Debt Rattle November 15 2022


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    Salvador Dali Sick Boy (Self-portrait in Cadaqués) 1923   • US Scrambles To Reassure Ukraine After Milley Comments On Negotiations (Pol.) • Zelen
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 15 2022]


    Santino Blanco, the four-year-old boy who had been the face of Argentina’s national vaccination campaign has “died suddenly”.


    4 year old face of Argentina’s child vax campaigns dies suddenly



    Last month, the European Commission proposed new measures to ease the liquidity issues many energy companies currently face in meeting their margin requirements when using derivative markets. The Commission is increasing the clearing threshold from $3.01 billion (3 billion euros) to $4.01 billion (4 billion euros). Below this threshold, non-financial firms will not be subject to margin requirements on their OTC (over-the-counter) derivatives. The EC also temporarily expanded the list of eligible collateral to non-cash collaterals, including government guarantees.

    “Both these measures will provide much needed relief for companies, while also maintaining financial stability,” the Commission said.

    Here’s a wild out there thought: What if they had access to a product to sell?

    Dr. D

    “Tom Brady, August 07 2022” Well that didn’t age well. That’s forty days?

    Aaaand It’s Gone.

    There is something about the immediate and widespread press on FTX. That it’s “allowed”. However, it is a pretty big story, so it’s hard to tell.

    Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking.” –Khalil Gibran
    How gauche. Everyone knows your heart is stupid and your mind is smart.

    “Zelensky wants “effective security guarantees” and insists on an international meeting where the agreements are laid down in a peace treaty.”

    A peace treaty like Minsk? Where you shelled 14,000 of your own people for ten years while building Europe’s largest army for invasion? You can’t have “effective security guarantees” when you are “not agreement capable.” …But Ze never meant that at all, he could care less what happens to Russia. What he meant was “How can WE have security guarantees by disarming and bringing Russia to heel permanently, as a start of cutting them up and destroying them?”

    “UN Calls on Russia to Pay Ukraine Reparations (RT)”

    Again, this goes both ways. So now Russia cannot join the UN-world even if they wanted to. Nor can the Global South, knowing such a resolution will be put on them, Saudi Arabia for instance. Steal all their money. All the things! Like China’s overseas bank assets. Canadian Kenworths. So that entire world MUST create, and work exclusively within, a parallel system.

    At the same time, the other solution to this is now clear: rather than leaving a rump Ukraine within the city of Kiev, now Ukraine must cease to exist altogether for all time. Congratulations, UN, you just promoted total war.

    P.S. where are Russia’s reparations? Or Poland’s? How about Abenaki? Winnebago? Aboriginal? Flemish? Greek? Basque? Great plan. That shouldn’t cause any trouble or nothing.

    “people view this operation – as spectators: …What is at the base of these kinds of reactions?”

    Because they’re children. They’ve haven’t been punched in the mouth and left in a ditch enough.

    This is key, and key to the madness and insanity – bloodthirsty, unthinking insanity – of the West. The reason is, everything we do, think, see, say, is an abstraction. Christmas decorations are out, and what do we see? A Tree. Except it’s not a REAL tree, it’s a plastic tree, the #Opposite of a tree. It’s a PAPER tree, the picture of a tree, that is, a Representation, a tree WORD. A tree, supporting trees, made from the #Killing of trees.

    And so on with Reindeer, which no one has ever seen, with Santa, which is an abstraction of the holiday, for Jesus, who is an abstraction of an event, a representation of a man-box, which you can project nearly any other thought into.

    Not only that, ALL Western life is nothing but abstractions. Every day we see abstractions of chickens. Chickens on cartoon, chickens on the box, Chik-fil-a billboards, even chickens in a vacuum pack. But you will never see a real chicken. Probably most of the whole society has never seen one in person, ever, watched them go around, do their thing, live their life, come to bed at dark, wake up in the morning.

    I see the TERRIBLE writing in Hollywood now. OMG, “Gawd-’elp-us”, just moronic, infantile, illogical, cross-emotional, psychopathic cross-dressing drivel. It makes no sense. It delivers no story. Why?

    It’s all merely re-hashes of OTHER stories, tropes. Those tropes were themselves abstractions. Somewhere, 100 layers down, there was once a real story of a real person, or based on actual reality, as lived, experienced, and understood by someone. Maybe in 1911. Thus you have this America-That-Never-Is, in well, anything, but “Supernatural” comes to mind. The Rural version of “Friends” where five barristas afford a palatial apartment in Manhattan across from Central Park. Or the Abstraction of “Gremlins” (A Christmas movie), where the town isn’t from the 80’s, it’s Spielberg’s Boomer childhood of the 1950’s projected to 1980 when it had already failed and ceased to exist.

    …Today’s movies are “DinoLand IV: the Dinosty”, which is a rehashes of “Jurassic Park III”, which is a re-hash of “Jurassic Park I”, which is a rehash of Spielberg, which is a rehash of 1980, which is a rehash of 1950 someone once actually grew up in. …And THAT person, that young boy, grew up there, but mostly read books and watched “Lone Ranger” and “Hopalong Cassidy” on TV, with a thin layer of being outside and going to school on the side.

    This is equally true of the plots, and here’s more to the point. Same as they have no idea what chickens are, what trees are, what towns are, that it’s not “Hill Valley” (“Back to the Future”, a contradiction and abstraction meant as a joke, but as words have no meaning, becomes credible and real as “Elm Street”) but a boarded up mile and two nail salons beside a station with no gas: the real rural world if “Supernatural” actually was shot not on on a Paramount back lot with CGI. Pictures of tractors but no tractors. Country Kitsch of a goose or a butter churn, but no geese or cows.

    No, the same thing is with the plot, the thinking. Their abstraction of 50 years of torrential fire-hose, brain-melting stark raving nonsense is MacGiver disarming a nuclear bomb (stolen from WalMart using a muscle car, is made of tin foil and silly string, has no weight, no maintenance, no parts, and no radiation signature) and fixes it a pocket knife and a piece of duct tape. The baddies shoot no bullets, or no bullets that hit. Yet are a real threat who are baddies that practice with guns all day. A paper sign or 2010 Nissan car door can stop bullets, which never are shot below the doors at your ankles. Police stations are always like Google Corporate headquarters, which have the latest electron microscopes that project to wide-screen TVs. When you ask a question, like “Who did this?” the answer appears BEFORE the crime even occurs. Like when they knew North Korea hacked SONY before the q-bits had left the building.

    Their thinking is equally warped, abstracted, has had no contact with reality FOR GENERATIONS. Nor, as I’ve said, are you likely to get any. Even if you left your bubble at Vassar, would you see a real chicken working at Popeye’s while living in a trailer in Harper’s Ferry? No. If you were a oil worker, that is, actually contacting real things almost always, who would you tell? You’re a freak. What you say makes no sense to anyone else in American culture, and when you say “Don’t put your head in the industrial shredder” they say “You don’t own me, you racist, misogynistic hater! Your words are violence! I’ll do what I want!” So what do you do? Let them? They’re like a nation of two-year-olds, 250 million strong.

    …And so it is with the present war. It has the same reality as “Spy Kids” and “SpongeBob”. Russia is both so strong they fix every election worldwide but so weak they ran out of bullets back in March. They’re so smart they bomb their own pipelines and shell their own nuclear stations. –Who can figure out villains which on TV make no sense, have no purpose, and always lose? They’re both attacking with the whole Russian army, and don’t have enough men to defend a small town. They both own Ukraine-as-Russia and plan to irradiate it — themselves — forever.

    Peace talks are no different. Because villains are illogical and war has no point, thus peace also has no conditions and no purpose. The purpose of all things is to let the Good Guys win. Simple! And we’re the Good Guys, so “Know Your Place.”

    It’s simply impossible.

    And so, for examples, like a movie, like “Chuck” or “The Social Network”, when a 20 year old from MIT appears with a weird haircut, he’s OBVIOUSLY a computer genius. Can’t you see my black turtleneck? – Do I have to switch to my lab coat now? – And so OBVIOUSLY, like in the movies, 30 minutes into the movie, he’s “Wolf of Wall Street” and has made a BILLION dollars. With a short montage. Duh. Like, did you think it would take an hour? NO! We have to get to the climax here. All the people go “Looks legit to me!!!” and pile in a $160M NFL-Supermodel fortune.

    They have NEVER SEEN REALITY. They LITERALLY CAN’T TELL. So what is the world where the one-eyed man is king? No. In the story, the King who didn’t take the poison is thrown down a well as a raving madman, while the raving madmen are quite happy with themselves, their clarity, morality, and strength of judgment. Golf clap: good show old sir.

    How WOULD you see reality? Well, it would be like The Matrix: Dark, cold, hostile, miserable. Forever. Given a choice, the human animal will invariably pick endless, non-stop, pan-optical, universal, and highly approving fantasy. Where by joining, your life and status is not in danger.

    So this is the full background of “Not Agreement Capable”, and why Russia cannot negotiate with Ze for “Security”. This is why they’re just “spectators”, “consumers” with thoughtless advice they would never take themselves, then pick themselves up and carry on.

    Well, I gotta go buy an abstraction of Gingerbread cookies to hang on a tree and pin to a wall. These cookies talk, dance, and tell salty one-liners. Probably have batteries. One thing they don’t have is Ginger, Bread, or Cookies.

    Just like Christmas Trees have neither Christ, nor Mass, nor Trees.

    Thus we have Blinken, as “We’re the Good Guys”, therefore like American Movies for 50 years, we run the world, are the biggest and best, and whatever we say wins. Duh. So we say “Russia, you hereby lose” like any rich bratty kid playing Monopoly and setting house rules. Russia – and the planet – are like “Whaaaaat?” What game, what rules, and what enforcement? We never came to your house and never agreed to anything.

    “By contrast, the contemporary era resembles World War One, with a single, mostly immobile line of battle and endless trench warfare.’

    So…the Gilded Age.

    “Midterm Success Brings US Democrats to a Historic Dilemma (Desai)”

    We follow this as if it’s serious and real when Biden, who couldn’t fill a School Gym, won with 5 million more votes than there were voters. In 2022, in every contested state – but ONLY the contested states – Every mail-in ballot went Democrat, 100% of every Independent went Democrat, and 30% of all Republican mail-ins went Democrat.

    THEN winning surprise victories 4 days AFTER election, with perfect margins. With $50B recycled through Ukraine, FTX, and back to these races. But sure, we’ll do post-election analysis and never discuss “election deniers” again. Unless they’re the entire DNC Headliners, for 6 years straight.

    “this the most expensive midterm ever,”

    With $50 Billion spent through one avenue alone, I would think so.

    “Film and television have trained our brains to expect narrative arcs in everything we experience, from rising action, through to a climax, and ending in a denouement. Real life is not like this at all, but many of us cannot help but to interpret at least some of our own lives in this fashion.”

    Seems to be a theme today. Because we’ve consumed 150,000 hours of fiction, and like 10,000 hours of reality by the age of 20.

    “‘people power’ where the people steamrolled first their own party’s elites, and then those of the opposing party”

    Yes, except Trump just un-rigged the existing rig better, probably with Navy Seals, and having never played that card before, they didn’t see it coming. In 2020 and 2022, they fortified their fraud.

    “a revolution is what the overwhelming majority of Trump voters in 2016 wanted.”

    As words have no meaning, and a “Tree” is not a “Tree” War = Peace, Ignorance = Strength, then yes. But a “Revolution” is the violent overthrow and replacement of the existing government. Being “elected” means you are gaining control and directing the existing government. That is, they are #Opposites. But all things and their #Opposite are the same now, now when words have no meaning.

    Things wander from to and from their #Opposites almost minute-to-minute, masks, election denying, Russia, Practically every headline is the reverse of the previous. The “DoubleThink” becomes “DoublePlusThink”, thinking #Opposites at the same time, and not only don’t have a problem, they don’t even notice.

    Thus any Election = Revolution. An unarmed protest = a violent coup. One person dying, mostly by accident = “worse than 911 and Pearl Harbor combined.” Speaking is violence, but violence is merely speech. There’s no end, so why bother?

    Let me translate: Me = Good ; You = Bad. All thoughts follow accordingly.

    “cryptocurrency exchange BitMex, at the time under investigation by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CTFC) for illegally providing services to U.S. residents.”

    The CFTC? So Gensler’s co-worker arranged to kill and exchange and move their customers over to his boss’s daughter’s company, the one who found a billion dollars and donated to to his boss?

    “President Biden said the country’s “not anywhere near a recession right now,”

    “Subprime is contained” — Bernanke. “We will never see another Recession in our lifetimes” – Yellen. No one notices. Nothing is descredited.

    “there’s a 65% chance of a recession within the next 12-18 months, according to a survey of economists”

    Once again, they can’t predict it even when we’re ALREADY IN ONE. By definition. “Two quarters of declining GDP”. But they changed what the definition of “is” is. And can never be fired because we have neither capitalism nor markets. Failure is no obstacle. Consequences have been suspended, forever and ever, in a perfect world without God, where reason will never exist again.

    World Population Expected to Hit 8 Billion on Nov. 15 (JTN)”

    Like other Science, is this data all completely made up and we only reached 6 Billion? Who reports? Who checks? How would you tell?

    “March 8, 2008 …destroying the “feeling of trust that is WikiLeaks’ center of gravity.”

    Is that the Letter agency account that edits Wikipedia 10x a day, every day, 24 hours a day, including every holiday? Maybe you might look into that one. Maybe pull his account? And Colbert saving all the Elephants.

    Ithaka. Assange is just another abstraction. It can’t happen here. It didn’t happen to us. And if we don’t look out, we’ll be in a Recession, a War, or Lose Our Democracy and Free Speech.

    Menopause Vest: Signaling is real. The Real is just signals. That is reality = my mind.

    I need a new hobby. This one isn’t paying.


    Why do they want a pipeline that has no gas flowing through it?

    • Poland To Seize Gazprom Assets (RT)

    It’s a 21st century Polish joke ;>)


    Tom Brady —FTX—-

    Really deflated ball


    G20 – G7 = BRICS

    At this point, the G20 covers as much of the important stuff as a G string

    The rest of the world can see which side of the bread the butter is on and it’s NOT the Empire of Lies or Eurotardistan or the Four-Eyes.


    So sad :>(



    I had to duck duck “menopause vest” because I had no idea what it was. It is unconditionally just plain dumb. Full stop.

    Having gone through menopause … a “hot flash” is not just about feeling extra warm for a brief period of time. The “hot flash” itself, and the hormones that stimulate it, alter your body’s chemistry and, to some extent, impact your ability to think straight. Not the end of the world, you get used to hot flashes and adjust to whatever circumstances you’re in when they hit (ie, in a work meeting … avoid offering opinions or talking much until it passes because … you kinda can’t think straight …)

    So tired of how effing stupid people can be. Here’s a clue for biological men: you aren’t women. You can’t replicate our reality so you can experience it. Full stop (again … see first sentence).


    A tip of the hat to Dr D

    “…..the reason is, everything we do, think, see, say, is an abstraction……”



    Executive Summary

    Failed leadership

    You ran out of time/It’s now or never
    You want to be/think you are/anointed to lead/smarter than ….
    ….. Pick one problem and solve it …..

    30 Global Problems for the social/economic/political leaders

    1. Great Depression 2.0./recession
    2. Inflation100% .
    3. Great Stock Market Crashes, FTX bankruptcy
    4. Supply line disruptions/delays/failure
    5. Bank failure/financial crisis/rising interest rates/credit card failure/lending failures/rising taxes
    6. Increase Death and misery/drug overdose/suicides/vaccines/long covid/addiction
    7. Restructuration
    8. Real estate crash/re-evaluation
    9. social instability
    10. Wars (trade/information/propaganda/chemical/biological/emp)
    11. Mass migration
    12. deindustrialization
    13. pension funds totally collapse
    14. layoffs/bankruptcies
    15. Jubilees/canceling debts
    16. increase in crimes
    17. increase police activities
    18. freeze and seize assets
    19. censorship
    20. increase emergency use/war measure acts
    21. Failure of educational institutions
    22. unreliability/fudging/lying of statistics
    23. Increase of wrong opinions and lack of facts
    24. increase of disinformation/misinformation
    25. Increase of …. Quiet Quitting, decrease of assuming responsibilities, increase of fault pointing, avoiding responsibility
    26. loss of electrical energy. ( Too many functions to list that are needed/required for the operation of war, finance, and the operation of social/economic/political structures
    27. Decreasing cheap natural resources
    28. Global weather extreme/fluctuations
    29. Worldwide food insecurity
    30. Political instability
    “The sacredness of Life is gone. We have become spectators… and our world has become a spectacle.”

    The Kherson question

    The Kherson question Notes and reflections by Nora Hoppe for the Saker blog
    6939 Views November 15, 2022
    • ‘The Last Battle for the World’ (Batiushka)

    ‘The Last Battle for the World’

    Russia defeated the Ukraine in March, but since then it has had to defeat the USA and its NATO allies, demilitarising them just as it demilitarised the Ukraine in the first month of the conflict.
    Today Ukraine is running a budget deficit of up to $5 billion per month, with the country’s military spending increasing fivefold to $17 billion for the first seven months of 2022.

    Democrats/Biden lowest popularity
    Democrats/Biden beat the “Red Wave” with abortion rights and student loan forgiveness


    The UN has jumped the shark, as they used to say.


    GOP Nears House Majority With Two Race Calls In Arizona (JTN)

    And so those Democrat congresspersons, having been told it is UP TO THEM to pass an abortion law if they want one, spent all their time protesting this decision instead of passing the law they want.

    For example, a law that makes abortion definitely legal, within x number of months of pregancy, in cases of rape. One page, no pork, no additional clauses, just the one thing. Put it out there and dare Republicans not to pass it.

    But it made more sense to protest on the steps of the Supreme Court against being able to do that.


    Re: Dr D’s post about American Disassociation

    makes me think of an oldie but goodie in the doom-o-sphere from 2010. I STRONGLY recommend anyone Dr D’s post struck a sympathetic chord to read it.

    Sleep, Dreaming, and National Suicide (from Charles Hugh Smith’s oftwominds blog)

    The news lately is a blizzard of destruction: wars, recession, the financial crisis, deficits, drugs abuse, and border wars, random violence, declining education, energy crisis and the Deepwater Horizon, national policy, corporate malfeasance, collapsing communities, bankrupt cities, states, and nations, the list goes on and on. How did we get here? What’s causing all this bad news?

    To me it’s simple:

    All these effects are symptoms of Depression.

    Not Economic Depression, like the 1930s stock crash, but National Depression, the psychological state.

    Are we crazy? Are we trying to commit national suicide?

    And I’m here to tell you in no uncertain terms the answer is “YES!”, that’s exactly what we’re doing, complete with the panoply of symptoms and not-so quiet cries for help.

    Depression is not some random disease, a chemical imbalance caused by losing the genetic lottery. Depression has several causes, clearly-defined, clearly-traceable, clearly-provable, clearly-curable. The main cause of depression is simple: it’s cognitive dissonance. That’s a fancy way of saying, you have two ideas that don’t mesh and are at war with each other. It’s a way of saying, you’ve swallowed a lie or a pack of lies, and they’re poisoning you from within.

    Full essay:


    I have a great idea for a Babylon Bee article.

    Take all the tropes of news stories regarding “quiet quitting” and Chinese millennials “lying flat” and do a story about how the Republican Party finally admits, they got “fed up with all the bullshit” and have “quiet quit” years ago — “my constituents (my boss) only noticed a drop-off in my productivity this November …and I quiet quit FIVE YEARS ago!” etc. Practically writes itself.


    So tired of how effing stupid people can be. Here’s a clue for biological men: you aren’t women. You can’t replicate our reality so you can experience it. Full stop (again … see first sentence).

    Women and men recover differently from strokes – ie, from brain damage. Due to different brain structure. There are no scientific studies showing that men who blast-email their coworkers that they will be “living as a woman” gain post-stroke health benefits.

    As a person who believes in actual science not The Science™, I feel fairly certain that human intelligence, thought, consciousness resides in the BRAIN and is thus human thought, consciousness, is a physical event in the brain. This is given confirmation by, for instance, if you take a drug that affects the brain, your thoughts change. If your brain is damaged, your ability to think and remember may change, etc.

    To be a female consciousness in a male body, you would need a FEMALE BRAIN. But female brains physically exist only in female bodies. Female brains are a female body part that men do not have. Otherwise men attempting to recover from strokes would declare themselves to be women to regain the use of half their body or face, the ability to walk, the ability to form sentences, etc – it would be so worth it that everyone would do it.

    Even if we had super advanced nanotechnology that could rebuild a man into the shape of a woman, hypothocated off their one X chromosome… in order to experience reality AS, not as if a woman, you’d need a female brain structure. This would require tearing down the EXISTING structure, your brain, your consciousness, WHICH IS YOU.

    The best you could do, perhaps, would be to create a new female person with your memories who believes she was once you. But there would be no continuity of consciousness. You would end and they would begin. Your body would act merely as raw materials for building someone new. So why create this new female person with your memories destructively? If you could do a non-destructive scan and build her from scratch, leaving you alone, then you could continue living AND there could be a female sort-of-not-but-kinda-you. You’d have time to survey the results, watch them claim to be you and to have your memories, and see if suicide would be desirable and have any logical connection to creation of this new person.

    You need a female brain in order to experience reality as a female. Not possessing a female brain, a man can only say “I imagine what a woman might feel like and believe that I feel like that.” To then throw on a flower dress, some pearls, and a handbag, and say “THIS IS YOU.” is sort of the ultimate mansplain isn’t it?

    But it will be argued, oh but the MIND could be female even if the BRAIN is not.

    No, the brain IS the mind. The physical things occurring in the brain ARE your thoughts, your consciousness. To argue otherwise is an old RELIGOUS argument, that the consciousness…. the SOUL, follows you around like a ghost, CAUSING all the physically observable things happening in the brain but being the actual seat of consciousness independent of what is physically there, what physically happens.

    Dualism. Physical brain. Disembodied spiritual mind. Superstition. Religion. Not science. Anytime you have Dualism, that’s what you’re discussing.

    So dudes claiming they “feel like” a woman without the brain architecture to do so is silly. But at least they have an X chromosome. At least there is SOME basis for a claim to femaleness however vague. For people possessing no Y chromosome claiming maleness… er…. there is no scientific study showing the females who blast email their coworkers that they shall be living as a man recover worse from strokes. You need the brain of a man to feel and think like a man.


    In the Hispanic communities near where I live, there are lots of free-roaming chickens, occasionally guinea fowl, too. Same with the (mixed races) ruralfolk communities further out, although they have more space for more critters to roam. I’ve also seen free-roaming goats in a little spot tucked away into a downtown space of the city, and a pot-bellied pig in another. While the Hispanic communities do demonstrate a kind of resilience regarding food security, they’re much more willing to tolerate trash, litter, and watershed pollution on the other hand. The Vietnamese and/or Laotian community also tends to have varied gardens and herbs, with some chickens, but they’re surrounded by Hispanic folk.The other major races, White and Black, whether suburban or inner city, tend not to have any gardens, nor chickens, and the amount of trash and litter and watershed pollution scales with the class: more litter, poorer; more fertilizer run-off, richer.

    I’m going by a factory later today to see about a job. At least it’s in walking distance in case my truck breaks down (again). I hate that they destroyed very tall pines and a creek to build the thing, but I’ll plunder Egypt as much as the next slave.

    Also, the abstraction of abstraction is not the eternal abstraction. 🥠


    ‘The UN should never choose sides in a conflict. That makes it obsolete’

    Unfortunately, the point of failure was reached in the late 1940s, when the UN failed to resolve the Korean peninsula matter via discussion and negotiation and became a proxy for NATOstan nations to attempt to impose their rules on all Koreans.

    The intervention of the Russians and Chinese stymied the plans of the fascists, and the war continues to this day, though actual military incidents are fairly rare.

    The initial problem was, after the Japanese capitulated, the Koreans said, “Yay, after 35 years of occupation we can rule ourselves again,” (or the Korean equivalent of that) and set up their own government.

    As in Italy and Greece etc. at the end of German occupation of much of Europe, it was the wrong kind of government: socialist.

    Obviously, Uncle Sam and the City of London could not allow that. So American forces were hurriedly dispatched from Japan, to set up and prop up a puppet government.

    After a bloody conflict, in which an estimated 3 million Koreans were slaughtered, the NATOstan nations decided it was not in their interests to fight an all-out war with the USSR and China, and a ceasefire was agreed to.

    The NATOstan nations forces went home for a short rest before attacking somewhere else; primarily Vietnam.

    Since then, pretty much every aspect of UN intervention has been a spectacular failure in terms of the outcomes for its victims. However, it has demonstrated itself to be an excellent organisation for money-laundering, drug-running, human trafficking and career opportunism.

    NZ’s very own Helen Clark was appointed to a position at the UN, with special responsibility for the looting and subjugation of Africa.



    Regarding those who identify as LGBTQ 2004 and later…based on what I’m seeing among my kids’ friends, it could be higher still for the subsequent generation. I think that it’s largely a social construct, and not inborn. I don’t think that (at least around here) that this increase is due to overt teaching of the schools — my daughter was introduced to LGBTQ by her peers. I’d rather LGBTQ be introduced as overt curriculum so that I, as a parent, can preview the curriculum and either excuse my child or supplement it at home.


    Polemos: “Also, the abstraction of abstraction is not the eternal abstraction.”

    Good one. Two thumbs up. 🙂


    What I would not have learned if there was not a web

    Canadian Military admit cannot//don’t know how to deal with white nationalist
    The following is the list of well-known white nationalist organizations, groups and related media:
    White nationalism is a political ideology which advocates a racial definition of national identity for white people; some white nationalists advocate a separate all-white nation state. White separatism and white supremacism are subgroups within white nationalism.[1] The former seek a separate white nation state, while the latter add ideas from social Darwinism and National Socialism to their ideology.[1] A few white nationalist organization leaders claim that they are mostly separatists, and only a smaller number are supremacists.[1] Both schools of thought generally avoid the term supremacy, saying it has negative connotations.[2]
    The following is the list of well-known white nationalist organizations, groups and related media:


    ‘The rest of the world can see which side of the bread the butter is on and it’s NOT the Empire of Lies or Eurotardistan or the Four-Eyes’

    The Scorpion will feel insulted. NZ is a key member of the Five-Eyes (US, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ), and has been ‘punching above its weight’ since it sent troops to South Africa in the late nineteenth century to help The City of London kill Boers, to get to the gold and diamonds.

    Currently, all NZ mainstream media articles are plastered with Ukrainian flags, to demonstrate ‘our solidarity’ in warfare, theft, money-laundering, Ponzi finance, production of chemical and biological weapons etc.


    jb-hb, given your claims, do you think Donald Hoffman is wrong, misguided, uneducated, ignorant, or wrongly interpreting facts available to both of you? Here is an introductory take, and here is a much longer form, but both are conversational, not academic papers.

    The argument(s) there isn’t(/aren’t) saying that the soul, ghost or consciousness or whichever, is “causing all the physically observable things happening in the brain,” but rather the perspective that one can step out from one’s own first-person viewpoint to an objective “observable” reality is not one justified by our contemporary science anymore. You want to say the old school metaphor of ghosts and goblins still persists in a dualism positing minds distinct from bodies (or “brains” as you say, and yet, have you never felt something in your gut? Or, even, talked with those who live there, inside it? They certainly talk with your body all the time!), so we’re left with religious arguments about which comes first. Okay, but reducing mind to body presupposes that one is engaging in the reduction in the absence of one’s own mind, one’s own body, one’s own participation in a world while performing that reduction. This presupposition is what Hoffman and others say is no longer tenable, if you follow where science, actual science, leads those willing to investigate. To say that something is “physically observable” is the giveaway: where are the observations taking place? One response: “In the brain, duh!” And for whom? “The brain, duh!” But if the construction of observable reality occurs as operations within the brain, then what are observed are not the “things” out there in a supposed separable space, but the constructions of reality produced by many collaborative and competitive systems in a virtualization —the observations are models, limited and dependent upon not just the sensors, but also on the particular ways these sense-receptions (of perceptions) pass through the modules filtering and tagging and amplifying, and discarding.

    So, we’re not at a point where we say dualism is wrong or insufficient or incorrect, leaving us with blessed monism where the mind is the brain. We’re right back at inhabiting a virtual existence of representation, algorithmically induced through biocomputational wetware, because <i>we’re inside it, still there in the cave, still shown images of shadows whose higher multidimensionality in their formal existence gets flattened only onto the particular surface we can use for constructed objective —as in, a reality of objects, not a reality independent of any subjectivity— reality.

    It feels like we’re moving through time. Science, the actual science, knows better: it’s holographic information presented onto a surface having an appearance of greater dimensionality, but only through the reconstruction process initiated by a consciousness inhabiting a particular (re)presentation, when there is no such thing as Time and where there is no such thing as Space. If the experience of being a person, having a life, being a man (or a woe man), is fundamentally an illusion, then you’re not rid of dualism, or any n-ism, at all.

    You’re inside a façade, with a separate existence informing the mechanics of that illusory experience, where that separate existence — even if it includes the models in which you live, move, and have your being— is nevertheless of an order of reality and being inaccessible to your own modeling of it. This isn’t a collapse of reality into a singular existence: it’s necessitating at least Two realities.

    And suddenly, we’re right back again at the pre-Socratics, the Vedics, the Tao, the Neoplatonists, all the old school philosophical viewpoints where diversity, the ten thousand things, begins when the Two appears.

    Dr. D

    The American Financial System decides what to do about FTX:

    I have to say that part about suicide being an internal war, of memes I guess, seems very true. As a nation we are at war of memes, or rather paradigms.


    An Unfortunate Dualist (The Mind’s I, by Douglas R Hofstradter and Daniel C Dennett)

    Once upon a time there was a dualist. He believed that mind and matter are separate substances. Just how they interacted he did not pretend to know-this was one of the “mysteries” of life. But he was sure they were quite separate substances.

    This dualist, unfortunately, led an unbearably painful life-not because of his philosophical beliefs, but for quite different reasons. And he had excellent empirical evidence that no respite was in sight for the rest of his life. He longed for nothing more than to die. But he was deterred from suicide by such reasons as: (1) he did not want to hurt other people by his death; (2) he was afraid suicide might be morally wrong; (3) he was afraid there might be an afterlife, and he did not want to risk the possibility of eternal punishment. So our poor dualist was quite desperate.

    Then came the discovery of the miracle drug! Its effect on the taker was to annihilate the soul or mind entirely but to leave the body functioning exactly as before. Absolutely no observable change came over the taker; the body continued to act just as if it still had a soul. Not the closest friend or observer could possibly know that the taker had taken the drug, unless the taker informed him.

    Do you believe that such a drug is impossible in principle? Assuming you believe it possible, would you take it? Would you regard it as immoral? Is it tantamount to suicide? Is there anything in Scriptures forbidding the use of such a drug? Surely, the body of the taker can still fulfill all its responsibilities on earth. Another question: Suppose your spouse took such a drug, and you knew it. You would know that she (or he) no longer had a soul but acted just as if she did have one. Would you love your mate any less?

    To return to the story, our dualist was, of course, delighted! Now he could annihilate himself (his soul, that is) in a way not subject to any of the foregoing objections. And so, for the first time in years, he went to bed with a light heart, saying: “Tomorrow morning I will go down to the drugstore and get the drug. My days of suffering are over at last!” With these thoughts, he fell peacefully asleep.
    Now at this point a curious thing happened. A friend of the dualist who knew about this drug, and who knew of the sufferings of the dualist, decided to put him out of his misery. So in the middle of the night, while the dualist was fast asleep, the friend quietly stole into the house and injected the drug into his veins. The next morning the body of the dualist awoke-without any soul indeed-and the first thing it did was to go to the drugstore to get the drug. He took it home and, before taking it, said, “Now I shall be released.” So he took it and then waited the time interval in which it was supposed to work. At the end of the interval he angrily exclaimed: “Damn it, this stuff hasn’t helped at all! I still obviously have a soul and am suffering as much as ever!”


    “Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking.”
    ~ Khalil Gibran”

    A lovely quote, and rhetorically, it nails its target, but I wish to note that thought and faith have a symbiotic relationship. As for The Prophet, I always liked what these guys did with Gibran’s work:

    River of Deceit


    As for menopause vests, they remind me of this:



    Between jb-hb and Polemos, I am learning new data and ideas. 🙂 A song for them:

    Around the Bend


    “He took it home and, before taking it, said, “Now I shall be released.” So he took it and then waited the time interval in which it was supposed to work. At the end of the interval he angrily exclaimed: “Damn it, this stuff hasn’t helped at all! I still obviously have a soul and am suffering as much as ever!”

    Reminds me of a Zen (I think) parable.

    A monk is accused of murder.

    At the trial, all he says is, “Is that so?”

    He is convicted, sentenced, & imprisoned.

    A year latter, new evidence exonerates the accused.

    The judge apologizes, says, “You obviously didn’t commit this murder.”

    “Is that so?” he replies.


    “Every day that it doesn’t happen is another day to prepare.”


    Polemos, You want me to climb inside your assumptions, and then from within your assumptions do battle? With something vague enough to defy attempts to grapple? Nah.

    If Life Is But A Dream, then it’s a dream in which there is a thing called observable, consistent reality that we dream, which is an illusion, but which is incredibly consistent just as if it were a reality. So rather than saying “Reality is a dream” just say “Reality is Reality” and then you can be even more exact by saying ….reality.

    Just go ahead and show the data that people sustain verifiable, measurable brain damage and go on with their lives normally all the time, better even. Show me people taking large quantities of brain-altering drugs but experiencing no change to consciousness because their soul is not their brain.

    Or does the belief in dualism stand fast wherever science does not yet go, but retreat from everywhere it DOES go? Compared to where it was 1,000 years ago for instance.


    The US is ‘expecting a winter fighting pause’!

    A bizarre statement considering how Russia has used winter for their most effective fighting. They think of winter as their friend.

    Temperatures in Ukraine can drop to -20C during winter. Russia builds weapons able to stand low temperatures as standard. Are western weapons equally capable.

    The Ukraine troops will have a miserable time, dependent on a steady stream of food and fuel which may have problems getting through.


    Joe Rogan.


    A Truth

    For those who’s toilet bowl water flushes down clockwise, global cooling has begun.

    For those who’s toilet bowl water flushes down counter-clockwise, global warming has begun.


    Phoenix: ” I’d rather LGBTQ be introduced as overt curriculum so that I, as a parent, can preview the curriculum and either excuse my child or supplement it at home.”

    “overt curriculum” … Do you imagine the school is being transparent with you about what they’re teaching your children? You may wish to do more research on this topic.

    As a parent, your question *should* be … why is the school teaching LGBTQ at all? Reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, science, history, etc. Isn’t that the teaching role of schools?

    How, for crying out loud, did we get to the point where our schools should teach LGBTQ?

    I find it all quite insane.


    WES, you’re absolutely hilarious. Because of your comment, I just went and flushed the toilet.

    Global cooling has begun at my house. 🙂

    D Benton Smith

    The elite cabal ‘s primary error is no great mystery and no surprise at all. Their error , to put things as succinctly as possible, is that they are simply wrong. About everything, including the calculated outcome that robots (which they themselves have no slightest idea of how to build, repair or fuel) will provide the luxurious lifestyle they envisage for themselves once those dirty and deplorable useless eaters are dead. Picture a corpulent infant demanding provisions from on unseen slave , neither of which exist.

    The fools even believe that there are two Gods (of which they believe the lesser to be the greater, and so worship Lucifer). How stupid can one get? Two PRIME creators of the Universe?. No wonder the silly bastards think 2 + 2 = 5. They can’t tell the difference between 1 and 2.

    Polish media claim that two Russian missiles fell on the territory of Poland near the border with Ukraine.
    Boris Rozhin
    , edited

    A Ukrainian Tochka-U missile was shot down over the Belgorod region. As a result of the fall of debris, 1 woman died. 1 more person earlier. Earlier it was reported about the shooting down of several missiles in the Valuysky district of the Belgorod region. Also this afternoon, as a result of the shelling of Shebekino, 2 people were killed and 3 more were injured.
    Boris Rozhin

    Ukraine has stopped pumping oil through the Druzhba oil pipeline to Hungary.
    Boris Rozhin

    Poland’s demands to apply the 5th article of the NATO charter against Russia means that we are forcing ourselves to come to the expected situation of the Cuban Missile Crisis, where Russia has 2 choices – either to endure some direct NATO strike, or to directly convey to opponents that any direct NATO strike on the territory of the Russian Federation will lead to the activation of the russian nuclear doctrine.
    Boris Rozhin

    There were reports that the wreckage of the missile that fell in Poland belongs to the Ukrainian air defense missile of the S-300 complex.
    A fragment of the missile that fell in Poland belongs to the S-300 air defense system.
    The first photo shows a fragment of a rocket that fell in Poland.
    The second photo shows the wreckage of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile, which fell in Dagestan on 08.10.2020 during the Karabakh war.

    If the information about the death of two Poles is correct, then in this way the air defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine today not only killed a woman in Kiev hitting an apartment building, but simultaneously killed two Polish citizens.

    As part of formal logic, NATO is obligated to defend every inch of Polish territory and retaliate against Kiev.
    Boris Rozhin

    70 of the 90 missiles were shot down.
    And a house in Kiev.
    And a Polish tractor.
    And two Poles.
    Boris Rozhin



    Official statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the destruction of the Ukrainian air defense of the Polish tractor:

    Statements by the Polish media and officials about the alleged fall of “Russian” missiles in the area of the village of Przewodów are a deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation.
    No strikes were carried out by Russian weapons of destruction against targets near the Ukrainian-Polish state border.
    The wreckage published hot on the heels of the Polish media from the scene of the incident in the village of Przewodów has nothing to do with Russian weapons of destruction.
    Boris Rozhin


    Operation Gladio “lands” in Poland.

    Zelensky warned that further attacks could follow and called on people to stay in shelters.

    Good, stay cold in your basements UKR/Nazi cockroaches. Donbas karma… You can deny reality with your narratives, but you can’t deny consequences with reality.

    Butt buddies choo choo and rednecker should be along any minute now fist bumping and filling each others holes with their two minutes of hate.

    #Ukraine derangement syndrome, #Russia derangement syndrome #Putin derangement syndrome… hahaha must be so hard to “bear” for the little bitches…


    I don’t bookmark TAE, just pull it from google memory by clicking my cursor in the search field. Today google offered to “resume your search”, frankly lifting its skirts to show me how intimate it wants to be (and already has been since more or less day one of the infamous Don’t Be Evil company’s existence… and here I’d thought I was only playing with myself.. and so I was, but with google watching, I don’t feel so alone?).

    I declined not on principle or illusions of privacy but because I weary of letting bots do everything. I do not yearn for a transhumanist future where my Inner Guide suggests that it could give me an erection right now since it senses that my wife quietly wants some sparking.


    As for the great riddles of consciousness/reality: goldfish in bowls have a warped limited view of reality. Escaping the boundaries of their limited perspective is usually fatal, however. Why we’re here and what we should do about it are things we seem able to do little more than chat about with others or ourselves (I have about ‘leventy-seventy, mahseff) although doing strong entheogens or having NDEs seems to offer convincing insight for those who do so, even though shared descriptions of them tend to lack lack convincing detail despite the obvious conviction of the describers.

    All that remains is just a fragment of song….


    So long as my toilet flushes downward not upward, the other two axes of motion can do as they wish.

    Which reminds me to share this schoolyard doggerel my older son learned in the MIssouri Elementary School System, sung to Handel’s Messiah:

    Joy to the world!
    cuz Barbie is dead:
    I Bar-bie-qued her head!

    No need to hide the body
    I flushed it down the potty:
    And round and round it goes
    And round and round it goes,
    And ro-ound and ro-o-ound and round it goes.

    (sigh I miss the 20th Century. Kid sings that in the school yard now they’ll be put on Ritalin and antiDs.

    Here is proof that it is time for someone to cull the population and end this insanely inane culture we’ve created:

    Trigger Alert or Participation Trophy? U Decide

    Notice the uncannily powerful effect the music has. Everything is more interesting with a good beat that’s easy to dance to. Me, I want a toilet that applauds AND provides a laugh track when I flush. Toilet Ring Tones sounds wrong but that’s why I like it.


    However, when jb-hb projects at Polemos in the ever popular Aggressive Argument as Discussion mode, the thrill fades fast.


    By the Law Of Finger Pointing, you must be projecting your projection.

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