Debt Rattle July 27 2024


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  • #164898

    Vasily Polenov Christ among the teachers (doctors) 1896   • Harris Coronation Demonstrates America’s Democratic Deficit (Manley) • Trump Slams ‘P
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 27 2024]


    Border czar

    If this is all the GOP Trump masturbators have to offer then Harris is on a winning streak. Everybody knows that if Harris had done an effective job as “Border czar” then she would have been fired, she was the fall guy, same as Biden was the fall guy for OKenya.


    How was Kamala Harris transformed from an embarrassing incompetent to the coolest, most inspirational leader in the world in a single day?

    How were Trump supporters turned from desperate Christians to euphoric Trumpians, all in one day? How did they drop Jew Jesus and turn Trump turned from a reality TV star into white Jesus, all in one day? First, you have to accept that people are dumb as fuck, especially desperate people who want, they are the dumbest of all. Mental illness is the brain’s way of saying “fuck this, I cannot cope anymore”, then they start grabbing at straws, false prophets, anything that offers them a modicum of hope. It’s pathetic, but it has happened so many times in the past. Welcome to the Cult of Trump.


    ..there is no evidence that it was anything other than a bullet

    There is also no evidence that it WAS a bullet, so who wins? The doctor knows which side his bread is buttered, as does the entire Trump entourage. Tell us doctor, what happened in the hospital, did you just have a few drinks and take an hour to put on a fake bandage? Or did you create the wound, did you use a scalpel to create the would then tape it up? What happened?


    Donald Trump has bragged that he could end the Russia-NATO proxy war in Ukraine with a couple phone calls, saying his main priority is to stop “people dying.”

    Yet he supports Israel’s genocide? Makes you wonder who has their arm up Trump’s arse; my money is that there are multiple arms, including Netanyahu and Ugly Adelson.


    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was angered by Vice President Kamala Harris’ on-camera statement following their Thursday meeting, and he now says the words threaten to sabotage any potential peace deal with Hamas.

    Netanyahu is not in the USA begging for help, he is in the USA demanding that his servant the USA do his bidding. My guess is that Harris was not keen on fucking young girls, so Epstein was no help, but never fear, my guess is that Netanyahu’s Mossad will be desperate to blackmail her one way or another. But my guess is that she is too boring to be blackmailed.

    a kullervo

    People don’t wreck the place they live in unless they have lost their minds. This suggests that those promoting the mayhem have some place to go when their work is done. That place can’t be on/of this Earth.

    Angels are attuned to ultraviolet.
    Demons, more to infrared.
    Both dwell within the Light.
    (Not luminous, but shadow-less)

    Have a nice weekend.

    Dr. D

    “Navy To Expunge Records For SEALs, Sailors Who Refused COVID Vaccines

    Whoops! Sorry, don’t care. Also it’s impossible as every soldier will be asked, “Hey, there’s nothing on your record for these months/years.” They know.

    Since they will just change the rules AGAIN, and kill you AGAIN, and purge the ranks AGAIN and do it unconstitutionally AGAIN, and probably order you to shoot your countrymen to enforce it. Nyet.

    Sane vs the Insane.

    “President Biden Claims The US Isn’t At War As He Bombs Yemen
    “I’m the first president in this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.”

    Laying it on pretty thick, isn’t he? …Exactly as if Trump were running him. I can’t add a thing.

    Sane vs the Insane.

    “Seller On Amazon Sold Merch Reading “The Only Good Trump Is A Dead One” :”The side of tolerance is actually insane.” Quote

    The Sane vs the Insane.

    “Sorry Liz; Cash – Not Crypto – Still Top Funding-Choice For Terrorists

    They believe that a cash with which there is a perfect, indelible public record of every transaction is what crime and terrorists use. Riiiiiiiight.

    Sane and the Insane, “One of the SANE analysts (on tanks)” – Alexander Mercolis. Hahaha. That’s actually, literally what we say now: “This gentleman (who is NOT insane)…” That’s it, they’re so rare you have to point it out specifically.

    I can dream of a day wherein perhaps someone refers to ME as “sane”, specifically, to distinguish me from the others.

    Sane vs the Insane.

    “Gen. Mark Milley: Robots to Imminently Replace Humans Soldiers in U.S. Military

    Oh WILL you? Good luck, tell me how it works for you.

    Sane vs the Insane:

    “ NYU Prof: Trump, Like Hitler, Will Use Assassination Attempt For ‘Authoritarian’ Goals
    “From Mussolini and Hitler onward, strongmen have posed as victims of internal and external enemies…”

    So your claim is he has no real enemies? He’s making it up and professors from NYU are all “meh” on him.

    “The media did this in 2016 and 2020 and they’re doing it now in 2024 for Kamala Harris.”

    Yes, but you forget they always did this and this can be okay. What did Jefferson call Adams a hermaphrodite and Adams said he was a French Agent? FranceFranceFrance! The difference is if we BELIEVE that the media is objective. It’s not and in only very few eras was it ever. Like 50 out of 250 years? So it’s not their trouble, it’s our trouble, although I don’t like it. Nor is that unusual, that’s true worldwide to be a partisan paper for hundreds of years.

    It’s bad for society and people have to be up to speed on it, but there are presently no moral countries that I know of.

    “• Trump Slams ‘Politicized’ FBI (RT)

    There was the release/rumor of it not being a bullet in the first ten minutes. HOW did they know they needed to say that? No one had looked at him yet, he was still on the way to the hospital, surrounded by people who would have said it’s a bullet.

    A: “We Make S—t Up!” “Every day in every way, make it up more and more”. Ok, FBI director, how do YOU know and ascertain this? His doctor says it is, did YOUR doctor examine him? Nope. You Make S—t Up! So you don’t know if he was shot or not, or which what or not. Nice going.

    He can have his opinions, but then he looks like the fool that he actually is, not to be taken seriously.

    “invited drag queens and mentally-ill degenerates to cavort in the White House,

    Still can never understand this. First, there’s no voting block, or not one you wouldn’t get anyway. Second, it alarms and motivates the opposition a lot. Like the VA election. Third, it’s constant and almost top priority. Above say, winning, above World War, above being exposed, like some weird compulsion. Why? How? They say the devil would always do this, corrupt you, using sex and weird kink, but I don’t see it, or not in that way. Yet here we are, it acts like that IS true. Why?

    Sorry, I’m not a disturbed weirdo so I can’t understand.

    “A sea change has taken place in the way the US electorate discusses issues of foreign policy over the last decade.”

    Has it? Do we? And a “Sea Change” has meanings, and it’s not a slow, gradual evolution over decades that I see. We’ve been at this since Ron Paul? Or the same minority since always? How can I say that? Republicans never started a war once until George Bush. So clearly they are not war-mongering interventionists. In the general electorate, not the GOP subset, same thing. Were we antiwar in 2002? Yes. 1986 with Panama and Granada? Yes. 1975? Yes. 1968? Yes, that convention came apart. In 1932? Yes. In 1914? Yes. So….whatcha talking about? America in general is always anti-war isolationist, and the Harvard Atlanticists who never lifted a gun in their life ALWAYS want OTHER people to die for their profits. “I ain’t no Senator’s son”. But we’re not a democracy, haven’t been in 100 years, so nobody DGAF what we the people think. So what is the Sea Change here? That they have a totally weak, childish, wrong, warped sense of history?

    Okay, for proofs? WWII was our most gung-ho, all in, America Pro War, right? So why did FDR have to crack the Japanese code and force Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor if we were so pro-intervention, so Pro-war? (…That’s now official reality, btw.)

    We just retroactively re-write the past. We were actually Pro-war in 1930, 1939. Yup! “”Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” — Orwell. So they just Make S—t Up. Read a little, it’s like at 4th grade level.

    “• Pompeo Tries to Hijack Trump’s Peace Push (Sp.)

    We’ve covered this too many times. Okay, today’s take then: WHO CARES WHAT POMPEO SAYS? Who cares what the West says? We have no power, no influence, and no effect. We don’t exist, we are no more, we are non-actors. We are an EX-power. It’s not even worth the fractions of a second on eyeballs to peruse it.

    Back to foundational here: As we said, and even pothead comedians high at 9 in the morning said,

    “This will end WHEN Russia wants, HOW Russia wants, the WAY Russia wants,”

    and we’ll have nothing at all to say about it. That’s from 2-22-22. About 48 hours in we could all predict that, and did.

    As Duran says, after TWO YEARS they are finally sinking in that they are losing. A little. Like as much as we knew in the first two days. They are FINALLY REALIZING that Western tanks and weapons aren’t working. A little. What we said in the first two weeks, wiping the dust off and looking at the Javelin, the Abrams, the Challenger. We knew and could predict in HOURS. But the really SCHMARTZ people, no! It takes them practically a lifetime, they have to progress by dying, with some Professor’s funeral, to finally realize…literally anything. Like “You need bullets in a war” for example. Never occurred to them!

    WHO CARES. What Pompeo says. Or Biden. Or Trump. They have no power, no leverage, and no effect. Stop staring, it just encourages them. They are non-people, non-entities. You are real, they aren’t.

    “the biggest reason the US shouldn’t continue to support Ukraine is a basic “math” problem revolving around the fact that “Ukraine needs more soldiers than it can field,” — Vance

    This is the American reality. EUROPE can go nuts, be zealous, die on that Charge, but that’s not how Americans act. We act PRACTICALLY, not Zealously. You can get us into this when it’s plausible and practical, but we’ll wander off if it’s not and not double down. Now it’s sunk into the interminably thick skulls of the “Intelligent” that this is losing, and they don’t like losing, so they’ll find a way to say they were never really for it in the first place. That is: They’ll just LIE. That’s the position Vance is taking here, and the mass of military base will fall in behind. Good luck, Europe, you want the war? You’re on your own. Oh wait, you have no money, no men, no army? Because you wanted US to pay for it on the cheap while you sit around in cafes and eat croissants? Yeah, ask John Wick how that worked out when you don’t fight your own battles, try to get away with preparing and displaying no personal power. Yeah, when the world acts like a Mafia, what is a Mafia that has no guns, no violence, no power? Yeah, no leverage, no respect, and they chop you up and kill you. Sorry. Thought you knew, thought you were good at this game. Too bad, so sad.

    So, Europe, plan on mobilizing 100% of all resources against a Russia-BRIICS and still losing completely. And they are: THEY are building a new Berlin Wall, and Germans are actually fleeing to Russia, as it’s beginning.

    “uncovered new details of the botched security operation”

    WAS it botched? If you mean “Botched because the plan was to actively kill him,” then yes maybe. As there’s no official story, there’s no official motive and no official protection. We don’t officially know the Secret Service did NOT hire Crooks, or Yearick too, because there is no story at all. So why not? You want me not to hypothesize this, publish the official report. Until then, all hypotheses are equal.

    “This week, the so-called president Vladimir Zelensky was telling the Vatican envoy Cardinal Pietro Parolin that it was urgent to find a peaceful end to the conflict with Russia”

    Bailiff, arrest this man! He is breaking Ukrainian law, and he’s not even a politician.

    This is still the DMZ plan, where Europe takes 2/3rds of Ukraine and puts them in NATO. Nyet. As above, they think it’s like April 1st, 2022, when this was possible. It’s not. BoJo the Clown now says he’s ready to accept Istanbul, he wants backsies, and the answer is NO. That was in the PAST, not the future. Every Russian soldier dead means they are taking another acre of land. To pay for it, if nothing else. I cannot comprehend why this is so difficult to understand. This isn’t strategic, you don’t have to hypothesize morality, the lowest, basest, simplest level makes this impossible. No.

    Their Premise is, “We’re the West, so we always win”, but ALSO at the same time, “We’re suing for peace because we lost.” Both do not coexist. You cannot win and lose at the same time, Win-Lose, Lose-Win. BothNeitherAi. They are broken, insane people, and the real problem is, we read this and don’t fully comprehend, just how impossibly insane that is, because we are half-insane ourselves.

    You cannot “Sue for peace”. Putin told you a month ago that was the last offer. Now you “Sue for peace” by signing an unconditional surrender.

    “(By “stronger,” the general here clearly must mean “larger,” because if he literally meant “stronger” – as in also technologically stronger – his statement would be self-contradictory and absurd.)

    I’m not sure you want to say that, as they are literally insane and constantly believe opposite and contradictory things for lifetimes. An inferior army can always beat a superior one, that’s common sense and the definition of “Superior”. No different than anything else they say all day, and I record here.

    ““Ursula von der Leyen is making Europe poorer, less independent and more dangerous. Much more dangerous.”

    So? Stop her. There are like a dozen levels. France can just withdraw from it all like the New Left says. Italy certainly will. Stop participating. She’s appointed, essentially, so point it out. There is no Democracy in Europe, so why participate in it? They have the Euro? Well the Euro will collapse, is collapsing, again as all media seems run by WEF/Davos and Socialists, they say the U.S. this and that, we make no sense, we have no power, we’re collapsing. Meanwhile, back in reality, the Euro has ceased to be used, dropped like 30%. …Showing the only use of the Euro was the FORCED use via Russian oil. No Russian oil = no use. Nobody wants the Euro, it is an Ex-Currency.

    You can’t leave because of the Euro? Use Doge Coin. Use Shibi Inu. Use “CoqInU” coin, the national symbol of France. STOP. Stop cooperating, stop helping. We would. But that’s not the European way, so that’s fine for them, they resolve this the European way, as a feuding family. Just saying though: You COULD. You SHOULD. In fact, ultimately you must and will. So why not today.
    THEY don’t have the power, YOU do.

    ““The Ursulas announced that, in their opinion, the sovereigntist faction [is] anti-Europe, anti-progress and anti-humanity,” …and must be hunted down and killed.

    There are no countries in Europe. No cultures. No languages. Or else! Got it? Their plan is to annihilate you and everything you know, after 10,000 years of culture. Ready to back away and stop supporting yet?

    “• Netanyahu Angry After Meeting With Vice President Harris (ZH)

    Yes, Harris has that effect on everyone, but back up a bit: Nutsy is going there to say “See? — I – am the locus, the controller of the United States, — I – alone have their support from big dummy while we’re in this war that can’ be won without THEM, and therefore ME. Now STFU and keep me as PM!” (or he immediately goes on trial and is shot. Ha. Ha.).

    Um, Nutsy? You may want to check that. First, WE are not going to save you, and half your agents didn’t show up for your talk, which is a very different signal for your home audience. This is the same, even Harris, Harris! Told you to stfu and end this. Same as Trump, actually, so THEY are in power, America is, not you. So you can be removed and won’t matter in Israeli home politics. So good luck. You’re going home in less good shape than when you arrived.

    So Harris pimp-slapped you and you’re going home like you have any power or respect? Really? Let me know how that works. Isn’t it supposed to be the other one on their knees?

    “China Throws Clout Behind Palestine (Pepe Escobar)

    So we sent Nutsy home completely empty BUT ALSO we are entirely supporting and in his pocket? Pick one.

    “• Russian Central Bank Hikes Interest Rate To 18% (RT)

    They have a zero budget deficit, how do I buy one? Oh wait: JP Morgan and Sachs can buy them, I am not allowed. Right. That’s how we have “Free Markets”. That’s “Capitalism” when you can only do with your money exactly as the government says.

    How did Beethoven do that? He used computer punch cards, apparently.

    Eagle: Science so it’s false. All kinds of birds attack hawks and eagles. And they also do bite back. I guess you’ve never been outside before?

    Noting again, the drone, no-pilot event with the F16 is very bad. Like the mid-range Nukes, that’s a hair trigger for everything, overnight, giving the people and politicians no time to compensate and forestall.

    Russia still has a date to Pimp slap us senseless. But we suck so bad they can control and arrange it way better.


    • Pompeo Tries to Hijack Trump’s Peace Push

    Both the Alexes at The Duran agree that both Pompeo and Boris Johnson think that Trump can be “turned” on his Ukronaziland political position after meeting with him recently, just like last time.

    Comically if Little Mike Pus-pay-Off, Second String Satanist, had a cap busted on his fat head and went straight to Hell, nobody would care, or even notice his absence.


    He’s just another Blob Buttplug®

    There’s a near infinite supply of demonic psychopaths who would leap at the chance to take his place in the Satanic Hierarchy.


    Second Time is the Charm


    Dr. D

    “How were Trump supporters turned from desperate Christians to euphoric Trumpians, all in one day? How did they drop Jew Jesus and turn Trump turned from a reality TV star into white Jesus, all in one day?”

    Were they? Did they? As far as I know, none of this ever happened. And there are no Christians in America, so put that right out of your head. They exist only on TV same as Vampires and Werewolves. There are almost no people who go to church here, and even 90% of them are not Christians.

    So we have a Cult of Trump where whatever Trump says, we say “Nah, bro.”? He wants war, “Nah Bro.” He want Bolton, “Nah Bro.” He wants vaccines, “Nah Bro.” And the People’s, the “Trump’s” supporters never alter, never flip-flop regardless of what he says. That’s the #OPPOSITE of a Cult, by definition. That would be called having principles, whether good or bad, because they’re consistent and slow-changing.

    “my money is that there are multiple arms, including Netanyahu and Ugly Adelson.”

    Of course, Trump, being a politician, would never double-cross them. No never. Politicians and particularly Trump, are complete honest people who always do what they promise. He gave them the Jerusalem office? Hahahahahaha! So??? They were bought off so easy, the dummies! What did it get them? Nothing. No effect whatsoever, and in fact they are now collapsing. Whoa, be still my heart you want to be king of the world AND a sandwich, and I grant you the sandwich.

    “People don’t wreck the place they live in unless they have lost their minds.”

    So Army Ants and grasshoppers can lose their minds? Hmmm..

    There is a rumor going around — and I can’t get anything on this, nor to substantiate, nor to fit into existing facts — that the Crowdstrike hack was because someone stole “Joe Biden” — that is, his “functional” AI from the White House while Jill was out. Problems: let me count the ways. So they’ve been putting out incompetent AI Bidens for YEARS? On PURPOSE? When they didn’t have to? What with the several body doubles then, which we know by ears there are. So what if they DID steal “Biden”? You can do that from public footage, NOR would anyone believe you if you DID post a Biden Video AI on 4Chan or RT. Duh.

    But go on with your theories, maybe they will make sense sometime. They do seem related.


    Harris and the Dem Congress critters who boycotted Bibi’s speech are play acting. Kayfabe. They see the state of Michigan slipping away from them this year over Gaza. The performance is to win Michigan back into the Dem fold. That’s what it looks like to me.


    This site is becoming increasingly:

    1. Very USA centric and
    2. So last day’s news.

    For example no mention today of the kitch-woke fest that was yesterday’s Opening Ceremony in Paris. But we have piece after piece about the assassination attempt that happened last century and if it was a bullet or a piece of glass when we all know what it was.

    Meanwhile Europe is burning while is transforming into an authoritarian nightmare but this is treated as an afterthought that takes place in the margins of the Trump campaign or the machinations of the chaotic Democratic Party.


    follow the script.
    My explanation is the narrative that you must accept as the truth.
    INAPPROPRIATE and OUT OF LINE to question or to propose any other explanation.
    All other rhetoric does is feed the fire of ASSASSINATION DENIERS and IDIOTS.
    It’s because of IDIOTIC and POLITICALLY MOTIVATED statements like this, that we don’t have ANY confidence in the supposed #1 law enforcement agency in this country.
    We CAN’T TRUST THEM to run this investigation into the assassination attempt!!
    The curious details around this event remain shrouded in mystery.

    • Saving Our Democracy (Kunstler)

    Saving Our Democracy

    However it happened this week, “Joe Biden” passed the blowtorch to a new generation and got himself gone from the political battlefield. Delegates to the coming Democratic National Convention (August 19) were duly notified of the selected replacement, Veep Kamala Harris, and ordered to line up behind her. Not a peep of disagreement was heard among them. Amazing that no one had a different idea. Thus, is democracy saved.

    What’s going on here is a cynical move by the Kiev regime to extend its survival and corruption racket.

    • Zelensky Now Wants Peace, Or Rather Another Piece Of The Action (SCF)

    So, Kiev’s puppet president Zelensky now wants peace, or rather another piece of the action

    The NATO proxy war is a historic loss of monstrous dimensions.
    The Western public is expected by their governments and media to prop up a corrupt regime with endless taxpayer handouts while also subsidizing the rent-free accommodation of millions of Ukrainians who have fled from this repressive regime.

    Just Some Randomer

    “Gen. Mark Milley: Robots to Imminently Replace Humans Soldiers in U.S. Military”

    That’s all well and good, but will they be appropriately diverse robots with the correct allocation of genders across their number?


    Someone once wrote that when you see the wealthy gutting grocery stores, you should expect trouble ahead. So when the grocery store is a cattle ranch or a chicken operation, and thousands of animals are put down- where do the carcasses go?
    How would you stock your DU[M]B without people noticing?


    Here’s a video I got from a commenter at ZH. Go to 19:40, and focus on FBI woman behind Trump’s left arm immediately to the right in a black hat, sunglasses, white shirt. Note how she looks to her right, cups her hand to her mouth, and waves her hands in front of each other. That’s a signal to someone.
    Shots ring out almost immediately.

    That Trump doctor was careful to say “the eight shots”…

    On a completely different note (again from a comment at ZH) is this UN document from the “population division” from March 2000.


    This is a first for me: I was linking the above video, and when I hit “link” it put in a 2022 substack piece, instead. Out of nowhere, as far as I could tell.


    Eugypppius substact article.
    Unredacted RKI protocols lay bare the entire Covid farce yet again
    “None of the repressions visited upon the unvaccinated had any epidemiological purpose; they were simple state harassment and coercion to further a pointless social engineering goal. ”


    More from Eugyppius’s substact above:

    “This brings us to the first lesson of the RKI protocols, which also happens to be a central doctrine of the plague chronicle: Politics does not, and cannot, follow science. Rather, science follows politics, and scientists were no more central to decision-making during the pandemic than they were at any other time.

    “During the pandemic, scientists were called upon to provide an illusory Science that politics could pretend to follow. This is the second great revelation of the RKI protocols, and it is why they are so embarrassing for the pandemicists. This is, again, something that we already knew, although of course it is profoundly helpful to have it documented beyond dispute in these records. The RKI Covid Crisis Team did not decide on lockdowns or vaccination strategy or anything else; that was a job for politicians in the Health Ministry, and for even more powerful politicians beyond them going all the way up the Chancellor’s office. Christian Drosten had to pretend to advise the politicians, while withholding his own papers when they deviated from government policy. The RKI knew that the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was nonsense but they kept quiet about it, and Drosten surely knew it was nonsense too when he told state media on 18 November that Covid is above all a “disease of the unvaccinated.” The role of RKI epidemiologists and virus prophets like Drosten was merely to provide a pandemic fiction that would justify whatever it was the politicians already wanted to do. Along the way, they did untold and unforgivable damage to our society and to many millions of innocent people.”


    Beethoven vid
    I find it curious how the need for a visual representation of the music leads to an image of a piano roll rather than traditional music notation…when, in actuality, music notation visually provides more information, is portable between instruments, and is designed for humans, rather than being a machine language. A piano roll is more akin to a computer’s software.


    Dimitri posted:

    This site is becoming increasingly:

    1. Very USA centric and 2. So last day’s news.

    For example no mention today of the kitch-woke fest that was yesterday’s Opening Ceremony in Paris. But we have piece after piece about the assassination attempt that happened last century and if it was a bullet or a piece of glass when we all know what it was. (…)

    Yes. TAE used to be about energy and the economy dependent on that (a bit like Gail T., link below, site, Our finite world, at least to some degree.. )

    IT posted world wide news. Now it has become a purely US-mainstream news commentary site, focussed on ‘top’ USA issues as touted by the MSM, such as Kabala vs. Trumpy, which is interesting as an example or internal political moves and propaganda, but not important for the state of the world, as US Presidents from either side of the aisle pursue identical policies while fooling the public with ‘switcheroos’…

    Still there are many good posters here.


    C.J.Hopkins and the German court system; it’s Kafkaesque, or worse.

    The People’s Court of New Normal Germany


    Point taken on what the site discusses. I was all-in back in, what. 2005 on Peak Oil. Prepper/Doomer, plugged into alternative news, knew the 08 financial blowout was coming well in advance, etc.

    The total liquid energy production chart seemed to show a definite peak right around there, 2005. As far as national debt or underlying real economy vs markets, we’ve found we weren’t quite right there either.

    Turns out peak oil wasn’t in 2005. Somehow.

    And turns out markets are really just centrally planned. If the central planners who feed in or draw out liquidity decide today the market crashes, it does. If world events are such that it SHOULD crash and they decide it won’t, it won’t.

    The real problem is people aren’t free to problem solve. Full spectrum at every level simultaneously, individual problem-solving is being blocked. From being free to even understand problems to discussion to trying various things. Homeowners would be hard pressed to be able to change the height of their porch railing.

    On top of all the stopping-things, there’s a very VERY significant element of constant demoralization. Civilization-wide. Actively applied and reinforced, not just an organic trend.

    I’m still interested in all the old stuff from 2009 TAE, but I’m concerned with THE major trend that stops us from addressing all this – and in 2009 I’d never have thought I could refer to them this way – lesser issues. How do I define it exactly? That which blocks, disorganizes, misleads, and demoralizes continually, actively? This undefinable blob of… something? Not just the bureaucratic “Blob” of Kunstler.

    I guess we could keep referencing Shadowstats figures vs official ones, # in workforce vs unemployment %, stuff like that. Old hands all know this stuff is happening but if anyone new wanders in, it would be informative.


    A Comment on World News

    Not just Duhhhh’merican News



    I find it curious how the need for a visual representation of the music leads to an image of a piano roll rather than traditional music notation…when, in actuality, music notation visually provides more information, is portable between instruments, and is designed for humans, rather than being a machine language. A piano roll is more akin to a computer’s software.

    AGREED. Moreover, the machine language feeding INTO the human hands feels a bit wrong. If anything, the piano roll ought to be going the other way, feeding out from the human performance.

    for popout


    Yeah I just assumed the opening ceremonies at the Olympics would be Satanic, skipped it, and figure I can fill the blanks in myself.

    Just think Eurovision/London Olympics/CERN/that one tunnel opening in the alps and you’ve got it. How much satanic ritual do I need to see in one lifetime? Satanism’s so passe.

    And the Satanists are a bunch of boring predictable killjoy puritans anyway. Rather go to heaven with the Babylon Bee writers than sit in boring authoritarian hell with unimaginative humorless satanists



    Windfall: FBI Pays $2M To Strzok, Ex-Lover For Released Anti-Trump Texts

    The FBI will pay disgraced former FBI official Peter Strzok and his former lover Lisa Page millions in a settlement over the release of their anti-Trump text messages, CNN reported on Friday.

    I’m pretty sure there are laws on the books that let you sue someone for doing illegal things “Under Color Of Law.” – breaking the law AS someone in authority by virtue of that identity and position

    Trying to swing an election or contradict the will of the people by negating election results – AS an FBI agent.

    Since they did illegal things under color of law AND had the audacity to make money off of them, sue them for it, claw all that shit back, plus put them another couple million in the hole.

    Bit of innovative financing there, how they got paid for “services rendered”

    TAE Summary

    Who Wins


    When you get your MD license and actually examine a bullet wound, then we might listen to you.


    Thanks for the link @Noirette


    Michael Reid

    Jeffrey Sachs with probably the smartest and most accurate assessment of the Ukraine war, and American foreign policy more broadly, ever caught on tape.

    (20:17) Why did America push for Ukraine to Join NATO?
    (58:34) What is a Neocon?
    (1:25:28) Regime Change Never Works
    (1:36:27) Who Blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline?
    (2:01:45) COVID Origins

    John Day

    At least tulip bulbs are real and reproduce…
    Trump Promises To Make USA The “Bitcoin Super-Power Of The World”; Democrats Panic U-Turn On Anti-Crypto Crusade

    John Day

    FBI Says Unequivocally That Trump Was Hit By A Bullet

    D Benton Smith

    These are the dying days of the biggest syndicated syndrome of debilitation that the world has ever seen (or HIDDEN from sight, as the case may be).

    Bear with me. It takes a few steps to lay it out, but it is NOT terribly complicated.

    Basically, the Great American Empire (with lots and lots of help from an alliance of traitorous monsters elsewhere) has been running a deadly scam on the rest of the world, which finally got such a belly full of it that they decided to take that Evil Empire down. Which they are doing quite effectively even now as we speak. America is (predictably) eating its own.

    In supreme irony (but to no one’s great surprise) the monster is now feeding on its own trapped domestic population (and those of it’s “closest friends” like Europe and Zionist Israel) because other places (former victims) have grown strong enough to resist and too strong to rob.

    Remarkable, isn’t it, that the end-game is so transparently homicidal, genocidal, democidal and SUICIDAL? But that’s what you get for creating a monster that was born and bred to feed on people.

    Here’s an exemplary case in point, just one among many, but wonderfully illustrative of the process in general : OZEMPIC the wonder drug, guaranteed to sweep through the population like the Black Death, with the bonus benefit of generating $20,000 per “customer”, per year, for the rest of their sickened, shortened and fatally disabled lives.

    Ozembic “treats” the biggest health problem in the modern world: OBESITY, by permanently wrecking the body’s ability to digest food as nature intended. It will curb excess body weight allright, but at the price of being on it FOR LIFE (at $20G’s per year) because if you stop taking it all of the lost weight (and then some) comes back and there ain’t nothing you can do about it because the digestion and gut health systems have been completely wrecked, with the only recourse from death by diabetes and heart disease is to go back on the drug that is slowly killing you anyway by continuing to ravage your entire metabolic architecture.

    Where does the $20 G’s per customer come from? From government mandated treatments under new laws and enforceable mandated treatment protocols lobbied into existence by those same drug companies who pay direct bribes to media and regulatory institutions in the form of “advertising” and “grants”, which the medical, educational, media and regulator entities utterly depend on for their day-to-day financial survival.

    No one is allowed to mention any of this in public because much of the money derived from same is fed right back into the machine as bribes, payoffs and stock dividends to suppress all complaints and alarms (and brother, the alarm bells should be clanging from all bell towers because we’re talking about addiction and death for half of the population, from the kids on up.

    Can you STOP taking Ozempic? Why, of course you can, in which case you will dies from the complications of obesity, diabetes and disruption of neurotransmitter production in the gut (which produces 90% of your serotonin.) The consequences of that disruption are debilitating depression, insurmountable mental health issues, degraded physical health, and even MORE suicides.

    Forget Covid and vaxxines. Ozempic is being positioned to addict and then prematurely kill every single one of the people tricked or forced into taking it, while making TRILLIONS of dollars for the supply chain. Diabetes related medical treatments already account for more expense than the entire Defense Budget, and Ozempic is ALREADY the officially “recommended” (compulsory) treatment of obesity in teenagers, who account for fully 50% of all teenagers.

    Ozempic is already banned in most other countries, but not in America. Here it is the largest and fastest growing “market” in all of American history THIS Bud is for YOU, America, complements of your friendly neighborhood Military Industrial Pharmaceutical Complex. But don’t thank them. Thank you for working for them.

    It’s easy, you could do it too. Just pay the wages necessary to suppress good things, and sell bad things, by promoting those bad things (like Ozempic, vaxxines, brain chips and puberty blockers and as “good” things, and CRUSHING anyone who tries to say different. All that it takes is a government and/or work-force that’s willing to go along with it in exchange for fame and fortune. Once that vicious cycle gets rolling it’s pretty hard to stop.

    In fact the only way that I know of to stop it is to SEE it, and tell your friends. Don’t do that Ozempic death spiral under any circumstances and encourage everybody you know to do the same. “Ozempic for everybody” is not a “maybe” kind of population reduction gambit. It IS going to make the vaxxine massacre look like a rescue mission.


    “When you get your MD license and actually examine a bullet wound, then we might listen to you.”
    Sounds like, If your not an establishment expert with “D” in your title, you need to be censored. Now where have I heard that before?


    From Trump’s “assassination” to Biden’s disappearing act…it’s all theatre

    But heck, if they want to keep pumping out increasingly absurd political narratives surrounding their make believe democracy, we may as well break out the popcorn and enjoy.

    Just so long as we remember – the ending is always going to be the same.

    Indeed. Hollyweird dies and its role is taken over by the US congress. Politicians always act, always pretend to be something they are not; this is their natural destiny.


    Dr D said

    But go on with your theories, maybe they will make sense sometime. They do seem related.

    You have decided that the Christian Right does not exist because you have redefined the word Christian in the same way as you redefined the word Jew. Refusing to use a language is one approach to discussion, but it is kind of childish; do go on with your theories, maybe someone here will appreciate it.


    Orange Jesus is the jew Trojan Horse Trained and blackmailed congressional monkeys, jumping up and down for their King, should show you who your fuckin boss is.

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