No. Hearing a political adviser saying he doesn’t really care is not refreshing, it is a very nasty sign of a system well into decay. At least if he said that he has no clue he would be more honest.
Its come down to a choice between someone who will try to hang on to the status quo until well past its breaking date, and someone who will deliberately cash the system in search of more advantage for himself. trump is already getting too many passes from critical thinking, don’t join the mob now.
I’m also amazed that you quote, approvingly someone who says that “the $9 trillion in debt added during the 7.5 years of the Obama administration has caused no detectable harm” This whole site is about the appalling damage that is being done by unrestrained debt.
And as for the suggestion that “We don’t really need to care whether the plan “pays for itself” in the short term, if it does indeed produce the accelerated growth promised”, haven’t you spent enough time convincing us that growth at all, never mind accelerated growth is not arithmetically possible? Anyone, and that includes all parties, offering “growth” of any kind is delusional, please don’t get carried away with the idea that swinging a big axe is preferable to chipping away; the tree is going to fall soon enough, those of us trying to follow your advice over the last dozen years will be grateful for the best chance to construct something that might survive the transition, we don’t need prompt suicidal stupidity being thrown into the mix.
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