Debt Rattle August 2 2024
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- This topic has 37 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 6 months, 1 week ago by
August 2, 2024 at 9:28 am #165365
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterHenri Matisse Trivaux pond 1916-17 • 2024 Olympics in France – Interpreting Satanic Olympics Inauguration (Koenig) • Female Boxer’s Olympic Bea
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 2 2024]August 2, 2024 at 11:04 am #165368Dr. D
Participant“Russian Assassin Vadim Krasikov Walks Free as Part of Historic Prisoner Swap With US
Biden is a Putin puppet. That’s the only explanation. They need to get this done before Trump gets back in and they actually say that again.
“Riots Erupt In England After Teenage Child of Migrants Goes on Stabbing SpreeBeing anti-stabbing is now “Right Wing”. Along with several others, notably protecting women and children.
“Orbán: The West Sees Immigration As A “Way Of Getting Rid Of The Ethnic Homogeneity That Is The Basis Of The Nation-State”
If nothing else, Hungary seems satisfied and unified, while the immigration states clearly do not. As demonstrated by riots.
“Hackers Attack US Blood Bank, More Than 250 Hospitals Asked To Activate Blood Shortage Protocols
“The supplier ecosystem is a highly desirable target for ransomware groups. Attackers can infiltrate hundreds of organizations through a single vulnerability without being detected,” it said.Then why is it on computers, and why are those computers open to the internet, morons?
We have a solution: More Computers! And more government to install the computers! (And fewer employees with specific knowledge outside of the computers)“Haniyeh Killed by Bomb Placed in Tehran Guesthouse 2 Months Ago in Astounding Mossad Penetration of IRGC Security
Well, props to them, that was awesome. Too bad I literally no longer care who Iran kills back in Israel in retaliation. All of them? No longer interested. There’s a reason we have Westphalia, Geneva, and Rules of War. You’re about to find out why. Zero is right, the best and most moral way is to embargo them, just as they’ve been doing to everybody else. Will work fine and keep the world on their side, as is deserved.
“Who in their right mind thinks we have a fighting chance against CHINA?!?!?”
They don’t. Clearly, or they would, I dunno, get soldiers or something? Maybe a single floating ship? They need to DEFAULT on the debt to China. Then they need to LOSE and erase the Constitution. That’s it. You have to know, if they speak, they are lying. If they’re lying, their plans are something they’re not saying.
There are still two systems: Either the People are the Sovereigns, or you are a Subject of the King, owned by the System. No alternatives. Europe and the Commonwealth have shown by their actions which they believe. Erasing us from the earth will put an end to the American experiment, this Human Rebellion and properly re-establish the proper order of things, as NeoFeudalism. Do what you’re told. The law is in my mouth.
“Kamala Harris’s approval rating was 28%, the lowest ever recorded for a Vice President.”That can’t be, I saw only yesterday she’s smoking Trump in the polls, like 54%, Trump is panicking, Kamala is rising fast, and the Black Journalists’ convention was a fiasco for him. …And Ukraine is about to take Moscow and Vladivostok.
“Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen”Yeah, we all know. About Dec 1 2020. Are you planning on DOING anything about it? Cause the only thing we can do is go up and shoot you all, and I don’t think that’s what you want.
““The opening ceremony of the Olympics felt like the closing ceremony of humanity”
Quite the contrary. It’s so over the top everyone is waking up and rejecting it. There appears to be a season to things, and if you’re tone deaf, now you look foolish and out of touch and not cool.
“while we are indeed entering the Forth – meaning Death. This, the Fourth Horseman, is meant to tell us.”
Oh D—n, think you’re right! I think all their symbologies are retarded and so have a hard time interpreting them, but they are real. So we’ve already gone through three of their Armageddon and only have light bruises and are mildly pissed off. Like only getting off the couch? Wow, they suck bad and are powerless, irritating chihuahuas, that’s my read. How are we all going to beg for their False Christ they’re about to pop up when nobody cares about the fake war we’re (not) fighting? These guys are pathetic losers who lose.
Anyway, so that’s where they say we are in their “Master Plans.” Okay then! Thanks for telling us your master plans, Dr. No, not like we’re going to escape these shark-lasers and go do anything about it. Like when you Monologued for 40, 20, 8, then 2 years before you attacked Ukraine, so Russia could arm, plot, and prepare? How’s that workin’ out for you?
“First, create unrest by terrorism, infiltrated into a country by the Satanic Cultists, then invade, create an endless war, never to win – and so the industry that fuels it, will earn trillions”
Yes, but really it’s a religious imperative. They both need to make humans slave-bugs, (and prove they’re superior) and to create the Three World Wars so we will accept their Angel of Light. They think he is god, so we have to too. And since he’s not and we won’t, and they know it, they have to MAKE us. …Just using truth and presentation won’t do. …So…I have the feeling you have your own suspicions that your own god and master is all that good too. No? I mean if he were the real god, why would he need all this help and deception? Like Loki with the Mind-staff? If he were really powerful his power would simply be self-evident.
“We let it happen. It is our fault – as we are being told. Our Christian culture has brought us up with guilt.”
Yes, but what Christian culture? And if you were “Christian” you would be forgiven, so no problem. You mean #Anti-Christian culture? Your premise makes no sense. But you see that here daily, “All you Americans/humans are stupid and inferior, you’re all guilty, powerless, and you suck, might as well give up now.” Yup! That’s a GREAAAAAAT idea, let me get right on that so everything gets better. Definitely identifying pure destructive evil then SURRENDERING to them on sight is our best life now.
They’re complete mouth-breathing dumb s—ts. The ONLY thing we need to do is identify them, because EVEN a people, America, or world as retarded as Florida Man can beat them in an afternoon. Because they are that much DUMBER. Then we’ll throw our gum wrappers at them and they’ll drown.
“They’ve been at it for over 2 decades.
• US Recognizes Opposition Candidate as Winner in Venezuela – Blinken (Sp.)
And every day losing for two decades in a row. Against a teeny-tiny nation right next to them, like Ireland beating UK. As they lose everywhere, all the time. Well, good thing their plans are merely to ruin everything, break stuff and make a mess, because they’re incapable of any higher action. They’re just idiot vandals on meth.
“As expected, Nicolás Maduro won the elections in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Without major difficulties, the current president defeated all his opponents,”
I have no idea if this is true, but it’s none of my business either. The CIA is within 1,000 miles of the place, so I just assume they’re interfering. And they’re within 1,000 miles of here too.
“Now Moscow should take a seat at the table, the Ukrainian leader”
1) False. 2) Arrest this man. He is not the leader, and he is breaking the law. When he’s arrested, he’s healthy and will be sent to the front lines, no? Btw, none of these actions will help him. Or Europe.
“The bill was signed by Zelensky and returned to parliament on Wednesday.”
I think I should sign it. I have as much legal power in Ukraine as he does. And I’ve won just as many Democratic Primaries as Harris!
“• Harris Only Recently Turned Black – Trump (RT)
He missed the DEI hire thing because he was threading the needle on the more complicated Indian one. Biden LITERALLY SAID she was a DEI hire. He literally said he would only pick, black, female, gay people, and for the Supreme Court, etc. DEI is a GOOD thing. You can’t turn around when somebody says it and claim it’s also a BAD thing … but of course they do. They are seriously and violently mentally ill. …I’m not just saying that, the statistics support it.
“• Trump Collapsed US-Russia Arms Control by Scrapping INF Treaty (Sp.)
Absolutely. I didn’t realize the complex web that creates and helps or hurts, but it’s clearly a direct slide to automatic nuking of somebody. Here we are, what do you make of it? To me, it simply dictates at this time, Russia must win and bring Europe to heel therefore. And wot a coincidence, that is the America First plan too. We are smashing them from both sides. And if you didn’t think they have power, Europe still hasn’t cracked, they still have enough money to hold off a default, etc.
Although UK lowered rates, first to fail. ECB has held.
“Trump foolishly appointed them to prove he is tough on Russia. He made many other stupid mistakes for the same reason,”
Did he? Are you using your Trump-telepathy to know? “I know the internal states of all people. I am God.”
“Almost each of the next 100 days till November 5 elections might bring unexpected events, not all of them bright for America and mankind,” the expert concluded.”
And also 100 days of good things. The assassination has changed the winds. Kamala running an open Coup on Joe, where nobody knows who’s running things is a huge embarrassment and win for us. Etc. Almost all these “Bad” things so far have been good things. Let each of the 100 days bring more of them. …Like Kamala, who has rocketed up and is beating Trump in every poll (as paid and released by MI6) is about to be “swapped out YET AGAIN. Joe is going to be pulled, incapable of standing. I could not ask for more.
• INF Treaty Stood in Way of Plans to Militarize Europe, Hold Russia Back (Sp.)
Sure, but it was a loser on EVERY front, because these guys are glue-sniffing losers. Okay, you “Militarized Europe”? With what money? You, the Nazis, have been DE-militarized. UK has fewer men than can fill a High School stadium. You moved NATO East? Congratulations you have even LESS men to cover that area than before, and more states who are more divided and more troublesome, like Estonia who-is-about-to attack-Moscow and beat all Russia …with you right behind them of course, using only YOUR army, of course.
This isn’t 3D chess, this is the OBVIOUS first-order consequence. So your INF does what exactly? Except the opposite? Which any newly-hired intern could have guessed?
Okay, so OBVIOUSLY none of that was going to work, none of it was going to happen. And you did it anyway. That means OBVIOUSLY that WHEN that doesn’t work, Russia is going to eat your lunch – not our lunch, we’re over here across the Atlantic. Soooooo….then the INF really helps RUSSIA doesn’t it? Didn’t it? Sooooo … it really ruins Europe and puts “America First” doesn’t it?“• Lindsey Graham Introduces Bill Authorizing Military Force in Iran (Sp.)
That’s not a declaration of war. It’s illegal, like everything else we do.
Besides, just like the INF, if we do it it’ll be the last thing we do there. They are now in a position to take out every base and ship and send us home on a Turkish city bus. So do it.
Surfing squirrel. You can bet that’s America. I recently heard the difference from Europe is America just goes to do s—t to do s—t. We go shoot guns to hear them go bang, or fireworks, or monster trucks. We don’t need it to be a 400 year tradition on St. Swithin’s Day or something. Life is awfully hard here, and that’s what we do for it, have a good time.
Neocon logic.
Plus Americans.
August 2, 2024 at 11:15 am #165369Oroboros
ParticipantAstonishingly funny AI ‘morphing dance party’ of Kamala Chameleon
She’s got it all!
August 2, 2024 at 11:18 am #165370Oroboros
ParticipantThe Good Olde Days
August 2, 2024 at 11:20 am #165371Oroboros
ParticipantHangin’ down the Hood…
Research scientist Shyamala Gopalan with her daughter Kamala Harris in 1964.
August 2, 2024 at 11:22 am #165372Oroboros
ParticipantHail to the Chief!
August 2, 2024 at 11:26 am #165373Oroboros
ParticipantHawk Tuah Girl!
August 2, 2024 at 11:27 am #165374Oroboros
ParticipantAugust 2, 2024 at 11:31 am #165375zerosum
A one, two punch. First, the landslide, second, the flash flood. blocking Chilcotin River expected to fail in next 24 to 48 hours
B.C. landslide could be ‘catastrophic’ for fish migration, salmon run, expert saysBy Amy Judd Global News
Posted August 1, 2024
————August 2, 2024 at 11:38 am #165376Oroboros
ParticipantKamala La-la in One Lesson
On Joe Rogan….spoiler alert…..she’s literally retarded
August 2, 2024 at 11:44 am #165377Oroboros
ParticipantI love Sheeple cause I love Fleece
August 2, 2024 at 11:49 am #165378Oroboros
ParticipantDebt Slaves, Gird Your Loins!
Repeat after Me…….
The Last $100 BILLION only took 3 days.
August 2, 2024 at 11:55 am #165379Oroboros
ParticipantProject De-population®
Right on schedule
What do you think caused autism to skyrocket between 1990 and 2020?
August 2, 2024 at 12:06 pm #165380a kullervo
ParticipantHuman hearts are a dedicated love/hate device (a dualistic engine, if you prefer).
The brain?
Just a sorting contraption.August 2, 2024 at 12:19 pm #165381Oroboros
ParticipantAt Larry Johnson’s new channel
America’s Last War: Andrei Martyanov Talks Ukraine and Decline of US Military
August 2, 2024 at 1:14 pm #165382zerosum
ParticipantChange is coming
Orbán: The West Sees Immigration As A “Way Of Getting Rid Of The Ethnic Homogeneity That Is The Basis Of The Nation-State”
migration is not a threat or a problem, but in fact a way of getting rid of the ethnic homogeneity that is the basis of a nation.
not everyone in the West is happy about the demographic transformation taking place in their countries, and in many cases, there are strong majorities against continued mass immigration.
if the people and elites cannot agree to cooperate, how can it become a representative democracy?
Political interference.
The Venezuelan government said a number of countries interfered in the elections and the people’s right to self-determination.• Regime Change In Venezuela Unlikely (SCF)
Maduro was an efficient leader in managing the nation’s path amidst so many difficulties and sanctions imposed by Western powers, the result does not seem surprising. In practice, Maduro has already proven himself capable of guiding the country even in difficult conditions. However, many Western or Western-aligned countries still insist on denying the reality of Maduro’s victory, avoiding recognizing the results of the elections. Not only that, there are also clear signs of internal sabotage, with anti-democratic protesters carrying out acts of vandalism and various types of crimes to create social instability and impede peace in the post-election period. The groups of protesters are true criminal gangs, willing to do anything for the money of Western recruiters.
Political interference.
Tale of two governments.
Moscow has repeatedly said it is open to negotiations with Kiev, but there are issues that must first be addressed for any meaningful conversation to begin, including Zelensky’s legitimacy as head of state. His term ended in May and elections were not held due to martial law.In 2022, Zelensky barred his country from any talks with the current leadership in Moscow after four former Ukrainian regions voted overwhelmingly to join Russia in referendums which were summarily dismissed by Kiev and its Western backers.
President Vladimir Putin voiced his own peace proposal in June, saying he was ready to start talks once Kiev commits to neutral status and cedes its claims to all six former Ukrainian regions that chose to join Russia in 2014 and 2022. His overture was rejected by Zelensky as an “ultimatum.”
Political interference.
The borrower tells the lenders new repayment conditions• Zelensky Suspends Ukraine’s Foreign Debt Payments Starting Aug 1st (ZH)
postpone payments on external public debt until restructuring negotiations are seen through, which could then see a moratorium held that would formally mark a sovereign default.
Political interference.
• Lindsey Graham Introduces Bill Authorizing Military Force in Iran (Sp.)
Political interference.
• Netanyahu Playing A Deadly Game Drawing US Into A War With Iran (Jay)
———–August 2, 2024 at 1:47 pm #165383D Benton Smith
Participant9 year old Chinese kid walks into a bar.
Bar patrons flee in terror.
August 2, 2024 at 1:55 pm #165384D Benton Smith
ParticipantBy some series of miracles humanity survives this latest paroxysm and after a suitable time for reflection is writing the history books. How do you suppose that they will describe this current chapter of the human experiment?
Not boring. A real page turner I bet.August 2, 2024 at 2:14 pm #165385my parents said know
ParticipantThe culture of ego exploded and then
The whole world was hung on a thread.
The Gods were abandoned by women and men,
And a bunch of them ended up dead.August 2, 2024 at 2:54 pm #165386Noirette
ParticipantRe. Paris Olympics ‘Show’ – 1 at top post, by Koenig.
These ‘shows’ – opening of tunnels – other – many have been mentioned here, tend to have, since 20 yrs. or so now, ’Satanic’ .. ’Scary’ themes.
Re. the Olympics, they are also prescient, beyond what could be considered ‘coincidence.’
London 2012. Featured a long sequence of very ill children in hospital beds in an old fashioned setting, and nurses dancing around. (goog > easy to find.)
Beijing 2008. Featured a battle between malevolent shapes, Huge Corona viruses, bigger and taller than ppl, and ordinary warriors.
It was called The Battle of Fire.
(quick search > O. if I can find will post.)
The ‘Satanic’ aspect is in part just the Tops and the Media being ‘edgy’, ‘unconventional’. Gotta break boundaries to show your originality, be a rebel, spark shock, wonder, interest etc. – that is the message to some..
Ex. Madonna, others, see pop groups, etc. One LOW-level expl. which certainly applies to many ppl in show- model- music- media- biz who just think whatever (like covering one eye) is just the new ‘cool’, they are not participating in plots, they are clueless.
The Olympics Paris ceremony, setting aside the Pale Horse, the countries being on boats (huh?), other, featured the Last Supper Scene (mixed up with Dionysus, God of Revels, feasts, called Bacchus in Rome, etc.) which lead to the +!+!+! outrage around the world. No respect for religion, Jesus, other Religions, etc. etc.
Hoisting LGTB ‘values’, ‘ppl’, ‘actors’, to occupy front scene – to be accepted as such in society, given concessions, even revered – see the vid of the ceremony – is imho a peculiar mix emerging from ‘capitalistic interests’ and fake ‘equality.’
The ‘legtimise male homosex’ came from top tier ad agencies, and others who wanted to tap openly into that 10% no-child, got solid money, market. It was not an ‘organic’ movement, it was funded and planned by commercial and ‘get on the scene leader’ interests, imho. (OK, there were other strands, forces, etc. ..)
The US Gvmt and ‘deep state’ in first place (W countries followed along) saw an opportunity to clarion their ‘equality principles’, their ‘embracing of all differences’, etc. while dissing other foreign ‘racist’, ‘discriminatory’ laws, practices, attitudes, etc.
– The alliance between USA and KSA..the one country that represses gays the most, even chops their heads off – was natch exempt…
August 2, 2024 at 3:01 pm #165387phoenixvoice
Participantthe false climate change agenda and the overall lie that has been drilled into the human brain — it seems to be irreversible. The “smartest” people believe in it.
I used to believe it. I don’t any longer — because I exposed myself to additional data that made it clear that the CO2-leads-to-warming hypothesis was too simple to explain all of the data. Belief can change — but it requires being open to new information and exposure to data that disproves current belief. Totalitarian structures train people to be close-minded and they attempt to control people’s access to contradictory information.
I have pointed out the chemtrails to my children, explained to them that they are not natural, that they are put there by planes, and we don’t know exactly what is in them or why they are there.
There is a sizable part of the population that never believed in the CO2 hoax. I think that the tide is turning on that one.
August 2, 2024 at 3:29 pm #165388kultsommer
ParticipantSome more of Jimmy Dore on Venezuela,
August 2, 2024 at 4:43 pm #165390phoenixvoice
ParticipantMeta wants my birthdate. To protect the children, so they say. So, show me content suitable for children — I don’t care. I use a VR headset for one, singular purpose — an exercise program. I pay for the program. I have no need, nor desire, to be exposed to any content via VR except for that exercise program. I ignore everything on the headset except for that program. If I desire to view any content deemed unsuitable for children below the age of 13, then I will give my birthdate. What is so difficult about this?
Oh, right, I understand. Meta wants to advertise to me…on a system that *I* have paid for, accessing content that *I* have paid for. This is quixotic.
August 2, 2024 at 5:16 pm #165391John Day
“Khelif is not transgender at all but a woman affected by a condition known as hyperandrogenism, characterized by a high level of testosterone and the presence of XY chromosomes.”I have XY chromosomes, and at least some testosterone, and my birth certificate said ” male”.
They even circumcised me… “infibulation”, I guess.
;-(August 2, 2024 at 6:32 pm #165402Oroboros
ParticipantThis pretty much describes myself and the youthful friends in my neighborhood growing up.
And yes, most of the blue collar did end up working six days a week, twelve hours a day, usually two jobs.
It was normal.
So will heads explode if this regime is brought back?
Sounds like “Long Emergency” work ethic.
What’s your take, what’s in your wallet….August 2, 2024 at 6:51 pm #165403Oroboros
ParticipantWhen thinking ‘Kama Kama Kamala La-la Chameleon’…
Think the hype behind Killery Klinton
August 2, 2024 at 6:52 pm #165404Oroboros
August 2, 2024 at 7:15 pm #165405Oroboros
ParticipantShe’s “transing” from Indian to “black”
August 2, 2024 at 7:21 pm #165406Oroboros
ParticipantNature is healing
Can you seeit?
Can you hear it?
Can you feel it……
Duhmerica is on the Road to Recovery
August 2, 2024 at 7:36 pm #165407John Day
ParticipantXY Marks The Spot: Second Olympic Boxer Who Failed Gender Test Beats Woman To Tears at the descriptions of “women with XY chromosomes and high androgen levels”, there is a rare genetic condition, called “Testicular Feminization”, where a genetic male, with undescended testes in the pelvis, where ovaries would be, has genetically defective testosterone receptors, and does not develop male sexual characteristics like a penis, but has a blind vaginal pouch, without a uterus, instead.
Jamie Lee Curtis almost certainly has this condition, per scuttlebutt I heard in Med School in Houston. 2, 2024 at 7:57 pm #165408John Day
ParticipantThat 9 year old Chinese girl in the video is abnormally flexible, but has admirable power-output and warrior-showmanship.
I presume that her parents are very, very proud of her, even if she is not the son they wanted.
;-}August 2, 2024 at 9:49 pm #165409Oroboros
ParticipantThe National and International Women’s sport organizations are infected with the Woke Mind Virus and will never relent their insane policies to destroy women’s moral and confidence to pursue sports.
At a minimum it will take a generation (20 years) to eviscerate this perversion.
An entire generation of young women will be demoralized by working hard to achieve a sports goal only to be crushed in the end by trans he/haws who despise women with the white hot burning hatred of a Sun.
Sorry ladies, don’t look to mn for help, it all on you now.
Let’s see your True Grit shine through.
August 2, 2024 at 10:56 pm #165412aspnaz
ParticipantThe woke mind virus is actually the age-old money begging virus.
Remember Tracy Emin’s bed? What that should have made people realise is that the whole modern art movement at the end of the 20th century was artistically bankrupt but had plenty of useless artists trying to make a living. As they could not produce good art, they went for shock value, using the age old nonsense trope that “it made you think, so it must be art”. Shock is the sign of bankruptcy.
In the late 20th century the wealthy people were investing in shite art, not because they thought it was good art, but because there was a crowd of them, and where there’s a crowd there’s a market. The useless artists would churn out useless, unskilled “art” endlessly, being kept off the streets by their wealthy clients. My guess is that a lot of that art is now locked up in warehouses, never to be seen again.
The Olympics opening ceremony was the same thing. A useless artist is given the job, he cannot rise to the occasion, so he provides shock value that he knows his benefactors will appreciate; this guy will be getting more work organising ceremonies. We should be more shocked that this is the best that France could come up with, their art industry is bankrupt, so they are trying to shock and the best shock-value subject at the moment is woke.
Most of these trannies etc are attention seekers, they need to be the center of attention, a bit like Trump. We are doing them a disservice by allowing them to indulge their mental health issues. They obviously have no self esteem, so they dress up as someone else who does have self esteem, a pretend someone. Most of us do not need to do this, but there are mentally ill walking among us.
As for the men in boxing; the owners are attacking one of the fundemental behaviours of men, to defend women. Modern feminised man does not think this way, they are happy to walk on by the other side of the street when they see a woman being beaten by a man. But, the owners want the rest of the world, the non woke rest of the world, to understand that it is okay for men can beat up women, they are trying to put another nail in the coffin of real men.
See it for what it is and modify your behaviour to show that you are a real man and only appreciate real art, not desperate, unskilled shock-art.
August 2, 2024 at 11:03 pm #165413aspnaz
ParticipantOroboros said
The National and International Women’s sport organizations are infected with the Woke Mind Virus and will never relent their insane policies to destroy women’s moral and confidence to pursue sports.
The competing women could have withdrawn before the matches, stating that they signed up for women’s sport not woke sport. If you take part, you are enabling this assault on wholesome and traditional male instincts. As with everything, if people had stood up for their values rather than persue their personal glory, then things would have turned out for the better.
August 2, 2024 at 11:20 pm #165414Celticbiker
ParticipantThe opening ceremonies was a big ole talmudic fuck you to Christians, in case no 1 noticed Cucked westerners seem to find this normal now, as the jew intended. Doesn’t bode well for the future.. All I see are faggots staring at phones and tv’s, scared shitless to say the wrong thing.. Who will protect women and children when jewbankers pull the rug out and shitcan their Ponzi scheme? Palestine is coming for everyone. . Other than Houthis, who has helped them? Who do you think is going to help you?
August 2, 2024 at 11:22 pm #165415zerosum
ParticipantPeople trying to flee Israel in a hurry, ahead of a major military escalation with Iran..
The aircraft carrier “Roosevelt” has arrived at the Strait of Hormuz off Iran..
“In coming hours, the world will witness extraordinary scenes and very important developments,” an Iranian state news anchor reported said. Iran International and other regional publications have highlighted the alarming clip as well.————–
August 3, 2024 at 1:08 pm #165437Noirette
ParticipantOroboros that was hilarious, and so well done, amazing. It is great seeing the manipulative, calculated, lying ‘Identity Politics’ BS being mocked.
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