Debt Rattle January 9 2024
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- This topic has 75 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by
Dr D Rich.
January 9, 2024 at 9:56 am #150000
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterRené Magritte Youth 1924 • Ukraine Has Lost 500,000 Troops – Ex Prosecutor General (RT) • Ukraine May Resort to Printing Money if Western Cash
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 9 2024]January 9, 2024 at 10:52 am #150001aspnaz
ParticipantGood to be fat and unhealthy, bad to be unvaxxed and healthy. The delusion of the “caring” professions. They will help you to kill yourself, they will demonise you for trying to save yourself; they want you dead.
January 9, 2024 at 11:38 am #150002aspnaz
Participant“I love the culture of victimhood”
Calvin is a wannabe Jew.
January 9, 2024 at 11:57 am #150003aspnaz
ParticipantFirst time Gorilla mum kisses her baby son
Given modern technology, is there really any excuse to keep animals in concrete zoos? Tis video makes me sick, a gorilla surrounded in concrete; I would do it to humans, not to animals. Greens claim they care about animals, it is obvious that they only care about power. Where are the people pushing governments to eradicate zoos and set up natural environments where animals can be kept both in safety and in nature.
January 9, 2024 at 12:07 pm #150004aspnaz
ParticipantShe is amazing, like a solo orchestra
Wow, amazing, so good to see something creative, original and requiring genuine skill. She is not quite at the level of the best unique talents, such as Frank Zappa, but she has that spirit.
January 9, 2024 at 12:44 pm #150005Red
Criminal Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was allegedly killed in Kyiv on January 3 when Russian cruise missiles peltered a command bunker where Austin and Lieutenant General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, commander in chief of the Ukrainian Army, met secretly to discuss mounting an asymmetrical offensive to “bring Vladimir Putin to his knees,” claims a Russian FSB source known for providing invaluable intelligence and the truth behind Putin’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine.
FSB agent Andrei Zakharov’s tale, however, directly contradicts an administration narrative about Austin clandestinely hospitalizing himself for an unknown ailment at Walter Reed Hospital. Friday evening, a frenzied media went haywire after Politico ran an article about Austin admitting himself to the hospital and staying there an entire week without notifying his criminal in chief, pResident Joseph R. Biden. The report quickly spiraled into undreamt of drama that engulfed all levels of government, with several lawmakers calling for Austin to resign for poor judgment and lack of transparency at once. Austin’s unannounced absence has embarrassed a criminal regime struggling to stay afloat.
Zakharov refutes the hospital story because, he insists, Austin and a bevy of Ukrainian brass were tucked away in what they thought was a secure military command center 20 feet beneath the streets of Pecheskry District in central Kyiv.
Russian intelligence, he added, had marginal luck tracking Austin’s trips into and out of Ukraine since early 2023. Austin had spent so much time in Kyiv he ought to have applied for Ukrainian citizenship, Zakharov joked, adding that the secretive and self-admittedly reclusive Austin had traveled to Ukraine from Poland eight times in 2023.
In early November, a Spetznas “hunter-killer” team entered Kyiv undetected after learning that Austin had arrived in Ukraine to personally deliver fantastic news to Zelenskyy: the U.S. and U.K. had voted to give him even more free money and arms. The Spetznas had eyes on Austin and Zelenskyy and came close to killing them, but the team aborted the mission at the last moment due to unforeseen and unspecified complications.
Vladimir Putin, Zakharov said, had bestowed upon Austin the title of “war criminal.”
Putin, he added, delighted in Austin’s demise.
“We knew Austin was in Ukraine, and we discovered their rendezvous point. We also know the pig Zaluzhnyi, and he is killer of the women and the children, was to meet his lieutenants to learn them about new drone warfare. They were our intended targets. Austin was a bonus.”
Twenty cruise missiles, he said, destroyed surface buildings and collapsed a labyrinth of interconnecting chambers underground. A battle damage assessment revealed the strike had razed the structures and cratered what lay beneath. Only rubble remained.
“Nothing on this earth could survive what we sent. Yes, he is dead. He must be dead,” Zakharov said.
Real Raw News’ American sources in the White Hat community, while stopping short of dismissing Zakharov’s story as wishful thinking, said they want to see irrefutable proof of Austin’s death before scratching his name off their own “most wanted” list. However, they’ve called the official narrative a blatant lie, for if Austin had gone to Walter Reed, their sources would have taken notice and informed General Smith’s office.
“We don’t know if that Russian story is baloney or not. Our sources at Reed are unimpeachable and they say he was never there. And as far as your other question, Mike, we don’t have him. If I learn more and can share, I’ll let you know,” a source in the general’s office said.
January 9, 2024 at 12:50 pm #150006Red
ParticipantAnd then we have this making the rounds:
False flag? Civil war started pack? Perhaps somewhere around Oct/Nov. Election stopper? Who knows for sure what to believe?
Oh what a tangled we weave
When at first
We practice to deceiveJanuary 9, 2024 at 1:04 pm #150007Just Some Randomer
ParticipantI don’t buy the ‘Putin killed Lloyd Austin’ story at all. While I can certainly believe that he might inadvertently have been caught in a strike on an underground bunker in Kiev it’s just highly unlikely that such an escalatory strike would have been ordered if Russia knew he was there. Totally inconsistent with how the SMO has been run so far.
January 9, 2024 at 1:12 pm #150008Dr. D
Participant“J6” We are still reacting to them. That makes us the punks and slaves. Why are we doing that? OUR actions need to be the ones THEY are forced to react to, like the Trucker Protest. Do you all just LIKE being in a passive frame of mind and acted upon by others so you won’t have to think for yourself? You keep debunking, but that means you also keep referring to them as the experts and source. THEY are in control and can keep this 1,000 years in this case.
“Biden plagiarism”
Yes, but they like plagiarism. Defend it to the death, this is the hill they want to die on. My question: why? How did you all get here, to this point? How does that work for you? What is the train of logic that makes that good? When I plagiarize in front of you, that’s also bad. Why is that bad for me and good for everyone else?
A: Essentially “racism”. Not Racism itself, but the same mechanism of bigotry and collectivism. We don’t exist as individuals, people only exist as groups. Those aggregate groups have certain attributes. Asians are good at math and can’t be allowed into Harvard. Blacks are bad at math and therefore need a no-standards math graduation in WA, Baltimore, etc. They are also innately criminal Liberals tell me, and need to be compensated in the legal system for that. White people are born superior in every way and therefore are anti-compensated, having to provide all these handicaps and compensation. So EVERYTHING is okay, if you can designate yourself in a “Special Group”, and nothing is okay if you are in the aggregate group of designated power. Therefore, for example, the poorest white person is worse and more powerful than the richest black person, etc. If you have POWER, all things are legal. If you have no POWER, all things are a crime. We’re just righting that wrong.
Once you internalize this lie of collective bigotry, it’s merely a matter of infinitely increasing the groups entitled, which does itself because obviously everyone want to receive and nobody wants to give. I.e “Socialism”. Then because there are no logical foundations, you just make yourself one of the “Special Groups”, that is, the “Leaders and apparatchiks”, who can’t be working in the Siberian Uranium mines, but naturally have to sit in warm, heated offices, and eat jam, sip $10 coffee, and go to 5-star dinners at night. That’s just the way things are you understand, because somebody has to do it. SOMEBODY has to sit around and tell everybody else what to do, right? And that somebody is ME.
Otherwise, we’d all be individuals pursuing our own goals WITHOUT somebody telling us what to do, and that’s anarchy. If you don’t want anarchy, you need a King. It’s huge sacrifice, but — I — am that king. (and “It’s good to be da King” as Mel Brooks said)
So the root lie is “Collectivism”, to erase the individual and deal with all people as abstractions, as part of groups. Like the Jews. If one Jew does something, it ipso facto requires that ALL Jews do an did that same thing. Every morning at 6 when they get up. Because they’re all the same, all one, there is no distinction. If ONE black child can’t pass a test, then it logically follows that none of them ever can. And if ONE Black adult becomes a Billionaire, or a Supreme Court Judge, well, that’s just an exception …you understand. The reverse is NOT true. When they – your fabricated abstract aggregate — can be Nobel Prize winner, millionaire land developer, Senator, President, it does NOT mean they are innately superior and we must INCREASE those math tests on “their kind” instead. Or if 5,000 Jews protest Israel’s behavior, they are not “real” Jews, and they are the “exception” and the understanding of the “Group” and their required, enforced stereotype and expectation doesn’t change. Only in one direction, never the other.
Thus “Collectivism” is inherently racism, and has an inherent immune system against accuracy and reform.
…Technically, it’s the “One True Scotsman” Fallacy. “Fallacy” as in “error”, “wrong”, “lie”. If a black presidential candidate becomes a neurosurgeon, “he’s not really black”. If he doesn’t vote for Biden, “he’s not really black”. No literally, if only I weren’t being totally serious right now, this is how it works and you can see it about hourly.
So the “Very Special Leaders” have created this root error, and now are part of a group, a collective, that is allowed to do these things because of their participation in the aggregate. Their aggregate is “the controllers” and ya gotta have them, amirite???
That’s what happens when you don’t have “All men are created Equal”, and “Liberty and Justice for all”. It is literally inevitable, and will happen very fast.
And that’s why Biden can plagiarize and be not just tolerated, but supported. Not a shame we hide from, but an actively GOOD thing. And Gay for the same reason, but different category.
Can we add doctors to that category, so that they don’t have to work so hard? It’d be really great if they could just, you know, not have to learn all that boring stuff in school and practice medicine anyway. Oh they CAN? If they’re overweight transgenders like Levine? Rightie then! Sign me up for an appointment!
Then follow with the “Collective Groups” that are “Fat” or “Unhealthy”. That is now their collective group, they are now required to behave as that collective, and it cannot be added, removed, or altered. If you are part of this collective group – a caste, if you will – then you can only behave as that caste, that family. Or ELSE, you will be ostracized and severely punished. Let’s say your father was a baker, or a serf. Or a Lord. Then you have no choice but you have to also be a baker, a serf, or a lord — or fat – because they are. That’s how “Collectives” work. Because otherwise there would be “Individuals” who had “will” and “choice” and “Free agency”. We all know groups do NOT have that, but are victims of their collective. …The Collective YOU created and believe in, in your mind. I too have no “Will” or “Agency” because I am a victim and must embrace my fat, like the cow selling steaks in “Restaurant at the End of the Universe”.
So your lot can never be better. Kids, if you don’t own a house now, it means you’re a serf and never will (lookin’ at you Australia), and it’s never you, you can only Inherit one, according to your bloodline and lineage. Or if you’re Harry Potter, you can only inherit. Or Percy Jackson. Or Superman. You cannot MAKE yourself anew like Spider Man and have a moral code. You cannot choose between options like The Hunger Games.
Anyone know what group now designed the 737MAX? Same designated collective groups that designed the TitanIC?
Writing those paragraphs makes me ill, these sick racists are repugnant to me and I hope all free men. I am not a collective made of only my Critical Race Theory Intersectional attributes. Nor are they, for all their screaming. We’ve been reduced to “The Life of Brian”, “You are all unique individuals…” the Republican “Palestine Suicide Squad” and “Where is he going to keep the fetus? In a box?”
Calvin and Hobbes Victimhood: Do you have any idea how long ago this was? And we, they, were popping it and pointing out how ludicrous and unworkable it was then? 1990, 35 years ago? And had no traction among nearly anyone? So…how’d that all happen, then? Is it anything like then they added race and misandery laws to slave colonies under Napoleon such that it would divide the people and make them MORE equaler than others, then fight, then infinitely re-divide, too busy to ever rebel again and stop paying the Home Empire in Paris? That sort of thing? And worked so well they installed it here? (I mean after our Revolution, but today too)
“Ukraine’s leaders should frankly admit that they have lost 500,000 service members since the start of the conflict with Russia, and that the monthly casualty rate is at around 30,000, former prosecutor general Yury Lutsenko has said.”
Another conspiracy theory true. Another day all governments lied to us for years. Another day we were all right. Must be a day ending in “Y”. But, but no lie like that could persist in public for 3 years! Think of the coordination, how many people would have to be involved!!!
You mean, like the same number of people who keep everything secret at Lockheed Skunk Works for 50 years? That kind of secret? The same number of people that kept radar and the enigma cracking secret for years? Yeah, good thing no body of powerful people ever kept anything secret before.
Ukraine losing: It makes me ill to listen to him, and these reports, knowing what is going on out there, ruthless, gruesome, and pointless. Yet as I say, they would rather DIE than change their minds, literally. They would rather DIE than reduce their ego. They would kill one man, 100 men, the whole world – doesn’t matter, same thing – then admit they were wrong and need a change of course. A teeny, tiny change of course, of strategy.
And here in America those same people are drinking lattes and goofing off half the day on spreadsheets while shopping their new Tesla or Tahoe. If Ukraine can’t admit they were wrong while everyone gets shot in the face in dark, frozen mud, what are the odds our PMCs will admit they’re wrong and change when utterly safe – almost dangerously insulated and safe – and lavishly rewarded?
Maybe it’s easier somehow. Certainly some minority of them have changed so it must be possible. Somehow, somehow guys, it is possible to stop supporting plagiarism, incompetency even. I’m rooting for you.
Anyway, I linked the Title to point out that THEY have free health care nationwide. THEY have social welfare to take care of their displaced and homeless. Ukraine does. We pay it for THEM, but never for ourselves. I guess Americans are one of the Power Groups who therefore have to GIVE all things, while every other group is required to TAKE all things from us. Because: collectivism. You see, Some Animals Are Morer Equalllller than Others. We’re rich and powerful, and rich and powerful people always live in tents, have medieval diseases and no drinking water. That’s what “Rich” means!
“investigators theorizing that a Ukrainian team rented a yacht in Germany from a Polish company,”
This is literally a Conspiracy Theory, but some Conspiracy Theories are more equal than others. This is the GOOD conspiracy theory, from the RIGHT people. Look: all you need to know is: you need like 4 divers with a decompression bell. Unless somebody’s invented new laws of physics, that’s what it takes. We also know the exact size and weight of such chambers and they are the SIZE of a yacht, they don’t FIT on a yacht like a deck chair, and you can’t just pop the cork of the “Acme” box and have it inflate itself like a blow-up doll. You’d need cranes and welders, etc.
The Words have no meanings to these people, or most of us, I guess. When Journalists read that, their minds don’t immediately go “Yeah, but how would that work, exactly? I’m curious. I want to know.”
Like when ISIS appears and their first stop is a T-Shirt and Flag printing company and a central bank, and somehow the entire U.S. Marines-level weaponry just POPS out of the rocks and the sand like in “The Mummy”. No supply chains, no trucks. And although water is a critical thing mentioned in all the AGW articles, these soldiers don’t need any water or food or doctors or gas. Nope! They just exist, then they don’t exist, like any 30-minute TV show. You get up, your house is in the many streets of a town of 6,000, then you get up the next day, and it’s all cornfields again. Yup, yup, yup.
How EXACTLY did you think this happened, sirs? I’ll book the whiteboard, we can talk it out. Sure the Yacht CAN bring the explosives. But WHICH explosives? Using WHICH detonators? …And they CAN bring those explosives TO THE U.S. NAVY very deep, very high-tech diving corps, which keeps a deep-sea submersible handy on the side. But that doesn’t seem very likely, does it? “The Explosives” will be brought using U.S. Navy ships in that case, with guys with guns on top so nothing is stolen.
“According to an alternate theory put forward by American journalist Seymour Hersh, the CIA was responsible for the Nord Stream blasts.”
An “Alternate theory” as in “A theory that is remotely plausible, unlike our theory which isn’t.”
“• Biden Refills Strategic Petroleum Reserve At Twice The Historic Average (Sp.)
From where and how? Prices didn’t rise. (he says, while pointing out that markets haven’t been real in decades)
“• DC Has Resurrected the Specter of Nuclear Armageddon (Paul Craig Roberts)
They’ve been methodically doing that step by step since Clinton. They had to because they wrote, in public, to the Russians, that they needed first strike nuclear capability on Moscow, and Cheney said we should have used it. Then they moved NATO and NATO’s nuclear and missile-delivery systems 1,000 miles east. You do know Russians can read, right?
Anyway, every step by step, START and SALT, the monitoring, the flyovers, the smaller new systems, one by one targeting today, when they are ready to nuke Moscow in the WWIII Hillary Clinton promised us on national TV if she got elected. …Don’t make me go find the video.
Russia responded, and it isn’t like “Putin JUST figured it out”, Russia just was one foot behind because of hope beyond hope for-the-love-of-God that the West didn’t really mean this, because of the war – and the expense – they are forced to foot now. I mean, SHOULDN’T you position and hope we’re not going to replay WWII, the war they lost, imitating the same Nazis and the same tactics that all LOST last time? WTF who is dumb enough to do that? (Nuland, Cheney, and Blinken… Boris, Merkel, and Freeland…)
“Trump Co-Defendant: Improper Relationship Between Georgia DA, Prosecutor (NYP)
Is half a million dollars and … certain anatomical acts … enough to get you to prosecute? No? $154,000 more? AND you want me in the bum? Done.
“Musk Responds to WSJ ‘Hit Piece’ (RT)
Pot with Rogan = bad. Crack with child prostitutes = Good. Some Animals Are Morer Equaller than Others. This means Musk has been expelled from “The Collective” but Hunter and his dad, showering with little girls, is still in the “Special Group” that is More Equaller.
“• Hunter Biden Contempt Resolutions Introduced In House (ZH)
Let’s not be hasty; surely Hunter can retire to a nursing home before you do this. You know: like the last 30 years, and the last 50 years with his dad. You definitely, definitely want them to be at least 100 before we indict. Like Soros and Kissinger.
“Most Germans Want Scholz To Step Down – Poll (RT)Apparently they are trying to rebrand by fabricating a “New” SPD party, identical to the old one? Like the Boris Johnson or Barack Obama treatment. Hey, worked with Milei.
“the true total programmatic spending level is $1.658 trillion — not $1.59 trillion. This is total failure.”
Okay, but Um, what? I can’t stand back far enough across the universe to see the difference between those two numbers. We were spending $1T in 1990 and $7 Trillion now. Were we not doing enough in 1990? Something really important wasn’t getting done? We added oversight and defense on those extra planets on Mars and Titan?
Okay, let’s compromise: We can all agree we’ll just dust off Obama’s budget and use that. A DEMOCRATIC budget. $3.77 Trillion HALF of today’s budget only 8 years ago, with FIVE new wars. No? Why not, I’m confused.
Awe: is that why they hate good architecture so much and tear it down wherever they can? It makes their egos feel impinged, small?
This is an orientation: Christ, or AntiChrist. Towards God, or away. My guess is their orientation just might be away from God.
January 9, 2024 at 1:29 pm #150009John Day
ParticipantAnd So It Begins …
Substack’s been accused of being a haven for Nazis. Is this the beginning of a coordinated effort to staunch the influence of Substack? 9, 2024 at 1:38 pm #150010John Day
ParticipantThere are no pictures of Lloyd Austin in 2024:
TIMELINE: When key figures found out about Lloyd Austin’s hospitalization
The Pentagon says Austin was transported to the hospital on New Year’s Day.
War Pig Buried in Kiev?
Inquiring minds want to know
😮January 9, 2024 at 1:45 pm #150011John Day
ParticipantResearch in the 1990s indicated that fat people with good exercise stress test performance had the same low risk of heart attack and stroke as lean people with good exercise stress test performance.
There just were not as many Fat-&-Fit people…
Excess body fat is also an inflammatory state and changes hormonal balances.What I think is missed is the ways people get fat, and think it is important.
Some people clearly inherit “thrifty genes”. They are more prone to type 2 diabetes from that.
If they eat a healthful diet of largely fresh vegetables, avoiding chemicals, smoked meats/cheeses, grilled meats, sodas, sugar, processed foods, etc. and get daily activity, and don’t sit for hours, then they may be healthy.
People who are fat for all of those risk factors are very unlikely to remain healthy as decades pass.January 9, 2024 at 2:24 pm #150012tboc
Participantin an attempt to reconcile personally divergent responses to current events took a look in the rear view mirror yesterday in this order:
Marshall McCluhan, Konrad Lorenz, Immanuel Kant, David Hume and Rene’ Descartes. First a moment of levity,“When I hear that a man is religious, I conclude he is a rascal!” ~ David Hume
and then a reminder of why empiricism is so detestable from the same pen:
“Justice is a moral virtue, merely because it has that tendency to the good of mankind,
and indeed is nothing but an artificial invention to that purpose…….Hume”follow this thread of thought and it will lead to an unravelling cuff of Boris Johnson’s trousers. This morning’s highlight of thoughts on obesity is right in line with Hume’s celebration of Caeser’s affinity for fat men.
Lorenz’ view of learning more and more about less to the point of knowing everything about nothing stands solid and intact. Descartes understanding that all paths lead to mathematics remains unassailed. What was looked for was found in the thoughts of Immanuel Kant. The following quote does not bring peace but a sword.“Even if a civil society were to be dissolved by the consent of all its members
(e.g., if a people inhabiting an island decided to separate and disperse throughout the world),
the last murderer remaining in prison would first have to be executed,
so that each has done to him what his deeds deserve and blood guilt does not cling to the people
for not having insisted upon this punishment; for otherwise the people can be regarded
as collaborators in his public violation of justice.” ~ Immanuel Kantshines a light on the death wish
Ukrainian battalion commander: “If we talk about all fronts, including media & military, then we are losing everywhere.” Our man at the front.
January 9, 2024 at 2:40 pm #150013Oroboros
Participant• Poland Covered Up For Nord Stream Attackers
Poland, not very bright Poland, is actively aiding and abetting an Act of War
I know Polish jokes write themselves, but the Poles are actually accomplices in dooming the German economy to disaster.
Sounds like enough of a basis to have Germany invade Poland once again. ;>)
Ideally, Poland is between two industrial super powers, they should have been able to get a little cake from their location.
But alias, they became the Turd in the Punch Bowl, once again…..
Instead of potential prosperity the Russians will treat the Poles after their support for the Ukronazis like pack animals, a strong back and a weak mind.
Strong as a fox, smart as an ox.
Sources I trust have been saying that the recent massive Russian missile strikes on Ukronaziland killed a very large number of Polish officers and military advisers.
Gee, think that was a mistake?
Echos of the Katyn massacre .
Ouch, that’s gotta sting.
January 9, 2024 at 2:50 pm #150014Oroboros
ParticipantVader the Darth Lloyd died from too many Clotshots
What are the chances?
January 9, 2024 at 3:00 pm #150015Oroboros
ParticipantHow about some cheerful news?
iPhone that got sucked out of Alaska Airlines plane and fell 16,000 feet is found on the ground – and still works
What a promotional bonanza for Apple!Like the old Timex watch ads, Takes a Lickin and Keep on Tickin!
January 9, 2024 at 3:07 pm #150016Dr D Rich
ParticipantAwe is good.
“Shock and awe.”
As they say in this neck of the woods:
“Then there’s that.”January 9, 2024 at 3:09 pm #150017zerosum
Secrets requires lies.
The narrative fails the truth test.
Peace and cease fire are the enemies of hate and killing/depopulation/genocide.
stem the migrant surge
Biden is asking for Mexican help to stop the record surge of migrants. Here’s what Mexico wants in return.
Jan. 8, 2024, 3:30 AM PST
By Julia AinsleyIn a press conference on Friday, López Obrador called on the U.S. to approve a plan that would deploy
1. $20 billion to Latin American and Caribbean countries,
2. suspend the U.S. blockade of Cuba,
3. remove all sanctions against Venezuela
4. and grant at least 10 million Hispanics living in the U.S. the right to remain and work legally.In return for its cooperation, the officials said, Mexico wants more financial aid for policing its borders. But Mexican officials said Mexico also wants the U.S. to show good faith about addressing the root causes of migration by investing more in programs to help Central and South American countries escape poverty.
“BIG WORDS/ELITIST LANGUAGE”Washington Has Resurrected the Specter of Nuclear Armageddon
Washington Has Resurrected the Specter of Nuclear ArmageddonPaul Craig Roberts
“Don’t believe the spin.
Once you break through typical Washington math, the true total programmatic spending level is $1.658 trillion — not $1.59 trillion. This is total failure.”
Depopulation tool
• “It’s Okay to Be Fat” and Obesity Should be “Normalized” (MN)
———–January 9, 2024 at 3:26 pm #150018Oroboros
ParticipantGreat message from the guy who found the iPhone on the side of the road
“I found an iPhone on the side of the road…
Still in airplane mode with half a battery and open to a baggage claim for Alaska Airlines ASA1282
Survived a 16,000 foot drop perfectly in tact!
When I called it in, Zoe at @NTSB said it was the SECOND phone to be found.
No door yet
No door yet!
Boeing Technology at work!
No wonder their ‘defense’ stuff is gobshite
Coulda been worst
From back in the day………Boeing 737 Aloha Airlines Flight 243
January 9, 2024 at 3:28 pm #150019John Day
ParticipantMetro DC Police Officer Identified who Fired Stinger Ball Munitions into Crowd of Trump Supporters on Jan. 6 Without Warning
J6Truth confirmed that at approximately 1:24 PM after Metropolitan Police Inspector Glover ordered painful Stinger Ball munitions to be thrown into the unaware & peaceful crowd. The crowd had NOT been given a lawful order to disperse.
For three years now The Gateway Pundit has reported on the Washington DC and Capitol Hill Police dangerous assault on the thousands of Trump supporters who gathered outside the US Capitol that day.January 9, 2024 at 3:42 pm #150020John Day
ParticipantLaw firm registers as foreign agent for Hunter Biden-linked company 8 years later
Cravath says the filing was prompted by talks with the Justice Department over the scope of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. 9, 2024 at 3:57 pm #150021Oroboros
ParticipantThe Jan 6 is so obviously set-up, it qualifies as another example of Ritual Humiliation that the NeoConJobs are blatantly stuffing down Duh’merica’s throat with Total Impunity.
Primarily because of a weaponized Just-US department..
Whore judges
Whore lawyers
Operating outside the rules of existing laws in broad daylight.
The War Whores continue to prosecute illegal wars
The Legal Whore continue illegal prosecutions.
It’s simple and straightforward criminal behavior.
Nothing will change because the legal system itself is irredeemably corrupt.
The Supreme Clowns are whores and cowards.
They will be too little too late
Who you gonna call?????????
Ghost Busters!
Duh’merica the Pitiful
January 9, 2024 at 4:48 pm #150022Oroboros
ParticipantThe Collective West is Dead.
Like a Norwegian Blue parrot nailed to the perch.
Alastair Crooke’s utterly fabulous tagline:
From Plato To NATO
It’s over baby…
Andrei Martyanov Man-plains:
“..It is over for the West and was warned about for years. The reckoning is upon us and no narrative can change it….
….Warfare is a geopolitical tool of the first order.
In fact, geopolitics as a field of interaction of nations cannot exist without it.
Warfare, in the end, formed and continues to be anchored in the human condition, and as a result, in our political, social, economic and cultural institutions.
No understanding of warfare is possible without understanding its most important tools, weapons and people, tactics and operational art.
It is precisely the field in which American political class has zero competencies—they simply do not teach nor grant degrees in what amounts to military science in the United States.
It took Russia, again, to start dismantling what today has become the house of demons and horror in the West…….
and she is doing it again in a Russian way — by defeating it on the battlefield.
January 9, 2024 at 4:59 pm #150023jb-hb
ParticipantiPhone that got sucked out of Alaska Airlines plane and fell 16,000 feet is found on the ground – and still works
Still in airplane mode with half a battery and open to a baggage claim for Alaska Airlines ASA1282
It must have been made out of passports
January 9, 2024 at 5:04 pm #150024Oroboros
ParticipantThis is the Smell of Ukronazi desparation
The Russians have already completely destroyed THREE Ukronazi army, to the tune of 500K KIA.
And this asswipe clowns has a plan to change that:
Top Ukrainian MP Goncharenko: “Children should be building our shells in factories like in WW2”
Yeh, that’s a plan….
January 9, 2024 at 5:09 pm #150025Oroboros
ParticipantThe Tale of the Abrams Wonder Weapon
“American junk doesn’t work!”
Angry AFU soldiers answer why their M1 Abrams junk has not been seen on the frontline.
Most of them don’t even work, and they demonstrate the damaged gun which shakes and rattles.
American made “supreme weapon” and ‘game changer’ in one!
The American magazine “Forbes” recently looked for tanks that the United States transferred to Ukraine and could not find.
Dear journalists of Forbes magazine, next time you ask us. We’ll tell you everything.
First, look at exactly which tanks were handed over – a very outdated model (early 1990s), incomplete and in unclear technical condition.
And yes, the tanks really arrived in Ukraine, but they have not yet reached the front line due to some technical problems.
As proof, we provide a video of the M1A1 “Abrams ” tank with a Ukrainian crew that has already broken the gun.
We have friends in the Armed Forces of Ukraine who help us receive videos. They were dumbfounded by the state of the vaunted American technology.
Abrams tank in Ukronaziland
more like …….Alice in Wonderland
January 9, 2024 at 6:14 pm #150026Noirette
ParticipantL. Austin was hospitalised in Emergency Care, ICU, for what? is not divulged, afaik.
> After a 3 min goog search, so idk? More details?
Why hide whatever it is? Why claim the primary cause was ‘elective surgery’? Heh, because it signals ‘whatever op’ was planned well in advance, normal, dont’cha know, he was just getting a nose-job, belly reduction, removal of some trivial viral ugliness (or some such thingie)..
So why were other officials not informed in time and proper procedures not put in place for his handing over / replacement, as is reported in the MSM ?
My guess is effects of the jibby-jab are being covered up in panic, with clashing narratives being put out. What was, is, his ‘illness’? How does one end up in the ICU for ‘elective surgery’ when one is a Top Guy?
Other scenarios are possible see above (Red, John Day) – who knows, I don’t claim to.
However a Defense Sec (or Min in other countries) being AWOL as ‘ill’ and such confusing and contradictory stories being put out is indicative of a *Failed State* (to put it very mildly.)
January 9, 2024 at 6:20 pm #150027D Benton Smith
ParticipantIt’s looking more and more likely that Lloyd Austin is dead from complications that arose from being blown to smithereens by Russian missiles in a Ukrainian bunker.
If this is the case, then the American Empire has a WHOLE LOT of ‘splainin’ to do, to a world that is increasingly indifferent to the bullshit spewing out of Washington.
January 9, 2024 at 6:22 pm #150028Dr. D
Participant“Ray Epps Dodges Prison Sentence – Gets Probation, Community Service For Telling J6ers to Go “Into The Capitol”
Wow. So. Shocked. Not. What are the odds? 100%?
“Here We Go: Michelle Obama Says She’s “Terrified” of Trump Winning
She’s “Terrified” of nothing happening. Like last time. That’s what I want out of my Presidents, that they’re afraid of everything.
“Substack’s been accused of being a haven for Nazis.”
Substack’s competition reports Substack is a poopy-pants. What are the odds?
“Immanuel and Justice”: I. Just. Kant.
Found out the new Russian tank also has a gas turbine like the Abrams does. Power-to-weight and all that. …Except their turbine works, based on well-tested helicopter technology.
Hey, the Abrams was fine. …For 1990. Too heavy, too expensive, but they all have their drawbacks. Today we would need a new one, and the age of tanks is most probably over. Is a new tank every 40 years too much to ask?
January 9, 2024 at 6:26 pm #150029D Benton Smith
ParticipantIf geopolitics is akin to the game of chess then what sort of a piece does Lloyd Austin represent? A pawn posing as a rook, maybe? In any case, he’s off the board and checkmate against his side is a couple of moves away. Good time to toss the board, tip the king, or just shut up and go away.
January 9, 2024 at 6:29 pm #150030WES
ParticipantSince the military under Lloyd Austin was responsible for covid and the vaccine, somehow it would be poetic justice if US medical malpractice were to claim Lloyd Austin, rather than a precise Russian missile!
January 9, 2024 at 6:34 pm #150031Dr. D
ParticipantI’m officially suspicious: no one can tell what he went in for? Or what is “complications” were?
This ain’t f’g rocket science, it’s written on his chart. And officially Walter Reed hasn’t seen him? Do they usually take patients but keep no records of them?
3rd, although this may or may not be in play: Austin is at the level where it’s reasonable for him to have a body double on hire. So they were hoping beyond hope that someone survived in NATO HQ in Kiev? They’d dig him out and put a bandage on his head like in the movies?
These sort of things happen when you’re in a war you’re not in.
January 9, 2024 at 6:39 pm #150033John Day
ParticipantTrump Will Be “The Winter Coat” – Charles Nenner Warns “The Cycle Is Turning Down Very Fast”
January 9, 2024 at 6:48 pm #150034D Benton Smith
ParticipantI am very annoyed by the lack of information about Lloyd Austin’s whereabouts and CURRENT state of health. I mean. how hard is it to shove a video chat camera in front of his face? Inquiring minds want to know.
Of course the dearth of data suggests that it’s death in the dark. . . but there are of course numerous other possible explanations for the lack of other explanations, and I expect they’re going to try all of them before it finally “leaks” (in dribs and drabs over a year or three) that he’s been dead as a box crackers since January 2024.
Sure is a lot of loud noise out there, I can hardly hear myself theorize..
January 9, 2024 at 6:53 pm #150035zerosum
ParticipantLost Control of the narrative of Lloyd Austin.
Secrets requires lies.
The narrative fails the truth test.
Peace and cease fire are the enemies of hate and killing/depopulation/genocide.
———–January 9, 2024 at 7:04 pm #150036D Benton Smith
“Lost Control of the narrative of Lloyd Austin.” comment #150035You’ve nailed it. Really concise. Good job, man.
January 9, 2024 at 7:26 pm #150037Oroboros
ParticipantMy Dream Scenario for Darth Austin
He got caught in a bunker during a Russian missile attack and was so scared…
Wait for it…
Because he was so Vaxed up, his seriously weakened heart gave out from the stress of Fear….
A two-fur-one, Covid and Ukronaziland, blended into one PR nightmare!
Main Street in Kiev where the Russian missile strikes have ruptured main sewage lines and flooded the winter Ukronazi streets with raw sewage. Nice
Attacking Russian civilians in Belgorod during Christmas is paying dividends!
Bagging affirmative action Darth Lloyd would just be icing on the cake.
Extra Brownie Points for the shear Ritual Humiliation of the Nation pulling off such a PR stunt.
Especially because the Empire of Lies can’t admit anything to it’s Duh’merica Sheeple.
Putting the “Duh’ in Duh’merica…..
January 9, 2024 at 7:30 pm #150038John Day
ParticipantSchrodinger’s Generals
Red found this: Russian Claim: Austin Dead In Ukraine
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was allegedly killed in Kyiv on January 3 when Russian cruise missiles peltered a command bunker where Austin and Lieutenant General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, commander in chief of the Ukrainian Army, met secretly to discuss mounting an asymmetrical offensive to “bring Vladimir Putin to his knees,” claims a Russian FSB source known for providing invaluable intelligence and the truth behind Putin’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine.
FSB agent Andrei Zakharov’s tale, however, directly contradicts an administration narrative about Austin clandestinely hospitalizing himself for an unknown ailment at Walter Reed Hospital...
..Austin had spent so much time in Kyiv he ought to have applied for Ukrainian citizenship, Zakharov joked, adding that the secretive and self-admittedly reclusive Austin had traveled to Ukraine from Poland eight times in 2023…
Vladimir Putin, Zakharov said, had bestowed upon Austin the title of “war criminal.” Putin, he added, delighted in Austin’s demise.
“We knew Austin was in Ukraine, and we discovered their rendezvous point. We also know the pig Zaluzhnyi, and he is killer of the women and the children, was to meet his lieutenants to learn them about new drone warfare. They were our intended targets. Austin was a bonus.”
Twenty cruise missiles, he said, destroyed surface buildings and collapsed a labyrinth of interconnecting chambers underground. A battle damage assessment revealed the strike had razed the structures and cratered what lay beneath. Only rubble remained.
“Nothing on this earth could survive what we sent. Yes, he is dead. He must be dead,” Zakharov said.
Real Raw News’ American sources in the White Hat community, while stopping short of dismissing Zakharov’s story as wishful thinking, said they want to see irrefutable proof of Austin’s death before scratching his name off their own “most wanted” list. However, they’ve called the official narrative a blatant lie, for if Austin had gone to Walter Reed, their sources would have taken notice and informed General Smith’s office.
“We don’t know if that Russian story is baloney or not. Our sources at Reed are unimpeachable and they say he was never there. And as far as your other question, Mike, we don’t have him. If I learn more and can share, I’ll let you know,” a source in the general’s office said.TIMELINE: When key figures found out about Lloyd Austin’s hospitalization , The Pentagon says Austin was transported to the hospital on New Year’s Day. pictures of Austin or Zaluzhny in 2024…
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valeriy Zaluzhny congratulated the military personnel on the past 2023 and noted that the coming 2024 will not be easy. Celia Farber , Explaining What Monarch Means In The Context of All We Are Enduring
A few have asked, here: What is Monarch programming? What do I mean exactly when I invoke it?
This is a vast field of study and analysis. I’ve quoted Serge Lang before, one of the patron saints of clarity (as ethics), who posed this question:
“How do you address a morass without becoming part of it?” (AIDS=Morass, Covid-19=Morass)
If I had to put it very simply I would say that “Monarch Programming” is an engineering program of human minds, designed to undetectably detonate meaning, structure, truth, clarity, consequence, resolution—basically what we once thought of as “Western Civilization.”
That feeling, so common of late, that the mind is being assaulted, and the “normal”responses are fleeing into the sub-conscious/repressed, where shame grows.
What is worse, or more degrading, than being told (repeatedly) that what is clearly happening is clearly not happening? 9, 2024 at 7:30 pm #150039Oroboros
ParticipantFrom Russia with Love…
Main Street in Kiev where the Russian missile strikes have ruptured main sewage lines and flooded the winter Ukronazi streets with raw sewage…
January 9, 2024 at 7:31 pm #150040John Day
ParticipantCaitlin Johnstone , Westerners Have An Absolutely Psychotic View Of Airstrikes
In response to multiple complaints from a retired Humber College professor about the wildly biased language that Canada’s state broadcaster has been using to describe Israel’s war on Gaza, Waugh acknowledged that the CBC routinely uses words like “murderous,” “vicious,” “brutal,” “massacre,” and “slaughter” to refer to the October 7 Hamas attack while using far less emotionally charged words like “intensive,” “unrelenting,” and “punishing” to describe Israel’s actions in Gaza over the last three months.
Waugh defended this extreme discrepancy by saying that Israel’s attacks in Gaza differ from the Hamas attack on Israelis in that Israel’s killings are done “remotely”.
“Different words are used because although both result in death and injury, the events they describe are very different,” Waugh wrote. “The raid saw Hamas gunmen stream through the border fence and attack Israelis directly with firearms, knives and explosives. Gunmen chased down festival goers, assaulted kibbutzniks then shot them, fought hand to hand, and threw grenades. The attack was brutal, often vicious, and certainly murderous.” [or Israeli choppers, tanks and troops did…]
“Bombs dropped from thousands of feet and artillery shells lofted into Gaza from kilometers away result in death and destruction on a massive scale, but it is carried out remotely,” Waugh continued. “The deadly results are unseen by those who caused them and the source unseen by those [who] suffer and die.” …
..Military explosives rip human bodies apart. They burn people alive. They trap them under rubble where they die excruciatingly slowly in one of the most horrifying ways imaginable. They leave people without limbs. They dismember and disfigure children for life...
..A UNICEF report released last month said that more than a thousand children had had one or both legs amputated since October 7 as a result of damage received by US-sponsored Israeli airstrikes, a number which would be significantly higher by now. We know that many such amputations have occurred without anaesthesia, because Israeli siege warfare has cut off Gaza’s healthcare system from the necessary supplies. ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 94: Israeli forces kill four-year-old girl in occupied West Bank; Gaza’s children face brunt of the genocide
Ten children in Gaza are losing a limb every day in Gaza to Israeli airstrikes, as Israeli politicians say the Gaza onslaught will last at least another nine months.
Israeli soldiers shoot dead 4-year-old girl at military checkpoint in occupied West Bank
Israeli military says the war on Gaza could last more than nine months.
Save the Children: Over ten children lose limbs a day in Gaza.
The Israeli army forces Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital to evacuate and abandon sick patients.
Doctors Without Borders: Israel appears to have directly targeted deceased Al Jazeera journalist Hamza Dahdouh after “a single rocket” hit his car.
Palestinian Ministry of Health: 249 Palestinians killed and 510 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza over 24 hours.
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor: “Systematic torture and inhumane treatment” of Palestinians detained in Israeli army camps.
US Senator blames Israel’s ‘political decisions’ for the inadequate amount of aid reaching Gaza.NARRATIVE COLLAPSE: Washington Post retracts Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s Oct. 7 Hamas rape claims Officials Think Netanyahu Might See War in Lebanon as Key to Political Survival
A DIA intelligence assessment found Israel would probably not be able to beat Hezbollah if there’s a significant escalation in LebanonUS Officials Think Netanyahu Might See War in Lebanon as Key to Political Survival
Israeli MK Comes Out in Support of South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel , Other Knesset members are calling for Ofer Cassif to be removed
MK Ofer Cassif, a member of the left-wing Jewish and Arab Hadash-Ta’al party, and around 200 other Israelis have signed a petition supporting South Africa’s 84-page filing that will be submitted to the ICJ later this week.
“The information that emerges from the lawsuit is both horrific and credible. Israel is indeed taking systematic and thorough steps to wipe out the population of Gaza; to starve, abuse, and displace it. It has implemented a policy of erasing options for livelihood, which is leading to genocide,” the petition reads, according to Haaretz.
Explaining his reasoning for signing the petition, Cassif wrote on X: “My constitutional duty is to Israeli society and all of its residents, not to a government and its coalition members who call for ethnic cleansing and even actual genocide. They are the ones that harm the country and its people; they are the ones who led South Africa to approach The Hague, not me and my cabinet members.”Israeli MK Comes Out in Support of South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel
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