Debt Rattle September 1 2024


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  • #168021
    Dr. D

    Fine, but Hudson is right in the trap there. Clearly he’s never been a landlord. At the bottom level, there’s hardly a job that sucks more. No one can DEFINE earned and unearned income. Propellerhead wonks who never worked a day and are consumed with jealousy just make it up.

    Okay, Bitcoin: ultimate ponzi, ultimate in not working. Anyone in that market? 90% drops. Goes nowhere 3 years at a pop. Just as it rises and you’re ready to profit, it drops instead. So if you were in it – or rather made any attempt to actively follow it – you’d go gray, lose all your hair, then have a stroke. Oh but that’s the EASY money! Money you lock up capital for 3-5 years for while you eat ramen. ‘Cause “easy” money is just walkin’ around on the hoof, falling out of trees. Well, let me air-drop you into the Ford or Walton family, YOU can run the business, and tell me if it take up any of your time, attention, and stress much. A nice powerboat is barely a compensation for it ’cause you can’t use it when you’re working in crisis all the time.

    Meanwhile the UAW worker, he owns a 401k he can’t touch. Has no idea what’s in it, mostly index funds. At retirement, having done NO WORK AT ALL, he retires with 6-figures. Damn rentiers! How dare they? Don’t they know they could feed the poors? Why doesn’t this Proletariat Worker Unite? Lupins come to mind.

    And the actual rent of actual landlords? You ever try to price a roof of a 10-unit townhouse? After prices quadruple in four years and no one will show up to work? When the State will close the place (but still collect taxes) if so much as one drop of water falls in the attic? And then you’ll lose $10,000 a month in rent? So this landlord then socks up $5M in “cash” and is “rich” knowing it’ll be $1.2M per roof, and he might have five of them. Ah!!!! But you’re not there on THAT day — on THAT day you’re nowhere to be found. You just count MY money all the days before and after that day, calling me rich, and deciding how much to steal.

    Now you know I’m against the rentier class, I pick on them nearly every day. But you’re not going to have a theory – and certainly not one that runs the world and requires hard action, daily, like tax policy – unless you can define SOMETHING, and something, really, really clearly.

    “Don’t do it man. Make that b—ch chill!”

    ALL ownership is work, it’s jsut a matter of “how much”? And how much, who knows? Enron was supposed to be a utility and Russian bonds were sovereign — risk and work-free. So What you really have is the compensation is not quite accurate. And how do you make that “Accurate” again, propellerhead? Some third party official in the Soviet economist office knows exactly what every hairdresser, and bottle washer should make per hour in all 5 times zones, to the penny. Right? That’s the same as “Price vs Value”. Prove it. Define it. Cisco was a great value and was not only going up but having massive sales income and throwing off dividends. …Until one week later, it wasn’t. Soooo….where’s your “Value”? Price we know, it’s listed. (mostly) But its actual “value”? No one knows. Marvel was bankrupt, the rights split three ways, unable to function, took a failed, doomed actor and a character from a former flop — not even able to re-cast the actor — and made a low budget (modest budget) movie. A year later they were worth a billion dollars and sold to Disney. Tesla was bankrupt, that’s why Musk bought it. He bought it, changes nothing, none of the inventions or designs are his, only capitalizations. Sooooo…if there’s a known, root “value” that propellerheads can objectively point at, say are real, and arrest people for (Trump, NY) then how come not only their “Value” but their price can change overnight? This isn’t even like “A drug patent was in the pipeline, everybody knew, but had to clear.” This is literally “I invented something, I said something, I changed something.” Bust to boom, in days, weeks, a year.

    Conclusion: No one has the faintest idea what “Unearned income” is, and no one has the slightest idea what “fair market value” is. That’s not saying the market PRICE is accurate – I pick on that all the time, and the open, illegal price rigging – but I’m saying, in theory, there is no theory, no one has any idea.

    So toss all your fancy theories in the lake. They suck and never work. When you install them, everybody dies. Don’t make me use force to stop you.


    oops. bad edit.
    Try again:

    Fear and hatred make you stupid;
    Make you ugly; ward off cupid.
    Fear and hatred eat your brain;
    Heighten every ache and pain.

    Remember who you were back when:
    Dare and love and laugh again.

    John Day

    “POTUS Joe Biden”: The “self licking ice cream cone”.

    John Day

    Quoth Dr. D:
    “Conclusion: No one has the faintest idea what “Unearned income” is, and no one has the slightest idea what “fair market value” is. That’s not saying the market PRICE is accurate – I pick on that all the time, and the open, illegal price rigging – but I’m saying, in theory, there is no theory, no one has any idea.”

    I think you have a pretty good idea of what is completely-unearned income, Sir, to which you allude above.
    One need not know the exact measure of unearned income to endeavor to minimize it in an economy. It used to be the norm in some circles, never universally though, always a power-struggle between elite factions.

    Dr D Rich

    “All ownership is work”

    Did not know that.
    What the f*ck! (I left out the ‘u’ so as not to offend Ds tender sensibilities)


    ChaTGptsRitTEr on Gonzalo “Coach Red Pill” Lira and Ritter’s obvious pejorative view of Lira R.I.P.

      Gonzalo Lira, the well-known Chilean-American YouTube personality, has been in the news lately. A former “lifestyle” coach, Lira re-branded himself as a geopolitical commentator in the leadup to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, providing gripping first-hand observations—often critical of the Ukrainian government and contradictory of the Ukrainian narrative—that were posted on YouTube. As his popularity grew, his social media footprint expanded, with his Twitter and Telegram accounts garnering tens of thousands of followers, and his YouTube videos garnering hundreds of thousands of views and subscribers.

      Gonzalo Lira was arrested by the SBU, or Ukrainian intelligence service, on April 15, 2022, and released five days later. Lira has been circumspect about both the arrest and the conditions of his release—he blithely calls it his “missing week.” Lira does acknowledge that his computers and phone were seized by Ukrainian authorities

      There is only one logical explanation for this chain of events. Gonzalo Lira was arrested by the SBU for crimes he himself admits gets people arrested, tortured, and murdered. He is released five days later—unharmed—and immediately allowed to resume the exact same activity that led to arrest in the first place, only this time on a computer and email account controlled by the SBU.

      …authorities, and that he was released under conditions of “house arrest,” implying some sort of continued monitoring and control of his activities by the SBU. Nonetheless, he was able to gain access to a computer, set up a new email account, and immediately begin posting information critical of the Ukrainian government.

      And if you’re not American, you’re free game.
      (((are we to put Drds or Ritter thinking cap and infer American citizen Gonzalo Lira was not an American like let’s say Scott Ritter)))

      “We are at war”, wrote Ritter

    Now contrast it if you will with..
    …. a hypothetical ChatDrDRicHgTp treatment of, well, Ritter:

      Scott Ritter, the well-known proRussian-American YouTube personality, has been in the news lately. A former “sexx-convict at SCI Somerset” and Army E-4, Ritter re-branded himself as a geopolitical commentator and Freedom of Speech-beleaguered, newly minted Journalist in the leadup to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, providing gripping second hand, third hand and even plagiarized accounts and observations—often critical of the Ukrainian government and contradictory of the Ukrainian narrative—that were posted on YouTube. As his popularity didn’t grow as fast as Gonzalo Lira’s, his social media footprint expanded, with his Twitter and Telegram accounts garnering tens of thousands of followers, and his YouTube videos garnering hundreds of thousands of views and subscribers none of whom were turned off by his Boy Scoutish, sophomoric invocations of Sun Tzu
      Here’s one: ““If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle”

      (((And if you can balance this tack hammer on your head then you can hammer your foe with a balanced attack)))

      Scott Ritter was raided by the FBI, working on behalf of Ukrainian intelligence service, on August 7, 2024, and never arrested five days later. Always circumspect, Ritter has been circumspect about both the raid and the conditions of his freedom —he blithely calls it his “unarrested week.” Scott does acknowledge that his computers and phone were seized by American authorities working for Ukraine.

      There is only one logical explanation for this chain of events. Scott Ritter’s house was raided August 7, 2024 by the FBI for crimes he himself admits gets people arrested, tortured, and murdered. He was released immediately —unharmed—and promptly allowed to resume the exact same activity that led to the raid of his home in the first place, only this time on a computer and email account controlled by the FBI.

      …and that Marine Intel was released under conditions of non“house arrest,” implying some sort of continued monitoring and control of his activities by the FBI. Nonetheless, Ritter was able to gain access to a computer, set up a new email account, and immediately begin YouTubing and Substackig information critical of the Ukrainian government America’s partner at war with Russia where Ritter has been free to and fro travel.

      And if you’re not a special American like Scott Ritter, then you’re free game. (DrD logic)

      “We are at war” (says the bonafide blowhard who just like Trump, Tulsi, Obama, Comey, Walz, definitely JD Vance, Tam, Amick, Pence, Howard, Franchetti could never EVER fight his way out of a wet paper bag)

    Shouldn’t Ritter be deader than Lira because, after all, Scott knows/knew the rules better than “Chilean-American” Lira and we are at war?

    Dr D Rich


    Thanks for reposting Dr d’s reposting of Alex Krainer’s “The Coming Collapse of Britain”

    Is it collapsing? I don’t think so. Well at least Krainer doesn’t seem to say so.


    remember, ‘trust the science’ Democrats wanted to jail people for not being Covid vaccinated just a few years ago…

    Democrats wanted no healthcare, no jobs, no longer an equal citizen,
    and DEMOCRATS WANTED YOU FUCKING DEAD for not taking the “precious vax”

    Democrats and Liberal filth openly laughed with true remorse that the bullet missed , and did not blow Trumps head off. This is a sick cult led by Democrat politicians and their woke tard minions. They are sub human trash filth.

    They want to take your country away. How many democrat voters want that?

    Jesus Fucking Christ man. They wanted you dead for not taking the Vax cult jab, they want Trump dead and openly lamented the assassin missed. What part of that do retards not understand ?

    If you have not figured out that todays Liberalism is a nasty death cult that wants YOU dead for not being in their sick and twisted fantasy world- then no amount of “wake up calls” will open your eyes or consciousness.

    They are dead set on changing the country beyond recognition. Maybe that should be Trump’s no. 1 focus:

    They already HAVE changed the Nation beyond recognition. What the fuck do you NOT recognize about that reality? They just tried to blow Trumps head off- you think he should appeal to their good nature and common sense ?

    How many democrat voters want that?

    Brave New World ring a fucking bell? They welcome their subservience, they WANT to be governed harder and protected by Daddy/Mommy govt. Liberalism NOW has their Brave New world- for you, whether you like it, know it, or not.

    For the rest of us- it’s 1984 forced compliance- there is no negotiating with Democrats and Liberalism, they have moved beyond that threshold. The only path and way forward out of their dystopian nightmare is to fight.


    Kamala the retarded cum guzzling ho’s “Campaign of Joy” is straight out of Bernays playbook.

    Attach emotions to a product for consumption. Works on retarded Americans every time.
    Coca cola- “taste the joy”

    Kamalas slogan should be “wanna get a-head ? slurp the cum, taste the joy””

    The level of denial is astounding. They want to control you, they want you dead.
    Suck on that load of joy.

    Israelis protest, union calls strike after six more captives killed in Gaza
    Israeli protesters rally in Tel Aviv after the bodies of six more captives were found in a Gaza tunnel.
    In a statement, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, which represents the families of captives held in Gaza, said the death of the six hostages was the direct result of Netanyahu’s failure to secure a deal to halt the fighting and bring their loved ones home.

    “They were all murdered in the last few days, after surviving almost 11 months of abuse, torture and starvation in Hamas captivity,” the forum said.

    John Day

    New York Police Planning Mass ‘Sick Leave’ On Trump Sentencing Day? MAGA Claim Viral

    UPDATED: NOT STATE GUARD, FEDERAL TROOPS ! ! ! ! Reports: New York Deploying National Guard for Trump Sentencing on Sept 18 – CLAIM Trump to be IMPRISONED that day – Fear Riots to ensue

    Dr. D

    I’m sorry, I read every word you say very carefully, and I still have no idea what you’re saying. Almost never.

    Lira was picked up in Ukraine, but as a journalist and American citizen, it would make an international incident with the country paying their bills. They didn’t want to bite that without permission. He also wasn’t just hangin’ out, rebranding himself, he was f’ing trapped there, in national house arrest, since he was there to see his wife, who escaped, but they were holding his court case in limbo. I suspect he thought 1) he was bored, can’t work, and 2) if he made a mild pest of himself they’d say GTFO. That did not work.

    In contrast, Ritter is an American, a veteran, arrested (or not) in America. America is not Ukraine, much as I make fun that it is. It still remains that just as the don’t’ summarily execute American journalists in Ukraine, the also don’t execute them here either, especially ones who are on the circuit with Judge Napalatano who can make trouble for them from many fronts. Besides, this is a warning, like Lira, and he is on notice, like Lira, so when he is executed, like Lira, by the same people, like Lira, will you be surprised?

    I can only guess you are against all people who are against war.

    The Israeli terrørists are destroying roads in West Bank out of pure sadism.

    It was never about Hmas.




    Looks like German anti-war voters, like French, and Dutch, are being frozen out of the levers of power, as usual, by the masters that run things.

    People want a change but the masters like things just as they currently are.

    Dr D Rich

    So you don’t understand Ritter or you don’t think Ritter’s descriptions about universals, his universals, should also apply to Ritter?
    Accurate summary, huh?

    Ritter comes across as equal parts petulant, vindictive and irritated someone pointed the finger at him after Lira’s demise.
    On Liras dearh You, yourself, cast aspersions locally in a contemporary fashion. Did the post unexpectedly expose a Ritter acolyte, wingman?

    And how in the hell is Ritter against war when he’s crowing about his mastery of it and all things Sun Tzu, while declaring Lira was a fair target for Ritter’s-n-Russia’s enemy, The Ukraine?
    In Ritter’s own words he knows the price, “the wages of war”. So no one should buy into Ritter’s griping even if he finds himself fair target, dead and all that like Gonzalo or just inconvenienced by a travel restriction to Russia.

    Those words are Ritter’s production, well, at least the entity that might be the great man.
    The second version is simply substituting Ritter’s exact situational facts from Ritter’s recent arrest.

    Nah D, you’re the smartest guy here.
    I read the accolades every day and I doubt they’re being sarcastic about your genius.
    Its genuine praise for the great ?woman? ‘coz that’s a female gambit, falsely pleading ignorance.

    Chat Gdptz my version reproduced the exact version of Ritter’s bleatings that he produced shortly before Lira’s ultimate incarceration and subsequent death.

    Ritter’s Substack didn’t age well.

      “Lira’s “Roundtable” forums were a literal petri dish for the creation and collection of invaluable data for the kind of “Hofstede Dimension” analysis carried out by persons conducting information operations”

    That’s S. Ritter on Lira or is he projecting his inner object state onto Lira?
    You know the answer.
    Professional jealousy, both

    Lira was born in California, but Ritter wrote regarding his Substack om Lira that “And if you’re not American, you’re free game.”
    You’re confused by Ritter, right?


    Bankers poem

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