Debt Rattle December 29 2024
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- This topic has 53 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 1 month, 1 week ago by
Dr. D.
December 29, 2024 at 10:26 pm #178033
ParticipantWhen I heard that they were abridging It’s A Wonderful Life, no questions asked, just “They’re abridging It’s a Wonderful Life,” and I immediately bought unabridged physical medium.
AFTER, in my own time, I checked what they cut. I thought it would be the library scene or scenes with the black maid, but no. The Pottersville stuff.
Considering the economic devastation of various Democrat run cities, the degeneracy they’ve engendered, (as a libertine, I’d say there’s nothing wrong with anyone’s degeneracy per se and the word is useful per its definition, but being unable to shut up about it or continually making out that it makes you better than everyone else is creepy) it is understandable that the Pottersville stuff is what they cut – in their inversion universe, Pottersville is the height of morality and aesthetics. Their obvious end-result. Not in the future, but current year. Just watch youtuber Metal Leo.
I read an article recently framing It’s A Wonderful Life as a story about kingship — George Bailey is KING of Bedford Falls. He wants to go off in unattached knight-errantry but is pushed too-soon into the responsibilities of kingship. In the traditional saxon way, he PERSONALLY administers his kingdom. “He is my bonded man.” “She is my bonded woman.” Making personal judgement calls and bending the rules where appropriate – the result being a healthy Bedford Falls. Healthy humans in it. Because of his personal ownership. It is HIS building and loan, HIS town, these are HIS people. As the film says, Potter is poor, Bailey is the richest man in town. Because he is CAPABLE of owning where Potter is not.
On Christmas, I watched It’s a Wonderful Life, pondered the article about kingship, and reread Book of the New Sun. (Gene Wolfe) It was interesting how the movie, essay, and book synergized, put each other in colorized photo-hyper-realism.
I also thought quite a bit, as I have lately, about phoenixvoice’s assertions over the past few years that either communism is family writ large or family is communism writ small. In the mystical, hypercolored heroism and substance of what I was pondering Christmas day, I couldn’t see it, though I tried. I made a conscious, consistent effort. There’s just too many instances both historical and current-year of marxists planning, strategizing, and actioning plans to destroy family as an impediment to communism.
What might we look at then? Surely the old saxon values. The ties between sworn man and sworn lord. Tying back into the family and up through the hierarchy. I think of the Norman saying to Lord Robin of Loxley “Nae, man. Whye do’ye concern over Thomas the Miller losing his hand over the accusation of theft? He is nea noble born, he is NITHING” and pre-Sherwood outlaw Robin responding “He is my SWORN MAN” not in an effort to convince, but in a flabbergasted non-understanding of why the Sherrif of Nottingham cannot comprehend the most basic building blocks of existence, that loyalty is BOUGHT. …..with loyalty. The Atreidies way in the year 10,191AD, even then, still true. Saying “he is my sworn man” is a synonym for “WTF. WTF?? Do you not understand that reality is real and exists? The most basic way reality and human interrelations work? wtf, bro?”
Communism =/= Family. They see family as something of an obstruction. Something to be eliminated so utopia can be reached.
So if you value Family, what’s the alternative? I guess Republicans more than Democrats??????
What about Distributism? you take Distributism and add Neo-Monarchsim (Mencius Moldbug, etc) and Traditionalism (Sargon/Carl Benjamin?) You get something like what people who value Family wanted out of Communism. What George Bailey achieves at great personal cost in It’s A Wonderful Life. He is a Lord, a King, pouring himself out over the course of the film instead of glorious knight-errantry. Making the world in his image, in a sense, with Mary symbolizing the more decent, more essential parts of existence, his call not to glory but meaning and decency.
His antagonist, Potter, could have been equally at home as a top-tier Capitalist or a top-tier Communist. The same person ends up in a place of power in both systems. BOTH Capitalist and Communist would be outraged at George’s personal power and personal wielding of that power. They would BOTH have insisted on procedures, on top-down ideas. And both would have created the Pottersville censored out of Amazon’s streaming of It’s a Wonderful Life.
December 29, 2024 at 11:38 pm #178034Dr. D
ParticipantBailey and Bedford is exactly the Tao, with the structure of Heaven: As he creates, the Man, the Woman, the child, the house, and so exactly as the King, the Nation, same three levels below; a fractal. I don’t have the exact quote handy, but it’s so perfectly precise, you won’t miss it. Note the “Bureaucracy” is the Female though. Task and outlook is the same, just as today. They are not the “King”, the deciders, and they are not the “Child” the people cared for.
I have thought about what you’re saying here, that a family is not Communist, but I feel the opposite, that it essentially is, or as much as can be found in practical use. But this goes with two things: one is that I’m not trying to be too exact with such things, another is that to me, it’s like Capitalism: they claim that we therefore use money for everything. No, we don’t, that’s fantastical, a straw-man. In any capitalism there are still families, loves, religions, nature, each doing their own thing. “Capitalism” meaning “Owning some stuff” doesn’t vanish, it’s on top of, part of, a whole society. It’s only neoMarx, or Marx himself that like a brain damaged nitwit projected this “economy” down to all men, all actions, in places where it’s dangerous or doesn’t belong.
Same with Communism, the Socialist USSR (let’s pretend Communist-lite) still had “money” inside, vouchers, and traded definitively for money outside. That is, they also had Capitalism, how much, let’s ignore. The point is nothing on earth is a pure system.
This may also be tempered with a wide familiarity with ACTUAL native ways, not the idealized “Noble Savage” projections of AWFUL white liberals. By White Liberal Standards, Natives weren’t Socialists AT ALL. Go ahead and steal the guy’s rifle if you think otherwise: move into his house. Steal his pelts, you’ll be dead in an hour. No way, and exactly the same with territories, these were VERY well known, as well defined as any Highland Clan or Germany duchy. The Western Progressives, romantics, the same impulse even BEFORE Marx, but let’s call them the same thing, just LIED about it all. Just lied. The end. It was a good, emotional, heart-felt story of “Truthiness”, so it sticks to this day. A lie.
But then what’s the #Opposite case I’m making that they were? Well, even as that is true – what they’d call “Capitalism” and literal cut-throat at that – IF you walked up to the same guy and told him you were broke, he’s your cousin, and in the same Clan, he HAS to do something for you. He can’t say “Too bad, so sad; pay me.” Same with his nuclear family, but that was often very ill-defined, like your 1st cousins often used the same words as “Brother” and “Sister”, everyone in your whole town is related to you somehow, by secret club, by clan, by blood or by marriage. If you were clever, you could suck off all of them without working more or less forever and many did. That is, there are so many NON-Money, NON-property connections, it looks or quacks like the communism they speak of. This lie, badly describing foreign people while leaving a bunch of stuff out is where they (and Marx) got it from. Although the 20 year old children, high on the couch, take it too far and believe you can’t own your toothbrush or girlfriend and kids, and like that’s going to work.
So this is about defining terms? The thing I most say every day – and this is because our terms, frame, vocabulary, and society is all “Socialist” in outlook — is that “Capitalism” isn’t Capitalism. What we’re looking at, isn’t their Professor’s definition. It’s getting near its opposite. But also that their Socialism isn’t Socialism either. They’re just changing who the Oligarchs are, and what premise they use for oppression. The latter also makes the actual people and nation poorer, so that’s a double-suck.
As you say, you could make almost the same argument for Feudalism-as-Socialism, as many of the moving parts are the same. Christian sharing ethos you don’t see in Rome. The State taking all and distributing it, no actual “money” or moving coins, or only in a small subset, and so on. I don’t because people don’t know what real Feudalism was like, and have 100 straw men in their heads, it’s hard enough to communicate with today’s world they know personally and still deny it. All today’s people think of Socialism is “I’ll get stuff without working” which is dumb.
So I’d take the other side on that one, but I’m not very firm about it. It’s what is in the Venn circle, and what is defined as outside.
December 30, 2024 at 12:03 am #178035Maxwell Quest
ParticipantMore on It’s a Wonderful Life…
To abridge the movie by removing the Potterville sequence is to destroy to lesson of the movie. The stark contrast between Bedford Falls and Potterville is the result of George Bailey having lived or having never lived: the ripple effect that one noble life can have on an entire community, not only today, but down the generations. Bedford Falls was wholesome and nourishing for human development, while Potterville was immoral and corrupting.
Only George Bailey had the brains, vision, character, and courage to check the greed of old man Potter, whose craving for power and control was insatiable. Being an “old soul,” it’s clear that if George would have been able to go to college, he would have become a successful architect. Potter, on the other hand, represents the human ego unmoored from spiritual connection. The hole that cannot be filled. Angry at the world and his fellow man. Devoid of love. A destructive, devouring force.
It was clear that George Bailey had a strong instinctive desire to leave home and make his mark in the world: “I’m Shaking the Dust of this Crummy Little Town Off my Feet and I’m Gonna See the World.”
This he never got to do. Living instead a life of self-sacrifice. The life of the little man. I’d be frustrated too. Have a tantrum. Lash out by saying things I didn’t mean. Feel abandoned by providence after forgoing my own desires for the greater good. Nothing is so disillusioning or painful and being kicked in the nuts for trying to do what is right and good.
Clarence Odbody was sent so that George could see the bigger picture instead of fixating on his temporary financial crisis.
December 30, 2024 at 12:03 am #178036Dr D Rich
Participant1:08 to 4:09
“You don’t put solid structures immediately in the overrun……if it’s not there then they all survive”
December 30, 2024 at 12:35 am #178037WES
ParticipantSuccessful/Unsuccessful Male Succession Dynamics:
I am often puzzled by male family dynamics when it comes to grandfather, father, son, grandson, dynamics
I have seen where the father is such a dominate figure, that all offspring end up occupying 180 degree opposite spaces in the family. In such cases, this become a 1 generation success story, then sold to more capable outsiders since there are no capable insiders.
King Henry 8th comes to mind.
A really big man, undone by eating and drinking too much.
No one dared to say this made his sperm weak, so his wives paid the price!Then there are the slightly longer family success cycles, creating the “ashes to ashes in 3 generations” story. The 1st generation starts and builds the business, the 2nd gen expands the business, and the 3rd gen runs it into the ground (Eatons).
All the above are more or less subject to various human failings.
Then there are the Rothchilds, who seem to be able to last centuries.
I suspect that this family is run like a mafia family.
If the father’s son isn’t capable of running the business ruthlessly, then another ruthless extended family member replaces the son before he does too much damage to the family business.
That way genically weak failures, are routinely pruned from the family’s command structure tree, for the betterment of the overall success of the family business.
So if you are a real smart prick, you need to marry a real smart bitch, to produce just the right kind of offspring!
Family coupon clippers, don’t want the coupons to ever stop, so select accordingly, I guess?December 30, 2024 at 12:44 am #178038D Benton Smith
Your math on crypto is mistaken, which has probably led to mistaken concepts and estimates related to it. Crypto consumes about 2.3% of the world’s electrical energy production, and yet handles only about 0.2 (zero point 2 percent) of the world financial transactions. Thus, to enable crypto transactions to accommodate all of the worlds transactions would require crypto use to expand by a factor of roughly 500 times, and require 500 times more electrical power. 2.3% multiplied by 500 equals ROUGHLY (lets be generous in order to keep the math super simple) 1,000 % of the electrical power currently produced in the world. In other words, 10 times more than we’ve got now.
In the realm of AI the numbers are even worse. AI has produced no measurable financial net benefit, to date. Indeed, return on investment is very very VERY much in arrears so far, and for that immense benefit it’s using about 2% of the world’s electron juice.
Talk about a race to the bottom! Makes ya wonder which one will use up the last kilowatt first, but no worries. That last spark will be consumed by the governing elites long before crypto or robo even gets close.
December 30, 2024 at 12:51 am #178039WES
ParticipantI guess, per phoenixvoice, there must be some kind of communism at play, inside the Rothchild’s family dynamics?
Maybe that is the key to their success?
Of course, we know communist ruthlessly kill their own, without remorse.December 30, 2024 at 1:03 am #178040D Benton Smith
ParticipantYeah. I think that old saying about there being no honor among thieves is a gross overestimation of the amount of honor among thieves. The amount is WAY less than none.
December 30, 2024 at 1:08 am #178041WES
ParticipantD. B. Smith:
It is very simple, crypto is ,”green”!
“Green” only exists in people’s imagination, not in the real world!
Everything that is “green”, is a negative sum fraud!
Only wealthy fools, with too much fake money, can afford to indulge themselves with these “green” scams!
You don’t see any of the world’s very poor people doing any of this fake reality “green” stuff because they can not afford to do so!
To do so, means death by starvation!December 30, 2024 at 1:25 am #178042WES
ParticipantD. B. Smith:
Honor is “green”!
“Green” is always a negative sum.
The more “green” you have, the less “green” you have!
I have a very “green” bag of honor to sell!
December 30, 2024 at 1:51 am #178043Celticbiker
ParticipantWho controls the $, which controls everything else? Everybody knows, but no one wants to say. Do you think silence will protect you from ZOG or you can vote your way out of this? Any topic can be discussed, except who runs the show. Verboten, yes? There is only 1 reason we all reside in a global insane asylum, jews and babylonian money magic. Politicians are meaningless puppets. Any Whites and /or Christians, you’re slated for death , in case you have’nt figured it out yet.
December 30, 2024 at 3:48 am #178044those darned kids
ParticipantDecember 30, 2024 at 9:39 am #178047Dr. D
ParticipantBenton, that’s fair enough, but we’ve got a few things. Almost all the crypto is on exchanges, not on the block, so that may even be not added to the electric use. On the other hand, I bet +95% of that electric is “Mining”, not transfers. They are identical, “Being online” so we can only guess them by intent, but the point’s the same. They are making money, not running the bank.
As a parallel, should we count all the electric use of everyone who takes a loan from the bank and has to go out in the world and use electric to pay back the interest? That would make normal cash about infinity electric use.
My point about worldwide banking computers being larger use, plus needing 10watts at a sub-penny remains, but there’s a problem as no one is going to run it without the back-end pyramid scheme. This can be rated and matched to the need, (by the price of the coins or other software choices) but it will be completely impossible to tell right now. We don’t even HAVE that problem as almost no actual coins are moving outside of speculation in the first place. What’s its use case? We have a THEORETICAL case, but not an actual one. XRP is in use, they are testing it (in the Middle East eg) but like the Nigeria coin they may be doing it at a dead loss. Also XRP isn’t a “Crypto”, it’s actually a bank-run ledger. Lots of questions.
Let’s put it this way: IF you have it on your phone, and your phone is on anyway, and you’re not mining, what’s the power rating? That’s running like a Napster Torrent site: people are only on when they want/transfer something, and their phones are running anyway for other reasons. Doesn’t the (additional) electric use approach zero then?
December 30, 2024 at 9:43 am #178048Dr. D
ParticipantWho controls the $, which controls everything else? Everybody knows, but no one wants to say.”
Who is “They” though? I hear nothing but people saying this all day. Where do you live? You say it all day. So clearly “people” are pointing it out and saying this all day. You and they have been on for years and no one’s stopping you, so who is “they” out there? If they don’t stop you doesn’t that prove that “They” have essentially no power over you, and have only constructed a room in your mind? I’m not even sure they’re renting it. You’re just keeping it warm for them. Why?
“The best revenge is living well.”
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