Here is a TWIV link with a short talk about the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and some comments on the mRNA vaccines starting at 1:18 minutes:
Fear can only be confronted with knowledge. One of the questions to ask is: How long after vaccination do extreme harmful effects manifest? Within the first 6 weeks of vaccination, I am told. Reference TWIV This Week in Virology. Online round table conversations by scientists with scientists who work with or have worked with viruses and vaccines.
I watched a little of Reiner’s video and got a gist for what they are saying: overreaction to another flu virus. Does he say anything about the COVID-19 confirmed deaths? Over 200k in six months in the US seems serious compared to the flu viruses. The flu viruses’ average mortality rate from the 2010-2011 flu season through the 2017-2018 flu season was about 38k per year. Are you saying that the COVID-19 mortality is wrong or overinflated or what?
Here is a link to an analysis of statistical modelling coauthored by Nassim Nicholas Taleb:
If the “markets” and banks (credit unions also I suppose) are going to close, then where are the safe havens to put our savings?