Debt Rattle November 17 2017


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    Arthur Rothstein Night view, downtown section. Dallas, Texas 1942   • America’s Racial Wealth Gap Is Staggering – And Government-Created (BI) • A
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 17 2017]


    I wonder what the wealth ratio of whites to aboriginal families looks like in Australia – remembering it was all their wealth less than 250 years ago.

    Dr. D

    “The judiciary is the branch of government in the US and other countries that is relatively free of bribery.”

    Clearly this gentleman has no experience with the U.S. Judiciary. Justice Roberts or the Citizen United decisions anyone? A 99% Federal conviction rate?

    Bitcoin mining cost is not fixed. That is, it’s not the same Bitcoin in 2010 as now. The difficulty of mining, of solving the cryptographic puzzles, becomes wildly harder each year until it is completely impossible and stops at 20M coins. This is by design as the processor speed increases by Moore’s Law, doubling every 2 years. So yes, hopefully it will never be profitable to mine the last Bitcoin except for bragging rights. It’s supposed to be too expensive to bother. And we’re already at the bleeding end of all mining. Keep that in mind when they’re complaining about the eventual cost.

    It also occurred to me that the BTC expense is overinflated. They calculate it on the premise that the machines processing it were created and run only for this purpose. However, a lot of the servers, switches, and nodes would be running anyway, just like your own PC and router is mostly on. So you’d have to subtract the standing “on” cost of the whole internet from the dedicated BTC server farms and miners. Granted, it’s a lot, but it’s also not fair to say it costs $20,000 to buy a head of lettuce when you’re going to own the car anyway and drive for a thousand other tasks.

    Again, it points out how priceless trust is to human interaction. That’s what gold used to do–another useless token. If we can’t get trust and justice from local interactions under 150 people, we must get it some other way at greater expense.


    “it was all their wealth less than 250 years ago”

    Today’s most expensive areas, they left empty so that the kangaroos will congregate there. With their backs to the beach and fire approaching, they were much easier to hunt.

    “The more carefully they made the land, the more likely settlers were to take it”

    Far from being hunters and gatherers, the first Australians may have managed the biggest farming estate on Earth


    It seems that that the Zionists and their friends are doing their very best to try to start a war against Iran. The wars and destruction in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya and Somalia were clearly not enough. I somehow don’t think that the Russian and Chinese will just stand aside.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Leads US President Trump to War with Iran

    Somewhat ironically, the only way this will not come about is if the US military manages to get its voice heard.


    “James Hansen Calls For Wave Of Climate Lawsuits”

    When you lose the argument, you call in the lawyers – who are naturally experts in physics, natural history, geography, climate, geology, oceans, pollution, dynamic systems and so on.

    It is a bit like that London-based actress who is now, 8 years late, reporting Weinstein to the police.

    There are very few weather stations in the Arctic that have been around for a long time, but here is what they report:

    Global Warming Theory ‘Completely Disconnected From the Observations’

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