Debt Rattle November 11 2021
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- This topic has 97 replies, 29 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by
November 11, 2021 at 11:22 pm #92129
Mister Roboto
Participant@redshift: Indeed. WTF do conservatives want, for Biden to start WWIII over another round of stupid imperial economic sanctions?
November 12, 2021 at 12:56 am #92130Rover
ParticipantThanks, Bosco, for re-posting the Gibson essay ,as it were….I had become lost in the common culture of today, wondering where it’s going to take us all up the as well…
November 12, 2021 at 12:58 am #92131Saul Goodman
ParticipantI dont know if this is relevant or not, I have been reading all the comments here for a couple of years. And I wish we could all share a beer, and thank everyone here for the thoughtful debate and professional discourse (most of the time).
My wife and I probably keep reading into things we see happening all around us, these things probably always happened but now we are trying to apply a cause and effect, i.e. vaccine, covid, etc.
I had to fly on an airplane this week, Down to a southern US city. The mask stuff is commical with taking it off most of the flight to eat and drink, but them asking for you to put it on as soon as you throw your stuff away. I wear the most breathable material so as to not be uncomfortable. I go to a work event since I have been forced vaccinated (I might be more dangerous now than before as I feel like I am an under cover agent of truth. Everyone listening to my rants and stories–It terrifies people. I tell people that I am only a handful of people that took the vaccine against my desire. I lay out a logical story about how I never got sick and that this seemed retroactive. Making people think gets them to stop talking in their tracks.
I have a story that I have never shared for privacy reasons. My long time friend, a Nurse Practitioner came to me for help. He was the NP at a county jail, and they were having the worst outbreak of Covid they have ever had. People laid up. In bad shape. He calls me and says ‘yo brother, i might need you to send me that protocol you we talked about a while back (this was July 2021, i guess you could say delta). Now its no secret that the country jail has people that are not healthy. I sent him the website that has already been shared here. I say, I am just a internet junkie, you look at this with your own brain, and do what you think is right. He decides to use something that rhymes with ‘I her Shmectin’ amongst other things.
I forgot about it assuming he doesnt want to risk career suicide. I test him a few weeks later and he says the following. ‘Hey buddy, you wont beleive it, this stuff worked, all the inmates were testing negative after 4-5 days. We saved probably 7 lives and put 22 people back on their feet quickly. The XXX state department of health was in a call with us and praising us for how successful this was and that they have never seen this anywhere. Everyone got better.
Hair on my arm stood up. He said, ‘risk was low, reward was high’. So there are alot of people that can mock all this stuff, but a battle is a battle, no one wins a battle doing nothing. We did something.
Sad thing is, that state I live in, the country I live in, knows how to help, and is doing nothing.
Back to me, people at my meeting where shocked to find out that I was trying to counteract the vax as well as I could. Everyone was shocked that I got a shot (J&J) and basically experienced nothing no reaction whatsoever (aka no headaches, chills, etc, and god forbid blood or other issues). Woke some people up today with my NP friends story. There are literally people who are paying 0% attention to this. Large amounts of people.
November 12, 2021 at 1:11 am #92132Mister Roboto
Participant@Saul: I have said this here before, but so much about this shit-lib Democrat crusade against Ivermectin reminds me so very much of the shit-con Republican campaign against medicinal cannabis thirty years ago.
November 12, 2021 at 1:18 am #92133Veracious Poet
ParticipantAbout the FLCCC protocols:
Personally I found them suspect, due to the inclusion of certain meds I would NEVER use ~ First & foremost Atorvastatin, which is the first med I removed from my mother’s cocktail when she came to me bedridden in JUL 2019 with Stage IV lung cancer. There are several others, which I don’t even care to list, plus a few things missing…
Perhaps Dr. Day can comment 😉
I recently went on Ivermection (Noromectin 1%) & although it has a kick, I actually feel somehow rejuvenated following treatment.
This is the protocol we’re following, based on the excellent recommendations on TAE (looking @ you John…THANKS!)
Ivermection 1% (injectable) 1st dose 1cc per 110lbs. in 12oz H2O, then again 72 hours later, followed by bi-weekly thereafter (weekly if exposed and/or there is a surge)
Vit C 1500mg
Vit d3 5000mg
Lysine 1000mg
NAC 1000mg
Glucosamine Sulfate +Choidrontin Sulfate
Nattokinase K2
Zyrtec 1 tab
Fish Oil 1TB
Multi-Mineral no iron (knew about iron 30 years ago)Anyways, I hope everyone is healthy, serene & spiritually centered 🙂
November 12, 2021 at 1:20 am #92134bpeptide
ParticipantBIG BIRD JABS
I had previously read the linked eugypsius article on OAS. It is required reading.
It’s a BOOM! for not vaccinating children.
It’s also a BOOM! for the halting of mass vaccination and booster-apalooza.
Makes me wonder what the authorities and government experts are thinking. Are they this
reckless, insane, stupid and maniacal? Do they not realize they risk imprinting the
children’s immune system for life? imprinting to a leaky, faulty, not fully tested/vetted
vaccine? likely compromising and weakening the future immunity of kids…forever?Putting on my tin foil hat, I do wonder if these big bird jabs are more of a propaganda
psych-op exercise. The big bird jabs are actually sufficiently diluted, that they are effectively a
placebo, thus eliminating any short term side affects or long term risk for kids.
The greater goal of the big bird jabs is not protecting the kids, but rather fostering
the blue-pill illusion of protection via the fear-mongering, coercion, conditioning, brainwashing of children, parents, and their communities.This last vaccine push is nothing more than a beautifully contrived, sinister pysch-operation to save the vaccine narrative – since kids (as this blog clearly understands) are at such low-low-low risk of COVID, the authorities will be able to simply argue that the vaccines worked for kids (see, no COVID!), and argue that the vaccines are safe as well (see, no Adverse effects from placebo Big Bird Jab!). Bravo, Sesame Street, well played.
November 12, 2021 at 2:03 am #92135boscohorowitz
ParticipantWe wactehd a real conspiracy to more or less take over the world via bombing anyone who opposed us. It was called the War on Terror. Hardly anyone in office, elected, appointed, selected or merely hired, said anything agaiondst the official deranged narrative. veryone went along to get along.
The Project for the New American Century was public knowledge widely spread. Other than the whitewash of the events of 911, the intent and the lies were easily seen. Whatever Drs. Evil who viewed this as their chance to turn the planet into their own private remote control switch failed to do anything but make a buncha money from it. Period. THey lost ebvery strategic goal they had, beginning and ending with Afghanistan (which was a failure from Day One that took us 20 years to admit.
We know that the clown behind PNAC are basically amoral lunatics with little grasp on actual reality.
I think the same applies with covid, from Bill Gates/Pfizer through Fauci/WUhan to the seemingly mandatory forbiddance of any relevant truth that might spoil their delusions of accomplishing whatever these poor deluded children think they’re doing. The censorship on accurate covid info is essentially the same as the War on Terror’s censorship. The War on Covid is much more destructive for many reasons including that it’s happening so late in the hour of this twilight of modern civilization, with its hyper-complex interconnexion of, rampant resource depletions, vaporware economies insane fiscal and financial policies, and megametamedia that has virtually taken over what is left of people after 13 years of public ed and maybe a few more of collegiate clown school.
Whatever the Rockefeller Rothschilds et al think they’re doing, all I see is a ludicrously amplified and distorted version of the Same Old Shit. Apes with guns and powertools thinking they can remodel a planet whose life took literally billions of years to reach this sorry point, will shrug us off as yet another extinction event (same old shit), and move on to the next big thing.
I personally take a more-or-less Biblical perspective on all this, for a number of reasons, modst of them logical and data-based but not without the ever popular sense thatonly something like Jeebus and them heavenly hosts can save us,
November 12, 2021 at 2:39 am #92137bpeptide
ParticipantBIG BIRD JABS
I had previously read the linked eugypsius article on OAS. It is required reading.
It’s a BOOM! for not vaccinating children.
It’s also a BOOM! for the halting of mass vaccination and booster-apalooza.
Makes me wonder what the authorities and government experts are thinking. Are they this reckless, insane, stupid and maniacal? Do they not realize they risk imprinting the children’s immune system for life? imprinting to a leaky, faulty, not fully tested/vetted vaccine? and likely compromising and weakening the future immunity of these kids…forever?
Putting on my tin foil hat, I do wonder if these big bird jabs are more of a propaganda psych-op exercise. The big bird jabs are actually sufficiently diluted, that they are effectively a placebo, thus eliminating any short term side affects or long term risk for kids. The greater goal of the big bird jabs is not protecting the kids, but rather fostering the blue-pill illusion of protection via the fear-mongering, coercion, conditioning, brainwashing of children, parents, and their communities.
This last vaccine push is nothing more than a beautifully contrived, sinister pysch-operation to save the vaccine narrative – since kids (as this blog clearly understands) are at such low-low-low risk of COVID, the authorities will be able to simply argue that the vaccines worked for kids (see, no COVID!), and argue that the vaccines are safe as well (see, no Adverse effects from placebo Big Bird Jab!). Bravo, Sesame Street, well played!
November 12, 2021 at 2:56 am #92138sumac.carol
ParticipantJohn Day thank you for your handy dandy OTC protocol- just shared it with a friend whose brother is sick.
Finished orchard chores early today and hauled the kayaks over to a nearby pond for a paddle. Glorious.
November 12, 2021 at 4:19 am #92139John Day
Participant@Dark Matter:
I have a google blog, which is what seems to transfer my “avatar” to other blogs, best I can tell. I tried in the past to get that same “avatar” (Kamakura Daibutsu) into my TAE profile, to no avail.November 12, 2021 at 4:29 am #92140John Day
Participant@Veraacious Poet: Atorvastatin does a different thing with COVID. Everything that works for COVID (except vitamin-D, zinc, maybe NAC) is doing something different from usual, based on it’s molecular shape messing with something the virus needs to do.
If you take a statin, take some CoQ-10 every day. It helps.November 12, 2021 at 4:30 am #92141John Day
Participant@Sumac Carol:
Go Girl!November 12, 2021 at 6:04 am #92142those darned kids
ParticipantNovember 12, 2021 at 7:17 am #92143Veracious Poet
ParticipantSea level rising is a joke.
For 19.5 years we lived right on New York harbor in a 30 story luxury apt. building & the level there is exactly as it has been for 300+ years, except when Hurricane Sandy came to town & we were in the middle of the Hudson for 6+ hours 😐
I also lived for many years on the Balboa peninsula for more than a decade in the 60s-70s & other than sand erosion (it’s artificial anyways) it’s exactly the same, if not lower…
Sheeple buying into the climate hoax (a distraction + elite money/power grab) are even dumber than those anxious to get their 2nd booster jab without any “real reality” knowledge of what they’re doing.
All these pseudo religions will be the death of western civilization, too many “experts” educated beyond their mental faculties…
Wanna see global warming? Go take a look at Nasa’s sun activity data for the 90s until now. HINT: We came out of a solar max that was off-the-charts & NOW the pendulum is swinging the other way 😉
P.S. Peak CHEAP petroleum energy is a “real reality” thing, so is toxic pollution, which is 1000% a CHINA problem, which TPTB created.
November 12, 2021 at 7:28 am #92144ctbarnum
ParticipantProbably off topic, but related, since the censorship is so thick.
November 12, 2021 at 7:40 am #92145Doc Robinson
Participantbpeptide: “The big bird jabs are actually sufficiently diluted, that they are effectively a placebo, thus eliminating any short term side affects or long term risk for kids.”
I strongly disagree. The kids’ dosage has a third of the mRNA that’s in the adult dose, and a lot of kids in the 5-11 age group have less than a third of the body mass of adults.
In other words, the mRNA dose for many children would be higher than the adult dose, on a per-kilogram or per-pound basis.
November 12, 2021 at 7:50 am #92148ctbarnum
ParticipantWonder why 🤔🤔🤔
— ₿hargav (@ThatIndianGuy) November 10, 2021
November 12, 2021 at 10:41 am #92160boscohorowitz
Participanttext moved to a better home
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