Forum Replies Created
WES said
When people like Genis Khan, Alexander the Great, Julius Ceasar, rode into town, they made a difference!
You name a list of generals who led their armies into war, leading from the front, who then went on to dominate the politics of their time. Where is Trump’s army? What battles has he fought? He is a mouth on legs and his bone-spurs prevent him from fighting battles. Your comparison of Trump and your list shows you are clutching at straws.
aspnazParticipantCelticbiker biker said
If it’s that easy, why didn’t he do it round 1, the first time, 2016?
He was playing 5-D chess during act one of the Orange POTUS.
Anyway, it isn’t that easy, his owners have to want it first, then he gets the green light.
aspnazParticipantThe Orange Jew is keeping his owners happy, boosting the Rothschild Israel project with US tax-payer’s ammunition. Clear sign the Orange Jew is a war monger.
aspnazParticipantBenton the Jew said
Hey @aspnaz, glad to see ya again. We were running low on compost, but now that you’re back our piles runneth over.
Given your pontification on subjects in which you are obviously totally uneducated, your source of shit is alive and well … you are lying to me again, your Jew side is showing.
aspnazParticipantAI is a bit modern for most on this site, but believe me, it was the golden goose until the Orange Jew leaked that he would be putting 1/2 trillion dollars into making America the kings of AI (wow, the Orange Jew sure knows how to save money). On hearing this, the Chinese released their middle performing AI into the open source world and it blew away anything in America, and just before the offician Orange announcement …. no wonder the Orange Jew put 1/2 trillion bucks into the project, when you are losing, you need to spend big …. as the Titanic that is the USA sinks.
Mind you, we could all see that the 500 billion in AI was a tech industry gift, same as the 500 billion for Mars is a Musk gift, so the scam seems to have been sunk before it was launched …. never fear, a thief like the Orange Jew will still ensure that his oligarchs get their stolen share of America. Deliverables are for pussies, it’s the money men that count. Quite a good deal for Musk, support Trump and get 500 billion in grants, deliver a few rockets, simulate the rest, make a profit of over 400 billion …. nice. Musk’s Jews will be happy with that.
And everybody else on earth laughed at the retarded Americans. The Orange mafia will steal everything that the little folks, like the voters, own by leaving the little people in enormous debt and half the country owned by corporations, in turn owned by foreigners.
aspnazParticipantOoops, Orange Jew fucked up again …. America, fuck yeah!
aspnazParticipantThe Rothschilds still rule and they do not give a fuck about the UK people.
aspnazParticipantElon Musk lying about being a brilliant video game player ,,, how insecure and weak. He’s an insecure crook, but he will fix your government. Who is he working for?
aspnazParticipantDavid Lynch? Never heard of him.
aspnazParticipantMichael Reid said
I would like you to invite me to visit with you.
How shall we proceed?Would you? That’s weird, I think I will pass.
aspnazParticipantJudaism: One of the oldest monotheistic religions, it has about 14 million followers, primarily in Israel and the United States.
Second class Judaism: Christianity: With over 2 billion adherents, it’s based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and is widespread in Europe, the Americas, and parts of Africa and Asia.
aspnazParticipantBtJ said
Since you do not watch Jeffrey Sachs you cannot possibly know whether or not what he says is “controlled opposition”, because you do not know what he says. I assume, with good reason, that in this case you are not lying.Am I lying? I don’t know tough guy, do you feel lucky?
aspnazParticipantDr D said
Oddly, is there anyone NOT aware the Christianity is a Jewish sect? Anyone on earth? Does anyone NOT know Jesus was a Jewish carpenter, fighting a Jewish war in a Jewish place, tossed out by the Jews? That half the Bible is the Old Testament, essentially the Torah?
I mean, anyone in the whole Western world, atheistic as they are?
I was pretty sure this knowledge was a universal baseline, but maybe I’m outdated.
Your friend BtJ outright denied that Christianity was a Jewish sect, that is why I am enlightening him. As for whether anyone else in the whole Western world doesn’t know …. I would wager money that most of the dumb fucks in the USA don’t know. Oh, FYI, only a few books are in both the Torah and Old Testament, they are definitely not the same, but they share a few (5) books.
aspnazParticipantJeffrey Sachs ….
Why would I want to listen to this person? I know what “sustainable development” means, he is not one of the good guys, so I am happy to put him in the pile with all the other fakes. Have you forgotten to be more discerning in who you believe …. Covid should have been a lesson for all of us.
aspnazParticipant@CelticBiker The Jews are trying to take us back to Roman Empire times, where pagan religions enforced a society where you are not an individual as such, you are born into a destiny determined by fate; aristocracy or slave. Of course, the Jew belief, which was created in those times, is that all us goyim have been born with a destiny to be slaves to the Jews and the Jews’ own destiny is to be the master race …. the master race, no wonder they were so pissed off with the nazis.
Christianity is a Jew sect, that is why the Bible contains the old testament, showing the believers how they were Jews and are now, thanks to the risen Christ (I say risen, but this is based on reports from Jews and as the holocaust fable has shown us, Jews are not to be believed) known as Christians, just another Jewish sect. If the Jew is irrelevant to the Christian, then why share the same God and the same religious texts … The Torah and the Bible share some of the same texts, all of the old testament having been written by people practicising Judaism.
A lot of the new testament is also written by Jews, Paul being the most prolific and he was a pharisee. See, just another sect of Judaism. The only reason Christianity took off was because it accepted any old junk to join, not being particular about its members, unlike the other Jewish sects. Then it became the official religion of the roman empire under Constantine, the “Donald Trump of Rome”, and from that time forward the Roman Empire started its gradual decline until the western roman empire collapsed about 200 years later.
Note how the Roman Empire was at its most successful before the adoption of Christianity, they were pagans, they even at times worshipped their emperors as gods. Anyone saying that the decline of the west is somehow due to the abandonment of religion is getting it arse about face; abandonment of religion is a symptom of the decline, in the same way as Rome abandoning their religion and adopting Christianity was part of its decline.
aspnazParticipant@BtJ Of course I am a liar, everybody is a liar, you are a liar, but also a bit of a girl about being a liar. Or have I stumbled across BtJ the risen messiah?
aspnazParticipant@Michael Reid I do not watch Jeffrey Sachs, I noticed how he suddenly came to prominence peddling the usual controlled opposition line. I have read a few of quotes of what he says, but never watched one of his shows and see no reason to change that policy. The fact that someone else mentions his name, and I recount that mention, does not mean that I endorse him. It means that this person is now listening to the controlled opposition, the implication beng that this is an improvement over watching the MSM; a complex lingustic construct that BtJ seems to not comprehend.
aspnazParticipantBtJ said
@aspnaz seems to be endorsing Jeffrey Sachs as a trustworthy source of true information about what’s happening in America and Israel.
F. You fail reading comprehension.
aspnazParticipantBtJ said
You have even LESS idea of who my family is, or what they’ve been up to. To make a long and very interesting story short and boring, I’m the nice one.
You are from a family of tough guys but you can’t handle someone lying to you? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, cough cough, ha ha ha. Sure, I believe you … tough guy.
aspnazParticipantBtJ said
with deliberate lying seeming to be your weapon of choice.
Bend over Jew, you are such a child, your life seems to have been lived in cotton wool, with your brain in the freezer. Everybody lies, you lie, I lie …. that is part of the definition of “everybody” lies. Then you come out with this finger pointing …. he’s a liar, he’s a liar. Well? Prove me wrong. If your God is better than this, then prove me wrong, you are the man who will not believe anything without evidence, yet here you are, trying to enforce your belief in “an invisible man looking down on you who will send you to hell …. but he loves you” … Carlin was great, but he died, and America could not replace him.
Why do Christians believe that people are basically good, you see it in their religion, they will let any old fucker join their religion; pedo, murderer, no problem. Then one of their number calls me a liar? WTF. Get some reality in your life, your religion contains the worst of humanity and you call me a liar. You are insane, you have no appreciation of what you are doing.
Only people without balls would be surprised that someone was lying to them. Only a totally cottonwool existence could possibly make “lying” a bad thing. Most normal people realise that lying is everywhere, it is in your Bible, it is in your marriage, it is everywhere, then you accuse me of lying. Maroon, as Oroboros would say. As for your religion, I know your religion, you think you can hide your religion when you go around quoting the bible like a pink assed cleric?
And you wonder why your country is being run by the Orange Jew mafia. Ha ha, stupidity is endemic in America.
aspnazParticipantToday I spoke to a hard core American democrat I have known for a few years; fellow dog lover. She asked me if I had heard of a guy called Jeoffrey Sachs, I said I had heard the name, then she started talking about how he had revealed a way of thinking that she had never heard before. She talked about how she used to believe the USA was a democracy and how she now realised she had been fooled. She then started to complain about the amount of money being sent to Israel while CA burned. She was really pissed off that money was going to Israel. So, later in the conversation, I suggested that the USA was being run by the Jewish mafia. She agreed!
At last, an American who agrees with me. She was younger than the TAE readers, being probably late thirties, and she was able to change her views, most impressive, some TAE readers could learn from her.
aspnazParticipantWhy did Jesus reject judaism only for his followers to then start admiring the religion he had rejected? Got to make you wonder whether God really is super stupid …. maybe he is an American Jew.
aspnazParticipantHave you heard of the Balfour Declaration (here’s a link, where the Rothchild Jew created Israel? Okay, so you are happy to blame Israel on the Jews, and hence the Gaza genocide on the Jews? No? So why not?
Plenty of people blame the Americans for Iraq, even though we know it was the Israel Jews (collected there by the UK Rothchilds Jews) who persuaded Bush that sacrificing Americans for Israel was a good deal. Still Jews, all got the same religion, still all Talmud, baby fuckers, with dicks bitten by mouth at birth.
I know, you are a Christian, which is basically a Jewish sect, but (and this really pisses off the Jews) it was way more successful than the more traditional Jewish sects. So I can understand your ass-kissing attitude towards the Jews, willing to find any excuse that can pardon their behaviour, because your family line decided it wanted to be a part of the Christian Jew sect. That’s okay.
What sort of American sends 8 billion to Israel to genocide Gaza while their upper middle class burns to the ground in LA. You gotta laugh, Denninger really ripped the LA Americans a new ass hole. Nice. The stupidity of the self-believing Americans of all classes, not just the dumb poor, but also the wealthy Hollywood elites.
Oh dear, Zuck the fuck just fucked the US constitution all over again; his free speech is like Musk’s free speech, controlled.
aspnazParticipantYeah, I’m back, to tell you that Dr D’s. BtJ’s and the other fuckers are leading you astray; wake up people, or die as the oh so typical tyrpical baby boomers. Ha ha, old people are so stuck in their ways.
aspnazParticipantJesus, watching the Jew takeover of the world … Syria and now Turkey next …. you have to wonder whether the Americans ALL got a Lobotomy, or whether it was voluntary. You have guns, but no balls, shame! If you had guns and balls then maybe Trump, Musk, Vivek etc would now be in caskets, but that is not how the modern American thinks. And now you think they are going to do MAGA …. man, I didn’t realise that stupid has such high values. the USA is full of super stupid.
Mind you, my own country, which I left because the people were hypnotised by the BBC, seem to be accepting Talmud pedopilia as BAU. i wonder who is in charge, either the Catholic Church or the Orthodox Jews … they are the botty fuckers, take your pick.
aspnazParticipantTucker is a dick, we all know that, you can’t say something sensible with your toungue up Trump’s ass, ask his wife, or the pussy’s he grabbed, or the assholes who voted for him expecting a better world …. ha ha ha ha h ah ah ah ah a…. yeah, I lost it.
Weird huh? Naming a “mental disease” after the writing style of somebody who thought the opposite? Make your mind up …. if it is free to change it’s opinions.
Totally on point, trouble is the idiot is a Christian.
So how are you Orange Jew voters liking your new mafia boss?
aspnazParticipantaspnazParticipantAll the top twitter links are about Musk … Musk and Trump adoration blindness has befallen TAE. So much for critical analysis, TAE is now a worshipper.
aspnazParticipantMichael Reid said (yesterday):
Richard D. Wolff & Michael Hudson:
The US Empire Facing Devastating Defeat the talking heads are just turning over; I don’t think these guys said anything revealing, or even interesting, in the entire video. What a bunch of lame ducks, they are completely useless, offering nothing in terms on insight, just rambling on …. why did I waste my precious time on listening to these shits; although I am happy to feed their families, I would like something in return..
aspnazParticipantJust Some Randomer said
These days we are told that it’s essential we send the Syrians home because now that their country has been overrun by ISIS and their fellow Islamist head-choppers everything is just hunky-dory now and it’s perfectly safe there.
The hypocrisy is making my head hurt.
You are late to the head hurt party, but welcome. There is so much shit spoken and shouted in the west regarding the current geopolitics, regarding Orange Jesus, regarding how the Jews are good to genocide the Palestinians, etc etc that it is best to sit back and let the retards do their thing. The total inadequacy of humanity persuades me that the end of the human race is probably the best result for nature. Go nuclear war, warm, up those retards, give them a few seconds of comfort heat. before your burn them.
aspnazParticipantTrump’s Zionist regime and Israel, a reminder of the criminal enterprise …
What will stop these people from murdering the goyim? It won’t be Trump. Supporting Trump is supporting the Greater Israel project; siding with the devil. Dr D says you have to pick a side and he has chosen the devil’s side, so be it, he will be at home with the vast majority of his fellow Americans who also side with the devil. The Christ in the USA is the devil’s Christ.
aspnazParticipantCan you spot Jordan Peterson lying?
Jordan Peterson the genocide supporter sucking circumcised cock in Israel, what a bitch:
Rewriting the Covid narrative (old but worth rewatching):
Rewriting the Covid narrative and the Wellness Company exposed (old but worth rewatching):
Stew Peters on the passing of the communist tyranny of Biden and the start of the Zionist tyranny of Trump:
aspnazParticipantWhy is Keir Starmer a cunt … … he married a Jew and is raising his children as Jews. He also worked for a Rothschild for many years. Corruption of British society to serve the Jews … RIP Jeremy Corbyn, assassinated in the political world for supporting Palestinians, gunned down with the “anti-semitism” fake racism trope.
aspnazParticipantHow the Jews corrupted the British government and created their homeland, in the words of a Rothschild:
Again, to the morons who don’t seem to be able to read, my issue with the Jews is not their race – anybody with even a small brain can work out that the Jews are not a single race, they are multiple races, just like all the other religions in this world. My issue with the Jews in the USA and UK is their corruption of the democratic system and of society through their pursuit of their relgion. So, to all you morons who keep on shouting “racist”, try reading what I have written if you want to understand. I am not a racist, I can accept white, black, yellow …. any race, but what I cannot accept is the corrupt, lawless degradation of society by a small elitist group who believe that they are above the rest of society and entitled to steal and murder without consequence. Simple.
To the likes of Dr D, Benton the Jew etc, we all know there are multiple races in the Jewish diaspora, just read the history of the Jewish diaspora, simple reading, try it Very similar to all other religions, there are multiple races involved. So who care which ones are Ashkenazi etc, this is a diversion to pretend that they are somehow not a unified religion. The anti-semitism race issue is also bullshit, more Jewish bullshit, using race as their shield against their religious barbarity. But you will continue to use the racism card …. bad anti-semitic racists … deliberate distraction to protect your precious Jewish religion, Satan’s own religion.
aspnazParticipant@Benton the Jew Keep carrying that water, maybe one of your American Jews will pet you. I assume that your American Jews are also not Jews, so you refer to them as Jews to fool me? You’re so clever; that’s a good boy.
aspnazParticipantOroboros said
98% of ‘Jews” don’t have ANY Semite blood as per DNA testing
Yawn. We all know this shite, but the Jewish religion includes them as part of the religion, so they are Jews. If the original Jews did not want the Kazarian Jews as part of their religion, then they will have expelled them. African Christians are still Christians, even though they are black. Whether the Jews are semites or not semites is irrelevant, they are fighting a “holy war” to take over the whole of Palestine, Jordan, Syria etc. Their extremists are religious extremists, it has nothing to do with nationality, their belief that goyim are beneath humans is not a race issue, it is a religious issue, so all this bullshit about them being a different race is simple diversion from the fact that they are a religious plague in the same way as many – not myself – view Islam as a religious plague.
Black Christians are still Christians, that is the word we use …. black Jews are still Jews, that is the word we use; even though black Jews are black and obviously not from Palestine, ever! Kazarian Jews are still Jews, even though they are harder to spot than the black Jews. Remember folks, it is not for you to decide who is a Jew, it is for the Jews to decide, and they don’t appear to be trying to separate into two groups, they are quite happy staying as they are.
The fact that today’s Jews claim Palestine as their home is a religious issue. The Muslims claim Palestine for the same reason, they have religious sites there. The Jews race issue is pure bullshit, in the same way as anyone claiming there is a Christian race is also nuts. Obviously, some Jews have some physical characteristics that indicate that groups of them have descended from similar roots. That is very common in most religions; there are groups within the religion who look alike.
People are not pissed off with Jews because of their noses, they are pissed off with Jews because they behave as if they do not have to obey society’s rules, that they are immune from prosecution, that they can disgust the rest of the world and not care, that they can treat the rest of the world as inferior. They will continue to do this forever, but they are powerful at the moment so the world needs to remove that power.