Debt Rattle January 19 2023


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  • #126587

    Brian at the New Atlas delivers major gold plated butthurt to Ukronaziland fan boys

    US-NATO Prepare Escalation in Desperate Bid to Turn the Tide (again) in Ukraine

    Take Nazilensky apart like a cheap suit.


    the video posting here is dead or near dead



    Zelensky is obviously dragging out the war in order to keep his get-rich-quick scheme at full steam. Having sold his country to the USA, pretended to discard Kolomoyski his mentor, he is now reaping the benefits. Ironically, this is also beneficial to Russia as its economy is doing very well, finding a new tranche of customers, expanding throughout the non-western world. With the latest contributions to FTX and the Democrats, the circle of theft is complete, with “feedback” to keep the politicians sending more weapons to be sold on the black market.


    I believe that Natali Morris at Redacted has it wrong:

    I believe The Scorpion’s near-sobbing in its resignation speech was just another example of quite good acting, something The Scorpion has been noted for since it first appeared on the Airstrip Five political scene and started lying about everything is such a way it was able to con a large portion of the populace into believing the lies -as per the earlier TAE comment referring to Con Artists.

    Any celebration of the demise of The Scorpion is almost certainly premature and unwise, since the next scorpion is undoubtedly already primed for the position of Primed Minister and will be announced at the end of the 2023 parliamentary term -parliament being the place where there is no actual parleying, just fake ‘debates’ akin to ‘professional wresting’…you know, “I stand here and you do a move on me, and then you stand there and I do a move on you.”

    Here is the most likely candidate to be the next Primed Minister of Airstrip Five, The Soap Man (slippery-as-a-bar-of-soap) and ex-head of Air NZ, one of the most corrupt corporations in this sector of Oceania.

    A complete implosion of LINO (Labour In Name Only) over the coming weeks/months could well bring forward the installation of SAABOS, Slippery-As-A-Bar-Of-Soap.

    SAABOS even has fake work overalls to match the Clown of Kiev’s fake military kit.

    WEF rulz, until it don’t, okay!



    Considering what ww2 did for the industrial base of the US, pressuring Russia seems to be having the same effect.

    I don’t want to live in Camazotz.
    I don’t want a nanny state regime.
    I don’t want a world that’s run by bots.
    Cast me from your eden: let me dream.


    AFWKTT #126590

    Very good!
    If they’re all for retaining the LINO brigade in power, don’t forget Mr Hipkins, former health minister who supervised the rollout, and now minister for police. Remember how he
    threatened roving vaxx enforcement vans, saying ‘we’re coming to get you.’ However we understand he’s not very popular. There again, when has that ever stopped them?


    Helen Clark believes we should all be nicer about Ardern, her protege. She believes that polarisation is the cause of the bad paople criticising Ardern, polarisation caused by people such as the unvaxed not obeying the leadership Helen Clark is a piece of work, now working for the global government in the UN. She is blaming the people for the polarisation, not all the people, only the people who do not agree with the government, it is their fault that there is polarization and Ardern is going to make their lives a misery. She is complaining about a lack of plurality of views while censoring opposing views to enforce the singularity of the one acceptable view, the government’s view. Where have I heard this before? That NYT publisher guy, the entitled grandson of the Jewish guy who was the NYT publisher. The guy who has never done a day’s work in his life. Helen Clark and that Sulzberger are just completely detached from reality, they are stupid fuckers promoted to a position of incompetence.


    AFKTT said

    … parliament being the place where there is no actual parleying, just fake ‘debates’ akin to ‘professional wresting’…you know, “I stand here and you do a move on me, and then you stand there and I do a move on you.”

    Great analogy.


    By the way, clarification for those who do not know:

    ‘Here is the most likely candidate to be the next Primed Minister of Airstrip Five, The Soap Man (slippery-as-a-bar-of-soap) and ex-head of Air NZ, one of the most corrupt corporations in this sector of Oceania.

    A complete implosion of LINO (Labour In Name Only) over the coming weeks/months could well bring forward the installation of SAABOS, Slippery-As-A-Bar-Of-Soap.

    SAABOS even has fake work overalls to match the Clown of Kiev’s fake military kit.’

    Air NZ flew a plane load of passengers straight into a mountain on Antarctica, killing them all, plus the air crew. Air NZ spend the next two years attempting to avoid responsibility, and when an enquiry of sorts finally got underway to investigate the incompetence and general pack of planning or accountability, everything senior Air NZ management said was described as a litany of lies.

    So, as ex-head of that utterly corrupt corporation, Slippery-As-A-Bar-Of-Soap SAABOS is well qualified to become Airstrip Five’s next [WEF] Primed Minister.

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