Debt Rattle September 12 2024


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  • This topic has 47 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 5 months ago by WES.
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  • #168776

    M. C. Escher Meeting (Encounter) 1940   • Debate ‘Was Rigged’ – Trump (RT) • The Debate Will Backfire Horribly For Both Kamala Harris And ABC (QT
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 12 2024]


    And Americans fell for this totally unbelievable story. What hope is there for Americans?

    They have been hopeless forever; some still believe the holocaust myth.


    Bush / Gore * Supreme Court = Biden / Harris

    Ignorance / Arrogance * Bias = Criminality / Prostitution

    Criminality / Prostitution = Indispensable Exceptionalism

    Indispensable Exceptionalism = Death, the Destroyer of Worlds


    α * ABC = Ignorance / Arrogance

    Ignorance / Arrogance = Indispensable Exceptionalism

    Indispensable Exceptionalism = (Democratic Party * Republican Party)²

    (Democratic Party * Republican Party)² = Criminality / Prostitution


    I was an honoured guest and they gave me a treat. Boiled dog. – Jack Crabb – Little Big Man

    Dr. D

    “and I told Abdul ‘Don’t do it anymore, if you do…”

    Here’s the problem in America, and all countries actually. He has to say this sort of thing in order to be “Normal” and “Credible”, and we do that by threatening people in their own country. When we should do almost the opposite. However, does that get your men out well and best if you say, “I’m sorry, we were completely wrong, please don’t shoot us as we leave”? No it does not.

    You seem to be winning, so “I want to move on.”

    “Harris is widely considered to have won the debate,”

    NPR writers at RT, who “widely considered”? Other people widely consider the opposite. Don’t they count? Here’s the second part: this sort of statement used to be possible, when we had a single overton window. That’s was 20 years ago, you might have noticed.

    “President Trump calls for ABC News’ license to be revoked;”

    Strangely this is legal and historic from the earliest days. Like Sec230, they have agreed behaviors they must uphold to keep a license, one is morality like sex and swearing, but another is a level of fairness that has been adjusted from time to time. RE-inventing it is incredibly complex, I’m just saying it exists and they are in violation of it.

    (Why? because it’s on airwaves that are limited, and any child can tune in and hear it)

    Oh and Sec230 as well, but since the late Government-Corporate complete merger, corporations can kill somebody – or a million somebodies – and not be arrested. So I’m incorporating myself shortly. It’ll make all those bank robberies much more straightforward.

    “”Who do you think won? Why would that matter? The iceberg is 15 minutes away..”
    • Harris and Trump Debating on Titanic – Zakharova (RT)

    Exactly. And neither can, nor will, avoid it. If you want anything done, do it yourself, which is the American way. We set up government, and just like we said, Every level is now taking you infinity for zero services. Why are you making Ayn Rand right? Haitans illegally crossing – a felony – by high-level international human traffickers – a felony? (Last I checked, Haiti was an island, and one with income to low to take joyride flights). Then they attack citizens, a felony, commit other local crimes, a felony, and poach, eating all the animals in desperation, a felony?

    Meh. What can the police do about it? Whaddya calling us for? Um…because I witnessed the commission of a felony? Okay, suppose they take me up on the offer and arrest 20,000 people in one Ohio town. Two Words: Cloward-Piven. They would bankrupt the system and overwhelm the local/county/state/Federal. You have 20,000 free prison beds layin’ around? So back to the first felony: border crossing and international human trafficking, both federal level crimes. That’s the place this can be solved.

    But people ask: is that it, the only place? For el Stupido Americanos? Errrr….no. But you won’t like the other answer. You can see the Ennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddllllless patience of Americans, and our immense generosity, which is world-famous. You see anyone else donate to the Boxing Day Tsunami? Nope. Europe, other nations, DGAF: that’s YOUR country, too bad so sad, figure it out. Only Americans do. And so here. We are like orders of magnitude more tolerant, forgiving, and generous than anybody else. Must be driving the Globalists crazy! And immensely stronger, as we also don’t crack. Like Russia doesn’t, in their times either.

    (This thing where we give anything away to anybody is why we’re evil, and eveyrthing is both our responsibility and our fault. That’s what we’re for! That’s why we exist: to be blamed. Yup. No other countries exist but us. Sure France can’t take responsibility, China, Britain. That’d be cray-zeeeee.)

    But what would happen is, eventually, in one place, then in others, someone, somewhere, shoots the f– out of some terrible situation, they put it on national news, and they walk as 1) The police all abandoned the field and told them to, told them to arm, told them to shoot, as we already see regularly all over. 2) The Judge and jury won’t convict, regardless of what happened or how clear. 3) The Governor swoops in, attempts to rig it for his Globalist masters and gets run out of town.

    So what does that mean? At that point WE are the law, WE will figure it out and put a stop to it. And it’s BECAUSE we’re so incredibly generous, tolerant, and law-abiding that we don’t, but we can, and eventually we will. But it has to be in the moment of actual extreme, not made-up extreme, and should be. Morally.

    So shrug. I dunno when or where, but all systems have limits, and these guys want to find ours. Good luck. Last time someone did that we nuked them. FAFO. Do it. Pleeeeeease do it.

    “• Trump-Harris ‘Kabuki Theater’ Debate Crystalized Candidates’ Position (Sp.)

    Neither has any positions, they’ll just change them. Nor will there be an election.

    “Biden rarely shows up for work, so she’s basically in charge already.”

    You’re kidding, right? She’s not in charge now, nor would she be after the election. And if she’s in charge now, that’s treason and should be arrested. The 25th is a Process, you don’t just jump in there or appoint the Janitor to answer all the questions because he can.

    So which of these two terrible lies would you like to go with? That we’re under an active coup, or that the active coup is run by the CIA and Halliburton, not Harris? I’ll wait.

    “We will never reach Mars if Kamala wins,” concluded Musk,

    An excellent reason to elect Harris, except she’d blow the money on killing brown people and slavs, then go blow some other things.

    Okay: backtrack, planetary view. These guys believe that, every 6,000, 12,000 years, the magnetic energy from the galaxy alters. That is in the geologic record. When that happens, let’s suppose the suns poles flip, but it doesn’t matter what, there is a POINT event, not a slow one, which is in the geologic record. This then causes a mass extinction event, which is in the geologic record. How BAD that event is, hard to say, but can be a level of earth tilts sideways, tsunamis move ocean from atlantic to pacific, all life on earth is destroyed, biblical flood-level extinctions, which there is evidence for in the geologic record. On schedule. Over and over.

    This happens when the sun does certain things, like sunspots, which are observed. This will coincide with the poles weakening then wandering and splitting, which is observed. Then the animals will misbehave, which is observed. Then HUMANS will be agitated mentally in two ways: they will both have more energy, AND more fear, less inhibition. Which is perhaps observed. Also noted in the Bible right before Noah. Then at some point, it may be that the sun goes dark for three days, then in a puff, blows off the 3-day accumulated aurora into space in an unprecedented (or multi-millennial) Carrington event, frying everything on earth. 1/3 of the oceans are cooked. Fish soup. After some instability, the sun then operates normally again, observed.

    This sun change is running Climate Change on Venus, Mars, Neptune observed. Must be all the cars up there! It’s magnetic/energy component is altering all the planets including Saturn and Jupiter, giants, without rock forms, observed. Mars may actually be re-kick-starting its magnetic field and becoming a live planet again, arguable, but observed.

    Now does any of this tell you why the Globalists want to kill off most of humanity to have food enough, build impossibly expensive underground systems, don’t care about the economy, the law, or anything, put up arctic seed islands, and also want some humans on Mars as a backup? Can you see their point of view now?

    So what happens when someone arrives, junior Congressman, comes in with best intentions of getting $1 increase in wages and better tips in Brooklyn, then they read her this report, probably show her the Sesame Street movie cartoon version, and suddenly AOC’s whole outlook changes? She starts voting all completely differently? She maybe wants to have a seat in that bunker?

    Okay, how about “Kingsmen”, and the Musk genius globalist just LIES and INVENTS this Noah’s Ark scare, sells it to all the inbred pinhead rich guys, who all give him trillions for a seat in his bunker….and then kills them all with their cell phones? That is, even if this story is REAL, I can still USE it, and con every dumb-ss on the planet to my will with this elaborate con. Or both. But they’re still all my b-tch. I run the bunker, I kill whoever I feel like in it. I want your daughter in my bed at 8:01.

    Got it? But everything we see that’s incomprehensible, them no longer caring if we know, their shrill “Climate Change” story, the multi-trillions spent, their financial fraud, political behavior, globalism, killing all humans down to a level that can be fed with hand-tools, all that matches perfectly with this. …That is also measurable, visible, arguable from completely public science. YMMV.

    THAT. Is about “Going to Mars” and why we got no money for rats in my sister’s bed, but Whitey’s on the Mars.

    Well at least Musk is African-American.

    “• Biden Mulls Stepping on Ukraine Long-Range Missile Tripwire (Sp.)

    “Biden” does? Okay, two things: there is no Biden. If he’s still alive, he doesn’t exist, doesn’t know anything. Russian media has taken to calling “It” “Team Biden”, because there is no Biden and perhaps never has been, but certainly not since 2020.

    Second, Odd, because we’re NOT doing this, but rumor has it, Britain is, and is already developing a way to authorize all strikes in Russia on their ticket. With Stormshadows and their JASSMs. Nutsy: has to pull in the US into a Nuclear war to win, and will. Zelensky: has to pull in the US into a Nuclear war to win, and will. England: has to pull in the US into a Nuclear war to win, and will. Or they go broke, collapse, and the King is executed in the streets. This, of course, they wouldn’t care, but so would all the ministers and bankers.

    Actually, I say we, the United States won’t, although I’m not sure why I say that. But I’d give 30-70 England will. Good. Apparently won’t stop until they get nuked, so it takes what it takes.

    ““.. during peacetime he must call presidential elections which he will certainly lose. Trump also knows this.”

    Ohhhhh, I thought they meant the United States there! Yeah, we’re definitely going to “Delay” the election, keep Harris in, and ya know, kinda sorta maybe get around to having another election when it’s not too much of a bother. Maybe the Spring. Maybe next year. Maybe ten years, who can tell? Well, we’re just following the “Beacon and Lighthouse of all Democracy” in Ukraine, and never having any elections! That’s Freedom and Democracy!!!


    And the US People’s plan for this would be??? Yeah, we’d not want to start a Civil War that day over it, so it just rolls on forever as we figure out what to do. With Trump finally shot or in Rikers. Or maybe you WANT a Civil War? That would make Ukraine look tame? I mean, if you want to start shooting, I’ll watch and see how that works out for ya. You tell me, tough guy. Lot of tough talk going on around here. Show me.

    “Do senators in the U.S. like Lyndsey Graham really hate Russians so much? Or is it that they love money so much more and profit themselves from those megadeals coming together?”

    Neither, and we need to start saying it more. Lindsay DGAF about any of that. He’s BLACKMAILED. And in today’s total vacuum of morality, what could they POSSIBLY have on him that he would even care about? We’re talking about a world where the U.S. President gives free blow jobs. The bar is not high. Gee, I dunno, Epstein was kidnapping and holding against their will children for Princes to rape? Consensus fact, although not the darker, hidden stuff?

    NONE of this matters. NONE of it is real. Not one word. The ONLY fact is “They have deadly blackmail on Graham, as well as 2/3rds of Congress or they wouldn’t be there.” Therefore “They do what they’re told.” It doesn’t have to have a reason. It doesn’t have to make sense, and doesn’t. I want it, I told them to do it or else, so they did. That’s it.

    This is in fact the SIMPLEST story you’ve ever heard in politics: There IS no politics. Only blackmail. (and murder). Whoa!!! Everything makes sense now!!! It’s like those glasses in “They Live”!

    I want Russia shot, so they shoot them for me. End of story. I want Pelosi attacked with a hammer, so that happens. Any questions, Paul, or do you want to DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD?

    “• Ukraine Will Join NATO – Blinken (RT)

    Every day in every way, Blinken creates war more and more. Okay then, Russia now has to take all Ukraine, a “Russian” nation, the size of France. Sort of for free, and will bankrupt and collapse Europe doing it. Okay, don’t throw me in dat bri’er patch! Oh noes!

    If I were being direct and simple here, I’d propose Blinken works only for Russia and has no other masters. It’s that obvious. RussiaRussiaRussia. Carry on good sir. The planet will only be save when Europe is gone. IDGAF what happens to you. I can watch your kids fall off bikes all day. If you want to be saved, maybe you should save yourselves? That’s your business.

    “If the alleged Muslim hijackers wired the buildings–an impossibility–what is the point of flying airliners into them? “

    Already said that this week: Start a 30 years war, a World War, to get the oil — or not the oil we could have bought it far cheaper — but CONTROL of the oil, then squeeze China by the balls. Papa Bush’s plan since he visited China and opened it up in 1989. Give them EVERYTHING, every WTO/MFN treaty, every patent book, every NAFTA offshoring, everything, to do the same bank job on them as every other nation in history. Then say, “Hey coolie, make me a taco or your financial bubble pops, your markets are shut off, your food and oil end. You my b—tch now.”

    Hey Georgie: how’s that working out for ya? Not so well? JUST LIKE WE TOLD YOU??

    But joy all starts with world war abroad and fascism at home. Never Forget.


    go to Andrei Martyanov’s Blog and watch the 12 second video at the top of this mornings screen

    every human being, and their progeny, you know are being enslaved for this

    …..and then they came for me.

    I know many will find this hard to believe:


    One Good Ear wants to end the Eastern European adventure so we can focus our malice on Palestinian and Chinese children.

    Neville Chamberlain rises from the ashes as a wounded Phoenix
    “Peace For Our Time” – a private accord, signed earlier that day in Munich by Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler. Its three short paragraphs stressed the importance of Anglo-German relations,……

    30 September, 1938, May 2, 2014 , 24 February 2022
    ………….Keep your eye on the prize………
    Balfour 1917…………………………….Gaza 2024
    April 2, 1917…”Safe For Democracy”………….
    January 6, 2021
    “What a long strange trip it’s been” Hunter


    the interest on the debt, “In the last quarter of 2023, the amount crossed a monumental threshold of $1 trillion every three months.” Forbes

    national debt increases $1 trillion every 100 days
    Now consider Representative Massie’s comment on the Continuing Resolution

    and both of the clowns in the clown car have federal programs in mind to distract your attention from reality
    “unplug your life support to charge their cell phone” – John Kennedy, Louisiana

    road trip to Alabama to measure a building for a remodel today. Smoke em if you got em.


    “Organized crime is spreading in a world that we consider to be virtual,”

    whaddabout disorganised crime spreading in a world I consider to be physical. Is that not happening or is Gaza a movie or sommit?


    Sooooo American; let’s look for Daddy (and our balls).


    Kamala wins and all the boy scout Trump children start crying, declaring it is not fair, she must have cheated.

    American people are pathetic. They, left or right, cry when they lose, they have no substance.


    debate was a set up..

    Steal the election?
    Does it matter …?
    Undecided voters … Who can change the future?
    … an effort to stop the wars.
    We want Ukraine to win,” – Blinken
    the interest on the debt
    $1 trillion every three months.” – Forbes
    national debt increases $1 trillion every 100 days
    (The national debt is the amount of money the federal government has borrowed/spent that it cannot pay back)


    Australian citizens raised 235 million dollars for the boxing day Tsunami victims and a shit load went there physically and helped. Americans are not the nicest dudes in the world. They are the richest. On the richest land with the most guns.
    I love em though.
    I want America to win against this communism Euro madness.
    They gave us funk and movies and so much good stuff. They are great.


    Dora – that wuz funny.

    John Day

    TAE Summary posted this song about the “debate” last night. Do click on the lyrics so they open up.

    WES did a good job in his own typed words, too.

    John Day

    Kamala needs to accessorize her (faux) Pearl Earrings;
    “She want a Pearl Necklace”

    John Day

    Thanks for running a lap with this baton, Dr. D:

    “This sun change is running Climate Change on Venus, Mars, Neptune observed. Must be all the cars up there! It’s magnetic/energy component is altering all the planets including Saturn and Jupiter, giants, without rock forms, observed. Mars may actually be re-kick-starting its magnetic field and becoming a live planet again, arguable, but observed.

    Now does any of this tell you why the Globalists want to kill off most of humanity to have food enough, build impossibly expensive underground systems, don’t care about the economy, the law, or anything, put up arctic seed islands, and also want some humans on Mars as a backup? Can you see their point of view now?

    So what happens when someone arrives, junior Congressman, comes in with best intentions of getting $1 increase in wages and better tips in Brooklyn, then they read her this report, probably show her the Sesame Street movie cartoon version, and suddenly AOC’s whole outlook changes? She starts voting all completely differently? She maybe wants to have a seat in that bunker?”


    Debate was rigged, but Kamala “came across” as more credible and that is all that matters. After the “significance of time” and her other antics that were offered with in last years she was surprisingly good.

    Trump will stop the war because he “knows how to talk to Putin”. What does that mean?

    Zakharova’s reference to Titanic is stark reminder before we get too high on hope.

    Millions of Amers living in tents to Musk: “Your Space-X is blocking our sun!”


    Back to Pavel Durov (link at top post from RT.)

    No news from F authorities, or him, which is normal, strife going on behind the scenes.

    Durov has hired a well-known Jewish lawyer. Bail was 5 million euros. (MSM, RT.)

    Yes, the complaint was a blueprint of a kind, as no perpetrators, suspects or any other entity, and no victims (temporarily judged to be so) were named, which in itself is very unusual.

    The ‘charge’ could fit any top person from any social media. As the RT article also sort of says.

    I’m now quite sure Macron knew nothing about the pending arrest. The complaint was brought up first by Judge X following a complaint from the OFMIN => Protecting Minors agency.

    (RT has a different descr. – generalities about cyber criminals – but that comes from a Gen. Porsecutor in Paris, Beccuau, who is making blanket remarks.)

    Macron’s statement, justifiying giving Paul du Rove a F passport, and declaring F has an independent judiciary are more or less ‘correct’ – Macron is in deep trouble, which in part explains why various anti-Macron actions, spearheads, etc. are happening. Manu’s statement sounds very self-defensive. (Macron tried hard to get F up into ‘we are the new tech scene’ .. Superior to the clumsy Germans with their pollutin’ industry, etc.)

    Looking at Pavel’s Instagram, as not inscribed, I can only see the first two pages, all of them feature photos of only him, in various stages of dress / undress, posing in front of various backgrounds. No GFs, no kiddos, no biz partners, no food, no spectacular scenery, no glorious sunsets …

    He is a kind of self-made, deliberately constructed, Icon of the Internet. Of course there is nothing wrong with that. Over time, it has made him an enemy for some, and idol for others, and complicates life…At some point in time, a W hero, as “Putin shut down the free-speech VKontakte” and then a dangerous cyber mogul, as allowing images of genocide in Isr., Ukr, etc.

    His private life is also assailed by one arrest warrant (CH), but that has not much to do with ‘free speech’, except that some may want to profit from an attack on him.


    WE are the CHOSEN.
    NO. You are not.
    We are the CHOSEN.

    karlof1’s Geopolitical Gymnasium

    Annual Russian FM Report on the Glorification of Nazism & Spread of Neo-Nazism
    Paper’s full title: Foreign Ministry report on the glorification of Nazism, the spread of neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination.

    Karl Sanchez

    Sep 11, 2024

    The reemergence of Nazism is a global problem just as the Outlaw US Empire’s attempt to gain control of the planet is a global problem. In many ways, it’s one and the same thing. Some won’t like that Truth. I don’t, but I refuse to deny it. – Karl Sanchez

    Here is the overview via cbc from our head local ukrainian nazi running things in a prominent position in canadian parliament, it is not enough that we parade former nazis in the house of commons, but we have one who thinks they are fighting the good fight for oun, although she didn’t get her picture taken recently being wrapped in the oun flag… it is insane what we have for leadership here in canada..

    Freeland states ‘grave concerns’ over TIFF film about Russian soldiers
    Deputy PM says public money should not support screening of film, TVO pulls support
    CBC News · Posted: Sep 10, 2024

    Trofimova said in a written statement that the film is not propaganda, and was filmed without the permission of the Russian government, putting her at risk of criminal prosecution in Russia.

    “I want to be clear that this Canada-France co-production is an antiwar film made at great risk to all involved, myself especially,” – Trofimova
    Russian Foreign Intelligence Service reports that the US plans to meddle in Georgia’s elections.
    A reminder: recently Georgia passed a law on foreign agents, and plans to pass an anti-LGBT propaganda law similar to Russia’s.
    The United States has agreed to “cooperate” with the leadership of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights on Georgia to interfere in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Georgia.
    According to information received by the Russian Foreign Intelligence, the US State Department intends to use a new instrument of interference in the parliamentary elections in Georgia on October 26, 2024, in order to prevent the victory of the currently ruling Georgian Dream party, which is undesirable to Washington.
    The OSCE will publish a report 10-20 days before the vote with a conclusion on the absence of conditions in the country for holding free and fair elections.
    After the publication of the first results of the expression of will, a conclusion will be presented on the inconsistency of the electoral process with democratic norms. Washington plans to launch mass protests in Georgia to seize power by force.

    Posted by: Melaleuca | Sep 12 2024


    So the clip of the debate above was the first that I saw.

    Harris’s performance is good acting. It is believable, plausible. She is feigning emotion well, in all the correct moments. It’s just the right dose of emotion. Every emphasis correctly placed.

    But I know it is acting. Why?

    Because a debate is not supposed to be well-scripted and well-rehearsed. A debate is supposed to be off the cuff. And I have seen her countless times over the past 5 years in unscripted, off the cuff moments. This performance at the debate was not the Kamala Harris that we know so well, who talks in circles and cackles when she doesn’t know how to get from idea “A” to idea “D.” Instead it was “Kamala Harris, Presidential Candidate (TM).”

    However, I can see why the TDS folks (“Orange man — bad!”), the rainbow folks, the I’m-afraid-of-carbon folks, etc., will look at this debate and think, “Ah! Look how perfect ‘Kamala Harris, Presidential Candidate (TM)’ is!” I suppose that they have learned nothing from 8 years of “Obama, Change has come to America (TM),” and Biden. They want to be gaslit, I suppose. They want to believe the liberal fairy tale. Just like they want to believe in Luke Skywalker, Neo, and MLK Jr — before he supported the Poor People’s Campaign. It’s an act. It isn’t real.

    John Day

    “If I add Ben Davidson to Dane Wiggington, I can make a case for “the bad guys” to be making our atmosphere into a mirror to reflect the main impact of the micro-nova that’s about to happen.”
    (I quote myself from 30 april 2023)

    I added later (May 12th, 2024):
    “Yeah- I’m still going to unleash my grand theory of what’s going on. I think that the filthy rich know what Ben Davidson sees and they are diverting everyone’s attention with ideology, wars, economic chaos, bullshit and nonsense- lest the masses start reading, noticing, and begin looking for the entryways and air intakes of the multi-trillion dollar luxury “caves” of these people.
    The Naturals should make sure those Morlocks don’t emerge at all.”

    Now I add- How many of those boring machines have been manufactured? And if you had an extra 80 million in pin money (and, say, you owned a mountain), wouldn’t you have at least one on hand?

    John Day

    @MPSK: The problem is that the gamma rays and also the flying solar-ejection debris from a micronova will not be deflected.
    DUMBs and bunkers are where they’ll be…


    John Day: Of course! But they follow The Science (TM).
    They’ll start spraying the lead later. ; )

    John Day

    @MPSK: 4 feet of water or dirt is better to absorb those durned gamma rays.
    Lead sheet just won’t do a thing. ;-(

    John Day

    Staying Human

    ​ ‘We gave birth with phone lights’: Doctor documents experience at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza
    ​ Fadia Malhis detailed to Anadolu the difficulties she faced while working at the Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip, which was targeted by sieges, raids and attacks by the Israeli army.
    ​ Malhis, who returned home after studying in Turkiye, worked as an obstetrician-gynaecologist at the Al-Shifa Hospital for nearly 25 years, but had to go to make a desperate escape to Egypt when the hospital was rendered unusable. From Egypt, she went to Turkiye, Anadolu Agency reports.
    ​ She said she came back from the brink of death many times and that she could not hold back tears when she left Gaza.
    She moved from the West Bank, where she is from, to work at the hospital in the coastal enclave since 2001 because her husband is from Gaza.
    ​ ‘When the attacks started, we realised that this was not like the others’​.

    ​ Israel Claims Its Forces ‘Unintentionally’ Shot American Activist in the Head
    The family of Aysenur Eyzi Eygi said it was ‘deeply offended by the suggestion that her killing by a trained sniper was in any way unintentional’​

    ​ UN ‘deeply concerned’ by reports of sexual violence in Israeli prisons
    The UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict points to disturbing reports of sexual violence and other inhumane and degrading treatment of Palestinian men and women.​–deeply-concerned–by-reports-of-sexual-violence-in-israe

    ​ Sanders says he’ll introduce resolution to block $20 billion arms sale to Israel as support for arms embargo grows
    Support for an arms embargo on Israel among Democratic Party voters has grown enormously due to the Gaza genocide. But will this shift in popular opinion translate into policy change in Washington?​

    John Day

    ​ Despite ‘safe zone’ designation, 5 Israel massacres have killed 217 Palestinians in Al-Mawasi since May
    ​ The Israeli military had designated the area a “safe humanitarian zone”. However, these attacks, which have claimed the lives of at least 217 Palestinians and injured 635 others, have been condemned by international and UN bodies, as well as numerous countries.
    ​ This sandy region, devoid of basic living necessities, has become home to about 1.7 million displaced Palestinians seeking shelter from months of Israeli attacks.
    Forced to relocate under heavy fire, the majority arrived in Al-Mawasi following the Israeli military’s ground operation in Rafah, starting on 6 May.​

    ​ Experts say ‘Israel’ likely used 2,000-pound US bombs in Mawasi strike
    According to an arms expert, the crater and weapon fragments are compatible with the deployment of numerous MK 84 2,000-pound bombs.​–israel–likely-used-2-000-pound-us-bombs-in-maw

    Saudi Arabia says Israel humanitarian aid blockade in Gaza amounts to ‘war crime’​

    ​ Andrew Korybko, Erdogan’s Proposed Islamic Alliance Against Israel Is Pure Demagoguery
    ​ His strong rhetoric leads to extreme dopamine bursts from those who think that he’s being sincere, but the rush will inevitably wear off once they realize that he’s not, and some might in turn think less of him afterwards.
    ​ Turkish President Erdogan has attempted over the years to present himself as the voice of the international Muslim community, or Ummah, most recently by calling for an Islamic alliance against Israel.
    ​ His strong rhetoric about the latest Israeli-Hamas war has earned him the praise of many and also resulted in sharp responses from Israelis, which in turn feed into the perception that he’s seeking to form. All his tough talk is just pure demagoguery, however, since he isn’t willing to go to war with Israel.​

    ​ Pro-Palestine Students, Faculty Sue UC Santa Cruz Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Ban
    ​ Students and staff at the University of California, Santa Cruz launched a lawsuit against the school on Monday for barring them from campus without due process after they were arrested at a pro-Palestinian protest in the spring.
    ​ The lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Foundation of Northern California, the Center for Protest Law & Litigation, and civil rights attorney Thomas Seabaugh, is demanding that the University “cease summarily banishing” people who exerciser their First Amendment rights.​

    John Day

    If (When) Russia Takes Pokrovsk The Rest Of Eastern Ukraine Will Fall
    ​ For the majority of the war Pokrovsk has acted as the logistical hub and rear operations base for Ukraine’s eastern defensive lines. It sits astride both a key railroad juncture and the highway to Ukraine’s fourth-largest metro, Dnipro. The city’s defensive positions are a final obstacle to Russia’s access to most of the region. If Pokrovsk falls Russian forces will be able to easily flank entrenched troops in the north and south of the country.​

    ​ Forbes magazine published a map of the value of natural resources in Ukraine and part of Russia
    ​ It is worth noting that a few days ago, the Russophobic American Senator Lindsey Graham*, against whom a criminal case has been opened in the Russian Federation, made a frank statement on this matter. He stated that Ukraine is located on lands rich in natural resources and that is why the United States provides it with military and financial assistance. After all, if the Russian Federation wins, the Americans are unlikely to get anything there.
    ​ One would have to be very naive to think that the current leadership of the Kyiv regime does not understand the true reasons for the US “alliance”. But, apparently, in order to live well, Zelensky and his team are ready to trade everything that nature itself has given to Ukraine.​

    ​ Germany Suspends Schengen, Immigration Repercussion Across the Entire EU​ For the first time in EU history, Germany is at the forefront of immigration suspension. Other EU countries will follow.​

    ​ Alex Krainer, Our values: killing pensioners to save money
    Britain’s PM found a black hole in the country’s public finances. It looks like the pensioners will have to help pay up at the cost of their lives!​

    John Day

    Gold Hits New Record High As ING Says Rally Is “Just Getting Started”​ [Fears of WW-3 debt-default​s, I hear.]​

    ECB Cuts Rates By 25bps (As Expected); Projects Worsening Stagflation​

    ​ A Papal Revolt Created Europe’s First Bureaucracy, Jonathan Culbreath
    ​ Despite the resistance, the reforms of Gregory VII would go on to revolutionarily transform medieval society, signaling the end of feudalism and the transition to absolutism. Gregory’s second successor, Urban II, went on to found the early version of the Roman Curia, a collection of centralized administrative institutions that have since enabled popes to oversee the vast network that makes up the Catholic Church. As a large advisory body to the pope, the Curia essentially functioned as a regal court. Urban also followed in Gregory’s footsteps by making extensive use of military power to advance the Church’s empire, and it was he who called the first crusade against the Muslims in the year 1095. The extent of European mobilization that he catalyzed signaled the power of his influence.
    ​ Similar measures were further extended by Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) at the Fourth Lateran Council with the creation of what was effectively a papal surveillance state: a network of intelligence officers appointed by the Pope in response to the Albigensian heresy, who scrutinized regional dioceses for their orthodoxy. On account of all these changes, Berman makes the surprising claim that the Papal Revolution was in many ways the origin of the modern institution we now know as “the state”​.
    ​ After Gregory VII, however, the church took on most of the distinctive characteristics of the modern state. It claimed to be an independent, hierarchical, public authority. Its head, the pope, had the right to legislate, and in fact Pope Gregory’s successors issued a steady stream of new laws, sometimes by their own authority, sometimes with the aid of church councils summoned by them. The church also executed its laws through an administrative hierarchy, through which the pope ruled as a modern sovereign rules through his or her representatives. Further, the church interpreted its laws, and applied them, through a judicial hierarchy culminating in the papal curia in Rome. Thus the church exercised the legislative, administrative, and judicial powers of a modern state.
    ​ By importing the Cluniac “corporate” model to the entire clergy, centralized under the headship of the pope, the clerical class became truly conscious for the first time. The development of this new clerical class consciousness was concomitant with the development of something very like a new state consciousness within the institutional structure of the Church itself. In Berman’s words, “The clergy became the first translocal, transtribal, transfeudal, transnational class in Europe to achieve political and legal unity.”
    ​ Berman is adamant that the “Papal Revolution” inaugurated by Pope Gregory VII was indeed a “revolution” in the strict sense, even according to Marxist terminology—thereby vindicating Georges Sorel’s comparison of the proletariat to the monastic clergy. It was the rebellion of one class against another, the clerical class against the feudal nobility, and the eventual wresting of political power from the latter by the former.​

    ​ Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation?
    ​ Sometimes Occam’s razor points to the obvious – in this case, the ole’ ‘Cloward-Piven Strategy’ – a multi-year plan by dark forces to destroy capitalism by overloading the current system with intentions of destroying it (and of course, rebuilding it in their image – may the odds be ever in your favor). From the unfettered illegal alien invasion to soaring national debt to endless wars to installing the woke mind virus in universities and corporate America, all have led to mass dysfunction across the Homeland.​

    ​ Some 8,000 Haitians signed up for Medicaid in Springfield, Ohio in just the past three years, according to data obtained by Reuters.
    The transfer of “as many as 15,000” immigrants from Haiti “over roughly the last three years” has “reshaped” the city of 58,000, Reuters noted.
    ​ “Enrollment in Medicaid and federal food assistance and welfare programs surged. So did rents and vehicle accidents, including a collision last year when a Haitian without a U.S. driver’s license drove into a school bus, killing 11-year-old Aiden Clark and injuring 26 other children,” Reuters reported.
    ​ “The number of affordable housing vouchers fell as landlords moved to market-based rents that were rising in the face of higher demand, a blow to existing residents relying on them.”​

    John Day

    ​ Gilbert Doctorow, Judging Freedom, edition of 12 September
    We both commented on the sang froid of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in his discourse before the assembled Russian ambassadors this morning even as he set out the Kremlin’s take on the crossing of those red lines. All of which induced me to mention on air my latest exchange of views on this same issue with Ray McGovern and his insistence that Putin’s full response to any attack on his country using Western supplied missiles will come only after the American elections on 5 November, not in the days just before us, as I had been saying as recently as yesterday. On reconsideration, I join Ray on this point and advise subscribers not to cancel luncheon dates in October now in their agendas, nor to practice ducking under their work desks when sirens go off just yet.
    ​ Putin and his advisers see the trap being set for them by Washington as well as we do, namely that responding in a violent way to such an attack would give the Americans a pretext for opening a full-blown war for the sake of assuring Kam​ala Harris’s electoral victory through the rally round the flag phenomenon in wartime. Such a ‘trap’ might seem to be insane, but unfortunately it reflects the mindset of those in the Biden administration who are setting policy. Shall we say, planning is all very short term.​

    Blinken Promises Ukraine Will Join NATO​

    ​ Blinken Signals US Will Allow Long-Range Strikes in Russia With NATO Missiles
    British sources indicated to The Guardian that the US and the UK have already decided to lift restrictions but won’t announce it yet.
    ​ On Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken strongly hinted that the US was preparing to lift restrictions on Ukraine’s use of US and NATO missiles to support long-range strikes inside Russian territory, which would mark a significant escalation of the proxy war.
    ​ Speaking at a press conference in Kyiv alongside UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy, Blinken said he discussed the issue of “long-range fires” with Ukrainian President Volodomy​r Zelensky and said he would bring the discussion back to Washington. He said President Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer will discuss the issue when they meet this Friday.​

    Ukraine launches S-200 missile to strike gas pipeline in Central Russia​, Ukrainian S-200 missile intercepted over gas pipeline in Central Russia

    Netherlands Approves Ukraine To Use Their Weapons to Attack Moscow​

    John Day

    ​ Russia Says It Could ‘Combine’ With China If Both Face Threat From the US
    The comment comes as Russia is conducting major naval exercises with Chinese participation
    ​ “I would like to remind you that Moscow and Beijing will respond to ‘double containment’ by the United States with ‘double counteraction,’” Zakharova said​.

    ​Meryl Nass MD with 3 minute video: Trump knows he was snookered the first time, and he wants to do things differently next time–RFK, Jr.

    ​ Kamaflage: The Harris Policy Dump
    ​ The Harris-Walz campaign has been vibe-a-licious and content-free; its positions on domestic and foreign policy have (with apologies to Hollywood) essentially consisted of open defiance of any presidential campaign norms: “Policy? We ain’t got no policy. We don’t need no policy. We don’t have to show you any stinkin’ policy.”
    ​ But the campaign’s policy on policy changed, sort of, the day before the debate, when it went ahead and posted some stinkin’ policy anyway.
    ​ In a word, Harris’ policy dump should be seen for what it is: Kamaflage. She uses words that score well with Republicans and moderates, but inverts the meaning of those words, creating an unintelligible stinkin’ mess.​

    NOVA H1 Audio Earrings – Earphones embedded in Earrings​

    Kamala Wore Novo Audio Earrings in Debate​

    John Day

    I just told my neighbor about Kamala’s earrings and he had heard already, “you think it’s real, then?”

    John Day

    Moderna Shares Tumble As R&D Cuts Follow COVID Business Slump​

    ​ Meryl Nass MD, US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any international agreement on pandemic preparedness to be subject to Senate ratification
    This is huge. Miracles can happen. 2 years ago these bills were nonstarters.​

    ​A Midwestern Doctor, The Great Ozempic Scam. Big Pharma and the Causes of Obesity. The Importance of Natural Foods. Promoting Healthy Eating

    D Benton Smith

    In this world the best of the best and the worst of the worst have always associated themselves into two warring camps, both of whom lay claim to the title of Boss of the Universe. Only one of them is telling the truth, of course, and they both know for certain which one is lying.

    Incidentally, the liar pretends to be the one who has all the right answers, but as I mentioned before, they both know that the pretense is just a ruse by means of which the liar tricks and persuades the naive to associate with and support him by rejecting truth.

    This has proven to be a very effective means of perpetuating a dispute and generating all sorts of contentious activity that looks at first as if would just go on forever. Protracting such a battle infinitely is not possible, of course, because that which is not (in other words, that which is a lie or falsehood) cannot supplant that which is (in other words, that which IS true, and which actually does exist in reality). What is IS and what isn’t is not. Can’t beat THAT logic.

    Interestingly, because the liar is lying, the liar can be very predictably trusted to ape and pretend to be the good guy. He has no other choice. He can’t actually BE the good when he’s only intentionally pretending to be. He can’t do what the good guy does because then that would be the pathway and practice of truth, so if he did that he would not be lying.

    The good guy is the only one with a product to sell that anyone could possibly want. The liar, after all, has nothing to sell but lies and lies by their very nature don’t work to produce anything but failure and its consequent loss and pain.

    Historically speaking, and for the reasons described above, the best of the best and the worst of the worst have always rallied under one ostensible banner. The names attached to that banner have gradually changed over vest periods of time. Thus the most diligent and successful truth seekers of four or five thousand years ago came to be associated with a Babylonian self-outcast name Abraham, which came eventually became identified as Abrahamic religion and then Hebraic, Judaic (later called Jews) and most recently Catholic Christianity. The divisions, schisms, and realignments have become so extremely complex that it is confusing even for the most earnest and sincere students. I won’t even mention the often conflicting views of “experts”. The lines become blurred when viewed too closely, but much like the brush strokes in a masterful water color painting, when you stand back and look at it as a whole the picture is obviously apparent and beautifully clear

    The shifts, names, contentiousness and historical records of this Great Battle of the Ages are fuzzy and predictably hotly disputed, but the general progression is also quite clear. One camp truthfully pursues truth, and the other camp deceitfully pretends to be those good guys, but instead of pursuing truth and good it pursues tricking people into believing pretended virtues that are actually crimes.

    The labels change. The war doesn’t. Most recently, in our so-called modern world, the labeling is assigned and defined in such a way that I can say with perfect confidence that the best Jews become the best Catholic Christians as a matter of invariable consequence. A sincere and earnest student of Abrahamic theology will of necessity just naturally become an earnest and sincere Catholic. But at the same time I can also can say with the same degree of certainty that both of those camps (Jews and Christians) also harbor persons who can be counted among the worst of the worst, and who are merely masquerading as Jews and Christians so as to illicitly obtain that which they (as liars doomed to more lying) could not possibly attain on their own.


    It’s too late.
    Look at the truth.
    No lies. No exaggerations.

    Trump cannot make America Great Again.
    Kamala cannot make America Great Again.
    Trump will not have another debate.
    Yesterday is gone.
    Prepare for tomorrow.


    So the lunar mission ships were made of ice and dirt? :]


    Russian drone attacks on warehouses, airfields, storages, substations and AFU deployment points.

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