Debt Rattle May 13 2018


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    Pablo Picasso Le repos 1932 This painting has a story. It’s very funny. Read below.   • Bill Gross’s Wife Paints Fake Picasso, Swaps It With Real
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 13 2018]

    V. Arnold

    Pablo Picasso Le repos 1932
    Very funny, Sue must be quite the person.
    A very classy way to get her ex.
    I’d love to see her replication


    Yeah, couldn’t find that anywhere. We need a story like that every single day.

    “I don’t remember how I signed it. Bill will remember because I painted it at home years ago..”

    “We didn’t speak for a year and a half,” she answered just before the line of questioning turned to a 7-foot, 300-pound rabbit sculpture she also admitted taking.”

    Sounds a lot like that was a Jeff Koons. Who else makes 300 pound 7 foot rabbits?


    Don’t miss Philip Glass.


    I had Opening by Phillip Glass played for my wedding a decade or so ago. I need no convincing of this man’s astral talents.

    V. Arnold

    Thanks, I forgot about the vid with Philip Glass.
    I really, really liked that piece.
    Sunday calm fits to a T.
    I listen to classical music every day. But it’s not the only genre I like.
    Thailand’s Luk Thung is also a favorite. Luk Thung is traditional country music and the volcals have a throat based range of sounds, pretty amazing really.


    I am in Cairns, where James Cook University’s research on the Great Barrier Reef is based. These are the people who have been crying wolf about the GBR – and every time they did so, they received more funding.

    The latest dollop of funding is no less than A$500m from the corrupt government of Australia.

    “James Cook University dragged into global research scandal”

    This article is behind a pay wall. However, a search on Google News for the title will let you read it.

    Essentially, a young pretty Swedish lady studied at JCU and got a PhD. The only problem is that the research she has done is based on false data. They are pretending to be trying to find out where she learnt to do that sort of thing. She also claims to have “lost” a laptop with all her data.

    The fact of the matter is that the GBR has been there for over one million years – and has survived massive changes in sea-level, water temperature and salinity. It is alive and well and anyone saying something to the contrary is a person who is trying to climb on to the gravy train.

    The negative publicity has been devastating to a lot of local businesses as people have stopped coming as they assume that their media back home is telling them the truth.

    Charles Alban

    I used to live in Laguna Beach. Full of people like this. They would come out with their chain saws if the neighbor’s eucalyptus trees blocked their precious ocean views. The most successful business in town is AA…parking lot full 7 days a week from 7 am to 7 pm. Everybody is in “recovery”. That’s what living in paradise, as they called it, will do to you. One shrink I knew specialized in fathers and sons, and the shrink in the coffee shop specialized in alcoholic airline pilots. He was Jimmy Carter’s house doc and spirited Billy Carter out of DC on an airforce jet to the Betty Ford Clinic.


    Charles Alban,

    Many years ago, I was in the airline business – installing IT systems at airports. We all knew that at the Narita Prince hotel (an airport hotel) there was a special bar for airline tucked away on the ground floor behind reception. I would go there and watch pilots getting pissed with their “flight attendants” almost every night of the week. I could only do my work after flights had stopped – the night curfew.

    Dr. D

    What I’ve been trying to say: Truly Dickensian. I mean not hyperbole, but coldly, accurately, deadly Dickensian, Oh Albion. “But Dickensian is [ _____ ]. That’s not us.” Oh yes it is, just like the Great American Depression since 2000, complete with Joad families evicted from Bakersfield and living in cars, massive tent cities throughout the land, living in the L.V. sewers, exactly what happened in Dickens’ England is going on now: desperate workers shifting for jobs, sex work, exploitation, soft and hard, exportation, drugs, death, murder, gangs, and the complete and total uncaring of the eating class denying it at their ice-sculpture parties with pretty, unreachable words. They rolled it off as “normal” and “temporary” last time too: in 1930, in 1810. Watch Tess of the D’Urbervilles and tell me: millennial sex work after employment and hope fails? Check out

    I sure am glad they have Social Democratic system that doesn’t let people fall through the National Health, hold them hostage until the only hope is Italian citizenship, and gives everyone a handout, keeps up proper high-rise safety codes instead of payoffs, and would never allow roving gangs commit gang rapes without a police response, because boy, if the government stopped support because they were bankrupt as Venezuela, having disarmed the population, it would be even worse than never promising that support at all. Their Social Democracy where the government does everything the church, family, charity, friendship, club, and business used to do, and now all those parallel structure are gone: from 8 table legs to one. Kick it out, and it’s the jungle.

    So, does this have anything to do with shifting to Minsky’s Ponzi Finance? You know, where London Banking is so profitable they shut down and demolished all other industry from Newcastle, Leeds, Blackpool, Manchester, and now there is no variety of industry to keep the wheels moving and people employed and productive? How’d that work out for one-show ponies Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and South Africa? The one thing you learn from history is nobody learns anything from history. In their arrogance, they just claim to be smarter than their fathers were, with no when they’re not even as smart as the citizens they despise.

    This border thing only shows how much they don’t want to solve it, and have no compunction to stall and squabble while people die. How’s that EU border with Norway? Impossible to cross? How about Switzerland? Since Ireland and England have been separate countries since at least 1921, yet there seems to have been some commerce between them. Heavens to Betsy! However was this accomplished??? We just can’t figure it out!

    Dump the EU or they’ll tie you up and drag you down, extort you for 100 years. Open your border however you wish, and if the EU boycotts it, militarizes it, lines up 500,000 immigrants at it, you can show the world who’s the real villain here. Problem Solved. Next!

    What’s probably going to happen and England is stalling for, is for the EU to crack in Italeave, and DeutscheBank collapsing, then they can play blameless. They could care less how many lives are ruined and citizens die until then. Egos and placing the blame is the most important thing in the whole wide world.

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