Debt Rattle January 13 2025
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- This topic has 67 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 4 weeks ago by
D Benton Smith.
January 13, 2025 at 8:55 pm #179246
D Benton Smith
ParticipantAlthough adherents of the pagan deity Pachamama don’t practice human sacrifice as part of their worship now in the “modern” age (at least not openly that I know of) they still do practice animal sacrifice including the ritual killing and burning of birds, sheep and lamas. The human sacrifice part of it now (allegedly) consists of the symbolic burning of clothing.
I feel so relieved that their pagan blood rituals now involve 20% less blood.
January 13, 2025 at 9:02 pm #179247jb-hb
ParticipantGod is not an asshole
Theopsychology – The attempt to deduce the personality and moral princiles of a God, or an ordered cosmos, b observing the events and beings that God or order create.
Look at everything from tooth decay to senility to schizophrenia to children being born only to die of starvation. God ISN’T an asshole? God hissed through the vents at Auschwitz. He IS – by our standards and from our perspective.
There’s no question on that score. The question is, what does it MEAN?
Playing Hearts of Iron, I’d sometimes choose to play Czechoslovakia. KNOWING I was doomed. Fight the good fight, hold of Germany for as long as possible, see what kind of noble last stand I can make.
Or in Sid Meirs’ Civilzation, put every setting on the hardest one and then fight tooth and nail against hordes of jet airplanes and tanks with your chariots and phalanxes.
Maybe it is a serious game that you play for keeps and any waiving or softening cheapens the activity?
But it is totally fitting for the Old Testament God to be doing all the stuff he does, surely.
January 13, 2025 at 9:38 pm #179253WES
ParticipantWe Need To Stop Meeting Like This!
Does anybody else suffer from this problem?
Whenever, I just start peeing, or just start sitting on the throne, to do God’s business, my Wife always suddenly shows up, needing to go pee or poo really, really, badly, and can’t wait, until I am finished my business!
It isn’t like my Wife can always hear me everytime I enter the bathroom, as she is pretty deaf and rarely wears her hearing aids inside the house!
She certainly doesn’t see me eveytime I enter the bathroom either!”There must exist some kind of hidden synchronization force that now afficts me!
This force even follows me to the cottage, too!I thought maybe this is covered in the wee fine print in our marriage contract, but my eyes are too blind to find the marriage contract, never mind to read it!
So that isn’t a viable option to explore, to find out the cause of me always meeting my Wife in the bathroom.While I am thinking about it, this brings up another pet peeve of mine!
Why is it, that my Wife always insists upon trying to start a conversation with me, without her hearing aids on?
It isn’t like I know how to sign language!
I don’t, and couldn’t see well enough to see anybody signing, anyway!
The reason has gotta be in the marriage contract, somewhere!January 13, 2025 at 9:57 pm #179254my parents said know
ParticipantIt’s dykes that hold the water back
If flooding ain’t the issue;
And naught can hold the crying back-
With tears, you need a tissue.It’s reservoirs that you require
When living in the tinders.
Aquarius will fill your needs:
Or live among the cinders.January 13, 2025 at 10:01 pm #179255my parents said know
ParticipantI probably should have spelled it “dike”. (Sheepish smile).
January 13, 2025 at 10:19 pm #179256jb-hb
ParticipantThe wife will up and start talking to me from ANY ROOM IN THE HOME no matter where I am. Without yelling to account for whatever distance I may or may not be at. I never do this. I come into the room and talk, usually after making eye contact.
The wife will be out of the kitchen all day. I get in there to clean, make us dinner, make myself something for the week — she comes in with something to do or nothing to do and unerringly and continually stands in the next place I need to be standing. I cannot tell you how many people I’ve known over the years that were able to hang out in the Kitchen without activating the world’s most advanced and accurate A2/AD defenses. ALL of them, though.
She’s always insisted on 2-bathroom dwellings, so toilet-synergy hasn’t come up yet.
She knows I need glasses to see fine detail at a 0-3 feet distance, nevertheless always, when sharing something, holds her phone up 1′ from my face “Look at this!” and follows, to maintain that distance, when I back up.
January 13, 2025 at 10:39 pm #179257Dr D Rich
ParticipantWhen I was 6, I told my Dad those words don’t have to offend and those who take offense are uniformly putting on an act.
Join the Navy and learn to swear.
Play sports and you have swear.Anyhow, I’m trying to wrap my mind around the recommendation to give Tulsi Gabbard a chance.
And I arrive at the folksy place where Tulsi is a genuine talent just unfairly overlooked through a couple decades or less since she’s not that old.Then I come to this position.
There’s no way I’d advise participating in that projection.January 13, 2025 at 10:49 pm #179258those darned kids
ParticipantThere are no ‘perfect’ nominees anymore than there are “perfect” solutions.
You sound like spoiled children.
i refuse to support war criminals.
i’d rather be a spoiled child than complicit in the decapitation of toddlers.
January 13, 2025 at 11:13 pm #179259tboc
ParticipantDr. D here on the Emerald Coast I have spoken with those who believe the Bible was used as a study guide during the time the Epistles were written. No knowledge of Nicaea.
There is for the most part no knowledge of the different styles, writers or the dating of texts using linguistics for understanding the individual books even less the Torah as a whole.
Knowledge of The 95 Theses (Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences) nonexistant.
The more “Old Testament” a sect becomes the more Calvinistic.I see a graph of more knowledge less knowledge subsets along a time axis.One subset maintains a larger base of points, though the distrubution appears to be probablistic. The smaller subset appears to be more deterministic. The plots are not parallel.
appears to be probablistic.= no one knows how or why any point is placed – (although not random)
January 13, 2025 at 11:14 pm #179260tboc
Participantknowing more than a medieval scholar is a fairly low bar
January 14, 2025 at 12:12 am #179261those darned kids
ParticipantJanuary 14, 2025 at 12:26 am #179262jb-hb
ParticipantThe main challenge in a parallel seawater firefighting system will be getting the piping right
January 14, 2025 at 12:36 am #179263my parents said know
ParticipantYou have to respect my identity!
In my every deed, it’s reflected!
But if you point out my identity,
I will secretly have you inspected.January 14, 2025 at 12:40 am #179264WES
ParticipantBeing Drawn And Quartered:
“Drawn and quartered” is a common expression we frequently use.
But what really happened to people, who were actually “Drawn and Quartered”?
You know, like in the illustration!
Your arms and legs tied to 4 horses that then stretched and then tore your body to pieces!
Giving true meaning to the expression, to be “Drawn And Quartered”!Well, this didn’t happen in England, but the French were still rather fond of drawing and quartering people!
Instead, English Law sentenced people to be Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered, instead!
How nice of them!However, being Hanged, wasn’t quite the type of hanging you are used too!
Instead, they put a rope noose around your neck, than hoisted your body and feet off of the ground, in order to to restrict the air flow to your lungs.The amount of time people were left hanging, varied, but they certainly were not trying to kill you outright!
Killing you by hanging, would completely defeat the “Drawn and Quartering” parts of the sentence!
They only wanted you half dead, so you could still enjoy the humiliating public drawning!
Again. the “Drawn” part, didn’t quite mean what you might have thought it did!
You know the exciting part, with the 4 horses!
Nope, you only got to be pulled by one horse!.Instead, after hanging until half dead, you were then unhung, before being tied to a horse drawn sled!
If you were lucky, you also had some company on the sled!
Still, it was a rather rough and uncomfortable ride over the ground, none-the-less.Then you were dragged for miles, to be publically humiliated before reaching your final place of death.
People could throw stuff at you, to voice their displeasure!Then once you reached the place for your death, the Quartering part of your sentance occurred.
Hopefully by this time, if you were lucky, you were more dead than alive.Here your head was usually cut off and displayed to the crowd before being stuck upon top of a pike for further disply and viewing.
Then most likely your prives were cut off, along with your heart, and thrown into a fire, to be burnt.
The symbolism was very strong here!
“May your soul burn in hell!”
Then you were disembowelled and your intestines pulled out!Oh, yes, I almost forgot!
That fire wasn’t solely to burn your organs and soul!
It was also to better burn and torture you, while you were still alive!
It was very useful for heating up iron pokers and melting lead!
Lots of pain inflicted here!If you were exceptionly unlucky, they first cut your prives off and threw them into the fire, then disembowelled you by pulling your intestines out and then throwing them into the fire too, just to inflict a little additional extra pain, all while you were still sort of alive!
After doing all that, and more, then they cut your heart out and threw it into the fire to burn,too.
So now, finally you are dead, and suffer no more pain.Now your dead body was finally cut up into quarters, finishing the Quartering part of the sentance.
Now, your body could be more wìdely shown, in 4 different places at once, as a warning.Congratulations, you have just successfully completed your lawful, but very gruesome, sentance, to be “Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered”, English style!
I only set out to see what it was like to be “Drawn And Quartered”.
Sadly, that curiosity will have to wait for another day.If you were a woman, they spared you from being Hanged, Drawn, andcQuarted by burning you at tge stake!
January 14, 2025 at 12:42 am #179265zerosum
ParticipantHow does insurance work.
Irregardless of the actual value.Life insurance. You die, policy pays the amount you paid for in your policy.
Disability insurance. The policy pays the amount you paid for in your policy.
Auto insurance. Total wreck, policy pay the amount you paid for in your policy.House insurance. House destroyed, battle to get paid the amount you paid for in your policy.
Content replacement insurance. Prove it, battle to get paid the amount you paid for in your policy.January 14, 2025 at 1:03 am #179266John Day
Participant@zerosum: Those were just chemtrails coming from the planes, not fire retardant, except for that one big plane at the link:
@jb-hb: I was making a point in an attempt to be persuasive when I said that “God is not an asshole”. Your points about existence are appreciated.
“The nature of life is suffering”, said the Buddha.
“Different gods” in the old testament and new testament was my closing assertion…On my bike ride/meditation, it occurred to me that only state-based religions advise their followers to commit genocide, as in “slay the Midianites”, and “the only good commie is a dead commie”, etc.
January 14, 2025 at 1:15 am #179267zerosum
ParticipantHouse Republicans Weigh Sweeping $5.7 Trillion In Spending Cuts To Fund Trump’s Domestic Agenda
January 14, 2025 at 1:20 am #179268zerosum
January 14, 2025 at 1:46 am #179269John Day
ParticipantPolice Came for An English Father As His Child Was Being Abused
Reporter: They were watching this flat where your daughter’s being abused. They weren’t going in to save her, but they did go in to arrest you twice.
Father: Yeah. They arrested me a second time, took me down [to] a police station, kept me in there. About an hour and [a] half later – they didn’t put me in a cell. They put me in a room. They took me out of the room; they took me through the police station into the front bit where the public go to report crimes. Took me outside and said, right, go home because if you go back to the flat, we’re going to arrest you for stalking, and I don’t know if you know or not, but there’s [sic] serious new stalking laws coming, and we’re going to arrest you for stalking the occupants of that house.
January 14, 2025 at 1:56 am #179270WES
For Trump, cutting both the Ukrainian and Israeli war expenses, would greatly help him on the domestic front.
However, on the Ukrainian war, the US has only just started trying to accepted that the Russians can’t be driven out of their current positions!
The CIA is still running this war.
Notice now there is no hurry to send aid to Ukraine.
Sadly, a rather long road to travel before reaching current realities.jb – hb:
My Wife will shove her phone in my face, even though I can’t read the tiny screen very well!
Just has to show me!As for when I am working in the Kitchen, whether making breakfast, lunch, supper, or a snack, I am always in my Wife’s way, no matter where in the kitchen, I stand!
I often have to retreat to my kitchen office chair, where I read my tablet, until she finally leaves the Kitchen, before resumming my cooking/cleaning efforts!
My Wife doesn’t cook, period!
I do all the grocery shopping too!January 14, 2025 at 2:06 am #179271John Day
ParticipantWildfires in LA shift and head toward neighborhood of Kamala Harris
Wildfires in LA shift and head toward neighborhood of Kamala Harris
January 14, 2025 at 2:18 am #179272WES
ParticipantYes, may Kamala be unburdened by what was.
May her house insurance be cancelled!
Watch the US military step in!January 14, 2025 at 3:01 am #179273zerosum
Special counsel David Weiss defends investigations as ‘impartial’ in final report on Hunter Biden probesBy Lucien Bruggeman, Alexander Mallin, Pierre Thomas, and Olivia Rubin
January 13, 2025, 5:28 PMWeiss’ report — 27 pages in length plus hundreds of pages of public filings — caps a yearslong and politically fraught probe that remained a source of seemingly endless fodder for President Biden’s political opponents in Congress and elsewhere.
Weiss’ prosecutors examined Hunter Biden’s years of drug and alcohol abuse, his controversial foreign business dealings, and his procurement of a gun in 2018.
Read the special counsel’s final report on Hunter Biden
The Justice Department has released special counsel David Weiss’ findings on the president’s son, who received a pardon in December.Jan. 13, 2025, 3:25 PM PST
By Shawn Cox
Report on the Investigation Into the
Criminal Conduct of Robert Hunter Biden
Special Counsel David C. Weiss
Submitted Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 600.8(c)
Wilmington, D.E.
January 2025
————–January 14, 2025 at 3:33 am #179274D Benton Smith
The wife will up and start talking to me from ANY ROOM IN THE HOME no matter where I am. Without yelling to account for whatever distance I may or may not be at. I never do this. I come into the room and talk, usually after making eye contact.
Your wife is testing two things that she really cares about. Firstly, she is testing whether you are paying enough attention to her, and secondly she is testing whether you care enough about her enough to drop whatever you were wasting your time on and start doing what really matters.
Do not fail either test.
And by the way, good on you for the way you initiate communication with her (going to the room she’s in, making eye contact, etc.) when it’s your needs that you are attending to. That’s what is expected and just part of your job, too. Partnership is a demanding and work intensive contract. Doing all of those things is just holding up your end of it.
January 14, 2025 at 4:05 am #179275jb-hb
ParticipantGod being inconsistent and changing his mind several thousand years into recorded human history (that we know of) is ITSELF a story – inside of a book filled with disjointed stories.
Since a lot of the stories are a bit disjointed, the big overarching story seeming – I’d argue BEING – inconsistent are no great concern if you’ve already bought into things being a mess and that being ok. Since life itself is a mess, perhaps the bible being a mess kind of works, in a way.
God’s son being born of a virgin around 12/24, dying for humanity mostly by being nailed to something, descending to hell for 3 days, and being resurrected triumphant is the greatest story ever told, and it should be no surprise it made its way into the Bible. “We’ve got the best stories. Believe me. Believe me.”
Take God telling Isaac to sacrifice his son. What would I do? What would I do if he told me to sacrifice some random stranger, not even my kin? “Sir I do not approve the content on your channel. Murder is wrong. I will recommend against you to my friends and associates. Unsubscribe.”
But the STORY OF of Isaac IS spiritually rich, wholesome, moral. (from someone else’s non atheist perspective.) An environment in which human sacrifice is still quasi-customary, an otherwise asshole god working out a better deal, the underlying symbolism as to why. THE UNIVERSE exacts human sacrifice, so the symbolism should be fairly easy to extrapolate if one does not insist on literalness.
Pretty much every story is like that – it is true and moral, so long as you understand it as a tale like Lord of the Rings – instructive, meaningful.
Obviously if you take it literally, God is an asshole. And obviously, he IS. The whirlwind saying to Job “I yam what I yam.” Implacable, irresistible, deeply horrifying. That’s REALITY. No other God makes SENSE for this reality. (I am ready to give a non implacable non merciless reality a try, of course – the demand exceeds the supply)
Jews and Christians certainly have no monopoly on this. The discipline of Psychology didn’t discover much new that wasn’t already taught through Greek myths. Psychology even gave up and lifted all the Greek names and symbolism. Fine, Greek Mythology. We give up. You knew everything already.
If Zen or Tao holds deep mystical meaning, wholesome and nurturing etc, (while IMHO being claptrap) I fail to see why we should scoff at Christianity (also claptrap) when surely it has just as deep good wholesome everything as the others. Is JRR Tolkien a monster because of what Orcs and Mordor do to Gondor and Rohan?
I’m working on getting my Atheists for Jesus tshirt screen printed and up on Zazzle. Should be able to quit my new job and stop working all this mandatory overtime. I typed this while working overtime. The call center is paying me time and a half plus 15% shift diff to write stupid things on TAE. Fools!
January 14, 2025 at 4:30 am #179276D Benton Smith
In reading your gripe list against God I could not help but notice that all of the complaints you have are about human shortcomings, not divine error or arbitrary changes. Giving humans free will comes with certain unavoidable risks, including the risk that selfish humans would misrepresent the lessons, advices, revelations of Truth, and so on. The Bible was written by people, many of whom exercised their free will in a manner calculated to give them undue advantages over other humans. Assigning those crimes to God is a bum rap.
Religions are a map, not a destination, and maps can be screwed with (and usually are.) Here’s a rule of thumb that won’t steer you wrong : if something is truly good and beneficial then it is Godly, If something is false, stupid or evil (almost interchangeable concepts) then it’s NOT Godly.
Before you spend a lot of time, money and materials on the massive print job ask yourself where all that “stuff” came from in the first place. Do you think it just spontaneously popped up out of some “quantum foam” and started working together perfectly to make a Universe that runs better than a Swiss watch? If so, then where did the fucking quantum foam come from?
C’mon, man, you KNOW that there is a Creator, and that by definition that “Maker” is divine. Your biggest gripe is that you don’t know much about Him. So find out. You’re a smart man. Quit your damn whining and find out!
January 14, 2025 at 4:59 am #179277WES
ParticipantI don’t talk about religion much but today the Bible keeps perking to the surface.
My Father was very religious, so I was raised going to church every Sunday.
Yeah, I learned about the old and new testaments, two very different books, for sure.
Judging by the way the old testament was written, what is currently happening in Gaza, is no surprise.
It is about what you would expect of anyone cherry picking their way through the old testaments.I prefer the new testaments, if I had to chose between the two books.
But color me cynical about organized religions, in general.
I guess I have seen too much of the world.
And I don’t like to be controlled or told what to do, either.As a result, my 2 children never went to Church growing up, so religion is a foreign concept for them.
January 14, 2025 at 10:53 am #179289D Benton Smith
ParticipantWES makes a good point about the Bible popping up a lot these days, in places where you might least expect it, by people from whom you would expect it even less. I mean, like literally, a professional career Bible scholar on Joe Rogan? How about Tucker Carlson, Sean Ryan and Alex friggin’ Jones.
And that consequently their listenership stats go UP, not down.
If I was a statistician, atheist or otherwise, I believe that might give me pause
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