Debt Rattle July 23 2020


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    Berenice Abbott Triple Bridge New York 1950   • Biden Labels Trump First Racist US President (R.) • Biden Just Made A Big Promise To His Wall Str
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 23 2020]

    V. Arnold

    Joe Biden calls Trump the first racist US president. Now people will really think he’s nuts. Did his handlers make him say that, teleprompter, or did he have a ‘lucid’ moment? Might as well put all those statues back up again then. But not the confederate ones. Focus has shifted from slaveowners to southerners now for Pelosi et al.

    Convenient. All the bad people are in the south, and all the good people are in the north. Even Americans can understand things that way. And Washington and Jefferson are safe for now. And so is Biden’s very racist friend Strom Thurmond. Oh wait, wasn’t he a southerner? I hope I’m not the only one who thinks this has fast become a really stupid conversation. Worthy of a US presidential election.

    Very good Ilargi, ;-); no worries…racist America is alive and well…


    Pick your favorite definition of herd immunity. Now cross your fingers and hope that you won’t be “found”

    Herd immunity protects the most vulnerable members of our population. If enough people are vaccinated against dangerous diseases, those who are susceptible and cannot get vaccinated are protected because the germ will not be able to “find” those susceptible individuals.


    What will happen to teachers who are around filthy, disgustingly dirty, snotty nose kids?

    get the covid virus …
    Get sick ….
    Live to tell about it ….
    Get Herd immunity ….
    Become a survivor …..
    Same as with all flue seasons


    covid vocabulary
    Overwhelm, Bend the curve, shift the curve, change the model, coming down, use a different exponential, change the growth curve, use a different projection, changing situation, adapt, updating, ….


    We are lucky and don’t know it
    The armed conflict in Yemen has resulted in the largest humanitarian crisis in the world;
    Children attending class on the first day of school, which was damaged by an airstrike during fighting between Saudi-led coaltion-backed government force and Houthi forces, Taizz, Yemen, September 3, 2019.
    Coronavirus: Five reasons why it is so bad in Yemen

    Doc Robinson

    COVID19 Vaccines With ‘Minor Side Effects’ Could Still Be Pretty Bad (Wired)

    Three months ago, the Debt Rattle for April 23 had Worldometer data showing that 3% of active cases were serious or critical, and 97% of active cases were mild.

    Today, only 1% of active cases are serious or critical and 99% of active cases are mild.

    If and when a vaccine becomes available, the chances of getting serious side effects from the vaccine will be need to be much lower than the chances of getting a serious case of COVID-19 without the vaccine, before I would even consider using that vaccine.

    Meanwhile, for the past two months, Europe’s weekly excess mortality numbers have been down around the baseline, even for the 65+ category. Even the UK and Sweden are now being shown as having “no excess” (on the map).
    [click on Weekly instead of Cumulated]

    Dr. D

    It’s easy: all people I like are good and all people I don’t like are bad.

    Tomorrow the list changes.

    US House Votes to Banish from Capitol Statues of Who Championed Slavery (R.)”

    So they’re going to banish Apple, Nike, China, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, heads of public slavery in Libya?

    Being Reuters, they are super dumb. SLAVES are not citizens, black PEOPLE always were. Dred Scott was not “overturned” it was superseded by passing a new law, 14A. Dred Scott is notorious garbage ruling, like many “landmark” cases, completely fabricated by the issuing parties and the court because somebody didn’t want to follow actual law and process by building a consensus, but instead legislate from the courts. Read it sometime, you’ll be surprised.

    state violence situated in white supremacy.”

    Sure. By a policeman who was a co-worker with the deceased for 20 years, probably related to him via informant or drug deals, and overseen by Asian and Hispanic co-officers. Because Hispanics are well-known white supremacists, and the deaths of people I knew half my life is surely a sudden fit of racism. Absolutely the Intercept isn’t fabricating a story about this at all. And reading the article you wonder why I say the government should be smaller.

    COVID19 Vaccines With ‘Minor Side Effects’ Could Still Be Pretty Bad (Wired)”

    What vaccine? St. Fauci, star of InStyle Magazine, says that there won’t be a vaccine, or one that lasts. Isn’t that what they found at Yale? Outbreak of measles when all victims had the measles vaccine. It only lasts 5 years, so you need at least 16 doses per lifetime, on top of the other 75 recommended vaccines, probably also x5. What could go wrong? How come no one believes us experts anymore, just because everything we say is a fabricated lie or made of fine-print criminal legal-words?

    The current global crisis triggered by Covid-19 is the third capitalist crash in this century.”

    It didn’t crash. The virus did nothing to the economy at all. You voluntarily and purposefully shut it down. That may be good or bad, but it wasn’t anything having to do with “capitalism”. It was government-headed totalitarianism.

    Many capitalist societies divide their people into portions kept relatively safe from recurring crashes and portions obliged to absorb them”

    Yeah, ALL of them. Fixed it.

    She Clicked a Button on the Wells Fargo Website.”

    Yes, and they do this so they can intentionally foreclose and get some more collateral to front their illegal leverage. This is what happens when there is no law. And the government is the one fronting/supporting/encouraging/demanding it. What is that merger of corporation and state again? And do we defeat it by making corporations and states larger? or smaller?

    Russian Zoologist Warns Polar Bears Could Be Extinct Within a Generation (RT)”

    That’s super-odd since their numbers are so much higher lately they’ve been a nuisance in several countries. Didn’t Gore already say they’re extinct 20 years ago now? Along with Manhattan? Don’t believe experts. It’s called “Appeal to Authority” and it’s the dumbest of all fallacies.

    “racist America is alive and well”
    Someday we’ll elect a Black President and this will all be behind us.

    Don’t use logic and statistics Doc. No one does that anymore. Haven’t you heard speech that I don’t like is violence? Then I use a brick and matches to talk back and that is *not* violence.

    Dr. D

    Forgot to add, America is so racist that 80% of the ‘racist’ news events are hoaxes. That is, there are so few naturally-occurring racist events that to get any for the news, the media has to make them up whole cloth. Smallet comes to mind, but there are so many hundreds that whole websites are dedicated just to tracking them.

    John Day

    If they’re going to get racist statues out of Washington DC, what will they do with the Lincoln Memorial?
    Paul Craig Roberts talks about Lincoln’s expressed views on race.
    Race was not the issue over which the war was fought. The issue was the balance of power between Northern manufacturing interests and interests of the Bank of England, in milking the wealthy Southern cash cow for cotton, tariffs and loan service. The North worn. The South lost big-time, and the Bank of England realized some losses, but managed to get (somewhat) Honest Abe and his (no gold convertability) Greenback dollars killed.

    Lincoln Was A Racist and the “Civil War” Was NOT About Slavery



    The horror. All those poor seals who can not find slivers of ice to shelter their pups on have drowned, leaving the hungry polar bears to starve to death. What a catastrophe!

    In the real world the lack of ice has meant that the seal’s food supply has increased leading to a spurt in the seal population. They can’t shelter on remote pieces of ice so must come ashore making it easier for the polar bears.

    The polar bear population has at least doubled since the 1950s, and some claim it has quadrupled.

    We have no idea what is ‘normal’ in the arctic as it has been affected by the ‘little ice age’ for centuries.

    One BBC program on archaeology was very interesting as it covered the ‘Ebbsfleet elephant’. This is a site from 400,000 years ago when early man had butchered an elephant. At the time the UK was savannah populated by elephants, lions, rhinos and monkeys. They concluded ‘it must have been much warmer then’. Now THAT’s what I call climate change! [400,000 years is not a long time in geological terms]


    Yup. The chart says die now so you won’t have to die later…
    It’s high summer. Have a wonderful period of absolutely nothing but body fun. Don’t be scared. The sun protects you. The wind protects you. The outdoors. protects you. Swim. Walk. Run. Sun. Relax. Garden. Go blank. May the gods ignore you.

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