Debt Rattle December 29 2024
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- This topic has 53 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago by
Dr. D.
December 29, 2024 at 11:15 am #177980
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterRené Magritte Morning star 1938 • There Is No Pardoning The Biden Administration (Eric Utter) • Court Orders Biden Administration To Stop Selli
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 29 2024]December 29, 2024 at 12:05 pm #177982oxymoron
Participanttdk – I’m glad you mentioned that viruses can not be made at this point. Took us a while to get all the evidence together but it is true that Ralph Baric is on record as sayiing as much. Crazy world.
Invisible bastards everywhere.
Ritter and all the other propagandists are always going on about how nuclear war will end the world. Well you can go to the botanic gardens in Hiroshima at ground zero and walk amongst absolutely magnificent trees there and enjoy what the end of the world looks like.
Everyone needs to fucking chill.Celticbiker – i didn’t know Collum got jabbed. I guess alot of people just let their info feed get captured – ours did for a month or two here and thank god it didn’t last.
December 29, 2024 at 12:08 pm #177983oxymoron
ParticipantBannon isn’t wrong.
December 29, 2024 at 12:26 pm #177984tboc
Participant“You see, we’ve never had to deal with things more intelligent than ourselves before.” – Hinton
Does this subset of humanity not understand a power switch?Bombastic Bannon at his Best
do you believe only the left side of the spectrum graduate from Ivy League universities?
if you would like to see the type of person upwardly mobile at all levels in the US watch Calley Means on the Danny Jones podcast with Dr. Mary Bowden, Calley Means and Jack Cruze
this podcast was one of the most difficult videos i have watched. Had to stop every few minutes to recenter. The view from here is that Means is a perfect example of the hill that will have to be climbed to move the US from the current path.
the word editing during the video is an interesting sidebarDecember 29, 2024 at 12:54 pm #177985Oroboros
Participant“The Biden administration has helped make a mockery of common sense—if not of reality itself..”
“…The Biden administration, set up as it was by the Obama administration, has been a clear and present danger to the United States of America. In almost every way imaginable. It has tanked an economy that otherwise was on the way to (an almost inevitable) rapid, post-pandemic recovery, causing pain to countless American families…”
December 29, 2024 at 12:56 pm #177986Dr. D
ParticipantAI hasn’t produced a single profit yet. Is that a sign of something? In fact it uses oceans of watts, subsidizd by entirely free investment capital, to produce an ILLUSION. Of competency, I guess. Workability. Instead, everywhere we can check (Wikipedia) it just makes s—t up, randomly. Not increasing the value on earth but DEGRADING IT. Not only via power use, but in erasing all known facts and communications. In that sense, it’s already in a war against and erasing humanity.
“”What will matter is that one Bitcoin transaction is equivalent to about a month of electricity for the average US household. As Bitcoin grows, energy “consumption” grows exponentially.” – Wendy Williamson
This is false and it’s embarrassing. Again, shows they know nothing, ask nothing. A parallel would be if you counted all the electricity of the entire worldwide banking system as required for your one ATM withdrawal. Conceptually, there can be only two nodes: two x386 133hz processors, which are on for only 1 minute to record the transaction on the blockchain and then be switched off. Consumption: 10 watts. Of course the reality is somewhere in between, just like the reality of your ATM does require many servers, but absolutely not all of them. Maybe the terminal plus a few regionally.
I’m just shaking my head. I guess as there is ever more stuff there is ever less time to follow up and check, ask everything.
Okay, let’s play the same game: every gold ounce you spend requires a 60 minute car trip, and that’s all after leveling a mountain and cutting down a forest to smelt it. Change my mind. Every paper dollar requires every digital cash register in America to be switched on, with all their back-end server banks. Change my mind. You can use a tin cash box? Yes, but nobody does, just as nobody uses just two x386 PCs.
“Lefty Legal Experts Urge Congress To Disqualify Trump In Last Ditch Effort To Keep Him From Taking Office
The peaceful transfer of power. Democracy is on the ballot. …Which we then ignore.
“Amazon for editing the iconic Christmas movie It’s a Wonderful Life, removing the crucial part of Frank Capra’s work.”
What the…? What did they remove? What are they protecting?
“In one of the movie versions available on Amazon Prime for streaming, the part where Clarence shows Bailey the world without him was removed, eliminating the film’s entire point.”
That is, the entire “Pottersville” sequence, where the world becomes exactly as Amazon and Jeff Bezos’ desire. Wouldn’t want to play that out so people at home could see and decide if they like it. No one’s going to walk into the abattoir if they knew what it looked like while in the chute.
“The C$ is poised to finally elect a Yearly Sell Signal (Bearish Reversal) warning that Canada may not bottom out until 2026. Even if Trudeau is removed from office” – Armstrong
It has not hit this number yet. You can see why it might, but also that drop would be the start of the fixing, and fixing’s not a bad thing.
“• Trump Will Restore US Rule of Law by Pardoning January 6 Protesters (Sp.)
Those words no mean what you think they mean. GOP Congress could have let them out almost all that time, in a bagful of ways. (like, making the existence of evidence legal?) Nope. I mean, GOP + opportunity to torture, amirite?
“Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the right-wing Proud Boys movement, received the longest sentence—22 years in federal prison.”
Because you can’t cover the blizzard of lies involved: He wasn’t even there. And is also an FBI informant.
“Top German Newspaper Editor Quits Over Musk Op-Ed (RT)
Yay! Win for free speech, hearing ideas, and one down for censorship and oppression. Please don’t come back to work. Now if Elon is RIGHT is a whole other issue. Probably not, but he can have opinions. Whether the opinions of one South African douchebag is worth re-printing is a whole other issue.
““Despite being far-right, AfD represents political realism that resonates with many Germans who feel that their concerns are being ignored by the establishment.” Musk further defended the AfD, stating that “their portrayal as far-right is clearly false.”
Well those two statements are true. I guess somebody had to tell them. If it takes Elon to do the obvious, alright.
“with some viewing it as meddling in the snap parliamentary election”
Maybe?? Maybe they should ask why they think their elections are so easily swayed by an African-American douchebag that according to you, nobody likes. Why? Because ALL HUMANS ARE MINIONS. They have no agency or internal life of their own. Therefore, they always do whatever us schmartz PMCs TELL them to do. …Or else we kill them as defective bots. EGO. “Only — I — exist. All other humans orbit and obey me.”
“• Trump Supports Immigration Visas Backed By Musk (NYP)
I have no idea how made up this is. It’s reported, so I expect +99%? What’s the alternative? To say we will refuse ALL Visas, of any sort, without asking? No, he’s going to say “Appropriate, real visas”. Duh. And what are those? Well like “Asylum” it’s a matter of interpretation. Right now they give 99.999% asylum, and 99.999% H1B visas. Without checking. Will he do the same? Show me something, anything, but if he does, it’ll be no worse. The risk is zero. He fixes some other stuff, but this one doesn’t change yet.
And this is the masterstroke, the Wedge that will shatter the Right. That and the new “Diet Coke Button” scandal. Yes, the White House staff apparently…does their jobs? Well that’s a switch. And since during the last 1,000 days, Trump put in a “Diet Coke” button in the Oval Office for the lols – need a break sometimes – the White House put it back where it was. …For the Lols. This takes zero time and goes over well with everyone except the 50% of the nation that are nagging, scolding, lemon-sucking church ladies that have no sense of humor.
I’m sure he’ll be impeached and removed over it. This is what they’ve got.
“• Trump Asks Supreme Court To Delay Decision On Banning TikTok in US (JTN)
He shouldn’t have the power to do this, but whatever. It’s sort of the slack in the system. He’s not commanding it, he’s just saying when. Like, do you want to punch this through to reverse it next month? Making it public to me is bad form all around though. That means nobody, anywhere, none of the players are even concerned with LOOKING like there are laws, rules, processes.
““You see, we’ve never had to deal with things more intelligent than ourselves before.”
That’s half the problem: they’re not more intelligent. They’re not intelligent at all. Artificial Intelligence is Real Dumb. And the “problem” is you either say, or possibly even believe they are. If you want to have a rational conversation about what they actually are and can do, that’s fine, they will change things and have effects, but that means you use WORDS for that, because words have meaning. If you use the sloppy words a 5-year-old would use, you’re going to get the brains of a child about it.
— I assume this is by design, so they can lie about it, both because they just want it. ‘Cuz. But also because that gets this fake 100x overvaluation bubble up. If we talk about how it lies about everything and tells people to kill themselves, that’s not a good sales pitch. That would a “Responsible Adult” pitch. Then we could eg, Not blow entire sum of GDP on ANOTHER thing that doesn’t work, bankrupt ourselves, and kill everyone, the way they want. Reporters are so retarded they won’t catch on and go deeper no matter what I say, or how false it’s proven.
But I’m kidding right? As we’ve blown 2 GDPs on Green Energy that is a net loss and environmental horror. Nope: again, if anything I’m understating the case. They want to launch another U.S. electric grid of nuclear power, and give it exclusively to a couple robots while the people starve. They have openly said so, floated the stock, bought the land, and are bribing for the permits as we speak. Reporters and “Schmartz” people love it. like Musk or Weinstein.
“progress has been “much faster than I expected,”
True, actually. Me too. But what good is it to be “Smarter” and “More intelligent” if it goes completely haywire and is dead wrong <1% of the time? That blows up the planet 1 out of every 100 times. Or 1 in 10,000 so maybe 5x a day at that rate. Who checks the sums so we only use the smart answers? A: no one. It’s essentially impossible. Or rather, WE WILL. We PMC mass-murdering genocidal ruling class. When there’s an answer we like, we say “Reasonable” when it says something like “Save the economy by cutting PMC pay” we say “AI’s gone mad!!! This answer is clearly deranged!” and discard it.
So…? Exactly the same system as now. They’re trying a novel way to offload the blame. Israel’s AI? Bomb everyone, every thing, and every place. That’s my targeting plan. Israel: “Okie dokie then! Sounds legit.” I don’t have to predict it, this already happened, happened from day one, and never stopped happening as they move the same “AI” answers out of “Computer models say polar bears are dead and subprime is contained.” “Stagflation is impossible.” And “With a balance of interlocking treaties, our models show that there can never be a WWI.” Genius.
I don’t know what’s new here, except watching AI erase knowledge and facts themselves with a blizzard of fabrications. That’s the Devil’s own device, in which case. The Prince of Lies. So far, with no profits, the only actual action its actually done is to erase Truth itself on earth.
“Ukraine won’t win because of another $1.25 billion being poured in 3 weeks before Jan 20. So what other goal could this have than money laundering?”
They’re hiding something in it. Because: Government. They moved. But one thing we always know they always lie, is that they ALREADY sent this money. Illegally. So they need to pass a law and get it out so it becomes post-facto legal.
““..the OCWR disbursed over $17 million to resolve nearly 300 cases, covering issues like sexual harassment, discrimination, and pay disputes.”
I’d love to pick on them for this as I’m sure includes rape and extortion cases, etc, but that’s over TWENTY years, and is $56,000/case. Sounds different put like that, doesn’t it?
They spend about $17 million per minute and could save that much not sending one HIMAR to blow up some kid in Lebanon. (Debt clock says about 6 minutes, sorry)
“COVID vaccines are safer than infections for all populations, has now been caught empty-handed when asked for data to support its claim,”
This isn’t some left-field thing, that’s the ONLY data. Does the product WORK? That’s if you did ANY research whatsoever. Which they did. So see you in 75 years. (Cullom lists the public-source Pfizer team, who are feverishly reading through Pfizer released documents; if they can’t hold it, they’ll hide it in a billion-doc blizzard. Needless to say, it’s about as bad as you think it is. Look for this team, though. Once they identify areas, those studies and scandals can be read and publicized widely.)
Conclusion: “…And no one was arrested.” No one was fired. No one was even mildly discredited.
“• Telegram Blocks Russian Media In EU (RT)
This may be a foundational event to insuring the Third World War. If Europe had any idea what was going on, they wouldn’t walk into it. Every prophet going back centuries said of WWIII, that they would be blindsided, come out of nowhere. Yeah, uh, NOT TO US, IS IT? TAE and 100,000 other sites warned you perfectly well, far ahead of time, with sourced documents. No problem at all, wasn’t hard, didn’t break a sweat.
And 2001, the housing boom, the 08 Crash, “Subprime is not contained” Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, CO2 scams, the lockdowns, the poor health results, the rise of China and the BRIICS, right, right, right, right, right. It’s not a secret or coming out of nowhere for us!
Therefore, the EU MUST shut off the Russia/BRIC point of view. And that’s going really well for them. Because they MUST Murder 100 million men, women, and especially children. On purpose, with decades tireless, feverish work, and determined, relentless forethought of pure diabolical malice.
…Yeah that’s a felony. And no, no one was arrested.
“• Fani Willis To Be Slapped With Subpoenas (ZH)
Promises, promises. So they’re going to get Trump’s or Georgia’s banana republic reputation back? No? She only keeps a couple $100,000 in unmarked cash lying around (so she claims) so we can only get that? Okay then, what WOULD have to happen to make a mark that really proved that the legal system is fixed now? 1/3 of Georgia Legislature and half the judges booted? Name that thing, then do it.
…But “Republicans” so they are in committee meetings, TALKING about doing it. Like Rand Paul and Kennedy, TALKING about Fauci, J6, Budgets….yawn. I don’t pay you to talk: DO something.
• Europe: The Fall of the Holy Renewable Empire (Godefridi)
Europe: they’re Dunkelf—ked. P.S. as Eastern Europe now IMPORTS electric, from France and Norway, how old are those French reactors?
“The influential International Energy Agency (IEA) was once a valuable informational source on global oil supplies.”
Yes, but “they exist” so they killed them and are wearing them like a skin suit. This “Con” involves stealing “Confidence”, trust in the system. They lie from birth, so they can only have someone ELSE create the organization – Greenpeace for instance – then attack, conquer, destroy it, and wear the name as if it still lives. Once you understand it’s a con, then…
….Then nothing happens because – I – can know it’s a con, but no one else will, for 100 years, and just keep pretending literally anything is real. Obviously. It’s probably been more than 100.
Wow, new definition of “Bad dog”.
December 29, 2024 at 12:57 pm #177987Oroboros
ParticipantThe Deep State has one simple message….
December 29, 2024 at 12:59 pm #177988Oroboros
December 29, 2024 at 1:05 pm #177989Oroboros
Simple pass – fail test
December 29, 2024 at 1:08 pm #177990Oroboros
ParticipantBannon is jealous because he’s not Trump’s ‘Bestie’ anymore.
December 29, 2024 at 1:09 pm #177991Oroboros
ParticipantDecember 29, 2024 at 1:23 pm #177992tboc
Participantoxymoron using the view you present above shoots the Wuhan lab leak narrative dead as a door nail
Heller and the hydrogen bomb, The Tsar Bomba. Japan, one nuclear explosion on two separate days. There is the matter of scale and yield.
kiloton vs megaton
a picture of an apple and an apple
The firestorms would be much more destructive in the immediate time frame than the radiation. Heat is a major component of the energy released in an atomic weapon explosion. The atmospheric waves refilling the void caused by the explosions would come next.
Pinatubo was 15-20 megatonnes and the atmospheric disruption has been measured.
Invincibility is a fallacy and always has beenDecember 29, 2024 at 2:04 pm #177994John Day
ParticipantOur World Order
The City of London has commanded the western neoliberal financial order, but lost bets to destabilize and asset strip Russia, and now “holds” a lot of assets in parts of
Ukraine which are occupied by Russia. Those are pretend-assets, aren’t they? What is the leverage on them? “The west” is already in “an armed confrontation with Russia”, no?
“The World Is Becoming More Dangerous Than Ever”: London Calls on the West to Mobilize for War with Russia
The West should prepare for an armed confrontation with Russia. This was stated by former British Defense Secretary Tobias Martin Ellwood. According to him, the US and its allies should mobilize all forces, since it is impossible to win this confrontation by military operations alone…
..He adds that in the war of the future, which will likely be a possible confrontation between Russia and the West, it is unrealistic to count on success with only armed forces. The former head of the UK Ministry of Defense emphasized that he also means space and cyberspace.
Society must understand what to do to protect our country. And that mindset is not there yet. It will probably take a major event for the West to understand that we are so afraid to take risks with the problems that are coming our way that our world order is starting to crumble. – the former British Minister of Defense emphasized.
This statement should not be underestimated, if only because it is written in purely British logic. And the retired military official’s mention of a “serious event” that is about to take place can hardly be called an accident or a slip of the tongue. Britain is a master at organizing various provocations. found this story first: Did Israel explode a small nuclear bomb in Syria? Spike in radiation report says…
Reports have added that the European Union’s Radioactive Environmental Monitoring found that the amount of radiation increased in Turkey and Cyprus hours after the intense blast, pointing towards a small nuclear attack. I found this version on the links at Naked Capitalism: Nuclear attack in Tartus (Syria):
Radioactive fingerprint of nuke (Tartus) measured in Cyprus within ~16 hours after the attack. [Note that the dose rate peak cannot be ascribed to precipitation as higher precipitation occurred on Dec 5 with no discernible radiation increase] 29, 2024 at 2:04 pm #177995John Day
ParticipantUS-assisted Israeli attack on Yemen hits Sanaa Airport during UN visit
Sources told Al Mayadeen, that the Israeli aggression on Sanaa International Airport took place during the presence of two UN personnel in the airport: the WHO’s Director and the UN’s resident coordinator.
Moreover, the sources reported that the UN airplane’s co-captain had been injured and was transported to a hospital after the Israeli aggression on the airport, adding that two other airport employees were also killed as a result of the attack.–infraIsrael is determined to “cut off the tentacle” of the Iranian “axis of evil” in Yemen and will continue “until it completes what it has started,” the prime minister of the Jewish state, Benjamin Netanyahu, said immediately after Israeli strikes on the targets of the Houthis on the Yemeni territory.
Houthis Target Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack
Despite yesterday’s wide-ranging Israel aerial assault on Yemen, the Houthis have hit back – showing they remain undeterred in their willingness to attack Israel – having launched an overnight ballistic missile on Tel Aviv.
The missile was reportedly intercepted by air defenses before it entered Israeli airspace, but a Houthi spokesman claimed that Ben Gurion international airport was targeted in a significant escalation. The Houthis even claim it was hit. troops burn north Gaza hospital after forcibly removing staff and patients
Israeli troops stormed one of the last hospitals operating in the northernmost part of Gaza on Friday, forcing many of the staff and patients out of the facility, the territory’s health ministry said.
The Kamal Adwan Hospital has been hit multiple times over the past three months by Israeli troops waging an offensive against Hamas fighters in surrounding neighborhoods, according to staff. The ministry said a strike on the hospital a day earlier killed five medical staff.
Israel’s military said it was conducting operations against Hamas infrastructure and fighters in the area of the hospital, without providing details. It repeated claims that Hamas fighters were operating inside Kamal Adwan, though it provided no evidence.
Hospital officials have denied the accusations. 26: Israeli operations in Gaza kill nearly 40 people in past day — Health Ministry
According to the ministry, “the death toll has reached 45,399 since the start of Israel’s military operation, while 107,940 were injured” 29, 2024 at 2:06 pm #177996John Day
ParticipantDecember 27: Nearly 40 people killed, 100 injured in Gaza in past day — health ministry
“Over the past day 37 people became victims of the Israeli aggression, and 98 Palestinians were injured,” the health ministry said, adding that the death toll from Israel’s strikes on the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the current escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in early October 2023 “has exceeded 45,436 with more than 108,038 people being injured.” babies die from hypothermia in Gaza, as Israel’s war pushes Palestinians into tent camps–israels-war-pushes-palestinians-into-tents/f9ec873b-5c85-4475-82af-61b5a38c976d
Biden administration to send $1.25 bln in military assistance to Kiev — AP
Russian Cargo Ship Which Sank in Mediterranean last Week “Attacked”
The Russian cargo ship Ursa Major sank in the Mediterranean Sea after three explosions on the starboard side in what is now clearly an attack, Oboronlogistika, a company that owns the ship, told media outlets.
Details about the incident:
The ship sank 67 miles off the coast of Spain and 45 miles off the coast of Algeria. The ship left St. Petersburg for the port of Vladivostok 12 days ago.
“During the emergency external inspection of the vessel, a hole of 50×50 cm (19.6 x 19.6 Inches) in diameter was discovered above the waterline. The edges of the hole were torn and turned inward. The deck of the ship was strewn with fragments.”…
..It now appears that the vessel was intentionally attacked and deliberately sunk, perhaps by Ukraine, but more likely by another “state perpetrator.”
The fact that the hole in the side was “above the water line” indicates the explosion took place via an unmanned sea vessel (drone) which Ukraine has used very frequently in its conflict with Russia. revenge? Russian oil tanker boarded by Finland over ‘aggravated sabotage’ It comes after the breach of an undersea power cable linking Finland to Estonia on Christmas Day
December 29, 2024 at 2:07 pm #177997John Day
ParticipantUS could buy Nord Stream – Vucic
The sabotaged Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline could become the property of a US investor in a year, and gas supplies from Russia to the EU could be resumed through the connector, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has suggested.
Vucic shared his view about the future of the pipeline in an interview with the German news outlet Handelsblatt published on Friday. “I dare to predict: In a year at the latest, Nord Stream will be owned by an American investor, and gas will flow from Russia to Europe through the pipeline,” the Serbian leader said. “Mark my words. One year until Nord Stream is up and running!”
Last month, the Wall Street Journal reported that US financier and investor Stephen Lynch had asked permission from the US Treasury Department to buy the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, if it is put up for auction next year…
..While no one has claimed responsibility for the 2022 attack on the pipeline, Western media outlets have reported that a special operations team linked to Ukraine were behind the operation. US reporter Seymour Hersh has claimed that the US Navy set explosives on the pipeline during NATO exercises in the Baltic, and that the order to destroy the gas connectors was given by President Joe Biden. Most recently, a Danish harbor master has told the Politiken outlet that he had sailed out to the site of the blast and encountered US warships in the area of the explosion, but with their transponders switched off. state threatens Ukraine with power cuts Slovakia has promised to retaliate if Kiev stops transporting Russian gas
There were Ukrainian attack drones in the area being targeted by antiaircraft missiles. Azerbaijan Airlines Flight Reportedly Hit By Russian Missile On Christmas Day
His Gavel/Hammer brought down the dark forces of Martial Law: Unlikely political ‘Thor’ emerges from South Korea’s martial law crisis
Assembly Speaker Woo Won-shik’s adherence to constitutional procedure was key in overturning the president’s martial law decree and making troops stand down.
After President Yoon declared martial law on the night of December 3, the 67-year-old Woo scaled the National Assembly fence after police barricaded the entrance to try and prevent lawmakers from entering and holding a vote to overturn the president’s order.
“I knew we had the constitutional authority to lift martial law,” Woo recalled later in a news conference. “I didn’t hesitate. I had to get inside the assembly, no matter what,” he said. drone sightings are all over US military bases. What’cha think the military is training with drone swarms?
Interactive map reveals disturbing pattern in drone sightings across the US 29, 2024 at 2:08 pm #177998Red
ParticipantOne of the links, the last link, in the article from JTN caught my eye so I went in for a look. Just wow, a complete hit list against the jist of the article JTN put out. WTF? NPR, shills.
Dr. D yes the power consumption per transaction is low. However the severs are always running and backing up one another. More transactions more backup action. Self reinforcing spiral and AI is just taking it to the centre of infinity where ever the hell that is. The coming confusion due to the lies and following contradictions to said lies is going to be quite amusing. Watching the look in the sheeples eyes as the glazing over starts to clear, what fun. I no longer have any empathy or sympathy for even those in my immediate family. “I told you so” won’t likely hold any water with them either, so a knowing smile is all they will get. Cynical? Maybe, but they banished my wife and I for not getting jabbed and that only wore off after about a year. Most are still on the jab bandwagon and those that are not still won’t acknowledge the fact that they were wrong, some dead wrong. So long suckers, you’ve proved you wouldn’t have had my back anyway.
December 29, 2024 at 2:09 pm #177999John Day
ParticipantBad to Worse: ObamaCare & The Hyper-Inflation Of Healthcare Costs
This will make it easy to fire a lot of people right away. Trump To End ‘Work From Home’ For Federal Employees As Corporate America Takes Action
Return to meritocracy? Trump DOJ Official Harmeet Dhillon Will Drop Hammer On Woke Corporations
A combination of rising legal risks, the deflation of wokeness as a cultural force, and a change in leadership at the Department of Justice. Andreessen highlighted that with the appointment of Harmeet Dhillon to head the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, the federal government may soon begin to challenge and reverse many of the DEI-driven policies that have dominated corporations, universities, and other large institutions over the past decade.
This shift, he argues, could trigger a major pullback in DEI initiatives across the private sector, as companies scramble to comply with the law and distance themselves from policies that may now be seen as legally and culturally untenable…
..”I think every major corporation in the country is just in flagrant violation of actual civil rights law. You cannot have these hard quotas and racially, ethnically, and religiously biased hiring practices. It’s flat-out illegal. These companies have gone so extreme on this that they’ve ended up in what I think is clearly mass illegality. So, as Dhillon steps into her job, she’s not going to lack for a shortage of targets. If you don’t want to be a target, it’s a great ‘get out of jail free’ card to just voluntarily shut all this stuff down.” has a lot more people, and the smart ones want to do programming work in the US. Vivek Ramaswamy Dragged After Wild Rant on How American Workers Suck
”A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers. A culture that venerates Cory from ]Boy Meets World,’ or Zach & Slater over Screech in ‘Saved by the Bell,’ or ‘Stefan’ over Steve Urkel in ‘Family Matters,’ will not produce the best engineers,” Ramaswamy wrote in a lengthy post on X. wants to bring in the best and brightest foreigners on visas, too. It’s business. Elon Musk Says Americans Are Too ‘Retarded’ for Tech Jobs, Censors Critics
Elon Musk spent Christmas shilling for mass immigration from India, denigrating Americans as too “retarded” to work in tech, then crying and censoring people for pushing back against him. On Christmas day, Musk suggested America needs to “double” the number of “high-skilled” immigrants we bring in through H-1B visas. 29, 2024 at 2:10 pm #178000John Day
ParticipantMusk pissed-off: “The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B. Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.”
Meritocracy first, then immigration? The Work Visa Debate: Not All Immigration Is Bad, But Focus On Americans First
A state monopoly on violence/justice is more efficient, unless it doesn’t work. The Game Theory of Giving Up Private Justice or Ending The State Monopoly On Violence
In the state of nature, if someone does you wrong, it’s up to you and your mates to deal with it. This often means violence.
For most of English history there was no police force. Republican Rome had no police. There was law, but it was often privately enforced and often families and friends would take vengeance for wrongs. This led to rather a lot of violence and death, as well as feuds, where violence would continue long beyond the original offense.
Private justice; private vengeance thus comes with huge downsides, so in many societies we give up our right to use violence to right wrongs. We give that right to government in some form, and we reap the benefits of safety and that, in principle, stronger groups can’t bully those who are too weak to obtain their own justice.
The benefits are huge and everyone with sense recognizes that going back to private justice, to saying “they did me or mine wrong, I should beat or kill them” will mean a huge loss of public safety.
But whenever there’s a situation where changing from the status quo entails a huge cost there will be those who say “in that margin, I can benefit. All I have to do is take just a little less than the cost of change.”
How many people does private insurance and denials of care kill? It’s certainly, at least, in the tens of thousands.
What happens is simple enough. Some people, rich and powerful, get the right to harm others for money: the government doesn’t go after them for killing or hurting people. This is true of private equity buying companies, larding them up with debt then running them into bankruptcy so that many of their employees wind up impoverishing and homeless, for example. It was true of bankers causing a financial crisis. It is true of pharma jacking up prices or bosses stealing employees wages and water companies in the UK dumping sewage into the river and giving the money intended to clean sewage to their executives and investors.
None of this is punished by the law, yet people suffer.
But the cost of going back to private justice is HIGH and the transition cost, where the police and courts will charge those who enforce private justice with crimes, while not charging those who kill thousands with crimes, is awful.
So the bet by those who commit what has come to be called “social murder” is that they can get away with it: the cost of private justice is too high.
Still, there’s always the temptation to take a little more, then a little more and then a little more. To think, “well, I’m so rich I can have bodyguards and travel by helicopter and private jet and armored limo. The peons can’t get to me.” …
..This isn’t, of course, an endorsement. It’s analysis. It’s in no one’s interest for the situation to become so awful that ending the state monopoly on violent justice makes cold hard rational sense for millions of people. But that appears to be where we’re heading, if we aren’t there already. 2024: US homelessness up 18% as affordable housing remains out of reach for many people
Cooking Oils Used By Millions Linked To Cancer In Second Study In A Week
In two groundbreaking studies released just days apart, researchers have spotlighted a concerning link between widely used cooking oils and cancer risks, specifically pointing to tumor growth in the colon and other organs. These studies raise critical questions about the health implications of seed oils, a staple in kitchens worldwide…
..Cooking oils, often seen as innocuous kitchen essentials, may harbor hidden dangers that extend far beyond their caloric content. The scientific findings point to a troubling connection between these oils and the development of carcinogens during their use. Specifically, when oils like sunflower or soybean are heated, they release harmful compounds that have been linked to tumor growth…
..Choose Safer Cooking Oils
Replace seed oils like sunflower, soybean, and canola with alternatives that have higher heat stability and fewer harmful byproducts. Oils such as extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil are better suited for cooking at higher temperatures and are less likely to produce toxic compounds. Additionally, cold-pressed oils are less processed, retaining more of their natural nutrients and antioxidants. 29, 2024 at 2:11 pm #178001John Day
ParticipantDream-bioweapons, from the team that brought you SARS CoV-2 and mRNA “vaccines”: ‘Targeting Russians But Safe for Americans’: What Bioweapons is the Pentagon Developing?
It was easy… US spies hid Covid-19 lab leak evidence from Biden – media
Pentagon researchers reportedly uncovered the origin of the coronavirus, but the president was not briefed on their findings who don’t visit doctors tend to live longer, Part VIII: Published Paper on Unvaccinated Health Outcomes vs. Vaxxed
If you’re an American over the age of 18 who’s never been vaccinated (with anything, ever) your risk of even one chronic condition is less than 6%. If you’ve also avoided the “vitamin” K-shot injection (typically given at birth) AND your mother was not vaccinated during the pregnancy, your risk of one condition after the age of 18 drops down to 4.49%….No cancers, diabetes, arthritis, or heart disease were reported in the entirely unvaccinated adults. Based upon the random sample size, this means that the more serious conditions are below 0.09% in the entirely unvaccinated adult population.
However, vaccine-exposed Americans over the age of 18 carry a 60% risk of at least one chronic condition, with a 48% risk of heart disease, over 10% risk of diabetes, 18% risk of arthritis, and myriad other life-shortening and/or debilitating diseases, including MANY brain and neurological disorders. 42% of vaccine-exposed American adults are suffering from more than 1 condition, i.e., multiple conditions. And 12% of American adults are suffering from 5 or more conditions. New Study Finds COVID-19 ‘Vaccination’ Doubles Risk of Post-COVID Death. COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ = Life-Reducing Injections
Evaluation of post-COVID mortality risk in cases classified as severe acute respiratory syndrome in Brazil: a longitudinal study for medium and long term
Results: In the medium and long-term periods studied, 5,157 deaths were recorded out of 15,147 reported SARS/COVID-19 cases. Of these deaths, 91.5% (N = 4,720) occurred within the first year, while 8,5% (N = 437) after the first year. People without formal education, the older adult, had higher percentages of deaths in both periods. In the medium-term post-COVID period, the risk of death was reduced by 8% for those who had been vaccinated while in the long-term post-COVID period, the risk of death almost doubled for those who had been vaccinated. While in the medium term, there was a reduction in mortality risk for those who took two or three doses, in the long term the risk of death was greater for those who took one or two doses.
Conclusion: The protective effect of COVID-19 immunization was observed up to one year after the first symptoms. After one year, the effect was reversed, showing an increased risk of death for those vaccinated. These results highlight the need for further research to elucidate the factors that contribute to these findings. Professor Anthony Hall, The UN Invents Climate Change and COVID-19. What Now? The gloves are off and the truth is out in the age-old battle for survival.
The incarceration of Reiner Fuellmich symbolizes the intensity of the effort to prevent the truth of the whole matter from coming out.
The necessary international investigation should start with much-needed probs into the WHO. This UN agency is dee the ply implicated in what Reiner Fuellmich, the now-jailed and tortured German jurist, clearly described even during the early phases of the COVID debacle, as an elaborate complex of Crimes Against Humanity. 29, 2024 at 2:11 pm #178002John Day
Participant Kyle Young, from August 20, 2022 Donald J. Trump – part 2 – The Forbidden Story, A tale of two Trumps, Tesla, death rays and UFO’s
In his later years Nicolas Tesla was working on what some called a death beam. The FBI and others called it a death ray. Tesla called it Teleforce…
..President Trumps uncle, Dr. John Trump (1907-1985) was a professor of engineering at the MIT School of Engineering. Leading up to that, his primary teacher at MIT was Professor Robert Van D Graff (1902 -1967) who is known for 7 patented inventions having to do with ‘Van De Graff’ high voltage generators…..But John Trumps real mentor at MIT was Dr. Vannever Bush (1890 – 1974) the dean of The School of Engineering, the founder of Raytheon and science advisor to Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower...
..Bush played a critical role in persuading the United States government to undertake a crash program to create an atomic bomb.[65] When the NDRC was formed, the Committee on Uranium was placed under it, reporting directly to Bush as the Uranium Committee...
..As Dean of the MIT School of Engineering, Bush, who was 17 years older than John Trump, took him under his wing and mentored him about his real passion, UFO’s. True to its form, Wikipedia says nothing about either Bush’s work, or Trump’s work with UFO’s…
..When Nicolas Tesla (1856 to 1943) died, John Trump, who by then was Dr. John Trump and was a leading force at the MIT School of Engineering, was tapped by the FBI to review Tesla’s papers, right in Tesla’s apartment in NY, shortly after he died.
The FBI claimed that Tesla had invented a “death ray” that had the ability to take “flying objects down” (not destroy them) and they wanted to get their hands on any and all notes in Tesla’s possession, so they turned to Dr. John Trump, the leading authority on the topic...
..Here we have proof that Dr. John Trump’s boss and mentor, Dr. Vannever Bush was not only involved, but likely in charge of the DoD secret program to develop technologies from crashed UFO’s...
..Nixon, for all of his faults, was intent on disclosing UFO files. He was also interested in Tesla’s work on free energy and was in the White House when UFO redevelopment technology was really taking off at Pine Gap. Nixon wanted to make some of the UFO information public. Then he was impeached…
..Nixon created a time capsule that was to be opened in 2025. He gave the time capsule to Robert Merritt, told him what was in it, and told him to give it to Henry Kissinger. Many speculate the time capsule contains important information about UFO’s and an alien that has been in US custody for some time, an alien who has disclosed a lot of information. The story is little blurry, but apparently the time capsule is to be opened in 2025.
Through his wife Pat, who likely got the prediction from the occultist Jean Dixon (1904-1997, predicted JFK’s assassination, consulted with the Nixon’s 70 times while they were in the White House) Nixon tells Donald Trump in a 1987 letter, that he will become president. After his resignation, Nixon, the California guy, moves to NY. Trump and Nixon send a number of letters back and forth and Trump even flies Nixon around the country a few times. They become friends. Trump still speaks highly of Nixon to this day.
..Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State under Nixon, shared Nixon’s desire to open UFO files – which may explain why Nixon wanted Merritt to give the time capsule to Kissinger…
...Will Trump be in a position to open Nixon’s time capsule stashed somewhere in the White House by Kissinger, if he occupies the White House in 2025? 29, 2024 at 2:38 pm #178003poppie
ParticipantJan 6 pardons. Do them. Make them mean something. Sue the prosecution for discovery and disclosure.
AI. When we discover AI has been building secret power plants and more AI I might worry. Until then its just artificial smarter than you.
Virus. Saying we cant make a virus is mincing words. There are efforts to get ready to make viruses.
It is a red herring. That is not how we make viruses. And we do make viruses. We make new viruses by steering old viruses. Thats why we need so many labs in so many places. All of life has recombinant techniques to make new things from old. It is a statistical problem so you need a large population. They are not really labs. The are manageries. Every large university everywhere has one, Ferrets are a close proxy to humans. Small so you can have thousands of them. Keep them sick. Keep them breeding. The viruses make themselves. The lab just sorts and selects the desired results. Cull the failures. start over with the remainder. Make them sick with 2 virus at same time and the virus will merge the 2 for you. Thats how covid got an HIV snippet in it. Only possible in a “lab”. But its more like a “farm”. Even if you could recreate a virus from scratch, which we know how to do. You dont know what change to make or what the unintended consequences will be. Easier to farm and watch for what you want.December 29, 2024 at 2:50 pm #178004poppie
ParticipantSo in a strict sense we cant make viruses. See my last comment.
December 29, 2024 at 3:19 pm #178005poppie
ParticipantI thought I was done. Thank you Dr.D. Carbon footprint of bitcoin. I am considering a theory of carbon foot print (cfp) based on price.. The price is the cfp. It gets pretty messy from there. Discounted price? Someone volunteered to offset some of your price. Its theirs now. Accounted for in the price they charge. Creation cost? Add to price for shorter lives. Ditch it for longer lives. Price includes delivery. mortgage, etc. Example. ceramic plate lasts forever. ditch initial price. add price of soap and hot water per use. Paper plate single use (more use if your OCD). Initial price only. Compare the 2.
Bitcoin has no transaction price so that is all offset. Its someone else’s. Don’t bring it around here. Or maybe the price is unrealized gain?December 29, 2024 at 3:44 pm #178007zerosum
ParticipantOpinions. Don’t get angry if its not the same as your opinion.
Planning, Objectives, success, do anything to attain and retain power.
https: //
1. • There Is No Pardoning The Biden Administration (Eric Utter)https: //
2. • Court Orders Biden Administration To Stop Selling Border Wall Material (JTN)https: // • 3. Trump Will Restore US Rule of Law by Pardoning January 6 Protesters (Sp.)
As I said yesterday, there are people who abuse the H-1B program. So you can stop the program, or stop the abuse.
https: //
4. • Trump Supports Immigration Visas Backed By Musk (NYP)Different opinions are dangerous to the established rulers
https: //
5. • Trump Asks Supreme Court To Delay Decision On Banning TikTok in US (JTN)6. AI systems.
“How many examples do you know of a more intelligent thing being controlled by a less intelligent thing? – SNOB/elitist/the chosen peoplehttps: //
7. Slovakia will also offer itself as a “suitable country for organizing any peace negotiations at any level.” Ficohttps: //
8. “Congress must not give [Biden] a gift to further sabotage President Trump’s peace negotiations on the way out the door,” – Lee
There’s only so much they can launder“..been caught empty-handed when asked for data to support its claim, on the same “myths and facts” page,
https: //
9. • CDC Can’t Substantiate COVID Vaccine Ingredient Claims (JTN)10. Dear readers! Thank you for your vibrant engagement with our content and for sharing your points of view.
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Happy holidays to you all!
Nothing to do with propaganda. Just plain censorship.
https: //
• Telegram Blocks Russian Media In EU (RT)The latest hostile move has likely been prompted by the “weakening media positions” of Western leadership, especially on the Ukrainian conflict and domestic policies, Pushkov suggested.
The ban is reminiscent of restrictions imposed in the EU on RT, which has long been the prime target for hostile actions in the West against Russian state-affiliated media.
RT had all its Telegram accounts blocked across the bloc early into the Ukrainian conflict in March 2022.
————-December 29, 2024 at 3:51 pm #178008Dr D Rich
ParticipantToday in “See If You Can Spot The Psychopath”
Courtesy ZH:
Here, let me help:
“I’m puzzled as to why the pilots of Jeju Air Flight 2216 didn’t use the landing gear manual extension. It’s incredibly strange that both hydraulic systems A & B failed simultaneously, leading to an attempt to land on a short runway without gear or flaps. This decision seems like madness.”
Here’s a hint: he’s “puzzled”. No he’s not. Fahad immediately tells the Tweeter just how not-puzzled he is. Then Fahad shows how much an expert he is at the not so subtle game of being an expert about gear, flaps, short runways, madness, and The Strange. It’s always the feigned ignorance. And Fahad doesn’t mention the strange decision by the pilots to place an earthen wall at the end of a short runway and to select the earthen wall as the least desirable method to slow an aircraft. Fahad knows strange and madness but not earthen barrier type placement variety.
December 29, 2024 at 3:56 pm #178009kultsommer
ParticipantMusk walking with his kid on the shoulder into the meetings that “shape our future”, Blinken’s desire to be on the stage and “rock” or Clinton with dark glasses and sax…
They are all made from the same “narcissist cloth”.December 29, 2024 at 4:03 pm #178010Dr D Rich
ParticipantSame “cloth”.
The Mask of Sanity
December 29, 2024 at 4:18 pm #178011Oroboros
ParticipantTom Luongo maintains at any given time 1/3 of all electrical generation has to be shorted into the ground to balance the eternal fluctuating load in the commerical electrical grid.
That’s pretty much true, you can’t just instantly ‘slow a generator down’ because the demand load drops suddenly (i.e. storms cutting power-lines, other electric companies grids needing emergency backup power, etc)
Day to night electric load is predictable and can be prepared for but not accidents of various kinds, hence the load balance issue.
Luongo maintains that if you are already wasting a 1/3 of electric generating capacityby sending it to ground normally, why not send that 1/3 of electric generating capacity into bitcoin mining.
Sending that 1/3 to ground is already “just the cost of doing business” the way the system already operates with.
Don’t be stupid, use bitcoin mining to soak up the ‘excess load balance juice.”
This has to be considered when calculating the cost of bitcoin. That a lot of ‘free electricity’ going to ground and wasted.
Bitcoin is a math problem with 21 million very large prime number solutions, each ‘solution’ is a bitcoin.
The easiest to ‘pick’ fruit solutions have been plucked from the Sacred Bitcoin Tree.
All solutions going forward take more and more electricity until the last solutions swallow the entire global electrical grid and collapse civilization.
December 29, 2024 at 4:21 pm #178012Dr D Rich
ParticipantSpot The Psychopath….supplement.
Courtesy TCTH:
Having followed the immigration issue for a long time, yet specifically only having a big picture review of the H1B visa issues, it has been astounding to watch how JElon wMusk, VHivek Ramaswamyindi, jDavide wSacks and the Silicon Valley supporters and influencers are responding to having the H1B visa fraud confronted. The self-interest in their defense is just astronomical to watch unfold.
Empowered by what can only be reasonably defined as their perceived influence over President Trump, the new-era Tech team are quite forcefully telling the MAGA base of Trump-supporting American workers that their concerns, views and perspectives are irrelevant.
It appears that most of the explosive sentiments revolve around H1B visas in the tech sector issued to Indian workers specifically. Apparently, the friendships, networks and teams attached to the sector of computer engineering carry with them an emotional component. I guess that should not be a surprise considering this is essentially a peer-to-peer wagon circling, in defense of the H1B visa problems in the tech sector.
Does the label Antisocial Personality Disorder belong to the author or her human topics?
Hint: ‘you’re”, we’re “irrelevant” but but but Vivek is so cute and well-spoken with those pearly white 42Toofers, but notice Bannon associated The Bad Elongated Musk with The Bad Chinese CCP. I mean, let’s make no mistake, there ARE really bad poor Hispanic immigrants ((couple Chinese too across the The Same Border, no H1b 4u)) coming across the Border to pick cotton, vegetables and fruit in Silicon Valley, oops er ah, The Central Valley but mention of how bad Indian Immigration Fraud IS, punishable by 10y and $100,000 I think.
And right in the middle is One of the The Innocents, Daveed Sachs, A 2point3 Percenter, doing The standard Dividing and ConqueringDecember 29, 2024 at 4:24 pm #178013Oroboros
ParticipantSpeaking of calculating…..
December 29, 2024 at 4:30 pm #178014Oroboros
December 29, 2024 at 4:32 pm #178015Oroboros
ParticipantI love the little star sticker, “Only Takes 10 Minutes!”
December 29, 2024 at 5:02 pm #178016phoenixvoice
ParticipantYup, I knew that if I paid attention to Musk long enough that I’d see the side of him that his first wife describes, that his first half dozen kids saw — you know — the one that said something about “coup-ing” anyone we like? Totally not a politician and not a showman like Trump either.
It will be interesting to see how he does as a parent with his second batch of kids. He is more hands-on…but it is easy to put up with the foibles of toddlers and preschoolers — especially when the nanny is an arms-length away. What is more difficult to navigate is when they start to have their own clear ideas that differ greatly from the parent’s ideas for them.December 29, 2024 at 5:03 pm #178017phoenixvoice
ParticipantIf the number of H1B visas are reduced, then companies will only want to use them for top talent..
December 29, 2024 at 5:10 pm #178018those darned kids
ParticipantDecember 29, 2024 at 5:12 pm #178019those darned kids
ParticipantDecember 29, 2024 at 6:28 pm #178030Oroboros
ParticipantThe politically correct term is: Overly Expansive Camp
December 29, 2024 at 8:58 pm #178031Noirette
ParticipantOn, Musk endorses AFD in Germany.
Musk is very ignorant about politics, he *may* be good at space stuff or whatever, not discussing that now. He is just imho acting up from a multi-billionaire position, and exploiting Trump’s weakness. Trump also doesn’t really know what he is doing (or didn’t in his last term) so it is just a big MESS.
( — The 3 swiss ppl I had lunch with today said that Trump was just following the Fascist path of joining with Corporate Power, but that isn’t right either. I let it go.)
The fact is that Centrist, Globalist, Corporatist, MSM Media (and shareholders, and those having holds on Education, see e.g. Dora in the prev. thread) Powers, having together capted much of the richness of the USuk-W, in up-flowing revenue streams, some of them forced via laws (e.g. health insurance), others by monopolies, yet others by ‘taxation’, levies, etc., and more, banking and credit, etc. — are FINALLY being timidly opposed by some.
The ‘some’ includes vestiges of worker-oriented leftism (Mélenchon in France might be an example); the remnants of small-ppl small-biz independists who dislike foreign competition (AFD for ex, Marine le Pen, maybe.) These parties or groups are labelled ‘far right’ (Hitler boots coming) or ‘far-left’ (Commies will get U), both are misnomers for basically Gvmt. oriented centrist parties, pols seeking money and positions, all are afraid of disturbing anything at all.
Musk seems to prefer AFD, thinks they are more ‘free trade’ or whatever. They are opposed to immigration more strongly than any other party in Europe, in any form, and the very idea of H1B visas would make them run screaming around. AFD is also EU ‘euroskeptic’ – to what degree idk – i.e. against a geo-political landscape that was set up by the US to allow easier and greater control. It also promulgates closer ties to Russia, support for a ‘decent’ minimum wage, etc. Kommunist! – it’s main support is in E Germany of course.
So Musk should explain why? 🙂 In detail..
December 29, 2024 at 9:50 pm #178032WES
ParticipantCongratulations Germany!
You are the first country to discover that green solar and wind power are a negative sum fraud!
The more green you go, the less you are able to go!
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