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  • in reply to: Europe’s On A Road To A Very Bleak Nowhere #24614

    If you think 1-2 million is problematic, it is estimated that 900 million people will be born in sub-Saharan Africa in the next twenty years. (>2 orders of magnitude). Chronically treating the crescendoing symptoms of a problem without treating the root causal factors lacks efficacy.

    Rational thought anyone? Anyone?

    The variable of Human Population is the single limiting and commensurable variable across all antagonistic factors facing humanity, at all scales of organization. The variable of population determines the magnitude, range, and intensity, of the selfish competition for limited, highly leveraged, mutually exclusive shares of biocapacity in a zero sum game. All antagonistic human phenomena and deleterious human behaviour have this game theory dynamic, biocapacity overshoot, and population longage etiology. All other variables are either not limiting, not commensurable, or both. Similarly, all other human problems are internally, subordinate to the problem of population. The variable of population has unique “Supraordinate Ontological Status.” The unique ontological status of the variable of population dominates both “Problem Spaces” and “Solution Spaces” at all scales of organization. The variable that is limiting and commensurable in problem creation is equally limiting and commensurable in problem resolution; the leverage of the variable of population goes both ways.

    Problem upscaling and “Problem Metamorphosis” have asserted overpopulation and biocapacity overshoot at the planetary scale. Overpopulation and carrying capacity overshoot are the quintessential archetypes of planetary problems. Planetary overpopulation and vast overshoot of planetary carrying capacity define the “Supraordinate Problem Space (SPS)” facing humanity; All problems are internally subordinate to the Supraordinate Problem Space. The selfish competition between sub-global actors for limited, highly leveraged, mutually exclusive shares of planetary biocapacity in a zero sum game is the principle dynamic of the SPS. The full spectrum of planetary problems facing humanity are nothing but sophisticated manifestations of the game theory dynamic of the SPS. The mathematical impossibility of large scale “Mutual coercion, mutually agreed upon,” the multi-decal failure of climate change negotiations, global militarization, nuclear posturing, warfare, and geopolitics are nothing but sophisticated manifestations of the game theory dynamic of the SPS.

    Upon encountering these sweeping antithetical propositions, many may question the role of the variable of population in the evils, selfishness, domination, violence, and warfare of the world. The game theory dynamic that defines the system is fundamentally a Mental game theory dynamic. The “evils” of the world are the direct result of a plurality of minds selfishly competing to maximize their “Will to Power.” The infinite subjective potential for maximization of Will Power, is contrasted with the finite ability to actualize it. Billions of subjective minds attempting to maximize their will power in a finite, objective, biophysical, domain, invariably leads to extreme competition, violent conflict, and hierarchical power structures of domination and submission. Collectively, we attempt to mitigate the maximization of individual wills, and optimize the will of the collective to achieve the “Greatest good for the greatest number;” We enact and enforce rights, freedoms, laws and polices to prevent the “Tyranny of the majority” from infringing on the basic rights and freedoms of individuals and to disincentivize criminality and deleterious human behaviour. “Rights and Freedoms,” are abstract (mental) constructs that only have meaning, subject to their ability to be actualized and reified in biophysical reality. If a right or freedom cannot be actualized and enforced in biophysical reality, then said right or freedom is an invalid mental fiction. Over and over, humanity strives toward the highest ideals while simultaneously destroying the foundation on which achieving those ideals can be realized. Planetary overpopulation and carrying capacity overshoot invalidate the narrative of the greatest good for the greatest number and make the actualization of rights and freedoms a biophysical impossibility; Maximizing equality under such constraints, maximizes catastrophe. Humanities “Right to Breed” has destroyed the ability for humanity to fulfill ALL other rights! The “Right to Breed” has paradoxically, invalidated the “Right to Life.” Maximization of the variable of population maximizes the magnitude, range, and intensity of selfish competition for limited, highly leveraged, mutually exclusive shares of biocapacity in a zero sum game. Maximization of this game theory dynamic, invariably maximizes all antagonistic human phenomena and deleterious human behaviour. Human selfishness and evils are as old as humans themselves and present at all scales of organization; The variable of population, however, determines our meaningful capacity to mitigate such evils and selfishness, and to reify human basic rights and freedoms in the biophysical world. The variable of population dominates both “Problem spaces” and “Solution spaces” at all scales of organization!

    The variable of human population dominates every aspect of human existence: The cannibalistic destruction of the planets’ natural capital, devastation of ecosystem services, collapse of common resource pools, compromise of life support systems, mass extinction of biodiversity, breach of planetary limits conducive to life, and perversion of global chemical cycles are human population problems. All human environmental, waste, and pollution problems are equally longages of population. Every human biocapacity, resource, energy, infrastructure, and space shortage is equally a longage of population. (GH)

    Organized religions exist by brainwashing successive generations of formative minds to grow and perpetuate their power hierarchies. Excessive breeding, patriarchal violence, subordination of the power and freedom of women, arranged marriages, honour killings, institutionalized rape, gender discrimination, caste structures, religious intolerance, rigid orthodoxy, educational retardation, militant theocracy, fundamentalism, and terrorism, exist because of breeding, and brainwashing of offspring. At its foundation, organized religion is a population issue! This fundamental conflict of interest is the principle reason that organized religion vehemently opposes population control; Population control is an existential threat to their continuity of power over impressionable minds.

    Liberating women from the bounds of patriarchal dominance is essential to tackling more that the population problem. The way Europe deals with the migrant/refugee crisis will determine much more than we anticipate.

    in reply to: How Bad Can This Get, And How Fast? #24202

    “There are 5 times more claims on dollars as dollars in existence”

    Perhaps you are not nearly psychopathic “enough” to understand the way the syndicate thinks. 5 fold excess claims is equally 5 fold excess claimants. Eliminating claimants eliminates claims. The continuity of money power, is entangled with global conflict.
    War is a great way to solve MANY problems simultaneously.
    -Continuity of money monopoly
    -Command and control of essentials (Energy, food, etc.)
    -Elimination of rivals
    -Demand Destruction (infrastructure destruction, depopulation, economic etc.)
    -Depopulation (There is an incentive to get rid of BILLIONS)
    -Efficiency of war time economy (All fat is cut off socio-economic system)
    -Unification of a fractured society against an external enemy
    -Elimination of political rivals and dissidents (martial law)
    -Complete control of media and propaganda
    – etc… (List goes on and on)

    Sympathetic, empathetic altruists do not see war as a legitimate problem solving strategy. For this, they can never lay claim to a big picture perspective.

    This domain is defined by the selfish competition for limited, highly leveraged, mutually exclusive shares of biocapacity in a zero sum game. This domain is defined by conflict.

    To the least losers go the spoils.

    in reply to: Europe’s Refugees Are A Global Crisis #24106

    Hello Diablo & XYZ,

    One of the articles on the blog is a systematic destruction of Nicole’s Foss’s Postion. (TAE) At the end of the article I asked her and the audience a question that none have yet to answer:

    “If ANYONE can [demonstrate] a solution space that matches the supraordinate problem space, while simultaneously neutralizing the the selfish competition between sub-global actors for limited, highly leveraged, mutually exclusive shares of biocapacity in a zero sum game, PLEASE DO!”

    The Treatise Preamble is just the preamble; A call for action and a rally point for mobilization. It is addressed explicitly at motivated geniuses who have intelligence to understand the mathematical complexity of the Human Population Emergency and the Will to make difficult decisions defined by Lifeboat Ethics.

    Clearly you have no understanding of the mathematical boundary conditions or processes that define the Human Population Emergency, and lack the will to make necessary and difficult decisions.

    It appears you have made a critique without reading or understanding what you are critiquing.

    Read and understand the articles on the “depopulation treatise” blog and comment on that blog at the end of each article.

    Or, you could just keep posting content with ad hominem fallacies, no arguments, no new ideas, colossal misinterpretations, subjective appeals to emotional sentimentality, and appeals to mathematically impossible narratives.

    in reply to: Europe’s Refugees Are A Global Crisis #24076

    @ both XYZ and wrighttracks

    There are 3 articles that expand in detail this position and relevant definitions at the blog

    The subject matter is unpalatable, yet we must confront the truth of the matter.

    “How much truth can you bear, How much truth can you dare?”

    in reply to: Europe’s Refugees Are A Global Crisis #24047

    Overpopulation and carrying capacity overshoot define the supraordinate problem space. All other problem are internally subordinate to the supraordinate problem space. Population is the single limiting and commensurable variable across all antagonistic factors facing humanity at all scales of organization. Using supply side “solutions” to an explicit demand side population long-age problem is a double think category error.

    Anyone care to refute these propositions?


    in reply to: Nicole Foss: The Boundaries and Future of Solution Space #23367

    Nicole Foss,

    Your response is genuinely appreciated.

    If ANYONE can show me a solution space that matches the supraordinate problem space, while simultaneously neutralizing the the selfish competition between sub-global actors for limited, highly leveraged, mutually exclusive shares of biocapacity in a zero sum game, PLEASE DO!

    I am a dynamic, fluid thinker, with no organizational or financial conflicts of interest with my thoughts. I incorporate BETTER ideas into my mind at light speed (So long as they are based on reason, mathematics, logic, and biophysical reality).

    I am an advocate of meritocratic round table consensus decision making. Yet this ideal is NOT compossible with the supraordinate problem space we face, and does not resolve the game theory paradox.

    I did not say the first planetary government would be perfect. (far from it) But it will be the FIRST planetary government, in an asymptotic progression taking humanity from a near infinite assembly of competing tribal units to a unified people in homeostatic dynamic equilibrium with EARTH.

    Your “playing god” critique, fit seamlessly with some reflections I had upon entering sleep mode last night. I was contemplating how psychic asymmetries and internal contradictions that are relatively benign at the individual scale can become fatal flaws when upscaled by power. Leaders invariably sow the seeds of their own destruction. A successful large scale leadership should ALWAYS be paired with an advisory group of the most intelligent and meritorious to act as a necessary dialectical counterbalance to this phenomena.

    I think therefor I exist. My free will in a mathematical domain of determinism is the existential proof that I have a primary mental existence outside spacetime. Anything that has a primary, non-dimensional existence is immortal by definition.

    Am I a God? NO!

    Am I immersed in a asymptotic dialectical progression that creates Gods. YES!

    Do I have incredibly large spacetime horizons. YES

    Do my conceptions of Humanity extend beyond the survivability of the planets majority of human bodies? YES

    Do I want to add a foundation stone to help build the divine human society of the future. YES

    Can Humanity immanetize the eschaton and reify our conceptions of perfection on planet earth? FUCK YES!

    in reply to: Nicole Foss: The Boundaries and Future of Solution Space #23335


    Yet Nicole does not Address the supraordinate ontological status of the variable of population or the the Supraordinate Problem Space of overpopulation, carrying capacity overshoot.

    Please see for a refutation of Nicole Foss.

    A Global, Fascist, “One World Company Limited” is the only solution space that matches the corresponding scale of THE Supraordinate Problem Space.


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