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  • in reply to: The Grinding Halt: Reality Falls to Bits and Pieces #2809

    Just a back of the envelope computation. $12.3T is about $40,000 per person. Or for a family of four, loss is $160,000. Octomom is behind more than $700,000 considering her other children.

    in reply to: Peak Energy Animinated – "There's No Tomorrow" #1030

    Was this thread about financials and peak oil?

    The basic premise that financial problems are closer than peak oil seems more apparent because that’s what all the news is about. Further, there has been no shortages in the US. Yes, higher prices but the filling station tanks are still full.

    A ‘not thought about’ consideration is found in the modern oil well. A vertical well (or a field of vertical wells) has a rather linear decline rate however a horizontal well will produce very well until the water level reaches the perforations in the well pipe, then the production declines very rapidly. This is a typical topic and well understood at “The Oil Drum”. Given that most modern wells are of the horizontal configuration we are not seeing the decline from the 2005 peak accurately. Of course there are additional reasons (methanol, shale gas, etc) that it appears as a plateau. In a real sense, the production curve for crude is more like a shark’s fin rather than a bell curve that has been common (mis)knowledge since the ’70s. After the inflection point of the sharks fin world production, it will become obvious in just a couple years that civilization is in trouble.


    This morning the price of regular was $3.79.9 up some 24 cents (+6%) in the last 12 days.

    in reply to: Save Your Water #695

    Since living in the high desert is even more critical for the availability of water for irrigation and animal as well as domestic use, we decided that our “Retirement Place” should have a well. Further, last year we added a solar pump that can supply about 200 gal/hour should we need it. In all lifeboat situations, one must plan on a priority basis. Water is at the top of that list.

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