Debt Rattle December 29 2017


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    Vincent van Gogh Snowy landscape with Arles in the background 1888   The Automatic Earth and its readers have been supporting refugees and homele
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 29 2017]

    V. Arnold

    It’s all too much; no refuge to be found.
    Impotent citizens of this world at the mercy of the war mongering powers; primarily the broken U.S. hegemon.
    I remain defiant; with no recourse…

    Dr. D

    Yes, strangely, China and the EU are furious about capital outflows because a run-of-the-mill bad tax plan makes the U.S. slightly less dreadful than those two. Like, how bad do you have to be in a race to the bottom that the U.S., with a still-high corporate tax rate, blindingly corrupt capital markets, and terrible employee rules like EPA, OSHA, and Obamacare (not that they’re inherently bad but clearly executed poorly) is still better than the r-o-world? Lord help us because thanks to them 90% of the country is a crater.

    If you wanted to know what their plan was, here it is. We’re still not going to pay the debt, but Stockmans big red hole will be filled with $4T coming in from outside. And the world’s only mad because it means they’ll have to be competative and steal less. Nothing makes them more furious than success, viz. EU and Ireland.

    Yo no entiendo.

    Dr. D

    PayPal has cut off the naughty Raul. You’re helping people all wrong! Don’t you know how to do it?

    First you erect a building costing $1.2B, then you staff it with 33,000 people who make 740% more than the average citizen, and then you book a conference room in that building, staff it with those people, and every Wednesday for 7 years talk graciously about how we don’t have any money for helping. Got it?

    Once the equivalent organizations in the U.N., Unicef, MSF, Red Cross, Greece, Germany, and Kathmandu all complete their assessments, I’m sure PayPal will restore your account. Then we can discuss whether the menu should be vegan or halal, and the most scientific color for the blankets.

    And Aylan Kurdi’s children would have died of poverty and extreme old age.

    Paying once in taxes to kill them, then twice, voluntarily, to save them seems like a mixed message.

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