Debt Rattle August 14 2024


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    Hasui Kawase Moon at Megome (woodblock print) 1930   • X Conversation Between Musk And Trump Generates Over A Billion Views (ZH) • Musk Offers In
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 14 2024]


    Fuck your own face.
    Freedom of speech has never been more hilarious.
    But this is how it works. It shows the truth that speech is made of words.
    The violence in Palestine and Ukraine is ACTUAL violence.
    Oh my god. The sweet relief of seeing politically incorrect badmouthing is sooooo good!
    God Bless America

    Dr. D

    Woke up this morning and my thought was, “Please, please, PLEASE let Starmer have extradicted an American. Please God, if you’re listening.”


    We have U.S. bases right there! Like Africa, we can just start bombing them into freedom today!

    From yesterday, of course there are White Hats. You, Dr. Rich are speaking up. YOU are the White Hat. I speak up. I am a White Hat. Chelsea Manning spoke up and embarrassed the U.S. He is a White Hat. So a very high level Navyman was speaking up and holding the line both militarily, for officer corps, and medically. And he’s still doing that today. There are other Navymen who enlisted for patriotic reasons who are having the same experience right now and are doing what you did. Who did you think I was talking about?

    With Fagan yesterday, He went “antiwar”. Abandoned his men and his post. In fact started shooting them. Clearly that will be illegal, but is it also immoral? Well that’s the question we all have to answer, isn’t it? We follow the Moral, not the Law. Following the Law is “Do what you’re told” by child-like bully narcissists.

    Trump-Musk: Congratulations, you’ve invented Radio. No, really: I have nothing against radio, it’s simple and works really well. That’s what podcasts are, just that you can play them at any time and don’t have to put your ear against the tubes at 8:01pm when Orphan Annie comes on.

    Cleve Wootson, WaPo:

    Take this out a little bit: “the President has the duty to stop misinformation.” Actually, probably yes. If someone was saying Germany is invading, the Government, Executive should get on TV and say they’re not. …Or at least not recently. They are supposed to release corrections, keep in communication with the press and so on. So it’s not THAT you are doing it, but how. You can ADD speech, you cannot REDUCE speech.

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,”

    Congress hasn’t made this law, (they would, but they can’t) ,and the President can’t enforce laws Congress doesn’t make. Speech cannot be abridged, curtailed. You are Free, to Speak. It’s fine if the President and his offices want to add to that, that’s okay and their job. It is not okay to STOP anyone else.

    Just saying because that question and her answer is a complete muddle because they neither know nor care what the law is, only Power. Their whole minds are like “Bulls–t” neither knowing nor caring nor checking if a thing is true or not.

    And again, The U.S. would like to do this – and tried, but are failing – while Europe is demanding complete tyrannical sovereignty over all humans worldwide. What Billionaires, in South Africa or American can or can’t say. Starmer will extradite people, worldwide, for reporting “an event happened”. The whole planet was under WEF, WHO, UN, NWO, EU, European law, control, and jurisdiction.

    Now note they were claiming it was US, the United States, that was doing all that. Yet the minute we back away they leap into the breech and slap leather to fill the gap. Huh. Sounds a lot more like they were directing our leaders, institutions (colleges) and secret services to do what THEY want done, not what WE want done. THEIR vision of the world, not the American vision. Right?

    If you want to go down further, is it the People of Germany, England, who want this? Uhhhh… The People of Poland want this war, transgender and atheism? Uhhhh… So WHO in Europe? And for that matter, is it Switzerland, the world’s largest Castle state and home of the BIS? A de facto gated community that somehow is not subject to the riff-raff problems the rest of Europe is having dumped on them? Geneva is not the hand-grenade capital of the world and has border for some reason. Well, the Swiss are very quiet, but that’s where Davos is, right?

    We say, “Who’s running things? Who benefits?” Does it look like Germany, France, are benefiting, or Starmer, Macron, Scholz, Bibi? No they all look troubled and fighting for their lives every day. America? Non. How about Geneva, are they rich, prosperous, peaceful, and forgotten? Thought experiment: what WOULD it look like? If you were the real owners and real directors, where would YOUR gated community be and what would it look like? Having block-wide arson parties like London?

    “free speech is a right-wing issue; I wouldn’t call [Kirn] Conservative”

    Why on earth would it be a Right Wing or Conservative issue? According to their own definitions, “Right” is authoritarian, and suppresses speech that counters government, military, or Christianity. Censorship and suppressing speech is a Nazi issue. By definition the “Right” cannot be free speech. Correct?

    This is what happens when words have no meaning. Or as I or Martensen core believe, when you live everything through your mind as abstractions.

    “central to the new playbook of power: the “whole of society”. “The term was popularized roughly a decade ago by the Obama administration,”

    This is “Fascism”. National. Socialism. As I said yesterday. The key element of “Fascism” is “Fasces” that is, a bundle of sticks wrapped together into one. “One whole of society,” with religion, media, government, business, all pulling in the same direction, with the same beliefs, values, goals, and culture. That is, they are radically anti-diversity. Right, Obama? They therefore must punish or purge anyone who is NOT the “Whole of Society” by very definition, or their plan means nothing and has no possible execution. You have to favor friends, and punish enemies. You have to push YOUR “Whole of Society” not somebody else’s.

    We say, “but how did we not notice that was straight-up fascism and dictatorial control?” Dummy, you think GERMANY knew it was straight up fascism and dictatorial control? Hitler was elected. They used this exact same progressive New-Age language then, with a Progressive, New-Age eastern shambala shangra-la flag. That is to say, they were living history forward, not having the hindsight we have today. It seemed – and very actually WAS all normal. …Up to a point. What was the “point”?

    Obama can have all the “Whole Societies” he feels like. So can I. In fact, we all literally do. What he CAN’T do, is use evil, violence, force, oppression, and illegal process as his Means to an End. The End does not justify the Means. And it was very well substantiated that he purged the ranks, illegally, wiretapped the press, threw whistleblowers in jail, transgender or otherwise, killed American citizens, started extractive, expansionary wars, helped Epstein, and so on among thousands of other actions we can only suspect, like killing and blackmailing Senators, etc. As this article, you can’t kill everybody – there aren’t enough small planes to go around – so he used his “Technocratic police state” to harass and annoy most of these people, making them move slower and his people move faster, knowing regardless of any actions, however illegal, Hunter and Hillary’s charity fund would never be arrested, despite being illegal in every way it’s possible for a non-profit to be in ADDITION to taking bribes, refusing taxes, and keeping fraudulent records.

    It isn’t the thing, it still very simply falls back to: EVERYTHING THEY DID WAS ILLEGAL. So? Arrest them. This is not rocket science. Do we arrest criminals who do criminal acts? Or not? If not, you get what you get, I guess.

    Making it “Bland” is just PR, the “Banality of evil.” Sure, and just as the Germans did, and it seemed normal for them as it is for Hooker chemical to lower costs by dumping in the river. But like the military where your job is to kill people, but there are still rules, every one of those “banal” guys – in Germany and here – broke the law, and KNEW they were breaking the law, and broke it anyway. And we can prove all that in 20 ways including their own emails. That’s not culture, that’s not the banality of evil, that’s just being a criminal. And I’m not being precious here, there are rules of Prisoners of war, etc, and its very messy on the ground. We’re talking when they are way over the line as we see with Hunter’s laptop, where EVERY possible law was broken, and EVERY department did EVERY felony cover up. That’s not “Banality” that just being a criminal. Accessory to felony, abetting, sedition, conspiracy, tampering, perjury, and a dozen others.

    Why will no one arrest them? No one is moral. Back to “religion” again. Downstream of > Downstream of >Downstream of how you think the world works and what we’re here for.

    “the party requires an endless supply of causes … that party officers use as pretexts to demand ideological alignment across public and private sector institutions.”

    The one party. The one party ideology, aka “Religion”. This is why the first step is to purge Christianity (or other). You then replace the religion with your own religion, aka “Cult”. If their, any religion existed, even Christianity, it would conflict with Great Leader and the UniVision™ and people would not move forward with illegal orders.

    This is not genius. It’s very, very, very low level, very simple. The only people that are baffled are themselves, and wonderfully, the smarter they are, the more they are baffled. As a religion, they are a Mob, a “Mass Formation”, they work with themselves, their own internal paradigm and belief system, such that they get “The Memo” I’m always taking about and it seems obvious to them. No one else can see the memo or hear God himself whispering to them. That’s why largely there are no meetings, they don’t all have a big evil convention for serial killers in Vegas and get their orders for the year.

    St. Augustine puts out a paper in “Foreign Affairs” which is picked up by the Cardinal of WaPo. He issues an edict which is repeated by the pastors of Local Press and repeated by Visionaries and Friar Influencers, down to the masses in the Market square. Then also back up the chain as they see how this was received by their congregants. Then of course, they form a masse and attack the other churches and kill them as heretics. Not new. Not different. Same Human minds as 1500, same mind control.

    ““Zelensky is taking crazy steps that threaten to trigger escalation far beyond Ukraine,” officials said,”

    I have no idea what they mean here. You could not possible do more or be more pliable. Nor do I see a case where they fool Russia into thinking it’s now different, or to sue for peace, need a peace leader, etc. I think they’re just idiots and don’t know why they’re losing so they’re pulling levers like a coach just randomly swapping his batting order.

    ““The Kiev regime has said candidly that the objective is to “instill fear” among civilians. That’s a brazen admission of terrorism..”

    For a change, that would be the definition of “Terrorism”, which is used to mean “all objects in the universe.” However, we still don’t usually use the word in the context of nation states, nor especially during a war. So what if we did or didn’t define a counter-attack in a war as “terrorism”? Does it make any difference? Nope. It’s just a bunch of pointless PR for lying and propaganda. Why bother? You think the West cares? I certainly don’t. It doesn’t dead or un-dead anyone.

    “What Now For Zelensky And His Allusions? (Jay)

    Does he mean “Illusions”? An “Allusion” is to refer to something. This is why they had Copy Editors. For the Effect, so they wouldn’t be Affected.

    “Zelensky may well have taken the Kursk option to try and draw Russian troops out of the Donbas or from a small enclave on the Ukrainian side”

    For tactics, maybe. The Press, Ukr and Western, still believe Russia is the size and strength of Bolivia and cannot understand why they didn’t withdraw troops from the collapsing front. …AYFKM? CLEARLY you are also not military men, nor ever read a military book. Okay, so all my guys are dug in, meter by meter, taking fire in Chasiv Yar, which we gave 3,000 lives for. And you’re going to say, round up all those men, remove them, re-structure, re-order, re-move all their supply chains, 100 miles away, to a place they’ve never been and know nothing about? To do what? And what happens back in Donbas, the entire Russian line collapses since everyone left too fast to set a minefield retreat, were wide open moving out with a hundred trucks and were shelled to powder?

    F—k No I’m not moving those men! If there are ANY men left in Russia, those guys are pinned down and can’t be touched. If it takes three weeks to ride cossocks in on horseback from Vladivostok they’ll have to take it because I can’t move those men. Not tactically, not logistically, not practically, not effectively. Suck it, citizens of Kursk, TRUST ME, you do NOT want me to move those men.

    Now that’s an IF case. In point of actual fact, Russia has about a MILLION men in military reserve, sittin’ at the base, eatin’ Korzinochki, doing nothing. As the most illiterate Western analyst would know, but doesn’t since they’re all getting high on meth with their gay lovers and the dog. The number of Russian recruits and reserves is not a state secret.

    So I don’t think they tried to take a normal counterattack – which could ordinarily be a good idea, militarily making Russia respond, let them know they can’t be aggressive, have to not fully deploy. But not when there is no change for the enclave, AND Russia already isn’t fully deployed, nor is there the slighted chance to lessen pressure on the line (due to their massive superiority). No, it can only be an attempt to take a key asset like the Nuke base or plant. Because when it fails, which it did in 2 days, they’ll immediately be far worse off with far worse PR than if they’d done nothing.

    They’re constantly saying “They’re Desperate”, everyone is “Desperate” 100% of all humans, all the time! CNN, Trump, your dag-walker, they’re all “Desperate”. Everyone is also “Panicking” and also “It’s Over.” 10,000 days in a row, “They’re Panicking, It’s Over!” Wake up, Dow 40k, Biden in office, same as 30 years. Like “Panic”, “Desperate” is by definition a rare and short-term event, although longer than “Panic” which cannot occur longer than hours. However, if there is a “desperate” it’s indicated by trying a 100:1 odds against, fully-surrounded army, creating their own cauldron against a 100:1 superior force, in order to attain an unlikely target that almost certainly will be recaptured again if you do, at the risk of the entire Ukrainian army collapsing, and Ukraine ceasing to exist. THAT is the sort of action that the “Desperate” take.

    Less desperate than some, maybe, but it marks a turn in their thinking, doubling down when losing 2:1, and now going to the roulette wheel and betting 100:1. Fine. Let them. Losing is a process, they have to go through it for themselves. If not, Ukraine nationalists will just say, “Coulda shoulda, if only” for another 100 years.

    Speaking of, bring this up since it’s going to become relevant again soon: the price of Poland supporting this war, openly, in every way. Moderately, really, but deeper with every normal “legal” mechanism to NATO’s request, is that Poland will chop up Ukraine themselves and take the Polish city Lviv and its surrounding areas. That is, the West, NATO, STARTED by betraying Kiev, and selling off Ukraine with its super-duper sacrosanct borders (As only established by our bestest pals Stain and Khrushchev). That makes sense. Heck, maybe Poland even deserves it and there are majority Polish-speakers there, I dunno. But what happens when Russia takes the fallen country? NATO then does what? And Poland, a poor country having lost a billion dollars and 30,000 men, does what?

    Well, you tell me, but if I were Poland and NATO lost, I’d cut the same deal with Russia. We’ll be forever in Russia’s eastern European orbit, leave NATO, reject the USUK US$, and go with the winners for the same price of Polish Lviv. Sold? I mean, I’d be Russia wouldn’t WANT to after what’s been done, but they don’t want rebellious Western Ukraine either, so…

    ““..all but a small minority of Israelis approve of the savagery that has killed many tens of thousands of Palestinians, including children.”
    • ‘Israel Itself is a War Crime’ (Sp.)

    Sadly, both these statements are true.

    But as we see in England and Ireland right now, the colonists are always against the Native peoples.


    I’m of the opinion that criminals no longer meet consequences delivered by a moral society BUT that of other more powerful criminals. Actions have consequences and once you get in the gang you never get out. Biden’s the latest but even low level douchebag law breakers are doing it too n competition with other sharks and low life characters. Their problem is they don’t know their place as in the post growth smorgasbord they are used to having increasingly higher rewards and diminishing consequences. This changes at the closing scene of the latest stage in debt blowoffs.
    People get thrown under the bus and killed. Susan Wah-jockey just the latest and she only had 800 million dollars

    More. To. Come.


    The Empire of Lies

    Memory Holing is a major tool because damaging a nation’s collective capacity to remember allows unlimited crime to continue unabated.

    It puts the Duh in Duh’merica.





    When your memory is damaged, Re-branding is much easier



    You can even phuck with Sheeple’s minds on an everyday basis using traffic signs to confuse and mystify



    The Empire of Lies Military Strategic Thinking® on Display for Posterity

    Once seen can not be unseen



    Ritual Humiliation No. 1234


    DrD. You offer some critical points today.
    Where are the people who are the root cause of controversy? Take away where they are not. The remainder is where they are. Who is in that location? Linux computer, TOR browser, onion VPN and deep dive into a dox. Scrub that result into pri1 targets. Attach payloads to hobby balloons. Launch from distant location reverse calculated wind path. A glide kit could get 1m accuracy from a very long standoff. With some planning and access within say 60 miles, you could hit any point on the earth on demand. Time and place. Real estate records. Utility records. Flight manifests. Satellite images. $100 ea. Out of your garage. All parts off the shelf now. Radar invisible if you avoid metalized balloons. North and South Korea have been doing this for years.
    Thank you for the definition of fascism. Finally. Every other has been a blind man describing an elephants trunk, or tail. There it is, the whole elephant. thx.






    Presidementia Pedo Jo-jo Dreaming of Mt Rushmore

    Makes ya proud to be a Duh’merica!



    (1:03) Dave Smith’s 2024 Predictions

    An attempted assassination, followed by a coup.

    (8:34) Who Is the President Right Now?

    The FUCKTARD with the Ice Cream Cone








    D Benton Smith

    This is going to be a wild day, but before getting more fully into that I want to shout out to @DrDRich that his post #166314 from late yesterday is worth posting again:

    David Fagen

    Some men can’t be moved off their spot deapite the conditioning no matter who gives the orders.

    They say leader but they mean follower, fellow traveler and suck-up.
    The insecurity of those chosen for power and unqualified for the position knows no bounds

    After all, “an officer is first and foremost, subordinate”.”

    Thanks, Doc, for bringing David Fagan to our attention as an historical figure and touch-stone for the ages. Now HE is what I would call a real man (and note his skin color! How about THEM apples, heh?)


    Fighting Words: Truth

    ” Vladimir Zelensky, the illegitimate puppet president of Ukraine, is out of troops and money. His insufferable begging routine for more weapons and money has become played out. His country is set to default on eye-watering debts to international creditors. Russia’s military advances in the Donbass – formerly eastern Ukraine now part of the Russian Federation – have succeeded in pushing the Kiev regime to the brink of collapse despite the latter receiving hundreds of billions of dollars worth of NATO weaponry.”

    The BBC reported – with an air of glee – that convoys of troops are heading from Ukraine’s Sumy region across the border into Russia’s Kursk. The offensive has been going on for a week now, which Moscow says involves indiscriminate attacks on civilians and residential homes.

    The Kiev regime has said candidly that the objective is to “instill fear” among civilians. That’s a brazen admission of terrorism. If Kiev’s other objective is to divert Russian forces from Donbass, that doesn’t seem to be working. Russian forces continue to make gains in the direction 0f Donbass – the main battlefield of this conflict. So, what is the Zelensky junta playing at? It’s a terror tantrum to try to show his NATO sponsors that their proxy regime is still worth backing.

    Moscow has repeatedly said that one of the major goals of its military operation against Kiev was to ensure Russia’s security in light of the threat posed by NATO’s expansion toward its borders. Another, it said, was to protect the Russian population living in the former Ukrainian territories from persecution by Kiev’s forces, which began following the Maidan coup in Kiev in 2014. Moscow has also stressed that it is open to a diplomatic solution to the conflict, albeit on its terms.

    Fighting Words: Lies

    John Day

    “America’s Worst Mayor” Tiffany Henyard Disappears After Investigation Reveals Millions In Debt, $40,000 In Amazon Purchases
    Believe it or not, former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was hired to lead the investigation into the Dolton, Il mayor.

    Village trustees hired Lightfoot to address concerns about excessive spending, including taxpayer-funded billboards, ads, lavish dinners, and trips, according to CBS. Earlier this year it was reported Henyard spent $7,650 on hair and makeup after taking office and billed the city for it.

    D Benton Smith

    Just to get this on the record (for the third time, actually, now that I come to think about), if anyone tries to CONSCRIPT ME into their criminal war I will shoot THEM before I shoot anyone else.

    The first time I said that (in a formal statement to my US Navy ship’s Captain, in an officially legal hearing) I was transformed from being a conscript into being a civilian in exactly 18 hours, honorably. It was even written into my DD214 that I was forbidden from being inducted into any US Service under any circumstances whatsoever, including war.

    I’m not kidding or exaggerating one damn bit. I follow God’s law, not some jerk in Washington’s law.

    D Benton Smith

    And what is God’s law? Well, that’s such a tough one to answer that I have to just take it on a case-by-case basis, and FREQUENTLY have to consult with God Himself (as best I can) quite a bit before coming up with the right answer. Basically it all comes down to choosing Good over Bad, Truth over Lies, and Right from Wrong. That’s often very hard to do, but not always.


    The picture at top post reminded me that German uniforms in WW2 have been subject to much scrutiny and analysis.

    *Real Men Real Style* at Youtube is imho tops, but I’m not the super expert.

    Title, Why were the Nazis so well dressed?

    10 mins gives some of the basics.

    Other vid, why were the Nazis so Stylish, 18 mins.


    John Day

    @Oroboros: thanks for the “Don’t Forget” & “Forget” image.
    Here is some stuff I happened across. It’s rare enough to see this stated clearly, right or wrong.


    These are the Khazarian-controlled Illuminati mafia families who secretly run the world.

    John Day

    Better Than Vengeance

    Alastair Crooke, “An Intricate Fabric of Bad Actors Working Hand-in-Hand” – So is war Inevitable?
    ​ Netanyahu went to Washington to lay out the case for all-out war on Iran – a moral war of civilisation versus the Barbarians, he said. He was applauded for his stance. He returned to Israel and immediately provoked Hizbullah, Iran and Hamas in a way that dishonoured and humiliated both – knowing well that it would draw a riposte that would most likely lead to wider war.
    ​ Clearly Netanyahu, backed by a plurality of Israelis, wants an Armageddon (with full U.S. support, of course). He has the U.S., he thinks, exactly where he wants it. Netanyahu has only to escalate in one way or another – and Washington, he calculates (rightly or wrongly), will be compelled to follow.
    ​ Is this why Iran is taking its time? The calculus on an initial riposte to Israel is ‘one thing’, but how then might Netanyahu retaliate in Iran and Lebanon? That can be altogether an ‘other thing’. There have been hints of nuclear weapons being deployed (in both instances). There is however nothing solid, to this latter rumour.
    ​ Further, how might Israel respond towards Russia in Syria, or might the U.S. react through escalation in Ukraine? After all, Moscow has assisted Iran with its air defences (just as the West is assisting Ukraine against Russia).​

    UNICEF: Over half of Gaza’s schools bombed by Israel​

    ​ According to the UN human rights office, this weekend’s attack was the 21st strike on a school – which was also serving as a shelter – in the region since July 4. ​ In total the strikes have resulted in 274 deaths including women and children.
    ​ The office of the Palestinian Authority’s president is holding the US government accountable after approximately 100 people, including at least 11 children and six women, were reportedly killed this weekend from a bombing attack in which US-provided missiles were used.
    ​ Nabih Abu Rudeineh, the spokesperson for the Palestinian presidency, condemned the attack and said the Palestinian Authority held the Biden administration “responsible for the massacre due to its financial, military, and political support for Israel,” cited a report from Common Dreams. The spokesperson also demanded that the US pressure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to initiate a ceasefire, and to end their own blind support of Israel.​—report-1119742431.html

    ​ Over 140 Palestinians killed during Israeli raids in Gaza in past 2 days — Health Ministry
    According to the report, 150 people sustained wounds as a result of shelling and bombardment from Israeli troops in various parts of the strip​

    John Day

    ​ Iran will respond to ‘Israel’, not to succumb to bullying: Pezeshkian​ The Iranian president emphasizes to the German Chancellor Iran’s right to respond to aggressors in accordance with international law.​–israel—not-to-succumb-to-bullying–p

    ​Some things are better than vengeance.
    ​ Reuters and Times of Israel have cited three Iranian officials who said “An Iranian attack on Israel could be delayed amid hoped-for negotiations later this week for a hostage release and ceasefire deal in Gaza” which indicates that “a successful deal could hold Iran back from direct retaliation against Israel for alleged assassinating Hamas terror chief Ismail Haniyeh on its soil.”​

    Sanctions against Israeli ministers ‘must be on EU agenda’ – Borrell​, Inciting “war crimes” should have consequences, the bloc’s foreign policy chief has argued​

    He Had Two Babies​, Caitlin Johnstone

    John Day

    ​ Grift is a major expense. Debt-Riddled Ukraine Blames ‘Slow’ US Aid, Scrambles to Pay Its Army
    As a major bulk of foreign aid to Ukraine comes in the form of arms supplies, financial aid from Kiev’s sponsors has been failing to cover all of the regime’s spiraling expenses. Volodymyr Zelensky’s Ukraine hit a debt peak in July, bringing it to the brink of default.
    An increasingly debt-riddled and ingrate Ukraine is starting to turn on its Western sponsors, blaming them for lagging weapons deliveries to bolster the ongoing proxy war. Kiev is particularly faulting the US for its huge budget deficit, which has brought Ukraine to the brink of default.

    ​ A US senator in Kyiv said that Ukraine could hire American pilots to fly the F-16
    According to the American senator, Ukraine could “hire pilots from the United States.”
    ​ Graham:
    “For example, these could be our pilots who have already retired. They want to help Ukraine in the fight for freedom. And in this case, Ukraine can start using airplanes before Ukrainian pilots complete training.”​

    ​ Ukrainians ordered to shoot civilians during Kursk attack – soldier
    Men should be shot in the legs and those carrying arms killed on the spot, according to instructions a captured POW has said troops were given​

    ​ No talks with Kiev after attack on civilians – Putin
    The Russian president has condemned Ukraine’s indiscriminate strikes and attempts to target nuclear power facilities amid the Kursk incursion​

    ​ Anyone not supporting Ukraine gets shot – Serbian deputy PM
    An assassin could target President Aleksandar Vucic over Belgrade’s neutrality on Ukraine, his key political ally has claimed
    ​ In an interview with Russia’s RIA Novosti published on Monday, Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that Serbian authorities are concerned about the president’s safety, following attempts on the lives of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and former US President Donald Trump.
    ​ “After the attempt on Mr. Fico, and later Trump, I told Vucic to be on guard,” Vulin said, “that’s because something happens to everyone calling for a peaceful resolution on Ukraine, they get shot at.”​

    John Day

    ​ Give the US the island as an airbase or get color-revolutioned. Thanks Wiggs.
    How Mackinder’s Heartland Theory of Geopolitics Helps Explain Bangladeshi PM Hasina’s Ouster​

    Ex-Twitter executive calls for arrest of Musk​, Right-wing content should be suppressed with draconian censorship, Bruce Daisley has declared​

    ​ Englishman Jailed for Sharing Pictures Warning Mass Migration ‘Coming to a Town Near You’
    A 51-year-old Englishman was jailed in the UK and dragged into court on Monday for sharing photos of migrants on Facebook and writing, “Coming to a town near you.”​

    ​ 61-Year-Old Brit Gets 18 Month Prison Sentence For Chanting “Who The F**k Is Allah”​
    Police bodycam footage that was played in court showed Spring calling police officers “cunts,” making “hostile gestures” and joining in with chants of “who the fuck is Allah” and “you’re not English anymore.” ​

    Scott Ritter: FBI Raids Part & Parcel of US Gov’t’ Intimidation​–parcel-of-us-govt-intimidation-1119734622.html

    John Day

    Smartmatic President Surrenders To US Authorities In Miami To Face Election-Related Bribery, Corruption Charges​

    ​ Trump To Sue DOJ For $100 Million Over Mar-a-Lago Raid
    Former President Donald Trump is set to sue the DOJ for $100 million in damages over the 2022 raid on his Mar-a-Lago property in Palm Beach, Florida – arguing that it was done “clear intent to engage in political persecution.”​

    ​ Trump Plans for 3 Rounds of Debates Against Harris in September
    ​ “The first Debate with Kamala Harris, for President of the United States of America, will be with FoxNews on September 4th, 2024, LIVE from beautiful Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The second Debate will take place on … ABC … on September 10th, 2024, at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The third Debate will take place on NBC, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on September 25th, 2024,” Trump said on Truth Social. Trump did not specify whether Vice President Harris had agreed to show up for all three rounds of debates.​

    ​ Green Party Survives Dems’ Ballot Challenge In Battleground State – Kamala Shudders
    ​ Democrats’ drive to exclude the Green Party from the ballot in the battleground state of Nevada was defeated on Monday — sending shudders through Democrats who blame Green presidential candidate Jill Stein for enabling Donald Trump’s 2016 victory.​..
    ​..Stein took to social media to celebrate, saying, “We are excited to say that the ruling has been made in our favor and we will offer an anti-genocide, pro-worker, climate action choice for Silver State voters!”​…
    ..All across the country, the Democratic Party has been using lawfare to impede third-party and independent candidates seeking a presence on general election ballots. Their motive: to banish candidates who might siphon voters away from Kamala Harris and down-ballot Democrats.
    ​ This will be the Green Party’s first appearance on the Silver State’s ballot since 2008…
    ​..Stein is expected to name a running mate meant to channel the anger many voters feel about the Biden-Harris administration’s military and diplomatic backing of the State of Israel throughout its devastating, 10-month military campaign and blockade of Gaza​…
    ​..Those potential Green vice presidential candidates include human rights lawyer and Rutgers professor Noura Erakat, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee executive director Abed Ayoub, Dearborn, Michigan mayor Abdullah Hammoud, and political activist and comedian Amer Zahr.

    Kennedy Jr. to Appeal Court Ruling Banning His New York Ballot Access – Official Campaign​ [New York resident since age 10, home, driver’s license, law license, taxes​, voter-registration]​ “Independent Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. today condemned the openly partisan ruling by Democratic Judge Christina L. Ryba in Albany County Supreme Court against his New York residency and said that he will win on appeal,” the campaign statement read.
    ​ The Democrats-backed lawsuit against Kennedy argued that his true place of residence is California which makes it impossible to be elected in New York, New York Post newspaper reported earlier.​—official-campaign-1119750553.html

    John Day

    ​ Celia Farber, Coup By The Numbers In Plain Sight: Naomi Wolf Sees The Clear Playbook Of Her Former Team: Issues Dire Warning Against Rankin’s Vow To “Rank Bloodshed and No Rule Of Law.” Warns: “They’re Saying It.” Raskin’s Their Man. His Son Died By Suicide, He Is A Vegetarian, He Is Out For Blood; He’s Perfect

    Snopes Caught Lying For Kamala As Forensics Prove Democrats ARE Using AI To Fake Crowd Sizes​

    ​ Nancy Grace reveals new evidence in Ellen Greenberg ‘suicide’ case that may have damaged Josh Shapiro VP chances​ [“Arkancide” cover-up?]
    ​ Nancy Grace has revealed a catalogue of evidence in the case of Pennsylvania teacher Ellen Greenberg whose death was controversially ruled a suicide after she suffered 20 stab wounds.
    ​ The case was catapulted even further into the spotlight recently when Josh Shapiro emerged as a potential running mate for Kamala Harris.
    As the state’s Attorney General Shapiro had doubled down on the suicide ruling and blocked an attempt by Ellen’s family to have the case reinvestigated.​..
    ..On January 26, 2011 Ellen, 27, a first-grade teacher with a ‘megawatt smile,’ was found dead in her Philadelphia apartment.
    ​ Ten of the 20 stab wounds were to her neck and the back of her head.
    Assistant Philadelphia Medical Examiner Marlon Osbourne initially ruled her death a homicide, but changed it to suicide after a meeting with police and prosecutors.​..
    ..Crucially, an expert tells her three of the wounds were inflicted post-mortem…
    ..Commenting on the three post-mortem wounds, Nancy said: ‘Her heart is no longer beating and she’s still stabbing herself, really?’

    ​Peter McCullough MD, High Mortality Rate with COVID-19 Vaccine Myopericarditis, Japanese Database Reports 9.6% of Symptomatic Cases are Dead 64 Days after Injection

    Meryl Nass MD, This long post was written by a brilliant Veteran who has made gargantuan efforts to read federal documents and put together the dots for us, explaining the plan for our New World Order

    John Day

    ​ Maybe Murder and Humiliation is the Whole Point
    We habitually think that greed and some general mental underdevelopment motivated colonialism and capitalism throughout the centuries. We may be wrong
    ​ I don’t doubt that greed is a powerful factor in shaping the landscape of social and political interactions and experiences; I’m just questioning whether it is the strongest, or exclusive one. In my experience, for the great majority of people, greed is not a big enough temptation. Power over other people – now that’s where people lose balance almost without exception.
    ​ I want to suggest to you a different perspective. Consider it. What I think is: it may be very possible (and intuitively I feel strongly that this is the case) that the greatest temptation in colonialism, as in capitalism, is not the expected profit, but the sadistic joy of crushing people in a system that does not punish but rewards such behavior.
    ​ Legitimate murder, subjugation, and humiliation are the main thrill. The gold coins only come second. This, I’m sure, was the most addictive element of slavery well: not the profits made by a slave labor force, but the sadistic joy of owning them and being their master and practical god.
    ​ As human creatures, our greatest source of comfort, joy, approval, fear, pain, and reward is not objects and symbols: it is other people. Whatever we do, say, and choose, is always in relation to other people (this is why everything is political). So the explanation for any behavior always lies in the question: what kind of interaction with other people does this behavior enable, express, or seek to normalize?​

    ​Thanks for forwarding this Luciferian manifesto, Josh. I am naturally reluctant to post it: Hidden Hand, Interview With Hidden Hand, Alleged Ruling Bloodline Priest
    ​ Below are key excerpts from a 60-page Internet interview with a self-proclaimed deep insider who goes by “Hidden Hand.” This took place in October 2008… Questions have been removed in this 16-page summary to focus on the main points of this provocative message. The transcript has also been edited and rearranged for clarity and ease of reading.​

    ​I am reminded of this similar story: 1666 Redemption Through Sin Product Information
    Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world’s Jewish population during the 17th century. Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai’s adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies. After Sabbati Zevi’s death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform “strange acts” that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, “one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history”. Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world’s religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world’s media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

    D Benton Smith

    At a time when the desperately out-gunned and encircled leaking-at-every-seam Imperial Buccaneer Ship of State should be loading the canons and preparing to repel boarders it is instead having an on-board mutiny over who gets to be captain of the sinking pirate ship.


    Notice that blue states are preventing anyone who might hurt the Democrats from being on the ballot, while red states are all allowing JFK to be on the ballot to hurt Trump.
    Just your Uniparty hard at work to save democracy!
    Notice too, that Democrats cheating in blue state elections is perfectly legal!

    I once knew a fellow who graduated in 1976 from West Point in engineering but the US military declined to accept him because he had a bad attitude and would have contaminated the military’s pro-war narrative.

    Iran is smartly (playing the long game.
    Israel isn’t winning.


    If Russia is willingly fighting within certain limits inside The Ukraine/Former Ukraine areas…

    No relief could be expected in those areas by invading pre war Russia, where there are neither legal nor policy constraints to the forces that can be brought to bear. If I’ve got a million spare guys waiting on the sidelines labeled Not For Use Within 1990 Ukraine Borders, you send 2-10 brigades OUT of that constrained area??!??!?

    I was seeing reports of a 10-15km penetration. Now I’m seeing reports of 25km. I’m also seeing reports that Ukrainian forces were halted in the first couple days.

    Pro NATO sources are saying there are more like 10,000 Ukrainians in the Kursk 2.0 salient as opposed to 1,000 (10 brigades plus other elements as opposed to 2 brigades), assertions Russian forces rushing to block have been hit hard by long range missiles, and Russian aircraft are getting shot down if they come close. (reports of Su25, Su34 etc being downed) Ukraine has claimed they are still advancing and pouring in reinforcements as of 8/14.

    And of course on the other hand, there are reports of the Ukrainian side getting halted before any specific important objective being reached, logistics made impossible for forces inside the salient, and heavy losses being taken, particularly in vehicles. With reports of copious ambulance traffic, theoretically for a large number of mercenary (NATO) soldiers involved in the engagement.

    There’s been mentions and footage of Russia using fibre optic connected drones due to copious Ukrainian EW in the salient.

    I’ve seen lists of Ukrainian AA in the Kursk area having been taken out already and assertions that Ukrainian leading elements are getting pummeled due to no air cover nor AA. (but then how would they advance another 10km?) From Moon of Alabama:

    Shades of ‘73, when the Egyptians advanced beyond their SAM umbrella and found out SPAAG’s and Strelas don’t really cut it.

    Idunno. I could kind of see this as a proof of concept, a test case for the NATO commanders in the background finally getting their heads out of their asses and doing something approximating current-year combined arms warfare instead of cold war era or whatever futuristic networked managerial warfighting they envisioned. Using it in the right place at the right time with a bit more competence. Packing the salient with EW, AA, and AD in expectation of rushed blocking forces and an air power based response …that would at least make sense. Otherwise it just looks way too stupid to be real.


    Neither side care if their lies and misinformation, exaggeration, are obvious.



    There are some that say that the elites of the world are controlled by Jewry, and they tend to condemn all those of Jewish descent as bad.

    And, I was looking at some items that Dr. John Day had put up a few days ago, which delves into secret societies, luciferianism, ritual child abuse, MKUltra, etc.

    Honestly, what is accused of those purported to be at the heart of both of these is pretty similar. The details might diverge, but the idea of some sort of totalitarian government where the plebes like their servitude runs through both of them. I do find it ironic that the Nazis are a part of the second set, and were intent to murder Jews.

    So, which is it? Are we ruled by satanists? Are we ruled by powerful Jews? Are both branches in cahoots with each other? Are they two sides of the same coin? Are they diametrically opposed to each other, and we, (“the plebes,”) simply caught up in the maelstrom of their great battles? I don’t want to have anything to do with any of it. It’s a bunch of nonsense masquerading as cosmic reality. If I buy into the “I hate Jews” trope am I actually furthering the cause of the satanists? If I buy into the pizzagate stuff am I supporting the Zionist project? I don’t have any answers, and I doubt that I have any special knowledge. At the end of the day, I want to live my life with my family and good friends, providing services to my clients, being delighted at the antics of our pets, growing food in my yard, and gradually adjusting my home to better serve our needs. So, I don’t want to “own nothing” — if Western Civ means that I must own property in order to live this way, then I am contented with the costs and responsibilities of property ownership and all that entails. I find it infuriating that there are secret groups trying to manipulate human civilization to their own ends, leaving broken human lives in their wake. I don’t know how accurate the accounts of nefariousness are of those at the top of Jewry and the satanists…however, I have enough experience in the world to understand that there is definitely more going on than meets the eye.

    D Benton Smith

    After listening to Tucker Carlson and Dave Smith riff on current affairs for a while it occurred to me that they are SO “hot on the trail” of the creeps who are doing this bad shit to us that it is simply CERTAIN that they are going to come up with the irrefutable right answer. Evil itself (and the people who worship it) are where this is all coming from. And YES, ultimately that right answer does very much enter spiritual and religious territory. Big time.

    Here’s the point, though, and the point has only peripheral connection to the things that Tucker and Dave digressively talk about. The point is that as the truth comes out the consequence is that EVEN MORE truth comes out, and that “line of inquiry” can ONLY lead to the whole truth coming out.

    When the WHOLE truth comes out there are going to be some major changes taking place around here.


    Public service announcement

    I’d think people here know about virtual machines, Tor, etc.

    That said, I recently had an experience helping an elderly relative with a scam-hacking incident. Just sharing – if you’ve got anyone vulnerable like that, there’s some prosumer grade things you can set them up with that won’t freak them out too much — for anyone interested:

    Get a Proton email account, at least the $8.99 level. Bridge their AOL/Juno/Netzero/MSN/Lycos/Netscape/Hotmail etc email account to that.

    Get an AX type Asus router (it is pre configured to work out of the box with certain VPNs)

    Log the router into the Proton VPN and DNS filtering, make sure the router firewall and realtime security monitoring are on. obviously make the admin password super difficult. obviously wpa2 or wpa3 with good password or just shut off wifi.

    Turn off wifi on the modem, blacklist all known remote-in assist type sites in the modem, change admin login info.

    Switch their computer to Mint Linux. Set up a user profile and give them only that login info. Turn off guest login. Block remoting in. Turn on firewall (for some reason Mint firewall comes default off) Turn off boot from other medium, change BIOS password.

    I’d really like to figure out how to force their user login to go straight into a virtual machine but I am not quite there yet.

    Obviously this doesn’t stop the black helicopters and any machine with an AMD or Intel chip is not secure – can be remote accessed even while the machine is turned off if connected to the internet by a LAN cable.

    But at least everything is sitting behind a router with a firewall, vpn, dns filtering, and anti malware monitoring. And if the scammer gets in, they’re wandering around inside Linux on a user profile, where 99.9% of scammers have no idea what to do.

    If they’re going legitimately senile, you can set up their computer as a kiosk – a setup that presumes a computer in a public space with no active monitoring – immutable OS, goes back to it with each reboot, usually used to just give someone access to a browser. Whitelisting/blacklisting to limit browsing.

    One can never give a relative decisively helpful instructions on how to avoid scams, because when it happens, they are speaking to the “FBI,” IRS,” “Apple,” or “Microsoft,” who are all way more trustworthy authorities than a well-meaning relative. So any setup has to block them from getting in contact and make it difficult, even with their full cooperation, to have their machine taken over.

    This latest relative got the “your computer has been hacked call ‘Microsoft.'” She stayed on the phone with “Microsoft” for 2 hours! She drove to her bank while keeping them on the phone and did stuff with her bank account for them. She took a senility test with her doctor after that and got a 29/30. She has better mental acuity in her 80’s than some in their 20’s!!! She’s just from a different high-trust, high-competency universe I guess. (one that her generation confidently tore down to show how much better they were than all previous generations, knew better… I love her anyway.)

    She’s going to be out the door just in time to miss the worst of scamming and screws falling out of aircraft wings and of course the blood cults and such.

    Incidentally, the latest Brave browser version has DNS filtering built in now. Settings > Privacy and Security > Security > Use Secure DNS – various options like NextDNS, OpenDNS, Cloudfare, etc are available.


    Thing about relatives getting scam-hacked (hacked because they fully cooperated with scammer instructions) You assume they got into trouble because their mind is going, only to find out it isn’t.

    This relative had a PREVIOUS scam-hacking incident which I bailed her out of. I did all the security things you’d do for a normal Windows user, gave her good advice, figured it would be fine from here on out because she learned her lesson.

    Was she consciously aware of my advice when the new incident was happening? YES. Was she consciously aware of the previous incident? YES. She was evasive but basically, she didn’t follow my advice because well, I’m just some guy.

    So to hear about it is hurtful. Why wouldn’t you trust my advice? Why would you trust a stranger over me? Especially when my advice aligns with common sense? When you know I care about you and made a great investment in concentration, research, time, etc for you?

    It’s not being slighted that hurts. It’s the more intrinsic dismay. How does a loved one distrust you in preference for claimed authority? Like… ANY claimed authority? And in a way that common sense tells them is dangerous?

    She’s old enough to remember Thalidomide and Hepatitis in the vaccine (iirc it contaminated a Tuberculosis vaccine? back in the 60’s or something?) and many other public scandals. When it came to the notavax “Nah, not gonna trust you for a second. Won’t even give me pause. You??? You’re just some guy”

    I’m baffled. It makes the mind wander… IS this some wokeist thing??? – I’m a white male so Not A Real Person? In recent years, I’ve noticed both Boomer and Millennial women responding fairly regularly with a contemptuous sneer to polite, deferential, context-appropriate cautions/advice to remain safe be it street smarts, technology, whatever. (I use my Customer Care bedside manner, not what you see here.) I’ve tried to understand if this is due to my immutable characteristics or some underlying principle – I’m a strong independent woman, therefore these threats that would impinge on that, must leave me alone? Those hazards would simply Be Wrong and I would Be Right And Just Some Kind Of Hero if they did impinge? A strange sort of divine right? In years past, all my life, I would have laughed at such thoughts. My attitude towards the sexes was essentially a cut & paste from Star Trek Next Generation. Total blank slate equality.

    PS. When migrating elderly relatives to Proton, change their old email password, do the bridge from their old email, then never, ever give them the new AOL/Juno/Netzero/MSN/Lycos/Netscape/Hotmail password.

    D Benton Smith

    Once again (as is so often the case) there is BIG news hiding behind “small” news.

    The “small news” is that there are two astronauts (Sunita Williams and Barry Wilford) stranded on the International Space Station “Starliner” unit that got them there. The unspoken admission, which NO ONE wants to speak is that the REASON they are stranded is the we do not currently have any operational means of getting them back. There are many promises of soon GETTING that means–of-rescue, but the cold fact is that we DO NOT have it now.

    Which of course leads to the NEXT unspoken admission, which is that in order to develop such a means of rescue will require development and production of a real workable spacecraft that is NOT YET DONE, nor has it even been finally decided WHAT it will consist of specifically. They haven’t even finally decided WHO will do the building! Will it be Boeing? Will it be SpaceX? who knows? NASA says it is going to make that momentous decision real soon now.

    Meanwhile two astronauts are living on borrowed time and LIMITED life support systems up there so far from home. How long before they die horribly? The clock is ticking.

    I’ll let that sink in a while. They have not even DECIDED what they are going to try to develop and fly to rescue the two astronauts.

    And finally there is the even BIGGER calamity that awaits the entire nation if those two human beings DIE from the GROSS CORRUPTION AND INCOMPETENCE rampant and running wild at both Boeing and SpaceX.

    What happens THEN is that the cornucopia of limitless funding for both of those companies, WHO ARE MAINSTAYS OF THE US ECONOMY, dries up into a tiny little turd that will get flushed down the financial toilet with the rest of the Western financial hegemony.

    Not an inconsequential event. Like I said, BIG news hiding behind “small” news.


    The USA is doing everything that it can to spook Iran into starting WWIII.

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