Debt Rattle October 6 2020


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    Rembrandt van Rijn Old Man Sitting 1631   • ‘Don’t Let It Dominate You. Don’t Be Afraid Of It’ – President Trump (JTN) • WHO: 760 Million May Hav
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 6 2020]

    V. Arnold

    Rembrandt van Rijn Old Man Sitting 1631

    …that painting leaves me in awe of human’s potential abilities…
    Rembrandt rules………..we should strive for our own personal excellence…whatever that may be…..
    Should is a caution word; coulda, shoulda, woulda……
    The story of our lives…………….

    V. Arnold

    Thailand Rain rates…
    The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain; but here in Thailand it falls wherever, whenever, and however it pleases…….sort of……….
    So, I came up with a rain-o-meter; gauging the degree/rate of rainfall.
    Monk rain = a monk blessing with a whisk doused in holy water…intermittent sprinkles…
    2 monk rain = 2 monks holy water blessing…more sprinkles…
    3 monk rain = 3 monks holy water blessing…almost rain…
    Rain – drops falling that one can hear…
    Cats and dogs…yeah, here too… 😉
    Elephants and tigers…classical tropical rain/downpour…flooding imminent…

    Dr. D

    Jimmy Dore, covering the Green Scammers smearing of “Planet of the Humans” crew that was exposing them.

    This was like a 9 thousand-word article by Max Bloomenthal, covering all the links and bribes.

    What kind of Green world-savers do we have in the superstar category?

    Hey Musk: “You know what wasn’t in the best interest of people? The U.S. government organizing a coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia so you could obtain the lithium there.”

    Musk then wrote: “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.”

    Awww. Pure love. The humanity.

    “WHO: 760 Million May Have Been Infected With Novel Coronavirus (JTN)”

    Is this the WHO that the NY Times – not exactly anti-establishment – said, “A New York Times investigation found this [WHO] policy was never based on science, but instead on politics and economics.”

    You mean every word is a self-serving lie? So if they’re correct or not is prettymuch random chance. Experts! Authorities! That’s what we pay them for and why we obey their made-up rules. Maybe we should fix the water in Flint instead.

    “CDC Acknowledges Coronavirus Spreads Through Airborne Transmission (CNBC)”

    Here are your airborne precautions: They are, to put it mildly, extensive and impractical for the public.

    “Ruth Bader Ginsburg believed it was wrong to demand assurances on how justices will vote. In her confirmation hearing in 1993, she refused to give the answer that Blumenthal, Gillibrand, Sanders, Clinton, and others now demand from her potential successor.”

    Yes, but nobody cares. My side, right or wrong. In the Socialist, Race-theory world, the only language, the only element in life is POWER. And because them: government power. In your conservative/libertarian thinking this is impossible because the government becomes too small to go annoy and oppress people. That’s how you know instantly they cannot be Nazis. Nazis are and have to be: Socialists. The Democratic Socialist Progressive Party. You know, like the name:

    Mr. Trump’s possible, dastardly recovery.”

    It seems from data trickling in that 11 debate setup people had corona. Which Chris Wallace didn’t check. As Cheeto is tested every day and was negative before, that seems the most logical explanation. …Not that anyone cares, or follows logic anymore. They were reporting both: a) he was dying “it could go either way” and the reflection of his pen showed the cover-up of his death, and b) he was recklessly tweeting, talking for 4 minutes on camera and driving around the neighborhood. Okay, go on with your conspiracy theory, but pick one or the other, will ya? My brain is melting. As they are post-reality and post-logic, it not only doesn’t bother them, it doesn’t even occur to them that these narratives conflict. Worse, it doesn’t end. When do logic and reason return, with their handmaiden, shame? And discrediting?

    Well, as they say about science, maybe it will change “one funeral at a time” when the entire millennial generation dies of acute old age. And not Corona. So after 2070.

    100,000 Ballot Requests Invalidated in Iowa (IC)”

    And 100,000 in Brooklyn (wrong address.)

    British government’s decision to freeze Venezuelan government gold reserves held in the Bank of England.”

    Speaking of, Bank of England steals everybody’s gold on planet earth: Libyans, Ukrainians, Venezuelans…everyone still keeps their gold there, and thinks they’re credible. British courts that protect their interests routinely do whatever England wants, however illegal. Transparently, discrediting, hilariously, appallingly illegal. As with Assange. Nobody cares, they still trust them, the courts, and are shocked, Shocked! I say, when Britain, who hasn’t followed the law since long before the London Gold Pool of 1968, does the exact same thing they’ve ben doing every day SINCE 1968. Or 1868. Or 1768…

    What can I tell you? Listen to Marion: “Life is hard, but it’s harder if you’re stupid.” Very, very, very, VERY stupid.

    Trusting expert authorities.


    A battle cry!
    Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it.

    It should be good for a few votes from the survivors
    Still discussing transmission, means there is still more to learn. ie. faster that light.
    logic and reason
    Long term effects of C19

    Mr. House
    Maxwell Quest

    “‘Don’t Let It Dominate You. Don’t Be Afraid Of It’ – President Trump (JTN)”
    “Out of the Woods? (Jim Kunstler)”

    If ever there was a living example of Inspector Clouseau, it is President Trump. Time and again his enemies dance in jubilation at his eminent downfall only to see him escape fate’s grasp. Like Clouseau, boastful and yet inept, he bumbles from one victory to the next, loved by the common man who looks upon him as a champion, while the establishment continually sends its best assassins to take out the idiot interloper.

    The Pink Panther's Inspector Clouseau


    I just finished listening to Reiner Fuellmich over at OffG.


    I watched a little of Reiner’s video and got a gist for what they are saying: overreaction to another flu virus. Does he say anything about the COVID-19 confirmed deaths? Over 200k in six months in the US seems serious compared to the flu viruses. The flu viruses’ average mortality rate from the 2010-2011 flu season through the 2017-2018 flu season was about 38k per year. Are you saying that the COVID-19 mortality is wrong or overinflated or what?


    760 Million?

    I think the 760 million is a far more realistic estimate than the 35 million ‘official’ estimate.

    An app introduced in the UK in April asking people to report on their health daily concluded that 1.7 million people were infected on April 1st, falling to 150,000 on April 23rd [after lockdown].

    Random antibody tests in the States at around that time showed that statistically it was probable that tens of millions of Americans had been infected at some point.

    The beauty of the UK app is that it covers the whole country on a daily basis. It could easily have been rolled out to other countries round the world. It may not be 100% accurate but is far more realistic than anything else and gives a dynamic daily snapshot.

    Similarly statistical random sampling for antibodies would give an idea about what proportion of any population had been infected. It would not be difficult or expensive.

    These cheap and easy methods of monitoring the virus have not been implemented, and that can only be deliberate.

    The higher the number of people who have had it then the lower the mortality rate is. So for 35 million infected the death rate is close to 3%. For 760 million the death rate is 0.13%. Not scary enough to justify lockdowns so expect the WHO figure to be strongly attacked.

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