New El Gallinazo on the Diner
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- This topic has 13 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years, 8 months ago by
Reverse Engineer.
June 7, 2012 at 1:19 am #3809
Reverse Engineer
MemberEl Gallinazo has returned with commentary over the Aspartame controversy in Generalisimo Bloomberg and the Big Gulp Flap.
El Gallinazo wrote:
This will sound psychotic to many of you, but the NWO is not your friend Their intention is to kill off, one way or another, at least 90% of what war criminal Henry Kissinger (who got the pent house suite of honor at Bilderberg this week) refers to as “useless eaters.” And to put most in a stupor in the meantime. They just don’t need that many slaves and serfs now with the new technology and cybernetics. Some of this may be difficult to believe simply because it is very difficult for normal human beings with a basic sense of empathy and decency to get into the head and (empty) heart space of our global leaders. They are psychopaths and have been self-bred for psychopathy for centuries (at least). In addition, they are covertly conditioned as children to reinforce their genetic tendencies. As the late, great George Carlin put it shortly before he died, “It’s a club and you ain’t in it….”Read the rest over on the Doomstead Diner.
June 9, 2012 at 7:58 am #3839skipbreakfast
ParticipantOh dear. I’m concerned.
I have voiced some support for RE’s writings on here because I like some of them very much. Today I commended his article about waste packaging, a cross-post from RE’s “other blog” Doomsday Diner. Ash cross-posted this article because he liked the article too. But like Ash, I also hold points of view that seriously diverge from RE and his Diner blog. Like, I mean, SERIOUSLY diverge.
It reminds me of my dismay when TAE quoted the nearly-infamous and thankfully now rather silent Ann Bartlet, a Wall Street “insider” who was whistle-blowing on the dangers in the financial system. Because Ann Bartlet also holds some deeply disturbing and dangerous views at the same time. I was “corrected” by Raul here on TAE, when he essentially stated that one doesn’t need to agree with all the views of such an insider in order to still get some benefit from their insider insight. “Know thine enemy” and that sort of thing. Fair enough. I thought it was a reasonable justification in the circumstances…even though I would never myself quote Bartlet–there are too many other insightful commentaries from insiders who don’t voice equally disturbing racist tirades. (Granted these insiders might still hold the same views, who knows–but at least they don’t publicly spread them around to provide more justification thereof.)
So, here we are on TAE today, where I gladly take note of RE’s comment that El G has a new post over at the Diner. I go to read El G’s latest with some interest. After all, I was disappointed when El G vociferously rejected TAE’s comment section, apparently over his disdain that TAE’s editors refuse to accommodate his conpiracy theories or some such. And it is with a heavy heart that I now admit I’m glad we’re rid of him. And while I formerly expressed my belief that RE and I would make great neighbours even though we held some diverging views–we are, in fact, very much in agreement on some of the most serious issues facing humanity at this time–unfortunately the truth is that the fundamental differences will divide us for the foreseeable future. I don’t see El G and RE as allies anymore. My worst fears are sort of being confirmed. I tried to brush my concerns aside, as most of my concerns stemmed from “reading between the lines”. Not enough justification to write off some otherwise really well-informed, good writers on many “doomy” subjects. Until today.
Note, I entered a greatly long debate with RE (in which Ash was even more engaged) to object to RE’s declaration of some kind of holy war (in the most literal sense of the term!) against the bankster conspirators. Feel free to have a look at that long exchange under the comments for “Desperate European Bankster Puppets Exposed”. Part of why I cared so much to enter that fray was the incredibly dangerous and, now I’m going to say it, ultimately deeply anti-Semitic rhetoric (there I just opened that can of worms) behind this supposed “holy war” and indeed behind much of the frightening conspiracy theory bull-crap being bandied about by average, inarticulate Joes in the Zero Hedge comment section and elsewhere. I thought that we had learned our lessons from the Nazi Party’s atrocities. The same thinking that rose in the financial crisis of the late 20’s and 30s is, like clockwork, rising again (can we even spell “Golden Dawn Party”?).
Case in point (I finally get to the point): El G’s latest Diner diatribe, in which he writes, regarding the banksters’ sociopathic designs for the ordinary human’s destruction, “They are psychopaths and have been self-bred for psychopathy for centuries (at least). In addition, they are covertly conditioned as children to reinforce their genetic tendencies.”
Read that again, “They…have been self-bred for centuries [and] conditioned as children to reinforce their GENETIC TENDENCIES.” The scientific evidence to absolutely, positively refute the existence of such genetic tendencies between “races” or collective groups of human beings is long-standing. I refuse to even go there. Do some damn reading on the subject. No, the knee-jerk lie (because it’s as much a lie as anything the banksters have pulled) that genetic tendencies separate “us” and “them” leads to no where but total, absolute evil.
Ash, stop cross-posting to the Diner. It’s going to lead nowhere good.
Witnessing the wrath that RE brought down upon another commentator in TAE, I can only imagine what sort of fatwah will now be placed on my head. And here I thought we could have been friends. But RE’s and El G’s ideas are positively dangerous, frightening, eugenic witch-hunts in disguise. They’re just very angry and hateful, and the financial collapse is a perfect breeding ground for such hate. I don’t see the benefit of this cross-pollination with Doomsday Diner. TAE doesn’t need it. Indeed, I’ve never found writers with so much integrity and clear-thinking than on TAE, and I don’t expect TAE is about to change now. Over and out.
June 9, 2012 at 8:38 am #3840Reverse Engineer
MemberThat’s an interesting perspective SB, and actually one I understand pretty well. I myself have many problems with perspectives (other than my own of course 🙂 ) presented on the Diner, mostly in the Forum section where anybody can write whatever they please. I don’t edit, I don’t censor.
When observing what is occurring on the “cross pollination” level between TAE and DD, here is my take on it. In particular, with the glaring difference of what you refer to as a “Holy War” , Ashvin has taken to referring to as the OOMP acronym and I usually call “the Inquisition”, generally sepaking Ashivn and I are are on the same page on many things.
Ashvin certainly does not post up on TAE any articles where I go Ballistic on Pigmen, and frankly I myself don’t generally post them up on the DD Blog either. Those really Over the Top ideas are fodder for discussion around the Diner Tables, along with all the other really Outta da Box thinking that goes on in there.
What Ashvin does choose to put up on TAE are the articles where there is congruence between the persepectives of the TAE audience and that of the DD audience. So, he put up my recent Waste Based Society article, and before that he put up one of Surly’s articles on the Political Movement of OWS, and also one of Peter’s on Hydroponics I think it was.
Of all of us, Surly most fits well with the TAE perspective, he advocates for Non-Violent resistance all the time. Peter is a self sufficiency PROFESSIONAL, I do not think I have ever met anyone on the net with more knowledge than he has on these subjects or who realy applies them IRL to the extent he does. Yet at the same time, Peter has some VERY far out of the box Conspiracy concepts which he periodically drops on DD also. Does that make his Hydroponics stuff any less worthwhile or valid to read for TAE members?
Ben, another of the DD Mod Squad and a member here of TAE as well has his own perspectives on Rewilding as a potential solution and means by which people might prepare for the hard times to come. I am currently taking Ben to task inside the Diner for not having all the moral, philosophical and religious implications of Rewilding well enough defined to make it long term viable. Such discussion fits on the Diner, but it does not fit too well here on TAE. there is CROSSOVER though.
What you are asking Ashvin to do here is to ignore/not post ANYTHING from the DD because some of the Authors hold some ideas which are abhorrent to you. At the same time you do acknowledge some things we all write are worthwhile as well.
In the end, you all can Pick and Choose what you read, here or on DD or elsewhere on the net. Editors liek Ashvin and myself can pick and choose also what we will drop onto our respective Blogs written by other Bloggers or Commenters. Who are YOU to say to anyone, “DON’T POST THEIR STUFF! It’s VILE!!” It’s a form of censorship dude, you are expressing what you believe is the Group Think here on TAE, and you may very well be correct in this idea. If so, you will get many pats on the back for suggesting that Cross Posting between DD and TAE STOPS.
I personally do not think this is a good thing. I have participated on too many boards where Group Think so dominates a board that alternative perspectives cannot ever even be MENTIONED, much less discussed. Personally, I have been referred to on numerous occassions as “He who cannot be Named”, Beezlebub style. Like if anybody even MENTIONS RE, Satan will rend the Earth with Hellfire or something.
Anyhow, in the end this is the decision of Ashvin, Ilargi and Stoneleigh to make. I am sure they are listening to your perspective on this, and I disagree with it so I counter your idea with this post.
June 9, 2012 at 11:22 am #3842Karpatok
ParticipantI have just had a long reply expunged and evaporated into the aether on the part of probably Illargi since he seems to be the moderator. I do not appreciate this kind of censorship as my reply contained nothing censorius in the way of words or ideas. I do not know what it means to say that your session has expired. I did write a rather long piece and I think it was to the good but obviously the authorities here are very worried about free speech. That is a great disappointment and shows them following historical precedent. So what is the purpose of this blog then if all ideas cannot be expressed? isn’t it just a futile exercise similar to the chance of voting for tweedle dum and tweedle dee?
June 9, 2012 at 11:54 am #3843Reverse Engineer
MemberKarpatok post=3466 wrote: I have just had a long reply expunged and evaporated into the aether on the part of probably Illargi since he seems to be the moderator. I do not appreciate this kind of censorship as my reply contained nothing censorius in the way of words or ideas. I do not know what it means to say that your session has expired. I did write a rather long piece and I think it was to the good but obviously the authorities here are very worried about free speech. That is a great disappointment and shows them following historical precedent. So what is the purpose of this blog then if all ideas cannot be expressed? isn’t it just a futile exercise similar to the chance of voting for tweedle dum and tweedle dee?
KK, I would not necesarily ascribe the loss of your post to llargi or Ashvin or anytbody else in nomnal control of the TAE platform software. chances are is you got a “session expired” message when you posted it came because the Cookie which showed your browser to be connected to the sever had expired.
This kind of shit can happen even to people who know how the system works like yours truly. I’ve lost many posts this way because I did not folow my OWN advice to everyone, which is to COMPOSE in Wordpad or another text editor and paste in your response to the upload box. Then if you hit “submit” and it does not take for one reason or another, you still have the copy and can resubmit by pasting and doing it again. After 2 or 3 attempts, if it is not taking you an be pretty sure your IP Addy has been Banned by the Admin running the software.
Depending on how intensely you feel about a subject and how much you want to respond, on the occassions a ost gets lost this way you either rewrite or you don’t. Usually it is so frustrating you don’t, particularly if you wrote a long one.
My sympathies here, BTDT, own the T-shirt. However, don’t blame Ilargi for it, it is probably not his fault.
June 9, 2012 at 2:36 pm #3844ben
Memberskip, you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. here’s what LG wrote:
Some of this may be difficult to believe simply because it is very difficult for normal human beings with a basic sense of empathy and decency to get into the head and (empty) heart space of our global leaders. They are psychopaths and have been self-bred for psychopathy for centuries (at least). In addition, they are covertly conditioned as children to reinforce their genetic tendencies.
this means that the elite are being bred — inbred or simply selectively so — for genetic psychopathy so that the percentage of them that are genetic psychopaths is much higher than the general population. beyond that, the non-genetic psychopaths are being programmed to be functional psychopaths so that the percentage of them that are functional psychopaths is much higher than the general population.
get it? whether or not you agree that this selective breeding is actually occurring via arranged marriage, you must agree of course that selective breeding does indeed create genetic tendencies.
LG is not anti-semitic. his is anti-zionist. i also know for a fact that he in no way advocates physical violence against the elite. you dishonored the man and if you have any sense of honor yourself you will issue a retraction.
June 10, 2012 at 11:54 am #3857Reverse Engineer
Memberskipbreakfast post=3463 wrote:
Witnessing the wrath that RE brought down upon another commentator in TAE, I can only imagine what sort of fatwah will now be placed on my head. And here I thought we could have been friends.
Oh, one more thing here. I did not START that Napalm Contest, Glennjeff did. I just used the Chicago Way once he pulled the first punch.
To reiterate, I do not believe in Lynchings or Mob Justice. I am just in favor of a Legal System where the Punishment fits the Crime. English Common Law is not cutting the mustard here.
June 11, 2012 at 9:23 am #3870SoundOfSilence
ParticipantKarpatok post=3466 wrote: I do not know what it means to say that your session has expired.
No idea if you ever do any online banking. If you log in and basically walk away from the computer – after some length of time the session will timeout (“expire”) due to inactivity.
As I recall BofA has a nice little count down window that pops up after a certain length of time. Chase and a local credit union I have an account with I seem to want to remember don’t bother with any warning … you are just suddenly not logged in any more.
Same basic idea. It’s for security purposes.
June 11, 2012 at 10:13 am #3872Karpatok
ParticipantI am very sorry but I do not believe you. And it has been quite a while since I have had anything to do with those despicable banks that you mention. At this time, I do most everything with cash as that is not only more moral but safer. In addition, unfortunately, not only are we at the mercy of a lying government apparently operating outside of the Constitution, but even websites like this one that purport to be open to free speech revert to conventional taboos and I am not referring to cursing, name calling and other rude behavior. It seems to me that nothing should be beyond discussing intellectually, but of course history proves that over and over not to be the case. Free speech dies first in the event of Fascism, especially when the fascists control the media and terrify everybody else in relation to criticism of the fascists.
June 11, 2012 at 12:18 pm #3874Reverse Engineer
MemberKarpatok post=3498 wrote: In addition, unfortunately, not only are we at the mercy of a lying government apparently operating outside of the Constitution, but even websites like this one that purport to be open to free speech revert to conventional taboos and I am not referring to cursing, name calling and other rude behavior. It seems to me that nothing should be beyond discussing intellectually, but of course history proves that over and over not to be the case. Free speech dies first in the event of Fascism, especially when the fascists control the media and terrify everybody else in relation to criticism of the fascists.
The issues of Censorship and Free Speech are the whole reason the Doomstead Diner exists in the first place.
Censorship comes in many forms, some subtle others not so subtle. The most common one you find though in the Blogosphere is Group Think. In GT Censorship, any Individual with an Unpopular Idea gets shouted down by all the rest of the folks who hold the “common wisdom” to be true. The Napalm comes out and eventually the bickering results in somebody getting Banned, usually the person with the minority viewpoint.
This of course is what got yours truly Banned from so many Forums. 🙂 So off I went to Yahoo to found my own little chat group of Reverse Engineering with friends who mostly agreed with me, and even if they do not were open minded enough to listen to my rants. Why did I leave Yahoo to found the Diner? Because of Censorship again. How was I Censored in that case since I was the Group Owner? Yahoo Bots. I found I could not write certain Key Words in a post and get it to load. Peter suggested we set up the Diner, and so we did that.
So, now I am Immune on the Diner to Censorship by GT, and for the moment also free of Bot Censorship. I give the freedom to all Diners to post as they will, though I do occassionally drop in to tell them I think they are being counterproductive with excessive Napalm 😉
So far here on TAE, though I have been lambasted for some of my ideas, so far I have experienced no Censorship here. I don’t think TAE is currently a Propaganda Organ of TPTB. I do think some of the ideas expressed here are very Conventional in their Wisdom, but at least to date I have never been prevented from expressing my dissatisfaction with what somebody else writes, or had my posts edited in any way or deleted, as was the case on TBP as my participation there caused more havoc.
So KK, I think you can write as you will here right now, you just gotta be aware of how the Cookies work and save your posts before hitting the Submit Button. I can’t say your posting will be received well all the time, mine certainly isn’t, but you can still state your case as long as you are willing to take the barrage thrown at you if you are expressing ideas counter to the TAE Group Think.
June 11, 2012 at 12:45 pm #3875Karpatok
ParticipantReally, I have just been recalling how it was that El Gallinazo left TAE in the first place. If I am not mistaken[and don’t hesitate to tell me I am mistaken, as I know you will surely not,] El G left in regard to an exchange of Emails with Ashvin pertaining to some conspiracy theories which Ashvin did not wish to see “set off alarms here.” In that regard has anyone reading this ever heard the expression,” I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.” So with reference to SkipB’s remarks as well as others,I would like to redraw the map regarding Peter’s post on DD, El G’s ideas and my own lost post.
June 11, 2012 at 2:02 pm #3876Reverse Engineer
MemberKarpatok post=3502 wrote: Really, I have just been recalling how it was that El Gallinazo left TAE in the first place. If I am not mistaken[and don’t hesitate to tell me I am mistaken, as I know you will surely not,] El G left in regard to an exchange of Emails with Ashvin pertaining to some conspiracy theories which Ashvin did not wish to see “set off alarms here.” In that regard has anyone reading this ever heard the expression,” I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.” So with reference to SkipB’s remarks as well as others,I would like to redraw the map regarding Peter’s post on DD, El G’s ideas and my own lost post.
I’m not going to rehash El Gs reasons for exiting TAE, that is beating a dead horse. I also am not privy to what went on between Ashvin and El G, so I can’t speak to that directly.
However, far as BLOG Articles go, not everything anybody writes necessarily belongs up on the Blog. I mean really, I only put up maybe 1 out of 10 things *I* write on the Blog! That is my OWN stuff! That is why you have a Forum! On the forum, you can write whatever you like, much as you like, regardless of quality, editing, napalm or anything else.
If you think of it like a Newspaper, not EVERYTHING can fit on the Front Page. If you are editing a Blog, you have to make decisions about what is WORTHY Front Page material. However, if your Newspaapaer has UNLIMITED interior pages, you can include the Kitchen Sink in there, and that is why I HAVE a Kitchen Sink on the Diner! LOL. MOST of what I write is IN the Kitchen Sink, in the Frostbite Falls Daily Rant.
If you want to put up every last thing you write on a Blog, you gotta set your own up. However, even *I* am humble enough to realize not every last thing I write is all that great, so I don’t drop it all down on the Blog either.
Comment sections and Forums are different. There you can have diarreah of the keyboard to your heart’s content. I certainly do.
June 11, 2012 at 8:48 pm #3879ashvin
I believe RE is correct about the article cross-posting issue. There is no reason to keep the valuable information/insights of RE, Surly or Peter from TAE just because someone else is posting very questionable assertions on their site, such as El G.
I have also promised that I will not moderate ANY forum comments due to substance, but only if they are unsubstantive malicious attacks against TAE or forms of spam. I can imagine an exception for some particularly horrendous arguments, such as an outright racist diatribe, but nothing like that has come close to happening so far.
Part of the reason is because I believe it is better to confront these arguments, such as the one in El G’s article, from time to time rather than hide from them and pretend they don’t exist. They do exist and, like you said, they are becoming more widespread. Your response was a great one, and I think that is the best way of dealing with this stuff. The only way to deal with this growing force is to CALL IT OUT when we see it and critique it out in the open.
I don’t think El G is anti-semitic, but I also don’t think he realizes how his ideas are being planted in his head for a REASON, and one that fits in extremely well into the plans of those who want to target mass groups of people for detainment, imprisonment, execution. El G is deeply into the New Age versions of NWO conspiracy theory, and all of those are heavily corrupted and dangerous. They must be called out for what they are – pure, unadulterated nonsense.
There may very well be genetic traits that help magnify psychopathic tendencies, and I wouldn’t be surprised if elites have attempted a sort of “reverse eugenics program” in that regard, but psychopathy is by and large an environmental phenomenon. We see that with the average German soldier who committed absolute horrendous acts during wartime that lacked any empathy whatsoever for other human beings – most of them were not “genetic psychopaths”. For that reason among others, it is unlikely any program to breed a psychopathic race or group was successful. When the elites and their supporters in the general population CHOOSE to carry out harmful and murderous acts, it has been and will be because they are doing so of their own free will, rather than some genetic dictum.
I highly doubt anyone is moderating your comments here. Certainly not me, since this is the first time I have been online in a few days. None of your comments are in the spam box, and obviously your IP has not been banned. If your “session expired”, it’s probably because you were away from the computer/site for awhile and were automatically logged out of TAE in the meantime.
El G left for a lot of different reasons stated in his “off the reservation” article, but none of them had to do with private emails with me. He said the straw that broke his back was a comment I made to him in the forum about the Constitution, conspiratorial meta-narratives and zero point energy technology. A bit ironic, because I think RE has the exact same views as I do about the US Constitution and ZPE tech.
Anyway, it had absolutely nothing to do with my censorship of anyone. It is up to Ilargi to choose what can ultimately be published on the front page, and he doesn’t approve of El G’s ideas. I published a few of his commentaries before he left (each one he emailed to me), but I probably wouldn’t have published his latest writings because I simply don’t agree with them at all, and they don’t incorporate any economics/finance. But, like I said before, anyone can post any argument/idea they want in the Forum.
June 12, 2012 at 2:40 am #3885Reverse Engineer
Memberashvin post=3506 wrote:
El G left for a lot of different reasons stated in his “off the reservation” article, but none of them had to do with private emails with me. He said the straw that broke his back was a comment I made to him in the forum about the Constitution, conspiratorial meta-narratives and zero point energy technology. A bit ironic, because I think RE has the exact same views as I do about the US Constitution and ZPE tech.
With the notable exception of our difference of opinion on what constitutes appropriate Justice Ashvin, the only difference there is really between what we write is stylistic. I’m the funny one 😀
Insofar as El G goes, the main difference is that although I don’t agree with many of the things he writes, I don’t go ballistic on him for it like you do. The David Icke stuff clearly sticks in your craw even worse than my Inquisition stuff.
Everybody has an axe to grind.
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