Debt Rattle August 8 2016


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    NPC Dr. H.W. Evans, Imperial Wizard 1925 • The US Market Has Been And Remains Today, The Last Ponzi Game Standing (Adler) • Priced Out Of The ‘Open So
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 8 2016]


    Musical Chairs in a Depression (Thomas)
    Yet another “buy gold” infomercial.

    Ken Barrows

    Being a white supremacist is bad enough, but could you put on a suit and a tie instead?


    Seychelles, I know people keep hammering on about gold as a store of value etc etc. What I have never seen explained is how, on the Tuesday morning when the banks don’t open and will only process small transactions, how do I take my gold to the guy who fixed my car and settle the bill for $683.48?

    Walk me through the process.


    rlmrdl: Good question, sarc I assume, and surely one of many worrisome issues ignored by the PM cheerleaders. See the August 2016 Elliott Wave Financial Forecast for good arguments that the easy money has already been made in the current bear market rallies in gold and silver.

    V. Arnold

    What I have never seen explained is how, on the Tuesday morning when the banks don’t open and will only process small transactions, how do I take my gold to the guy who fixed my car and settle the bill for $683.48?

    If, in fact, that’s a serious question, then why don’t you do your own research? You would discover the answer to your question.
    Hint; the $.48 probably wouldn’t be included.
    Also, you could read David Graeber’s, Debt, The First 5000 Years.

    V. Arnold

    There is something so clawingly creepy about that photo of Dr. H.W. Evans, Imperial Wizard 1925.
    A full grown “adult” seriously dressing like that; reminds me of 7 year olds playing dress-up for Halloween….

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