Debt Rattle January 30 2018


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    Horacio Coppola Obelisco, Buenos Aires 1936   • House Intel Votes To Make “Shocking” FISA Memo Public (ZH) • Trump Administration Holds Off On Ne
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 30 2018]

    V. Arnold

    Obelisks have been very important in human’s understanding of the planet they live upon.
    He, Eratosthenes, was the Director of the Great Library at Alexandria in 236 B.C.).
    This just goes to show how, in many ways, we’re less intelligent today than 2,254 years ago.
    He (and they) knew the earth was round; even earlier; bloody hell, there are flat earthers today!
    Over and out…

    Dr. D

    They’re still a little loopy as they try to lead back to order. Despite 50 or 100 years to the contrary, CONGRESS runs the United States. The Presider, the President, executes the will of CONGRESS. Not the other way ’round. Shocking, I know.

    Anyhoo, that’s the gist of Trump saying “You don’t need anything from me. You’re in charge. If you want the memo released, release it.” Congress, in standing with long tradition, instead abdicated power, handed the bomb to Trump and let him take the blame. Now they can claim it’s political, which they would anyway. I’m sure he’s not surprised.

    As point, the FBI requested a copy of this infamous memo and was shocked and appalled not to get one (since it isn’t released yet). You know what the committee said? “Hey blokes, YOU gave US the memo. It’s your info. Everything in it is information YOU, the FBI told US.” So maybe they should simply check their own internal and court records? Crazy! Appalling! How dare ye! How dare you report the reporting we reported officially to you? How political. ‘Round and round until people like us throw up.

    PS, apparently the “memo”, or actually the full 99-page FISA document was already released. Why? Because it’s official government paperwork that has to be posted, but the secret is to know what it means when you read it. So deep in arcane, vacuous bureau-speak no one understands (which is why they want the 4-page) you’ll be shocked to read that a) the administration went to the FISA court with nothing, bupkis. b) Said we’ve got “national security” emergency and a pretty face, can you authorize us with nothin’ and we’ll get back to you. c) Wiretapped not Trump Jr, not Trump Tower, but the fiber optic Trunc lines nationwide. d) Requested this coast-to-coast wiretapping by the NSA of all Americans everywhere e) to be used by 3rd-party outside contractors f) Promise honest injun we won’t look at anything and g) Returned to the court for a further extension after they still found nothing.

    If you’re extremely slow on the uptake of the 20 YEARS of continual, daily tramplings, this is all PERFECTLY LEGAL under the 2001 Patriot Act (I mean, apart from that Constitution thingy). Golly, you mean existing administrations would wiretap Senators on the thinnest premise — say a guy sold a dime bag on the same Trunc line — then blackmail them to get votes on critical legislation? No! Really??? Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. And still no one’s up to speed on this? I was shocked to find they still HAD a FISA court that still PRETENDED to need evidence, that was the real news to me.

    Anyway, now you see why they were so desperate to plant evidence — which had to be the Russians, or at least foreigners by the way — through their man Manafort (paid by HRC’s law firm) to get Papadopoulos (a literal nobody) to convince DJT to meet with Russians, any Russians, anywhere. And fast. To get back to the FISA court with somethin’, anything. So instead set up with Trump Jr to meet with an English friend of theirs, which turns out instead to be a Russian lawyer talking about adoption policy, who met with HRC people immediately after the meeting, and from a nobody banished to the hinterlands was suddenly meeting with the Obama ambassador for photo ops eight days after.

    Does any of this say “wiretapping the opposing candidates for political purposes” to you? You know, to “interfere with elections” and “undermine our Democracy”? Hey look: let the best man win, but you can’t do that. And also, IF you lose, you can’t just go overturn elections you don’t like. The essence, the core, the very foundation of Democracy, is that you hand over power to the other guy. Then you hit the streets, go out to the polls, and win it back. If you do ANYTHING other than that, it is in essence the end of Western Democracy as we know it, and will ultimately lead to a violent overthrow and civil war. Which, by the way, Deplorables in Flyoverland already assumed would happen to them.

    All of this provably happened, as a matter of public record. It is provably, demonstrably happening right now as a matter of public record. And I don’t even need subpoena power to show it. I don’t even need to go past the public media to show it. It’s all been reported, months ago, here and there. The problem is no one will believe it. And even so, like every other of the 100,000 felonies reported each year, (lookin’ at you Robosigning, Wells Fargo, MF Global) no one will do anything about it. Perhaps this is because “western Democracy” and the entire heritage of Western culture means nothing anymore if my party doesn’t win, this one time.

    My country (party), right or wrong. Though the heavens fall.

    Fiat justitia ruat cælum Or that other catchy phrase, Kyrie eleison


    “… no one will do anything about it.”

    Why are victims so passive?

    The victimes just stand around watching the bully pick out an individual and fear being next.


    “in many ways, we’re less intelligent today than 2,254 years ago.”

    I would have thought that pretty obvious. I can readily see it in my own family. My three kids are less intelligent than I was at their age. My Dad was more intelligent than me. My Granddad was smarter than my Dad. His own father was even smarter. 🙂

    Possibly my family is an exception, but anyone looking dispassionately at the data would come to the same conclusion. My great-grandad never went to university, but he is still spoken of with awe in the family. When he died at a great age, they found his notebook in his pocket. He kept his accounts in this notebook as he employed a great many people. The amount of cash he had on him corresponded precisely to the sum written in the notebook. In those days, everything was done for cash or credit.


    >> Despite 50 or 100 years to the contrary, CONGRESS runs the United States. The Presider, the President, executes the will of CONGRESS. Not the other way ’round. Shocking, I know.<<

    OK, that’s the propaganda, but are we going to delve deeper than the propaganda in order to try and really identify the ROOT CAUSE or are we going to believe the Big Lie and be **punked** right up until our last breath?

    The Money Power finances government, it finances the Major Media, it finances the Mega-Parties, it finances the Mega-Corporations, it finances politicians, and it finances the promotion of politicians.

    He who PAYS THE PIPER…

    Can you finish the sentence?


    “The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”
    ~Lord Acton

    “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”
    ~Napoleon Bonaparte

    “Let the American people go into their debt-funding schemes and banking systems, and from that hour their boasted independence will be a mere phantom.”
    ~William Pitt, (referring to the inauguration of the first National Bank in the United States under Alexander Hamilton).

    How To Be a Crook

    Poverty – Debt Is Not a Choice

    Renaissance 2.0 The Rise of [Debt-Money Monopolist] Financial Empire

    Debunking Money

    Krugman (and each MIT economist professor – THEY KNOW AND THEY OCCULT!) is a Goebbelsian propagandist as he covers the crimes of wolves with his fake sheep suit and lisp.

    Krugman to Lietaer: “Never touch the money system!”

    And It’s Gone

    “The brave man inattentive to his duty, is worth little more to his country, than the coward who deserts her in the hour of danger.”
    ~Andrew Jackson

    “A certain path to going completely mad is to learn as much as you can and then try to teach it to others while being committed to their learning it.”
    D503, Zerohedge Comment


    Dr. D that was a sweet rant. The world is just so disappointing. It’s why we stare at the stars or smoke a joint or meditate or whatever. Can’t we just lead simple little lives and give that others may live. Or at least share. Or at least not threaten violence to steal what is not really ours to have. And yes it really is just the international banking cartel. I mean usury means that you are forced to give back more than you took. And we are always taking something from someone or somewhere that we are giving back to the banks.

    It’s why I never had a chance to see the largest subtropical rainforest on the planet – that WAS the east coast of Australia. Because it was all cut down for sugar cane (which is why the barrier reef is dead – not warming) before I was born. And we are not talking trees hugging the sides of rock like the pockets that are left here and there – we are talking deep well drained volcanic soil with 1 and a half metres of rain a year. You know RAINFOREST. I just get Diabetes. Sugar. And Debt. Thanks for cutting down billions of trees for sugar cane. Thanks for making people wage slaves to pay back debt. I love how you can pay back money by extracting natural capital from earth. Go Basel!!

    Rant over

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