Debt Rattle Valentine’s Day 2024
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- This topic has 80 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 11 months, 4 weeks ago by
February 14, 2024 at 6:44 pm #152735
D Benton Smith
ParticipantPutting all your eggs in one basket has long been known to be a bad idea, yet the owners are insisting that this is what us plebs should do. Can you see a problem here? All eggs in one basket? Come on, we know this is a stupid thing to do, we even have idioms passed down from our ancestors telling us that this is a bad idea, yet the owners are insisting on this plan. I wonder why?”
At the risk of answering what I suspect is rhetorical question, the reason the owners want to put all of the eggs in one basket is because consolidation requires centralization of control by a smaller and more easily manageable core group of controllers whose entire lives are dependent upon the continual consolidation of the basket. The owners reckon that the entire basket is THEIRS (since they “own” it in the lawfare sense of the word).
A fringe benefit of this strategy and practice is that the owners of bigger baskets claim a bigger share of the eggs because they see themselves as having bigger value because they own bigger baskets. It’s basically one of those “vicious cycle” kind of thing that we keep running into because we still don’t see that we are proactively participating in the insanity (with more than a little “help” from the Bad Guys.)
February 14, 2024 at 7:02 pm #152736D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe intensity of your misdirected anger seems to be blocking your ability to read.
February 14, 2024 at 7:14 pm #152737my parents said know
ParticipantOkay, every gardener out there: what you think it is. In a petunia.
February 14, 2024 at 7:16 pm #152738zerosum
ParticipantWhat is antisemitism?
What is right or wrong?
What is genocide?protest the expansion of Israeli military operations against Hamas’s strongholds in Rafah.
“We must mobilize the masses and demand an end to this genocidal assault,”
”no peace on stolen land,”
One sign called to “Free our political prisoners,” a common way for Pro-Palestinian activists to refer to security prisoners in Israeli prisons, of which the majority are convicted of terrorism.
Gaza has become a living hell on earth.
February 14, 2024 at 7:35 pm #152739Celticbiker
ParticipantJohn Day if you think that jewyork old grifter lies in his lakeside Vermont mansion, unable to sleep due to the plight of Palestinians you are delusional. He’d sell his mothers soul for a nickel. He reads what he’s told to read and paid exceptionally well for it. The real points were made right from the start. Hamas murdered 1200 innocent jews…israhell has a right to defend itself. They all say the same shit over and over, relentlessly, just like they did with covid. As for the WHY, DBS, they see themselves as the chosen ones, here to rule over the cattle. Whites are the only thing standing in the way, so they must be destroyed. They have all the money in the world to do it, the media to control the message, the muppet politicians for the illusion of factions, countries, left, right , etc. NWO=JWO.
February 14, 2024 at 7:39 pm #152740D Benton Smith
Just what you think it is. In a petunia.”
People say that diamonds are forever. Nah, no way. Diamonds are for a long time, but not forever. I’ll tell ya something that’s forever. DNA is for forever.
February 14, 2024 at 7:51 pm #152741tboc
ParticipantNIMBY – wanna bet?
February 14, 2024 at 7:56 pm #152742Dr D Rich
ParticipantWho is Dr Dick and Altar Boy?
February 14, 2024 at 8:00 pm #152743D Benton Smith
ParticipantBy your logic, then, it’s all over and I guess that you, we, and every other goyim in the world should just roll over and await the inevitable coming of the Jews
I’m of a more proactive frame of mind and prefer to stop them, which requires me to know what I’m up against. The first thing I’ve learned about that is that it didn’t start with the Jews and therefore won’t end with them either.
How did things go after Mr Hitler started killing every living Jew (man, woman and innocent child) that he could get his filthy hands on? Did the world as a whole get a whole lot better or a whole lot worse in the past 80 years or so?
Looks like it wasn’t just them, then, doesn’t? Such a perfectly conceived genocide of mostly innocent women and children, and all for less than nothing. Sounds to me like your great plan isn’t much more thunk out than his was. Would work about as well, too. It’s like the case of the farmer who thought he could rid his herd of cow-flies by killing every fly that ever flew. Never occurred to him that it might have something to do with the big steaming heap of cow manure that he kept next to the barn.
February 14, 2024 at 8:04 pm #152744D Benton Smith
Who is Dr Dick and Altar Boy?
That would be the good Dr D and me. Sorry about the mud splatter, but the kids are acting up again.
February 14, 2024 at 8:09 pm #152745D Benton Smith
ParticipantIf you knew the depth of the irony of calling me Altar Boy you would be belly laughing as hard as I am. I may have been the only Altar Boy in the long history of the Catholic Church to have been fired for irremediable incompetence.
February 14, 2024 at 8:14 pm #152746Dr. D
Participant“As the Arctic warms, these iconic bears are spending more time on land. New videos reveal why that’s a problem.” — Vox
So because there’s more water, bears are on land. Right.
“Global warming is famously bad for polar bears. … polar bears are spending more time on land, where calorie-dense food is far less accessible.
That’s why there are about 10x as many polar bears as before; Because they have nothing to eat. Go on, Benji Jones senior environmental reporter at Vox and wildlife researcher, tell me all about a 10x increase in population is an indication of “bad”. #OppositeLand!!! #AntiLogos! Less also = Good. That’s just #Antilogos common sense.
Of course there are no bears in Kodiak or indeed anywhere in BC. Only very, very tiny bears with nothing to eat. Because: land.
Also no bears encroaching right into the suburbs throughout America as hunting declines. “Trust me: I’m an Expert!” Except for there being more animals almost everywhere, there are no animals at all. Who you gonna trust: me or your lyin’ eyes?
February 14, 2024 at 8:15 pm #152747Veracious Poet
ParticipantWe had it all.
Life was perfect.
And then life changed.
It always does.
When life changes in this way, we can beg and plead to go back to the way things were.
Feeling entitled to that reality.
Waiting for someone to wave the magic wand and put things back to normal; back to the way life was.
Or we can step up, recognize that it is time to move forward from here, and embrace total accountability ~ John O’Leary
Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron ~ H. L. Mencken
Godspeed & good luck.
February 14, 2024 at 8:19 pm #152748Dr. D
ParticipantOf course no Dick or Harry, or Harry Dick, can stay out of a troll fight:
““You want this, don’t you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.
Good! Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you!
Your hate has made you powerful. Now fulfill your destiny, take your place by the father of lies. Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
You know what they say, “What the world needs now, is hate, sweet hate.” “All you need is hate; Hate is all you need.”
Or as England Dan would say, “Light of the world, shine on me, Hate is the answer”
“I’ve looked high and low
I’ve been from shore to shore to shore
If there’s a short cut i’d have found it
But there’s no easy way around itHate is the answer
Who knows why
It’s such a lonely world
People turn their heads and walk on by
What are the chances?
Ask the man in your heart for the answersAnd when you feel afraid, hate one another
When you’ve lost your way, hate one another
When you’re all alone, hate one another
When you’re far from home, hate one another
When you’re down and out, hate one another
All your hope’s run out, hate one another
When you need a friend, hate one another
When you’re near the end, hate one another
We got to hate one another!”“God is Hate,” they say. “When you need a friend, just hate and I’ll be there.”
If this is the common level of intolerance and racism in China, I’m beginning to think we should bomb Taiwan for the safety of people of the world. Clearly the only place more dangerous than Israel is Taiwan.
Good day to you sir.
February 14, 2024 at 9:24 pm #152749Noirette
Participant(> several top posts.)
The pretense of a ‘compos mentis’ Joe Geno is crumbling. The Democrat inner circle and masters have come to some realisation(s) and are now seeking a path to some ‘future’, I mean as a group, as no doubt some individuals have been plotting since day one.
That future doesn’t look good for the Dems. Independently of electoral machinations, varied skull-duggery, massive fraud (last election..) and the intricacies of US electoral procedures (see some expls. at top post) which I don’t grasp, the Dem Party has lost, is loosing, support massively.
Re. *only* personae and internal matters —> Booting out Bernie, the Bernie Bros, was a first kind of death knell, the second was a senile Prez hoiked up (neo-con-lib btw), and the third, which now comes into play, is the incumbent Vice, Kabala H.
This person would not be a successful manager of 2 pizza joints / a hair dressing salon / a skating rink, could not teach 6th grade with ease, could not cook for 40 ppl with 3 aides, could not manage a complicated HR computer program, etc. She was ‘selected’ as she was branded as representing a ‘minority’ but was not ‘black.’
sidebar: The Dems hate black ppl, at least those I have met in Europe do. Obama of course was not black, in the sense of being a descendant of slaves or ‘black’ immigrants. The son of a Kenyan/British foreignor and a US white gal linked to banking, academe, and maybe other …
Similar trajectories. The ‘Socialists’ in France became a non-entity with Hollande (long story), Macron and his backers and supporters took over the center-left and eliminated the competition. In GB, ppl here will be more familiar with that, Corbyn was thrown under the bus for ‘anti-semitism’ (amongst other sins), it took quite some strenuous (and degrading) effort but was accomplished.
Not that I lament the death of these parties, I am just describing. They had it coming, imho, good riddance. The true ‘left’ 🙂 will see another day – and rise. Or not.
February 14, 2024 at 9:24 pm #152750zerosum
ParticipantForeign interference by ….. for how gov. borrows money and spends that money for Ukraine chips in another $60M for Ukrainian F-16 training as U.S. aid remains gridlocked.
The contribution announced at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG) meeting follows the federal government’s announcement last month of a $15 million donation to pay for civilian pilot instructors from Montreal-based Top Aces Inc.In a recent interview, Blair said Canada was making progress on getting Ukraine additional armoured vehicles, used for medical evacuation. When Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Ottawa last fall, the Liberal government committed an additional $650 million to acquire at least 50 armored vehicles.
February 14, 2024 at 10:10 pm #152751Veracious Poet
Good bye may seem forever.
Farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory…and there you will always be. ~ Walt Disney
February 14, 2024 at 10:30 pm #152752John Day
ParticipantDima at Military Summary channel reports that Macron cancelled his visit to Ukraine to sign a defense agreement for “security reasons”, which are rumored to be that Ukraine planned to assassinate him and blame it on Russia. I wonder who warned him?
Avdeevka may get an ultimatum to surrender tonight, as Russians have it cut in two now, and have tactically encircled the southern half 14, 2024 at 10:57 pm #152753aspnaz
ParticipantDr D said
Aspnaz, we JUST named one 12 hours ago, Max Blumenthal, along with ALL Haaretz, top paper in Israel.
Yes, Haaretz, a business in Israel occupying land stolen from the Palestinians. Here’s another, did you know that Haredi Jews are the biggest group of Jews that oppose Zionism, their opposition is on religious grounds, they actually “believe” it is forbidden, yet they make up 13.3% of Israel’s population and are the fastest growing group due to birthrate. Well, that’s some opposition you got there, they all seem to not be opposing very much. When people living in Israel profess to oppose Zionism, well, you got to laugh really, so no, I do not believe most of the shit the Jews say about opposing Zionism, mostly because it is a part of their religion and secondly there is no real evidence of opposition, just the usual words without action.
February 14, 2024 at 11:11 pm #152754Celticbiker
ParticipantAltarboy you got your Hitler history from the jewboy publishers. Oy Veh, the irony! The Germans had very good reasons for kickin those shitheads out of their country. No different than their European ancestors, see St. Simon of Trent. Destruction from within, now happening in JUSA. Holyhoax is fiction. Jewboy Eisenhower starved millions of Germans to death. No fuckin monument to that.
February 14, 2024 at 11:40 pm #152755D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe Germans had very good reasons for kickin those shitheads out of their country.”
And how did that work out for the Germans in the short, medium and long term? Looks to me that there are only two possible explanations for the strategic failure to accomplish fuck-all except needless bloodshed. Possibility #1 is that the Germans did a shit job of genocide, and possibility #2 is that they didn’t kill the right people. Knowing what I know about the Germanic propensity for organization, attention to detail and thoroughness, I believe I’m gonna have to go with door #2.
And by the way, you should do something about that anger. It’s making you lash out at the wrong target, and miss..February 14, 2024 at 11:42 pm #152756zerosum
ParticipantPolished lies–february-14-2024?id=952620a1-cdaa-409c-8f0f-b65afbf64092
PM Trudeau Meets with Jordan’s King Abdullah in Ottawa – February 14, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and King Abdullah II of Jordan comment briefly ahead of their bilateral meeting in Ottawa. The king is in Canada for a one-day visit. On the agenda for the two leaders are discussions on humanitarian relief for civilians in Gaza and support for a sustainable ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. (no interpretation)
———-February 15, 2024 at 12:24 am #152757Figmund Sreud
ParticipantWhat do you know, … it’s harder to get insurance. It’s is a game changer:
Last year saw a record-breaking number of natural catastrophes causing at least $1bn in insurance losses: 37 separate events, according to data from insurance broker Aon. That included 25 so-called severe convective storms, of which 21 were in the US. It is the growing weight of events such as storms and wildfires — and the broadening of the areas that are exposed to them — that is raising anxiety in the sector, and changing the way risk is viewed.
Auto insurance premiums rose 20.6% year over year, … tenant and household insurance rose 6% annualized over just the last three months.
The uninsurable world: what climate change is costing homeowners [ … this usually is behind a paywall]
February 15, 2024 at 12:33 am #152758D Benton Smith
ParticipantI just thought of a way to cut your car insurance costs to near zero, while at the same time protecting you from expensive collisions.
Just paint a big poster on each side of your car that reads, “Uninsured, Broke, Short Tempered and Desperate”.
No one is gonna want to get anywhere near you or your car, resulting in no accidents.February 15, 2024 at 12:45 am #152759aspnaz
ParticipantDr D said
But it won’t matter. Every Jew could come out against and he’s still round up all the Jews. ‘Cause hate, amirite?
Never get between a man and his hate. I’m hating something, don’t interrupt me with facts.
Why are you espousing woke socialist perjoratives? The “hate” emotion is part of the woke, socialist, Jewish victimhood bullshit, the “you hate trannies” or “you hate Jews” or “hate speech”. I know you live in a Hollywood movie world, where there are goodies and badies, but they seem to have infected your brain with dumb phrases like “hate”.
Do you hate murderers? Do you hate thieves? Why do you suppose that I would hate Jews? Your reasoning is idiotic in that hate is an emotion, so it born from a relationship; I hate X because he murdered my mother who I loved very much. Geddit? Back to the murderers, thieves and Jews, do you believe that putting murderers in jail is “hate”? What about punishing thieves, is that “hate”? What about Jews cheating and stealing, is that “hate”?
Woke is so childish, unavoidable at the monment, but designed for the average mind, not for a thinking mind. I am not surprised that you resort to such victimhood nonsense, people without an argument tend to resort to nonsense.
February 15, 2024 at 12:52 am #152760Figmund Sreud
ParticipantInteresting take:
Over the last four quarters, Tesla generated total revenue and earnings of $96 billion and $15 billion, respectively. Toyota’s revenue and earnings are roughly three times larger at $299 billion and $44 billion. Yet Tesla’s market cap is more than double that of Toyota.
Tesla shares have soared since going public, while Toyota and other major auto manufacturers’ shares have meandered along. Since going public in 2010 at $1.59 (split adjusted), Tesla shares are up nearly 12,000%. That figure is more stunning, considering it’s down 50% since late 2021.
Is Toyota The Next Tesla? 15, 2024 at 1:00 am #152761aspnaz
ParticipantD Benton Smith said
Because I rather unmercifully forced @aspnaz to see that his logic was faulty he thinks that I have insulted him personally
Wow, you really are living in your own fantasy world; still jacking off to imaginary hard ons? None of what you say above is true. I could not be insulted by you as I would have to respect you first and that isn’t happening when i see how you respond to not getting your own way; the spoilt child.
February 15, 2024 at 1:31 am #152762WES
ParticipantNATO You Are Here!
To help NATO’s current war games look more realistic, Russia has agreed to jam all GPS signals in the Baltics, Poland, Romania, and the Black Sea areas.
This has forced all European commercial air traffic to divert their flights away from Eastern Europe and the Black Sea, to further south via central Turkey.
So, if you find any lost NATO troops, please let them know where they are!February 15, 2024 at 1:34 am #152763D Benton Smith
ParticipantNo matter how hard @aspnaz tries to deflect attention from himself by baiting me with crude play-ground insults and projecting the truly absurd insinuation that crusty old Dr D is somehow “Woke”, the fact remains that @aspnaz is wrong because his attempted logic wrong. The simple fact is that the conspiratorial crimes of SOME obviously conspiring Jews does not establish the guilt of ALL Jews in either the crimes or the conspiracy. @aspnaz’s insistence that it does prove such sweeping and all inclusive guilt of all Jewish people is simply NOT logical and NOT true.
Furthermore, his ever increasing strident profanity in promoting his obviously WRONG conclusion is starting to have a negative effect on the general conversation.
Knock it off, aspie.
February 15, 2024 at 1:39 am #152764D Benton Smith
ParticipantSo, if you find any lost NATO troops, please let them know where they are!”
We’ve triangulated their coordinates, and it has been confirmed that their location is up Shit Creek without a paddle.
February 15, 2024 at 1:49 am #152765WES
ParticipantBlind Wheelchair Repairman:
Alright you rowdy wheelchair seniors up in the peanut gallery!
Knock it off!
Behave yourselves!If you don’t start behaving yourselves,
then the next time I repair your wheelchair,
I might accidently forget to reinstall the flash washers and cotter pins,
holding your wheelchair’s wheels on!Then you will really have something to fight about!
Otherwise, situation, normal.
Please carry on, as before.February 15, 2024 at 2:16 am #152766Oroboros
ParticipantDrone Wars
Wave of the Future
We are not to Skynet yet, but we’re getting there…..
Here is what soldiers on both sides are having to deal with as far as drones on the modern battlefield.
Ukro pickup truck tries to get wounded soldier off the field, just as they are pulling away a Russian drone just misses hitting the bed of the pickup and explodes barely outside and they speed off.
As drones approach the ground they often lose their radio connection to the operator at the last critical maneuvering moment and miss.
The Russians are trying to fix this with AI taking over the final approach to the target. Not all drones have this yet but they are coming. The Russians will have a big jump on the technology due to actual battlefield experience and man-hours.
February 15, 2024 at 2:23 am #152774John Day
ParticipantExactly a week after a failed attempt, the House has impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, under whose tenure more than 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the US – doubling the existing population of migrants. 15, 2024 at 2:38 am #152775D Benton Smith
ParticipantI was noodling around in Google, Copilot and chat GPT-4, and stumbled across the peculiarest damn thing. I wouldn’t even bother to mention it except that, as crazy as this sounds, there seems to be a significant probability (not certain, but better than 50/50) that “aspnaz” is the English translation of the Chinese word 阿斯普纳兹 , which means Ashkenazi. Yeah, you read that right. It may be off the wall and wrong, but it’s definitely not a typo
Could it be that our favorite Jew hater is actually an undercover Ashkenazi Jew with a twisted sense of humor? Naw! Couldn’t be! But on the other hand, it would explain a lot.
Clear this up for me @aspnaz. What does your handle “aspnaz” stand for? Is chat GPT-4 having a digital breakdown, or are you someone other than you have presented yourself to be?
PLEASE don’t fly into an abusive conniption fit. Maybe Google screwed things up. Stranger things have happened, and it wouldn’t be the first time. Just answer the question and that will be that.
February 15, 2024 at 2:51 am #152776WES
I wouldn’t worry too much about the demise of the Democrat Party. They have successfully cooked up such an evil rotten system of hate that they cannot possibly fail at whatever no good they are currently up to.
Over a 100 years ago, none other than Mark Twain noted the Democrat Party’s power in successfully raising the all the nation’s dead, lying in city cemeteries, back to life on election nights, to vote Democrat!
Mark Twain’s solution to this eĺection night travesty, was to always bury dead Democrats, face down!
That way, the dead wouldn’t be able to rise to the Democrat’s call to vote on election night,
as they all would be busy digging their way down to China!Yes, Democrats do not like blacks.
The Democrats created the KKK to suppress blacks.
The Democrats created the Jim Crow Laws to prevent blacks from voting.
Democrats created segregated schools.
When these tactics no longer worked after WW2, then Democrats introduced abortion to cull blacks.
Democrats introduced welfare to destroy traditional black family structures.
Democrats built ghetto housing to keep black segregated.
That many blacks now graduate not being able to read or do math, only happens in Democrat controlled schools. It is a feature, not a bug!
Democrats introduced racism because it creates more racism. This isolates blacks even more.
As Biden said in 2020, “You ain’t black if you don’t vote Democrat (for me)”.
Doesn’t that truly express the love/hate Democrats have for blacks?So, you see the Democrats have perfected the evil of getting blacks to support their abusive masters, again and again!
That is why the Democrat Party will remain with us forever.
A rotten system, makes even good people look bad!The Uniparty coin has 2 sides. Democrat. Republican.
Democrats exist for power.
Republicans exist for money.
Now you know how the US works.February 15, 2024 at 3:21 am #152777D Benton Smith
ParticipantJewboy Eisenhower starved millions of Germans to death. No fuckin monument to that.”{
No, he didn’t, although he certainly did assist a lot of Nazis to move from this vale of tears on to their next plane of existence. The starvation charges against Ike are from a scurrilous book that didn’t get published until 19 fucking 89. That’s a little long for such a huge and public crime to be concealed from the GERMAN friends and families who would have been effected by so many deaths. I call bullshit. EXTREME bullshit.
And wasn’t Jewish either.
(snitched from the Web) “The Eisenhauer (German for “iron hewer/miner”) family migrated from Karlsbrunn in Nassau-Saarbrücken, to America, first settling in York, Pennsylvania, in 1741, and in the 1880s moving to Kansas. Accounts vary as to how and when the German name Eisenhauer was anglicized to Eisenhower. Eisenhower’s Pennsylvania Dutch ancestors, who were primarily farmers, included Hans Nikolaus Eisenhauer of Karlsbrunn, who migrated to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in 1741.Dwight D. Eisenhower’s lineage includes German ancestors and Swiss German ancestors.”
February 15, 2024 at 7:33 am #152778aspnaz
Participantcitizenx said
Pharma Jews-
Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla-
Moderna CEO, Stephane Bancel-
AstraZeneca CEO, Pascal Soriot-
Johnson/Johnson CEO, Alex Gorsky-
SputnikV CEO, Alex Gamalay-
Add to them the Fauci’s of this world and you have to wonder what happened to all the “good Jews” we hear so much about from Dr D and Altar boy. Where are they? The Jewish community has so much money to do good, to show themselves to be upright citizens and yet, all we get is cheating, thieving liars trying to abuse the goyim. When you look back at the Nazis’ Jewish gettos, I wonder if they were created bcause the Jews back then were behaving the way the Jews are behaving today?
February 15, 2024 at 8:05 am #152779aspnaz
ParticipantD Benton Smith said
Furthermore, his ever increasing strident profanity in promoting his obviously WRONG conclusion is starting to have a negative effect on the general conversation.
Knock it off, aspie.
You really are Benton the Jew clown; you fabricate and lie, you smear and accuse me of doing what you yourself have been doing, then you claim to be the victim …. ohhh, where have I seen THIS before.
Remember what you said yesterday DBS:
But that doesn’t explain why you’ve got such a hard on for me. What’s the matter, am I fucking up your assignment?
Remember what profanity means:
an offensive or obscene word or phrase
Yet you, Benton the Jew victim, accuse me of profanity for reminding me of your profanity yesterday. Like a child pretending that they didn’t steal the cookie because they stole it yesterday so it doesn’t count; an old Benton the Jew trick.
It is touching how dedicated you are to the Jews, I suspect your altar boy history is bullshit and your name is Benton the troll. I shall be nice and address you as Benton the Jew.
Let me digress and address your misunderstanding of logic in general conversation;
Aspnaz says: The dutch are very tall.
Benton the Jew says: You racist, there are some dutch people who are short.Aspnaz says: The Jews are liars and thieves.
Benton the Jew says: You racist, there are some Jews who are not liars and thieves.Aspnaz says: Mothers breast feed their babies.
Benton the Jew says: You anti-feminist, there are some mothers who do not breast feed their babies.I suspect Benton the Jew was not breast fed. In a scientific experiment, all of the above would be considered so statistically significant that we could assume that all were true. But Benton the Jew insists on perfect data, and if there is one statistical anomaly, he throws out all the other statistics and throws a Benton the Jew victim tantrum.
Over to you BtJ.
February 15, 2024 at 8:57 am #152780aspnaz
ParticipantD Benton Smith said
I was noodling around in Google, Copilot and chat GPT-4, and stumbled across the peculiarest damn thing. I wouldn’t even bother to mention it except that, as crazy as this sounds, there seems to be a significant probability (not certain, but better than 50/50) that “aspnaz” is the English translation of the Chinese word 阿斯普纳兹 , which means Ashkenazi. Yeah, you read that right. It may be off the wall and wrong, but it’s definitely not a typo
Could it be that our favorite Jew hater is actually an undercover Ashkenazi Jew with a twisted sense of humor? Naw! Couldn’t be! But on the other hand, it would explain a lot.
Clear this up for me @aspnaz. What does your handle “aspnaz” stand for? Is chat GPT-4 having a digital breakdown, or are you someone other than you have presented yourself to be?
PLEASE don’t fly into an abusive conniption fit. Maybe Google screwed things up. Stranger things have happened, and it wouldn’t be the first time. Just answer the question and that will be that.
I am one of your retirement projects, I would be flattered if I cared. Maybe you could think of using your remaining days in a more constructive, enjoyable fashion? I have imprissoned your mind and as a result you are my prisoner, I am holding the door open for you to walk free but you are refusing, you want your mind to be occupied by aspnaz …. ha ha ha, hilarious, maybe you can enjoy my mirror personality while you are in jail, his name is Jacob the Jew, he’s a top victim.
February 15, 2024 at 9:01 am #152781aspnaz
ParticipantWES said
I wouldn’t worry too much about the demise of the Democrat Party.
Hitting that nail on the head, nice comment.
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