Debt Rattle September 23 2024


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    M. C. Escher Doric columns1945   • Trump Confirms 2024 Is His Final Presidential Campaign (RT) • 741 Deep Staters Join Cheneys, Iran, Putin In En
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 23 2024]


    People REALLY really need to stop repeating this ‘death to humanity’ mantra. It’s childish and it is attention seeking and more unlikely than an asteroid doing us all in. 2.5 to 3 million years, we’ve been around. MILLION. Oh but we are soooo special that it’s US that will kill us all with nuclear weapons.
    We are soooooo powerful and omnipotent we have the capacity to END IT ALL.
    Scott Ritter is annoying with this shit and so is PCR.
    Look, yes you are going to die. I’m sorry. It is sad and unfortunate but projecting it onto the reality of life is not necessary.
    Let go. You will be okay.


    Oh and here is my new video for the rant about spooks. Put it out this arvo.
    And yes, if you’re wondering – I did literally film myself behaving erotically with a garden shovel because I am an idiot.

    I really hate MOSSAD. They are big meanies who think they are cool and well – they aint.




    Same old shite



    Some things never change

    “Elon Musk points out how much better non-communist countries develop compared to communist ones.”


    Dr D Rich


    You’re arguing with The Much Lauded, Less Oft Cited and Equally Benighted UN Weapons Inspector.
    How dare you! (((nod nod wink wink)))

    “Be Not Afraid, I Go Before You Always”

    …and that’s what I see as the primary, essential difference between Christianity and one particular quasi-religious, cult that emphasizes fearfulness along with other nonsense.






    From yesterday:
    “Ask anyone, anyone who works in a tourist trap that the whole world visits. Ask them who the biggest assholes are. Take a wild guess.”

    I live very close to Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia one of the most photographed place in Canada. This time of year there are a lot of cruise ships coming to Halifax and the tour buses are continuous here seven days a week and will be til late October. We also have a memorial site very close to Peggy’s for Swiss Air flight 111 crash back in ’98. I don’t work in the tourist trades but know plenty who do. No wild guess required!

    This from the transportation board of Canada:
    Additional safety risks identified
    During the course of this investigation, some additional risks that have the potential to degrade aviation safety were identified. Although these factors could not be shown to have played a direct role in this occurrence, the associated deficiencies could potentially lead to other accidents if the deficiencies are not rectified.

    Areas of concern
    checklists that do not adequately deal with smoke conditions;
    aircraft designs that do not facilitate the rapid de-powering of electrical systems;
    MD-11 map light design and installation;
    lack of clarity in guidance material and regulations regarding wire separation in confined areas; and
    inadequacy of Supplemental Type Certificate standards to ensure that add-on equipment is compatible with the aircraft’s type certificate
    In addition to the 14 safety recommendations that the Board has issued during the course of the investigation, nine recommendations are presented in the final report:

    Two recommendations that deal with testing and flammability standards of in-service thermal acoustic insulation materials.
    One recommendation that deals with the application of existing standards for the certification of other materials.
    Two recommendations that focus on aircraft electrical systems, including additional measures for certifying supplementary add-on systems and industry standards for circuit breaker resetting.
    Four recommendations that propose improvements to the capture and storage of flight data as it relates to cockpit voice recorders, flight data recorders, and cockpit image recording systems.
    The final report also identifies some safety concerns that require additional follow-up. The TSB will continue to work with regulatory authorities and the aviation industry to help ensure that the recommended safety improvements are carried out as effectively as possible. For a complete list of the Board’s recommendations, see Part 4, “Safety Action,” of the Swissair 111 Investigation Report, available at:

    Safety action taken
    As a result of the TSB’s findings and recommendations during the course of this investigation, considerable safety action has been taken by various regulatory authorities, airlines, and manufacturers to address the recommendations, advisories, and observations made by the Board. Such action taken has significantly improved aviation safety worldwide.

    Safety action taken to date includes the following:

    MPET-covered thermal acoustic insulation blankets have been ordered removed from aircraft;
    new flammability testing criteria have been developed;
    flight crew reading lights have been re-designed;
    additional guidance material for dealing with smoke situations has been promulgated to flight crews;
    aircraft checklists have been modified;
    numerous inspections have been completed on wiring and components to look for and eliminate potential ignition sources;
    the IFEN system was removed voluntarily from Swissair aircraft; subsequently the design was de-certified; and
    new FAA policies are in place for the certification of in-flight entertainment systems.
    Other safety measures stemming from the TSB’s recommendations are also being implemented. See Part 4, “Safety Action,” of the Swissair 111 Investigation Report for a complete list.



    From John Day’s post yesterday:

    Flight makes emergency landing after live mouse climbs out of in-flight meal

    Imminent Airline Danger?

    Airline spokesperson Oystein Schmidt said that the emergency landing in Copenhagen, Denmark was in line with company procedures, since mice and other rodents can pose a safety risk. Airlines usually have strict restrictions about rodents on board, since they can chew through electrical wiring

    The New War on Terror


    Dr D Rich

    What kind of perverted disloyal mind permits its country, its land to be strip-mined by a foreign entity in return for worthless paper?

      Gold for paper

    Ans: Argentina’s (((leaders)))


    World is much more complex than donkey and elephant only choice.

    Allies on the Left


    There are many things that I don’t know, and that are irrelevant, and that are lies.
    Why should I believe your version of truth?

    How can I determine if it’s …
    Real or fiction and relevant to me.
    Deep fake or real.
    Will your version of truth be irrelevant or put me in the kill zone or in danger.
    Why, should your truth or anything you say, affect me, my decisions, my opinions?

    Critical considerations

    Peace or war.
    Functioning supply chain.
    Surplus or shortages.
    Why should diplomatic relations and good will between nations be trusted by Putin?
    Putin has accepted insult after insult, provocation on top of provocation in order to avoid a war that means death for humanity.
    • Everything You Need to Know about the Conflict in Ukraine (Paul Craig Roberts)

    Everything You Need to Know about the Conflict in Ukraine

    • Russia Has No Alternative to Victory in Ukraine Conflict – Kremlin (Sp.)—kremlin-1120245072.html
    • Talk of Nuclear Red Button ‘Inappropriate’ – Lavrov (RT)

    “It would be a direct war of NATO against Russia…
    NATO is already waging a war against Russia, but it is a hybrid war through the hands of Ukrainians.
    If we are talking about long-range missile weapons, it is clear to everyone that the Ukrainians themselves will not be able to use them,” he stated, explaining that tasks such as target guidance, data collection from satellites and forming flight assignments can only be carried out by specialists from countries that produce a particular weapon.
    Lavrov went on to accuse Western officials who are seriously considering allowing Ukraine to make indiscriminate attacks on Russia of having the “mindset of a child” playing with matches.
    • Scott Ritter: Israel’s Collapse Is Imminent Amid Escalation In Lebanon (MPN)

    Scott Ritter: Israel’s Collapse is Imminent Amid Escalation in Lebanon


    Dr. D

    Hot trax and exactly the kind of music I would listen to.

    “I’ve got tapes
    I’ve got CDs
    I’ve got my Public Enemy
    My lily white ass is tickled pink
    When I listen to the music that makes me think” — Red Hot Chili Peppers.

    From a guy who’s a designated native American.


    If Kamala Harris wins, she will push the U.S. towards communism, making things worse than Communist countries like North Korea or East Germany. – Elon Musk (from top post.)

    A neat quote because it shows the inversion, or just plain all-out crazed propaganda today in the US, which is completely divorced from any true ‘policy’ issues and the will, capacity, allowance, to implement them.

    A BizMan, Trump, is for protectionist tarifs, and pouring money into re-industrialisation.

    So he is a Statist – he isn’t talkin’ about entrepreneurship, new money makin’ schemes, liberalising legislation, etc. – he *seems* to be on the side of the workers – > So, he is the potential ‘Communist’ ..

    DT has never talked about nationalisation of Corps afaik. But if he wants to control food prices that is the only way, though it can be done avoiding the dreaded ‘nationalisation’ label with input – output (of material goods) and exchange controls.

    SKamala spews word salad (as one link at top shows) but the ‘aspirational BS’ is economically divorced from reality, it is Kumbaya, but very close to —under the radar— push for a globalist agenda, a control by global elites / and or / Top Corps. Not Communist.

    In fine, the whole Pol. Scene with Trump vs. Harris is a kind of Mad distraction, a show to provoke hate, stress, strife… with all economic and political issues just junked.



    “Put me on a watchlist I don’t care”

    Nice catch phrase. That will probably bounce around in my head all day.

    Same thing happens with “Rockin me Baby”.

    This would have been better with shovels.

    Dude, no eye signs if it goes viral.

    one eye


    Draw Attention Away from “The Tribe” and Concentrate on the Black Guy

    Works every time!






    Even cartoon characters have more Common Sense than the average Duh’merican Sheeple



    In the Empire of Lies,

    Everything is FAKE


    Update: The Times publishes partial details of Zelensky’s so-called “victory plan” –

    Zelensky demands an analogue of NATO’s Article 5 for Ukraine in his “victory plan”.
    Security guarantees for Ukraine from Western countries, “similar to a mutual defense pact upon joining NATO”;
    International financial assistance for economic recovery;
    Provision of modern weapons from the West;
    Continuation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces operation in the Kursk region;
    Zelensky will demand security guarantees from Biden that will not be subject to Trump’s influence in the future if he wins the election. This is done to prevent Ukraine from being forced into an unfavorable peace agreement.




    Political Correctness Woketurd Hypocrisy Overdrive

    Native American Version


    John Day

    Sergey Lavrov clarifies that Putin and Cheney are not actually endorsing the same candidate.
    Putin’s Kamala endorsement was a joke – Lavrov
    The “deep state” is the real source of power in Washington, the Russian foreign minister has said


    Simple Hezbollah peace plan
    Stop bombing Gaza.

    The summary from SouthFront:
    – Hezbollah attacked Manara base with suicide drones;
    – Hezbollah attacked Yiftah base with suicide drones;
    – Hezbollah fired at least 100 rockets on Israeli settlements. At least nine people were wounded;
    – Hezbollah attacked Ramat David airbase and Rafael military facilities with dozens of rockets;
    – Sirens sounded in Kiryat Shemona;
    – Hezbollah announced death of two of its members in southern Lebanon;
    – Israeli warplanes attacked the Nabatiah town;


    The difference?
    Hezbollah is hitting almost exclusively military targets while Israhell is hitting almost exclusively civilian targets.


    gimme dis gimme dat
    put some money in my hat
    gimme bling- I won’t sing
    ’bout doze parties you was at.
    gimme guns gimme tons
    gibya bodies in a box
    I’m da king- nazi wing
    I’m Zelensky and I rock!

    ?? It just tumbled out.

    Houthis Vow Big ‘Surprise’ For Israel After ‘Palestine-2’ Missile Use, As Hezbollah Prepares

    To sum up, Israel, (USA), is conducting genocide in Gaza, ethnically cleansing the West Bank, and massacring civilians in Lebanon, all at the same time.
    The violence and chaos that the Zionist regime mercenaries are perpetrates is staggering in scale.

    It must be stopped and dismantled.


    22 Sept. 2024.

    UK Labour Party managers blocked the words “genocide” and “apartheid” in reference to Israel’s conduct against Palestinians from being used in brochures at a side event during its annual conference in Liverpool. 


    The conference’s start was marked by pro-Palestine protests as over 15,000 people marched through the city on Saturday to express their opposition to Britain selling arms to Israel amid its ongoing siege and bombardment of Gaza.

    those darned kids

    nice work, mpsk. if i may humbly offer:

    gimme more, yankee whore
    i got blackrock plan in store
    gimme blow – dontcha know
    need that fuel for your war.

    gimme bombs, gimme jets
    don’t you know your manners yet
    i’m da king – nazi wing
    volodymyr’s your best bet!


    every party has a pooper, let me be the one

    let us turn our gaze back to January 3, 2020 (can you hear Sinatra singing For The Good Times?). Does anyone remember the bombastic devil holding the reins as The Most Powerful Man in The World? Yes it was none other than Himself DJT.
    As we begin our stroll along the boardwalk of unfortunate circumstance a footnote:
    Mr. Thomas Jefferson in possession of a bound text of the Qur’an opined – I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is Just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.
    Since the day Himself announced the demise of our martyred brother things have gone a little south. Warp Speed ahead mateys, The Swamp, having not suffered any drought of pull down of reservoir, began to overflow the banks of the Maryland lowlands and spread pestilence and lunacy across the fruited plains. Call me a plagiarist, the fetid stench was YUGE!
    Now Himself, taking credit for the greatest foreign policy blunder since the Bay of Pigs, is preparing to take the Oval Office once more attired in The Emperor’s New Clothes. Count me among the nattering nabobs of negativisim as we arrive at 9/23/24 and the feast best served cold is being prepared by the divine caterers.
    Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite it is truly providence that justice will be delivered to Himself and his merry team of hatemen. Does one dare hope Ben Hodges finds his way to State? Such is the stuff dreams are made of.
    Justice is coming and bragadocio is often justly rewarded.

    Parallel to The East Palestine Ohio trainwreck this moment is time was 100% preventable. Just like Robert Palmer observed, Some Like It Hot, but you can’t tell hot hot till you try.
    I do however enjoy the text messages FROM TRUMP.

    Oroboros though not exactly on the same page, the nuclear armageddon talk leaves me nonplussed. Go to heaven for the scenery, to hell for the company.




    Go to heaven for the scenery, to hell for the company.






    Victor Orban doesn’t need to hear this…



    Our Upside Down World:

    Evil is Good, Truth is Evil

    Strange how a man who doesn’t censor his opponents, doesn’t try to assassinate his opponents, talks daily with the press, meets with the people every day, is the all encompassing evil one.

    And those who lie, cheat, kill, hide, and censor, are considered the uprightious good ones.

    Hard to believe we have been reduced to this negative state of being.


    Can you always tell if Oroboros has presented deep fake imagines.


    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is “alarmed” by the escalating conflict in Lebanon

    “The secretary-general notes the ongoing efforts by the UN special coordinator for Lebanon and the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon to reduce tensions, and he reiterates the urgent need for de-escalation – that all efforts should be devoted to a diplomatic solution,”

    Lebannon x 3 with no mention of Usrael de-escalation of their collaborative genocide.
    Paging Guterres, place pager next to your head asshole. When bombs explode in Usrael, the Un squawks time for peace.

    People REALLY really need to stop repeating this ‘death to humanity’ mantra.

    It’s actually death FROM humanity.
    Are you advocating for Politically Correct language and censorship and discouraging free speech? While the murdering continues?

    Humanity- “yeah we just made these nukes for fun toys, we’ll never use them”
    Nagasaki and Hiroshima ring a fucking bell moron? Ask the shadows of humans on the sidewalks what they think as they were vaporized into bits leaving their death shadows behind.
    I guess you have not figured out that there is no depravity that humans will not inflict on other humans as the killing spree continues.

    It’s childish and it is attention seeking and more unlikely than an asteroid doing us all in. 2.5 to 3 million years, we’ve been around. MILLION. Oh but we are soooo special that it’s US that will kill us all with nuclear weapons.

    Says the attention seeking dude on stage under the lights- “look at me, listen to me”
    watch me watch my video, ain’t I great ?

    Then there’s Dylan.

    How many months after the US developed nukes were they used? How about depleted Uranium? Dumped by the US used in weaponry killing it’s own troops and poisoning babies for generation to come all over the planet?

    Hanford Wa. where the Manhattan project nuclear waste is leaching into the Columbia river ?
    Fukishima a disaster worse than Chernobyl completely covered up. Wars raging around the planet compliments of Jews and Americans killing millions over decades-

    Millions of years yes- but the last 2 hundred years has been an accelerated slaughter fest .
    WW1 chemical weapons and bio terrorism onward.

    If humans can make it and kill with it- we do. Contemplate what infinity means, look at human stupidity.
    And yes- we humans have developed nuclear weapons to destroy the planet multiple times over- and you pretend this is not reality?

    Clinton openly calling to wipe Iran off the map is a joke to you?
    Maybe you should try growing the fuck up.


    As my friend quipped the other day talking about the Gaza concentration camp death zone the Jews have created-

    I think you need just a little more barbed wire in your life

    You think this will all sort itself out peacefully?
    With the US being completely agreement incapable and untrustworthy- and the chosen scum Jews bent on mass murder?

    Santa Claws is real and nukes don’t exist. Go fuck your shovel before you dig your own grave.

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