yesterday which used to exist before 2019

    Types of Numbers – Difference and Classification

    Types of Numbers – Difference and Classification

    madamski cafone

    @ Tomas


    madamski cafone


    The unicorn has a distinctly pitbull face.


    Covid math

    Breaking news from Amsterdam

    Benefits of Astrazeneca outweigh risks

    No similar announcement, (ignored), for Vitamin D + Zinc + (Ivermectin) Stromectol

    Mr. House


    How is it that woke, democrats and covid all share the same characteristic of them not being able to be criticized?


    Breaking news from Amsterdam

    Benefits of Astrazeneca outweigh risks

    Last week Canada banned AstraZeneca for people <60. The next day, Germany banned it for <55. Coinciding with this "report" from the EMA, Britain now bans it for <30.

    This is how you build confidence. Why would anyone want to gamble their lives on this? Well, for one thing, because in Britain, you will soon need a vaccine passport even to buy clothes.

    madamski cafone

    @ Mr. House

    “How is it that woke, democrats and covid all share the same characteristic of them not being able to be criticized?”

    It’s called being human, just as blaming one group for a universal problem is a human attribute. I’ve experience exactly those same phenomena from not-woke republicans on the topic of covid. One group exaggerates the danger on principle; the other dismisses the danger on principle. Both camps tend to shy away from facts.

    Physician heal thyself, is my motto. Not to mention that your question stands on a false premise: democrats, wokesters both experience and respond, sometimes growthfully, to criticism.


    Dr. D

    “CDC Says Vaccinated People Can Now Punch Unvaccinated People In The Face”

    But don’t worry: tomorrow their recommendations will change.



    You have repeatedly demonstrated that people believe covid math. and will not change their mind.
    Anthony Fauci, is still a believer that his numbers and his math are true.
    The majority of the world do not understand math and believe covid math as being true and accurate.

    Just in case, people with high blood pressure accept to take med for high blood pressure.
    Just in case, people with high sugar accept to take med for high sugar.
    Just in case, people with cholesterol accept to take med for cholesterol.

    Just in case, people will believe “covid math” and take the “vaccine” to “not get covid19”

    Peer pressure made me take the vaccine,
    However, I take Vitamin D + Zinc, to minimize the negative effects of covid19
    When I get the symptoms and test positive I will have a supply of Ivermectin to help my immune system fight covid19.

    Mr. House

    Do they? I’ve also had exp. with both groups and one will try to shame you if you don’t wear a mask outside and the other doesn’t give a shit. Which is preferable? What are “conservatives” forcing you to do? Are they threating a bible passport for you to be able to go about your life? This isn’t 1600. It’s like you try to be on both positions at the same time. COVID is super deadly but also its overblown.

    Doc Robinson

    Half Of Americans Intend To Vaccinate Their Children Against Covid (F.)
    Ilargi: How can anyone inject a child with a untested substance?

    I can see how trying an unapproved treatment might make sense for desperate parents of a child who is otherwise expected to die soon, but 99.998% of children (under age 18) will survive Covid-19 if they become infected, according to the “current best estimate” from the CDC.

    0-17 years old, Infection fatality ratio (Estimated number of deaths per 1,000,000 infections) = 20.
    20 deaths out of a million infections = 0.002% fatalities = 99.998% survivors

    That IFR number from the CDC is similar to this“data on COVID-19 deaths in 45 countries and nearly two dozen seroprevalence studies (which determine the percentage of a population that has antibodies against the coronavirus and, hence, the percentage likely to have been infected). Using this data, they determined sex- and age-specific IFRs.”

    I don’t see how the very-limited-to-nonexistent benefits to children outweigh the known, unknown, and potential risks resulting from dosing children with these vaccines. Unlike the seniors whose risks from Covid are thousands of times higher, children have most of their lives ahead of them, and therefore have the most to lose from adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines.

    A press release from Pfizer, March 31:
    Update on the Phase 1/2/3 Study in Children 6 months to 11 years old
    The 5 to 11 year-old cohort started dosing last week and the companies plan to initiate the 2 to 5 year-old cohort next week.

    Mr. House

    Also none i know of actually grew out of TDS, they just transferred it to covid.

    Mr. House

    @Doc Robinson

    So if you had to guess why they are doing this, since just about all of it hasn’t made sense from the beginning, what would be your guess?

    madamski cafone

    Let’s go be whatever it is we are.

    @ Mr. HOuse

    “I’ve also had exp. with both groups and one will try to shame you if you don’t wear a mask outside and the other doesn’t give a shit.”

    And I’ve been shamed from both sides. I remember major dirty looks and muttering from non-mask wearers back when it was a voluntary thing.

    People just don’t stack into those tidy lines that our labels (and our oppressors) want them to form. Label away and it please ya, but I find it oppressive.

    “What are “conservatives” forcing you to do?”

    That’s what’s called a non sequitur, sir. It doesn’t follow from the line of discussion, which was tolerance of criticism not peer pressure. I’m happy to discuss those two, and how they overlap with criticism tolerance, but my sense of data hygiene require I note the difference lest we both become confused.

    Doc Robinson

    Mr. House, my guess is that human greed is promoting and taking advantage of human fear. Those who fear the most are the most gullible. What makes sense to me doesn’t make sense to my fearful neighbor.


    covid math
    246 “Fully Vaccinated” Michigan Residents Catch COVID-19, 3 Die

    But we thought the vaccines were 100% effective at preventing serious illness?

    Mr. House

    Excellent answer and i agree. I still think it all goes back to needing to print money. The monetary system is the key, heck its the reason we invaded Iraq in the early 2000’s. Remember how they were selling oil to the EU for euro’s? Nah bro its all about WMD’s! Its like most of humanity suffers from Stockholm syndrome.

    Whoever is trying to oppress you madamski, i will oppose. One group is very vocal and active with oppression right now. I will oppose them to the death. If the rednecks decided to be the oppressive group, i would oppose them to the death also. Can we agree we are against oppression and what oppression is?


    Covid Infection Fatality rate is 0.15%. that must be equal to or less than flu – and many other afflictions. Where did I read that recently? Anyone?

    Total Covid (with or of, big question mark) deaths in 16 months is now 2,8 million.

    Yearly, 60 million people die on earth. Perspective works.



    covid math
    Symptoms that require testing

    For people who do not know if they had a contact with someone with COVID-19, you need a COVID-19 test if you have new or worsening symptoms.

    If you have 1 or more of these key symptoms, seek testing as soon as possible:
    Fever or chills
    Loss of sense of smell or taste
    Difficulty breathing
    If you have 2 or more of the symptoms below for more than 24 hours, and they are not related to any other pre-existing conditions, seek testing.

    These symptoms are:

    Sore throat
    Loss of appetite
    Extreme fatigue or tiredness
    Body aches
    Nausea or vomiting
    If you have only one of these symptoms, or a symptom that is not on this list and you are able to manage the symptoms at home, stay home until you feel better. If you have any questions, or the symptoms don’t go away contact your health care provider or call 8-1-1.

    You should continue to seek care for other medical conditions as needed, even if it’s not related to COVID-19.

    Children have similar but milder symptoms to adults.

    Should I get tested if I don’t have symptoms?
    If you don’t have any symptoms, testing is not recommended even if you are a contact.


    The Covid 19 response reminds me of the Iraq war:
    * Identify the enemy and get experts to paint it as an existential threat
    * Get the media to push the narrative and silence dissenting voices
    * Convince the majority of people that supporting the cause is patriotic and virtuous
    * Spend trillions in the fight, most of which goes to big corporations
    * Use the crisis to expand government power and suppress civil liberties
    * Have no exit strategy so that it can continue for years
    * When the truth finally comes out no one is to blame; Everyone was just trying to do the right thing

    madamski cafone

    @ Mr. House

    “Can we agree we are against oppression and what oppression is?”

    Nah. That’s too obvious to waste the energy of agreement. WHy not agree that the sun is in the sky?

    Yesterday I had late lunch with a friend on her poatio. She is 89, passes for her 60s. Stands straight. Clear mind. Remarkable person.

    She also has full-blown Trump derangement sayndrome and worries becauase, she told me, “74 million people voted for Trump in 2020.” THEY are the problem, not her and her affilitation group, according to her.

    Today, you tell me that she and her kind are the problem.

    I remember protesting the Iraqi invasion. We got yelled at muchos nachos by rednecks who just knew that Saddam was behind 911. I remember which camp insisted that lesbianms and gays did not deserve the blessing of legally sound civil unions. I could point my finger at them, but why? I already know I have a finger and how it extends.

    Both camps are blaming shaming reactionaries and of no use to me. Team sports are fun… until they put on uniforms and then it becomes oh so serious although it’s still just a silly game but now with the goodness — silliness — removed.

    I have no problem with people insisting they are right… if they bother to make sure they’ve got all the available data and accept that more data could alter their current conclusion. Othewrwise, it’s just more dogma of whatever flavor and I’m highly allergic to the stuff.

    Mr. House

    Sore throat
    Loss of appetite
    Extreme fatigue or tiredness
    Body aches

    I had all of those in Feb of 2020, and was better after three days. We used to call it the Flu.


    I guess i’ll never get what you’re saying.


    I like that and may steal it with your permission.

    madamski cafone

    @ zerosum

    I propose a different approach: take preemptive good care of yourself. Covid, like all parasites, goes after the weak. Get strong, stay strong. Rather than focusing on how to respond to bad consequences, seek to prevent the bad consequences in the first place.

    This is not to deny the accuracy of your covid info above. It’s to point out how it shares western medicine’s reactionary focus: fight sickness rather than nurture health.

    We’re a martial culture from root to leaftip. Fight fight fight. Our bodies and psyches don’t like fighting although they’re well equipped to do so. They like nurturing. They like being taken care of. They don’t want to be tough. They want to be healthy. But they’re taught earfly on to compete even as we’re taught “don’t hit”.

    madamski cafone

    @ Mr. HOuse

    “We used to call it the Flu.”

    Even though it often wasn’t. Even though many cases reported as covid may have been influenza. What we used to call it makes a nifty rhetorical device but alas, opne based on pointless nonsense.

    So you got sick and got better. Yeah. Everyone should be more like you, I suppose. DUrn those people who get sick and die. Messing up our nice clean paradigm.

    You won’t understand me until you pull those fingers out of your ears.

    Mr. House

    Also Darkmatter that script can be applied to 2008, i think you’re on to something.

    Mr. House

    and what am i ignoring? Why do i need to understand you? I understand human nature.

    madamski cafone

    @ Dark Matter

    “* Have no exit strategy so that it can continue for years
    * When the truth finally comes out no one is to blame; Everyone was just trying to do the right thing”

    Here’s the difference that I see:

    There is an exit strategy. They’re already folding the tents and loading the carnival wagons, using the cover of your second point: ‘trying to do the right thing”.

    We’re still in Iraq 18 years later. We won’t be in masks next winter, vaccination schedules/supplies/authorization are already eroding, and whatever covid or subsequent parasites (there will be more, for sure) do to us over time is a wild card yet to be dealt to our currently losing hand.

    Here is a rational reason for why dem/lins are currently the more loudly heard voice of obnoxious blaming and agaenda:

    Gallup: Democrats now outnumber Republicans by 9 percentage points, thanks to independents

    They’re in power, currenmtly in vogue, and the bigger clique usually rules, and with impunity. That makes more sense than what amounts to claiming you’ve seen inside the liberal group gestalt psyche (whatever the fuck that might be) and seeing qualities that one feels superior to even as one demonstrates those same qualities in oneself. After all, you would never oppress anyone, would you? No. You’re special.

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