Debt Rattle May 4 2021


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  • #74461


    Talk about ‘The Herd’

    “A Wharton school grad and his father, a doctor, developed the “Immunaband” – a wearable smart device, which is much akin to a smartwatch in appearance and is being used to show the status of vaccination with a tag.”

    Digital vaccine passport bands have arrived


    V. Arnold

    Talk about ‘The Herd’

    Yesterday the Thai health minister made it mandatory that if more than 1 person is in a vehicle everyone must wear a mask…
    …oh joy, oh joy…(sarc)
    Hell, I’m more afraid of these morons in charge, than I am of the virus…


    “Seychelles, which has fully vaccinated more of its population against Covid-19 than any other country, has closed schools and canceled sporting activities for two weeks as infections surge.”


    A new study from the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago has analysed the impact of stay-at-home orders on infections and deaths in U.S. states and found they made no difference.

    The peer-reviewed study, published in the scientific journal PNAS, found stay-at-home orders (also known as shelter-in-place orders or SIPs) were not associated with lower infections or deaths; furthermore, they were actually associated with a slight increase in infections and deaths, although this was not statistically significant.

    Dr. D

    Same as the 3/11 CDC report of 1% difference. And the U.S. Army study strictly following 100% of the rules. And all the others.

    Don’t worry: it’s published Science, so everyone will completely ignore it and follow da feelz.

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