Sep 132021
 September 13, 2021  Posted by at 8:46 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

Pablo Picasso The actor 1904


High Death Rate Among Vaccinated Brings Vaccine Dystopia Into View (Hirschhorn)
Singapore 80% Double-Vaxxed But Life Is Not Returning To Normal (
Laboratories in US Can’t Find COVID-19 in One of 1,500 Positive Tests (Xander)
Grotesque Conflicts Of Interest On NIH Ivermectin Non-Recommendation (TSN)
Damnit, Not Again (Denninger)
One In Five Americans Say Employer Requires Vaccination (ZH)
Unvaxxed Kentucky Health Care Workers Force Hospital to Fire Them (GP)
Spectrum Health Workers Can Use Natural Immunity As Vaccine Mandate Exemption
Jobs Without Jabs Australia (Sky)
England Vaccine Passport Plans Ditched (BBC)
The Polio Pandemic of 1949-52: No Closures, No Restrictions (Tucker)
The Eurozone Is Going Down The Japan Way (Lacalle)













“..a death rate of .86 percent among the vaccinated and .17 percent among the unvaccinated..”

High Death Rate Among Vaccinated Brings Vaccine Dystopia Into View (Hirschhorn)

A new report with detailed data from Public Health England provides some startling numbers. For the period of February 1 through August 2 there were COVID Delta variant cases for 47,000 people who had received 2 vaccine doses, and for 151,054 people who were unvaccinated. In the first group of vaccinated people, there were a total of 402 deaths. In the second much larger group with more than three times unvaccinated people, there were just 253 deaths. In other words, of the total COVID deaths 61 percent were in fully vaccinated people.

To get the death rate you divide the number of deaths by the total number of infection cases. That gives a death rate of .86 percent among the vaccinated and .17 percent among the unvaccinated. That is an amazing difference. The death rate among vaccinated was just over five times greater than that for the unvaccinated. Five times greater! In other words, unvaccinated people who got infected were enormously safer from death. Proving that COVID vaccines are not safe. It should also be noted that it was determined that the measured viral load in both groups was the same. So, why are vaccinated people dying more frequently than the unvaccinated? Here are some plausible explanations.

First, there is something very dangerous and unsafe in the COVID vaccines associated with spike proteins that are causing people to die at a higher rate. For example, as discussed elsewhere, all current vaccines have been associated with serious blood problems, notably both large and microscopic blood clots. Many people have died from brain bleeds and strokes, for example. There are also many, many other types of adverse side effects causing a host of medical problems. Two famous virologists warned against using the current vaccines because they are fundamentally unsafe and could be killing people. They envisioned a vaccine dystopia and loudly proclaimed that the mass vaccination program should be halted. Instead, they advocated the use of treatments using generic medicines like ivermectin, as detailed in Pandemic Blunder.

Second, it is reasonable to believe that most unvaccinated people have acquired natural immunity from some prior COVID infection. And that natural immunity is far more protective than the artificial or vaccine immunity obtained from jabs. Their natural immunity translates to fewer deaths. Yet the US like many other countries does not give credit for natural immunity on a par with vaccine immunity when it comes to COVID passports and mandates. Though a few nations do the right thing by honestly following the science. Third, vaccinated people are susceptible to breakthrough infections, which means that they are not protected against infection after they have been originally infected. Phony and dangerous COVID vaccines do not destroy the virus, nor prevent transmitting it to others. Some breakthrough infections are lethal.

[..] The new data from England involving very large numbers of people should be headline news. But the biased and dishonest big media suppress this kind of critical data. Why? Clearly, if vaccinated people die at a much higher rate than unvaccinated people, then why should people be enthusiastic about being vaccinated for initial shots or later booster ones? They should not. This is especially true for the millions of people who have natural immunity. The data from England show that people need to question CDC data because CDC has converted some vaccinated deaths to unvaccinated ones. Hospitals are often not testing vaccinated people for COVID, so breakthrough cases that can result in deaths go unreported. People should question the safety of all the COVID vaccines even if they get fully approved by FDA.

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Singapore, the shining city on the hill…

“..its highest daily COVID-19 infections in more than a year..”

Singapore 80% Double-Vaxxed But Life Is Not Returning To Normal (

Having passed the 80 per cent double-vaccination mark last month, the example of Singapore suggests that achieving a milestone coveted by Australia is not a guarantee of returning to anything like pre-pandemic life. The island state reluctantly delayed reopening measures and re-imposed some restrictions last week after seeing its highest daily COVID-19 infections in more than a year. On Sunday, the nation of 5.7 million people reported 555 new local COVID-19 cases, the most since August 2020. A day earlier, it recorded its 58th death, a partially vaccinated 80-year-old man with a history of diabetes, hypertension and heart problems.

Singapore’s Ministry of Health last week banned social gatherings at workplaces after recent clusters in staff canteens and pantries, believed to have been caused by employees removing their masks in common areas. With Singaporeans told to limit social gatherings to one per day, Gan Kim Yong — co-chair of the multi-ministry task force — said the “worrying” spike in infections would “probably get to 2,000 new cases a day”, describing the next two to four weeks as “crucial”. Alex Cook, an infectious diseases modelling expert at the National University of Singapore, said life had not improved “by as much as we might have hoped”, despite Singapore being one of the world’s most vaccinated countries.

Infinite vaccines

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“..he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud..”

Laboratories in US Can’t Find COVID-19 in One of 1,500 Positive Tests (Xander)

A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could find Covid-19. ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B. This is consistent with the previous findings of other scientists, which we have reported on several times. Dr. Derek Knauss: “When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were primarily Influenza A, and some Influenza B, but no cases of Covid. We did not use the bulls*** PCR test.’

‘When we sent the rest of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a couple of the labs at the University of California, they came up with the same result: NO COVID. They found Influenza A and B. Then we all asked the CDC for viable samples of Covid. The CDC said they can’t give them, because they don’t have those samples.’ ‘So we came to the hard conclusion through all our research and lab work that Covid-19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was only called ‘Covid,’ and most of the 225,000 deaths were from co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary emphysema, etc.. They got the flu which further weakened their immune systems, and they died.’ ‘I still need to find one viable sample with Covid-19 to work with. We who conducted the lab test with these 1500 samples at the 7 universities are now suing the CDC for Covid-19 fraud.

‘The CDC still has not sent us a viable, isolated and purified sample of Covid-19. If they can’t or won’t, then I say there is no Covid-19. It’s fictional.’ ‘The four research papers describing the genome extracts of the Covid-19 virus never managed to isolate and purify the samples. All four papers describe only small pieces of RNA that are only 37 to 40 base pairs long. That is NOT a VIRUS. A viral genome normally has 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs.’ ‘Now that Covid-19 is supposedly so bad everywhere, how come not one lab in the world has completely isolated and purified this virus? That’s because they never really found the virus. All they ever discovered were small pieces of RNA that were not identified as the virus anyway. So what we’re dealing with is just another flu strain, just like every year. Covid-19 does not exist and is fictitious.’

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Grotesque Conflicts Of Interest On NIH Ivermectin Non-Recommendation (TSN)

The National Institutes of Health provided a non-recommendation for the use of ivermectin in COVID-19, stating that there was: “insufficient evidence … to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.”The process for reaching that non-recommendation, however, is opaque. The Panel members responsible for therapy recommendations are disclosed and also that: “… working groups propose updates to the Guidelines based on the latest published research findings and evolving clinical information.” However, NIH has gone to extreme efforts to avoid stating whether a vote was held to endorse the ivermectin non-recommendation. This includes fighting a Freedom of Information Act request in federal court.

A deceptive non-vote would constitute an atrocity. NIH has also been secretive about the composition of the working group that proposed the ivermectin non-recommendation. The names of those individuals were redacted by the NIH from a document obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request for the agenda of a meeting considering ivermectin. However, the group responsible for the ivermectin non-recommendation has been discovered through a FOIA request to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The FOIA response shows that the working group has nine members. Three members of the working group, Adaora Adimora, Roger Bedimo, and David V. Glidden, have disclosed a financial relationship with Merck. Merck has campaigned against the use of ivermectin in COVID-19.

A fourth member, Susanna Naggie, had an extraordinary potential conflict of interest. She received a $155 million grant for the study of ivermectin following the non-recommendation. Funding for the study would have been difficult to justify if the drug was recommended for use in COVID-19. It is not known, however, if the panelist was aware of that opportunity or was planning to apply for that grant at the time of the deliberations on ivermectin. The deception and secrecy surrounding the NIH ivermectin non-recommendation should have raised serious doubts about its integrity. The grotesque conflicts of interest of Panel members should make it clear that the NIH, as the FDA with its slandering of ivermectin as a “horse dewormer,” should not be taken seriously.

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“..this is so wildly improbable that I find it impossible to believe unless something really, really ugly is going on with these jabs.”

Damnit, Not Again (Denninger)

There are times that the “F” word is absolutely appropriate. For example on August 6th, 1945, by the Mayor of Hiroshima: What the **** was that? This is one of those and so I’ll use it without reservation: ****. “A drive-by parade outside of Methodist Mansfield Medical Center last April was supposed to be Corey Ripe’s happy ending. The 47-year-old was headed home after a week on a ventilator battling COVID-19.” Ok, he got Covid, he got it bad in March/April 2020 before we knew what we were doing — but he lived. Then, January. “Three days later, they got confirmation that, in addition to pneumonia, Ripe had once again contracted the virus that had already nearly claimed his life.”

Really? What was the Ct on that test? You see, I read that linked article and it describes symptoms that don’t make a lot of sense for Covid-19. Certainly anything’s possible but the article does make sense for a whole bunch of other infections particularly if he had secondary bacterial pneumonia. What did the hospital give him? Nobody has said. There wasn’t an antibiotic in there by chance, was there? He then gets vaccinated post-recovery. Remember, the vaccine prevents severe disease and death, we’re currently told. We were previously told it prevented getting the virus (that was a lie), that it prevented symptoms (that was a lie), that it prevented giving the virus to others (that was a wild-eyed, entirely-unscientific claim with zero evidence and proved to be a crazy-faced lie as is now showing up everywhere including at all-vaccinated colleges) and now it’s “you won’t go to the hospital or die.”

OH REALLY? WHERE IS THIS GUY RIGHT NOW? “Still, Saturday night, though he’d shown no prior symptoms, Parris knew it had to be COVID-19 again when she heard the fluid in his lungs. She rushed him to the ER. And an hour later, Parris got a familiar call. Ripe was intubated and waiting for an available ICU bed.” I see. So here are my questions, since this is so wildly improbable that I find it impossible to believe unless something really, really ugly is going on with these jabs.

At his second alleged infection did the hospital check for both “S” and “N” antibodies at admission? They should have been present. You know they didn’t look. But let’s assume, for the sake of argument, the first infection really was Covid (it’s entirely plausible) and not the flu with a secondary bacterial infection that got him. I’m not sold on this because H1N1 was going around at that time, I got what I presume was that in January 2020, it did get into my lungs and it flattened me for a week with serious hanging-on symptoms, notably a nasty non-productive cough, that kept hanging on for a month and material cardio impairment for several more (it was worse than Covid-19 which I got first days of August of this year.) It was bad and I thought, after Covid-19 became known to be a “thing”, I might have had it. But it was not Covid-19; I know scientifically it was not because a few months later I sourced IgG antibody tests and I was negative.

After the second alleged infection but before he got vaccinated did anyone check for both “S” and “N” antibodies? You know the answer to that one too. Of course not. “If you’re recovered you should still get vaccinated” is what every ******* in the medical and political field has said even though there is zero evidence you get any benefit from doing so and, post-infection, the data is that your protection is many times (13x or more, to be exact) better than getting jabbed. In any event being an alleged “two-time winner” of the Covid-19 sweepstakes, a statistically unlikely thing to the extreme unless one of the two wasn’t actually Covid, he takes the (bad) advice and gets vaccinated. Ok, so now he should have both “N” antibodies (from previous infection) and a bunch of “S” ones.

Now a few months later he gets hammered. Again they say “Covid-19.” Did they look at admission time for those antibodies this time? You know damn well they did not and, much worse, this time was extremely rapid onset which strongly implies that VEI may be in the game here. Yet I’ll bet $1,000 they did not pull antibody titers for both “S” and “N” proteins on admission and given the history I’ll argue that’s not only personal malpractice it’s public-health malpractice and gross negligence.

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Moderna has still not been “approved”.

One In Five Americans Say Employer Requires Vaccination (ZH)

The share of Americans who are required by their employer to get vaccinated against COVID-19 took a jump up in August to 19 percent, according to a Gallup poll. As Statista’s Katharina Buchholz notes, the number had been as low as 9 percent in July and 6 percent in June. Over the past couple of months, many major companies and government branches have released vaccination requirements and the type of employer issuing requirements goes beyond obvious ones like healthcare providers and the military. The full approval of the Pfizer vaccine on August 23 helped make the legal footing of employer-mandated vaccinations sounder.

According to Fortune, companies that require vaccinations for employees in order to work from their premises include Bank of America, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Netflix and Uber. Three federal departments – those for defense, veteran affairs and health and human services – also require them without alternatives for frontline workers. Six states – Colorado, Maine, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington – have released mandates for healthcare workers to get vaccinated or be terminated, while the more common mandates for state and local government employees normally leave the option of regular testing and sometimes masking for the unvaccinated.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, an independent federal government agency, has said that it is legal for employers to require all employees who physically enter a workplace to be vaccinated against COVID-19, as long as the employers also comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act in order to accommodate those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.

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“practical matter, this policy may result in exacerbating the severe workforce shortage problems that currently exist.”

Unvaxxed Kentucky Health Care Workers Force Hospital to Fire Them (GP)

Health care workers at Kentucky’s Med Center in Bowling Green refused to comply with the vaccine mandate or turn in their resignation. Instead, two workers showed up and refused to leave until someone told them that they are fired. The Med Center was the target of protests last month when they became one of the largest hospitals in the country to impose a vaccine mandate on their employees. On August 18, over 100 community members and health care workers demonstrated outside the campus holding signs with slogans such as, “my body my choice” and “medical freedom.” Leadership at the hospital had until August 9 to get vaccinated and all other employees had until September 1.

A healthcare worker named Ale Minnicks posted a video of herself two days after the mandate went into effect on TikTok and Facebook. Her and a coworker, who identified herself as Ashley Rich, were refusing the jab. They arrived at work and were unable to clock in — but the hospital refused to say that they were being fired. “The Medical Center in BG, KY was trying to quietly put over 350 out of a job without resignation or termination for not getting the vaccine,” Minnicks wrote, along with the hashtag “stop the mandate.” As they were told to leave the building, Minnicks kept reiterating that “I did not quit and I was not fired.” “You’re going to have to leave. We need your badge and we need you to leave,” a woman can be heard telling Minnicks. Still, they were initially careful with their wording and did not say the women were fired.

“There was a choice, you chose not to take the vaccine,” a man, who identifies himself as head of security, is heard saying. “So then fire us,” the women demand, asking for a termination letter in exchange for her badge. Eventually, they are told that they have been fired and both agree to leave. By refusing to quit and showing up for work, the women will have more options available when it comes to potential lawsuits and unemployment. There are currently massive staff shortages at hospitals across the country, leading the American Hospital Association to express concerns about the impending federal requirement for all healthcare staff to get the COVID-19 vaccine. AHA CEO Rick Pollack said in a statement that a “practical matter, this policy may result in exacerbating the severe workforce shortage problems that currently exist.”

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Natural immunity has come to mean that after having been infected. Curious.

Spectrum Health Workers Can Use Natural Immunity As Vaccine Mandate Exemption

Spectrum Health will grant temporary exemptions from its employee vaccine mandate to individuals who can prove they have naturally acquired immunity to COVID-19. The west Michigan hospital system, which is in the process of merging with Southfield-based Beaumont Health, will grant an exemption to those who have a positive PCR or antigen test for COVID-19 plus a positive antibody test from within the past three months, the health system said in a statement Thursday. The exemption, the first for a major health system in Michigan, was developed “as new research has emerged” on natural immunity.

“While we still recommend vaccination for people with prior COVID-19 infection, according to this new research, there is increasing evidence that natural infection affords protection from COVID-19 reinfection and severe symptoms for a period of time,” the statement said. “Current studies are not clear on how long natural immunity protects from reinfection.” The policy could be updated if future evidence shows naturally acquired protection is waning or longer lasting, or if there is a validated antibody test result showing immunity, the statement said. Spectrum announced in late July that it would require the COVID-19 vaccine within eight weeks of the Food and Drug Administration approving a vaccine, but noted it would consider some exemptions.

Those exemptions include religious exemptions and medical exemptions determined by a medical exemption committee. The hospital system’s medial exemption committee recommended the health system allow for a temporary exemption for naturally acquired immunity based on available research, the statement said.

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“This is a job board for employers who are in favour of informed consent with regard to medical procedures, as per our constitution..”

Jobs Without Jabs Australia (Sky)

Social media websites have begun to see an influx of groups dedicated to opposing mandatory vaccines for work, as Australia prepares for life beyond lockdown upon meeting the government’s 80 per cent target. Those who remain sceptical of the vaccine, or reject the push for employers to be given power to dismiss them over health issues, have been encouraged to share information about their particular industry’s stance on mandatory jabs for staff. The group “Jobs Without Jabs Australia” has attracted over 20,000 members, with employers regularly posting their intention to hire workers “with or without a jab”. “Freedom of choice without medical coercion. A free Australia for all, not a two tiered society. This is a job noticeboard to connect employers and employees,” the group’s description reads.

The public group features a number of posts from young workers in food chains worried about losing their financial stability, insisting they are “definitely not going to get the vaccination”. “We’ve just received a video from the founder of our company saying that everyone that visits our restaurant will have to have the jab which means all co-workers will also have to have it by early October. I can’t afford to lose my job as I’m under a lot of financial pressure right now, but I know I’m definitely not going to get the vaccination. Thank you,” one post read. “In 3 months I will be looking for marketing, sales, IT, finance, bookkeeping, admin, customer service, hospitality, events & various construction team members! No jab welcomed with open arms. (Melbourne Based),” another post read, collecting 260 reactions and 28 comments.

Several other posts encouraged anti-vaxxers considering leaving their industry due to vaccine mandates to simply “work for themselves”. “Get an ABN, do dump runs, start a delivery service, buy /sell second hand furniture, clean, busk, make products, sell online. Do whatever you have to to make it work,” one read. The group has already braced for its potential removal, setting up an alternative Telegram group. “If you’re on Telegram, join the group there also in case this gets taken down,” the group’s administrator posted. “This is a job board for employers who are in favour of informed consent with regard to medical procedures, as per our constitution, and for employees who have elected not to be vaccinated, to be able to find employment.”

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What scared them?

England Vaccine Passport Plans Ditched (BBC)

Plans to introduce vaccine passports for access into nightclubs and large events in England will not go ahead, the health secretary has said. Sajid Javid told the BBC: “We shouldn’t be doing things for the sake of it.” It was thought the plan, which came under criticism from venues and some MPs, would be introduced at the end of this month. Just a week ago, the vaccines minister had defended the scheme as the “best way” to keep the night industry open. No 10 stressed the plan – which had been set to be introduced at the end of this month – would be kept “in reserve” should it be needed over autumn or winter. Under the scheme, people would have been required to show proof – whether of double vaccination, a negative Covid test or finishing self-isolating after a positive PCR test – in order to gain entry to clubs and other crowded events.

The Night Time Industries Association had said the plans could have crippled the industry and led to nightclubs facing discrimination cases. The industry body welcomed Sunday’s announcement, saying it hoped businesses could now plan with some certainty and start to rebuild the sector. The Music Venue Trust, which aims to protect grassroots venues, also said it was glad vaccine passports would not be going ahead, describing them as “problematic”. There had been opposition from Tory MPs on the Covid Recovery Group as well as the Liberal Democrats, whose leader Ed Davey called vaccine passports “divisive, unworkable and expensive”. Speaking on The Andrew Marr Show, Mr Javid said: “We just shouldn’t be doing things for the sake of it or because others are doing, and we should look at every possible intervention properly.”

He said he had “never liked the idea of saying to people you must show your papers” to “do what is just an everyday activity”. “We’ve looked at it properly and, whilst we should keep it in reserve as a potential option, I’m pleased to say that we will not be going ahead with plans for vaccine passports,” he added. Mr Javid denied the government was “running scared” on the policy after criticism from its own backbenchers. He said the passports were not needed because of other things in the “wall of defence” including high vaccine uptake, testing, surveillance and new treatments. The move to scrap vaccine passports appears to be a sharp U-turn by the government. On the same TV programme last week, Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi said the end of September was the right time to start the vaccine passport scheme for sites with large crowds because all over-18s would have been offered two jabs by then and it was the “best way” to keep the night industry open.

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A lesson.

The Polio Pandemic of 1949-52: No Closures, No Restrictions (Tucker)

World War II had ended four years earlier and the U.S. was trying to return to peace and prosperity. Price controls and rationing were ended. Trade was opening. People were returning to normal life. The economy started humming again. Optimism for the future was growing. Harry Truman became the symbol of a new normacy. From Depression and war, society was on the mend. As if to serve as a reminder that there were still threats to life and liberty present, an old enemy made its appearance: polio. It’s a disease with ancient origins, with its most terrifying effect, the paralysis of the lower extremities. It maimed children, killed adults, and struck enormous fear into everyone. Polio is also a paradigmatic case that targeted and localized policy mitigations have worked in the past, but society-wide lockdowns have never been used before. They weren’t even considered as an option.

Polio was not an unknown disease: its reputation for cruelty was well earned. In the 1916 outbreak, there were 27,000 cases and more than 6,000 deaths due to polio in the United States, 2,000 of which were in New York City. After the war, people had living memories of this horror. People were also used to adjusting their behavior. In 1918, people left cities for resorts, movie theaters were closed for lack of customers, groups cancelled meetings, and public gatherings dwindled. Children avoided swimming pools and public water fountains, fearing that it was transmitted through water. Whatever the therapeutic merit of this, these actions required no force; it happened because people do their best to adapt to risk and be cautious.

In 1949, the new polio epidemic appeared and swept through selective population centers, leaving its most tragic sign: children with wheelchairs, crutches, leg braces, and deformed limbs. For children with polio in the late 1940s, the disease caused paralysis in 1 in 1,000 cases of children aged 5 to 9. The rest had only mild symptoms and developed immunities. In the 1952 season, of the 57,628 cases reported, 3,145 died and a shocking 21,269 experienced paralysis. So while the infection, death, and paralysis rates seem “low” by comparison to the 1918 flu, the psychological impact of this disease became its most prescient feature. The “iron lung” that became widely available in the 1930s stopped asphyxiation of polio victims, and it was a triumph of innovation; it allowed a dramatic reduction in the death rate.

Finally, by 1954, a vaccine was developed (by private labs with very little government support subsidies) and the disease was largely eradicated in the U.S. twenty years later. It became a signature achievement of the medical industry and the promise of vaccines. Throughout the country, the quarantining of the sick was deployed in a limited way as one medical response. There were some shutdowns. The CDC reports that “travel and commerce between affected cities were sometimes restricted [by local officials]. Public health officials imposed quarantines (used to separate and restrict the movement of well people who may have been exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become ill) on homes and towns where polio cases were diagnosed.”

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It’s not a strategy, it’s just a very deep hole.

The Eurozone Is Going Down The Japan Way (Lacalle)

The European Central Bank announced a tapering of the repurchase program on September the 9th. One would imagine that this is a sensible idea given the recent rise in inflation in the eurozone to the highest level in a decade and the allegedly strong recovery of the economy. However, there is a big problem. The announcement is not really tapering, but simply adjusting to a lower net supply of bonds from sovereign issuers. In fact, considering the pace announced by the central bank, the ECB will continue to purchase 100% of all net issuance from sovereigns. There are several problems in this strategy. The first one is that the ECB is unwillingly acknowledging that there is no real secondary market demand for eurozone countries’ sovereign debt at these yields. One would have to think of twice or three times the current yield for investors to accept many eurozone bonds if the ECB does not repurchase them. This is obviously a dangerous bubble.

The second problem is that the ECB acknowledges that monetary policy has gone from being a tool to help implement structural reforms to a tool to avoid them. Even with the strong GDP bounce that the ECB predicts, few governments are willing to reduce spending and curb deficits in a meaningful way. The ECB estimates show that after the massive deficit spending of 2020, eurozone government spending will rise again by 3.4% in 2021 only to fall modestly by 1.2% in 2022. This means that eurozone government spending will consolidate the covid pandemic increase with little improvement in the fiscal position of most countries. Indeed, countries like Spain and Italy have increased the structural deficit.

The third problem is that negative rates and high liquidity injections combined with elevated government spending have generated no real multiplier effect in the eurozone. We must remember that the main economies were in stagnation already in the fourth quarter of 2019, before the pandemic and despite large stimulus plans like the Juncker Plan, which mobilized hundreds of billions of euros in investments. The fourth challenge for the ECB is that it acknowledges being trapped by its own policy, it cannot stop it and normalize because governments and markets would suffer, and it cannot keep the current pace because inflation is putting even more pressure on growth.

The final challenge for the eurozone and the ECB is that they continue to implement policies that ignore demographics and structural burdens to growth. The eurozone has an aging population and monetary and fiscal policies seem to ignore the evidence of changing consumption patterns when citizens reach a certain age or retire. If we add to demographics a taxation system that increasingly hurts middle classes, businesses, and investment, we face an economy that seems to be following all the wrong policies that Japan implemented at the beginning of the 90s.

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Home Forums Debt Rattle September 13 2021

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    Pablo Picasso The actor 1904   • High Death Rate Among Vaccinated Brings Vaccine Dystopia Into View (Hirschhorn) • Singapore 80% Double-Vaxxed Bu
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 13 2021]

    V. Arnold

    I am admittedly burned out on the CV-19 narrative; or whatever ther’re calling it now…
    This may well go on forever…and I’ll not have it…
    Ya’ll can continue this bullshit…but I’m done…
    There is much mischief going on in the name of this virus and I’ll have none of it…
    …either way we’re screwed 1,000 ways from Monday….
    Get your act together or die…your choice………………………..


    The Economist is spreading yet more lies.


    There is much mischief going on in the name of this virus and I’ll have none of it…

    I’m kind of fascinated by it. It’s something completely new. And I think we need to tell people about it. It’s not going to get better if we all shut up.

    V. Arnold

    I’m kind of fascinated by it. It’s something completely new. And I think we need to tell people about it. It’s not going to get better if we all shut up.

    I’m not advocating we all shut up; what I’m advocating is to act!
    …do something…or, possibly stop doing what you’re doing…
    Hell…I don’t know…

    Dr. D

    “‘So we came to the hard conclusion through all our research and lab work that Covid-19 was imaginary and fictitious.”

    No, clearly there’s something out there. It has specific symptoms and attacks different people than generic seasonal influenza. Naturally they’ve conflated the two on purpose, as NC showed they are fabricating numbers, and I would even follow that they’re being salted and NOT transmitted by aerosols, but there is such a thing.

    “Unvaxxed Kentucky Health Care Workers Force Hospital to Fire Them (GP)”

    What the actual??? Is that like how Covid “Forced” us to destroy all small business and cause a couple thousand child suicides? “Warn’t us, no howdy! We’z helpless little darlings.” JHC. So the powerless, the workers, FORCED their bosses to make them lose their jobs. Those darling helpless bosses and capitalists! Victims of the awesome power of workers again! They had no choice but to attack the poor and working class again! You made us do it!

    …Said every narcissistic sociopath ever.

    …Oh and it’s SO CONTAGIOUS! Super-duper Oooper contagious! Worse than measles and ebola combined – so contagious that NO ONE has natural immunity although they’ve been front line for two years. Uh-huh. You know it, brother. That’s Science™!

    Will anyone ever stop this? Even the medical people won’t say the g— d— obvious. STOP NEGOTIATING WITH SERIAL MURDERERS.

    Oh and firing all the same medical workers that worked two years of hell in a pandemic, then they’ll cry Hospitals are overrun!!! We have no nurses!!! Honest! (We know ‘cause we fired then all, closed all the beds, and paid ourselves another 6-figures for our sooper-shmartz!)

    “Australia prepares for life beyond lockdown upon meeting the government’s 80 per cent target.”

    Obviously Singapore just showed 80% isn’t enough. 15 days isn’t enough. Martial law isn’t enough. Vaccines aren’t enough. 2 boosters isn’t enough. Profits of $100,000 per Amazon worker isn’t enough. What does it take for you to realize among the mentally ill there is never enough? There is no surrender. There is no “Following the rules”, “Doing what you’re told.” THEY won’t allow it. THEY can’t stop.

    For their mental health and your own, YOU have to stop them. Stop their behavior, lock them up and given them therapy if need be.

    Anyway, so back to the REAL narrative, not this fake one, so fake, with so many lies no human can keep track of them all: the Oct 1 federal budget. Yellen says we’ll default. Manchin says no mas. Answer? Cut the overhead costs. Get 1/3 of the employees and contractors to voluntarily quit so you don’t have to pay them.

    Prettymuch same plan – so transparent – as shutting down the collapsing economy with a fake narrative to buy control an extra year, and a second year with $40B/mo and $6T in bailouts to pals while hiding the supply shortages and inflation.

    That’s the only narrative that matters, because that’s the narrative that’s running the other, fake one. Get rid of #1 and #2 vanishes. Poof. Funny how the answer to environmentalism, CO2 was “Socialism” a system with Party Oligarchs running everything from palatial estates. Funny how the answer to Covid is “Socialism”, a system with Party Oligarchs running everything from palatial estates. Funny the answer to 1/6, terrorism, insurrections, and no chicken at Taco Bell is “Socialism”, a system with Party Oligarchs runing everything from palatial estates. It’s almost like the signed, published plan for 100 years has been Socialism or something.

    Of course it will “collapse”, there will be “shortages” of everything, but not really. What’s really happening would be a return to HONESTY. That is, we’ll ADMIT what was true all along: market pricing, so stocks go down and food goes up, the reality of shortages, the lack of workers and manufacturing, and what happens when they intentionally take huge swaths of food production offline by closing plants, sending CA river water to the sea, and other means. But a return to honesty will have this fixed in just a year or four. Like 1921, it will rocket back in no time if you remove the mentally ill stopping it all, trying to steal your natural born rights and sell them back to you like a strangler would sell you air.

    Why would I buy that from you when I can punch you in the eye and strangle you to unconsciousness instead? Much more direct and satisfying.


    Dr D: “… and I would even follow that they’re being salted and NOT transmitted by aerosols …”

    I’ve been thinking the same thing.


    I can see both views, and i fluctuate between the two, while not obsessing about either. The chickens and gardens and job are all too consuming.

    Seeing the bigger picture, in my mind, the “meta-view” if you will, becomes more and more important. It can allow one to NOT get emotional, to see the different sides, to shake one’s head at the absurdity of human behavior, and most importantly, carry on.

    Simply carrying on with one’s life rather than ‘lighting one’s hair on fire” (as my mother used to say) is, in fact, doing something. And maybe that small act can be as powerful, in quantity, as carrying a sign. Small, conscious acts, everyday. Quietly planting seeds, facts, in those you come in contact with each day. It’s a small “strike” (to use Denninger’s plea), each day, every day.

    In some ways the awareness of the absolute insanity of our so-called “markets” is the same. Make those small decisions each day (in the words of our host): “Hold no debt; Consume less; Relocalize; Increase community self-sufficiency; Reduce dependence on centralized life-support systems”.

    At some point in each of our lives a big, dramatic, risky, exhausting step may be called for, but in the meantime tnose small steps ARE action, IMHO.

    Hope you continue to check in occasionally, V!

    Jim W

    “I’m kind of fascinated by it. It’s something completely new. And I think we need to tell people about it. It’s not going to get better if we all shut up.”

    I am so grateful that you feel this way. You’ve been a vital trailblazer all through this saga and I pray you’ll have the motivation and fortitude to continue. I sense an upswell of courage and clarity among the unjabbed and regretfully jabbed. We’re in for a long ordeal though…what an extraordinary time to be living through. Thank you RIM for your invaluable contributions!

    Positive Dennis

    Dr. Derek Knauss Is a non existent person. He has done no work, and the 1500 tests never happened. Each of us needs to take additional steps to determine veracity.


    boilingfrog – I feel very much the same way. I also have demands of time and personal ambition (and chickens, orchard, children etc.)

    Dr D is spot on. The narrative is cover for Ponzi pull-out. There will be shortages. There will be chaos. There will be rabid attempts to keep the can kicked (albeit by very hostile and radical means right now). Markets don’t function so the world is not functioning. We are playing catch-up. All of this was studied here at TAE and most have prepared accordingly.

    The social chaos describes entitlements withdrawn and the social fabric is the screaming child who wants it’s ice-cream back.
    Well now they have to wait till they have earned it with hard work not tied to endless printed debt and promises brought forward.
    To do that they may have to jump off that zoom meeting and make something.


    Thanks TAE
    two opinions/narrative that matters

    Opinion #1

    Success is built on lies
    The truth is what I tell you
    Accept or “Sue me”
    Articles by:
    Xander Nieuws
    Global Research, September 06, 2021

    CDC sued for massive fraud: Tests at 7 universities of ALL people examined showed that they did not have Covid, but just Influenza A or B –
    statistics: ‘Corona’ virtually disappeared, even under mortality.

    Dr. Derek Knauss:
    ‘So we came to the hard conclusion through all our research and lab work that Covid-19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was only called ‘Covid,’ and most of the 225,000 deaths were from co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary emphysema, etc.. They got the flu which further weakened their immune systems, and they died.’


    Fact-checked by: Myth Detector

    2021/04/22 | Georgia, United States

    Explanation: The text spread by Georgian anti-vaxxers allegedly involves remarks by fictional Dr. Derek Knauss. Neither the latter nor his studies can be found in scientific databases. The text contains disinformation, because: 1. COVID-19 is not a new strain of influenza; 2. COVID-19 virus was isolated in several labs. The man featuring in the videos and photos is Patrick Gunnels, a YouTuber, who reads out tweets in his videos. Apparently, he also read out the text in question and was passed off as Dr. Knauss.

    Opinion #2
    I agree

    Pandemic Brooding

    Pandemic Brooding: Can the Permaculture movement survive the first severe test of the energy descent future? 

    Pandemic Brooding
    David Holmgren
    September 2021
    V. Arnold
    I’m not advocating we all shut up; what I’m advocating is to act!
    …do something…or, possibly stop doing what you’re doing…
    Hell…I don’t know…

    Hang in there …..Tomorrow will be different



    @boilingfrog and oxy: I am on board with you!

    Every small step is valuable, and even more so if done mindfully and with great LOVE.

    Hang on V. Arnold!

    Worth repeating:

    “Simply carrying on with one’s life rather than ‘lighting one’s hair on fire” (as my mother used to say) is, in fact, doing something. And maybe that small act can be as powerful, in quantity, as carrying a sign. Small, conscious acts, everyday. Quietly planting seeds, facts, in those you come in contact with each day. It’s a small “strike” (to use Denninger’s plea), each day, every day.


    There is a good little satire video on YouTube that can be found by searching “Ivermectin Lincoln Project” if you’re in the mood. It has a lot of horse****, but I found it funny. Not significant enough to post here.

    those darned kids

    i am not one of facebook’s products. nonetheless, i did find this from WXYZ tv, detroit:

    After the vaccines were available to everyone, did you lose an unvaccinated loved one to COVID-19? If you’re willing to share your family’s story, please DM us your contact information. We may reach out for a story we’re working on.

    i can only scroll down to comment #52 because facebook doesn’t like me. nonetheless, it’s worth taking a look.

    Mr. House

    thought this was good:

    “Pandemic of the unvaccinated” has emerged as an expression of propaganda meant to provoke anger toward those who exercise medical choice in deferring or refusing the experimental vaccine. It is meant to isolate, shame, and humiliate anyone who will not agree to surrender medical autonomy to the state. It intentionally divides Americans against one another while simultaneously distracting attention from the medical reality of poor vaccine efficacy and vaccine harm. The expression is devoid of scientific meaning but full of coercive psychological power. It must be challenged.”

    Covid’s Willing Executioners


    So channel 7 news in Detroit put up a Facebook post that asked people to share stories about their loved ones who died from Covid after refusing a vaccine. (They’re working on some propaganda and would like your help.)

    I do not belong to Facebook, so am limited in the number of replies I can read; however, I was allowed to see the first 120 comments (out of a total of over 22,000 generated by the Facebook post) and there was not one story about losing an unvaccinated person to Covid. All but three of the comments I could read were about death or disastrous illness/handicap that happened to people after getting the vaccines. (The 3 outliers consisted of two that mentioned this is childhood cancer month and one that said ‘how about you talk about healthy lifestyles to prevent covid?’)

    The stories are heartbreaking. I assume that some are untrue, because, you know – people on Facebook – but still it is shocking to see so many adverse effects from the vaccines all in a row like that.


    “ The west Michigan hospital system, which is in the process of merging with Southfield-based Beaumont Health, will grant an exemption to those who have a positive PCR or antigen test for COVID-19 plus a positive antibody test from within the past three months”

    Um…do both the positive Covid test and the antibody test have to be within the past 3 months? Or just the antibody test? If it is both, then this is a useless, temporary exemption. “Oh, sure, you can miss the FIRST round of vaccinations, but we’ll get you with endless boosters on the other side if you want to keep your job.”


    Regarding news about the virus, etc.
    It is tiresome but it is immediately relevant.

    I currently teach one piano lesson per week through a local musical non-profit. They don’t pay me enough, but as long as I don’t have to travel anywhere, the student is excited about piano and fun to teach. I sometimes get paid to teach classes at the local retirement community. For both, I get paid off of a 1099. I keep wondering…is Biden’s new rule just mean “employees” or “workers?” If “employees,”.these two jobs will continue. If “workers,” the jobs will not continue. Now, both of these sources of income are lower pay than my other income generating activities, so they are the easiest for me to let go. And, actually, if the music place “let me go” the student’s parent would contact me to set up lessons directly, which would mean me getting my normal rate for teaching the lessons — better for me. If the retirement community “let me go” it would be a great example to those who asked me to teach of the lunacy of what is going…as I’ve taught there virtually for more than a year, and I’m immune while their vaccines don’t confer immunity.


    (Gee whiz…now I’m wondering how many of us on TAE have chickens…)


    Thx for FB link. It is heartening to skim through all of the comments of people annoyed that the news station is ignoring “the real story” on the ground and instead fishing for the “official” story.


    REVEALED: 26 out of the 27 Lancet scientists who trashed theory that Covid leaked from a Chinese lab have links to Wuhan researchers

    “…Of the 27 scientists who wrote a letter in The Lancet medical journal dismissing the possibility that Covid-19 originated from a Wuhan lab, 26 have links to its Chinese researchers, their colleagues or its benefactors, a new investigation has revealed….”


    @phoenix: details on Biden’s covid-19 plan are at this link:

    Whether it impacts you or not will probably depend on whether the entities receive federal funding. Vaccination will be required for all Medicaid and Medicare participating hospitals and health care settings, including vaccination of staff who don’t work directly with patients/clients.


    Panel Of Scientists Determines Most People Don’t Need Boosters; Moderna Plummets

    Walk back softly and carry a big sticky note…


    @V.Arnold re: the loquacious loops of lavender

    Hang in there, sir! Seems lots of folks are about to crack. Denninger said in a recent thread he’s gonna close up shop…not about money, but more about all avenues of distribution are being blocked for independent authors/journos. Strangely, the request was for more tweets and FBs, but most folks replied with “…I know what you’re after, but f(#< FacePunch!” He, as many of us, can see the starting points for solutions (ignore twit and FB, move on, for one) but can’t execute.

    I will try today to make some phone calls I’ve been putting off for too long. I didn’t want to know if some in my circle had ‘joined the cult’ so I simply haven’t attempted contact. I’m dreading the results. I can be good at the soft opening, but I can get really stubborn/pissy if things turn sour in a convo.

    Not sure if you old folks appreciate the rock and roll, but here’s Jeff Beck: A Day In The House

    “I repeat: Much is being said, My Lords, but nothing, Nothing, NOTHING IS BEING DONE!”

    John Day

    Thanks Veracious Poet, for your personal insights and knowledge of 9/11, particularly the longstanding placement of controlled demolition ordnance. Lots of stories could have been created around that fact, to mollify those who would inevitably know…
    “Lucky Larry Silverstein”… what a guy, “we decided to pull it”.
    WTC-7 collapsed in freefall time, into it’s own footprint at 5:20PM after BBC had already announced it’s collapse, while it still stood in the window behind the BBC announcer.
    The US news cycle missed the event, until it was prevented the next morning as an afterthought. “Another building collapsed later, as a result of the damage.”

    This justified The Global War On Terror, “WW-3” to Thierry Meyssan, who happened to be in NYC with a film crew on 9/11/2001, and ended up writing 9/11: The Big Lie. He says the empire just lost WW-3. What now? Can this all be negotiated? Is Tom Luongo right that Davos is trying to destroy the US by inducing it to implement self-destructive and dollar-destructive policies? Who might benefit?

    island raider

    The top story, citing,“..a death rate of .86 percent among the vaccinated and .17 percent among the unvaccinated..”, is extraordinary. The link is to Trial Site News, which then links directly to the source data, which is: SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England, Technical briefing 20, 6 August 2021. I was able to locate the two most recent Technical Briefings. Summary infection fatality data below for comparison:

    Briefing 20, released 8/6, featuring data from 2/1 to 8/2
    Vax’d: 402 deaths/47,008 cases = 0.0086 x 100 = 0.86% IFR
    Unvax’d: 253/147,612 = 0.0017 = 0.17%

    Briefing 21, released 8/21, featuring data from 2/1 to 8/15
    Vax’d: 679/73,372 = 0.0093 = 0.93%
    Unvax’d: 390/183,111 = 0.0021 = 0.21%

    Briefing 22, released 9/3, featuring data from 2/1 to 8/29
    Vax’d: 1091/113,823 = 0.0096 = 0.96%
    Unvax’d: 536/219,716 = 0.0024 = 0.24%

    ADE? Both groups are trending up, but the Vax’d appear to be trending upward more quickly. Likely worse than the data show, too, with them excluding all vax’d prior to 2 weeks after second injection. How are they still pushing this with a straight face. Getting the vaccine now in the UK, increases your risk of dying of Covid by 4 to 5 times.


    @V.Arnold: “I’m not advocating we all shut up; what I’m advocating is to act!”

    Do read the Pandemic Brooding article by David Holmgren. Check out the The Permaculture Flower diagram + notes – which provide a great ROADMAP for taking meaningful action. By investing ourselves (Hearts) in any of the areas identified there, we will make something “flower”. Every small step is valuable, and even more so if done mindfully and with great LOVE.

    May beautiful FLOWERS find you.


    The White House plan doesn’t address my questions…but it looks like it only is for employees. From the plan:

    “ . Studies released by the CDC found that the rate of hospitalization for children was nearly four times higher in states with the lowest vaccination rates compared to states with high vaccination rates.”

    Citation? And is this the overall rate of hospitalization for children? Or just children hospitalized who happen to have a positive PCR test? Or children admitted to the hospital with Covid symptoms + PCR positive? And, what are the dates in question? Only one third of al children are currently eligible for vaccines by age, there is no correlation here to % of CHILDREN vaccinated, the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission…so explain how much do these stats even tell us?


    This is an attack on our federalist system — in AZ the legislature outlawed mask mandates and the governor made a portion of school funding contingent upon following ALL state laws. Now the feds are going to go behind the governor’s back and give these schools the funding anyhow? This is like when two parents are feuding and giving conflicting instructions to the children, making the children the proxy battleground. This is inappropriate.


    You all have so much in common.

    those darned kids

    my father spent two weeks in hospital and now has difficulty walking.


    The last graphic was shared here a couple of weeks ago. It was BS then, and it is BS now:


    Technology is so good that you cannot believe that your senses are telling the truth.

    V. Arnold

    Thanks to all for your support.
    Sorry for my temper tantrum; time to get a grip and keep moving forward one step at a time…
    The galoots are a vicious breed who’ll stop at nothing to get what they want; we’re living in constant danger, so be ever vigilant…


    V.A.- From my own point of view, go ahead and emote, my friend. As long as you don’t break anything, I’m pretty sure this gang can take it.
    I know that my own calm, deep happiness is disturbed.
    I try to see anxiety as anticipation, and I’m focusing on that so it isn’t onerous anymore. I try to find nutrients in the excitement of something to do that is truly good.
    I’m scared. I’m tired. I’m blue. I’m frustrated. I’m angry. I’m shocked. There’s energy in them thar things.

    Mister Roboto

    Wow, that Todd Hayen guy who wrote the Off-Guardian article really has deflationista’s number, doesn’t he?

    Mister Roboto

    Studies released by the CDC found that the rate of hospitalization for children was nearly four times higher in states with the lowest vaccination rates compared to states with high vaccination rates.

    That statement is so vague as to be meaningless.

    V. Arnold

    @ my parents said know
    I’m scared. I’m tired. I’m blue. I’m frustrated. I’m angry. I’m shocked. There’s energy in them thar things.

    Thanks MPSK; I’m all of the above also…


    How can anyone take this kind of shit seriously? It’s getting stewpeter and stewpeter:



    I take back what I said about you being a smart person. You are actually a mean spirited and hate filled fuck.

    The ‘last graphic’ you referred to in one of the posts above is not the one that was posted here. The one that was posted here had a link to the actual paper at the top; medRxiv

    Although you pal @Health Nerd claims to be an Epidemiologist in his profile as well as ‘PHDing at @UoW’ …he seems to be a condescending pretentious asshole as yourself.

    Just for fun here is one of his science based articles he wrote for the Guardian


    Biden campaign for Newsom had a bad cough. He is sick.

    those darned kids

    “How can anyone take this kind of shit seriously?”

    please inform us, mr. kettle.


    This is a good rant inside Congress.

    <iframe width=”620″ height=”349″ src=”; title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

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