Debt Rattle January 13 2025
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- This topic has 67 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by
D Benton Smith.
January 13, 2025 at 10:52 am #179205
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPablo Picasso Self portrait 1906 • Trump Blew The Overton Window So Wide Open, Anything Seems Possible (Peters) • Trump’s Plan For Greenland ‘N
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 13 2025]January 13, 2025 at 11:01 am #179207Germ
ParticipantGood Morning :-))
Wow – imagine being so death-vaxx injured that you’d rather kill yourself.
Sad.The damage they’ve done.
“The 29-year-old, from Salford, suffered a severe reaction to a Covid booster vaccine in 2021, an inquest into his death heard. His mental health deteriorated as he battled a life-changing auto-immune disease, relearning how to speak and walk.”
January 13, 2025 at 11:34 am #179208tboc
ParticipantWhom the gods would destroy…
January 13, 2025 at 11:49 am #179209Dr. D
Participant“Vance Says Trump Won’t Issue Pardons For Violent Jan. 6 Defendants
Yes, he said “Violent”. This is the problem with the opposition. So the normal sentencing is 10-20x overcharged? And that’s going to be okay because they were the “Violent”? But not “Completely innocent”? It’s not going to matter nor make one bit of difference to the opposition or their Hate. Reality has virtually no hold on them. Therefore, you might as well do what is RIGHT, just, and fair.
Again, however, nothing’s happened. Story at 11.
“Biden Calls Meta’s Decision To End Fact-Checking Program “Really Shameful”
…It didn’t end. That is a lie. It changed to a different and perhaps more proven, comprehensive form.
Biden said, “It’s just completely contrary to everything America is about…”Just as if Biden was being run by the Trump campaign. Maga hat. Wink.
“Residents Of Argentina’s Crime-Ridden Cities Welcome Milei’s Gun Reform
Just as if Melei was run by Wall Street’s America First crew. Beta testing our moves.
Gee, what if we could stop our own arsonists and put out our own fires without being arrested for it?
Oh, you Santa Ana winds: Spoiler for 10-year old show “Crazy Ex Girlfriend”.
Here’s something crazy, long form article on Vaccine/new injury. Yeah, great, we know. But the many, many, many brain damages from Vaccines, as arguably Autism, ADHD,
…also causes being brain damaged, made “Simple” with Justice sensitivity. Over stimulated, out of proportion response to Justice that is irrational. Sounds crazy? How’s that any difference than the overstimulation causing Tourrette’s? Just adjacent brain area.So they’re causing these injuries, this brain damage, these retardations, then channeling the injuries to our detriment and their ends. I mean of course, make lemonade. Never stop killing, always B Killin’. And da MONEY, Ohhhh, da MONIES! Lifelong medically injured from near BIRTH. Wow. That’s a cash cow right there!!! Three! Exclamation points!
…Yeah, until the entire society collapses for pharma, because it only works if someone PRODUCTIVE makes the money to PAY those bills, and say, enlists in the military to defend this person, their country, and that corporation. …Which is already not happening. So, um, Pfizer: no nation, no laws to buy, no army to protect your money and your CEO’s yachts, yeah, um, you no think this through so well, did you? When China takes over you’ll just be up against the wall and shot, your money too. We LET you get paid because you protect and help the COUNTRY. You called off that contract, so we’re calling it off too. Luigi said.
Also in that area, “California law enforcement to conduct training on “Involuntary Celibate Extremism” (which it considers a “domestic terrorism” threat) later this week” Level II terrorism. To not get laid. But Rape? Also illegal. (Except in all UK)
Well thank God everything’s paid for and fixed in CA that we’re down to chasing this!
“Tulsi Gabbard Now Supports FISA-702 In Order To Get Confirmed As Director Of National Intelligence
And? I also support H1B in theory and done correctly. I think the number available was under 10,000 and temporary. The problem was, it’s a law so they never followed it, and never for high-end workers.
“EU Globalist Explicitly Threatens To Cancel German Election Result If Right Wing AfD Wins
When we want your Prime Minister we’ll beat it out of you.
“Did all those fire rigs and personnel go straight to the fire lines? No, they did not. They went to Sacramento.”
Okay. But then…? Yeah, even AFTER all that happened, AFTER LA said “Where’s my truck?” AFTER the media embarrassed them, AFTER Newsom found out…they’re still in Sacramento. Yeah, it’s intentional. It’s indistinguishable. If the bank is robbed and everyone got killed, then I can’t tell if you did it accidentally or on purpose. Nor do I care.
“Here’s why Governor Gavin Newsom will NEVER resign”
Nor will Trudeau. Why? WEF fascists who don’t believe in democracy. Or law. Or human rights. Or “Not” lying.
Greenland: Aha! Trump is going to put all 25 million migrants on Greenland! Problem. Solved.
“The fires are still raging in L.A.,” “The incompetent pols have no idea how to put them out.”
With water?
“Key obstacles include the legal framework under which the sanctions are authorized and the likelihood of strong congressional resistance..”
Trump now blames Congress for not
surrenderinghaving peace in 24 hours.““The sanctions have nothing to do with morality, they have nothing to do with human rights, they have nothing to do with the love of peace, they are simply a stimulus program for the US economy…”
I know. We told you. So you’re doing them for 3 years why?
• Poles Tired Of Ukrainians – Defense Minister (RT)
Why didn’t Russia shock and awe when Ukrainian (cowards) were still heroes? And every Ukrainian night clubber was Churchill?
“Trump has his work cut out for him. But he is the only person in the world today who stands a chance at ending this war.”
You must be kidding. He’s way down the list after Putin, Ze, Zu, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia… Turkey…China…Meloni… Any nation in Africa. Any nation in South America…
Yeah we’ll do fine without furry mascot Cheeto. We need a new slogan: TrumpTrumpTrump! With the straightjacket. Only for the Right and not the Left this time.
“• Weaponizing Law Enforcement Against Americans (Spivak)
I couldn’t understand this headline. Then I realized this has never not happened, and Spivak only just found out.
It threatened parents with terrorist “threat tagging” and visits from the FBI for speaking their minds,”
Link that YET ANOTHER parent where the FBI was doing everything to recruit him to bombing and death? Who otherwise would be in the basement watching anime?
in the last reauthorization of FISA-702 congress exempted themselves from the warrantless search and surveillance system used by the U.S. Intelligence Apparatus.”
Like Every. Thing. They do, this is totally illegal. All laws passed also apply to Congress, per the Constitution.
“Elon Musk stepped up big time, donating Starlink to help Los Angeles”
All shameless self-promoting. So why isn’t every other company doing the same?
Stop. I bet all the other companies are. All the cities sending trucks. Just the media doesn’t report on it. This terrible Elon, why’s he so strong? A: You give him billions in free advertising each month
TVASSF And yet no one notices. Nothing happens. What are all in injury and death rates? A: Who cares? No medical curiosity at all.January 13, 2025 at 12:08 pm #179210Dr. D
Not as simple as it seems. Like everything. However, “the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. The Protestant Old Testament has the same books as the Hebrew Bible,” Wiki. The Torah, technically, is only the first 5 books, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
The American Christians are both wildly Christian, totally into Israel and their Bible study, but also don’t know anything about Bibles, Jews, or Bible studies. BothNeitherAi. Pick one.
I’ll add: in my experience there is a smooth, solid gradient. From people who have no idea to people who know it better than medieval scholars. There’s no lumpiness or denomination that knows better as a matter of course, it’s all according to what a given individual has heard, or how much they’ve looked into it. My impression is every American who calls themselves Christian, however vaguely, is aware the Old Testament is Jewish and that Christianity is a Jewish-based religion. Although as you say, a surprising number who with mouth those words, will also not have realized what that means. And increasingly I do not expect younger people to have ever heard any of this just by osmosis. I haven’t asked that cohort so I don’t know how fast the decline is.
Day is in Texas and I think someone in FL and CA, so they might fill in their streetside impressions.
January 13, 2025 at 12:08 pm #179211Red
Participant“US needs an arctic base.”
Are there no bases in Alaska? It’s a lot closer to Russia than Greenland. Also Alaska isn’t completely under a mile of iron hard ice.California fires one of the worst INSURANCE disasters in US history. Not the worst though, that has yet to happen. Maybe Martha’s Vineyard will be on the radar soon. Nah just wishful thinking, probably Miami or Huston.
January 13, 2025 at 2:17 pm #179212Dr D Rich
America’s sweetheart sells out for The Brass Ring.
Who here could have seen that one coming?
Certainly not one of Tulsi’s fanboys.Is that a word, ‘foresaw’?
And JD “I can’t decide my last name” Blanton Bowman Vance showed his stripes by walking back J6 Pardons on behalf of the uber-rug puller and Convict in Chief DJ Trump.Showtime/Paramount has a miniseries up called The Agency. It’s great and an even better watch since it tries to humanize psychopaths and obviously on behalf of the never-mentioned CIA.
Tulsi………wow indeed.
January 13, 2025 at 3:15 pm #179213phoenixvoice
DBS mentioned yesterday that apparently there were Pachamama traditions that included child human sacrifice. That muddies the waters considerably. One could say, “Oh, that isn’t done anymore,” — but there is always the danger that some future person will find out about an ancient practice, and decide to resurrect it, convincing others of the same. Hence why so often the traditions were folded into Catholicism but the names were left behind, I suppose. Perhaps the Pachamama statue is better placed in a museum than in the Vatican.
There are plenty of human traditions that are best left as a relic. I personally find animal sacrifice distasteful, but it is much more preferable to human sacrifice. Better to scapegoat a goat than a human! And believing that a young child with deformities or maladies is a fairy changeling, and leaving it out defenseless in the elements, hoping the fairies will take back their child and return the human child, whole and perfect, is a cruel way to deal with birth defects.
I wonder whether the Argentine tradition of snapping a graphic photo of the mother nursing her infant has any link to these Pachamama traditions?
Of course, we have our inanities as well….
…putting a neurotoxin deliberately in the drinking water so that companies peddling it can make a buck…
…injecting half the world’s population with a toxic substance that has been studied very little…again, so a few can make a buck and/or improve their power position in society.I am no longer shocked that Rome’s aqueducts were lined with lead.
January 13, 2025 at 3:21 pm #179214kultsommer
ParticipantWhy would anybody be against this couple’s “personal pursuit of happiness” ????
January 13, 2025 at 3:25 pm #179215kultsommer
ParticipantWhom the gods would destroy…
I warned him many times before to no avail.
January 13, 2025 at 3:28 pm #179216phoenixvoice
Look exactly at what she reputedly said, because words are important:
“ Tulsi Gabbard has assured me in our conversations that she supports Section 702 as recently amended and that she will follow the law and support its reauthorization as DNI,”
As DNI, her job description would be to “follow the law,” not to “make law.” As a Representative, her job was to “make law.” Technically, Section 702 is probably in violation of the 4th amendment…but now we get to murky territory: a duly passed law that may violate the Constitution. Technically, it is the Court’s job to parse these things out when Congress fails to perform proper due diligence (which is much of the time.)
Also, there are differences between “rules” and “laws.” As DNI, Gabbard would have the capacity to change rules, but not to make nor amend laws. Then there is the capacity for not enforcing laws…but that would also be at the discretion of the president, who may fire her at will.
I say, let’s get these people into positions of power and see what happens. Gabbard already experienced DC once without coming away morally compromised — let’s see if she can do it again, albeit with much more responsibility. I tire of all this talk — I long for the opportunity to see the actions of these individuals.
January 13, 2025 at 3:33 pm #179217poppie
Thank you. That looks perfect.January 13, 2025 at 3:38 pm #179218those darned kids
Participanttulsi had been rfk’s d.o.d. minder. she’s a soldier who will follow orders.
January 13, 2025 at 3:38 pm #179219jb-hb
ParticipantI saw an amusing weaponized-autistic analysis in a zerohedge comment yesterday.
The guy estimated how many illegal migrants are in California, made a reasonable calculation of how much water they would drink in a year, and pointed out that this would have been enough to fll the empty reservoir plus all the reservoirs they refused to build (presumably to prevent more fresh water from being captured and kept from the minnows)
Pretty sure he forgot to include water they would use for washing their hands, showering/bathing, and dishwashing, for instance. He calculated solely based on the water they needed to drink to not die.
So California could have BOTH saved its minnows AND protected its citizens from fire.
He didn’t mention it, but the billions spent on illegal migrants could have been spent on fire prevention.
Didn’t they have those huge fires and power outages a few years ago because they refuse to clear the vegetation around their power lines, which would prevent fires from being started and create fire breaks?
Wasn’t power lines contacting trees in the wind blamed for starting all THESE fires? Because they STILL refuse to clear the power lines?
They need to be put in receivership if they are to get any money. They need to be declared, essentially, mentally incompetent, a danger to themselves and others, and have power of attorney used to hand management and control of resources over to a sane, competent party.
January 13, 2025 at 3:47 pm #179220jb-hb
Participanttakeway from this – Socialists – you CAN achieve all your various dreams. I’m telling you there’s a chance. It is conceivably possible. Top-down management tends to fuck things up, but I bring you glad tidings, it is only a 99.99% chance!
You would have to work for your own people. Be a bit tribal. Tribes are nations. You’d have to be both socialist and ah… you won’t be able to bear it… you’d rather die, I know… be nationalist.
Be loyal to your own people and culture rather than lie to them and give them the shaft at every opportunity in preference of absolutely anyone else (a combination of outsiders within their society and people from other countries/cultures) to prove your internationalist virtue.
January 13, 2025 at 3:59 pm #179221jb-hb
ParticipantThis song goes out dedicated to State Farm – Last Plane Out
Greetings from Sodom
How we wish you were here
The weather’s getting warmer
Now that the trees are all cleared
There’s no time for a conscience
And we recognize no crime
Yeah we got dogs and Valvoline
It’s a pretty damn good timeMen of reason, not of rhyme
Keep the spoils and share the crime
Goodman, Badman, lost without
A hope for passage on the last plane outThere was one repressed do-gooder
And a few who still believed
Yes I think there were five good men here yesterday
But they were asked to leave
So we’ve kept the good old vices
And labored to invent a few
With cake in vulgar surplus
We can have it and eat it, too(chorus)
Men of reason, hide your face
Walking backwards, plays his ace
Goodman, Badman, lost without
A hope for passage on the last plane outSo here’s a concept you can’t dance to
An idea you cannot hum
There may not be an empty seat
When all is said and doneI’m not the guy who sings the hymns
No bleeding hearts to mend
But I like the part where Icarus
Hijacks the little red henSomeone said the Big Man
May be joining us soon
But I never was the type to hang
With the harbingers of doom
And this party is addictive
Self-destructive, no doubt
So I hope that someone saves a seat for me
On the last plane out(chorus)
Men of reason, hide your face
Walking backwards, losing the race
Goodman, Badman, lost without
A hope for passage on the last plane outJanuary 13, 2025 at 4:14 pm #179222zerosum
ParticipantLies are perception of reality
People Power: “..the feasibility of a policy idea depends not on its inherent merits but on whether it falls within the range of public acceptance..”
————A sale of Greenland is unlikely, but an expansion of U.S. military and financial presence on the island is a possibility.
“Everybody knows that this [conflict] has to end somehow diplomatically.
I just don’t think it’s realistic to say we’re going to expel every Russian from every inch of Ukrainian soil. Even Crimea
I think it has been a huge step forward that the entire world is acknowledging that reality,” Waltz stated.Moscow, however, regards the five formerly Ukrainian regions, including Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as Crimea, as integral parts of its territory.
Crimea broke away from Ukraine in the aftermath of the 2014 Maidan coup in Kiev, joining Russia via a referendum shortly thereafter.
The four other regions were incorporated into Russia in late 2022 after the local population overwhelmingly backed such a move during separate referendums.
Last year, Moscow demanded that Kiev pull its troops out of the areas it still controls in its former regions in order to begin the long-stalled negotiation process.
• Biden Laying Russia Sanctions Trap For Trump – WaPo (RT)
Key obstacles include the legal framework under which the sanctions are authorized and the likelihood of strong congressional resistance.
Current sanctions laws give Congress the power to block any move to ease restrictions.(and seek peace.)
• Anti-Russian Sanctions Killing German Companies – Wagenknecht (RT)During her speech, Wagenknecht refused to blame Russia for the ongoing Ukraine conflict. “The sanctions have nothing to do with morality, they have nothing to do with human rights, they have nothing to do with the love of peace, they are simply a stimulus program for the US economy and a killer program for German and European companies.”
Russia is advancing along almost the entire frontline. Its use of hypersonic missiles, artillery, drones, and guided glide bombs has devastated Ukrainian strongholds.
In truth, upwards of 600,000 Ukrainian soldiers have likely died.
Facts or opinionsReports released by two House committees in December shine a harsh light on the deceptions and oppressive tactics utilized by numerous federal agencies, the Intelligence Community, and leaders of the Democratic Party.
On December 17, 2024, the House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight (Administration Subcommittee) released its report on the events surrounding January 6, 2021 the politicization of the Select Committee (January 6 Committee) established by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate those events.
Three days later, the House Judiciary Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government (Justice Subcommittee) released a 17,000-page final report detailing the administrative state’s and the Biden-Harris Administration’s repressive censorship enterprise and other abuses.
Read part one of the final staff report here.Read part two of the final staff report here.
Read part three of the final staff report here.
Read part four of the final staff report here.
————“Asked if he would pardon himself, Biden dismissed the idea, saying, “I didn’t do anything wrong.”
What does that say about those he did hand a pardon?
• Biden Eyes Preemptive Pardons Amid Trump’s Return (RT)
US President Joe Biden is considering issuing preemptive pardons for individuals who may be targeted by the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump.
—————January 13, 2025 at 6:12 pm #179223John Day
ParticipantLahaina In Los Angeles
The title refers to evidence, particularly video evidence, that High energy Microwave type Directed Energy Weapons were used to burn trees from the inside out and melt cars next to intact blue umbrellas and blue plastic trash cans. Lahaina Tree Burns Inside Out
LAPD Clears Arson Suspect but Fireman Cites Video of Men Dumping, Lighting Gasoline Before Palisades Fire Exploded
Why Los Angeles was set on fire: The “Deep State” destroys evidence The city of Los Angeles was set on fire simultaneously in several places. Young presents clear video evidence with analysis: A Forensics Examination of Video Evidence for DEW’s (directed energy weapons) Being Used in the L.A. fires
So LAFD abandoned Palisades. As the smoke became overwhelming HPM’s (high power microwave weapons) must have been used. Here is another video from Fabian of what the abandoned cars look like now. Note all the slag that ran from the melted engine blocks and wheels, and the unburned trees. It got hot enough to melt metal in cars sitting in the middle of the street, away from the “wildfire”, but not hot enough to burn the trees in the middle of the wildfire!?
This was no wildfire. This was HPM’s being used to steal real estate and enrich car dealers. 13, 2025 at 6:13 pm #179224John Day
Participant Gilbert Doctorow watches Russian TV: Russian elites are delighted with Donald Trump’s Mar a Lago press conference
Sixty Minutes was back on Friday, and the widely watched Evening with Vladimir Solovyov was again on air last night, Sunday. That show was almost entirely devoted to discussion of Trump’s Mar a Lago press conference and to the latest antics of Elon Musk operating as Trump’s attack dog against Left-leaning governments in Europe and Canada. The several panelists and the host were all delighted with Trump and confident that he will quickly drive a stake through the heart of the Biden legislative and policy legacy, leading to a 180 degree turn from hostile confrontation to live and let live in U.S. relations with Russia…
..Heading into this year’s American elections, Solovyov and other Russian commentators took the position that it would make no difference who wins because the Deep State controls American policy so that the venomous hostility to Russia that has flourished during the Biden years will continue. The main thing, they all said, was for Russia to continue down its own path, smash Ukraine and NATO, and look after its own security by armed force.
Following the election, there was no change in the skepticism with which Russian elites met the Trump victory... But then two weeks ago one remark by Trump when speaking to reporters caught Moscow’s attention. He had called the decision by Joe Biden to allow Ukrainian strikes deep inside Russia using American made ATACMS missiles ‘foolish and dangerous.’ Moreover, other little signs indicated that perhaps the new administration would make changes in policy from the outset. Moscow perused with interest the invitation list to the inauguration, which did not include either Volodymyr Zelensky or EU commission president Ursula von der Leyen, the Ukrainian’s greatest supporter.
Then in this past week, Trump’s Mar a Lago remarks to the assembled press changed entirely Moscow’s estimation of what the Trump presidency may bring.
Russia’s experts are very happy to see Trump espousing a policy of naked aggression, of pure imperialism to further American interests, which is what his plans for Greenland and for retaking the Panama Canal illustrate. This marks a stark departure from the sweet talk of values based foreign policy that the Democrats have used as their smoke screen to spread chaos globally and enforce American hegemony. It is pure Realpolitik, or interests based foreign policy, and is music to the ears of the Russians.
Accordingly, Biden’s ‘rules-based order’ is kaput, spheres of influence are back in favor. The Russian ‘invasion’ of Ukraine assumes an entirely legitimate nature if, as Trump was saying at Mar al Lago, it had been provoked by Biden’s crossing red lines that had been set down back in 2008 by pushing for Ukraine’s admission to NATO.
Panelists on the Solovyov show said last night that they expect Trump to diminish or entirely cut off aid to Kiev. Talk about defending Ukraine’s 1992 borders, about it dealing a humiliating blow to Russia on the battlefield has ceased. From Trump’s words, Moscow believes that the USA will be indifferent to that actual borders that Ukraine retains at the conclusion of a peace, nor does it wish to provide security guaranties to Ukraine or to envisage its joining NATO at some date in the future. All that counts is for there to be some semblance of sovereignty in the remaining territory when the Russians are through with it that will call itself Ukraine.
Obviously, from the words of the panelists, they do not expect Trump to enforce the crushing sanctions that Biden has just imposed on the Russian energy sector.
Most importantly, they expect that the eventual Trump – Putin summit, which may come soon or may come in April or in August, will not be about Ukraine but about a revision of the global security architecture. The word was not used, but they are clearly looking for a kind of Yalta-2 negotiation...
..As for Elon Musk, Vladimir Solovyov’s panelists have greatly enjoyed his blunt and insulting words addressed to heads of government in Europe and further afield who have been Biden’s willing agents in the hybrid and kinetic war against their country over Ukraine. Musk’s publicly calling German chancellor Olaf Scholz a ‘stupid fool.’ His addressing Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau as ‘a little girl’, which is a snide reference to his ambiguous sexual orientation. Moscow takes great pleasure in such scandalous treatment of its enemies.
Moreover, the Solovyov panelists see in all of Musk’s recent doings, including his X interview with Alternative for Germany co-chair Alice Weidel, an exercise in regime change that has a clear ideological dimension: to replace corrupt and cowardly Left-oriented governments in the European Union with friendly to Russia Rightist and populist led governments. All of this they see as closely coordinated with Donald Trump, and it reinforces their newfound enthusiasm for Donald. Drain the SPR, then; run prices up, now: In Parting Gift To Trump, Biden Sends Oil Prices Soaring With Russian Sanctions Days Before Inauguration
Doctorow noted the Financial Times (Rothschild publication) response to Trumpian Imperialism: Transcript of News X panel discussion of Maduro inauguration
We’re talking about naked imperialism. This term has come up in discussion in international news in the last several days, thanks to Donald Trump’s stating what he would like to do to Greenland and what he’d like to do to Panama Canal. Some of that, that bravado, that macho foreign policy has been applauded by people like the “Financial Times”, who said, on his remarks, “Oh, we thought that Trump is an isolationist. No, he’s actually an expansionist. And bravo.”
So there are people in the G7 and UK as foremost in this who applaud imperialism. “Far Right” AfD delegates reject motion condemning Putin, Germany’s leading right-wing party has voted against criticizing Russian troops in Ukraine
Nord Stream pipeline should be relaunched — German chancellor candidate
The AfD’s Alice Weidel has said that Germans “can count” on her party to restore energy links with Russia 13, 2025 at 6:14 pm #179225John Day
Participant “Far Left” Sanctions on Russia killing German companies – chancellor candidate
The economic restrictions placed on Moscow have nothing to do with peace or morality, Sahra Wagenknecht has said…so as not to antagonize voters ahead of next month’s election. German Chancellor Scholz Blocks €3 Billion Arms Package To Ukraine Ahead Of Election
He now says he “was taken out of context”. EU Globalist Explicitly Threatens To Cancel German Election Result If Right Wing AfD Wins
Former French European Commissioner Thierry Breton has essentially openly confessed that the West stole the Romanian election and stands ready to do it again in Germany if deemed necessary. “We did it in Romania, and we will do it in Germany if necessary,” a translation from the French of Breton’s recent appearance in European media said. Early last month a top Romanian court simply annulled the first round of the country’s presidential election in order to create what amounted to a ‘do over’ election. Huge Protest, Romanians Rail Against Do-Over Election Targeting Populist NATO Skeptic
Tulsi Gabbard Now Supports FISA-702 In Order to Get Confirmed as Director of National Intelligence
Apparently the FISA process and the 702 aspect (specific to American citizens) is the line in the sand the Senate Select Intelligence Committee has drawn. If Tulsi Gabbard does not support it, her confirmation is in doubt. As a result, she has reportedly reversed her position and now supports it. 13, 2025 at 6:15 pm #179226John Day
ParticipantBiden Calls Meta’s Decision To End Fact-Checking Program “Really Shameful”
Biden eyes preemptive pardons amid Trump’s return, The outgoing president has called his successor’s intentions to prosecute political opponents “outrageous”
The Reckoning: Trump Administration Prepares Response to Starmer’s Election Interference.
In an unprecedented twist in global politics, the Trump administration is rumored to be preparing a dramatic response to revelations of foreign interference in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. With undeniable proof surfacing that UK Labour leader Keir Starmer allegedly orchestrated a covert operation involving 100 staffers to support Donald Trump’s rival, Kamala Harris, the political landscape has been shaken to its core. Kill, then identify… After 15 months, Israeli army admits to killing kibbutz settlers on Oct. 7,-Israeli-army-admits-to-killing-kibbutz-settlers-on-Oct–7
Israel continues to deny ‘vital aid’ to reach Gaza: UN
The UN reported, on Friday, that Israel continues to obstruct “vital aid” reaching those in need in the Gaza Strip, pointing to more than half of the humanitarian assistance that was blocked by authorities a day earlier. 13, 2025 at 6:15 pm #179227John Day
Participant With UNRWA fate unclear, Israel won’t provide aid to Palestinians in defiance of international law
Israel is refusing to step in and provide services in the occupied Palestinian territories should it shutter UN Palestinian relief agency UNRWA later this month, in defiance of international law.
UNRWA still operates in the Palestinian territories but it is unclear what awaits the nearly 75-year-old agency when an Israeli law banning its operation on Israeli land and contact with Israeli authorities comes into force later this month. Dig-in under your tent and keep your children in the hole in case of an Israeli bomb. Displaced Palestinians dig trenches to shelter from cold, airstrikes
“If an explosion happened around us and the soil collapsed, this shelter would become our grave,” Palestinian father Tayseer said.–aiNot critical thinking, is it? Musk calls for treating Gaza like Japan, Germany after WWII
HTS is killing and robbing non-Muslims. Mainstream Media Ignoring Ethno-Religious Genocide Under Syria’s New Rulers
Egypt says Red Sea security depends solely on littoral states’ will
Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty stated on Saturday that the security of the Red Sea “depends solely on the will of its littoral states,” rejecting any military or naval presence by non-littoral states, Anadolu Agency reports.
This came during a press conference held in Cairo with his Somali counterpart Ahmed Madobe Nunow, and Eritrean counterpart Osman Saleh Mohammed, following a trilateral meeting, according to the AlQahera news channel. 13, 2025 at 6:16 pm #179228John Day
Participant Yemeni news: US Nuclear Aircraft Carrier Truman continues its escape to the northernmost part of the Red Sea
Satellite images revealed, on Sunday, the continued retreat of the aircraft carrier “USS Harry S. Truman” away from the Yemeni coasts, heading towards the northern Red Sea.
The images showed the latest location of the carrier at a distance estimated at about 118 nautical miles northwest of the coastal city of Yanbu in Saudi Arabia.
This comes after the American aircraft carrier was subjected to missile strikes by the Sana’a forces for the third time, as part of its support for Gaza. Trump’s Greenland plan ‘not crazy’ – former top NATO commander
The Danish-owned Arctic island represents a potential “strategic goldmine” for Washington, James Stavridis has said
Speaking on ‘The Cats Roundtable’ with John Catsimatidis on WABC 770 radio on Sunday, the retired admiral described Greenland as a “strategic goldmine for the United States,” highlighting its location and abundant natural resources.
“It sits at the very top of the North Atlantic. It protects approaches to our own country – the Atlantic Ocean – so it is geographically very important,” Stavridis said. He added that the region is rich in rare minerals and likely has vast oil and gas deposits. “And it’s huge, a huge land mass. It’s three times the size of Texas,” he said, agreeing with the host that Greenland is “almost a better deal than Alaska.” much deciding do 56,000 Greenlanders get to do, and how fast? ‘We do not want to be Americans’ says Greenland’s PM as Trump hints at land grab
Does he understand the exercise of raw power? Asking for a friend. Greenland’s leader calls for island’s independence from Denmark
Mish Shedlock, Trump Energizes Greenland Independence Movement, Divorce Agreement Coming Up
Some people thought I was crazy when I posted Trump’s Offer to Buy Greenland Is Not as Preposterous as it Sounds
A free association model may be more likely, but don’t rule out an outright purchase.
There are only about 59,000 Greenland citizens. I proposed an offer of $2 million each. That would only be $118 billion.
Greenland would be cheap at double the price if I am correct about the mineral deposits. 13, 2025 at 6:17 pm #179229John Day
ParticipantI have never presumed to have private telephone conversations or electronic communications. Have you? CIA can read WhatsApp messages – Zuckerberg
Encryption prevents Meta from accessing chats, but it is powerless when someone logs directly into a user’s phone, the company’s CEO has said’s Health Defense: We Were Censored By Meta; We’re Taking Them to the Supreme Court
U.S. Allows This Food Additive in Breads, Cakes and Ice Cream — But It’s Banned in Europe
Titanium dioxide, the most widely used whitening pigment in the world, has been linked to adverse health effects, particularly genotoxicity and intestinal inflammation. It is applied as a food coloring and a whitening agent to chewing gum, cakes, candies, breads and ice cream. New Study Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Sparks Renewed Calls to End Water Fluoridation
A meta-analysis of 74 epidemiological studies examining the link between children’s IQ and fluoride exposure found that the more fluoride pregnant women and young children are exposed to, the greater the decrease in a child’s IQ. The study, published today in JAMA Pediatrics, was conducted by scientists from the NIH National Toxicology Program. Toothpaste, which I have long used, has xylitol to suppress cavity-causing bacteria, and no fluoride.
Spry Toothpaste – One of the Best Toothpastes on the MarketJanuary 13, 2025 at 6:18 pm #179230John Day
Participant Experts Raise Questions About SIDS After Study Shows Vaccinating Preterm Babies Greatly Increases Risk of Apnea
Hospitalized preterm infants had a 170% higher incidence of apnea within 48 hours of receiving their routine 2-month vaccinations compared to unvaccinated babies, according to a new study. The authors said the study supports current vaccine recommendations, but some scientists disagreed and raised concerns about SIDS. Meryl Nass MD, The Blue Blob (Act Blue) creates yet another astroturf organization to try and tank Bobby Kennedy’s nomination
An organization of 15,000 doctors has suddenly sprung out of the woodwork and claims to be all about improving patient care. Where were they under Biden and Obama? Either they did not exist, or else they were very very quiet. information density;15 minutes well spent with Meryl Nass MD: My talk for the National Health Federation
15 minutes. A very brief and clear explication of what the WHO was trying to do, in cahoots with the EU, G20, UN, World Bank and USG, which is what they still want to accomplish. First Cable Anchor to Report on Spike Protein as Pathogenic Agent: Long COVID/Long Vax–The Metrodora Institute Interview
Lots and lots and lots of pictures of chemtrails crisscrossing skies: Carbon is Not the Enemy. End Chemtrails!
Look in the Sky and Notice the Harm Being Done. Ask questions. Demand Answers 13, 2025 at 6:19 pm #179231John Day
Sigh: Image won’t takeJanuary 13, 2025 at 6:35 pm #179232John Day
ParticipantQuoth Dr. D, wondering how various Americans may understand “The Bible”…
“Day is in Texas and I think someone in FL and CA, so they might fill in their streetside impressions.”I am sorry to say that I could not convince my co-grandfather at our grandson’s first birthday party that, as I tried to put it, “God is not an asshole”. He, and his wife, who did not come because of her knowledge of my stance that Israeli genocide is an abomination, against the will of the “Loving Father” cast themselves as “Believing God’s word” as they understand it to be presented in “the Bible”. He did present the usual uncritical generalities, and asked for clarification to my statement that “God is not an asshole”, to which I explained that “right is right, and wrong is wrong, and killing babies and families in a genocide is wrong”. He looked puzzled, professed not to judge God, and I entreated him to inquire of God in his heart about this, pointing out that “The Loving Father” taught by Jesus was different from the “god” that told the Israelites to slay all the Midianites and even their livestock,
“Not the same god”, I asserted in closing, to which he looked very perplexed and protested a bit.
Before that we had long and pleasant conversations about trivial and family matters.January 13, 2025 at 6:48 pm #179233John Day
ParticipantJanuary 13, 2025 at 6:55 pm #179234tboc
ParticipantDr. D Rich – “Ahhhh……..shit”
“The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” ~ multiple sources
you sir have greater discipline than i. The string of expletives i assembled should not be publishedJanuary 13, 2025 at 7:21 pm #179235zerosum
ParticipantJohn Day
Great pictures/video of prepositioned accumulated assets ready to fight fires.
Were these pictures taken before, during or after the properties were destroyed?January 13, 2025 at 7:29 pm #179236Oroboros
ParticipantA Horse of a Different Color
January 13, 2025 at 7:43 pm #179237Oroboros
Participant“I long for the opportunity to see the actions of these individuals.”
I agree.
They couldn’t possibly be worst than Pedo Jo-jo’s “House of Horrors” like Garland and Blinken et Al
Anyone who disagrees hasn’t been paying attention the last four years.
You know who you are.
Stop acting like a “Sub-Adults” thinking the choices have to be ‘perfect’.
There are no ‘perfect’ nominees anymore than there are “perfect” solutions.
You sound like spoiled children.
January 13, 2025 at 7:48 pm #179238Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 13, 2025 at 7:49 pm #179239Oroboros
ParticipantHard to Do Worse
January 13, 2025 at 7:59 pm #179240Oroboros
ParticipantTulsi is Way, Way, Way better than the Governor of Californicate
January 13, 2025 at 8:09 pm #179241Oroboros
ParticipantPeople who don’t think Tulsi is up for the job LOVE this guy and would suck his toes
“FBI Director Christopher Wray (Traitor, Pedophile Body Guard) says China has Sleeper Cells all over the United States — Strategically Positioned around Critical Infrastructure, lying in wait to Wreak Havoc”
He says the Chinese have already embedded malware in Americas water treatment facilities, transportation systems, electric grids, and gas pipelines, and telecommunications systems…
MY THOUGHTS:While I do not see China as an ally, I still cannot bring myself to believe that our own government has nothing to do with this..
He just figuring this out now? Come on… lol
He’s been FBI Director for how long? And nothing has been done about it…
I’ve been saying since the invasion of our borders began.. Within the migration, there is likely another kind of shadow migration.
There are sleeper cells in America. Waiting for their orders…
Trump can’t come fast enough.
Advise for FBI Director Christopher Wray (Traitor, Pedophile Body Guard)
January 13, 2025 at 8:12 pm #179242Oroboros
ParticipantThe fires were set intentionally.
Wakethefuckup Duh’merica
A Preview of coming AttractionsFirst Maui, then LA
Coming to a neighborhood NEAR YOU real soon.
January 13, 2025 at 8:13 pm #179243WES
ParticipantFor Now, The Bond And Stock Markets Have Both Agreed, To Disagree:
The bond market is more than 10 times the size of the stock market.
The bond market is smarter than the stock market.Mis and Dis – Informatiin (Facts and Fiction):
Since September 2024 the market’s long term interest rates have steadily increased.
(Inversely bond prices fall, when interest rates rise.)
The stock market has been pushing the meme of the Fed cutting future interest rates.
Somebody is still smoking hopeium!We are here!
January 2025.
You decide what is going to happen from here!As Clear As Mud!:
In September 2024, the Fed cut “it’s” interest rates in an effort to jawbone the market’s interest rates lower, to try and reduce US government interest rate charges.
This Fed lowering of “it’s” interest rates had always worked before to lower the market’s interest rates.But in September 2024, the Fed’s jawboning suddenly stopped working!
The market not only refused to lower it’s interest rates, but instead started raising them!
In December 2024, the undaunted Fed, lowered “it’s” interest rate once again!
Again, the market’s response was to increase it’s interest rates some more!So What Is The Fed To Do?:
The Fed only knows how to do one thing, and one thing only!
Print Money!
Then Print More Money!
Then Print Even More Money!The Fed is already buying many of the US government’s bonds, via Belgium.
To lower US government borrowing costs, going forward, the Fed will need to start buying even more or all of the new US government issued bonds.Now, make no mistake, this is only about lowering US government’s borrowing costs!
This is not about lowering your borrowing costs!
Your borrowing costs will need to rise, to pay for the US government’s lower borrowing costs!
We know this Fed speak as “quantitative easing”. or QE for short!
We know it as increasing inflation!P.S. There is no gold in Fort Knotts!
That is why the US government had to hire more guards!
To keep you believing, that the gold is still there!As for the US’s gold reserves still buried in the ground …………………….. .
January 13, 2025 at 8:15 pm #179244Oroboros
ParticipantBurn Down DUH’MERICA
It will be easy in the country masquerading as a country.
LA fires are a Proof of Concept.
Works like a CHARM
January 13, 2025 at 8:41 pm #179245WES
ParticipantYosemite Sam:
Please, has anybody seen Yosemite Sam, “the rooting, tooting, toughest cowboy, this side of the great divide,” lately?
He knows everything there is to know, about gold carrots!
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