Debt Rattle January 24 2021
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- This topic has 21 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by
V. Arnold.
January 24, 2021 at 10:19 am #68783
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterAmedeo Modigliani Elvira Resting at a Table 1919 • EU Vaccine Delays Dog Effort To Speed Up COVID Inoculations (EN) • Delaying Second Dose Of V
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 24 2021]January 24, 2021 at 11:56 am #68784a kullervo
ParticipantBezos against mail-in votes, health “authorities” making political decisions…
De-humanise yourself
as the endgame?January 24, 2021 at 1:51 pm #68785Dr. D
ParticipantScience: never to be seen again.
Am I the only one who has any sense, or a 10-day memory here?
Okay, first: retraction. Due to the total lack of science, or at least reporting on it, I’m going to give in to the new, changing definition of “vaccine” as something that broadly prevents a disease. Along with that, and lacking science, I’ll backtrack on the accusation that it isn’t a vaccine since it only reduces the severity. ALL vaccines only reduce the severity, as obviously your body encounters the pathogen but the important part is that it recognizes and eliminates it immediately. I still believe the gist is correct, you still “get” Covid as much as anyone, but since that’s the common cold, what does that even mean? We would need a hierarchy of symptom reduction, how much and what. Since there’s no science, no one reports that.
However: the Pfizer vaccine is a mRNA injection – external to the nuclei – that sparks the body into recognizing the spike protein characteristic of COVID, but SARS, and other coronaviruses. Got it? That’s what’s been reported for MONTHS.
So….somebody want to tell me how on earth a new strain of Covid can evade a basic function of its existence? Protein existence and shape?
If it can, IT’S NOT COVID. It’s another common cold. Or at least another disease altogether, by definition. And thus, as they’ve made me say ten-thousand times, “We can never end the lockdown until we cure death itself.” Until all diseases, of all names and types, are cured.
But we’ve come a long way on that. Influenza has been cured and completely erased. As has pneumonia. Also heart disease and a number of others. We’ve also cured common sense, prosperity, human rights, and science. We won’t have them bothering us any more! Because Covid isn’t Covid and a spike protein isn’t a spike protein.
Put another way: the total failure of our vaccine isn’t our fault! It’s still 110% effective, just like our lack of research + sale department says. You must have got an exact same DIFFERENT virus, that’s the ticket!
Words have meanings. And consequences. Except to lying liars who lie like this.
And they are lying. First, Israel shows the vaccine doesn’t work. Hardly at all. Second, it kills a huge number of people very quickly and handily, either by instant death, or by “getting Covid” which still seems impossible. But since it doesn’t work, it will soon DEFINITELY kill more people because they will think they have some or any immunity and they won’t, and will be less careful in hospitals or with friends. …So they’ll claim it’s something new and different nobody coulda knewd. Because it’s not my fault I lied. If you trusted me, it’s your fault. Clearly you’re an idiot.
“By no longer recommending against ivermectin use,”
What was that about lying killing people? We didn’t know why they when bats**t against HCQ eariler. It was for legal reasons: IF there was any therapy whatsoever, they couldn’t use the world’s population as a vaccine guinea pigs to their sudden death. …And quite likely their lingering death later on (more to come). Now that vaccines have adequate traction, they don’t care, they got out of the barn. If cases drop (as they’re already arranging Election +1 with PCR under 30) then the vaccine fixed it! Every use of Ivermectin is a vaccine win. So why would they care now? We just needed to endure the carpet-bombing of their lies to popup later and use the actual, non-lethal cure.
“the $1,400 stimulus payments he requested could take months, or never arrive.”
The new UBI: $600 a year. That’s NeoFeudalism.
Actually, that’s an insult to feudalism. Under feudalism, the Lords have responsibilities to the PEASANTS, who have 45 holidays and a 10% tax rate. They can NOT be evicted or turned off the land, and they’re more or less required to have a social service net. Under “Progressiveism” of Green New Deal NeoFeudalism, you get $600 a year and we pray to God you die. The more and the sooner the better. “They’d better get to it” — E. Scrooge.
Here’s the good part: The whole nation sees this now. It’s THEM, and US. And THEY are all ringfenced in 10 square miles, and control only a couple thousand people. All we have to do is stop, and ignore them, and they go away forever.
“Seattle Police and City Attorney Take Hardline Stance Against Antifa (PM)”
This is why from yesterday’s comments, it doesn’t matter that the “Patriots” are the new KKK to be ethnically cleansed. They’re not. You don’t have to name sides. Because the NeoLibs are every bit as hot to destroy and imprison all non-establishment people equally – as just discussed on CNN with not allowing Conservatives to speak anywhere, banning Fox from Cable providers, and de-programming anyone who doesn’t slavishly believe everything printed by CNN and MSNBC as “irrational conspiracy theories / hate speech”. As Jimmy Dore points out – for years – that means YOU, Leftists. They are anti-Russia then they are anti-communist, and PRO billionaire, war-mongering establishment. If you want a living wage, affordable health care for the people and no war, you are the direct enemy of the establishment. They’re coming for YOU, you boneheads, 10 seconds after they deplatform Patreon and Jones. You’re Next!
And here we go. 30 seconds after office, Biden has trampled the Unions, attacked the blacks, given women second-class status, unsafe in their own areas, re-launched WWIII in Syria, arrested the Left, unemployed 7,000 people a day, promised billions to foreign nations, and made America dependent on foreign oil. But we’re talking about the part where he’s shutting down and arresting all his own supporters, you dummies. Just like the Right said, who was fighting for YOUR right to free speech. And your right to defend yourselves, from Biden, with force of arms if necessary. We think you have a right to save yourselves, and to keep arguing with us later.
“Grantham Sees “Spectacular” Crash In “The Next Few Months” (ZH)”
Maybe. Hard to imagine how though. All financial instruments are totally disconnected from the economy. “It could be,” Michael Burry said, “That we are in a completely fraudulent system.” ALL collapsing, hyperinflationary stock markets go UP. Up, silly, like Zimbabwe, the greatest stock market on earth. THAT’S HOW THE RICH STEAL FROM THE POOR, because they have investments that keep up a little, and the poor do not. That’s why inflation, stimulus, raising minimum wage, always utterly ruins the poor. And why it’s done, since the poor don’t believe it. Because Conservatives tell them that this will happen and to save themselves, and they won’t.
“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.” – H. L. Mencken
So the rich are happy to give them what they want: death and utter annihilation, as everywhere else in Socialism and its direct equivalent, Fascism. Not my fault: I gave you what you want.
In any case, the worse the U.S. is, the better the Stock Market. …Until it isn’t. But that’s a couple twists ahead.
“a 30-year-old plan which will benefit a handful of billionaires”
Killin’ some folks. Happens 100x a day, everywhere they go, every time they act, but it’s all a complete accident. No matter how many hundred times they do it, or how many times they publish that this is their plan, method, and goal.
January 24, 2021 at 2:01 pm #68786Enginer
ParticipantSurely one of the greatest scandals of last year, if not of all time, are the attempts to withhold from the consuming publics information on Hydroxychloroquine (+ zinc) and Ivermectin.
Whether protecting profits of Big Pharma, or just OrangeManBad, the evidence shows that many thousands people dies unnecessarily.
Both Ivermectin and HCQ are considered as ionophores, compounds that facilitate replenishment of tissue zinc, consumed by the initial efforts of the bodies’ immune system to prevent replication of an attacking virus. Yet most studies of the Lancet article era totally ignored zinc or administered HCQ too late in the disease progression. Physicians supporting HCQ were adamant in recommending early treatment, supplemental zinc, and often the crucial Vitamin D3.
How do we know this is an avoidable tragedy? Look at India.
According to the latest WHO data, India has half the covid-19 cases, HALF the total deaths, and three times the population. But in September, cases were rising rapidly in both countries. The rapid fall off in India is attributed variously to herd immunity, and ready availability of Ivermectin and HCQ, often supplies by Governmental agencies.
Graphing the data is enough to curl your hair.January 24, 2021 at 3:15 pm #68787zerosum
Numerous international studies have shown that prophylactic and early treatment can significantly reduce the risk of severe or fatal covid-19
Treatment protocol
ProphylaxisZinc (25mg to 50mg per day)
Quercetin (250mg to 500mg per day)
Bromhexine (24mg to 36mg per day)*
Vitamin D (2000 IU per day)
Vitamin C (1000mg per day)
Early treatmentZinc (75mg to 150mg per day)
Quercetin (500mg to 1000mg per day)
Vitamins D (5000 u/d) and C (1000mg/d)
Bromhexine (50mg to 100mg per day)*
Aspirin (162mg to 325mg per day)*
Prescription onlyIvermectin (12mg per day for 2-5 days)*
High-dose vitamin D (up to 100,000 IU)
Hydroxychloroquine (400mg per day)*
Azithromycin (up to 500mg per day)
Prednisone (60mg to 80mg per day)*
• ‘Miraculous’ Ivermectin Approved For Use In The US For COVID-19 (LS)“Ivermectin is one of the world’s safest, cheapest and most widely available drugs,” explained Dr. Kory, President of the FLCCC Alliance. “The studies we presented to the NIH revealed high levels of statistical significance showing large magnitude benefit in transmission rates, need for hospitalization, and death. What’s more, the totality of trials data supporting ivermectin is without precedent.”
• Lancet Retracts Study That Claimed HCQ Is Ineffective (NF)
Compared to the significantly more expensive medications being used to treat the virus, hydroxychloroquine – a drug widely used to treat malaria – is relatively inexpensive and universally available. Hydroxychloroquine ranges in price from $0.30 to $6.63 per dose depending on location.
——–“Why can’t farmers put minimum prices on the crops we produce? A law must be brought to guarantee MSP [minimum support prices]. Whoever buys below MSP must be punished by law.”
modern monetary theory
FOLLOW JAPAN’S EXAMPLEJanuary 24, 2021 at 3:26 pm #68788zerosum
Klaus Schwab’s “Magic Money Tree” Prediction is Coming True
The fact that Schwab is being proven right on his “magic money tree” prediction leads one to wonder: what else will he be right about in the near future? Scary thought …
January 22, 2021
By Joseph JankowskiJanuary 24, 2021 at 4:09 pm #68789Mr. House
ParticipantSo when do we get the investigation into COVID like we did for Russiagate? It seems to me that holding back things that could have substantially reduced the death count is premeditated murder
January 24, 2021 at 4:10 pm #68790Mr. House
ParticipantAnd now we know how India and China, two countries with populations triple the size of the United State had less deaths. Well if we believe their statistics, but they wouldn’t lie, just like the medical industry in the good ole US of A wouldn’t lie
January 24, 2021 at 4:13 pm #68791Mr. House
ParticipantIsn’t this A$$hole a big supporter of Dems? I’m sure he was for mail in ballots when it was against trump
January 24, 2021 at 5:35 pm #68792Kimo
ParticipantThis interview is by a former Navy doctor, hypothesizing about warfare 5.0. The animal testing of vaccines have always failed, as animals are challenged with the virus after vaccination. I can not make out the rational at 22:00 minutes, can anyone help out with mechanics of the challenging virus being a Trojan Horse? It seem pivotal to our point in time.
January 24, 2021 at 5:38 pm #68793Kimo
Participant“testing of vaccines” er, that would be Corona Virus vaccines.
January 24, 2021 at 5:46 pm #68794Noirette
ParticipantDoc Robinson, prev. thread, about the normalisation of Florida eldery being jabbed … Yikes.
Germ and zerosum, I’m in CH and I missed that link (Swiss policy research round-up covid-meds), v. useful for sending round, thx.
Many heads of ‘State’ and celebs and ppl who should know better (probably do..) were photographed, filmed, being vaxxed (with what substance we don’t know..), normally it’s a med procedure, private, and not flashed. At first I was a bit surprised. Heh.
Imho, today, print or speech is not enough to convince, a striking / ‘testifying’ emblematic image is needed.
The propaganda works. —> Ppl identify with the ‘leaders’ and want to do / have the same, particularly if they, elderly or handicapped ppl, are ‘first in line’ for the vax so somehow ‘privileged’, head of the queue, more ‘worthy’ than others, a status they have not enjoyed in the last 10, 15, or more, years, if ever (handicapped), of their lives.
I see Arnold Schwarzenegger is on that bandwaggon now! Come with me if you want to live! he says, behind the wheel, wearing a mask. Whoo hoo! Is that ‘sponsoring’ for a fee or what?
link > vid at CNN
January 24, 2021 at 7:31 pm #68795Bishko
Participant“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
― H.L. Mencken
Anything that makes the Hobgoblin less terrifying will always be attacked with prejudice. Thus we have the studious ignoring or vilifying of HCQ, Zinc, Vit D, and especially Ivermectin.
January 24, 2021 at 8:01 pm #68796Dr D Rich
ParticipantAn update:
Was the Chairman Joint Chiefs Gen. Milley’s conduct insurrectionist?
There certainly was disagreement in pantheon of Army General leadership.
Case in point:, the 4-year long, Hillary Clinton-Nancy Pelosi-led insurrection met all the elements of a coup. The most important coup elements manifested were 1) the control of mass communications by the silencing of President Trump and 2) the US Military’s participation by the National Guard deployment in Washington DC and the Joint Chiefs politico-insurrectionist support of the HRC-Pelosi-led coup.
And the military participated in the coup to unseat the President of the United States.
General Mark Milley was explicit in his memorandum of January 13, 2021 declaring Joe Biden the president. The Chairman Joint Chiefs did indeed huddle with Insurrection-leader-Pelosi Speaker of the House. Nancy Pelosi and J. Robinette Biden definitely were not the Commander in Chief from January 13, 2021 until noon on January 20, 2021 and Mark Milley knew these facts as the controlling authority over his conduct and behavior.January 24, 2021 at 8:18 pm #68797zerosum
ParticipantTruth Teller are at TAE
“ignoring or vilifying of HCQ, Zinc, Vit D, and especially Ivermectin.”“The 4-year long, Hillary Clinton-Nancy Pelosi-led insurrection met all the elements of a coup.”
Don’t hold your breath.
Tell me again, how many people, theoretically, are needed to initiate change. Was the number less than 20%?
+ 74 million could not make changes and +48% of the voters.January 24, 2021 at 8:39 pm #68798Veracious Poet
ParticipantComing attractions ~ Globalist reset and the advent of transhumanism:
They will take your job. They will close your bank account and lock your cards. They will block you from buying or using guns/ammo for your own defense. They will deny you access to travel. They will force you to be vaccinated, but still wear a mask. They will kick you out of school. They will close your church. They will cut off your communications. They will ban you from the internet so that the entire world of information that was at your fingertips is gone. They will take away your children and place them in reeducation camps. They will put you in jail. In the end, they will kill you if they can. They will do all of these things, while calling you an oppressor. They will cry out in pain as they strike you.
You have no country. You have no rights. You own no property. Wages are for the chosen. If you’re eligable, you’ll be assigned to a grid to exist within. You will be told what to think. Submit to law enforicement/military Chekas – Resistance is futile.
This is the future, as of today.
We the Sheeple placidly acquiesced as powerless subjects to tyranny, even when faced with an external biothreat, herded into pens, placing toilet paper as top priority, then scurrying into lines in a wretched hope for injection with God knows what, to further enrich the lizard kings…
I no longer care, I just prepare.
Signing off,
A former american.
January 24, 2021 at 8:41 pm #68799Dr D Rich
ParticipantBehavioral studies repeatedly show Buy-in of only 5% of the population is required to psychologically inoculate a group/population to a movement or cult.
January 24, 2021 at 9:29 pm #68800zerosum
Participant“Behavioral studies repeatedly show Buy-in of only 5% of the population is required to psychologically inoculate a group/population to a movement or cult.”
Another theory bites the dust.
Has anyone seen Bernie Sander at the beach. 24, 2021 at 9:35 pm #68801Bill7
Participant‘The New Feudalism’, by Jeffrey A. Tucker:
“On February 28, the idea of locking down and smashing economies and human rights the world over was unthinkable to most of us but lustily imagined by intellectuals hoping to conduct a new social/political experiment. On that day, New York Times reporter Donald McNeil released a shocking article: To Take On the Coronavirus, Go Medieval on It.
He was serious. Most all governments – with few exceptions like Sweden and the Dakotas in the US – did exactly that. The result has been shocking. I’ve previously called it the new totalitarianism.
Another way to look at this, however, is that the lockdowns have created a new feudalism. The workers/peasants toil in the field, struggling for their own survival, unable to escape their plight, while privileged lords and ladies live off the labors of others and issue proclamations from the estate on the hill above it all..”
And the Vichy Left have been all-in on this war on the voiceless Many-
January 24, 2021 at 10:22 pm #68802zerosum
ParticipantI prefer the description of “warlord” society instead of trying to describe the same thing with a new expression.
‘The New Feudalism’, by Jeffrey A. Tucker:January 25, 2021 at 2:12 am #68803V. Arnold
‘The New Feudalism’, by Jeffrey A. Tucker:Interesting article. Thanks.
However, as a counter to this “New Feudalism” I think Dr. D nailed it:
The new UBI: $600 a year. That’s NeoFeudalism.Dr. D
Actually, that’s an insult to feudalism. Under feudalism, the Lords have responsibilities to the PEASANTS, who have 45 holidays and a 10% tax rate. They can NOT be evicted or turned off the land, and they’re more or less required to have a social service net. Under “Progressiveism” of Green New Deal NeoFeudalism, you get $600 a year and we pray to God you die. The more and the sooner the better. “They’d better get to it” — E. Scrooge.January 25, 2021 at 3:20 am #68804V. Arnold
I prefer the description of “warlord” society instead of trying to describe the same thing with a new expression.Yes, I can see why. Your link to wiki (below) fits pretty closely to the U.S. of today…
I’ve never witnessed the internal fracturing I’m seeing today.
But, either way, people are not being cared for, socially, medically, or in a just way by the courts, or the militarized police departments; they have long ago stopped serving the public good…Wiki:
A warlord is a leader able to exercise military, economic, and political control over a subnational territory within a sovereign state because of their ability to mobilize loyal armed forces. These armed forces, usually considered militias, are loyal to the warlord rather than to the general government. Warlords have existed throughout much of history, albeit in a variety of different capacities within the political, economic, and social structure of states or ungoverned territories. -
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