Debt Rattle Jul 21 2014: The Best To Hope For


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    NPC Confiscated still, Washington, DC 1922 I’m sorry, or I guess I am, but I find it hard not to constantly read up on the news about flight MH17 thes
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle Jul 21 2014: The Best To Hope For]


    Just interested to know how come no mention of the tragedy in Gaza?


    Oh and this song 40 years ago still rings true, what an artist.

    Rodriguez – Cause

    Cause I lost my job two weeks before Christmas
    And I talked to Jesus at the sewer
    And the Pope said it was none of his God-damned business
    While the rain drank champagne

    My Estonian Archangel came and got me wasted
    Cause the sweetest kiss I ever got is the one I’ve never tasted
    Oh but they’ll take their bonus pay to Molly McDonald,
    Neon ladies, beauty is that which obeys, is bought or borrowed

    Cause my heart’s become a crooked hotel full of rumours
    But it’s I who pays the rent for these fingered-face out-of-tuners
    and I make 16 solid half hour friendships every evening

    Cause your queen of hearts who is half a stone
    And likes to laugh alone is always threatening you with leaving
    Oh but they play those token games on Willy Thompson
    And give a medal to replace the son of Mrs. Annie Johnson

    Cause they told me everybody’s got to pay their dues
    And I explained that I had overpaid them
    So overdued I went to the company store
    and the clerk there said that they had just been invaded
    So I set sail in a teardrop and escaped beneath the doorsill

    Cause the smell of her perfume echoes in my head still
    Cause I see my people trying to drown the sun
    In weekends of whiskey sours
    Cause how many times can you wake up in this comic book and plant flowers?


    koso_man, what can possibly be said about the tragedy in Gaza? The Israelis do not recognize Palestine’s right to exist and the Palestinians do not recognize Israel’s right to exist. That means the conflict will continue until the stronger party annihilates the weaker party. The Palestinians live in slums, without clean water, without adequate food and nutrition, without an army, without passports. It’s only going to get worse. The conflict will only end when the Israelis kill every last one of them. And terrible as it is, that’s exactly what’s gonna happen.


    I have trouble trying to understand my own reason for my actions.

    Trying to take a guess as to why “Gaza” has NOW decided to launch everything they’ve got at Israel is beyond my abilities to understand.

    There are too many conflicts, too many manipulators and too many people being killed.

    With the web, I’m getting too much info. I wish that I could go back to being the 3 monkeys and just watch my garden crop mature.

    Diogenes Shrugged

    Each of us has his own ideas what “hard evidence” and “proof” are, and those ideas are not all alike. Even scientific peer-review has been kicked in the teeth recently. Are photoshopped pictures “evidence?” Should we believe the urgent utterances of pompous authorities like Colon (sic) Powell?

    So I get a kick out of all the scolding and admonishment, advising that we wait for “hard evidence” and “proof” before formulating an opinion. Look, the power players were the ones telling us from the get-go what to think. Please save the lofty calls to reserve comments and judgement for them.

    At the moment, the circumstantial evidence clearly points to Russian innocence and U.S. guilt. (I doubt Ukrainians even figure into this picture.) You’d either have to be very poorly informed or a Nazi zealot not to see that by now. That doesn’t mean there can’t be surprises, but if I’m supposed to remain quiet and reserve judgement for the next several years (or decades) while this thing plays out, then please explain why this website, or any website for that matter, accommodates comments after articles? Shouldn’t we all remain mum?

    Would the world be a better place if everybody just shut up and waited indefinitely for cosmic truth to be delivered?

    Incidentally, I’ll bet a week’s wages that the friends and relatives of the passengers aren’t sitting quietly, reserving judgement, and suspending suspicions pending some sort of “evidence” that is supposed to someday materialize.

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