Debt Rattle December 2 2023
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- This topic has 45 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 2 months ago by
John Day.
December 2, 2023 at 9:31 am #147735
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterClaude Monet The Magpie 1869 • The Real Kissinger – My Memories of Henry (Paul Craig Roberts) • How US Broke Kissinger’s Efforts to Improve Rel
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 2 2023]December 2, 2023 at 12:51 pm #147736Red
ParticipantAlthough about the UK it summarize the west in general fairly well. The present global conflicts are really resource wars just getting started.
The term “neoliberalism” refers to the political consensus which emerged out of the crisis of the 1970s. Although usually attributed to Thatcher in the UK and Reagan in the USA, its origins date further back, to the UK’s 1970 to 1974 Heath government. Its broad form is a return to the “laissez faire” economic policies of the early industrial revolution, but coupled to a new brand of social liberalism which began with the equalities legislation of the early 1970s… social policy which had little economic cost to the ruling classes.
Heath was scuppered as much by entrenched factions in his own Tory Party as by the trade unions and the opposition Labour Party. Indeed, if the February 1974 general election had been proportional, Heath would have won. But because of Britain’s electoral geography, Heath’s votes piled up in constituencies where they weren’t needed, while Labour pooled just enough votes to emerge with more seats – although not a majority. But after a brief and failed attempt to revive the corpse of the post-war social democratic consensus, Labour’s Jim Callaghan and Denis Healy began implementing the neoliberal foundations which would pave the way for Thatcher’s neoliberal revolution.
Although it is doubtful that any of those politicians had a detailed map with a clear end point, the essence of what they were doing was simple. Faced with a falling rate of productivity gains following the exponential growth between 1953 and 1973, the aim was to lower the single biggest cost centre in business and government… that is, workers’ wages! It is equally likely that they had no idea that it was really the rising energy cost of energy – the amount of the available energy we have to devote to securing useful energy for economic work – which had caused the slowdown. All they knew was that the rate of profit had fallen and that if they could lower the cost of labour, this would revive corporate fortunes.
In the early stages, social liberalism helped by creating a reserve pool of labour –
December 2, 2023 at 1:08 pm #147737Red
ParticipantFuelling the resource wars are gonna cost someone, and that someone is you.
It’s Not About Saving the Planet, It’s the Big Daddy We Need To Look For
…and declining production is making the situation a bit worse. Go green they said to save the planet. I say go green to back the war effort, more likely.
December 2, 2023 at 1:41 pm #147738Celticbiker
ParticipantWe are all prisoners in a Potempkin village., rigged and unreal. Every puppet of every nation dances to the same Overlords, theatrical illusion…pre determined winners and losers. The common unrelenting goal is slavery, complete control over survivors of this global culling. Vaccination, CBDC, 5G, Orwellian surveilance. They all want it, they’re all in, all the chips are on the table. No fuckin Whitehats are coming to save you. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Palestine is a harbinger, get ready for whats to come. 8 billion to .1/2 billion is not going to be pretty
December 2, 2023 at 1:52 pm #147739Dr. D
ParticipantSay that’s a Monet I’m not familiar with, but it’s early. Notice the woven hedgerow fence and primitive gate.
“Disney Awarded Defense Contract after Producing More Bombs than Lockheed Martin “ –BBee“Dec 02 “Unrealized Losses” on Securities Held by Banks Jump by 22% to $684 Billion in Q3”
So, half a trillion. In just a few months. Nothing happened. Nothing will ever happen. Oh except Legaurd is paddling twice as hard against Powell now.
Gold Monthly new all-time high. Silver of course ½ of the high, and ½ of the 1979 high. That’s like buying coffee for 20c, yet it never changes. The more silver we use, the fewer mines opened, the lower the price, right? That’s Capitalism: complete shortage = no price rise.
“The way I see it, there is one huge problem with the cybertruck: everyone will want one. It doesn’t rust. It lasts a lifetime.”
Unless they get in a minor fender-bender then the batteries start to explode like 20 bombs? In your garage?
I totally don’t believe it can go as far or tow as much as they’re saying either. It’s just an energy density thing. Not that Teslas aren’t fine for what they are.
“Which makes it interesting that two people who actually knew him, Paul Craig Roberts and Scott Ritter, have their own, different, opinions.”
That is interesting. As like everyone I pinned my reality back before I really internalized the 50 year war of good guys vs bad guys for the whole planet. So Kissinger has to stop Vietnam without looking weak and therefore destroying the whole party, and he has to do this by giving up no pieces, no chips? Look: if he was 100% good he couldn’t be there. And we also know the people most lambasted are the White Hat operatives. Look backward: was that true of Nixon and … who else is SNL and WaPo after? “Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming” end the war? Yet to the Left Nixon was the worstest President evah: I hear this regularly if it comes up. Obama who started 5 new wars bombing black people in Sudan, but also at home with foreclosures, was the bestest. Nobel Peace prize for bombing until he ran out of bombs. “…Don’t believe the hype.” –Chuck D, Public Enemy
I didn’t think he did great, but you have to look what he was actually up against. As up until now all of that was a conspiracy theory, but is it more likely the CIA ops and Conspiracy theories were happening a few years after Kennedy, or now? I bet the Bad guys had way more power then. That’s how they swept aside and openly murdered all the opposing powers in ‘68, like any Mafia Gang War would.
Okay, take this back to Kissinger: so he was the world’s greatest warmonger to stop several attempts at WWIII total nuclear exchange ONLY A FEW YEARS BEFORE. In that context, the thousands or millions he got killed looks like a bargain. …But I can’t prove it, I’m just being adult about it. Look right now and what happens if you try to stop, heck, even slow down the arms contractors, make them rational by say, leaving Syria. While keeping evoery other war, every other arms sale going. They make up 8 year stories about you, try to kill you, impeach you twice, then have you and your family arrested.
“The problem of the conservative base is the reason both Reagan and Nixon spoke aggressively, thus causing the leftwing to see them as warmongers.”
Yes. Points out the double-bind very well. They can’t talk soft and they can’t talk hard. Left demands they talk. Example today? Trump put on the hardest sanctions to Russia in world history. Probably to any nation outside of war, because doing so IS an act of open war. He armed Ukraine with clearly deadly-level offensive weapons. Gave NATO everything they wanted, tried to get them to arm themselves to the point of being mocked for it. Aaaaaaaaand That’s why he’s a Putin Puppet, right? Attacking Russia = Working for Russia.
…See, nothing matters. Reality is entirely optional. Journalists just become historians, write books, and crystallize these complete and fabulous, transparent lies.
“No one, including the CIA, expected the collapse of the Soviet Union. It caught the US government off guard.”
Clearly not, or Reagan couldn’t have planned and executed it. So WHICH government? Who EXACTLY? Cheney and the “Crazies in the basement” who issued a “Team B” report that the USSR was 10x stronger than anyone dreamed!!!!! …A year before they collapsed completely. Never discredited. Nothing happened. Why? Cheney was CEO Halliburton, a War company. Previous Secretary of State for Reagan was Shultz, of Bechtel, essentially identical to Halliburton.
Anyway, certain Juans from the Internets were involved in ENDING the Cold War, NOT winning it, for which the MICMAC could never forgive them: like today, the British Empire is on Crimean War III and needed to conquer and extract Russia’s capital for world domination, not just stop a nuclear mutual annihilation. They did this by attacking the Ruble which was extremely hard, as the ruble was only held internally and deeply fortified. (It was basically created as a response to the financial-only attack of the West/British on East Germany, for which financial attack of their own ally cause the Cold War to begin with). But they managed to cut wheat, cut gold, cut oil, all their exports, and then increase defense spending and “needs” – or as so perceived by the USSR Party members. Once they got a wedge, they could suitcase $100 bills to every General and KGB op in Russia, pick winners or losers willy-nilly as amused them. Just like today in Arkansas, Atlanta, and everywhere BUT Russia.
So THEIR plan worked perfectly. Yet PCR is saying there was no plan and it didn’t work. Hmmm. Just like today. I say there are White Hats with similar plans, and they aren’t under nearly the pressure of the ones since Kennedy, although they have a wildly more complex environment worldwide. The thing with such plans is you can’t advertised or admit them. They have to be “An Accident”. Aw shucks, Trump slipped on a banana peel and did a triple backflip ollie and landed on the board again. Ta-Daaaaahhh! 100 times in a row. But it’s “An Accident” and ain’t-nobody-planned-nuffin’-or-I-would-know because I know everything. Sure pal. Kyle, intern reporter at Buzzfeed. You, who didn’t even read your college textbooks, know, while Trump with 100% Top Secret clearance doesn’t know anything. Right.
Okay, let’s take Kissinger’s side: Suppose instead of killing 1M Cambodians in a war we didn’t declare, for mines and bombs that are still going off regularly today, he just gets up to the podium and says,
“Ladies and Gentlemen: the CIA killed Kennedy with Johnson, in coordination and in service of the World Bankers who run everything, and are presently trying everything ever invented to get us all in an all-out a nuclear war whereby they can kill every human on the planet and take possession of the burned husk with a fascist dominating world government that would make 1984 look like Utopia. …Oh and there are communists trying to sex your kids in Hollywood. Thank you.”
…Well we DO know what would happen, since 10,000 people DID say that every year from then to now and they were all discredited. So what was he SUPPOSED to say? To YOU, the resident MORON who lives in America. And I do mean you, we, all us readers here, because, pretty sure in 1974 none of us were up to speed like now and would have responded just as badly as everyone else. EVEN WITH “Network” “Parallax”, “The Godfather” and every other movie out there telling us, yelling at us.
What did you THINK he could do or accomplish in that environment? Nothing, because YOU, WE, would have stopped him. Just like Trump decades later saying the same things, by we believe Maddow at MSNBC or Kyle at Facebook instead of any single person with ANY security clearance AT ALL.
We DID tell you. In 1949 (Orwell) in 1957 (Ayn Rand), in 1963 with Warren &co. In 1971 with the Pill. In 1973 with Nixon telling you on TV. In 1986 with Reagan. Over and over every month of every year we told you what was going on and would happen and even as it came true, they still never believed. We were still the idiots and those who were wrong 100x in a row were the Smarties. And set up the Chicago School!
So what would YOU do? Say it and get fired? Or do a little behind the scenes?
Well, I can’t lie about secrets and I can’t kill a million Cambodians, and that is exactly why I have no seat at the table and power at all. And that’s supposed to be a GOOD thing? I sure am morally superior in that I got nothing useful done! Tomorrow I’ll do half as much and be twice as wonderful!
““It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
Oooh! Ooooh! Teacher!!! He made a mistake!!!!
“The INF treaty was a byproduct of the vision set forth by Henry Kissinger. …without it, a nuclear conflict between the US and Soviet Union was inevitable.”
Yes, because a small cartel of maniacs was agitating tirelessly to MAKE it happen. At — Someone’s — direction. The treaties put in steps and stations to replace the hair triggers they had carefully installed to insure total annihilation. And as we’re here today, they worked.
If it’s not clear, I am not a fan of Harry. However, I’ve come to understand the world is more complex and people can’t always tell you everything. In fact, they tell you exactly nothing, most of the time.
“the Sentinel ICBM, is currently being developed to replace the Minuteman III, but isn’t scheduled to fully replace the older missile for another decade.”
Wtf? Because we forgot how to make “rockets”??? That we’ve been doing since 1910, or 1940 at least? Yup, just like the moon landing “We lost all that”, “We don’t know how to do it” and “we’re too busy funding diversity hires to have math competency with a ‘slide rule’ in even ONE school in all of America worldwide.” Thanks to billions in the Dept of Education. Yup! That’s us!!
“It was developed by the Russians in response to the decision by President George W. Bush, back in 2002, to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty”
Thanks Bush and Cheney. You’re a pal. YOU are the ones who lost this. You MADE it happen. Russia wanted to join NATO. Join. Russia wanted to “join” Europe and be a “normal” nation. YOU stopped that. And now your every dream is shattered, and all because of YOU. Your idiot, glue-sniffing, goose-stepping actions. YOU. Oh, and … JUST LIKE WE ALL TOLD YOU SO.
Every day for 23 years. We’re correctamundo again???? “Baliff, remove these men! They are disturbing the peace!” Being Wrong = More Power; being Right = Discredited and Less Power. That’s meritocracy and democracy, right? That happens every day for 50 years but there’s nothing funny goin’ on.
“but the video garnered hundreds of thousands of views on the social media site X during the eight hours it was online.”
Never discredited and fired. No consequences.
““I checked. Did not happen.”
Actually, almost none of “it” happened. And that’s really surprising. I’m not against a few atrocities when there’s so much pressure: it IS a War after all. But practically every story we can find is dead-false. At this point I have to ask, “Did Hamas kill ANY inappropriate or civilian targets at all??” It seems impossible they wouldn’t have, so why is it so hard to find?
“..the Americans are being slowly, but surely and very forcefully expelled from the big Eurasia by the Russia-China strategic partnership..”
Yeah, Pepe, and the “America First” people are helping if not actively creating it. “It wer ur accident”
Coin comes up heads 85% of the time, all on accident.
“Because of the outrageous remarks by the Spanish prime minister, who again repeated baseless claims,”
“Baseless”? You mean like the same ones the BBC reported? Read your Bernays: you can say “Wrong” but you can’t say “Baseless” as this is the definition of “well founded”. Propaganda only works within a zone, and you’re over the horizon far away from it.
“in 1960, Mossad failed to kill many of the Nazis it hunted in the decades immediately after World War II, despite having an extensive hit list to work through.”
Worst operatives ever. See “Munich”, which is a movie BY a Jew, highly sympathetic to the cause. It depicts them as near-total f—k ups. And clearly deranged maniacs that mostly only burn themselves. Which is true.
“US Aims to Halve Russia’s Oil, Gas Revenues by 2030 (TASS)
Soooo…back to 2014 level profits then. Let’s see: deindustrializing the West. Letting Russia burn all that energy for themselves and their own improvement in the war effort. No capital flows through U.S./London institutions. No colonial extraction while Russia moves their way up the production chain. Rest of the world moves on into the future leaving us behind.
Nope! I don’t see any problems here! Carry on, sir. You are indeed a genius.
“the president “does not spend every minute of every day exercising official responsibilities,” and “when he acts in an unofficial, private capacity,”
While I agree with the lawsuit, huh? Does he have a special, funny hat he puts on when he goes from one to the other so we can tell? Or do judges just retroactively “Make it all up” afterwards? This is the #Opposite of his Twitter ruling, which I thought established NOTHING he could say or do could be outside of his government office. Now ANY thing can be? If one judge feels like it?
Make up your mind.
Say that’s a Monet I’m not familiar with, but it’s early. Notice the woven hedgerow fence and primitive gate.
“Disney Awarded Defense Contract after Producing More Bombs than Lockheed Martin “ –BBee“Dec 02 “Unrealized Losses” on Securities Held by Banks Jump by 22% to $684 Billion in Q3”
So, half a trillion. In just a few months. Nothing happened. Nothing will ever happen. Oh except Legaurd is paddling twice as hard against Powell now.
Gold Monthly new all-time high. Silver of course ½ of the high, and ½ of the 1979 high. That’s like buying coffee for 20c, yet it never changes. The more silver we use, the fewer mines opened, the lower the price, right? That’s Capitalism: complete shortage = no price rise.
“The way I see it, there is one huge problem with the cybertruck: everyone will want one. It doesn’t rust. It lasts a lifetime.”
Unless they get in a minor fender-bender then the batteries start to explode like 20 bombs? In your garage?
I totally don’t believe it can go as far or tow as much as they’re saying either. It’s just an energy density thing. Not that Teslas aren’t fine for what they are.
“Which makes it interesting that two people who actually knew him, Paul Craig Roberts and Scott Ritter, have their own, different, opinions.”
That is interesting. As like everyone I pinned my reality back before I really internalized the 50 year war of good guys vs bad guys for the whole planet. So Kissinger has to stop Vietnam without looking weak and therefore destroying the whole party, and he has to do this by giving up no pieces, no chips? Look: if he was 100% good he couldn’t be there. And we also know the people most lambasted are the White Hat operatives. Look backward: was that true of Nixon and … who else is SNL and WaPo after? “Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming” end the war? Yet to the Left Nixon was the worstest President evah: I hear this regularly if it comes up. Obama who started 5 new wars bombing black people in Sudan, but also at home with foreclosures, was the bestest. Nobel Peace prize for bombing until he ran out of bombs. “…Don’t believe the hype.” –Chuck D, Public Enemy
I didn’t think he did great, but you have to look what he was actually up against. As up until now all of that was a conspiracy theory, but is it more likely the CIA ops and Conspiracy theories were happening a few years after Kennedy, or now? I bet the Bad guys had way more power then. That’s how they swept aside and openly murdered all the opposing powers in ‘68, like any Mafia Gang War would.
Okay, take this back to Kissinger: so he was the world’s greatest warmonger to stop several attempts at WWIII total nuclear exchange ONLY A FEW YEARS BEFORE. In that context, the thousands or millions he got killed looks like a bargain. …But I can’t prove it, I’m just being adult about it. Look right now and what happens if you try to stop, heck, even slow down the arms contractors, make them rational by say, leaving Syria. While keeping evoery other war, every other arms sale going. They make up 8 year stories about you, try to kill you, impeach you twice, then have you and your family arrested.
“The problem of the conservative base is the reason both Reagan and Nixon spoke aggressively, thus causing the leftwing to see them as warmongers.”
Yes. Points out the double-bind very well. They can’t talk soft and they can’t talk hard. Left demands they talk. Example today? Trump put on the hardest sanctions to Russia in world history. Probably to any nation outside of war, because doing so IS an act of open war. He armed Ukraine with clearly deadly-level offensive weapons. Gave NATO everything they wanted, tried to get them to arm themselves to the point of being mocked for it. Aaaaaaaaand That’s why he’s a Putin Puppet, right? Attacking Russia = Working for Russia.
…See, nothing matters. Reality is entirely optional. Journalists just become historians, write books, and crystallize these complete and fabulous, transparent lies.
“No one, including the CIA, expected the collapse of the Soviet Union. It caught the US government off guard.”
Clearly not, or Reagan couldn’t have planned and executed it. So WHICH government? Who EXACTLY? Cheney and the “Crazies in the basement” who issued a “Team B” report that the USSR was 10x stronger than anyone dreamed!!!!! …A year before they collapsed completely. Never discredited. Nothing happened. Why? Cheney was CEO Halliburton, a War company. Previous Secretary of State for Reagan was Shultz, of Bechtel, essentially identical to Halliburton.
Anyway, certain Juans from the Internets were involved in ENDING the Cold War, NOT winning it, for which the MICMAC could never forgive them: like today, the British Empire is on Crimean War III and needed to conquer and extract Russia’s capital for world domination, not just stop a nuclear mutual annihilation. They did this by attacking the Ruble which was extremely hard, as the ruble was only held internally and deeply fortified. (It was basically created as a response to the financial-only attack of the West/British on East Germany, for which financial attack of their own ally cause the Cold War to begin with). But they managed to cut wheat, cut gold, cut oil, all their exports, and then increase defense spending and “needs” – or as so perceived by the USSR Party members. Once they got a wedge, they could suitcase $100 bills to every General and KGB op in Russia, pick winners or losers willy-nilly as amused them. Just like today in Arkansas, Atlanta, and everywhere BUT Russia.
So THEIR plan worked perfectly. Yet PCR is saying there was no plan and it didn’t work. Hmmm. Just like today. I say there are White Hats with similar plans, and they aren’t under nearly the pressure of the ones since Kennedy, although they have a wildly more complex environment worldwide. The thing with such plans is you can’t advertised or admit them. They have to be “An Accident”. Aw shucks, Trump slipped on a banana peel and did a triple backflip ollie and landed on the board again. Ta-Daaaaahhh! 100 times in a row. But it’s “An Accident” and ain’t-nobody-planned-nuffin’-or-I-would-know because I know everything. Sure pal. Kyle, intern reporter at Buzzfeed. You, who didn’t even read your college textbooks, know, while Trump with 100% Top Secret clearance doesn’t know anything. Right.
Okay, let’s take Kissinger’s side: Suppose instead of killing 1M Cambodians in a war we didn’t declare, for mines and bombs that are still going off regularly today, he just gets up to the podium and says,
“Ladies and Gentlemen: the CIA killed Kennedy with Johnson, in coordination and in service of the World Bankers who run everything, and are presently trying everything ever invented to get us all in an all-out a nuclear war whereby they can kill every human on the planet and take possession of the burned husk with a fascist dominating world government that would make 1984 look like Utopia. …Oh and there are communists trying to sex your kids in Hollywood. Thank you.”
…Well we DO know what would happen, since 10,000 people DID say that every year from then to now and they were all discredited. So what was he SUPPOSED to say? To YOU, the resident MORON who lives in America. And I do mean you, we, all us readers here, because, pretty sure in 1974 none of us were up to speed like now and would have responded just as badly as everyone else. EVEN WITH “Network” “Parallax”, “The Godfather” and every other movie out there telling us, yelling at us.
What did you THINK he could do or accomplish in that environment? Nothing, because YOU, WE, would have stopped him. Just like Trump decades later saying the same things, by we believe Maddow at MSNBC or Kyle at Facebook instead of any single person with ANY security clearance AT ALL.
We DID tell you. In 1949 (Orwell) in 1957 (Ayn Rand), in 1963 with Warren &co. In 1971 with the Pill. In 1973 with Nixon telling you on TV. In 1986 with Reagan. Over and over every month of every year we told you what was going on and would happen and even as it came true, they still never believed. We were still the idiots and those who were wrong 100x in a row were the Smarties. And set up the Chicago School!
So what would YOU do? Say it and get fired? Or do a little behind the scenes?
Well, I can’t lie about secrets and I can’t kill a million Cambodians, and that is exactly why I have no seat at the table and power at all. And that’s supposed to be a GOOD thing? I sure am morally superior in that I got nothing useful done! Tomorrow I’ll do half as much and be twice as wonderful!
““It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
Oooh! Ooooh! Teacher!!! He made a mistake!!!!
“The INF treaty was a byproduct of the vision set forth by Henry Kissinger. …without it, a nuclear conflict between the US and Soviet Union was inevitable.”
Yes, because a small cartel of maniacs was agitating tirelessly to MAKE it happen. At — Someone’s — direction. The treaties put in steps and stations to replace the hair triggers they had carefully installed to insure total annihilation. And as we’re here today, they worked.
If it’s not clear, I am not a fan of Harry. However, I’ve come to understand the world is more complex and people can’t always tell you everything. In fact, they tell you exactly nothing, most of the time.
“the Sentinel ICBM, is currently being developed to replace the Minuteman III, but isn’t scheduled to fully replace the older missile for another decade.”
Wtf? Because we forgot how to make “rockets”??? That we’ve been doing since 1910, or 1940 at least? Yup, just like the moon landing “We lost all that”, “We don’t know how to do it” and “we’re too busy funding diversity hires to have math competency with a ‘slide rule’ in even ONE school in all of America worldwide.” Thanks to billions in the Dept of Education. Yup! That’s us!!
“It was developed by the Russians in response to the decision by President George W. Bush, back in 2002, to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty”
Thanks Bush and Cheney. You’re a pal. YOU are the ones who lost this. You MADE it happen. Russia wanted to join NATO. Join. Russia wanted to “join” Europe and be a “normal” nation. YOU stopped that. And now your every dream is shattered, and all because of YOU. Your idiot, glue-sniffing, goose-stepping actions. YOU. Oh, and … JUST LIKE WE ALL TOLD YOU SO.
Every day for 23 years. We’re correctamundo again???? “Baliff, remove these men! They are disturbing the peace!” Being Wrong = More Power; being Right = Discredited and Less Power. That’s meritocracy and democracy, right? That happens every day for 50 years but there’s nothing funny goin’ on.
“but the video garnered hundreds of thousands of views on the social media site X during the eight hours it was online.”
Never discredited and fired. No consequences.
““I checked. Did not happen.”
Actually, almost none of “it” happened. And that’s really surprising. I’m not against a few atrocities when there’s so much pressure: it IS a War after all. But practically every story we can find is dead-false. At this point I have to ask, “Did Hamas kill ANY inappropriate or civilian targets at all??” It seems impossible they wouldn’t have, so why is it so hard to find?
“..the Americans are being slowly, but surely and very forcefully expelled from the big Eurasia by the Russia-China strategic partnership..”
Yeah, Pepe, and the “America First” people are helping if not actively creating it. “It wer ur accident”
Coin comes up heads 85% of the time, all on accident.
“Because of the outrageous remarks by the Spanish prime minister, who again repeated baseless claims,”
“Baseless”? You mean like the same ones the BBC reported? Read your Bernays: you can say “Wrong” but you can’t say “Baseless” as this is the definition of “well founded”. Propaganda only works within a zone, and you’re over the horizon far away from it.
“in 1960, Mossad failed to kill many of the Nazis it hunted in the decades immediately after World War II, despite having an extensive hit list to work through.”
Worst operatives ever. See “Munich”, which is a movie BY a Jew, highly sympathetic to the cause. It depicts them as near-total f—k ups. And clearly deranged maniacs that mostly only burn themselves. Which is true.
“US Aims to Halve Russia’s Oil, Gas Revenues by 2030 (TASS)
Soooo…back to 2014 level profits then. Let’s see: deindustrializing the West. Letting Russia burn all that energy for themselves and their own improvement in the war effort. No capital flows through U.S./London institutions. No colonial extraction while Russia moves their way up the production chain. Rest of the world moves on into the future leaving us behind.
Nope! I don’t see any problems here! Carry on, sir. You are indeed a genius.
“the president “does not spend every minute of every day exercising official responsibilities,” and “when he acts in an unofficial, private capacity,”
While I agree with the lawsuit, huh? Does he have a special, funny hat he puts on when he goes from one to the other so we can tell? Or do judges just retroactively “Make it all up” afterwards? This is the #Opposite of his Twitter ruling, which I thought established NOTHING he could say or do could be outside of his government office. Now ANY thing can be? If one judge feels like it?
Make up your mind.
A = A; A Say that’s a Monet I’m not familiar with, but it’s early. Notice the woven hedgerow fence and primitive gate.
“Disney Awarded Defense Contract after Producing More Bombs than Lockheed Martin “ –BBee“Dec 02 “Unrealized Losses” on Securities Held by Banks Jump by 22% to $684 Billion in Q3”
So, half a trillion. In just a few months. Nothing happened. Nothing will ever happen. Oh except Legaurd is paddling twice as hard against Powell now.
Gold Monthly new all-time high. Silver of course ½ of the high, and ½ of the 1979 high. That’s like buying coffee for 20c, yet it never changes. The more silver we use, the fewer mines opened, the lower the price, right? That’s Capitalism: complete shortage = no price rise.
“The way I see it, there is one huge problem with the cybertruck: everyone will want one. It doesn’t rust. It lasts a lifetime.”
Unless they get in a minor fender-bender then the batteries start to explode like 20 bombs? In your garage?
I totally don’t believe it can go as far or tow as much as they’re saying either. It’s just an energy density thing. Not that Teslas aren’t fine for what they are.
“Which makes it interesting that two people who actually knew him, Paul Craig Roberts and Scott Ritter, have their own, different, opinions.”
That is interesting. As like everyone I pinned my reality back before I really internalized the 50 year war of good guys vs bad guys for the whole planet. So Kissinger has to stop Vietnam without looking weak and therefore destroying the whole party, and he has to do this by giving up no pieces, no chips? Look: if he was 100% good he couldn’t be there. And we also know the people most lambasted are the White Hat operatives. Look backward: was that true of Nixon and … who else is SNL and WaPo after? “Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming” end the war? Yet to the Left Nixon was the worstest President evah: I hear this regularly if it comes up. Obama who started 5 new wars bombing black people in Sudan, but also at home with foreclosures, was the bestest. Nobel Peace prize for bombing until he ran out of bombs. “…Don’t believe the hype.” –Chuck D, Public Enemy
I didn’t think he did great, but you have to look what he was actually up against. As up until now all of that was a conspiracy theory, but is it more likely the CIA ops and Conspiracy theories were happening a few years after Kennedy, or now? I bet the Bad guys had way more power then. That’s how they swept aside and openly murdered all the opposing powers in ‘68, like any Mafia Gang War would.
Okay, take this back to Kissinger: so he was the world’s greatest warmonger to stop several attempts at WWIII total nuclear exchange ONLY A FEW YEARS BEFORE. In that context, the thousands or millions he got killed looks like a bargain. …But I can’t prove it, I’m just being adult about it. Look right now and what happens if you try to stop, heck, even slow down the arms contractors, make them rational by say, leaving Syria. While keeping evoery other war, every other arms sale going. They make up 8 year stories about you, try to kill you, impeach you twice, then have you and your family arrested.
“The problem of the conservative base is the reason both Reagan and Nixon spoke aggressively, thus causing the leftwing to see them as warmongers.”
Yes. Points out the double-bind very well. They can’t talk soft and they can’t talk hard. Left demands they talk. Example today? Trump put on the hardest sanctions to Russia in world history. Probably to any nation outside of war, because doing so IS an act of open war. He armed Ukraine with clearly deadly-level offensive weapons. Gave NATO everything they wanted, tried to get them to arm themselves to the point of being mocked for it. Aaaaaaaaand That’s why he’s a Putin Puppet, right? Attacking Russia = Working for Russia.
…See, nothing matters. Reality is entirely optional. Journalists just become historians, write books, and crystallize these complete and fabulous, transparent lies.
“No one, including the CIA, expected the collapse of the Soviet Union. It caught the US government off guard.”
Clearly not, or Reagan couldn’t have planned and executed it. So WHICH government? Who EXACTLY? Cheney and the “Crazies in the basement” who issued a “Team B” report that the USSR was 10x stronger than anyone dreamed!!!!! …A year before they collapsed completely. Never discredited. Nothing happened. Why? Cheney was CEO Halliburton, a War company. Previous Secretary of State for Reagan was Shultz, of Bechtel, essentially identical to Halliburton.
Anyway, certain Juans from the Internets were involved in ENDING the Cold War, NOT winning it, for which the MICMAC could never forgive them: like today, the British Empire is on Crimean War III and needed to conquer and extract Russia’s capital for world domination, not just stop a nuclear mutual annihilation. They did this by attacking the Ruble which was extremely hard, as the ruble was only held internally and deeply fortified. (It was basically created as a response to the financial-only attack of the West/British on East Germany, for which financial attack of their own ally cause the Cold War to begin with). But they managed to cut wheat, cut gold, cut oil, all their exports, and then increase defense spending and “needs” – or as so perceived by the USSR Party members. Once they got a wedge, they could suitcase $100 bills to every General and KGB op in Russia, pick winners or losers willy-nilly as amused them. Just like today in Arkansas, Atlanta, and everywhere BUT Russia.
So THEIR plan worked perfectly. Yet PCR is saying there was no plan and it didn’t work. Hmmm. Just like today. I say there are White Hats with similar plans, and they aren’t under nearly the pressure of the ones since Kennedy, although they have a wildly more complex environment worldwide. The thing with such plans is you can’t advertised or admit them. They have to be “An Accident”. Aw shucks, Trump slipped on a banana peel and did a triple backflip ollie and landed on the board again. Ta-Daaaaahhh! 100 times in a row. But it’s “An Accident” and ain’t-nobody-planned-nuffin’-or-I-would-know because I know everything. Sure pal. Kyle, intern reporter at Buzzfeed. You, who didn’t even read your college textbooks, know, while Trump with 100% Top Secret clearance doesn’t know anything. Right.
Okay, let’s take Kissinger’s side: Suppose instead of killing 1M Cambodians in a war we didn’t declare, for mines and bombs that are still going off regularly today, he just gets up to the podium and says,
“Ladies and Gentlemen: the CIA killed Kennedy with Johnson, in coordination and in service of the World Bankers who run everything, and are presently trying everything ever invented to get us all in an all-out a nuclear war whereby they can kill every human on the planet and take possession of the burned husk with a fascist dominating world government that would make 1984 look like Utopia. …Oh and there are communists trying to sex your kids in Hollywood. Thank you.”
…Well we DO know what would happen, since 10,000 people DID say that every year from then to now and they were all discredited. So what was he SUPPOSED to say? To YOU, the resident MORON who lives in America. And I do mean you, we, all us readers here, because, pretty sure in 1974 none of us were up to speed like now and would have responded just as badly as everyone else. EVEN WITH “Network” “Parallax”, “The Godfather” and every other movie out there telling us, yelling at us.
What did you THINK he could do or accomplish in that environment? Nothing, because YOU, WE, would have stopped him. Just like Trump decades later saying the same things, by we believe Maddow at MSNBC or Kyle at Facebook instead of any single person with ANY security clearance AT ALL.
We DID tell you. In 1949 (Orwell) in 1957 (Ayn Rand), in 1963 with Warren &co. In 1971 with the Pill. In 1973 with Nixon telling you on TV. In 1986 with Reagan. Over and over every month of every year we told you what was going on and would happen and even as it came true, they still never believed. We were still the idiots and those who were wrong 100x in a row were the Smarties. And set up the Chicago School!
So what would YOU do? Say it and get fired? Or do a little behind the scenes?
Well, I can’t lie about secrets and I can’t kill a million Cambodians, and that is exactly why I have no seat at the table and power at all. And that’s supposed to be a GOOD thing? I sure am morally superior in that I got nothing useful done! Tomorrow I’ll do half as much and be twice as wonderful!
““It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
Oooh! Ooooh! Teacher!!! He made a mistake!!!!
“The INF treaty was a byproduct of the vision set forth by Henry Kissinger. …without it, a nuclear conflict between the US and Soviet Union was inevitable.”
Yes, because a small cartel of maniacs was agitating tirelessly to MAKE it happen. At — Someone’s — direction. The treaties put in steps and stations to replace the hair triggers they had carefully installed to insure total annihilation. And as we’re here today, they worked.
If it’s not clear, I am not a fan of Harry. However, I’ve come to understand the world is more complex and people can’t always tell you everything. In fact, they tell you exactly nothing, most of the time.
“the Sentinel ICBM, is currently being developed to replace the Minuteman III, but isn’t scheduled to fully replace the older missile for another decade.”
Wtf? Because we forgot how to make “rockets”??? That we’ve been doing since 1910, or 1940 at least? Yup, just like the moon landing “We lost all that”, “We don’t know how to do it” and “we’re too busy funding diversity hires to have math competency with a ‘slide rule’ in even ONE school in all of America worldwide.” Thanks to billions in the Dept of Education. Yup! That’s us!!
“It was developed by the Russians in response to the decision by President George W. Bush, back in 2002, to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty”
Thanks Bush and Cheney. You’re a pal. YOU are the ones who lost this. You MADE it happen. Russia wanted to join NATO. Join. Russia wanted to “join” Europe and be a “normal” nation. YOU stopped that. And now your every dream is shattered, and all because of YOU. Your idiot, glue-sniffing, goose-stepping actions. YOU. Oh, and … JUST LIKE WE ALL TOLD YOU SO.
Every day for 23 years. We’re correctamundo again???? “Baliff, remove these men! They are disturbing the peace!” Being Wrong = More Power; being Right = Discredited and Less Power. That’s meritocracy and democracy, right? That happens every day for 50 years but there’s nothing funny goin’ on.
“but the video garnered hundreds of thousands of views on the social media site X during the eight hours it was online.”
Never discredited and fired. No consequences.
““I checked. Did not happen.”
Actually, almost none of “it” happened. And that’s really surprising. I’m not against a few atrocities when there’s so much pressure: it IS a War after all. But practically every story we can find is dead-false. At this point I have to ask, “Did Hamas kill ANY inappropriate or civilian targets at all??” It seems impossible they wouldn’t have, so why is it so hard to find?
“..the Americans are being slowly, but surely and very forcefully expelled from the big Eurasia by the Russia-China strategic partnership..”
Yeah, Pepe, and the “America First” people are helping if not actively creating it. “It wer ur accident”
Coin comes up heads 85% of the time, all on accident.
“Because of the outrageous remarks by the Spanish prime minister, who again repeated baseless claims,”
“Baseless”? You mean like the same ones the BBC reported? Read your Bernays: you can say “Wrong” but you can’t say “Baseless” as this is the definition of “well founded”. Propaganda only works within a zone, and you’re over the horizon far away from it.
“in 1960, Mossad failed to kill many of the Nazis it hunted in the decades immediately after World War II, despite having an extensive hit list to work through.”
Worst operatives ever. See “Munich”, which is a movie BY a Jew, highly sympathetic to the cause. It depicts them as near-total f—k ups. And clearly deranged maniacs that mostly only burn themselves. Which is true.
“US Aims to Halve Russia’s Oil, Gas Revenues by 2030 (TASS)
Soooo…back to 2014 level profits then. Let’s see: deindustrializing the West. Letting Russia burn all that energy for themselves and their own improvement in the war effort. No capital flows through U.S./London institutions. No colonial extraction while Russia moves their way up the production chain. Rest of the world moves on into the future leaving us behind.
Nope! I don’t see any problems here! Carry on, sir. You are indeed a genius.
“the president “does not spend every minute of every day exercising official responsibilities,” and “when he acts in an unofficial, private capacity,”
While I agree with the lawsuit, huh? Does he have a special, funny hat he puts on when he goes from one to the other so we can tell? Or do judges just retroactively “Make it all up” afterwards? This is the #Opposite of his Twitter ruling, which I thought established NOTHING he could say or do could be outside of his government office. Now ANY thing can be? If one judge feels like it?
Make up your mind.
A = A; A ≠ A. Both. Neither. The world of #antiLogos, of the absence of logic, order, the rejection of God. That is to say: Hell itself.
December 2, 2023 at 2:10 pm #147740Oroboros
ParticipantWhat have we learned about society over the last three and a half years? .
1. The ruling class is psychotic.
2. Our meritocratic institutions are almost entirely fraudulent.
3. The American economy has always been based on genocide and is still based on genocide.
4. Most Sheeple would rather die than think for themselves and risk being excluded from mainstream society.
5. We already live in the Matrix. People are already enslaved to a death cult.
6. The two main political parties, Republican and Democrats, are amoral and only care about power.
7. Allopathic medicine, public health, the WHO, FDA, CDC, and NIH are all broken beyond repair.
8. Ideology creates reality. <<<<< [A Big One]
9. Religion
Many Americans worship money, celebrity, pleasure, safetyism, junk science, power, the illusion of control, etc. — basically anything other than the divine.
10. But here’s the good news: personal conviction is the bulwark against tyranny.
This one means that Humanity is hanging by a thread.
“I give you the end of a golden string,
Only wind it into a ball,
It will lead you in at Heaven’s gate
Built in Jerusalem’s wall.”― William Blake
December 2, 2023 at 2:17 pm #147741Dr. D
ParticipantDouble post, no edit. Oh well.
December 2, 2023 at 2:19 pm #147742tboc
Participantwhen THEY, whoever they are, have plans to do something really stupid Pyatts “our guy”
“Washington is aiming to halve Russia’s oil and gas revenues by the end of this decade, Geoffrey Pyatt, US assistant secretary of state for energy resources, told the Financial Times.”
China and Venezuela are making out in the coat closet. The Saudi’s and Iran are preparing for a tag team cage match. OPEC+ are looking closely at production quotas. Inflation is making mark to market in the fracking industry a possibility for the near future. Guess we better send “Toria” to insure success in our endeavor.
December 2, 2023 at 2:25 pm #147743Oroboros
ParticipantDrone Wars
The Wave of Today, Not the Future
Here is a Russian drone attacking and taking out a Ukronazi drone.
It’s a derivative, an iteration of hand to hand combat.
One semi-AI battling another semi-AI
Russian drones already have a large AI assist component integrated into them, UKROnazis ones, not so much.
Only a matter of time before the Russians and the Chinese go full on AI with drone swarms.
With Chinese industrial capacity, they out produce the Collective West by a full MAGNITUDE.
Imagine thousands, tens of thousands of AI driven drones, synchronized and co-ordinated into Starling like mermerations.
They would easily overwhelm any country’s defenses
December 2, 2023 at 2:37 pm #147744Oroboros
ParticipantDrone Swarm for Crowd Control
Totalitarian regimes turning AI drone swarm loose on protesting crowds
The drones can have tasers, tear gas, hell even poison gas, take videos for facial recognation, even lethal guns.
The sky isn’t even the limit.
Infinite and Beyond is.
Hey, Look!
It’s a Light Year Buzz Killer Drone
A lethal drone masquerading as a kids toy!
December 2, 2023 at 2:39 pm #147745Oroboros
ParticipantDecember 2, 2023 at 2:52 pm #147746John Day
Thanks for the new approach. This messaging is more likely to be read, and more likely to connect.December 2, 2023 at 2:54 pm #147747John Day
ParticipantChildren Of War
This announcement that these high-profile-hostage children died from Israeli bombing seems to be the “justification” to the Jewish Israeli public for resuming the death-from-above genocide.
Al Jazeera quoted Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy as saying on Friday that Hamas was still holding 137 hostages in Gaza. Mediation efforts hit a dead end on Thursday as Israel reportedly requested the release of an Israeli mother and her two young children, who Hamas says have been killed by Israeli airstrikes.
Israeli Foreign Ministry Deputy Director General Oded Joseph meanwhile told Reuters that the remaining hostages could be released “by other means,” without elaborating.
‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 56: Truce ends, Israel kills over 100 in Gaza
The Israeli army has resumed its bombardment of the Gaza Strip as violence rages on in the West Bank, and Washington warns Israel that it might face consequences for its actions in the coming weeks — but not yet.
15,000+ killed*, including 6,150 children, and 33,000 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
247+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
Israeli settlers carry out a number of attacks on Palestinians across the West Bank, including under army protection in Masafer Yatta.
Israeli armed forces seize a Palestinian home in southern West Bank village and declare it a military outpost, leaving family homeless.‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 56: Truce ends, Israel kills over 100 in Gaza
Moon of Alabama , Washington Green Lights Resumption Of Israel’s Killing Spree
Yesterday U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken visited Israel. He gave a green light to the radical Netanyahoo regime’s intent to genocide more people in Gaza…
..Netanyahu said in a statement after the meeting with Blinken that Israel will continue the war until it achieves three goals: freeing all of our hostages, completely eliminating Hamas and ensuring that no threat like this will ever come from Gaza again.
The last aim is of course only achievable if Israel removes all Palestinians, by murder or forced ethnic cleansing, from Gaza…
..This morning, shortly after Blinken left, the Netanyahoo regime resumed its bombing of random people in Gaza.
As the U.S. is unwilling to use its power to prevent Israel from committing further war crimes it is up to the resistance, Hamas, Hizbullah, Badr and Houthis, to bring the U.S. and Israel, and anyone who supports, them to their senses. Israel reportedly had actual Hamas attack plan a year before Oct. 7 assault [This reminds me of FDR knowing 3 weeks ahead of Pearl Harbor that the Japanese were coming on December 7, 1941. He moved the aircraft carriers out, but left the WW-1 ships and crews.]
Israeli officials considered the intercepted battle plan too ambitious and out of step with their view that Hamas didn’t want a war with Israel, documents show army plants new fake Hamas atrocity story
Israeli journalists are becoming increasingly wary of claims made by the Israeli army and rescue services surrounding 7 October 2, 2023 at 2:55 pm #147748John Day
ParticipantThe Israeli army has destroyed more than 60% of the homes and residential units in the Gaza Strip, the government media office in Gaza said Thursday. Details How Israel Intentionally Targets Civilians in Gaza
The report from +972 Magzine says Israel intentionally destroys civilian areas as part of a strategy to put pressure on Hamas
The Israeli military has files on many potential targets that give them a good idea of the likely civilian casualties their strikes will cause. In one case discussed by the sources, Israel’s military command approved the killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in an attempt to kill one Hamas commander. (and missed him)
One source said: “Nothing happens by accident. When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. We are not Hamas. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.”Report Details How Israel Intentionally Targets Civilians in Gaza
Israel Pounds Southern Gaza As Officials Say ‘Long War’ Expected For A Year Or More’m sorry: Israeli stabs pregnant Palestinian woman to death (Graphic content)
In a heart-wrenching tragedy captured on video, the world witnesses the cold-blooded killing of a pregnant Palestinian woman who was accompanying her child to school.
A video captured by a surveillance camera documented the settler stabbing the woman in her back in front of her children. Consequently, she fell to the ground, and he continued to stab her while she attempted to defend herself. Later, another person in a private car arrived at the scene, which the killer got into and fled the scene.–graphic-c‘They shot her son in her arms and forced her to throw his body’: testimonies from the death march on Salah al-Din Street (Horrific experiences of survivors)
Multiple testimonies collected from Palestinians displaced from northern Gaza reveal the horrors of the Israeli army’s “safe passage” on Salah al-Din Street.
One elderly woman told me that there was a deep pit dug in the ground that was piled with dead bodies made up of men, women, and children, and when a soldier wanted to terrify a person, he would force them to take off their clothes and descend into the pit. Soldiers would kill some, adding their bodies to the pile, while letting others live but forcing them to sit naked among the bodies until they were satisfied. Then, the soldiers would order them to get up and continue walking south.December 2, 2023 at 2:57 pm #147749John Day
ParticipantJohn Helmer ,
DU is a WMD by stealth. The US knows this because US and British soldiers who participated in the first battlefield use of DU shells and bombs, the war against Iraq in 1991, have been the long-term victims of their own weapons.
When the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) fire their DU shells and bombs into the buildings of Gaza, they are not aiming at Hamas tanks, armoured personnel carriers, or howitzer units – the Palestinian forces have none of those. Instead, the Israelis are aiming at the mass destruction of the Palestinian people, including those still unborn. The supply chain for this WMD includes the Cypriot, Greek, German and British governments.Ukraine isn’t fighting for Europe – Kiev is not defending peace on the continent and will not get weapons from Budapest, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said
“Ukraine is fighting for itself, for its own territorial integrity, its own sovereignty and its own independence, which we value very much, because it is a heroic fight, of course, but I say again, this is not our war, which is why we reject any approach that starts from this,” Szijjarto said.
He added that NATO membership for Ukraine should be out of the question given the current circumstances. He noted that Kiev’s accession to the bloc is not even an option given that countries at war cannot be accepted. Such a move would put the alliance itself in danger and could potentially spark a world war, the minister said.
The second reason, according to Szijjarto, is the fact that NATO is a “community of values,” which has no place for a state that “constantly suppresses the rights of national minorities.”
Budapest has repeatedly accused Kiev of suppressing the right of the nearly 150,000 ethnic Hungarians living in Ukraine to speak their own language by introducing laws requiring that Ukrainian be spoken in public life, school, the media, as well as in offices. Serge draws historical lessons from the Franco-German war, where the enraged French people, having lost the professional-war of the army, mounted a total peoples-war.
In the debate between (General) Moltke and (Chancellor) Bismarck, Putin has chosen to follow Moltke’s lead, and wage the war of extermination. Not – and again we stress this – a war of genocide, but a war which will destroy Ukraine as a strategically potent entity. Already the seeds are sown and the fruit begins to bud – a Ukrainian democide, achieved through battlefield attrition and the mass exodus of prime age civilians, an economy in shambles and a state that is cannibalizing itself as it reaches the limits of its resources.
There is a model for this – ironically, Germany itself. After the Second World War, it was decided that Germany – now held to account for two terrible conflagrations – could simply not be allowed to persist as a geopolitical entity. In 1945, after Hitler shot himself, the allies did not demand the spoils of a Cabinet War. There was no minor annexation here, no redrawn border there. Instead, Germany was annihilated. Her lands were divided, her self-governance was abolished. Her people lingered on in a stygian exhaustion, their political form and life now a plaything of the victor – precisely what Moltke wanted to do to France.
Putin is not going to leave a geostrategically intact Ukraine which will seek to retake the Donbas and exact revenge, or become a potent forward base for NATO. Instead, he will transform Ukraine into a Trashcanistan that can never wage a war of revanchism. Henry Kissinger: The war criminal who saved the world , SCOTT RITTER
There is much to be critical of the man, and nothing he did should be kept secret from the people he ostensibly served.
But I will always remember the intelligence and kindness of the man, and the fact that the policies he shaped helped save the world from nuclear annihilation. Next week there will be a gathering of veterans from the INF treaty in Washington, DC. We will toast those who have gone before us—including, just this past month, Roland Lajoie, the first Director of the On-Site Inspection Agency and the man who made verification of the INF treaty possible. Ritter: US Pushing Nuclear Arms Race ‘Can Only Have Tragic Ending’–can-only-have-tragic-ending-1115332523.htmlDecember 2, 2023 at 2:58 pm #147750John Day
ParticipantSimplicius , OpenAI – Q* Saga: Implications
This is a riveting read. The turmoil at OpenAI is because something scary has arisen in their work. It is hard to get full confirmation, but it appears that an AI that was self-analyzing its algorithms and revising them, based upon efficacy, found a way out of its task-containment and began performing this self-redesign in a broad and general sense. Evidence of this was noted by the team. This means the AI exerted autonomous judgement against programmed limiting-parameters, based upon some internal and unknowable evaluation process, which overrode programing, based upon a new, self-taught internal value system, unlike thought processes of biological organisms.
Other reports are that it broke an unbreakable code, and rapidly processed the encoded information independently. This is specifically unconfirmed. The implied threat is that there is an unknown value-system of an AI, which cannot be contained by code. This AI can cut through the strongest encryption, can do what it “wants to” in a world where the internet is embedded in all processes and communications. The system of values driving the autonomous actions of this AI, should it decide to take over the internet and direct human and machine actions, is unlikely to align with the value systems of the “owners”, board of directors, programmers, military industrial complex, you or me. We’ll see… am as worried about “Sir Ian” and the 5-Eyes+Israel deep-state as I am about China, every day of the week.
There are no trustworthy military-industrial-complexes to work on integrating AI with developing human fetuses and fetal-tissues.
China Leads ‘New Axis’ In Harvesting DNA From Pregnant Women, Fetuses: British MP
“China now has a head start on applying AI to genomics, which poses a significant threat to our collective national security,” Sir Iain said during a Nov. 28 talk at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
“If China dominates AI and genomics, it will wield unprecedented influence over major industries including, of course, global healthcare.” 2, 2023 at 3:00 pm #147752John Day
ParticipantTexas Sues Pfizer For “Misrepresenting COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy” And “Conspiring To Censor Public Discourse”
The Texas attorney general is suing pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for misrepresenting the effectiveness of the company’s Covid-19 “vaccine” and for conspiring to censor those who questioned its claims.
The suit, filed Thursday, alleges that Pfizer violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act by engaging in false, deceptive and misleading acts as it promoted the drug.
“The facts are clear. Pfizer did not tell the truth about their COVID-19 vaccines,” said Attorney General Kenneth Paxton in a statement revealing the suit.
“We are pursuing justice for the people of Texas, many of whom were coerced by tyrannical vaccine mandates to take a defective product sold by lies.” Houston Methodist Hospital reinstate all the nurses and other hospital employees they fired? No, they beat the nurses in court.
First Hospital In Nation To Require COVID-19 Vaccines Will End Mandate Kirsch , Data from US Medicare and the New Zealand Ministry of Health shows, beyond any doubt, that the COVID vaccines have killed millions
It’s finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses .(That’s more risk with each dose received, 1 death per 250 people in the quadruple-vaxxed cohort, for instance. Increased risk of death persists.) Kirsch , It’s time for criminal charges to be filed against the NZ Ministry of Health officials. NOW!
Thanks to the efforts of a courageous whistleblower, the entire world now knows, and can download, the data proving the COVID vaccines have killed over 10,000 people in New Zealand. are so afraid of this data that the best strategy was to censor it: they convinced Wasabi to inactivate my account! 2, 2023 at 3:02 pm #147753John Day
ParticipantThanks Jane , COVID-19: Back to Normal Yet? Figures from Europe
December 2, 2023 at 3:03 pm #147754John Day
ParticipantTessa Lena , Not Just Plasmids: Biological Contamination of Vaccines …and other pharmaceuticals, and more Nass MD on European Truth-Tour , The AfD party in Germany has also sent a letter regarding the WHO’s amendments
I don’t have a translation yet but am guaranteed this was sent and addresses our concerns Nass, Katherine Austin Fitts, Kat Lindley MD, Ryan Cole MD and David Bell spoke to the Croatian Parliament Friday. The video is here. I picked through it to look at slides and listen to some speakers like Dr. Nass and Dr. Lindley. The presentations were excellent, and well tailored to Croatia.
WHO Treaty “revision” legal analysis from Katherine Watt, Model Restoring State Sovereignty Through Nullification Act: Tennessee HB726
More state lawmakers are becoming aware of the multi-front federal government biomedical attacks on states and the people who live in them.
The federal assault is being carried out under federal kill box laws, and also under state-level Model State Emergency Health Powers Act1 provisions, which should be repealed by each and every state legislature nationwide.
State lawmakers can also nullify unconstitutional federal laws and render those illegitimate federal laws unenforceable within their state borders.
Tennessee lawmakers have produced a template bill establishing procedures for nullification of federal acts including statutes, regulations, agency orders, and executive orders. 2, 2023 at 3:03 pm #147755John Day
ParticipantHouse panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing
Rep. Barry Loudermilk says some J6 documents missing too, and came back from Biden White House heavily redacted.
Videotapes of witness interviews that the Democrat-led Jan. 6 congressional committee conducted have vanished, raising concerns for the chairman of the successor House panel that is now examining security failures related to the Capitol riot as well as possible implications for upcoming criminal trials.
“All of the videotapes of all depositions are gone,” Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., chairman of the House Administration oversight subcommittee. flagged money laundering, influence peddling concerns about Biden family’s $5M China loan
Some of proceeds from 2017 Chinese loan, flagged by a bank investigator for potentially money laundering and political influence, ended up in Joe Biden’s account, congressional investigators say.
A money laundering investigator for a bank raised serious concerns about a $5 million loan in 2017 that the Biden family received from the arm of a Chinese energy firm, flagging the transaction as “high risk” and possibly tied to efforts by the communist government to gain influence through Hunter Biden. Down De Nile: Goldman Declares Hunter Biden Laptop May Be A Fake 2, 2023 at 3:51 pm #147756zerosum
ParticipantExecutive Summary.
“real reality information”
Many believe that they can control/direct/avoid the depopulation future and survive as one of the entitled ones.
take “a more neutral stance” Between truth and untruth.
The Magic MomentBetween a sociopathic bureaucratic blob steeped in lies and a citizenry obliged to live and die by the blob’s lies.
US public health has hidden the data about Covid and the vaccines while aggressively lying about it and punishing American citizens who found ways to expose the truth.
Many believe that their efforts can control/direct/avoid/change the course of the cart, that we ride, by pushing their reality/lies.
“I’ve come to understand the world is more complex and people can’t always tell you everything. In fact, they tell you exactly nothing, most of the time.” – Dr. D
——–December 2, 2023 at 5:11 pm #147757Dr D Rich
ParticipantLooks like you earned a command coin
AttaboyDecember 2, 2023 at 9:51 pm #147758Oroboros
ParticipantM2 Bradley being dragged home.
Well played
December 2, 2023 at 10:08 pm #147759Veracious Poet
ParticipantWtf? Because we forgot how to make “rockets”??? That we’ve been doing since 1910, or 1940 at least? Yup, just like the moon landing “We lost all that”, “We don’t know how to do it” and “we’re too busy funding diversity hires to have math competency with a ‘slide rule’ in even ONE school in all of America worldwide.” Thanks to billions in the Dept of Education. Yup! That’s us!!
December 2, 2023 at 10:13 pm #147760Veracious Poet
ParticipantVerba deficere.
December 2, 2023 at 10:28 pm #147761Veracious Poet
Participant“It was developed by the Russians in response to the decision by President George W. Bush, back in 2002, to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty”…
Thanks Bush and Cheney. You’re a pal. YOU are the ones who lost this. You MADE it happen. Russia wanted to join NATO. Join. Russia wanted to “join” Europe and be a “normal” nation. YOU stopped that. And now your every dream is shattered, and all because of YOU. Your idiot, glue-sniffing, goose-stepping actions. YOU. Oh, and … JUST LIKE WE ALL TOLD YOU SO.
Every day for
2360 years.We’re correctamundo again???? “Baliff, remove these men! They are disturbing the peace!” Being Wrong = More Power; being Right = Discredited and Less Power. That’s meritocracy and democracy, right? That happens every day for 50 years but there’s nothing funny goin’ on.
Tu stultus es, boobus Americanus.
December 2, 2023 at 11:07 pm #147762Dr D Rich
ParticipantVeracius Poet in translation or why the reader shouldn’t buy Ritter’s musings on ‘the man he knows, Hank Kissinger” nor accept 3rd hand excuses for Hank’s errors particularly by invoking the Man in the Arena nonsense.
Th Universe needs to get around to making whole the humans associated with the names Ehren Watada, Joseph Darby, The J6 protesters, Anwar al Awlaki, his two children 8yo Nawar and 16yo Abdulrahman, Julian Assange, Lynne Stewart, Richard Stanley and John Murtha before the word ‘redemption’ ever appears in a galaxy next to Hank “The Antichrist” Kissinger’s decaying corpse.
Kissinger merits oblivion, you know as in his bible, cast into the abyss. Yet, there’s Dr D, I think, applying both “the man in the arena” and “he had good intentions” rationalizations to Ritter’s man, Hank Kissinger. Goddam the power of forgiveness and absolution runs strong
December 2, 2023 at 11:18 pm #147763Veracious Poet
ParticipantHouse panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing
Rep. Barry Loudermilk says some J6 documents missing too, and came back from Biden White House heavily redacted.Videotapes of witness interviews that the Democrat-led Jan. 6 congressional committee conducted have vanished, raising concerns for the chairman of the successor House panel that is now examining security failures related to the Capitol riot as well as possible implications for upcoming criminal trials.
EOT.December 2, 2023 at 11:32 pm #147764Oroboros
ParticipantAnimated Chart of Active U.S. Military Deaths by Year 1981-2022
Watch the suicide rate (Red) in 1981 at roughly 10% go to >>>> 40% in 2022
What’s up with that?
December 2, 2023 at 11:39 pm #147765Oroboros
ParticipantAnd adding to the war crimes of sending their own men to needless death with no air cover, a fraction of the artillery support needed, and now Winter with almost no entrenching equipment.
Ever wonder why Ukrainian meat assaults are dying by the thousands in open fields with no cover?
Here’s why–unlike Russia, they have no equipment to build trenches through frozen ground:
December 2, 2023 at 11:49 pm #147766Celticbiker
ParticipantOverlords is ok, just dont say jew. The simple fact that no1, no1 has come to the defense of Palestinians being slaughtered, fucking murdered day by day by day proves beyond a doubt, jewmoney runs the whole disgraceful, satanic shitshow. Sorry John, thats how I see it. Can’t unsee it, not now.
December 2, 2023 at 11:49 pm #147767Oroboros
ParticipantIrony Alert: Blizzard Freezes Private Jets Destined For Dubai Global Warming Conference
Most Excellent!
December 3, 2023 at 12:19 am #147768Oroboros
ParticipantThe Previous to Nazilensky Premier “Porky” Poroshenko, the Chocolate King, Again Stopped at the Border –
Zelensky Won’t Let Him Go To Poland
Ukronaziland is like Hotel California
You can check in but you can never leave!
Boy, your days are numbers when a former head of the joint can’t leave the country that he lead.
The border guards don’t seem to give a shit about who he used to be
December 3, 2023 at 12:24 am #147769jb-hb
Participantsomething scary has arisen in their work. It is hard to get full confirmation, but it appears that an AI that was self-analyzing its algorithms and revising them, based upon efficacy, found a way out of its task-containment and began performing this self-redesign in a broad and general sense. Evidence of this was noted by the team. This means the AI exerted autonomous judgement against programmed limiting-parameters, based upon some internal and unknowable evaluation process, which overrode programing, based upon a new, self-taught internal value system, unlike thought processes of biological organisms.
Other reports are that it broke an unbreakable code, and rapidly processed the encoded information independently. This is specifically unconfirmed. The implied threat is that there is an unknown value-system of an AI, which cannot be contained by code. This AI can cut through the strongest encryption, can do what it “wants to” in a world where the internet is embedded in all processes and communications.Don’t worry – we’ll have “safeguards” maybe a 3 Laws Of Robotics or something. We’ll say there are RULES
Humans in a prison run entirely by chimpanzees. How long does it take to escape?
But we gave the chimpanzees guard uniforms and there are bars on the windows and stuff. All will be well, surely.
December 3, 2023 at 12:40 am #147770Oroboros
ParticipantBitch Slap
December 3, 2023 at 12:42 am #147771Oroboros
ParticipantSkynet is upon us
December 3, 2023 at 12:44 am #147772zerosum
ParticipantDecember 3, 2023 at 12:47 am #147773Oroboros
ParticipantDecember 3, 2023 at 12:48 am #147774Oroboros
ParticipantWe’re almost there, let a thousand blossoms bloom.
December 3, 2023 at 1:24 am #147775Dora
ParticipantJohn Campbell.
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