Debt Rattle July 16 2021


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    a kullervo

    @kullervo: ” …we left the crooks and other scum of the Earth take over the positions of power ..”

    I keep reading this everywhere these days. But absolutely no one explains just exactly how …

    we allowed this!
    we allowed this!
    we allowed this!

    How exactly is it “we” peons allowed this? None of us voted? None signed petitions? None protested? None talked directly to politicians? None submitted opinion pieces to newspapers? None launched a website to raise the alarm?

    What was our option? Should we have had an “Annie get your guns” moment and, what, stormed the, um, the local political offices?

    I’m tired of the finger pointing. The corporations and lobbyists have owned DC for decades. There are literally studies proving this.

    If you have a solid argument for how exactly “we” could have prevented this, I’m all ears.


    And, by the way, people are TRYING. They’ve lost their jobs and their incomes. They’ve had their reputations ground into muck. They’ve alienated family and friends. They’ve been isolated and castigated. They’ve taken to the streets.

    My god, what more can people do?


    I am dumbstruck. CNN headline: “White House turns up heat on Big Tech’s Covid disinformation dozen”. Facebook was told to censor 12 people who nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) called “super-spreaders of anti-vaccine misinformation”. The ruling class are intentionally denying Americans information that counters the official narrative that mRNA vaccines are “safe and effective”. The USA is seven months into the injection campaign and it is absolutely clear that this statement is false.

    It is not just that the propaganda is completely divorced from reality as it was in the 1000-year Reich and Soviet Union. A reason these Empires fell in the 20th century. It is that America’s rulers believe their propaganda to be true.

    It cannot be mere coincidence that mRNA coronavirus vaccines were developed and ready to be jabbed when SARS-CoV-2 appeared in Wuhan China. These messy sorts of things that go against the public/private portrayal must remain hidden. The COVID death toll is starting to rise again in the USA. Unvaccinated deplorables will be blamed and hated; not the 50-state public health system and the corrupt incompetent federal government that failed the people.


    @upstateNYer “My god, what more can people do? ”

    I suppose there’s the French option :

    Already previously posted, but apparently the methodology sometimes works.
    Messy though.
    Don’t recommend it as a general rule


    Thanks for those recent comments, upstate. The notion that we little peeps have any say in how things
    are run is.. interesting.

    > I’m tired of the finger pointing. The corporations and lobbyists have owned DC for decades. There are literally studies proving this. <

    Agreed, and Gilens and Pages’ 2014 study is a fine example:

    Gilens and Page: Average citizens have little impact on public policy

    “Simulated Democracy”, CJ Hopkins call it..


    I’m with you too upstateNYer, not that I’m taking sides I like to hear other opinions but the debt money system and enclosures act means there has not been options for a significant counter culture to evolve – and the ones that existed (aboriginal australia) were simply torn apart or murdered.
    I have planted countless trees, put in chicken and orchard systems and made a living in permaculture and related activities including building. Doesn’t mean much in the face of the belt and road and globo-cap. It is why I keep coming back to the spiritual. Those who want only the world will always want more of it and they will take it with murder. This is behind Orlov’s piece re the Pashtuns. They want to be left alone. So do the Irish. Difference is the Pashtuns have the incredible advantage of geography. Cannot be underestimated. Mountains and caves baby.

    madamski cafone

    “How exactly is it “we” peons allowed this? None of us voted? None signed petitions? None protested? None talked directly to politicians? None submitted opinion pieces to newspapers? None launched a website to raise the alarm?”

    Nonetheless, it happened. No one’s saying no one did anything. Just that what we did obviously produced unsatisfactory results. ONe doesn’t succeed by good intentions; one succeeds by success.

    And, fwiw, we’re the most spoiled useless buncha people the world ever saw, and what most people do as civic engagement wouldn’t lift up a flea on a teeter-totter.

    “I’m tired of the finger pointing. The corporations and lobbyists have owned DC for decades. There are literally studies proving this.”

    But we could’ve owned them in a heartbeat if we really made the effort. We didn’t. We watched reruns of Happy Days and voted the party line most of the time. C’mon, get serious and accept responsibility for being alive. Yeah, I said that. It’s true of me too, as well as a kullervo, that lousy asshole. 😉

    btw, the way you stop murderers is by murdering them. Instead, we vote for them. Obama won reelection even after he increased the bombing of innocent foreigners abroad. We, by the way, means ‘we’. You know, all ofus. The sum collective total of our actions produced the situation in which “The corporations and lobbyists have owned DC for decades.” If a member of a de3mocratic plebiscite can’t point the finger at his fellow plebians for allowing their elected leaders to break every other promise and throw shit in our sandlot, who can we blame?

    Maybe Russia?

    madamski cafone

    “Thanks for those recent comments, upstate. The notion that we little peeps have any say in how things
    are run is.. interesting.”

    Then why the fuck are we talking about this stuff? Oh, I know: to whine and commiserate. Ah, to quote my favorite Lord Buckley line: “Pass me that rather small boy over there, please.”

    The Bad-Rapping of the Marquis de Sade.


    So according to either me, Madamski, upstateNYer, Dr D and just about anyone on here we are powerless and ineffective or we are active and powerful and have had effect – all leading to the now of where we are. Well I feel that is a little like saying the slaves asked for it. Or the Aborigines deserved it by their lack of technological advance or precision murder campaign. Being a Martyr aint cool but nor is murdering for what one desires to be. So I guess walking into the fire eyes wide open will have to do.
    lesson no. 11
    My Meaningless Thoughts Are Showing Me A Meaningless World.
    This is the first idea we have had that is related to a major phase of the correction process; the reversal of the thinking of the world. It seems as if the world determines what you perceive. Today’s idea introduces the concept that your thoughts determine the world you see. Be glad indeed to practice the idea in its initial form, for in this idea is your release made sure. The key to forgiveness lies in it.

    Veracious Poet

    So according to either me, Madamski, upstateNYer, Dr D and just about anyone on here we are powerless and ineffective…

    Back in the 90s there were scores of AMERICANS across the fruited plains that thought if We engaged in a spiritual campaign to enlighten & educate borderline Sheeple that the Republic was in grave danger, explaining the bullet points & the solution, perhaps a movement would start to restore Our Democratic Republic under Natural Law…

    For the uninitiated, the U$ofA became a banking/.mil empire officially when FDR signed in Emergency Powers in MAR 1933:

    Senate Report 93-549 (1973-1975) Emergency powers statutes ~ Provisions of federal law now in effect delegating to the executive extraordinary authority in time of national emergency report of the special committee on the termination of the national emergency:

    Senate Report 93-549

    It was a pathetically failed endeavor as the Sheeple were happy to graze on pastures of ignorant bliss.

    Following that nauseating experience I no longer care, I jut prepare…

    Dr. Eugene Schroder explains it better than I care to any longer:



    “My god, what more can people do?”

    “How exactly is it “we” peons allowed this?”

    ” I jut prepare…”

    “Know thyself”

    “I would leave and go … but someone is already there”

    Becoming an expat is not my thing

    TAE Summary

    * Where We’re At
    – The Universe is a vacuum but it’s clogged and badly needs its bag emptied
    – Ordinary man can’t resist evil, can’t get forgiveness of debts and can’t get their daily bread because of the kingdom and the power
    – All congressmen and government officials are on the take
    – Big neighbor is watching you; Friends don’t let friends question authority
    – Wikipedia = Foundation and Empire
    – Let’s link to Tucker as hell freezes over
    – Color revolutions are wrecking supply chains
    – The self-righteous scum let the wicked scum takeover
    – Step away from your computer once in a while

    * Cyber pandemic will require cyber distance, cyber hand washing and cyber vaccination ending with cyber thrombosis brought on by cyber spike proteins

    * Covid 19 News
    – NIH paid to bad mouth ivermectin
    – Long Covid has 200 symptoms that look like old age
    – Vitamin D, Zinc and aspirin mitigate long covid
    – Biden and Fauci desperate to get 70% vaccinated
    – One bad Ivermectin study spoils the whole bunch
    – Pandemic of the unvaccinated coming
    – Covid => Isolation => Depression => Fentanyl => Death

    * The Covid 19 Results
    – Enrich the rich
    – Require digital ubiquity
    – Censor the inconvenient
    – Demonize the non-compliant
    – Cull the herd
    – Totalitarianize the government

    * Arbeit Macht Frei
    – Wenn luegen luegen luegen luegen luegen nach

    * If that’s all there is my friend, then let’s keep dancing, let’s break out the booze and have a ball


    And yet here we all are, together. And willing to condescend to each other as well.


    A cosmic joke

    Big Brain does the math

    Big brains heart is sad

    Big brain hopes for the children

    Big brain does not believe the children can

    Big brain has big ego

    Big brain does not see the beauty in …………..surrender


    “we” ?



    Biden needs 70% of Americans vaxxed. Trudeau needs 3/4 of Canadians vaxxed before he will open the US/Canada border to fully vaxxed travelers.

    Well I just completed a big study that found over 70% of Americans are fully vaxxed! I also just completed a big study on Canadians and found over 3/4s of Canadians are fully vaxxed!

    Now joe and justin have no more excuses! Their goals have been fully met! Bbee.

    absolute galore

    “Then why the fuck are we talking about this stuff? Oh, I know: to whine and commiserate.”

    Well, yeah, kinda. We’re in a system, the biggest human system ever. Not everybody gets to throw the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl or be a douche that goes to Harvard and gets on the fast track to Masters of the Universe. Do you really want to be a possum’s A-hole like Adam Schiff or a shiftless industrial grifter like “Joe Biden?” Or a narcissistic vulgarian living the unexamined life a la Mr. Trump? How about a chinless punk like Zuckerberg? That’s what it takes to get to the top these days. It ain’t pretty, folks.

    Sorry, those positions have been filled. Anyway, there has to be a hapless hoi polloi, that teeming, unruly cast of extras. And how many of us want to be tossed to the lions? More fun to be a sanctimonious whiner, no?

    I mostly blame the vast quantities of energy available that we used so foolishly. And even there, we seem to have this biological imperative to consume. In any case, even if you’d prefer to flame out, we’re pretty much trapped at this stage of the game. Good luck fighting for a seat on the life boat.

    I don’t like the term “sheeple.” That’s wearing your sanctity on your sleeve. I’m (sometimes) just thankful that my eyes have opened to the degree they have opened, and I hope others will receive some grace. It certainly does not make life easier, but it does make it more interesting. As others have said here in various ways over the last few months, I do believe a more rigorous spiritual path is definitely called for in these times of ours. Which who knows where that will lead. But I imagine it’s the best bet right about now. Although fuck ’em all in the meantime!;^)


    Yesterday I was taking a little siestas on a lawn chair in my daughter’s Dutch Drawf rabbit’s cage.

    (For those a little worried about how I managed to put a lawn chair and myself into a little 2 pound rabbit’s cage, the cage is 8′ wide x 6′ high x 20′ long! Her favorite hobby is digging new tunnels in the pure sand! She has dug so many tunnels that she has raised the entire cage’s floor by at least 4 inches!)(Strangely she has never dug a tunnel to escape. The one time that her tunnel surfaced outside the cage, she plugged it by backfilling the tunnel!) If I knew how to take a picture of the cage of less than 512K
    ( and put it in my post I would, but I don’t.

    Then I notice Moki stand upright on her hind legs. That means she has spotted something of interest! I suspected her friend the deer, but I didn’t see the deer. After I left the cage, my wife said the deer had walked right past her, not 20 feet away, on the other side of the rabbit cage! It had never dawned on me to look behind me for the deer! Delights of being at the cottage!


    BLS released second quarter 2021 labor statistics today. Labor wages fell 1.2% from second quarter 2020. Add in your favorite inflation figure and you arrive at a much greater lost of purchasing power for workers.

    Particularly hard hit were women. All of this is by design. That means housing prices have likely peaked.

    The 3rd quarter will likely be even worst followed by an even worse 4th quarter. Are more free money checks on the way to boost inflation even more? Sadly anything is possible in our upside down world!


    porridge recipes not working

    Too much heat burning living life
    Too much heat evaporating the water needed for life
    Too much water drowning life
    Too much wind destroying life

    Help needed for the circle of life

    a kullervo


    A little more courage, a lot less shiny toys/restaurant chains/shopping malls, perhaps?

    Dr. D

    Not sure. Yes, “We” did it, but no, “we” were lied to and engineered in every way Science and Bernays could find possible with 5,000 years of technology. I’m not letting them off.

    I just look at things they KNOW are bad, widely agreed to be bad things, like too much shopping, waste, packaging, pollution, urban sprawl, viruses, Facebook surveillance, all kinds of things. And then? Every morning getting up, they go out, pay for, pave, build, waste, and throw away, buy anyone who’s know evil, lied, double-crossed them, took their power, trashed their friendship and global citizenship.

    So…THAT part I have to say is us. Like (as Phoenix will know) is it really THAT hard to get a used computer and use Linux? That’s free, secure, cooperative? To get off Facebook and see your friends so they remain real friends and not abstractions? As you hate packaging, to fund the products that have less of it and make your whole short life better?

    And I say this. Aaaaand people agree with me, save nothing, change nothing, do nothing. It all comes apart, from yard to pantry to family just like people like me told them for 80 years. It’s the version of
    “They know they’re lying, we know they’re lying, and we know they know that we know that they know…”

    …And yet they — we — still do it. And because of it, because we play along and don’t refuse and use responsible products, Glenn Greenwald can’t be heard on safe, non-biased media, coke is using GMO HFCS, and Toyota is paying the Fed to bailouts. People still are all-in for Chase, HSBC, Fargo credit cards and accounts. GM took all money, defaulted on all stock and unions, install all high-priced, non-working panopticon OnStar and sell briskly.

    This is what I’m saying. Is it so hard to buy a better toothpaste? NOT sign up and boycott Facebook? So, so tiny, the tiniest sacrifices ever, which would bring them to heel in a minute. Like we see with Coke and ESPN. We didn’t. Even the tiniest sacrifice ever was too much.

    So yes, I’ll arrest them all and hold them fully responsible. But my opinion of the masses is not as victims, but that they are are main engine of their — our — own destruction.

    Dr. D

    …And maybe, more to the point: mine. And all the trees, cows, and topsoil on planet earth.

    madamski cafone

    I didn’t say you’d win the race or war or whatever we’re doing as a species. I’m just saying that WE did it. WE bought the shit TPTB sold us. You can blame psycho/socio-pathic narcissists all day long but in the end, your life rests on your shoulders alone.

    Yeah, it’s awful. Yeah, there are bad people who do bad things, including us. The fact is that pathetic is pathetic, and pathetic is as pathetic does.

    You’re (a collective some of yous) telling me we’re pathetic. I’m saying that maybe you are but I’m not. Bill Gates et al rule nothing but our unwillingness to rule ourselves.

    madamski cafone

    “This is what I’m saying. Is it so hard to buy a better toothpaste? NOT sign up and boycott Facebook? So, so tiny, the tiniest sacrifices ever, which would bring them to heel in a minute. Like we see with Coke and ESPN. We didn’t. Even the tiniest sacrifice ever was too much.

    “So yes, I’ll arrest them all and hold them fully responsible. But my opinion of the masses is not as victims, but that they are are main engine of their — our — own destruction.”

    We see here why I adore Dr. D. so much even as I often hold him to severe account.

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