Debt Rattle August 4 2021
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August 4, 2021 at 6:54 pm #82315
those darned kids
Participanti am trying to write words for thee, germ, to lighten thy load, but alas all seem too faint.
August 4, 2021 at 6:56 pm #82316Mister Roboto
ParticipantA rather morose song that captures how I’ve been feeling lately:
August 4, 2021 at 6:57 pm #82317madamski cafone
ParticipantThe following bankster link is especially juicy red raw meat, old and flyblown and reeking of too-easily-ignored horrors and atrocities. Full-blown quivering exposed Illuminati flesh, showing how the Cult of Atrocity works: first you must sear your conscience by doing some totally unspeakable thing. Milgram’s experiment shows that a surprising amount of us will do this, even for free, for free just because a man in a white lab coat with a clipboard told us to. Paid well, well, we ask to see whom we’re torturing to death so we can get our full share of it. Make sure the ‘trodes are on tight. We’re strange that way.
While I don’t believe that vast overarching conspiracies amount to shit outside of what money control can bring about, I very much believe in secret societies and the power of shared shame and self-loathing that reinforces your devotion to the group because it comprises the only people who can really understand you.
I DO believe that AI-equipped data surveillance like is happening to us every second online, creates a new and unprecedented, by order of magnitude, amazing blanket effect for spreading and maintaining an Hypnosis Wave that contradicts plainly observed reality for a considerable amount of time, and so the juggernaut appears to be moving further and faster than it really is, and conceals the areas where it is already in decline/retreat.
I have no prob believing many of them want to, and believe they can, Rule the World. And for awhile, their power certainly grew amazingly (WWII and since). The ancient banksters’ secret cabals were at the center of everything, pert near, even Russia by the 1990s… until Putin kicked them out. (As for the banksters who thought the Soviet revolution was a good investment, they failed to appreciate the likes of Stalin taking them on, but hey: breed for sociopathic genius, get eaten by sociopathic genius.)
But they, and their glorious AI (that even Elon Musk had enough brains to recognize and warn us about), simply can’t grasp running out of energy (it’s called Elon Syndrome). Hell, their economists can’t get it, and they rely on economists to read that side of their crystal fortune-telling ball.
Egypt did the psycho/socio-pathically narcisstocracy totalitarian regime very well for a long time… but they were a water economy, and it only took 2-3 decades of severe drought to do them in:
“Lo, the desert claims the land. Towns are ravaged, Upper Egypt became a wasteland. Lo, everyone’s hair [has fallen out]. Lo, great and small say, ‘I wish I were dead’. Lo, children of nobles are dashed against wall.s Infants are put on high ground. Food is lacking. Wearers of fine linen are beaten with [sticks]. Ladies suffer like maidservants. Lo, those who were entombed are cast on high grounds. Men stir up strife unopposed. Groaning is throughout the land, mingled with laments. See now the land deprived of kingship. What the pyramid hid is empty. [The] People are diminished.” Egyptian sage, Ipuwer
(itals added for ET bonus effect 😉 )
For awhile, many people may well submit to being stripped of everything but a handroid, clothes, backpack, maybe a bicycle, and sleeping bag. Maybe even enough to let Them(tm) run a complete covid racket to the bone (highly unlikely, imo, but one never knows)… but not for long. As energy declines, and more and more minions suffer in a tide rising up toward upper minion ranks (especially the Security Level), we will find that our Illustrious Annunakai, shape-shifting, lizard-skinned, child-sacrificing, bankster elite derangsters with impressive special FX but little clout with actual reality, a thing they’ve seen now and then through tinted limousine windows… we will find that as energy runs out, so will their luck.
In the meantime, aim for the heart of the sunrise. It’s not a nuclear sunrise! Really! 😉
Exposed Illuminati, Found Dead
And again:
August 4, 2021 at 7:07 pm #82318madamski cafone
Participant“This is the hill upon which I will die.”
My best friend in high school grew up in Lebanon/Jordan, immigrated to USA in ’63.
HIs grandfather on his mother’s side had been a prosperous Armenian with land, big stone house on a hioll, etc.
As the Turks approched close enough for them to shoot back during WWII and its Armenian massacre, they counted bullets carefully. THey knew what the Turks dod to people, including women and children. They made sure they had enough to kill their beloveds before either killing themselves or, preferred option, running hellfre shooting bloody blazes in to a volley of Turkish gunfire.
Shit happens, it does. Lose your courage, you won’t.
Corniest movie since WWI John Wayne flix, and so is this scene, but it nonetheless works for me:
August 4, 2021 at 7:13 pm #82319madamski cafone
ParticipantOh, I forgot. The British cavalry came just as they were counting those final bullets. 🙂 Or so the family legend says. 😉 Close enough.
Also, the same guy’s father experienced the Red Dawn scene I shared, albeit without a wounded comrade.
“Halt for your life!” said the British UN soldier at a Beirut checkpoint.
His Dad raised his hands in the air, said, “You call this living?”, turned around and walked away.
His Dad also said, “The Brits were tolerable, but the Israeli/UN troops, they were vicious gangsters. They’d have shot me.”
Well, that’s what he said, and he was a fine, brave, extremely intelligent man who got his family out of there in time to avoid what he could see coming, what we see now.
August 4, 2021 at 7:41 pm #82320Bill7
Participantcosco sure does post a lot
August 4, 2021 at 7:47 pm #82321deflationista
ParticipantDr. D:
August 4, 2021 at 7:53 pm #82322deflationista
ParticipantDr: D:
Last year when Trump invoked the power of the CDC to halt evictions, was there much consternation in conservative media about the alleged illegality of this act?
Last year when Trump invoked the power of the CDC to halt evictions, was there much consternation in conservative media about the alleged illegality of this act?
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) August 4, 2021
August 4, 2021 at 8:00 pm #82323madamski cafone
Participant“cosco sure does post a lot” 🙂
August 4, 2021 at 8:02 pm #82324madamski cafone
Participantdeflationista: so, are you, like, testing straw man arguments on us to see which work best? You seem to have difficulty comprehending the basic group mindset of a site you say you’ve followed 4-evah. It’s weird.
August 4, 2021 at 8:16 pm #82325madamski cafone
ParticipantA kind of tradition at our apartment complex has emerged since covid: the roof-covered apartment mailbox area is where people puy out things they wish to share with others. Mostly as part of moving out of the complex.
Someone left a large spiral ring college-size five-pouch notebook. It is a young woman, and if I read the data correctly, she is 17 years old. She was apparently taking her senior year courses at home? Probably honors level, judging by the writing. The dates are from August/September 2020. One of her courses or assignments was about Dystopian Fiction. IN that section of the notebook, she wrote in round smooth print with a seeming southpaw pitch, these words:
“August 31
“In order to durvive the dystopian future that may lie ahead I believe that my quietness will truly help me stay alive. By keeping to myself and maybe a close knit group of survivors, we can avoid people turning on us. Also, it would be a lot easier to stay descreat(sic)”
It looks like she didn’t get far in her courses. Covid was amasking/locking down her life.
Her demographic is crucial to everything from vakzine resistance to, well, the future, period.
August 4, 2021 at 8:19 pm #82326madamski cafone
ParticipantIncidentally, it amazes me that we find so little to talk about that the volume of posts here, in general or by me, are deemed worthy of comment.
August 4, 2021 at 8:20 pm #82327Mister Roboto
ParticipantYou seem to have difficulty comprehending the basic group mindset of a site you say you’ve followed 4-evah.
My suspicion is that they were away for a while (their last post before last Sunday was in 2012) and was taken aback by the tone of the content and comments being…different from what they expected.
August 4, 2021 at 8:24 pm #82328Mister Roboto
ParticipantIn response to dee’s question, Dr. D certainly marches to the beat of his own drum, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the answer was in fact no, the political discourse these days being such a dismal “team sport”.
August 4, 2021 at 8:25 pm #82329madamski cafone
ParticipantEven so, it’s obvious that citing Trump is pointless, and smacks of TDS. What covid today has to do with a retired official with no access to the levers of power beats me. Yeah, we know Trump fucked up bad on covid: that’s why they were able to anoint and have elected a biomannequin. in his stead.
August 4, 2021 at 8:36 pm #82330deflationista
Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz is an epidemiologist who pours through data from clinical trials.
He poured through most of the tiny studies conducted on ivermectin. There are like 60 of them. Most have serious methodological flaws associated with them. There are too many flaws and gross errors to list here.
The major study which influenced the meta data use by ivermectin proponents was withdrawn after people like Gideon exposed potential fraud in the methodology. Maybe you heard about that? Here is his work on that one. It is a great article.
When this largest study was thrown out, ivermectin advocates simply said that even after the removal of this study from the meta-analysis, efficacy did not go down. This was just factually incorrect.
In this particular study to which you are asking about here is the summary: There are many flaws (too numerous to list) with the study in question. Major flaws. Flaws that basically disqualify it from scientific analysis or conclusions other than: it is garbage.
Using these types of studies as the foundation of the ‘evidence’ you say you have that proves the efficacy of something means that your house of cards is about to fall.
Gideon’s conclusions remain the same as mine:
The problem with ivermectin is that it’s a potentially viable treatment and most rational scientists dearly wish it would work but the evidence currently just isn’t that great for Covid-19. The real issue is that there’s a certain segment of conspiracist weirdos who won’t accept anything other than outspoken advocacy for the drug no matter how weak the evidence might be. We will know quite soon whether ivermectin works for COVID-19, and I sincerely hope it does, but pretending the evidence is high-quality when it isn’t just makes you seem obsessed not scientific.August 4, 2021 at 8:47 pm #82331deflationista
Dr. D suggested that the move to allow the CDC to do an end around on the US Constitution and judiciary to keep people from getting evicted is more proof that we are losing our rights and rule of law. That very well may be. But I simply logged onto twitter and the first thing that popped up was Michael Tracey’s simple question that I thought I would ask of Dr. D.
It seems like there are a lot of rules regarding which topics are and which topics are not to be discussed.
Who are you? The Soup Nazi?
August 4, 2021 at 8:59 pm #82332ctbarnum
ParticipantRead the subtitles. He should be apologizing to the adults as well.
Julian Reichelt, the editor-in-chief of @BILD – one of the largest newspapers in Germany, apologized to the children of Germany for the COVID-19 coverage in his newspaper that made them “victims of neglect, isolation and loneliness.”
Read the subtitles.
— Amy Tarkanian (@MrsT106) August 2, 2021
August 4, 2021 at 9:02 pm #82333madamski cafone
Participant“The real issue is that there’s a certain segment of conspiracist weirdos who won’t accept anything other than outspoken advocacy for the drug no matter how weak the evidence might be.”
deflationista: Thanx for making the effort. That said, I already knew what you told me just by skimming. I still have no reason to believe this guys anlyses are accurate or honest. I’d assumed you’d perused his methodology and could voluch for it. Maybe I was wrong?
Your basic premise is still a straw man per the big picture: drugs like Ivermectin have been forbidden per covid despite showing far less toxicity than the officially promoted vakzine, whose use proves less effective and more prblemmatic every day. You are describing a media battle against a certain set of scientific papers in turn used by some as basis in a media battle compaining against Ivermectin’s illegality per covid.
I haven’t based my feelings about Ivermectin on papers above my pay-grade (well, at least, patience). I’ve made them on the basis of anecdotes from doctors I’ve known for some time, since before covid arrived.
So apparently the studies many people cite, in order to promote Ivermectin and protest against its banning, are flawed.IMagine that. So are many of the papers on covid vakzines, and even worse are the rationalization that the likes of CDC/WHO make per those papers. For that matter, most of the papers published on anything anymore are flawed. Modern academia is in the same sad shape as its members: neurotic deluded career-humpers just beginning to realize that their career-humping has turned into something like necrophilia.
“but pretending the evidence is high-quality when it isn’t just makes you seem obsessed not scientific.”
You lead with a presumption: that we are pretending. For all that you cite lengthy studies, you haven’t personally shown a whit of evidence to explain why this guy’s number-crunching is right and others are wrong. Meanwhile, ten zillion academic papers on covid issues are flying around while the fever is high (pun unitnended) and the grant money flows.
Your Gideon paper steps all over itself with this nonsense:
“Amazingly, the study found that people treated with ivermectin were 90% less likely to die than people who got the placebo, which if true would make ivermectin the most incredibly effective treatment ever to be discovered in modern medicine.”
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present, for starters: penicillin. A long series of similar successes awaits us, but it would bore me to elaborate.
Srsly, deflationista, what are you smoking? Are you having fun yet?
August 4, 2021 at 9:05 pm #82334madamski cafone
Participant“It seems like there are a lot of rules regarding which topics are and which topics are not to be discussed.
Who are you? The Soup Nazi?”
No one has censored you. There are no rules other than what WPress perhaps imposes mysteriously through posting protocols. I just said that what you’re doing is probably not going to change many minds here, that is all. Please do continue. Speak on anything your heart desires. I abhor topicality for topicality’s sake.
But as for soup: no soup for you, because I am in fact that very Nazi of the Soup. You found me out!
August 4, 2021 at 9:08 pm #82335those darned kids
August 4, 2021 at 9:14 pm #82336those darned kids
Participanter, i guess the joke’s not so good now that mr. delaware is the art auctioneer in chief.
yay! it’s poll* time: who is worse, mr. delaware or mr. putin’s pinocchio?
*only paper ballots, counted by hand, please.
August 4, 2021 at 9:17 pm #82337zerosum
ParticipantA real shit disturber
We would still be still sleeping in la-la-land if the Americans had not elected Trump.August 4, 2021 at 9:20 pm #82338madamski cafone
ParticipantIt’s kind of a shame cuz the Gideon guy raises some fine questions. But I wouldn’t trust him to answer them. There is Ivermection, there are Ivermection studies, and there are people using Ivermectin. Most of us have only encountered the studies, and then only rarely, so all the data we have is meta, is mediated, and based on stanbdards of trust rapidly dissolving in our deep fake reality.
For example, we trust screen shots more opften than not, which is why they are surely being subverted rapidly in today’s meta-mediated reality. (Dr. D calls it “lying”: he’s so traditional.)
But fwiw, it’s not the claim that Ivermectin could be fraudulently promoted that I personally have issues with: I have no problem with the truth whatever it ‘proves’ to be. My problem is your emphais, your focus, and your approach.
If you’d come in and said, ‘Hate to say it but there it appears there might be some disturbing aspects concerning Ivermection,’ we busy paranoiacs would roll with that and dig into it. We like disbelieving authority, even if it bursts a favorite bubble.
But you came in with this:
“Society can tolerate a small number of people not vaccinating their children for measles, for example, because outbreaks cannot occur so long as the vast majority are inoculated.
“But without herd immunity for SARS-CoV-2, the refuseniks are on their own. They are facing an endemic disease armed with nothing but worming tablets and excessive faith in their immune system. That is their choice and whilst we should deter gullible people from being pulled into their orbit, we should not coerce them. There is no free ride this time. They alone will face the consequences of their actions.”
And this:
“Save a life — show this video to your vaccine hesitant friends who have been made hesitant by Bret Weinstein’s misinformation. I really cannot believe that this blog, which, over the last decade, has taught me to examine information from all sides, has now decided to accept the flimsiest of flimsy information emanating from Bret Weinstein or Tess Lawrie. I mean, you do know that the FLCCC and anything sourced to them is not serious, don’t you?”
It’s an approach doomed to failure. You may well be right. If so, you’re pointing that thing the wrong way.
August 4, 2021 at 9:24 pm #82339LudwigVon
ParticipantWhy there has not been a really large, qualified study been comisioned, yet, by CDC, FDA or any qualified body?
August 4, 2021 at 9:29 pm #82340Nolo866
ParticipantThere are all types of people that share their knowledge and insight on here that I value. I do welcome your counter narrative compelling me to debate.
I find it interesting that you are looking purely at the data and pointing out holes people have poked in them. Holes that some would argue to be counter conspiracy based upon your point of view, whilst ignoring what I think is the most important. Why would doctors with distinguished careers put themselves on the line for a drug like ivermectin, when they have nothing to gain but ridicule, persecution, and loss of credibility and their livelihoods. The answer i believe is the conviction of what is right, what they have witnessed first hand, and what they have sworn an oath to is: to do no harm and help people.
Anyone who puts their whole life on the line because of ethics, that they believe they have no choice but to inform others of what can help. I will whole heartedly believe these people over any person trying to pick holes in data when there are many holes to be picked in the so called vaccines. The doctors are not anti vaccine, they promote this as a safe alternative as it already has one of the safest records of drugs on the market for over 30+ years, please do your research.
Listen to the science they say, so who do you believe? The companies who are making billions or the doctors who are risking their careers and livelihoods, because they are sworn to an oath.
Where have ethics and morals gone for the majority…. that is at the center of the crisis we are living through. We are living in a world driven by greed and dictated centralization. Do as you are told.
What do they say… follow the money… well there’s no money in ivermectin so what does that mean…. don’t use it!
August 4, 2021 at 9:29 pm #82341Archie
Participantcosco sure does post a lot
You’re just noticing now? I’m hoping he goes into his self described fiction writing “trance” real soon. I didn’t call him a cafone for nothing.
August 4, 2021 at 9:33 pm #82342deflationista
You can’t be serious. Read what he wrote. I’m not translating for you anymore. You are smarter than that. You don’t have to have several degrees to comprehend what you read. It’s not number crunching.
Perhaps you prefer what is considered the gold standard summary from Cochrane Library?
Not sure what to tell you. You seem to have a real settled opinion on things. I am not trying to change your mind. You just seem like the type of person who would want to change it for your own sake. I try not to base my opinions on feelings.
August 4, 2021 at 9:43 pm #82343madamski cafone
Participantdeflationista: I already said that you may well be right. To be sure you don’t miss it, by right, I mean your endorsement of the views expressed in the articles you cite. I do get their drift, just don’t think it’s important enough for me to squeeze my tired old eyes over all those statistics. I save that for things that really matter to me, and whether or not Ivermectin has been promoted by specious studies is not high on my to-do list; and I perceive that it isn’t high on most psters’ priorities either. However, lurkers abound, and let he who has ears to hear, hear it.
As for “settled opinion”, my opinion isn’t settled although this one has acquired a good bit of inertia. It just isn’t swayed by your conveyance of your opinion.
Archie: always nice to hear from you talking about what I’m doing. It’s not enlightening for me, but nice, and others seem to enjoy it 🙂
August 4, 2021 at 9:57 pm #82344madamski cafone
Participant“What do they say… follow the money… well there’s no money in ivermectin so what does that mean…. don’t use it!”
Or pump a buncha cheesy studies to generate market buzz to drive prices up for a brief financial bonanza before the studies turn on you…
On the one side, we have the likes of Oxymoron’s father: ‘you are an idiot if you think this vaccine is experimental – thay have been working on Corona Virus vaccines for at least a decade’
On the other, we have deflationista with something like, ‘These studies regarding a substance mostly illegal for the readers of TAE are bogus, and btw,’ “Society can tolerate a small number of people not vaccinating their children for measles, for example, because outbreaks cannot occur so long as the vast majority are inoculated. But without herd immunity for SARS-CoV-2, the refuseniks are on their own.”
which is hard not to read as pro-vakzine, whether
deflationista implied it or not. Right there, def painted himself as discredible with the average TAE poster. While denouncing a mostly unavailable non-mandatory medication, he seemed to give a pass on an increasingly compulsory medication itself riddled by not just bad studies but bad manufacturing and a host of negative side effects, and now, the prospect of possible ADE.With debunkers like that, who needs Dads like Oxymoron’s?
But we can always go back to bashing me as a hyper-posting soup Nazi. It seems to pass the time?
It’s not loaded.
August 4, 2021 at 10:00 pm #82345those darned kids
Participantoops, just to clarify, “putin’s pinocchio” was sarcasm. it should read “general dynamics’ puppit”.
August 4, 2021 at 10:00 pm #82346those darned kids
Participantpuppit! hahaha
August 4, 2021 at 10:04 pm #82347deflationista
ParticipantSometimes, the stories we tell ourselves can have profound consequences:
August 4, 2021 at 10:05 pm #82348Mr. House
Precisely they have skin in the game!
August 4, 2021 at 10:05 pm #82349madamski cafone
Participantbtw, some of you may realize that I study y’all. These are the cynics/preppers in my neighborhood. Who will stand firm, who will fold? is my Number 1 Question outside of Why do I CONSTANTLY disappoiont God and myself?
August 4, 2021 at 10:06 pm #82350Mr. House
ParticipantI wonder if madame and deflationista are the same person………………..
August 4, 2021 at 10:13 pm #82351Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantMad Amsky (+ tale) seems on the manic portion of their cycle. Probably can’t find the meds, deflationista hid them.
August 4, 2021 at 10:22 pm #82352Archie
ParticipantI am an animal lover, in particular dogs and elephants are my favorites. This article doesn’t surprise me, but it sure does piss me off. A LOT!
Fauci-Led Agency Funded Abusive Animal Experiments Promising To Kill Dozens Of Beagles
August 4, 2021 at 10:25 pm #82353Archie
ParticipantActually cosco, I was responding to Bill7. But I’m glad I’m gaining some traction with you. Study on but please, spare us the detailed analyses.
August 4, 2021 at 10:29 pm #82354madamski cafone
ParticipantLet me assure you, Mr. House, deflationista arestrangers to each other. But I do wonder if deflationista isn’t one of us resurrecting an old alias. It’s like the dog in Amazing Journey said about TV, “It’s not real. You can’t smell it.”
Which means not that deflationista is a fake, but that we’re all wizards of our own private Oz behind our own private curtain. The internet is a wonder and a joy, but alas, it is even more a supreme abomination ensuring that what’s left of our shrinking trust horizon shrinks even more.
Let me turn the mirror back on y’all: you don’t talk enough. You tend to stay way too much “on topic”. You’re way too sensitive to critque of your opinion as if it equated with the size of your pecker or boobies. You… never mind. I’m already bored. Rather than tell people what’s wrong with them, I prefer to study what they do and critique that if it seems pertinent an it please me, but they forever ad hominem themselves by placing their ego in front of their opinion like some kind of hostage human shield.
I especially like to encourage them when I say them being brave enough to be human and tender. fwiw, since we seem so intent on addressing each others’ personas (as we envision them based on text in a very narrow context) than their ideas (as expressed in a multi-media format), let me especially applaud Susmarie18(?) for her presence.
And now, a forgotten old song of quiet strength and one of those rare unforgettable guitar solos that come along here and there (2:15):
I hope we all remember to tip our host, Raul. Things are rough in Greece all around these days.
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