Debt Rattle December 1 2022


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    Pablo Picasso Coffee maker 1943   • More Than 100,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Have Died In Conflict – EU (RT) • Von der Leyen’s Comment On Ukrainian M
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 1 2022]


    “Mum in coma ‘for days’ after ‘falling ill following covid jab’ ”

    The comment section is extraordinary.

    Dr. D

    “I wish I could have pulled that off. I wish. I didn’t fully understand the goal of it. I was helping Ukraine launder funds for the Democratic Party? I don’t know why Ukraine is laundering funds for the Democratic Party. I don’t know how they would or why they would.” – Sam Bankman Fraud.

    He doesn’t understand money or why people spend it. Got it. He for one has never spent money getting things he wants, like the whole Congressional Bank Regulation Committee. 1) Paying money? 2) To receive items? Waaaaaay too complicated for a MIT math expert like him.

    Also “”I’ve Had A Bad Month” – Bankman-Fried Claims “Didn’t Knowingly Commingle Funds”, Blames Girlfriend” You were her direct boss but it’s her fault. Uh-huh. And when you transferred all assets in FTX to cover her losses, that was her fault too.

    Keep talking SBF. Never stop. It’ s all admissible in court.

    From Dr. Day yesterday, same thing: NATO and the EU were once separate. But NATO is now the entire EU army. Who gutted themselves and buy all their kit from the U.S., the idiots. ..So they could get the army for free. TANSTAAFL. No more Saab fighters, etc. So now, if NATO falls, all “Europe” falls. That’s the downside of MAKING the Yanks be your army so you could live for free. As Jens said, if Ukraine falls, NATO falls. If NATO falls, Europe falls. …And the U.S. will be fine. We’ll just un-empire, which we’ve been fighting for for years. What? Surely no empire can just collapse… Really? If Europe falls where will all the cash flow to? That’s right to Jamie Dimon and Powell’s higher interest rates.

    “…The global system will need to move beyond reliance on the US dollar,”

    Good. Triffon’s paradox was killing us.

    “Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO — if you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around.”

    Suuuuure, except the tests don’t work, and China is switching off certificates of known-healthy people for political reasons. …And so they are going to dismantle China brick-by-brick until they stop. That’s not winning, that’s losing. We here? We already know. And we didn’t allow it even the FIRST time, much less after going through it already. 15 Days to Stop the Spread. Trust us.

    “required various business sectors to meet a 60% vaccination quota among employees.”

    Sure, except in Russia I can buy a fake vax pass for $100. And Moscow shut down their pro-Western Mayor if I remember (the one who paid $1M to Hunter), when he tried to enforce mandates at businesses.

    Killed more than 100k military…OFFICERS?” Isn’t it at least 10 men to an officer? Let’s just say “men”.

    And looking at the weekend, Ukraine has eggs and food in the stores...but Britain doesn’t? Well, thank Socialism, I guess. Clearly Ukraine is unregulated Capitalism with oligarchs according to the NY Times.

    Don’t know what to say: I guess going hungry doesn’t cure it. Or killing your kids.

    “What we must understand is that just back in the 1980s, the Netherlands was deeply concerned that they would be unable to feed its 17 million people. They were on a mission to produce twice as much food using half as many resources in a country that is just a bit bigger than the state of Maryland.

    Netherlands’ policies to expand food production were accomplished and they became the world’s second-largest exporter of agricultural products by value behind the United States. Therefore, this sudden attack on farming is more than just a U-Turn. With the Netherlands as a major food producer is among the largest exporters of agricultural and food technology, this threatens food shortages spreading as a contagion.

    The Netherlands produces 4 million cows, 13 million pigs, and 104 million chickens annually and is Europe’s biggest meat exporter. The EU is out to upend the economy of the Netherlands all for this fictional Climate Change theory. The Netherlands also provides vegetables to much of Western Europe. They have nearly 24,000 acres — almost twice the size of Manhattan — of crops grown in greenhouses that require less fertilizer and water. Dutch farms use only a half-gallon of water to grow about a pound of tomatoes, while the global average is more than 28 gallons.” –Armstrong

    “These people will not be satisfied until the death rate rises and civil unrest explodes”

    Bingo. Got it in one. They will not succeed at their first-order goal, so therefore the ONLY goal and ONLY outcome is starvation, unrest, and war. That’s Act A through Act Z, no positive outcomes anywhere in between. Why? Merchants of Death, and profits have been good lately…

    “Not using Russian oil and gas does nothing for climate. You don’t want it, others will use them.”

    Yes. But then we wouldn’t be able to use process A – Z to kill people, steal their stuff and have zero effect on climate. When everyone in Oz is dead or depleted, China will find it very easy to occupy and take all the coal they want. Nice going, guys!

    “The Russian energy company is currently working on the Power of Siberia 2 project, which involves construction of a gas pipeline to China through the territory of Mongolia. The pipeline will be capable of delivering as much as 50 billion cubic meters of gas,”

    Yes, but with Peak Oil, there’s no more gas or oil. All gone! So they’re building this pipe but there’s no gas to put in it for 50 years. Right?

    …Or maybe there IS some oil and gas? But it’s inconveniently located in countries we don’t control?

    “In her address, von der Leyen also proposed to set up a specialized, UN-backed court to investigate and prosecute what she described as “Russia’s crime of aggression.”

    So, um. Russia now has to fight to the death? And must, according to her actions, entirely defeat the EU and Western Europe generally? I’m at a loss. Yes, but you’re not supposed to just SAY that. You’re not supposed to SAY your goal is the complete annihilation of Russia, and with such united resolve as Russia’s only possible response must be nuking every European city on earth. Should it?

    Because as above, they really, really need a war to hide that their Plan is A-Z genocide (and stealing stuff) generally.

    “Some people are convinced it was retracted after US protest. But Ukraine protest would have been enough.”

    Ukraine runs the world and is our capital city and world government. Why? What is it about these people that make them so important and powerful to the political class worldwide?

    “Milley, speaking at the Economic Club of New York, said that the winter season would cause hostilities to go “static”

    Huh. That’s interesting. Russia fights especially in winter and that’s exactly what they claim to be doing. Milley doesn’t think so? Why? Because they can’t stop projecting? Like when they talked about corruption, about army depletion and inept weapons, about invasion, then about toppling, then about nuclear, then about having no winter equipment, winter grease and oil, and no war in the cold?

    ““More than a million Ukrainian refugees made a temporary home in Poland..”

    I’m sure Poland has an extra city or two laying around for visitors. I mean, if we can that 2.5 Million every year for decades, surely Krakow…

    And now that they’ve shut off food exports from Holland, they’ll be more able than ever to feed everyone. Nitrogen is the most common gas, and Ammonia is the outcome of some processes of burning water/hydrogen. Definitely need to stop that nitrogen from reaching the atmosphere…that is 70% nitrogen.

    “what other issue would you find Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Mitch McConnell agreeing on?”

    Not just $45B, an EXTRA $45B they didn’t ask for. And printing this $45B will fight inflation.

    What will they spend this lavish sum on? Carter electric Dreadnaughts that can’t get out of harbor. Just like the U.K. Not bullets and artillery and men. That would just be silly.

    “A reporter this week was so alarmed that she asked the White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about the concern that millions are still signing up at Twitter and demanded to know who is “keeping an eye on this” for possible federal action.”

    Because people are buying products? Send in the Marines.

    “These boycotts are not about corporations or shareholders. If anything, they are more likely to diminish profits.”

    Yes. So by definition they are not “Capitalists”. So what are they?

    “does look at transactions that involve foreign investments in the United States to see if they create national security risk.”

    Buying Twitter and preventing Congressional censorship is a national security risk, but shooting a fleet of satellites into an open international war zone with nuclear powers, all safe: no risk at all. Got it.

    “As Elon Musk pledged to run a more fair and transparent Twitter that won’t interfere in elections,”

    Yes, but this is what they DON’T want. They WANT to tamper with elections. They couldn’t get elected otherwise. Which is what Twitter’s CEO says Twitter was doing. On purpose. Twitter is a dead-loss; what did you think they were selling?

    “Musk tweeted: “Tim was clear that Apple never considered doing so.”

    So. Reporters just made it all up. Then reported it. Then reported on others reporting it. Making the biggest story of the week something that 1) Never happened 2) Totally made up. 3) As complete political activism 4) For their personal agenda 5) AGAIN.

    Again, Journalism 101: YOU are not the story, people. No one cares about you. Shut your lie hole.

    “Ex-Twitter Safety Chief: Hunter Biden Laptop Censorship Was a ‘Mistake’ (Fox)”

    Whut? Who is this statement for? No one’s going to believe it, and half the people don’t want it.

    “We didn’t know what to believe, we didn’t know what was true,”

    Therefore, we stopped all news and all discussion that might debate and discern and resolve, and discover what was true. Ahead of time. Because we didn’t know. That, we never, never want. #Truth is the only enemy. They’re #AntiTruth.

    “the point of comedy is to test boundaries and say the ‘unsayable’.

    And #AntiComedy. Which is why they’re loveless, soulless nags and scolds. Channeling their inner church lady in service of their new religion. Religion of #Bullying.

    “Idle says the film would never be made today because ‘you don’t laugh at religion.’”

    Hahahahaha! Wait: he IS kidding, right? Attacking religion is the One True Religion.™ We attack all religions because OUR religion of sciency-faithiness is not a religion although it’s a belief system based on feelings and narratives that opposes new data, old data, and all data including the discussion of any data at any time by anybody, even non-sciency-faithy church members.

    Dr. D

    Wait, was Krakow right?

    And Germ wasn’t kidding. I expect some bad comments, but this was like 99% “Vax is deadly intentional bioweapon, all promoters of it should be shot.” In the “” Who stopped censoring this and why? Because nothing’s happening, so they assume they’re safe and never will?


    If their house is invaded, should a man defend his wife and children? Is that idea simply white patriachy? … … well the majority of comments under this video support the idea that it is not a man’s job to defend his family. Do you really want to live in a world where men think this way? Will it be possible for the west to recover if this is the way the people think? What form of total collapse will be required to snap people out of their internet lives and to see reality again?


    Jordan Peterson is pretty convinced we will walk in to a dystopian digital slave world.

    Michael Reid

    I feel we are in a serious information war among other things.

    What is CDS (Chlorine Dioxide)?

    It looks promising to me and another tool for improved health in the group that I include ivermectin.

    It also seems helpful for those who have received the accelerated death shot.

    Earlier today I watched the following video that was exploring vax / pcr exposure and blue tooth mac addresses detected in people’s bodies.

    Real life seems to be approaching sick science fiction being made real.

    The Chlorine Dioxide looked promising and I am interested what others think.

    D Benton Smith


    You’ll notice that in his meandering equivocations in nonresponsive reply to the simple yes or no question (of if he had laundered money for the Democrat Party) SBF never said “No”.

    I’ll take that as a yes and give him a D- grade in the side-stepping liar snap quiz.

    The journalist interviewer gets an “F” for not following up and pressing for a real answer.

    D Benton Smith

    Sam Bankman Freud can say anything he wants, or nothing at all ( “Yes”, “No”, or “Go piss up a rope”) with amused impunity, secure (he thinks) in the knowledge (he hopes) that nothing will come of it regardless of what he does or doesn’t say. When your team owns the referee (for the moment) there’s no need to worry about fouls.

    Those who wait for justice to be enforced by the as-yet-unidentified-and-unseen powers of institutional Law & Order are waiting for Godot.

    Freedom is not bestowed or granted. It is (and can only ever be) simply exercised. Just like its flip side, slavery. Either you comply with injustice or you don’t. Heroes can stand by your side or back your play, but they can’t actually take your place or BE you.

    This is not advice. I’m just stating the obvious (which has to be re-stated fairly often to have much effect) . . . but eventually it does, and when it does then Katy bar the door.

    Ian Graham
    Ian Graham
    Mr. House

    “ Do you really want to live in a world where men think this way?”

    Sure, it’ll make the entire survival of the fittest thing that much easier.


    It wasn’t intentional – FTX – Sam Bankman Freud
    According to the May 2022 Hunger Hotspots report, Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Sudan, and Yemen remain at ‘highest alert’ as hotspots with catastrophic conditions, and Afghanistan and Somalia are new entries to this worrisome class since the previous hotspots report in January 2022. These countries all have segments of the population facing IPC phase 5 ‘Catastrophe’ – or at risk of deterioration towards catastrophic conditions, with a total of 750,000 people already facing starvation and death in Ethiopia, Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia and Afghanistan.

    • Von der Leyen’s Comment On Ukrainian Military Losses Retracted (RT)
    “More than 100,000 Ukrainian military officers have been killed so far,” she said during an address earlier on Wednesday, adding that around 20,000 civilians had also died in nine months of fighting.
    You don’t want it, others will use them. And you will be cold.
    • China Wants More Russian Gas (RT)
    You can hear the Chinese laughing in the background.
    • Russian Coal Exports Shift To China (RT)
    Take a bow, TAE

    Washington Goes to War Against Twitter and Free Speech

    Washington Goes to War Against Twitter and Free Speech
    The problem is that citizens are flocking to Twitter and signing up in record numbers. They want more, not less, free speech. The over two million new sign-ups per day represent a 66% increase over the same period last year, according to figures released by Musk.



    About 90% of yearly tax returns are filed electronically. Today, the IRS still allows taxpayers to file paper returns. If all taxpayers did file paper returns, how long would it take for the IRS to process them? Asking for a friend.


    @ aspnaz

    Thank you and I agree.
    I *like* being strong and independent. But I run up against situations where I haven’t the strength to handle it alone — and the typical male does have the physical strength. A couple years back I removed a heavy, tumbled seat from my car — and sprained my thumb. Oh, how it hurt! I couldn’t play guitar for weeks. My spouse asked me — why didn’t you ask me to do it? He is much stronger than I — and I exercise more than he does! I smiled sheepishly and told him that he was right.
    The differences between men and women are not a problem that needs to be fixed or ignored. Rather, they encourage us to come together, giving and receiving. From that giving and receiving we develop strong social bonds that knit families and communities together.


    Epidemiological week 46, ending 19 November 2022

    Scroll down to Table 1 on Page 4 – See “Vaccination status”

    Only the death-vaxxed are getting sick and going to the ICU.

    YES – the death-vaxxed really ARE fucked!


    Rostin Bentham of the CFTC talks before a senate hearing about FTX and “the need for regulation”…
    He keeps mentioning “Ledger X“.

    Sen Marshall (R-Kansas): “Cryptocurrency is a threat to our national security.” Benham agrees.

    The Markster

    I feel sorry for people who think either Twitter or Elon Musk are in a position to improve the world in any significant way. Just another stupid trap inside an opaque hall of mirrors with a CIA backdoor feature that cannot be closed (WikiLeaks Vault 7).

    Best item today is the brave, epic DOJ trolling by Mr. Young at Cryptome. Way better than the late, empty, insincere CYA editorials by legacy media earlier this week, which are all outweighed by several thousand percentage points via their vindictive authoritarian bile of the last decade. Bravo and a tip of the hat to John Young at Cryptome!


    The interview. Watch/listen and weep.

    John Day

    @Germ: It was good to see the comments section overriding the narrative-moderator with personal anecdotes.

    @Dr.D: This is not possible: “Dutch farms use only a half-gallon of water to grow about a pound of tomatoes, while the global average is more than 28 gallons.”

    D Benton Smith

    I suspect that an enormous proportion of people just can’t quite believe , or get over the fact, that the Elites could be as evil (or stupid) as they so publicly OBVIOUSLY are. Folks keep waiting for those self-destroying morons to come to their senses and stop behaving that way.

    Well, let me clue you in to something about humans. They seldom want to change things when they’re getting everything that they want. That’s who the Elites are. They are the folks who either HAVE or are completely confident about GETTING, all of the things that they want. And preeminent above ALL of the things they want is that they want the unlimited power and capacity to get what THEY want.

    So don’t hold your breath for any of them coming to their senses until reality itself knocks some sense into them.


    @Dr.D: This is not possible: “Dutch farms use only a half-gallon of water to grow about a pound of tomatoes, while the global average is more than 28 gallons.”

    Not in soil. But how about hydroponics?


    I got both in one hard slap to the jay from my old man when I told him to fuck off after he demanded he do something that totally contradicted everything he’d taught me about being a man, a human being, etc. (He was a great guy and felt horrible about what he’d done.)

    But Orwell was just being asymmetrically cute. Where he fumbles, I feel, is in using the word ‘rebel’. All one has to do to become conscious is wander off on a different path for a bit — something we all do now and then — and then pay attention. Rebelling is a different, inherently reactionary act.

    It’s the paying attention that’s so hard, imo. it is uncommon for people to see a thing as just the thing that it is, rather than what they’ve been taught and conditioned to believe the thing is or at least should be.

    But that slap in the face was a great cognitive blessing to me, even if it trashed my home life and family relations. I thank those lucky stars, that I see whirling around my head post-slap, for that adamant rupture of my head from the anal cavity society/school/religion had been telling me was where it belonged.


    “The founder of a U.S.-based website that earlier published the same un-redacted documents that WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange was later indicted for has invited the U.S. Department of Justice to make him a co-defendant with Assange.”

    John Young strikes me as someone who knows that it takes not just balls but adroit timing to make placing one’s testicles on the public chopping block.

    We look for full-grown black swans, but maybe we forget (I did) that wans are first ducklings before becoming full grown swans.

    I see Elon’s Twitter move as a baby black swan, and John Young’s move as another such ugly duckling, one that will probably ride the info-opening that Elon Twitter has provided. I suppose some tortured genius will feel compelled to lecture me about not placing my faith in the likes of Elon, yadi ya.


    I have no faith in Elon as a savior of what I deem good and just. I just see him as a thing doing things, things that currently by their nature will foment and support for a while a period of relatively expanded public discourse with considerably improved data hygiene. When I hear people sneer and say how foolish others are for believing in Person X to stand up for what people deem good and just, I hear the sneerer inadvertently/unwittingly confessing that he, too, is scanning the horizon for a savior.

    Whether it’s Who to Blame or Who to Trust, I hear a yearning for Some One to fix things. (In that case, vote for me! I’ll fix your ass!) I too scan the horizon. I wouldn’t even object to a real live holy-rolling Savior come to cleanse the world yadi ya. But mostly I scan the horizon to enjoy its ineffable beauty while I still can.


    Oh, almost forgot: WES’s anecdotes still rule the cracker barrel circle.


    Echoing Dr. D., I say that Eric Idle reminds me why Boomers are marginalized by the young.

    “Who stopped censoring this and why? Because nothing’s happening, so they assume they’re safe and never will?”

    Maybe lack of control as the center cannot hold and the falconer gyres wider from the falconer?


    (backup): Dogwash

    “The street finds its own use for technology.” I giggle remembering young 90s Gen-X cyberpunks reciting in grave tones such Gibsonisms like holy writ. Either way, that was a good hack.


    As usual, what almost anyone says about our climate is wonky butthurt bullshit. What we are doing with the questions posed by various climate change hypotheses, and what we propose to do about what we think might be happening with climate change, are so much hot air in an empty room void of any real central defining point. Just air molecules bouncing randomly into each other like they just discovered Boyle’s Law and are furious about being told what to do. (punk rockers pogo dancing against The Man)

    Just as imaginary solutions can breed real problems, so can real problems breed imaginary solutions in a vicious circle. OK. That was a verbal Chinese finger puzzle, but it’s nonetheless true. Should we do something about the weather? Can we do something about the weather? Would it do any good or just the usual more bad? Who knows? We only know that what’s being done in the name of weather is 90% bullshit.

    Oh well. U 2 can Save the Planet one plastic-fibered tote bag at a time!

    What are we saving the planet from?


    Who are we saving the planet for?


    Who shall we blame when it all falls apart?


    And whom are they?

    Not us! We’re not responsible!


    Today’s Yogi tea tag wisdom: Give thanks for unknown blessings that are already on their way.

    Relevant song:

    It’s what’s inside that counts most…


    Ruthlessly Xmas Classic:

    Peace on Earth



    Out of curiosity, I clicked this video: Pegasus is Sick

    Covid and flu together. VAIDS gonna be so much fun. Fortunately, the hospital at least hydrated him without killing him with whatever passes for “treatment” these days.


    ‘the falconer gyres wider from the falconer?



    You’re *already* being shaped and governed via your (heh) computer or smartphone; some are just not seeing it yet. If the means are there, they will be used.


    “This is not possible: “Dutch farms use only a half-gallon of water to grow about a pound of tomatoes, while the global average is more than 28 gallons.”

    Why not? A half gallon of water weighs 4 lbs. 4lbs water to 1 lb potato. If they control evaporation sufficiently, it seems doable. Also, it rains a LOT in Holland, and sky water is free, something only meteorologists count.


    “YES – the death-vaxxed really ARE fucked!”

    ALL of us are really fucked. Fucked fucked fucked, I say. F_U_C_K_E_ddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hit me!

    The vaxxed are indeed up against it (my youngest son let himself get vaxxed despite my ewarnings; I too have skin in this game). Somehow, it feels good to distract ourselves from our problems by focusing on those of others, even if we wish them well. I recall some dino-rock Boomer singing about how “it’s interesting when people die, give us dirty laundry…”

    Up.. Down… like a punching clown…


    Climate is catastrophe real: all NATOstan responses are both fake and counterproductive.

    Covid catastrophe is fake: all official NATOstan responses are both fake and counterproductive/\.

    NATOstan financial system is fake: all official responses to the catastrophe are fake and counterproductive.

    NATOstan economic catastrophe is real: all official responses are fake and counterproductive.

    NATOstan military catastrophe is real: all official responses are fake and counterproductive.

    Ad infinitum

    D Benton Smith

    About watering Dutch potatoes: the half gallon is probably used to wash the muddy spuds after harvest, because up until then the potatoes are getting all the water they can tolerate from the ground and the sky. Holland is WET in both directions


    ‘There was a time when I thought that kicking people’s butt would get them to stop making an ass of themselves. I was wrong, and it only proved my ability to make an ass of myself with them.” Robin Morrison aka boscohorowitz


    “Dutch farms use only a half-gallon of water to grow about a pound of tomatoes, while the global average is more than 28 gallons’

    Don’t forget that about a quarter of Holland is below sea level and the Dutch expend a humungous amount of energy on a continuous basis pumping water out.

    Could be a problem when electrical energy becomes too expensive or completely unavailable.

    So could the unstoppable rise in sea level that accompanies planetary overheating become a problem.

    But that ‘problem won’t manifest fully for another decade or so, and by then most Dutch will be dead anyway -killed by their own government.


    He says tomato you say potato.
    Let’s call the whole thing off.

    In holland they grow tomatoes above ground. No need to wash the mud off.


    For the price of housing to be affordable for the grandkids means that our social/economic system must crash first.


    Yes, between them, Huxley and Orwell got most of it right.

    The only major aspects they missed were resource depletion, extermination of wildlife and burgeoning pollution.

    But back in the 1950s and 1940s, when they were thinking and writing about both their present and the likely the future, resources were still rather abundant, there was still quite a lot of wildlife, and industrial humans were only just getting started on the grand project of fucking-up the geochemistry of the only planet we can live on.


    Xavier Becerra, the US Secretary of Health and Human Services tweets that you should get a booster for Covid every two months!

    Hahaha – Covid is now officially both a mental disorder and an IQ test!


    ‘Washington Goes to War Against Twitter and Free Speech’

    I know there was no Twitter then, but Washington’s war on free speech commenced in Mark Twain’s time.

    It got into high gear in the early 1950s, with McCarthyism. Many Americans left America because of it.

    Ditto the war on free speech during the Vietnam War era.

    Shooting students and killing them was considered an appropriate response to expression of rage against the system.

    Now the system prefers to use drones, or polonium, or contract killers to silence dissenters.

    Michael Reid

    Doug Casey on Global Government vs. the People

    Doug Casey on Global Government vs. the People

    D Benton Smith

    Oops. I seem to have potato sauce all over my face.

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