Debt Rattle February 19 2022
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February 19, 2022 at 10:54 pm #102116
ParticipantDoctor Disco Doom recently said “We post to keep our sanity” or words to that effect. I agree, and note that the first time I heard the concept expressed was by that fading old gnome, Noam Chomsky, regarding why he and his colleagues worked in the quixotic causes they did, since the track record showed that they lost every (or close enough) time they challenged authority.
“We’d go nuts if we didn’t,” he said, or words to that effect. Anything that keeps us from succumbing to the emerging mindset that thinks this is good art:
Sanity Vanity ( Especially ‘delightful’ is :19, showing something like anal/oral delights, which is fine, many folks like it, we’re just animals — but why did they film it with vulcan ears while looking down something that looks like an amateur version of the inside of a Star Trek engine’s dilithium-whateverator? Some kind of photon torpedo phallic fetish???
While other fruit comes from our palaver (rotillerman’s recent Tale of Two Narratives comes to mind, Germ’s research, Doc Robinson’s patient analysis), along with the many medical analyses and evaluations persons from real live doctors to polymath wizards, I’d say that the sanity part is the biggest part by far.
When I say sanity, I use it as along a point spread: less nuts better than worse nuts.
Oh well, back up the imaginary space elevator I go en route to Elon’s Island, the orbital immigration station/border customs office of Muskovia, Mars.
February 19, 2022 at 11:00 pm #102117boscohorowitz
ParticipantI’m thinking Epstein fled to MIzar Five:
Have you heard about the boom on Mizar Five
People got to shout to stay alive
They don’t even have policeman one
Doesn’t matter where you been or what you’ve done
Do you have a dark spot on your past
Leave it to my man he’ll fix it fast
Pepe has a scar from ear to ear
He will make your mug shots disappearCHORUS:
You zombie
Be born again my friend
Won’t you sign in strangerDo you like to take a yo-yo for a ride
Zombie I can see you’re qualified
Walk around collecting Turkish union dues
They will call you sir and shine your shoes
Or maybe you would like to see the show
You’ll enjoy the Cafe D’Escargot
Folks are in a line around the block
Just to see her do the can-can-JacquesCHORUS
Love or leave her, yellow fever
Sure, it’s all in the game
And who are you
Just another scurvy brotherFebruary 19, 2022 at 11:04 pm #102118ctbarnum
ParticipantProtest in Montreal today as well.
February 19, 2022 at 11:09 pm #102119boscohorowitz
Participant“2/22/22 will be a once-in-a 248 year event.”
The best ‘cycle of history’ book I’ve read, one that TAE Summary recommended to us, puts the median age of empire at 250 years, iirc.
February 19, 2022 at 11:41 pm #102120Veracious Poet
ParticipantFebruary 19, 2022 at 11:58 pm #102121Oroboros
ParticipantGhislaine Maxwell’s Family ‘Fears For Her Safety’ After Epstein “Pimp” Jean-Luc Brunel Found Hanged
Lordy, Lordy, run little Gizzlaine, run, “They’ need to clean up loose ends!
No, not the spit ends of your hair, You, the loose end!
Surprise Bitch
February 20, 2022 at 12:02 am #102122Veracious Poet
ParticipantUkrainian president calls on Putin to meet, seek resolution as tensions soar
February 20, 2022 at 12:04 am #102123Oroboros
ParticipantThis is one for the resident Coincidence Theorists here at TAE to breakdown for us ‘conspiracy theorists’
Jean-Luc Brunel, 74, was found hanging in his cell in La Santé, Paris, at 1am during a night time check in.
~ Video cameras in his cell were not running at the time he died.
February 20, 2022 at 12:05 am #102124Oroboros
Participant— PiQ (@PriapusIQ) February 19, 2022
February 20, 2022 at 12:15 am #102125boscohorowitz
ParticipantOne thing a covert toxic narcissist does, as anonymously as possible, is paint as toxic narcissists those who dare to point out the covert toxic narcissist’s narcissism. The classic covert toxic narcissist is The Church Lady stereotype.
“However, the interviews are only a guise for her to call out the guests on their various alleged sins, which are often publicly known news events of the day. They initially receive sarcastic praise from her, until the interview degrades into a tirade against their apparent lack of piety and their secular lifestyles, culminating with her judgmental admonishments and condemnation.
“Dana Carvey recalls that he was prompted by executive producer Lorne Michaels to introduce the character (when it was still in SNL rehearsals) at a Neil Young concert at Madison Square Garden, which Church Lady interrupted, fussing and fuming: “What are we doing here? What’s all this noise?”
I dunno. It just seemed like the above observation was something interesting to share.
February 20, 2022 at 12:42 am #102126Dora
ParticipantThis is from 2014 in the HuffPost Canada.
Why Canada Will Become a Dictatorship Under Trudeau
February 20, 2022 at 12:44 am #102127Veracious Poet
ParticipantFebruary 20, 2022 at 12:52 am #102128V. Arnold
Participant@ Formerly T-Bear
Thanks for the back story on the painting; adds needed context…
The little dog is sure cute…
…and yes; the woman’s pregnancy is quite obvious…
CheersFebruary 20, 2022 at 1:05 am #102129cloudhidden
ParticipantThere was coordinated smear campaign levied against all dissenting voices
February 20, 2022 at 1:06 am #102130zerosum
ParticipantNever before……
Dangerous activity
A demonstration with everyone holding up their arms ….. with a video tapping the activities.February 20, 2022 at 1:06 am #102131ctbarnum
ParticipantFor those asking about 2/22/22, I found this. I was going to comment on JMG’s site to see what he thought about it given my limited knowledge of numerology, but the tweets explain some coincidences fairly well. My guess, we’re going into the darkness before the dawn with a possible neoliberalism’s fall. One can hope, no?
On 2/22/22 will be a once-in-a 248 year event.
Pluto is going to conjunct (return to) the United States.
The Last time this happened was on July 4th 1776, the exact founding day of America.
Astrologically, Pluto brings Destruction and Rebirth.
Rome fell when Pluto Returned.
— Donnie Darko (@DonnieDarkened) February 17, 2022
February 20, 2022 at 1:09 am #102132chooch
ParticipantCurrently, not there on the mass die off from the virus or the vaccine (unless they keep jabbing people). I read Geert’s article the other day which leads to this, that and the other. I did circle back and read some stuff off of Sorotkin’s substack, in particular “Burn the Ivory Towers to the Ground”. Now he is of the mind that the virus is the result of a live attenuated virus vaccine development escape and in the limit it will mutate back to it’s original more virulent deadly state. As a result, he rinses with salt water and a small drop of no-tears shampoo at least four times a day. This guy is totally marginalized as a result of his past. His past is likely what kept him off the DRASTIC team. Nonetheless, he claims to be privy to what’s really going down. Igor and the naked emperor are curious (as am I) to what he claims lies ahead and keep it on their radar.
Here is a snippet from his latest,[..] Over the coming months and years more human life is going to be lost than at any other point in history, by a very wide margin. To be fair there are a lot more people, but even proportionally the epic tsunami of death that’s already been triggered will still rival every other cataclysm our species has ever experienced.
There’s no running. There’s no high ground to escape to.
SARS-CoV-2 has now thoroughly infected every modern society on Earth, and it’s slow insidious digestion of our brains is going to create a situation far more frightening than instantly mutating new hosts into zombies. Because at least with zombies, the chain of cause-and-effect is straightforward, quick, and relatively avoidable.“Don’t get bitten” is a lot different than “Don’t breathe too deep.”
Due to other stuff that I have been reading on HIV, I am intrigued by the brain thing. Beyond this, what caught me was in the comment section.
Cindy: Dan – great article but I really can’t help feel deeply that your past plight is the convenience that academia, government and big corps, probably others, are keeping as a way to discredit you and your work and the work of your father. By doing what they are doing to you, they allowing the lies to fester and grow literally like a cancer on the world. I continue to feel in distress at how this can actually be. But it is. I pain for you and the truths that ache to be told. The unjust behavior and deliberate corruption showered on us all is a crime of unbelievable proportions. I have to ask, as naïve as it may be, isn’t there anyone who can help to bring this out in the true light somehow, someway? Your writings are wonderfully deep and provoking, but they need to be examined out of the dark. Do you trust anyone?
Dan: Yes I trust plenty of people, just none of them are strangers on the internet. This is all going to happen how it’s going to happen.
Cindy: Dan, on another note. You also mention Nasal hygiene. Saline spray followed by nasal decontamination? Is this a decent daily protocol to shield from airborne particles?
Dan: I rinse with salt water and a small drop of no-tears shampoo at least four times a day. Not a doctor so I’m not commenting beyond that.Cindy: Dan – on further thought after rereading this piece, here are some new questions: What if this is worse than your dire predictions? Is there a possibility that even the corrupters don’t know how bad this fallout will be? Is there a remote possibility it could wipe out the entirety of mankind?
I think it may be that even THEY don’t know what they’ve done… CuriousDan: Yeah they definitely have no idea what they’ve done, I think that’s pretty clear, the idea that this is somehow coordinated has been totally absurd from the start
It’s fucking Jurassic Park, it’s out of control
And I don’t think I’ve really gone on record about how bad I think this is going to be exactly, but yeah if you’re asking it wouldn’t surprise me if 90% of people alive today are dead within 20 years.Cindy: Thank you and yes, what if it’s worse than worse? Unbelievable. Now another jab to top off the tank. In my opinion there is only one organization that could pull off something this massive. Another question looms, and that is why? Who will be left to serve the over lords if everyone is gone?
Cindy is no soccer mum and Dan is full of dookie.
February 20, 2022 at 1:29 am #102133V. Arnold
#102132…too many Chicken Little’s running off at the mouth…
February 20, 2022 at 1:41 am #102134aspnaz
ParticipantSo why the heavy hand in their mission to win back the city? That’s the question Ottawa Police, the Prime Minister, Premier Doug Ford and Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson need to answer.
My guess is that the regular Ottawa police were not involved. Why? Consider the police men, some will be heaviliy against this, others will be willing to go along with it, but in the end the police get divided into those that enjoy breaking heads and those against. It is much easier for the government to bring in a “special unit” which has no links to anybody in the local police and let that special unit break up the crowd.
Exactly who that unit would be? Probably the security services. The security services tend to operate outside the law and are not held accountable, a perfect bunch to resolve this situation. Whether the security services will enable Turdo to turn Canada into a police state is likely, which government department ever turned down the opportunity for more power?
February 20, 2022 at 2:01 am #102135boscohorowitz
ParticipantDubya too remarked on how much easier it would be if he could just be a dictator. It being the early Oughts, he said it jokingly. By 2014, I guess it was more or less acceptable for Turdo to say.
February 20, 2022 at 2:11 am #102136boscohorowitz
ParticipantCovid begins in the nose. That is its primary initial infection site.
“The findings suggest the virus tends to become firmly established first in the nasal cavity. Then, in some cases, the virus is aspirated into the lungs where it may cause more serious disease, including potentially fatal pneumonia.”
Keeping your nose saline-moist is a very very good preventative, something I recommended when all this began. The No-Tears shampoo probably used the basic detergent effect that attacks surface tension to both attack microorganisms and move them along like soap and water (shampoo and snot).
Doc Day has often spoken of how covid begins in the nose. (Remember the loss of smell symptom as a major ‘it’s covid’ indicator?
I suspect that Dan also takes vitamin D and basically takes care of himself, which really needn’t be on any Rx, if you think of it. If you don’t take care of yourself in basic nutritional/maintenance terms, you’re begging to get sick from something.
One reason that winter is flu season is everybody indoors breathing the same DRY conditioned air. Vitamin D&C, hydrate, wash your hands, eat well: that is what our anti-covid public health advice should have been.
But there’s not much money in that.
February 20, 2022 at 2:18 am #102137aspnaz
ParticipantThe pastors went on to rebuke Trudeau and his government for seemingly believing that they have the authority to bestow and remove fundamental rights at will.
Not just rights, they will grant WEF authority over Canada, this is just the start of a downward slope and we all know that things speed up more and more as you progress further down that slope. Before WEF can take over, the government needs dictatorial powers, well they are almost there, just a matter of time.
After they arrested, then released, protesters yesterday, you can bet they are hoping those protesters return to the protest so that the security services can justify ramping up their response to the protest. As protesters get arrested, secretly released, then rearrested, the people of Canada will support more aggressive measures and martial law will appear in pockets.
February 20, 2022 at 2:32 am #102138aspnaz
ParticipantEven the Bank of England’s former governor (and World Economic Forum Trustee) Mark Carney chimed in on February 7 stating that “this is sedition”
The oppressor always accusses the oppressed of their own crimes. When WEF takes over Canada, the people will realise they have been had, but by then it will be too late. For people like Carney, he is a fascist in the sense of a capitalist/banker subverting the power of government.
February 20, 2022 at 3:07 am #102139aspnaz
ParticipantGates, the co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, told the audience that a potential new pandemic would likely stem from a different pathogen than that belonging to the coronavirus family (maybe Ebola, perhaps?). But he added that advances in medical technology should help the world do a better job of fighting it – if investments are made now.
In other words, invest in vaccine passports, invest in social scoring, invest in authoritarian laws, invest in prison camps, invest in pandemic police, invest in secure quarantine facilities NOW as we will need them when my foundation releases the next pandemic … any bets on which virus Gates will choose for the next stage of the Gates genocide project?
Total tyranny and the people are lobotomized: suddenly our world is all about “health care” provided by the “Munsters”. Nobody noticed that the rest of our lives, the productive, creative, human bit has been relegated to be subservient to “faux health care” run by a self-proclaimed geek, doctor, expert … yes, Gates is definitely one of the “experts say” group.
February 20, 2022 at 3:28 am #102140February 20, 2022 at 3:31 am #102141zerosum
Participant“…… which virus Gates will choose for the next stage of the Gates genocide project?”
You are thinking too small.
We are living in a s-f world.
The next virus could be spread/targeted with a spray bottle by someone/any riffraf who has immunityFebruary 20, 2022 at 3:31 am #102142aspnaz
Participant@ Dr D Posting links to the Guardian? My firewall is set up to prevent me accidentally receiving data from the Guardian, in the same way the U-bend in the toilet prevents me from accidentally receiving turds from the sewer. You are asking me to take away the U-bend and look at the turds in the sewer? It must be April fools.
February 20, 2022 at 3:41 am #102143Veracious Poet
ParticipantIn other words, invest in vaccine passports, invest in social scoring, invest in authoritarian laws, invest in prison camps, invest in pandemic police, invest in secure quarantine facilities NOW as we will need them when my foundation releases the next pandemic … any bets on which virus Gates will choose for the next stage of the Gates genocide project?
Total tyranny and the people are lobotomized: suddenly our world is all about “health care” provided by the “Munsters”. Nobody noticed that the rest of our lives, the productive, creative, human bit has been relegated to be subservient to “faux health care” run by a self-proclaimed geek, doctor, expert … yes, Gates is definitely one of the “experts say” group.
The real shocker is how Americans just rolled over to expose their soft underbelly to the “Munsters”, as well as that of their “loved” ones…
Mass psychosis indeed 😐
People in western civ should be screaming to reign in the mad scientists & their enablers, along with a deluge of crimes against humanity, many of which are KNOWN to anyone with an IQ above room temperature…
Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
February 20, 2022 at 4:31 am #102144those darned kids
ParticipantFebruary 20, 2022 at 5:05 am #102145aspnaz
Participant@ Dr D said:
And the idea of pre-planning collusion is something criminals and businessmen never do. And the idea of a “profit motive” is inconceivable. Would people lie and kill for money? Not if they’re Gates, Morgan, Sachs, and Pfizer they won’t!
People are a puzzle, mostly because they know about the mafia killing people for money, they know about drug dealers killing people for money, they know about political dictators killing for money, they know – maybe – about the history of kings and queens killing each other for money, they see General Soleimani assasinated as a gift to the Israelis, yet they refuse to believe what seems obvious to some of us: every billionaire will have murdered, blackmailed, bribed, their way through life. They are clever, so they will not get their own hands dirty and are likely to do such things through international corporations but they will have done it. 100% certain.
The consequences: Look at all the resource hot spots in the world, such as Nigeria, Amazon rain forest, etc and only the ones in first world countries are not controlled by thugs. Those thugs are empowered by the billionaires, they would be replaced if they stepped out of line. The people they kill, bribe, blackmail are being dealt with so that the billionaires get their money, the same applies to politicians, they obey or are replaced. You don’t get to be a billionaire without breaking most of the laws of this world, even if you pretend to be a nice guy, like Elon Musk.
February 20, 2022 at 8:30 am #102146aspnaz
Participant@ Boscohorowitz said:
How about you mind your own business …
You need a nappy change?
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