Gloomy Brexit Forecasts For UK Are Coming True, Says IMF
Because no one inside or out will let them actually Brexit? And since when has the IMF been right about anything? I think their picture is in the dictionary under “Catastrophically wrong.” Or was it “Perfect record of catastrophically wrong. See: Greece.”? I forget.
The Mines of Moria look more and more like the maniacs’ little Ant Farm experiment, don’t they? You see this pop up regularly if you look for it. Trying to figure out how to mistreat humans, especially women and children, badly enough to weaponize them. And this is wide open: just imagine what they’re doing in the dark.
So they’re actually going to attack and invade Poland. I guess they’re in such dreadful shape that slaughtering an Ireland or Portugal won’t help any more. The ever-increasing maw of corruption and theft demands larger game. Well…good luck. Poland’s survived worse than you many times.
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