Debt Rattle December 14 2017
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- This topic has 21 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 2 months ago by
Diogenes Shrugged.
December 14, 2017 at 10:35 am #37684
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterJoseph Mallord William Turner Norham Castle, Sunrise 1845 • Fed Boosts Benchmark Rate For Third Time This Year (AP) • PBOC Raises Borrowing Cos
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 14 2017]December 14, 2017 at 11:57 am #37685V. Arnold
ParticipantThe financial/economic morass out there is the quicksand waiting for you to tread.
When it comes to money; educate yourself; but the first rule is, debt is bad, fatal, and almost never the path to follow; the exceptions are for the educated and financially secure; not for you or me.
But the rule preceding the first rule is; self educate and always keep your own council; always.
Bitcoin and all of the others are a fool’s errand; don’t go there unless you’re stupidly rich. Emphasis on stupidly…
Until and unless Monsanto and its ilk are put out of business; the genuine life of this planet is doomed; and it will take humankind down for the count; inscticides are the death of Giaia’s microbial life; the pollinators are finished and so are we…December 14, 2017 at 3:57 pm #37686zerosum
Participant@ v Arnold
OTTAWA — Statistics Canada issued its sixth and final batch of 2016 census numbers Wednesday, this one focused on education, labour, journey to work, language of work and mobility and migration. Some highlights:
— Canada ranked first among OECD countries with 54 per cent of residents having college or university degrees in 2016, up from 48.3 per cent in 2006.
— Of women aged 25 to 34, 40.7 per cent had a bachelor’s degree or higher, up from 32.8 per cent in 2006. Among men of the same age, 7.8 per cent held an apprenticeship certificate, up from 4.9 per cent 10 years earlier.My Question:
“– Canada ranked first among OECD countries with 54 per cent of residents having college or university degrees in 2016, up from 48.3 per cent in 2006.”Canadians are the most in debt.
What did they learn about being in debt that I did not?December 14, 2017 at 5:11 pm #37687zerosum
ParticipantIt’s difficult to find the truth when it comes to the military.
AFP•November 24, 2017
Russia’s military presence in Syria
The Russian military says it has begun scaling back its deployment to Syria more than two years after Moscow’s intervention in the conflict on the side of the Damascus regime.
Valery Gerasimov, the chief of Russia’s general staff, said there would be a “extensive” reduction of troops by the end of this year. He spoke after President Vladimir Putin said that a military campaign in Syria was coming to an end.
CBS/AP March 15, 2016, 4:17 AM
Tuesday’s statement came a day after President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian military to withdraw most of its forces from Syria, timing his move to coincide with the resumption of the Syrian peace talks in Geneva.
Where in the World Is the U.S. Military?
By DAVID VINE July/August 2015
Despite recently closing hundreds of bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad—from giant “Little Americas” to small radar facilities.
Britain, France and Russia, by contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined.
List of countries with overseas military bases
December 14, 2017 at 9:40 pm #37688Nassim
Participant“Germany Owes Greece €185billion In WWII Reparations – German Researchers (KTG) ”
The point here is what happens if the Germans were to pay up? Would the money go to the corrupt Greek Establishment or to the people in the villages and cities who suffered?
Germany did pay a whole lot of “compensation” for what they did to the “Jews”. In fact, they are still paying. They are subsidising submarines to Israel that are designed to carry nuclear missiles.
The trouble is that the money did not end up with the survivors of the concentration camps or the relatives and descendants of the dead. It ended up in the hands of the Israeli Establishment. The survivors got little or nothing.
The survivors of the camps were frequently ostracised in Israel. The males were assumed to be “Kapos” – who cleaned out the ovens and helped the Germans. The females were assumed to be “prostitutes” of the Germans. I recently saw an Israeli movie. It was “the Matchmaker”. This business of the survivors having to suffer once more came up repeatedly. It was a good movie except for the victimhood culture that was strapped on – doubtless to get the funding.
December 14, 2017 at 10:58 pm #37689V. Arnold
Put simply; college/university educated humans are the most ignorant living beings on the planet today; IMO.December 14, 2017 at 11:20 pm #37690Diogenes Shrugged
ParticipantLong ago when I was quite young, I asked my dad why comedians tell so many jokes about Jews. He informed me that most of the comedians were Jewish, and Jewish people had a wonderful ability to laugh at themselves. Nowadays in parts of Europe, Goyim go to jail for laughing at Jews.
Were you able to detect what changed in the interim? No?
Let me guess. You haven’t noticed the chemtrails striping the skies, either, have you? Nor have you noticed the cause of the California fires unmistakably being directed energy weapons. You think WTC-1 and WTC-2 collapsed due to hijacked commercial jet impacts, and never heard of WTC-7. You think lots of little kids died at Sandy Hook elementary, that runners lost limbs in the Boston marathon years ago, that a lone shooter in the Mandalay Bay hotel sniped over 550 in Las Vegas, and that Oswald shot Kennedy. You think Adolph Hitler murdered six million European Jews. You think he cremated them, used their skin for lamp shades, and used their adipose to make soap.
Well, I don’t know how to help you. You’re at least sixteen years behind, and I can’t catch you up with reality in a paragraph or two. You have sixteen years to unlearn first, and only then will I waste my time on you, showing you what you’ve missed.
Nassim, I love you, man. You’re a big reason I keep coming here. But please stop perpetuating the fucking concentration camp oven myth.
ALERT: Readers in Germany should avoid watching that video. Israel was the victor after WWII, and if you want to know who rules over you, just observe who you’re not allowed to criticize.
December 15, 2017 at 1:42 am #37691Nassim
ParticipantWhat the MSM won’t tell you is that both the British and Americans would not accept Jewish refugees from Europe before and during WW2.
How America’s rejection of Jews fleeing Nazi Germany haunts our refugee policy today
At one point, the Germans tried to swap Jews for trucks and were turned down. Later, Jewish terrorists killed the British official who was responsible in Cairo.
OTOH, lots of Jews did save themselves by escaping to Iran, Egypt and Morocco. Algeria and Tunisia were French colonies and run by Vichyists. Libya was under Italian control.
It is amazing how real history gets turned inside out and upside down. 🙂
December 15, 2017 at 2:53 am #37692V. Arnold
ParticipantDiogenes Shrugged
NassimI’m uncertain about which offends me more; your constant off topic posts or the imposition of your twisted belief systems into this blog.
December 15, 2017 at 3:25 am #37693seychelles
ParticipantDiogenes S. and Nassim are both on point; the multi-tentacled Zioglobalist National Socialist Party is the dominant political party in the US, a very unfortunate state of affairs for the 99% and the rest of the planet. Fortunately, the human mind is open to truth as well as falsehood. Decades of mind-twisting anti-Logos spewed out by Rabbinical educational systems and mass media can be undone, but I think it takes people who are intrinsically able to think outside of their engineered mental prisons and willing to expend a great deal of auto-didact effort. Once honest accounts are studied, and there are many available on Amazon and YouTube, one can view life’s experiences in a new light and understanding rather than with confusion. Given the malignant and disproportionate influence of Zioglobalist propaganda and financial power in the US, I think comments such as those by Diogenes and Nassim are most helpful and reflect an honest view of reality rather than “twisted belief systems.”
December 15, 2017 at 3:37 am #37694Diogenes Shrugged
ParticipantV. Arnold,
Hopefully this will not offend you. It reflects an important part of my belief system well:
I would value hearing your thoughts.
Nassim has often commented on climate and history. Both are germane to the themes of this website. I’m the one who’s deviated, and I will take your criticism under advisement. Many thanks.
December 15, 2017 at 4:34 am #37695V. Arnold
ParticipantDiogenes Shrugged
I have no problem with anything said regarding the banking system; which is why I have no credit cards, no debt, nothing in my name, and purchase everything with cash.
But then the electrons used to write this comment can be a source of information available to the U.S. mafia.
We just had a 5 part series by Dr. D in which I fully stated my position; it hasn’t changed for the time being.
We’ll see.
Your’s was a pleasant reply…thanks.December 15, 2017 at 8:28 am #37696oxymoron
ParticipantCalifornian fires being lit by energy weapons… WTF? I guess you haven’t lived in a forest or spent a great deal of time living within natural systems – bound to give you a little too much technobrainia. Wild fires start because indigenous peoples are no longer using firestick culture to work within natural systems. There is no way in the world our fires here in Australia are coming from anything other than Really flammable material on REALLY hot days in REALLY hot winds. It’s as if you believe fires can only start from the power of evil men or something’ – you kinda sound crazy dude.
I know I sound a bit rude but I live in the bush 35,000 acres of the most flammable forests in the world and I tell you you just don’t need any such thing as man made intervention to get that thing cooking.December 15, 2017 at 8:48 am #37698V. Arnold
I didn’t address that, because, frankly, I’m ill equipped to deal with that line of thinking.
Belief systems are their own traps; I’ve stayed as far away as possible from “believing” in anything.
Usian’s are prone to magical thinking; I’ve been away from that for 15 years with no plan to return.
CheersDecember 15, 2017 at 12:15 pm #37710Chris M
ParticipantThis thread got interesting today. So here’s my two cents.
Watch out for the communists. Watch out for the Zionists. Watch out for the globalists. Watch out for the neocons. Watch out for the neolibs. Watch out for the Fabian socialists. Watch out for the facists. Watch out for the racists. Watch out for the pedophiles. Watch out for the sexists. Watch out for the sexual harassers….
You can add to the list.
December 15, 2017 at 12:41 pm #37711V. Arnold
ParticipantChris M
If I may; your list of belief systems and watch out for; can be summarised as, watch out for all belief systems…
As in avoid at all costs, yes?December 15, 2017 at 1:00 pm #37712Chris M
ParticipantOh, while I’m at it, I found this little nugget today. Don’t know if Twain actually said it.
“It’s easier to fool people than convince them they’ve been fooled.”
Mark TwainDecember 15, 2017 at 1:17 pm #37713Chris M
ParticipantV. Arnold,
I commend you for drilling down to the heart of the matter.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, really after I listened to a big blow up on talk radio the other day. They were arguing the merits or demerits of Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem.
Remember the old philosophical proclamation that it’s impossible for us to prove a universal positive or universal negative? That’s simply because, as humans, we’re limited in our ability to do so. Therefore, a lot that we proclaim to be true or not true is based on what we believe, not what we know for sure. It is really faith.
So yes, watch out for what people believe.
So, allow me to give this advice.
Be charitable to your fellow human beings. Be understading. Be forgiving. But….don’t be naive. Do that at your own risk.
December 15, 2017 at 1:37 pm #37714V. Arnold
ParticipantChris M
Thanks, a very nice reply and mostly I agree.
My nits to pick are small and not important enough to state.
Your closing paragraph is just fine; thanks.
CheersDecember 15, 2017 at 7:19 pm #37715Chris M
ParticipantV. Arnold,
That closing paragraph wasn’t meant for you specifically. It was my pontificating to the wider audience. If you got something out of it, all the better.
Part of my point was to address some of the hand-wringing that is going on about what to do in the Middle East and Jerusalem. To me, it would be prudent to agree to disagree about those differing beliefs, and not kill each other over them.
I know. Easier said than done.
A multitude of blessings to you today, and everyday.
December 15, 2017 at 8:10 pm #37716Diogenes Shrugged
Do the forest fires in Australia burn homes completely to white ash but spare the trees?
This isn’t about me. I get my information from the Internet. There is no shortage of video on YouTube showing the evidence for directed energy weapons being used to incinerate CA subdivisions.
December 15, 2017 at 8:22 pm #37717Diogenes Shrugged
ParticipantBetter shots of the trees that didn’t burn.
Precision burns. “Smart” fires?
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