Debt Rattle Halloween 2020
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- This topic has 14 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by
John Day.
October 31, 2020 at 9:15 am #65031
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterAlfred Buckham Edinburgh c1920 • WHO Special Envoy On COVID Reiterates Caution Against Lockdowns (PFW) • Governments Closing Economies Worse Th
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle Halloween 2020]October 31, 2020 at 11:20 am #65032V. Arnold
ParticipantAlfred Buckham Edinburgh c1920
I really like that photo; but; why the hell did he have to stick that damn aeroplane in it?
(I know he liked to do that; but why, in this otherwise great picture?)
The “election/vote” is just a vile, twisted, fascist, joke on a sleeping populace…
It’s Loy Kratom here; the celebration of the end of the rainy season and the beginning of winter; and a thanks to the water gods for a plentiful water for the rice crops…October 31, 2020 at 12:00 pm #65033Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantTrump will still be President on January 21, 2121. Election almost doesn’t even matter anymore.
Firstly, there is a good chance Trump wins in a Reaganesque 1984 landslide. But secondly, should Biden squeeze out a victory then remember that the Electoral College votes take place on Dec 14th and Jan 6. Biden might be under investigation by then and if more corruption emerges then the Electors can legitimate disqualify him from the race. A lame-duck Trump admin could be very dangerous for the Dems. Fire Wray. Fire Haspel. Unleash the truth bombs. The finish line for Biden is not November 3rd.
October 31, 2020 at 12:32 pm #65034anticlimactic
ParticipantWill lockdowns become self-perpetuating?
Lockdowns are damaging businesses : bars, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, sports, and shops. These areas were already under threat from supermarket drinks, food delivery, online streaming, TV and online shopping.
When you think about it these are all reasons for leaving the house and for social gatherings. If most of these businesses disappear then there will be little reason to leave your house – there wil be no place to go! The effect will be as if it is a permanent lockdown.
There is a large trend to remote working and remote learning – more reasons not to leave the house. Some blue collar workers are needed to move goods around and man the factories which are not yet automated. Unemployment is also a reason to not leave the house.
We could end up with a society of isolated individuals.
October 31, 2020 at 12:58 pm #65035Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterWill lockdowns become self-perpetuating?
No, and for the same reason all these new lockdowns will be disastrous: people need people. When stores and bars close, people will find each other, because they need each other. Here in Athens, a one month closure of all bars, restaurants etc. was announced yesterday. People will gather in streets, stores, and especially homes. Where you can’t check on them, unlike in the places you just closed. The 1st lockdown, we were heading into spring, but now into winter. Here come the depressions and suicides. And where are the rapid test programs and the mass supplies of vit. D and zinc, which together could have prevented at least half of all new cases, hospitalizations, deaths? Nowhere to be found. We’re witnessing a giant political failure, and in many places it will be fought out in the street. In the US, the “peaceful protests” opened Pandora’s box on that one, and It can’t be shut anymore. The rest of the west will follow suit.
October 31, 2020 at 1:58 pm #65037Dr. D
Participant“Note that there really is no authority to postpone elections, for this is not an epidemic that is defined as a 7.7% death rate of the population. The US population is 328 million. The COVID-19 deaths, with all other complications included, amounts to almost 230,000. To be a real epidemic we would need to see 25,256,000 deaths.” –Armstrong.
Still 25M short.
That was German and U.S. elections, among others. Note “Pandemic” is for all diseases always. Like the common cold, pneumonia, staph, MERSA, herpes. We do not shut down the planet and double our suicides for those either. Because that would be retarded and more to the point, counterproductive. In fact we DON’T shut down for COVID either: they said so themselves! They only “buy time” to “flatten the curve”, like 15 days or something, because they said it can’t be stopped. And it hasn’t been stopped. Only our mental processes have. And all human rights.
Fake death or no, they are about to run the Electoral College system with fine print you and I never heard of. …And like everything, makes no sense, but empowers wealthy insiders. You know, Like forced austerity on the poor, world-wide house arrest against the Gilet Jeunes, squealing on your neighbors, end of all free speech and fun stuff like that. WHILE riots kill the peasants in America, and Muslims kill the peasants in France. Diversity! It’s the only up with no down.
Daily deaths. Huh. That looks a lot like I don’t trust your data. At all. But I ask you, HOW will mankind survive the deaths of TWO per million people? Who are over 80. Oh the humanity!
“ WHO Special Envoy On COVID Reiterates Caution Against Lockdowns (PFW)”
Does this make everyone anti-science yet? I mean more than they already were since January? Does make the poor, uneducated, uninformed protesters the champions of Science, while Science, Medicine, and government are universally anti-Science? I say yes. And therefore anti-reason? And anti-reason will make bad choices and kill millions? No need to hypothocate: they already have.
Also as a Doctor, “maintaining the capacity to find people with the disease and isolating THEM,” Correct. That is, we quarantine the people who are SICK, not the people who are well and in no danger whatsoever. As we have for 10,000 years until now. When all authorities are in open rebellion against all science and reason.
“everything collapsed and you had politicians and media and everybody overreacting”
Yes and no. Since it was entirely voluntary and 99.97% fake, you can tell the truth and open up in 30 minutes. That is, it’s not a collapse anymore than if I sent everybody home from work. Even if I SAID there had been a factory fire. The people could still return and we could still turn it back on because there was no fire. Nothing at all happened, nothing was destroyed. …Except the poor, I mean, when you unemployed them all and transferred their assets to Bezos. That’s real.
We may or may not have a Bear market. If the currency is swapped, stocks will be infinite. To da moon as real assets, the Zimbabwe express. Bonds could even hold as people seek any parking place. But I expect when sovereigns fail – and I remind you they already have in Greece and elsewhere, while the EU is promoting “eternal” bonds i.e. “we will never pay principle and pay interest when and how we feel like” – AND a market-rigged delay in commodities boom in a world where the mines are shut and no one is exporting food – it’ll be what most people call a “bear” market. That is, a bull market in the other things: commodities. This is a 1/3 – 2/3 ratio, so commodities move far faster. Buffet is already in railroads and mines, and Soros is already in seeds and the food system. Cause they’re dummies who aren’t as smart as the Zoomers on Robinhood, of course.
“Swing States Face the Worst Postal Delays, Data Shows (F.)”
Is that ‘cause the swing states had mail-in forced down their throats? When DJT told them not to? And is now blowing up and backfiring on Democrats such that Holder is stumping for in-person votes? You know, it seems like we are against you when we say these things, but we’re not. We’re really telling you how to win. Get a policy, get a candidate, don’t change the rules mid-stream. Like filibuster laws and the 2/3 majority they needed for Judges that the DNC removed when they thought they would win. McConnell said they would regret it sooner than they thought. They did anyway it to run over the other side over all objections and tradition. Now it’s backfired beyond all imagination, but the GOP didn’t do that: they’re the ones who told you not to. As with mail-in. It wasn’t secure. Guess what: in about 40 ways it’s not, we now have hundreds of examples, and we’re not even to election day yet. Why?
“Butler County voted for President Donald Trump over Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in 2016 about 66% to 29%.”
I’d say what a coinky-dink but since this level of incompetence and fraud is nationwide, in all systems, not just elections and government, I would need more to draw a pattern. Needs felony investigation, though. However I hear there is no level of evidence that could spark one.
“Biden’s polling average advantage is greater than 5 points”
This is all in the details. They have Biden landslide in Idaho, Texas, Wisconsin (where DJT is already winning by points) and like every other Red state in the Union. By 12 points or something. So will the polls be wrong? My God I cannot image how they COULDN’T be with idiot predictions like that. In reality, Biden campaign and Mike Moore have it: they are losing by a few points, already lost Florida and gave up, and are trying to hold even eternal-blue state of Minnesota thanks to their “hey, let’s play with riots”. But remember by our system, a small turn in unknown key areas can result in 30-elector states in swinging, leading to a “landslide”. President always claim a “landslide” and a “mandate.” Probably W. did, and his landslide was in the Supreme court by a vote. …Totally illegally, of course: The court has no jurisdiction at that time and manner. But Papa Bush and idiot sons of idiot sons, you know…can’t have Capitalism and Democracy.
The results chart is hilarious, however, if it were really the same for all outcomes, what would they fight for? So there’s something at stake.
“Most people have voted”
Pundits say they – that is Bannon and Guiliani – don’t consider election day the target this year since they (DNC? China?) are targeting the courts and electors this time. That may be true. At least they believe it or they wouldn’t have released Hunter’s laptop now instead of a month ago. They want this to be flying around AFTER the election to decide not you and I – when did anyone care what us voters want? – but electors, prosecutors, and judges. You know, insiders. Ah Democracy! Where nobody even bothers with your vote.
“Biden Advisers Sound Red Alert Over Black, Latino Turnout (ZH)”
Again with the lies. They BOTH say that Biden is up by 19 points and is a 99% victory, AND that Biden is losing both in general, in early mail-ins, and Latino, and Black voters. Pollsters? Get your lies straight, Biden is probably right and is indicating for you to get in line behind him. Like the entire U.S. and world media has. They’re haven’t got the memo and are still playing that Biden landslide, Trump steals, move to courts-n-riots. We already have 160 days of riots driving over policemen, so as if I care.
Pollsters also were wrong in the midterms, proving they didn’t adjust. And they are clearly not adjusting for doubled Latino vote and tripled black vote, although that is abundantly clear in Florida. They’re like bankers. Or Economists. Or Professors. So long as everybody is totally, stupidly wrong TOGETHER, nobody takes any blame. Like ‘01. ‘08. The Gulf War. Asian “Dominoes”. Need I go on?
THERE IS NO LEVEL OF WRONG OR INCOMPETENCE THAT CAN MATTER. For idiot sons, THERE IS NO CAUSE AND EFFECT. It’s always heads I win, tails you lose. This is why, as a certain Rockefeller said, “Competition is a sin.”
“Mueller Had Evidence DNC, Clinton Camp Made Up Russia Collusion Story (JTN)”
What did I just tell you? THERE IS NO LEVEL OF CORRUPTION THAT HAS CONSEQUENCES. Everyone in Milwaukee already knew this. And about Epstein. Who did not kill himself.
“Greenwald needs to go to Fox to be able to tell his story.”
My God what levels we’ve fallen to. True though. Fox is the only one to have “diversity” on, hosting Democrats, Progressives, candidates…
“The Left says the story is ‘disinformation’” because Joe Biden won’t.
From that, the Quilette appears to be real true news now. All help is appreciated. I mean Fox? The tabloid Post? National Inquirer? And from wayback: a guy called Drudge? Really? Yes, really. When truth is outlawed, only outlaws will have truth.
“Project Veritas To Sue New York Times Over Ballot Harvesting Story (JTN)”
The NY Times hasn’t been news since the 90’s and hasn’t learned their lesson yet. Destroy them utterly. So long as they exist a real newspaper cannot take their place.
“162.8 million Americans lack meaningful broadband,”
You’re kidding right? Because you think we’re so math illiterate we don’t know what 99.97% is? 162M Americans is HALF THE COUNTRY, morons. More than half the country can get broadband just leaking from their neighbors. More than half the country live in high-paid urban fiber-optic areas. More than half the NON-urban areas, and probably 90% have hi-speed cable already. How about 16M people? Because even homeless guys get it at coffee shops and the library. Even gig economy couch-surfers have a all-data smartphone to get job offers.
The lies. I can’t take the lies. My God, engage ANY part of your thought.
October 31, 2020 at 2:42 pm #65038my parents said know
ParticipantWhat I was wondering was if Ilargi had felt the earthquake (though it was more near Turkey). It was a big one- Richter 7- and produced small tsunamis. A small tsunami may be one you could stand in, but it’s still gonna flood the basement and soak the carpet.
I think what Biden was saying was “true leadership under pressure”. Irony…
Giant asteroid (meteor) used to be a popular candidate on ZH.
Here in the land of a ten thousand lakes, the weather is looking like it will be spectacular (compared to what it has been) on voting day. We’ve been a bit purple lately, not as blue as we once were.
The snow might even be melted by then!October 31, 2020 at 3:00 pm #65039a kullervo
Remember that cherry-picking the elders’ wisdom has led us to the present-day predicament.
There isn’t any other homo sapiens‘ sub-species who suffers as much with l’ennui de vivre as the Caucasian male. The time to reap the harvest we couldn’t help but to sow has arrived – may you be spared the bruxism.
October 31, 2020 at 3:10 pm #65040my parents said know
ParticipantBruxism: I’m hoping it will go away after the elections, but it could get worse.
So Ilargi- did you feel the quake?
October 31, 2020 at 3:41 pm #65041zerosum
Participant“…. making poor people an awful lot poorer..”
Why are the rulers not getting rid of poor people?
——“A lame-duck Trump admin could be very dangerous for the Dems.”
You must have seen my opinion on that possibility.
“We could end up with a society of isolated individuals.”
Have you seen 2 or more people sitting together and all look like they have a neck problem?
They are all looking down on their phone. They don’t know how to socialize like we do.
Intimate contacts, between boy/girl bubbles, have been made difficult/different.
Do you think bundling will come back in style?
(Go read about it. 🙂 ),colonial%20United%20States%2C%20especially%20in%20Pennsylvania%20Dutch%20Country.
“…. HOW will mankind survive the deaths of TWO per million people? Who are over 80. ….”
Answer: From the early inheritance!
“idiot sons of idiot sons”
Look here …. the sons of ….
electors, prosecutors, and judges. You know, insiders.
Or bankers. Or Economists. Or Professors.
“…. math illiterate…. 162M Americans is HALF THE COUNTRY, morons.”
What!!! Neck problem!!!! Curved necks!!!!!October 31, 2020 at 4:59 pm #65043Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterSo Ilargi- did you feel the quake?
I did not. I know other people in Athens did though.
October 31, 2020 at 5:30 pm #65044Maxwell Quest
ParticipantWow! Just watched the Carlson/Greenwald interview that Ilargi posted above. Now that his Intercept collar has been removed, Glenn is really letting loose with his true thoughts on the US state/media partnership.
“162.8 million Americans lack meaningful broadband,”
Ah, but as James Clapper would agree, it’s not really a lie when you insert the ambiguous adjective “meaningful” into the statement. Lawyers could haggle for months over exactly what constitutes “meaningful” broadband. So much of today’s news is crafted in just this way: to outright lie by using vague adjectives as an out. Look for it. It’s everywhere.
Great work, Dr. D!
October 31, 2020 at 6:01 pm #65045Bill7
Participant“I believe Donald Trump will be “re-elected.” The consolidation of global governance we are witnessing needs civil unrest to continue unrolling.
Trump voters are not going to supply that chaos if Biden is elected.
It’s hard to imagine any other outcome.”
That seems accurate to me: Those who Rule us are going for maximum sh!t-stirring.
November 1, 2020 at 3:34 am #65046Huskynut
ParticipantThere’s a couple of wonderful passages today over at lockdown sceptics which deserve a repost:
First Lord Sumption (condensed) on the UK:
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, especially when fear is created as people crave security so the state creates more fear and obtains greater control. Yet Parliament is not ready and willing to act and to stand for its high callings, rather it seems to have abrogated its responsibilities.Fear is a potent instrument of the state. It promotes intolerant conformism and abuse. Fear was deliberately stoked up by the state and by selective use of statistics and modellers: these were not accidental matters but part of a strategy whose errors and failures assisted in success. Boris is sustained in power by appealing to the irrational and emotional in collective wisdom.
Boris is in power only with the consent of Parliament on behalf of the People, which he side-lines and avoids, thus diverging from our constitutional past, and acts unlawfully whilst instructing the police to do likewise and with political discrimination in their actions.
Appropriate powers were available in the Civil Contingency Act 2004 and the Coronavirus Act 2020 but were ignored as Parliament had powers of oversight.
Boris unlawfully used Part 2a of the Public Health and Disease Act 1984, as amended 2008. Such actions required Parliamentary scrutiny and approval which Boris wanted to avoid. Boris’s actions are totalitarian as they did not get Parliament’s approval. (See Lord Hoffman in House of Lords Ex Parte Simms 2000.)
Government by decree is not just constitutionally objectionable but bad government creating a delusion that authoritarian government gets things done. There is no detailed knowledge, no strategy, no wider thought, no research, no understanding of the all-round implications for the economy or health of the nation. The ministers act on the hoof, promote loyalty against wisdom, flattery against objective advice. These absences promote unfounded self-confidence, banish moderation and restraint. All these are vices seen in this Government.
The British Public must wake from its failures to understand how these matters are an assault on social interaction eroding the glue of social wellbeing of a once united country and engage actively in politics, join political parties, and connect with MPs.
And secondly, what it looks like when communities mobilise against excessive measures:
Stop Press: The residents of Waynesville in North Carolina have shown some gumption when threatened with a local mask mandate. From Health Impact News.Waynesville leaders backed down from a proposed local mask mandate Tuesday night after nearly 100 people packed town hall to voice their opposition.
Tensions rose before the meeting ever began when the assembled crowd — who were being held in the lobby until the doors opened — learned there wasn’t going to be enough room for them all in the town board room.
Those wishing to speak were told to fill out forms and wait until their name was called. This didn’t sit well with many in the crowd, who demanded the meeting be moved to the sidewalk outside so that everyone could see and hear it — touching off a loud chant of “Take it outside.”
Town staff and police officers eventually quelled the crowd and convinced them that waiting for their turn to speak was the only option. Another uprising ensued after the waiting crowd was told they couldn’t come in without a mask when their turn rolled around.
The vast majority weren’t wearing a mask, given the whole reason they were there in the first place was to speak against the proposed mask mandate.
Some claimed exemptions for religious and health reasons, but others simply said they weren’t going to wear one and it would violate their rights to be denied entry to a public hearing on that grounds.
In the end, masks were offered but not compulsory.
Wishful thinking on my part perhaps, but small things like these, and black/latino voters deciding it’s their own business if they decide to vote Trump rather than being gaslit into having their vote dictated, Greenwald taking a stand and receiving such strong roots-led support, and Craig Murray in the UK standing for leadership of the SNP.. I smell a whiff of prole rebellion stewing.
November 1, 2020 at 6:38 pm #65069John Day
After all, you live in a system whose managers either are too dumb to understand the Vitamin D data (very unlikely) or have decided that they’d rather not promote it to the general populace for some reason. It’s a ridiculously safe vitamin with almost zero downside and virtually unlimited upside.
Either they’re colossally dumb, or this is a calculated decision. They’re not dumb. So we have to ask: What’s the calculation being performed here? It’s not public safety. It’s not your personal health. So… What is it?
This is our line of questioning and observation. It’s like the short story by Arthur Conan Doyle in Silver Blaze that many of us informally know as “the case of the dog that didn’t bark”. As the story goes, because of a missing clue – a dog who remained silent as a murder was committed – this conclusion could be drawn: the dog was already familiar with the killer!
The silence around Vitamin D alone is extremely telling. It is the pharmacological dog that did not bark.
One true inference suggests others. Here, too, we can deduce from the near total silence around Vitamin D that the health managers would prefer not to talk about it. They don’t want people to know. That much is painfully clear.
Such lack of promotion (let alone appropriate study) of safe, effective treatments is a thread that, if tugged, can unravel the whole rug. The silence tells us everything we need to know.
Do they want people to suffer and die? I don’t know. My belief systems certainly hope not. Perhaps the death and suffering are merely collateral damage as they pursue a different goal — money, power, politics? Simply the depressing result of a contentious election year? More than that?Iran is giving Bitcoin an official capacity in bypassing the US dollar in paying for imports, and is turning over 4 power generating plants to Bitcoin production. Tom Luongo has the story and perspective:
The natural outgrowth of this is bitcoin competing in the open market locally for goods and services, regardless of the legality of it. But this will be a boon for Iran, who can now act as an international clearing house for money the U.S. can’t control.
This is a real-world use case for bitcoins in a world of financial repression and control. It jumps bitcoin from a store of value, where it resides now because of government restrictions on its use through tax policy to a medium of exchange for mediums of exchange.
Iran does this while the IMF is working on a digital SDR — the currency based on its reserves — that will only flow between central banks. This is a clear move to consolidate the financial power of the world in the unelected technocracy.
It’s a small step from here to Iran accepting bitcoins for oil and gas exports, if they aren’t doing so already behind the scenes.Market Friday: Iran, Bitcoin and The Sanctions That Won’t Be
Why Propaganda is Vital In Upholding The Illusion of a Democracy Cynthia Chung
The Arthashastra written by Chankya (350-283 BCE) who was chief advisor to the Emperor Chandragupta (the first ruler of the Mauryan Empire) discusses propaganda and how to disperse and apply it in warfare. It is one of the oldest accounts of the essentialism of propaganda in warfare.
Propaganda is vital in times of war because it is absolutely imperative that the people, who often need to make the greatest sacrifices and suffer the most, believe that such a war is justified and that such a war will provide them security. To the degree that they believe this to be true, the greater the degree of sacrifice and suffering they are willing to submit themselves for said “promised security”.
It is crucial that when the people look at the “enemy” they see something sub-human, for if they recognise that said “enemy” has in fact humanity, the jig is up so to speak.”…
Mass propaganda is the very reason why in this so-called “age of information”, we are more confused and divided from each other than ever
…There a many different forms of warfare, but namely there is warfare that exists in the physical domain of aggression vs defense and warfare that exists in the mental domain of ideas...
Though we still use much of the same old strategies today, war is ever more located on the plane of ideas, and along with this the ever increasing focus on the manipulation of information and the populace’s perspective of who is good and who is bad.
The war that needs to be fought against the present tyranny is thus increasingly a mental war...
The higher battle ground is being fought on the plane of ideas and which proposed ‘new system’ will replace the current collapsing one we are presently in. On the one side the hegemonic rule of a one world government who thinks that they can use force and oppression to rule and on the other side a multi-polar system of cooperating nation states committed to progress that will offer a real qualitative return for the future...
Orwell identifies this under two forms of “doublethink”, which are “crimestop” and “blackwhite”. “Crimestop” meaning the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of a dangerous thought.
Orwell further states “It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments…and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop in short, means protective stupidity.”
“Blackwhite”, is the act of contradiction of plain facts, applied to an opponent. And when applied to the Party, it is the willingness to say black is white when the Party discipline demands it so...
Orwell continues “The splitting of the intelligence which the Party requires of its members, and which is more easily achieved in an atmosphere of war, is now almost universal, but the higher up the ranks one goes, the more marked it becomes. It is precisely in the Inner Party that war hysteria and hatred of the enemy are strongest.” …(Does anybody come to mind?)Why Propaganda is Vital In Upholding The Illusion of a Democracy
Tulsi Gabbard’s interview with Pentagon Papers Journalist, Daniel Ellsberg commences with an Aloha Hug: Luongo on “the disgust circuit” activating, at which point a person does something different.
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